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Of Digimon and Tamers.
Date of Scene: 19 March 2016
Location: Crystal Valley
Synopsis: Alden and Gaonoir discuss Tamers with Gaonoir's new Human partner.
Cast of Characters: Gaonoir, 930

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden was waiting, he got a large blanket on the ground, and he even placed some food for Gaonoir and his Tamer!. Most of the food is... well, meat, steak, bacon, the generic 'meat in bone' deal that digimon seem to get most of the time... It all looks nice and perfectly cooked. But, he also got some sodas, and some fruits, and bread since he recalls humans enjoying more than just meat for snacks. He asked Gaonoir if he wanted to meet to talk about tamer stuff, or just spend time here with the girl, maybe get to know her a tiny bit!. The fact he is a bit nostalgic about his own partner might have a slight part on the invitation as well.

Gaonoir has posed:
Honestly, they would of been there already. But to get to Crystal Valley, the fastest route is to go through the Crystaline Jungle.... Which in turn becomes the -slowest- route when -someone- had to stop to take pictures of the crystallized trees. And gem-like rocks. And a bird that had features crystallized from eating the gem-like fruit that grows on some of the crystal trees. And you get the idea.

Eventually the putt-putt-putt of a small motor can be heard emerging from amonst the crystal barked trees. With little disruption other than that since thankfully Erika's scooter is electric. "Ooooh, and that was just the first part of the trip! Petrified redwoods have nothing on that forest."
"Technically it's a jungle." Gaonoir retorts, for the most part skulking on the back of the scooter's seat.
"The differences are only technical. And a higher ratio of decidious trees to conif--Oh, and that bird!" Erika turns her head to look back at the digidog, "Did you see the bird?"
"I'm more worried about you -seeing the road-."
"Technically it's an off-road path." Erika uses his previous retort against him with a giggle.
"Same difference!"

Yeah, they're getting along just dandily.

Alden (930) has posed:
The road was mostly smooth, but there were short crystals here and there, so there were obstacles!. He waves a few times as he hears the scooter, getting pu to greet them. "Hi!" he chirps loudly, rushing towards then, until he sees the pair is more focused on talking than steering, "Careful or you will hit one of the crystals!" he warns, rushing forward in case they did hit something. Mostly to make sure they don't get too many scrapes.

Gaonoir has posed:
"Hi Alden! Wha.. oh!" As luck would have it he gets her attention to look forward again just in time to avoid a large lump of crystal in the path. "At least it's not potholes." Erika winds around the rocky obstruction and comes to a stop by the blanket.

Gaonoir doesn't even wait for her to get the stand down and turn off the ignition before he hops down from the seat. "Next time, we avoid the scenic route. It's too... distracting."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden moves towards Gaonoir, at first he considers a hug, but instead offers a friendly pat on the shoulder, lizard tail twitching, "Gaonoir!, how have you been?" he asks happily, letting a happy rumble, and after Erika manages to put the scooter in order, moves to offer the tamer a small hug, "First time in a place like this?, it is very pretty, isn't it?" he says, "Glad to see you again Erika."

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir just hffs softly. "Adjusting." That's all that really needs to be said on that matter.

Erika gives Alden a pat on the head in return, careful to not catch her hand on his horn. Then rubs the back of her head with the other hand and a short laugh of embarassment. "I never got out of the city much. So this is the first time for seeing a -lot- of this sort of stuff. I mean, other than looking it up on the internet. Even with modern graphical quality it does no justice for the real thing right in front of your ey--"

Gaonoir ahems into one gloved paw to cut her off again. "Don't start getting off track when we barely just arrived."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden rumbles at the petting, leaning into the hand happily, letting go of the hug after a few moments, cuddly gabumon. "I will take your word for it, even if I can digivolve into a machine wolf... I am not that familiar with technology, besides my D-Arc" he says, chuckling, "But yeah, it's nicer to see things than just... pictures of them." he says.

