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A Spider's Woes
Date of Scene: 24 March 2016
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: Yunomi, Iria and Guildmaster Rhapsody arrive to aid a refugee Yokai in search of her missing daughter. Judging by Yunomi's involvement, it's not going to be an easy case. They discover a small section of the Gruul clans shares their spaces with an unusual creature with an even more unusual affect.
Thanks to: Thanks to Iria and Rhapsody for joinining in!
Cast of Characters: 215, 272, 325

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    THere was a time, in the Japanese valley of Namamura that its shadowy places were secreted by O-Hiko and her children. Following the troubles with the Planet Trade Orginization, however, there was some moving to be had -- and now some of the shadowy places of Ravnica, boarding against the Gruul Clans lands plays host to a small kingdom at the very edge of the Izzet Guild sector.

    Yunomi had sent out a quiet request, and had assembled her troupes after someone had delivered a message on the behalf of her old friend, and had lead them down a labyrinthine access tunnels from a sunny plaza above, and into O-Hiko's home -- a great crevass, where rainwater empties into a ravine and leads to the Gruul Clan's lands. Pipes of every size stick out, water and cooling steam vented from the Izzet quarter creating a variety of rainbows as Yunomi pushes aside what might be thin, ropy vines hanging from all over -- and that's when the spiders begin to come down. The smallest were the size of a man's spread hand, the largest were two, three feet across the abdomen. THey cling to webs, the walls above, and waggle their forelegs threateningly at the new faces.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria had recently visited Ravnica off and on, albeit more for exploration and training purposes. The unique landscape and environment provided her with many ways to train as a bounty hunter. In fact sometimes it was better than her VR training that she used at her home. But she hadn't been here on official business for awhile. No one had a bounty they needed in this place. But now Yunomi's summoned her friends, and Iria's come to check things out.

    Arriving in her usual outfit for this place, Iria jogs in quickly and then looks to Yunomi. "All right, I'm here. And I'm ready to go when everyone else is!" She looks around to see who else is coming.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi pauses as she parts spider web, blinks, and glances back at Iria. "Have to get a little information first, hold your hippogriffs -- and let me do the talking." she jokes, and she strides out into the sunlight. She's resplendant in her brilliant scarlet and azure armor, leather catching the light and brassy bits sending it back through the rainbows and the mists. One palm-sized spider lands on Yunomi's head, its mandables waggling as it chitters something softly.

    And from off t o the side, a beautiful woman makes her appearance. She seems to float, her eyes entirely blackened and lips blood red. She has six more black dots along her forehead, which disappear into ebony hair. She wears a brilliant orange kimono, slashed with black ink as it drifts up and over what could be a bustle -- if not for the shifting beneath the fabric beneath. Her full lips are crased into a frown, and as Yunomi makes a stiff bow to the regal woman, the woman simply gives a nod of her head.

    "I'm pleased you could make it so quickly, U- ... Yunomi. I fear I must ask a favor of you."

    Another palm-sized spider drifts slowly down, hovering over Iria's head.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria nods to Yunomi, then shivers a little as a spider appears over Yunomi. She's about to speak up, but the spider doesn't seem to be doing any harm to Yunomi just yet, so Iria just leaves it be for now. Then she notices that woman appearing, and she attempts to look as polite as she can. She says nothing though, since Yunomi indicated she'd do the talking.

    Iria simply stands by, trying to look as formal and patient as possible, only to have her eyes drift upwards and notice the spider coming down towards her head, and she goes wide-eyed. "Uhhh..." Iria seems a bit nervous by this spider wanting to drop down onto her head, but something keeps her stuck in place. She grits her teeth, hoping this spider isn't harmful.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    When she first became the Guildmaster of the Izzet, Rhapsody had made sure to become familiar with the lands that were now considered hers. The roads above, the pipes below, all of them were important to the machinations that the Izzet had made to keep the many utilities of Ravnica flowing. Water, power, steam, mana, the dozens upon dozens of pipes and conduits here were all branches of an intricate system that the previous guildmaster hoped one day, would spread beyond into the Gruul stomping grounds below.

    The 'savages' wanted nothing to do with it.

    So here, at the edge of the Izzet Grounds, the pipeways come to a sudden stop, seemingly ideal for the webweavers to make a home within. Various temperatures, various amounts of light and dark, and plenty of anchor points for their webs were probably helpful in the choice. If it weren't for the fact they were from Namamura... something far more horrible may have happened in the months prior. A single signature was enough to prevent all that.

