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Soul Thrashing Black Sorcery
Date of Scene: 13 May 2016
Location: Middle Earth
Synopsis: Drowned Ophelia begins her tour.
Cast of Characters: 20, 592, Sanary Rondel, 782, 930, 935, 972, 975

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
There was a time, long ago, when the Mirkwood was filled with beauty and light. Where nature's merciless but fair judgement was upon all creatures, and the seasons turned as they always do. That time had long since passed, a shadow fallen upon the boughs of these trees; It haunts them, weighing them down, so that the former glory of this forest is slowly poisoned with whispers of giant spiders and cruelity unknown. It is a place of creeping fear and lost souls - and it's about to get worse.
For through the brickets flee ghostly shapes - glowing luminous white, skeletal horses whinney their ghostly cries as they tear ass through the trails. Upon their backs are cowled skeletons, holding massive scythes as they urge their mounts to move faster and faster, keeping time with the music that throbs in the headphones upon their skulls. Cackling madly as they swipe at every living thing that they pass, heading for one location and one location only - Dol Guldur, the ruined fortress. NOT a good omen.

Upon the back of one, sitting side saddle, is the Queen of Tears herself, Drowned Ophelia. Her laughter tight and brittle as she clings, chin down and eyes wide as she glares ahead with that tiny smile. "Ride! Ride FASTER!" She calls, already shattering the uneasy peace of the Mirkwood evening with the racous cacophony. Subtle, she is not. Above, a massive shadow crosses the stars - EverGore, the Drowned Grimm, a giant raven. Those who come can either keep up on their own - mount with the Reapers - or ride the massive bird, with the weeping witchlight in for eyes.

Themesong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuphOxBX8YI

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The black-clad healer with the barely-disgusing shades is on the case today, standing on the footholds of one of those very skeletal horses running alongside Drowned Ophelia. She's reprising her role as the 'mysterious bodyguard' once again, riot shield in one hand and gunaxe in the other. There's no mistaking that her job here is not a benevolent one by any means, but as an officer of the Confederacy?

     Sanary's not here to make friends. No, she's here to keep an eye on Drowned Ophelia and make sure things go without too many hitches. She casts a quick glance at EverGore flying above them, peering at the massive raven for a moment before facing forwards once more.

     "So does he eat anything? Just wondering 'cause..." She grimaces as one of the reapers cleaves through something, looking back at whatever mess that was. "... Could probably feed a lot of people with all this stuff they're killing."

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     The Silvan Elves are on high alert, and though unseen, can navigate the forest faster on foot than on horseback. The archers and scouts try to get ahead of the invaders to determine their destination, and when they discover they're heading for Dol Guldur, once an Elven outpost, now home to wraiths, ghosts, Orcs and Hillmen.

     Not far behind is a large group of armored Elves, moving forward as quickly as possible and led by a prominent figure upon a large Elk. He draws his sword and indicates that the small army he brought with him should hold off on attacking until they find out what these people are really after. T here have been so many strangers in Middle Earth lately that it has become difficult to predict a person's intentions.

Golden (782) has posed:
    Another shadow zooms across the tree-tops, flying for the first time in a great while. Black and silver armor clad, great battle claws spread slightly to the side, the Black War Greymon glides along, following the Drowning Doom. He vaguely resembles a dragon, with the split halves of the shield on his back resembling wings, horned helm silhouetted against the sky. He only stands a little taller than a man though.
    The digimon suddenly dives below the treetops, manuevering between the trees and foliage as he keeps pace with Drowned Ophelia.

Lunara (935) has posed:
Lunara had heard of the disturbing fate that had befallen Mirkwood. She had plans to visit at some point and see if anything could be done to restore the land, but an ominous voice on the comms raised those plans to a top priority. Bounding through the forest with the swiftness of a deer, the anchient dryad soon caught up with the Silvan Elves.