     The gabumon wags again, "Thanks for coming over, I was hoping we might get to know eachother a bit, or talk about things you were curious." he says, "Did you meet other digimon, Erika?" he asks, helpfully keeping the human's attention on him. He points to the blanket, "You can sit down and have a bit of food if you'd like."

Gaonoir has posed:
"Kinda." Erika replies as she walks over to the blanket and sits down. "We went back to the mall the other day and one of those Octomon has a proper job at one of the mall's food courts now. All those arms would be great for something like that... Wow, that's a lot of meat." Naturally the bacon gets a sampling, before she picks up an orange and starts peeling it. "Where did you get so much meat way out here?"

"Grew it." Gaonoir replies flatly as he picks up one of the 'meat on a bone' and bites into it.

Erika pffs, rolling her eyes. "Don't mess with me, dog. You don't grow meat on trees! You..." Pause. Then she peers one of the steaks. "... That's, not.. y'know. You two -are- kinda predators in form." Maybe she shouldn't of sampled the bacon after all.

"Who -eats- other Digimon? That's just creepy." Though there may be a slight hint of amusement at her sudden confusion over that matter. Because Gaonoir still has that streak of jerk in him.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is pleased the fruits and meat seem to be appreciated by Erika, sitting down besides her with a smile. After Gaomon tells her, and Erika retorts, he reaches to gently tap her shoulder, "I did grew it, I didn't even know meat was... obtained on other ways outside the digital world." he says softly, "We grow it on plants." he says. "If you want I can show you." he offers. The final comment from Gaomon makes him nod, "Yeah..." he says, smiling. "I promise, this meat came from a meat plant, I did not kill anything to get this."

Gaonoir has posed:
"Okay, you I'd believe. Since you're the one that made it in the first place." Gaonoir gives Erika a bit of look for that, but she's either ignoring it or not caring. "Grumpy over there keeps trying to mess with me. I think it amuses him." Okay not entirely ignoring it.

"I'm just making sure you don't get distracted by all this strange and wondereous newness." Gaonoir retorts between bites.

"But that's the fun part!" The girl protest. "Well, the strange and wonderous and new parts. You might have a point on the distracted part."

Cue eyeroll from the dog. "I don't know how you put up with this, Alden. Half the time I feel like a Primary Village babysitter."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden watches the interaction with a grin, and lets out a little sigh, chewing a bit of bacon while the other two talk, "Well, Gaonoir has a point, if you get that easily distracted and something happens.... it can be dangerous, you almost ran over that crystal a moment ago." he says softly. Then he grins, "But Gaonoir, keep in mind this is all amazing and new for her, I figure for people unaware of digimon, something like metal garurumon mightbe amazing." he says softly.

     Alden finally grins, "You get used to it, trust me, plus, my tamer was aware of digimons, even if we were just fictional characters for them."

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir waggles a finger at Alden. Or at least gives the impression of doing so with his gloves on. "Now -that- was weird. Fictionalizing digimon just to make money off it."

And that would be when Erika grabs him and pulls him to her side in a sort of awkward one-armed hug since she's got food in the other hand. "See. You do know how it feels."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden grins, trying not to chuckle, "Well, it is not really their fault, for the most part almost no one there knew about digimon, except this weird secret group trying to stop us from entering the real world.". She reaches to hug Erika, not wanting to be left out of hugs!, at least he picks the other side, not to disturb poor Gaonoir, "Did you figure out how your device works, Erica?, or what it can do?" he asks curiously. Then, he thinks of something else, "Oh!, want to see the meat plants?"

Gaonoir has posed:
"She barely puts the thing down." Gaonoir just grouses in the hug, and chews on the bone.