    Today, with a calling made, Rhapsody has made her way through the pipeways to lay eyes upon the webs and nests she had only heard about, and seen in pictures. In an opening a small way below Yunomi and Iria, the white dragon appears, gazes up, and emits a slight shiver. Spiders were, usually, a staple of the guilds of the forests. This many concentrated in Izzet lands? Well, there was a single reason for that, and the spiders were talking with that reason right now. "... I came out to far down..." Rhapsody muses, wondering just how to close distance. . . . and wondering if she really wanted to.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The situation was perfectly ideal for O-Hiko and her children -- they didn't bother any of the Izzet goings-on, and they were intimidating enough to keep too many others away from the open, bleeding edge of the Izzet... to mutual benefit.

    The spider over Iria waggles its forarms, apparnetly in some sort of greeting, but seems to sense how ill-at-ease she is, and retreats upwards on its line the size of a child's finger.

    One of the larger spiders (though its legs were a mere foot across) expends line down to inspect Rhapsody. It gives a squeaky "konichiwa!" and waggles its forearms at her.

    "ANything, O-Hiko. Our families have long been friends." Yunomi replies... and she pauses, "Oh, my apologies Iria, Rhapsody, this is O-Hiko, she's...." she pauses, and glances around "... Rhaps?"

    "A pleasure, I'm sure." O-Hiko interrupts, and states: "Yunomi, Meko has gone missing. She was exploring along the outside of this region when last we saw. I am concerned for her safety -- none of her brothers or sisters have been able to feel her presence."

    And a larger spider, three feet across, slowly makes its way down to Rhapsody, leaving a one-inch wide length of strong silk in its path.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Greeted, Rhapsody realizes just how much anxiety she's probably displaying and steels herself, standing straight, putting on a strong expression, "Hello!" overdoing it, a little, but hey, she's trying, right? When Yunomi calls, the guildmaster calls up from below, "Wrong pipe!" she admits before a second, larger, arachnid appears. Somewhere deep down she wants to NOPE right out, but both her pride as a dragon, and guildmaster, is forcing her to swallow the fear trying to well up. "I ah, I think I can climb.. up.. in a second!" Just as soon as she can turn that steel into something stronger in her soul. Diamond maybe?

Iria (215) has posed:
"I'm Hunter 9979-5, or Iria if you will," Iria replies politely. "Sorry about just now. I'm a little arachniphobic at times," She adds with a slight hint of a blush on her face. Sure she's a tough young lady, but even she has fears at times. She bites her lower lip a little before listening to what is going on. From what O-Hiko has said, something definitely is wrong here...

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Arachnephobic?" O-Hiko gives a slight smile, and her body bends unnaturally. "Do not fret over my children, we have an agreement with the Izzet..." she draws upwards, and looks to Yunomi.

    Yunomi gives a nod, and she turns, stepping off the air and drawing downwards. "Going down, Rhaps! We've got a missing kid on our dockets!" she calls back to Iria and Rhapsody, clearly expecting them to follow downwards via the silk lines.

    Down below, the large spider anchors the line, and raises its forelimbs up, motioning Rhapsody and Iria down.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Oh. Hey. Going down, not up! Genius! For some reason this causes Rhapsody to heave a sigh of relief, she reaches out with one hand to latch onto the silken strand, and then she slowly starts to show herself down to the ground. "Missing? For how long?" she asks once on solid ground. "And do we have any idea where they may have last been seen? ... or felt?" Webs, other senses, Rhaps wouldn't rule out relying on other senses in this situation.

    Questions asked, the guildmaster also gives a nod to Iria, "Its been a while, Iria. I hope you've been doing alright?" a smile, then over to Yunomi. Just a moments glance and she turns beat-red.. "Ah... yeah. Um... Thank you?" What? Don't ask the dragon, she isn't telling. A cough clears out the sudden blush, "SO. Yeah. Ah, lets see what we can figure out.."

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria grits her teeth a little at the usage of those silk lines, but then she shrugs it off and decides to 'bite the bullet.' She grabs onto one of the lines and begins to descend. "I've been doing OK, yes," Iria replies to Rhapsody. "And we're gonna find this missing kid, no matter what!" She looks down to make sure she doesn't land too hard.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The spider on Yunomi's head gives a chittering reply, but snuggles its way into her hair. Yunomi doesn't seem to mind the little one in her head.