     Making her way closer to Thranduil, she greets him with a grin and a wave of her free hand, a cruel looking spear in her other, ready for any battle she knew was likely coming. "Hello, hope you don't mind if I travel with you, seems we both have an afinity for the forest. I'm Lunara."

Alden (930) has posed:
A rather unusual creature is seen in the area as well, ocasionally looking over it's shoulder to speak with a rather tiny person perched on his back, "Are you sure this is the right way?" he asks, the cat eared/cat tailed 'girl' noddig, "I'm sure!." The pair make their way down the forest, until he smells, and then sees the concentration of Elves. He slows down as he approaches, trying to avoid looking too... dangerous, long, ropy tail twitching, "Hello?" asks the garurumon, while the Shinki on his back moves around to perch on the wolf's head, and waves a few times. "I hope this is the right place... I heard something was happening in Mirkwood?" he asks.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, if there's something sinister going on in Mirkwood, then it's time to stop it. While Toph hasn't been there a lot, she still thinks that she and the ruler of the place are on an accord, especially after she helped out with her bending.

    The silvean elves just might recognise the shaking of the earth that suddenly overtakes the area where the defenders are gathering in. And it seems to grow stronger and stronger, focusing near the point where King Thranduil himself is, let's hope that Lunara is surefooted. Alden for sure ought to know what it is, as suddenly the earth cracks open, and a familiar teenager leaps out, landing in a crouch on the ground, her green and yellow clothes already dirty from the trip over here.

    "Seriously, you'd think they'd attack at a more reasonable hour," Toph Beifong mutters. Heck, judging by her hair it looks like the girl just rolled out of bed, tossed on some clothes and then hurried over here as quickly as she could. Which is probably what happened.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
If the Reapers - the outriders of the Drowning Doom - notice or even care of the Silvan army following them, they give no indication. Ghostly hooves dig in as the path goes upwards towards the final fort-bridge. Drowned Ophelia turns her head aside as Golden joins her - and flashes those bright, white teeth in a toothy smile. "Goroubei!" She states, hair whipping about her head from the speed of their passage. And then she jabs a claw forward, towards the fortress itself. "Like it? Nice location, good neighbors, and perfect for sucking the life out of these @#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGEing woods like a leech. It's speciest, the way they keep putting the spiders down." She braces against the Reaper itself, working her way up to a crouch as she looks to Sanary now. And then up at the massive EverGore. "Misery, hatred and melancholy so far. It's a thirsty boy. Besides, Reapers gonna Reap." And then she puts two claws in her mouth, pinching down on her tongue as she whistles sharply.
The Reapers form up into a arrow, now, driving aside spiderwebs with slashes and cackling before hooves thunder over the bridge proper. Leaving impressions of hoofbeats burning slowly in their wake. Drowned Ophelia leaps at last, the Black Tears forming wings upon her back to slow her descent atop a stone tower. The Reapers circling and storming about, driving as fast as they can, as if to wake the dead. Or the orcs in residence. She holds up her hands, and the Six Stringed Sorrow bubbles to life - the wake candles whispering as the blue flames light up.

"I only need a few moments to get started." She states to both Sanary and Golden, turning her eyes upwards. "Buy me time."

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     The Elves that occupy this tainted forest have become rather xenophobic over the years, so when Lunara approaches Thranduil, there is a bit of resistance as just about everyone around him pulls a weapon and watches her carefully. "There will be time for introductions later." He says in a flat tone, his long hair blowing back in the breeze as he rides faster. He is wearing his battle armor which is sleek and ornate, seeming as though it wouldn't be very effective, but looks can be deceiving.

     There is a bit of a fuss when Toph's arrival shakes the ground, causing the Elk to back up. Thranduil just barely keeps him from rearing up, holding up a hand for his army to stop and get their footing. "How do others know that there is a conflict in Mirkwood?" He asks Toph, remembering she is without sight. Otherwise, she would be given his sternest look for interrupting his march upon Dol Guldur. "Do try to keep up." He doesn't want to be responsible for the kid, or anyone else.