Though Erika does let go of him when Alden provides something else to her attention. "This I've got to see... And it's not that complicated." She gives Alden one last little hug as well before letting go of the Gabumon as well and getting back onto her feet. Brushes some stray bread crumbs off her skirt. "Well it is kind of complicated, but not like super hard complicated. More like trying to figure out how a universal remote works without having the instructions."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden was happy with the hug!, he'd never let go if he would get away with it. Still, he gets up, and eats one final bacon strip, reaching to offer Gaonoir a little pat on the shoulder and a friendly smile. "They are not far." he explains, pointing away and starting to walk towards it. "I am rather curious how yours works, and what you can do with it." he admits, "I know what mine can do, I can even show you!, it is nice to find someone new and interested in those things." he says with a chuckle.

     Alden leads Erika to the 'plot' where he planted the meat plant sprouts, a group of different plants, all growing the different kinds of meat!. She can see small bushes growing bacon, and how the meat somehow seems to grow and 'mature' while connected to the plants. "I am not really sure how this works... I do know that seeds don't work outside the digital world... but sprouts do grow nicely."

Gaonoir has posed:
As they walk Erika takes out her digivice, or D-PORT as the digital scrip on the casing said. "Well it doesn't have a card slot like yours. But." She flicks her thumb across the screen. "But it has other things like you said. I can check Gaonoir's status, communicate with him, and when I take pictures of other Digimon it scans them." She flicks her thumb again and taps a different icon. "So it's like filling in an index on Digimon. A DigiDe--"

"Don't call it that!" Gaonoir butts in as he's following the two. "You trying to get us sued or something?"

Not that the converstation on that topic lasts much longer. Because there's the gathering of meat growing plants, and Erika's eyes just widen at the sight. "Wow, you weren't kidding. It -does- grow on trees. Hmmm." She squats down to inspect one of the plants. "Maybe the seeds not working is the Multiverse's way of keeping them from becoming a problem. I mean, sure, being able to grow food would be a boon to some worlds... but what would that do to worlds where hunting or such is an intricate part of it's being? Or where food industries are a major economy? It would do more harm than good in the end, upsetting balances like that."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden nods a few times, looking at the D-PORT curiously, "Oh?, if you want I can give you a couple more digimon to fill that list." he says happily, his tail wagging. He lets Erika inspect the plants, as long as she does not rip them out or something. "Digipedia, that sounds nice, wish mine had that ability." he says softly. He seems to be surprised about hearing the harm the meat plants can do to the economy and such, but he regains his composure soon enough.

Gaonoir has posed:
"And before you ask," Gaonoir remarks as he tosses the half chewed bone over his shoulder, "No, there's nowhere around the Seaport to plant meat plants. I don't think the ocean air and salt water would do them much good, either."

"... Shoot." Erika instead grins at the dog as she gets up. "See, you're stating to get to know me better already!"

Gaonoir starts to make one of his snarky remarks, but only gets as fair as opening his mouth and then stopping as he realizes that she's actually right to a degree. To which he aptly recovers though, in resuming his usual dour look and crossing his arms. "Go on Alden, so off for her. That's what you want, isn't it?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden looks back at Gaonoir, then back to Erika, "Sorry, otherwise I'd be glad to share one with you." he says softly, tail wagging slowly. Seeing the dour expression on the Gaomon makes Alden feel a bit bad, so he changes teh subject, "Glad you two are starting to get along better." he says with a grin. He seems to think of something, "Hey, what does that D-Port say about me?" he asks curiously.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir just pffs softly as he leans against one of the crystal rocks and crosses his arms. This is his default state of being these days. Though one is always left wondering how much of it is just an act.

"Let's look, then." Erika thumb-flicks it back to the 'digipedia' app as it's been named now, and holds up the D-Port in the same way one would to take a picture with a modern smart phone. Which is how it now scans digimon as well. The screen briefly blips to an image of the Digimon icon (much like the one on the back of Gabumon's cards actually) before bringing up the statistical readout. "Gabumon. Reptile Data type Digimon." She skims the text back and forth. "Something about your cloak being made out of the data of one of your evolutions for protection."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden watches curiously, letting her take 'the picture' and inching to look at the screen, "Yeah, it's made of garurumon data." he says. He holds on it more firmly, "It's really tough." he says softly. He is half tempted to ask about Gaonoir's, but with how... grumpy he seems, he decides it is a bad idea. "My device is mostly used to comunicate, and to give me boosts." he explains, "I think information like that is really handy too."