    Brain spider is braining!

    Yunomi pauses, giving a look up to Rhaps, and she just gives a big, goofy grin. "I figured it might make your day a bit better." she jokes, apparently on some inside joke as she makes her way out. "Goji says that Meko was last seen out this way -- they don't tend to travel too far into the grasslands because of the Clans." Yunomi explains, "I really hope it's just an issue of a lost spider..."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A nod is given to Iria first, "Good good, if you need anything around the city, just hollar, you know?" Rhapsody says before moving to follow Yunomi, listening, "Mm.. about 200 feet or so is the Edge, so, we'll have to be careful. The Gruul Clans are notoriously territorial. Clans are always fighting.." she sighs, "Haven't had to deal with them in a while... thanks to your friends, I imagine. Still, I wish a few more would turn to the teaching jobs that the city has offered. The ones that do are -very- good at it.."

Iria (215) has posed:
"Yeah, I'll do so," Iria replies politely, while continuing to descend. "200 feet? That's a long drop." She grits her teeth, continuing to maintain a steady grip on the thread while praying that she doesn't lose her hold or something like that.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Don't worry, there's a flying mage who's keeping track with the others, glancing up as she looks to the hills.

    "What kind of teaching jobs have they taken up? 'Pain and Torture 101'? 'How to lose friends and win enemies via blood witchery'?" Yuomi replies, a bit sourly, but the ground here is soft, fresh grasses, lush and well-watered from the waters and mists dropping down from above. Some wildlife scatters as they come to a landing, and Yunomi makes her way out into the grasses -- and given her height, all that can be seen of her is the bright orange abdomen on the spider on her head.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The dragon shakes her head, "Sages, passionate about teaching people how Ravnica was before it was urbanized. Nothing as savage as that," Rhapsody muses, all but ignoring the sour tone. She was learning to see the brighter sides of a lot of the guilds.. except for two. Maybe 3. It wouldn't be too hard to guess which ones those are.
    That said, the dragon follows along, considering what could have happened. "How big is this particular spider..?" The Gruul wouldn't go after something small. Or it could have been an accident... or something else entirely... the guildmaster's mind was racing from one thought to the next trying to consider the location, the 'victim', among other things.

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria follows along as well, keeping a slight distance and looking around her to make sure no other spiders are gonna try to drop on her or something similar. Sure, she can take on the most powerful being, a.k.a. Zeiram, with the greatest of ease. Got a bunch of outlaws who need capturing? Call Iria! But give her spiders and she gets the willies! Then again, nobody's perfect.

    "Whatever its size is, we're gonna get this missing child back!" Iria says with determination in her voice.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
"Meko? Probably a little bigger than Goji here, the lat time I saw her, but she'd be scared, she might be hiding, so keep a sharp eye to the--" Yunomi pauses as the ground starts shaking. "Wh-whoa-ooaa!" she windmills her arms before clinging to the top of a rock. The ground beneath the draconic guildmaster and Iria begins to shudder as well, as if it were alive -- and rising!!

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Weird, I don't think that the Gruul would--Er, wha?!" When the ground starts to shake, Rhapsody's arms, and tail, go out, and then she just drops to a knee, wide eyed and looking all around, "The blazes is going on here?!" Then she realizes the ground is lifting, "... Oh no. Noooo no no no no..."

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria starts to say something, but then the ground begins to shake and she's forced to try to find something to hold onto for balance purposes. Except that doesn't happen, and she drops to one knee, using this crouched position for stability. "What in the hell is going on here?!" She calls out, only to see the ground is lifting. "Don't tell me there's some sort of living thing down there!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Goji the Spider chitters, all legs coming out and holding onto Yunomi's head.

    "Okay!" Yunomi calls out...

    The ground continues to shake, and the rock that Yunomi was holdong onto is not a rock -- but a large horn. Its body was green-gray, what was grass now is shown to be shaggy fur. A pair of ears flick up to either side of Rhapsody and Iria, and below them a massive head takes shape. It seems to lumber itself to wakefulness, and gives a bellow, a low rumbling cry that shakes the ground beneath it as it... very... very slowly... begins to.. walk.