     When they reach their destination, Thranduil draws his sword and holds it high, then points it forward and the mass of armored Elves in perfect sync draw their weapons with a single *shing* and start running around and past Thranduil, hot on Drowned Ophilia and Sanary's heels.

Golden (782) has posed:
    Gourobei snorts. "Burn the trees. Don't leave any place for the enemy to hide." He intones to the Reapers and other forces as the elves emerge from the woods.
    He regards the elves with cold golden eyes as they surge forward and raises his arms, bringing them forward with a snap and burst of dark stormclouds to send a growing tornado through the elvish ranks. Rocks, branches, leaves, possibly elves are churned up and into the air by the unnatural storm. It will only last a moment or two, but Gourobei intends to cause chaos among the well trained elves with it.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Gorou...? Uh. Huh." Sanary looks up as Golden (in that unfamiliar form) approaches, raising her free-er hand in a brief salute. "So not... Like. Regular food. Gotcha." She takes a deep breath as she catches a glimpse of their pursuers, taking note of how unconcerned the Reapers appear to be with them. Instead, she focuses on Ophelia for now, giving her a brief nod before strapping the gunaxe to her waist.

     "Understood. It's show time." Taking a deep breath to steady herself, the healer begins channeling her magical energy outwards. As she concentrates, large car-sized masses of gray mush form and trail in the air above her. They aren't all that strong by any means, but they don't need to be for what she's planning.

     "We've got company." Sanary's speaking in a significantly deeper (forced) tone now, trying to rekindle that pseudo-mysterious bodyguard persona from the last time she had worked with Ophelia. As Thranduil's Elves draw closer, she raises her free hand and brings it down with a dramatic motion, looking like she's outright flinging those gray masses right at them!

     The masses probably look a lot more impressive than they actually are, though, since they're... Well. Mush. Touching the mush would feel like an odd cross between shaving cream and cotton candy, but there's a lot of it, and it's very opaque. It'd probably be hard to see through it if it landed in anyone's eyes!

Thranduil (592) has posed:
Poor Alden is ignored by Thranduil as they charge forward. He isn't exactly the most conversational of kings, finding anyone not an Elf to be an annoyance.

Lunara (935) has posed:
Lunara's eyes widen warily as the elves around Thranduil pull their weapons. She holds up a hand as she backs off a bit, staggering a bit as the earth begins to shake but she regains her footing quickly. "I mean you no harm, I'm pretty sure we're on the same side here."

     She blinks a bit as Toph leaps from the very earth, but greets her with a nod before leaping off after Thranduil and his elves. Now she's far enough behind them though that the attacks against them come before she leaves the cover of the forest, so she is more careful in heading out into the open, giving the tornado a wide berth and doing her best to avoid the mush.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Don't take it personally, these guys aren't as sociable as most," Toph asides to Lunara as she brushes off some dirt from her shoulder. Though she does answer Thranduil's question about how they know what's going on. "We know because a crazy chick said some ominous stuff about this place, and well... that's what we're here for." The blind girl fiddles with her radio, then holds it up for Thranduil to hear. As for his urging her to do her best to keep up? Now that earns a brief laugh from Toph. "Really? I caught up to you guys, you've seen what I can do before and /now/ you're worried that I won't be able to keep up?"

    And sure enough, the blind earthbender isn't slow on her feet, using her bending to slide along the ground in places, launching herself over roots and such where she needs to. It's not like she needs anybody to be responsible for her either, considering she's fifteen now! That's totally too old to be considered a kid in her opinion.

    Upon reaching Dol Goldur, Toph can't help but frown. The place seems... rather nasty. And there seems to be a lot of attackers here if her feet are correct. Which they are. Skeletons? Ugh, how do those things even more? It shouldn't be possible from a logical stand point, in so many ways!

