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Latest revision as of 23:24, 10 April 2016

Of Imps and Cait Sith.
Date of Scene: 10 April 2016
Location: Alfheim Online <ALO>
Synopsis: Cirra, AKA Palmira the Imp, got left behind in the Capital City of Aurun.

Silica and Sinon go to get her out!

Cast of Characters: 649, 675, Silica

Silica has posed:
    Silica roars as she slashes through a weird kobold-like monster. "Miss Sinon!" she chirps, twirling and drop-kicking the thing so the Archer has a clear shot. She then rolls to a stop and holds up her free hand. "Ek Skyt Tuttugu Smar Stroia!" The words lock into place as she speaks them, and the next monster that runs up gets punctuated by a volley of magic wind bolts. "That should do it, the exit's up ahead!"

Sinon (649) has posed:
    Sinon definitely has a clear shot! Archers in the back row, Silicas who need to take a more proactive role in the front row. Did you know it's five in the morning for her? So she might be yawning a little, but it's not because what they're doing is boring.

    It does look kind of funny though. Yaaaaan, bowstretch, stop yawning, release, KO!

Silica has posed:
    Silica giggles, then bounces over to Sinon. "C'mon! We've got a damsel to save!" she chirps happily. Pina lands on Sinon's shoulder, chirping softly at the other Cait Sith.

    As the pair get out of the tunnel and into the open again, Silica activates her wings and takes off, heading to the capital city of Aurun. "C'mon Miss Sinon! Try and keep up~!" she calls back as she quickly vanishes into the distance.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra Constantine, AKA Palmira is an Imp with maroon coloured her held up in a folded pony tail. Her equipment has improved slightly since last night since someone showed her around, but it's only enough that she can make a hasty retreat from the monsters outside Aarun.

    "Why are the neutral areas all so high level?" she wonders outloud as she leans on her trident. "Wouldn't it make more sense to breed cooperation before the end of the game?"

Sinon (649) has posed:
    Sinon pouts. "Try to keep up, she says. Maybe I like staying behind!"

    Subsequently she gives Pina this knowing 'try to hang on' look and races Silica, because of course she does.

    "Technically, we're supposed to compete with one another rather than cooperate... at least that's the theory anyway."

Silica has posed:
    Silica nods sadly at that. "Yeah, the races don't always get along... The Cait Sith and the Sylphs are allied right now, the Undines try to stay neutral and the Spriggans are far enough away that they don't get in the middle of any big wars that spring up... the Salamanders are the big warlike group, their General, Eugene, is the strongest player in the rankings."

    She clicks her tongue, and Pina hops off Sinon's shoulder, after giving the teal-haired Archer a nuzzle, and lands on Silica's head. "Who brought you here to start with anyway?"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira looks up as the other two land and nods to each, "Another Imp named Yuuki, but she had to leave before we were done." she shrugs, "I'm not angry at her, I did say I wanted to see how this world worked. And I did get my equipment upgraded a bit so the trip was probably worthwhile."

    The Imp takes a moment to look at the two more closely. "I know I've talked with at least one of you... offlien before, but I can't tell who's who."

Sinon (649) has posed:
Sinon scratches her nose. "I guess people enjoyed the faction aspect of the game, even after the unpleasant business." Not that she knows too much about all of that, not having been around for it. She shrugs. "It's all in good fun, anyway. Before VRMMOs people did this all the time. Even had different accounts in different factions in some MMORPGs." World of Warmaking, I'm lookin' at you.

    "I don't think it was me," she says to Cirra. She doesn't meet many people IRL casually.

Silica has posed:
    "It was probably me." says Silica, rubbing the back of her head. "I... can't give my real name when we're in public like this, but I recently joined the Union." she adds, then offers a hand. "I know of Miss Yuuki. She's a nice person so I'm sure she had a good reason for having to leave." She then steps back, gestures to open her menu then sends a Party Invite to Palmira. "I can lend you some Yuld to buy a few better pieces of equipment, but on the way out I think you should stand back and let us clear the route before advancing."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira shakes Silica's hand as it's offered. "I understand. Having you with us is the primary reason I joined this game - to understand where you're coming from."

    "I think my equipment is set until I get more experience." she says questioningly. "I'm still working on understanding these restrictions. In my world, a better weapon is a better weapon." she shrugs slightly. "I'll follow your lead for now." she smiles slightly. "It's been a long time since I was the junior at something."

Sinon (649) has posed:
"I don't know Yuuki very well," Sinon says thoughtfully. "I should."

    "Silica, you take the lead here and help out," she asks, even though it's a statement. That's just how Sinon is sometimes. "Now that our 'rescue' is over, I'm going to go and make breakfast. I'll join you again later if you want to party up and do some dungeoneering, OK?"