    "I won't tell you!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    And then it was... not any of the things Rhapsody was worried about. She heaves a sigh, flops down, relaxes for a moment, then realizes they are on a really big beast.. "... Wait, this actually may not be good.."

Iria (215) has posed:
Once Iria sees what's coming up, she begins to grit her teeth even more. All of a sudden, dealing with spiders seems like a better alternative than this! Then there's a loud bellowing noise which makes her eardrums hurt a little bit. To top that off, it's starting to walk?! What is this world coming to? "Someone mind telling me what the hell this thing is?!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi's voice can be heard from the nose. "It appears to be a very large, very shaggy verison of /Rhinocerous unicornus/ but with a broken horn! ... and oh hey, I think that's a ladder hanging from its side! /Hey/ I think there might be a city on its back!"

    Distant chittering.

    "Goji says he can sense Meko coming from the city!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"Well... alright then! I hope a clan doesn't show up.." That is the one concern Rhapsody has. This big of a beast? The Gruul love taking down big things.. "Well lets go take a look then!" Once the guildmaster has her 'beast legs' as opposed to sea legs, she stands up. "I know Zepplids get big but.. I haven't really seen big landbeasts like this before!"

Iria (215) has posed:
"If Meko is coming from the city, then shouldn't we try to find her?" Iria asks, still not quite used to the fact that this creature is actually existing. "I mean, this Rhinoceros-whateverus is making me uneasy!" Iria's suddenly questioning why she even came here in the first place, now that she finds that they're on top of a living creature that has a city on top of it!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "RHinocerous!" Yunomi leaps into the air, holding onto Goji, "unicornus! Indian rhino -- differenciated by size and having a single horn! Some think that they inspired the idea of 'unicorns' in non-magical worlds via the monocerus!" Yunomi is, apparently, nervous as she makes her way to wards the 'city'.

    And the "city" is indeed a place where tents are pinned down to the tough hide of the grassy rhinocerous' back, canvas flapping in the wind as the movement fills the dwellings like sails, the brilliant sky above threatening with rain.

    The city itself is populated with... little people. SMall figures garbed in loose, grass-stained brown clothing, bustling about. A few guards are stationed along the edges, tethered into the beast by ropes in case of sudden turns or movement.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"I'll take your word for it!" Rhapsody calls back, carefully walking along, following the Tanuki and likely leading Iria on. "Well, lets see if we can find Meko then!" she adds before spotting the village. Small? Well, ok! Why not? "Suddenly I understand what Dad felt like.."

Iria (215) has posed:
"Rhinocerous Unicornus... uh, yeah, thanks for the trivia," Iria comments to Yunomi. "But now's not the time for that." She looks to Rhapsody and nods. "Sooner we find Meko, sooner we can get outta here! I just hope she's OK!" She follows behind Rhapsody quickly.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Could be worse!" Yunomi calls out to Iria, and she makes her way to the grouping. The spider on her head chitters, and then hops down into Yunomi's pack, poking its head out.

    PIdge, the ever-present Izzet security drone, beeps in dismay!

    The guards glance to one another, goggled eyes and swaddled faces hiding expressions, but one untethers himself, and stalks up to the group.

    In a thin voice, he greets them:
    "Hail, travelers -- what brings you to the wandering city of Ahsik?" he inquires, looking curiously up. He's no bigger than one of Yunomi's little kodama, maybe an eighth of Iria's size.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Once Rhapsody closes distance, she kneels to reply, "Ah, hail there! We come with no ill intent. We are here looking for a friend of ours. Has anyone new wandered into your village recently?" she asks, looking over the guard, and the town, with the distance closed. "

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "No one wanders into Ahsik. Ahsik wanders to people." the guard states, pushing up his goggles a bit He has dark bluish skin, motled with darker gray-greens and bright red eyes. "Though none so rare as the child of Niv-Mizzet, and two associates of the guild. I am Tiktik." he states, drawing down, his little, long tail with a tuft of hair at the end sticking out. "And what do you seek?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A blink, then a soft smile, "My reputation always seems to preceed me. We are looking for a spider-child by the name of Meko. Their ... family has not been able to sense them and they became worried for them. Also, ah, your home has wandered into Gruul Lands. I would recommend a great amount of caution as the tribes tend to enjoy hunting exotic things... such as your home."