    When some of the elves fall over from being struck with something she herself can't see, Toph blinks in surprise and pulls back. "What the crud is going on...?" she asks, then grunts as she gets ready to do her thing. Sinking into a wide stance, Toph throws her arms forward quickly three times in a row, and a series of spikes shoot out from the earth towards the Reapers.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     From out of the dark gloomy skies, a small portal opens up. Said portal apparently has eyes on the inside and strangely, a young girl comes out of the portal before it closes shut. Reimu feels a small feeling of unease as she enters the gloomy place. As she continues to fly further on, she sighs upon seeing the fire in the forest. Out of the corner of her eye, she also notices the rather large army of the undead as well, but strangely they appear to be skeletons. Up ahead, she can also notice the large masses of gray mush as well as a large group of elves led by another elf as well.

     "Well, it's pretty obvious what the problem is here. So, time to get to work." She readies her sacred talismans along with her gohei and she begins to fly forth toward the army of the undead. As soon as they come in range, she waves her gohei and four red and white orbs appear around her. They immediately begin to send forth a barrage of red seals meant for the purpose of handling evil spirits. The myriad of paper charms glowing with divine energy head straight toward the skeletal cavalry.

Alden (930) has posed:
The digimon was starting to get a bit... uneasy, at least until a very familiar rumble of the earth happens!. He perks his ears and quickly pads to the location... while making sure not to provoke the armed elves, thankfully, being on all fours makes it a bit easier to remain steady!. He greets Toph happily, his tail wagging, "Toph!" he barks, his voice very similar to what Toph's familiar with. There is also a second voice, coming from atop Alden's head, "Friend of yours?" asks Katze (shinki). He remains behind as well, if only to see what is going on... and suddenly, very glad he did!. He is surprised to see another digimon, one that feels... familiar?.

     Still, Alden decides he has to get ready, and asks Katze to jump away and remain behind. "Now Katze." he barks. The shinki seems to do something with a large device in her hands, and Alden is wrapped in a bright glow for a second or two, before exploding, revealing... something of about the same size, only covered in armor!. "Better.". He follows Toph's lead, and sticks at range. He widens his stance a bit, as several hidden missile ports open across his back and sides, "Burst wolf claw!" he exclaims, a barrage of smallish, but powerful missiles launching towards the reapers as well.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Elves are drawn up into the whirlwind, landing with a crash. Some of them stay down, a few get back up and return to their formation. The Elvenking watches with a frown, then shouts something in Elvish that translates roughly to "Eliminate the enemy. Show no mercy, have no concern for the outsiders." Nobody ever said he wasn't a bit of a jerk. He can't help it, they just learned to distrust everyone. From the back of his elk, Thranduil swings his sword to cut through the grey mush if possible, trying to avoid it.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
Turning her attention to the skies once more, Drowned Ophelia raises her hands on high - one finger gesturing directly up towards the night sky above. The middle finger, of course. And then that arm swings down in a reaping arc as she hits the Six Stringed Sorrow - and begins thrashing, -hard-. A frentic, crazed hammering as her head dips, head bouncing rapidly in tune. The air shudders around her, and from somewhere comes the sound of rapid drums as she communes with DEATH METAL. There is a strange sound, like rewinding tap, as metal struts begin to form and rise around her, twisting around each other as they sprout; Like metal bones. They form a cage around the stone tower, and from each side drops a thick purple curtain bearing the logo of the Drowning Doom. In the Brutal Lands, 'battle of the bands' is a quite literal affair. Dol Guldur is not 'unoccupied', of course - The crash and roar of orcs can be heard as they are harrassed by the Reapers, flashing scythes and thundering hooves of boney mounts matched by the mad cackles of insane undead. But ony those that get near where the STAGE are attacked; No one's allowed backstage without a pass, after all.

And then the Reapers are under attack. Spikes of stone spear through quite a few, shattering and scattering the glowing bones which scatter across the ground; Dissipating in a mist even as they die. Almost as one, the Reapers wheel and charge back out towards the enroaching Silvan army; Leaning forward in eagerness as they ride hard towards the elves, making easy targets as they glow and cackle and swing. Explosions from Alden rip across the front, sending more than a few scattering through the air as well - but the freak seem unconcerned with their own demise. EverGore swoops wide, flinging giant feathers downward with enough force to shatter ancient oak - just buying time, buying time.