Gaonoir has posed:
Erika thumb-flicks again, and it switchs to a readout for Gaonoir. And when she clicks the button at the base of the device, it turns to a sort of radar screen type readout. With a blinking purple dot not far from the center, since Gaonoir is only standing a few meters away. "It's probably because it use to be a smartphone, and I kept all my notes and such on it too. It's like whatever code he leaked into it just converted it's existing functions to be digimon-centric now."

"Don't look at me," Gaonoir dismissively waves a gloved paw in their direction before recrossing his arms. "I didn't know the Dark Digitron could do that, either.... though, it is kind of how it augmented my code in the first place, I suppose."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden looks at it curiously and nods, "My device has a similar function." he says, smiling. He was a bit worried about Gaonoir's comment about 'showing off' so figured it might be best not to. He did not want to upset his... acquaintance ? "That digitron thing sounds misterious... if I get to return home will ask around about it." he muses softly. "It makes sense I guess, since the main function of it is to help you keep connected to your digimon partner." he says.

Gaonoir has posed:
"Doubt anyone would know anything, Alden. I'm the only digimon I've ever seen with it." And Gaonoir just doesn't comment on how he got it in the first place. That's... still a sensative subject, for various reasons.

Erika clicks off the display and looks down at Alden. "You don't know where your 'home' or your own Tamer is?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden rubs the back of hsi head a bit, "I.... do know where my world is...but the portal leads to somewhere really dangerous... as for my Tamer... I am really hoping he is ok... we got separated and I ended up in the multiverse." he explains softly, tail twitching behind him. "Sorry if i seem a bti eager to show off, just... reminds me of how it was when I met my Tamer." he says with a chuckle.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir raises a brow a bit. "Dangerous, huh? Hope something didn't go screw up your Digital World while you're gone."

Erika aws softly, and leans down to hug Alden again. "If they survived digimon adventures I'm sure they're fine and just lost. The Multiverse is a pretty huge place, after all. In the mean time, you've got your friends."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden smiles softly, "I am really... hoping that, Gaonoir, one reason I am so intent on getting stronger." he says softly. The hug makes him smile a bit more and hugs back, "I am hoping to find people willing to c...." he before he changes what he was saying, "To help me get stronger, so I can go there and find out."

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir perks an ear at the cut-off, but other than giving Alden an odd look that clearly shows he heard something else coming first there, declines from commenting. If only because it would probably just get Erika all worked out about something else.

"Well you have Gaonoir, and he's pretty experienced. Other than the Tamer stuff." Erika is completely missing the subcontex in the effort to comfort Alden. "Though it must be difficult to use those cards if you don't always have hands, like Gao's big fluffy evolution~"

Gaonoir hfffs the other way again. At least she didn't say 'cute' this time.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden smiles and nods, "Yeah, lately I have been training... practicing stuff... sparring, it all helps." he says softly, and gives Erika another snug. He nods at that, "Yeah, I lack hands in two of my evolutions." he says softly, tail twitching, trying hard not to snicker at the reaction from Gao. "I am trying to figure out how to deal with that."

Gaonoir has posed:
"My scarf doesn't have that sort of dexterity." Considering it ends in metallic talons for fringe. Gaonoir shrugs a bit. "Guess I should be glad we didn't end up with that sort of gadget to worry about...... No offense."

Erika gives Alden a pat on the head, and puts her own device away. "Should we go finish the picinic?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden chuckles, "You only say that because you don't know how cool it is." he says, a bit more relaxed and streetches a bit into the pat, "Sounds good." he replies, rumbling as he heads to the food, "Hope I got enough."