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria stands by, looking respectful and polite. But she doesn't say anything, since Rhapsody and Yunomi are doing a better job of speaking right now. It's kind of a contrast from the usual Iria, but even she has her 'alternate' moods too.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi is actually hanging back, her ear flicking backwards like radar, monitoring the argument between the beeping and clicking and chittering from her backpack as an argument gets heated.

    Tiktik's eyes give a slight smile. "There aren't many dragons in Ravnica. I hazarded a guess, since you wear his colors... a spider? ..." Tiktik pauses, and glances backwards. "We had come upon such... some of our children thought it tame. If it is a... child of someone... then it may be that it was..."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Mm... more than there used to be after Augustin was ... dealt with.." Rhapsody says, clearing her throat before moving on to the matter at hand. "..So .. you saw it?" The fact the guard said 'was' is worrying, slightly, but it could be nothing. . . . She hopes its nothing. She's also oblivious to what the spider and pidge may be up in arms about..

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The argument is that Goji put a leg in Pidge's eye, and Pidge doesn't even /have/ eeyes, how would that even work?

    TikTik glances back to the side, and shakes his head. "I've said too mcuh. I'm sorry, Mizzet, you won't find your spider here." he states, and goes to hop back to his tether.

    Yunomi steps forward, and then, for the others, the world might begin to get a little... wobbly.

    Proided no one manages to counterspell, the world becomes a lot larger, vision sinking down intot the grass-like fur of the beast, the city growing in size, drastically! Threads become ropes and the small details of the grasses become jungles -- even the odd flea that hops by thumps like a rabbit against the ground!

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    There would be no counter from Rhapsody. She gets as woozy as Yunomi, slumps forward, takes a knee again, and by the time she looks up again... ".... eh.. wha? I didn't sneeze? What's going on here..????"

Iria (215) has posed:
Meanwhile, Iria's finding things are getting crazy. "Am I on drugs? Did I have too much to drink? WHAT is this?!" She holds her hands over her head and scowls, closing her eyes and wishing it would stop!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "That..." Yunomi speaks up, and lowers her goggles. "Was someone's bad idea of a transformation." her ears prick up, her tail sticks out, and she brings her hands up, blue mana forming in the palms of her hands and then -- dissipates. With no affect.

    ... "I take it back." Yunomi puyshes her goggles back up. "... that... was a pretty good forced transformation. I'd say bravo, but I'm a little miffed right now."

    She pauses. And tries not to laugh, turning to Iria and Rhapsody. "Get it? 'Little' miffed?" she asks, cracking a grin.

    <OH WEBS I AM TINY!> squeaks Goji.

    <I AM ALSO UNSATISFIED WITH THIS CHANGE!> beeps Pidge, and they both quiet their fussing in Yunomi's backpack, a small accord of peace.

    Tiktik pauses, glances over to them, and then shakes his head. "Should have left when you had the chance. Welcome home."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    At first, the guildmaster rubs her head, takes a second look around, then just has a seat, there, for a long moment. She manages a smile for Yunomi, but starts to consider the situation, and what Tiktik just said. "... oh blast it all.." she mutters, thinking a bit more, "This could be really bad..."

Iria (215) has posed:
Iria just kneels down on one knee and shakes her head. "Are you saying we just..." She trails off, not able to find the words she needs. "I don't believe this. How are we gonna get out of here?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Well. First we're going to find Meko." Yunomi states, and she pats her backpack. "Then we're going to get off the rhino. And then I'll work something out. It's a transformation. Who in the Izzet is better at transformations than me?" She asks, trying to sound confident... she lowers her goggles, and glances between Rhapsody and Iria. "We're Izzet. We'll figure this out." she sticks out her hand to them. "The city's not as big as we think it is. Goji can feel his sister's presence. If we encounter resistance, nonleathal means."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Another breath, a nod, and then Rhapsody takes Yunomi's arm in her hand and pulls herself up. "You're absolutley right," she says with newfound confidence. "Magical enigma? Please, the Izzet make dozens of those in a single day!" BRAVADO! "C'mon, Iria, lets find Meko, figure this place out, and make sure no one else has to get stuck here!"

Iria (215) has posed:
"Yeah, let's find Meko and get out!" Iria's now a bit on the cranky side as she goes along with the others. "I should've known what I was getting myself into here..." She runs a hand through her hair with a sigh.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Don't feel bad about not knowing. You're traveling with me. I attract chaos." Yunomi admits, dusting off her jacket, and giving a grin to Iria. "I don't even know what's going to happen. Isn't it exciting?" she inquires, and then she takes off in a dead run past TikTik, who, tethered to the hino attempts to stop her, but gets himself tangled!