And, finally, the curtain falls as Drowned Ophelia stands atop a converted stage; Lights flare to life, swinging outwards to illuminate the tower as the racous thrashing hits a sweet solo. She's chewing on her lip, fingers crawling up the neck, wake candles flaring brightly along the machine head. A roar of engines, deep and loud, and from somewhere in the tower comes - a hotrod? No, a hotrod with an ORGAN on top! A ghost cracking knuckles as it smiles to itself and begins to play. Fog rolls outwards from the monstrous machine, sinking into the stone, playing along the reliefs and liches trapped within; Awakening the dead. Stones creak and crack, and still the Death Metal plays on, its effects getting stronger as Drowned Ophelia's legs spread; Arching her back, lost in the reverie..

ThemeSong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P0Wz3wqtpo

Sanary Rondel has posed:
The mush, combined with the transformed Golden's tornado, becomes a whirlwind of weird squishy garbage! It's... Still not much of a physical threat beyond minor blinding, though, and possibly being a nuisance from how it's splattering on goddamn everything.

     Are those spikes coming out of the ground? Those are spikes coming out of the ground. And if that voice Sanary heard on the radio was any indication, that can only mean that Toph's here, too.

     On the other side.


     Standing on the skeletal horse, the healer checks her shield and gunaxe before diverting some energy into her anklets, hovering several feet off the ground. She doesn't want to be anywhere near the ground with the Earthbender around, and she shifts her gaze towards Drowned Ophelia while she reappears on that stage.

     "You... Might want to get on the bird." It's a stern warning, but she can't afford to just swoop in and pick the dark lady up just yet. Not with Reimu's seals and Alden's missiles coming their way! Instead, she just shoves herself right between Drowned Ophelia and said projectiles, raising her shield to physically intercept them! A green line of magical energy does keep her linked to the performer, however, granting Ophelia direct access to the healer's energy reserves much like their last mission.

     The blasts from the missiles send her flying back several more feet, and the seals... Sanary's probably lucky they're meant for evil spirits rather than people. "... You know I can't pay you for fighting against us, right?" She calls out to Reimu, her voice cracking just a bit. It's hard trying to sound deep and quiet while shouting during a battle!

     Sanary doesn't reach for the gunaxe, but instead starts generating gray bricks into the air around her, letting them swirl about in front of her. They're not being launched just yet, however, instead keeping them around to act as a sort of projectile wall. She wants to give the shrine maiden a chance to switch sides first, after all!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Upon hearing the familiar voice of the digimon, Toph looks surprised at first, then grins. "Heya, up for doing some hero stuff?" she asks. "Come on, let's show the elves how this is done!"

    Then the music begins, and Toph winces at the loudness of it all, forcing the girl to throw her arms up and press her hands against her ears. "Flying monkey feathers!" she cusses. Sure, she likes rock and roll and some metal, but this... this is abuse of metal. "Okay, not how I pictured going to my first metal concert..." she mutters, then she kicks the ground, aiming to send cracks along the ground towards the attacking Reapers. If they aren't quick enough, then hey, those cracks will open up further, and it might not be fun to fall down into the ground like that.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
Evil spirits is close enough, even though the Reapers are powered by the Dead Gods of Black Metal rather than a particular demon. Seals slap onto boney brows, and the skeletons lose their connection to the Sorrow; Their ghostly glow fading, staggered as their horses collapse beneath them. Not -dead-, but certain sealed. 'Glitching' and easy prey. Between the defenders sudden assault, there's not many Reapers left - whatever DOphelia has planned had better hurry along.