Silica has posed:
    "Okay Miss Sinon! Take care!" replies Silica happily, then she turns back to Palmira, leaning forward with her hands on her hips. "Oookay, if you're sure... I'll make sure I have my Aggro drawing skills set, so just attack after I do and we should be okay. I know some healing magic and Pina can heal too."

    Pina hangs onto Silica's head, and gives off a little rattling squawk in affirmation, before hopping up into the air, flapping its wings. "Lets get going, unless you want to pick some items up first?"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira lifts a hand to wave to Sinon as she leaves, then looks at Silica again. "Well..." she opens the interface and accepts the party invite first then her inventoy. "Twenty four healing potions, twenty-two defense potions, and ten agility potions... is that enough for now?"

Silica has posed:
    Silica blinks. "That's about what we take on a Boss Raid..." she replies, a little dumbstruck. "We should be more than good to go then." she adds, then perks right up. "Alright, do you uh... know how to fly? Or how to use the assist system at least?" she asks, curiously, her wings are still out, folded down in Idle position.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra Constantine is an overachiver, and read a lot about the game before entering. Also she bought hardware that came with promo codes for in-game items.

Palmira nods "I can use the controller." she summons the device to her hand. "But I use a two handed weapon, so I can't fight in the air effectively like this."

Silica has posed:
    "That's fine, I know the routes around the air-monster spawns, so we'll only have to fight once we hit the underground section. We can stop over in the mining camp, the monsters on the other side of the mountains are a /lot/ weaker, so even if we don't get out today, you should be able to get yourself out if you're careful." replies Silica with a smile. "I'll go slow, so just follow my lead, okay?"

    With that, she turns, spreads her wings and takes off, heading back the way she came with a trail of yellow particles from her wings.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira nods again and uses the controller to spread her wings. "I should be able to fly through the cave as well, if things get too dicey. One of the reasons I choose an Imp." man she really studied before choosing anything, didn't she?

Silica has posed:
    "Oh yeah, Imps can fly underground..." remarks Silica. "But Cait Sith can't... but that's okay, if things do go south, just get yourself out of there. I can take the death penalty if it comes to that... since this isn't a lethal game..." she shivers at her own words there, but then refocusses, skirting wide around the groups of flying monsters that litter the skyscape around the city.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira looks at Silica as she shivered and closes her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm asking too much for a simple game. Don't worry about me too much. I'll have to learn to deal with this on my own eventually." she pulls the controller around and follows after Silica, bypassing the aerial mobs. "Just the mining town will be suffcient."

Silica has posed:
    Silica looks back. "What? No! I said I'd help you and that's what I'm going to do!" she says. "Besides, we just need to get past the monsters on /this/ side and we're basically home free... though I'm heading back toward Freelia... Imp territory is on the other side..." she ponders... "Um..."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    The Imp looks down at the ground while Silica considers the routes. "I know that hostile territory, technically. But don't worry. People can be talked to, even if they're obstinate, that a far cray from monsters."

Silica has posed:
    "Yeah... and Imps tend to keep to themselves, and the Cait Sith are really a friendly group! Most people that play Cait Sith are really laid back! They'd rather take a nap than fight someone!" replies Silica, regaining that youthful joviality she started with. "Okay, I'll take you to Freelia, we can rest up at the Inn, then I can help you get some more skill levels if you like."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Do they?" Palmira asks. "I guess I ended up playing to type after all." a small self depreciated laugh. "But your plan sounds like a good idea." she smiles. "And I'll try not to be an A-typical Imp."

Silica has posed:
    Silica giggles. "Well, you can't get more a-typical for an Imp than Miss Yuuki." she remarks, flipping over to fly backward and look at Cirra at the same time. "Anyway, we should be arriving at the tunnel soon, so maybe we should land and walk the last stretch so you can have your weapon ready."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Really?" Palmira asks as she eyes how Silica is flying backwards, thats not something she can do with the controller, "She seemed realtively friendly." she nods however, "Alright, lets land." and loers herself down to the ground where she dismisess the controller and brings her trident out with both hands.

    It fits into the heavy assault spear catagory of weapons.

Silica has posed:
    Silica lands lightly, skipping a step before pirouetting on her heel with her hands clasped behind her back. "I meant what I heard of most Imps being quiet loners that don't talk to people." she remarks, giggling. "Miss Yuuki's more like a typical Cait Sith than an Imp."

    She then turns back, drawing her dagger from the sheath at her hip and walking forward, eyes scanning the area, just in case.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "I see." Palmira seems to be loosening up a little as she talks to Silica. Perhaps because in this game world it isn't life or death, like it is for her in reality so often.

    Spinning the trident once to feel the weight she continues to walk forward. "I don't think I'll ever be as fun loving as you are her though." she smiles again, "So you'll have to forgive me if I seem like I worry to much about things."

Silica has posed:
    Silica giggles softly. "When you've been through what we have... you kinda learn to not take things so seriously all the time." she says, she sounds like she's smiling, but the tone is also quite solemn. "Life's too short."