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "You?" Rhapsody smiles, "We're Izzet! I live for this kinda thing! Just gotta look forward! We aren't dead, so lets keep living!" All that said, Rhapsody takes off, following after Yunomi to whatever end. YARR.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The trio takes off, speeding through the town. People are surprised, shocked even to see the necomers adapting so quickly, no one even has time to greet them.

    And when they find Meko, she is caged in the town's center, surrounded by children, who scatter at our heroes' arrival! Coincidentally no guards attempt to stop them, how strange!

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"Jackpot!" Seems the guildmaster has found a lot more enthusiasm in the last few minutes. That's a good thing, right?! "I really want to know what's going on around here, but objective priority! Lets get you out of that cage.."

Iria (215) has posed:
"Finally, we've found you!" Iria says, this time grinning widely. "Just take it easy, we're gonna get you outta here and back to safety!" She looks to the others and gives them a thumbs up. "Great job!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    THe little Spider squeaks in its cage. Yunomi takes rear guard, Goji poking his fangs and forelegs out of the backpack and waving to the other spider.

    Yunomi takes a deep breath. "OK, extraction plan, what would Dad do?" she asks... and the answer would be to call the airforce.

    ... /OH GOOD/.

    "Pidge. Fly to Nivix. Plan: Wake the Prince."

    She states, and the little orb beeps obediently, and then takes off.

    And that's when the guards arrive! They begin to circle the group, drawing out knives and hatpins and little shards of glass tied to discarded wooden drink stirrers with sticks.

    "What you don't know, Izzet..." a guard who is decidedly /not/ TikTik states, as he brings up a long knife that he brandishes as if it were a sword: "We /are/ just a small part of the Gruul Clans!"

    Yunomi stands at the ready, her hands splayed, lightning cracking. "Grab the spider, Rhaps, and get behind me... pfftt... /small/ part...."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"Just hold on a second," Rhapsody suggests before managing to call up just enough mana to unlock the cage. She heaves a breath, reaches in, and tugs Meko out, "C'mon, lets get you home," any fear she had earlier is just -gone-. Being in the moment like this is doing wonders for the dragon!

    When Ravnica's smallest Gruul Clan starts to circle. She snrks a little herself, then replies, "You do realize that trying to trap a -Guildmaster- here is a bad idea, right? Especially when that guildmaster has the guild's #1 offworld apprentice and bounty hunter with them... right???"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Once our ride arrives, we'll have about six minutes to board." Yunomi whispers, her goggles lowering as lightning crackles along her hands. She glances backwards to the Dragon and the Bounty Hunter, and she slides off her pack, and hands it off to Rhapsody. "I'm going to make sure you get on. I can fly and catch up."

    "That? /That/ is the offworld apprentice?" croaks a fat little ogre of a little guy, who steps forward, brandishing a club -- er... a branch. "I'll feed you to your little pet spider. It'll be a treat!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    That actually earns the fat little oaf a growl, "You have no idea what your dealing with, bub, not a -clue-..." Rhapsody insists, now slowly drawing out one of her spellblades. It wasn't even something she planned on using today! The barest of nods acknowledges Yunomi's plan, the guildmaster not wanting to give the fella any ideas that they were up to something. She does, however, sling the backpack over a shoulder. "Go ahead and try! Go ahead and attack a Guildmaster! You -will- regret it!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Rhaps--" Yunomi begins, but the ogre rumbles forward, his fat slignging around him -- he's obviously well fed. Don't think about 'on what' for too long though.

    He bull rushes forward, just as a shadow passes overhead - something with big wings -- some sort of hawk?! A dragon?!

    But as the Ogre roars towards Rhapsody, intent on harming her, Yunomi moves just that bit quicker. The Guardian steps out simply, drawing from a pole holding a cooking pot and spinning it around, using it to trip the ogre's feet.