Golden (782) has posed:
    This is quickly becoming a real mess, and without the requisite number of elites to push back, the battle will become a fighting withdrawal. There are tricks that Gourobei possesses though. The dragon-man takes to the air, taking a missile from Alden to the gauntlet and elven arrows clattering against the armor. Though some do find exposed scaly flesh to strike, wounding the corrupted digimon.
    Crowd control tactics are necessary. And so the former Crestbearer visibly gathers energy in his clawed hands, unleashing them as a series of explosive fireballs into the elves. Where they strike trees, thunderous cracks split the air as chunks of the majestic trees explode outward in sprays of wooden shrapnel.
    "Such a waste of your men!" The Black War Greymon bellows towards the regal elf king. Yeah, he's trying to distract the elves.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden grins to Toph, "Yep!, will do my best!" he begins, before the rock music hammers his ears, curse having sensitive senses!. He yelps and paws at his head a few moments, before regaining his composture, "How can people like this kind of music!" he barks outloud, and focuses his attention towards the 'center' of the stage, where Sanary and Drowned were. He growls, noticing WHO the shield was... but not wanting to give a break.

     His next attack is similar than the last, taking a broad stance, but this time, his chest area opens, revealing a large missile with an angry face on it (think bullet bill?), his eyes glowing as he focuses his energy. "Freeze bomber!" he barks, the projectile rushing towards teh hastily forming brick wall. Unlike the previous attacks, this one does not 'explode' in the traditional sense, but rather, inmediatly freezes the area of effect, or at least, causes extreme cold in a large radius around it!. He does notice Golden of course, but he feels... the music is the thing to stop first.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     Reimu remains silent as the barrage continues. That is until she can finally hear the voice shouting up at her. It does not take her long to put together what happened. She sighs as the barrage of evil spirit affecting talismans stops. She places her arms onto her hips and groans audibly at the apparent mistake and she yells out to Sanary,
     "You idiot! Why would you hire a priestess to fight with an army of evil spirits?!"
     From there, she yells out to Sanary as the quartet of Yin-Yang Orbs renew their assault upon the army of undead powered by death metal. As expected, they appear to be homing directly after the rest of the undead rather than aim for Sanary, however there's a particular difference this time. The paper charms surprisingly cut through the air with little resistance as she begins to fly around the large group.
     "Okay, explain to me what's going on before I have to attack you too."

Lunara (935) has posed:
Lunara nods in agreement with Alden about the music but promptly returns her focus to the battle going on. She helps to mop up the remaining reapers, binding them with entangling roots and shattering their bones with blows from the blunt end of her spear. Then as she hears the trees exploding her attention is drawn toward Golden. It pains her to see the forest ablaze as she charges toward the draconic looking humanoid and begins to heave spears at him as she gets within range.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary's feeling much better about being in the air as those cracks open up in the ground. Yep, she's... She's not going to try landing any time soon. She likes being able to move!

     Alden's angry-looking ice missile is met with several of those bricks head on! The bricks that aren't destroyed by the direct impact with the projectile are instead frozen, but... They're still moving! Slower than before now that they're encased in ice, but the healer's still keeping them in the air to continue acting as obstacles and potential threats to the heroes. She doesn't look too bothered by his presence on the battlefield, at least, although she's still refraining from making any direct attacks on him just yet.

     "Eh..? Well, you said you wanted to make some money! How was I supposed to know you're a priestess?!" Sanary's not trying very hard to maintain that facade from earlier, especially not with this impromptu shouting match going on. Sighing lightly, the bricks hovering around Sanary draw back again and begin swirling about her, not firing at anyone just yet. It's acting more like a warning towards anyone that's trying to get too close to Drowned Ophelia, the brick whirlwind looking more than capable of being launched at anyone at a moment's notice.

     "Ophelia here's doing a thing. She needs guards for this... Thing." Sanary's sure as hell not going to admit she's not even completely sure what that specifically is. "If you help us guard her, we'll pay you. What do you say?"