    She then tenses up. The BGM, if Palmira has it on, flicks instantly from the soothing forest-type theme, to a high intensity battle one, and Silica darts quickly to the side as a monkey-like creature slams a cleaver down into the ground where the Cait Sith was a moment before. "Crud, Palmira, fly away! This thing's too strong for you!" shouts the Cait Sith as she lights her dagger, crystals of ice trailing from the edge as she charges in and leaps, stabbing into the creature's back as it recovers, causing its chest to explode outward in a plume of sudden ice shards.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "You're right, it is short." Pamira muses "But do-" the BGM changes. She holds up her trident.

    As the monkey comes crashign down, Palmira jumps backwards, just out of the range of the cleaver and scowls. Her real body is so much faster then this. "Damnit." she summons her controller and takes off into the air and lands on a tree branch. She isn't just going to leave Silica here for the sake of her own safety, but she knows she's out-classed for a direct confrontation.

Silica has posed:
    The monkey monster growls in pain, then with a move that's almost too fast to keep track of, it spins, shattering the ice and backhanding Silica away and into a tree. The Beast Tamer's HP gauge drops a good 25% from that one strike! "Ooof... Pina... Heal!"

    The Little Dragon flits over, and breathes a mist of pale silver over the Cait Sith. This restores half the damage done. "Alright... lets, try."

    The Monkey starts to turn. It's /reactions/ are fast, but its actual /speed/ is pretty slow, so the Cait Sith lifts her hands, and begins chanting in that odd false Norse. Words of Power lock into place in front of her, and as the last one solidifies, about 20 needles of green energy lash out in a hailstorm at the monster, chipping away its health and staggering it.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira eyes the monkey's staggering. If this were the real world, she could... Well the physics here seem relatively spot on, but does the battle system take it into account? She couldn't learn everything about the game online, so now she has to experiment!

    The Imp turns on the branch, jumps, and... wall runs straight down the trunk!

    Palmira jumps just as she reaches the ground and slides acrossd the forest floor on her knees, right behind the cleaver weilding monkey, lifting her trident up as she leans back, and stabs it upwards, just as the creature tips over!

Silica has posed:
    The monkey staggers, and with a failed step back to catch itself, starts falling right over onto that trident!

    The game system /does/ take into account momentum and leverage when applying the damage modifier, and even with the disparity in equipment quality and monster level, that strike is enough to finish the beast, it's HP guage trickling down the last few pixels as it slides down the haft of the trident, before it glows green, then explodes into pixels.

    A window pops up in front of Palmira, showing the XP, Yuld and Items gained. 1 item: Killing Blow reward: Monkey Cleaver. A 2-hander Great Sword.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira sighs as the moneky disolves. She gets up on her feet. This is good to know that, a lot of how she fights outside of the game despoends on abusing her momentuem. "I suppose I only got the last little bit, but at least it couldn't attack you again, hmn?"

    Looking at the window, Palmira raises an eyebrow. "Thats a lot of money compared to the starting area..." some her skills also go up. "Ah..."

    "Is this a good sword?" she looks at Silica

Silica has posed:
    "Hmm?" Asks Silica as she walks over, letting the natural regeneration replenish her HP instead of wasting an expensive healing item or using her MP on a healing spell. "What sword? Only the player that gets an item can see it unless they share." she remarks, then giggles, "That was a really gutsy move, if you stick around and want to play with the rest of the Gatecrashers, I think you'll fit right in." she then grins a bit wider. "We're all a little bit nuts, after all."

    She doesn't look deranged, but makes a decent effort at pretending to... though she looks more comical than insane. "And yeah, a lot of the top-teir dungeons take several hundred thousand Yuld to prep for, because you have to get everyone healing potions, make sure everyone has good gear, sometimes pay for mercenaries to fill gaps in your raid group."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Palmira puts one hand to her forehead, "Of course." she moves through an interface window and selects 'share', causing the weapon to appear in a window for Silica.

    She looks at Silica doing her best to look deranged...

    "Pff...pfft." she covers her mouth with one hand as she tries not to laugh out loud. "aah... I'm sorry." she smiles, and unlike her previous, almost polietly timed smiles she seems like she's actually happy.

Silica has posed:
    Silica looks at the sword, "Oooo, that's a nice one yeah... needs about 700 Great Sword skill to use though... but it's something to work toward if you want other options to an Assault Spear!" she offers, then closes the window.

    The Cait Sith then beams happily back. "Even if we both died in the next encounter, I think it'll all be worth is, cuz that's the best smile I've seen on you yet!" she chirps happily, then twirls and starts jogging back on the path. "C'mon! Daylight's wasting!"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Seven hundred?" Palmira looks astonished. "Thats rather... detailed." the comment about her smile draws Palmira back though. "Ah... I'm slow to make friends." is all she can offer, but takes off at a jog after Silica. "Wait up!"