    "Rhapsody! To the tail! /NOW/!" she calls out. "This might be the one shot!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A lash of her blade, a bolt of electricity strikes the ground -right beside- the ogre's head, and without another word, the blade is set back at her side and the Guildmaster dashes for the tail, as told, pack, Pidge, and spiders in tow! "Don't you lag behind on me!" she calls back, all the while surging for the shadow overhead.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "And miss the view?" Yunomi calls back, turning and jumping over the fallen ogre as the other tiny Gruul begin to get themselve spsyched up for a chase. Yunomi stands between them and the guildmaster and the Huntress, her ilps pursed as her tail flicks. "Wouldn't dream of it." she mutters, and then turns tail an d bolts.

    However, the nightning and crashing has disturbed the rhonocerous creature, and he begins to pick up speed. It makes keeping the footing difficult for anyone not used to the rolling gait of the rhino.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
     The Guildmaster won't quite get that one until later! She will, she'll laugh, she'll get all sheepish, and then she'll laugh again. BUT UNTIL THEN, THERE WAS A CHASE AFOOT. The dragon had forgot just what she had 'bolted' and realizes it as she stumbles in her running, "Gh! Ha! Oh well! It wouldn't be an Izzet chase if something wasn't making it even more crazy!" More steps taken, more lunges for the tail, as she goes, she tugs the pack around and holds it against her chest rather than letting it be behind her. Protection provided! One arm stays wrapped around the pack, the other on her blue spellblade... just in case.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Two very frightened spiders poke their little heads out, watching the oncoming tail end of the rhinocerous with a sick sense of fascination. Arrows are whizzing by -- along with the occasional firebolt. They duck back down, chittering in prayer.

    Yunomi jsut leaves the ground, her arms scooping up Iria to keep her steady for a bit as they run until they come to the very end of the rhinocerous -- and far, far, far below them, a whole sixty feet to the ground, was their escape -- in the grass.

    Yunomi's panting, having slung a few spells back, but mostly keeping up her Prismatic Shield to protect them, her arms outspread to guard.

    "Rhapsody, how much do you trust me?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"Do you even have to ask? If you say jump, I'll jump. If you want.. .... If you want me to fly, I will fly.." and she doesn't mean in her current form. The way her voice sounds, she's ready to show something she has shown VERY FEW PEOPLE..

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Save the dramatics, Guildmaster, they're not worth the effort! Besides -- I'm a Stadler, of course I have an extraction plan!" Yunomi grins. She can feel the shield sapping away at her.

    "Rhaps, Iria -- JUMP!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "JUMP IT IS!" And without any hesitation, Rhapsody lunges off the tail end of the massive beast and its strange, tiny, village people. "LETS GOOOOOOOO!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    And Yunomi gives a shrill whistle as she jumps -- the rhinocerous beast continues its way, galloping across the Gruul lands, and there is suddenly a very soft landing beneath them!

    In the form of /The/ Izzet Pheldagriff!

    Albert, in all his glory, wings spread, the setting sun and reflection of thunderclouds against glossy wings, ears wiggling in the wind as he ascends higher into the heavens with all the grace afforded to a glorified flying hippopotamous.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
And that landing causes Rhapsody to loose a victorious howl. Yes, the dragon is howling. IT IS BEAUTIFULLY IZZET! "WOOOOOO! We are OUTTA THERE!" she calls out, waiving sarcastically at the tribesman they just left behind. "SEE YA!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Now... if my theory is correct, the reason why I couldn't transform out of such a small state would be because the creature has a passive magical effect of dimunizing anything around it, you know -- like, in that card game, it'd bmake us wee little one-one tanuki, huntress, and dragon tokens. Because Albert wasn't in the field long enough, he didn't shrink!" Yunomi gives a smile, pushing up her goggles. PIdge -- now full size, and about half Yunomi's current size, buzzes around the trio.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Rhapsody blinks, shrugs, laughs, "I'll take your word for it! I'm sure a few magewrights would be really curious about that beast and how that effect works.." she tilts her head, thinks, then sets the pack down on Albert's back and opens it, "You're free!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The little, scared spiders stay in the pack.

    <They're not going to eat us, are they Goji?>

    <No, Meko. The short one's O-Asahi's.>


    And the two spiders chitter their way over to Yunomi, Goji taking up residence on her head and Meko on her shoulder, the two guarding the Guardian. Some of Yunomi's hair has come loose, and she turns, looking over to Rhapsody as she gives a smile. "First stop though -- O-Hiko. I'm pretty sure it's past these kid's bedtime!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A quick nod, "Yes, absolutley. Back home for both of you! I hope you're okay, Meko. That was a bit of an adventure.."