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil glances at Golden, furrowing his brow. With another shout of commands, the army splits in two as if cut with a knife as they begin to identify who is an enemy and who is an ally. He watches as the forest splinters and burns, stark grey eyes staring. It pains him as well, almost literally. They have such a bond with the forest that it is horrifying to watch it burn. "Call upon the runners, get water to douse the trees before the fire reaches our kingdom!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The sudden rain of fireballs catches Toph by surprise, and she lets out a frustrated groan. "Man, how many flying goons do they have?!" she exclaims, hoping that some of the seeing people nearby will let her know. Though she finds herself too close to one of the explosive fireballs, and the teen lets out a pained cry as she's thrown aside, tumbling across the ground and hitting a tree trunk, which slows her tumble a rather abrupt and painful manner. Give her a few seconds before she can get to her feet, she appears to be rather out of it, both from the pain and the disorientation as she's currently upside down.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     Reimu simply looks at the unkempt magical user and sighs for a moment. "If you can't tell me why she would need undead spirits than I have to fight her." Then, she raises her gohei into the air and the four Yin-Yang Orbs move behind her yet they are still facing her direction and they begin to fire forth long, thin needles directly toward Sanary. As expected, they still have the same holy power as usual and she begins to fly back, away from Sanary as the rain of needles continue from the orbs that appear to stay close to her even when she moves.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
The Reapers are - well, reaped. Between earth spikes, holes in the ground, the Silvan army, the orcs, Reimu and Aldeen, they are all but wiped out to a whinnying skeletal cackling madman. This would seem to be an easy victory for the heroes, as all the Queen of Tears has fielded appears to be a twisted combination of a ten cylinder hot-rod and church organ. The odd mist that pours out of the pounding pipes, seeping into the ground, suddenly twists; Jerks. And stone collapses outwards as the undead rise, their eyes aglow with green witchfire. But unlike your normal zombie, these ones - begin to bounce up and down. And then hammer their heads back and forward.
Necromancer? NO, NECROMOSHER. Metal spikes hammered into the back of their skulls scrap and into bones spark as the bounce off on another, then begin pouring out of the gates of Dol Guldor with cries of rage and hate. Much, MUCH harder to kill than the Reapers. Green fires light up at the bottom of the tower - gateways. Black ichor begins to rise from the paving stones, the misery of this place drawn upwards in liquid form. Orc battlecries become squeals of pain as the water rises - skin blackening, eyes going white and - glasses?
"Oh, this used to be called Amun Lanc. You never heard of it." One pronounces solemnly, as it adjusts spikey metal frames. Orcs? No, DORCS. The poisonously snarky creatures begin fielding the causeways, dragging their unenlightened brothers; Screams become bubbles as the dark creatures are drowned - and then Drowned. From above, the EverGore focuses suddenly on - Reimu! The huge raven creature swooping in for the priestess, screaming its rage as it tries to do nothing so much as swallow the figure whole! After all, if you're not WITH Ophelia, you are against her!
And still the music hammers on, growing louder and louder. Pot fires explode upwards along the Doomed Tower, electricity beginning to arc upwards from the Queen of Tears guitar as she picks up the pace; Hard. Her fingers almost a blurr as she hugs the neck of the Six Stringed Sorrow, grimacing in pleasure/pain. "Don't worry about water!" She cries to the skies, almost as if she heard Thranduil over the sound of DEATH METAL.
"I have tears enough to drown all your fiery lights." Her gaze is wide - mad. And storm clouds begin to ripple into existance above her, curling around one another. The heavens weep tears of ichor, splattering upon the ancient stone work as lightning crackles and roars - but it won't be long before it begins spreading outwards.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
This is the themesong. The themesong of the scene, now. See the themesong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOzp7KPWJyg

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     Reimu glances to the side as the shape of the large raven creature comes flying directly after her. Her eyes widen slightly as she quickly swerves away from the large beast, the sudden swerving causes the four Yin-Yang Orbs to go right back into their usual position of hanging around Reimu's side and the barrage of needles comes to a sudden halt as she flies away from the death metal raven.

     She glares at the raven for a moment before glancing toward Sanary. There is no further need for words at this point and the four orbs renew their assault, however, the needles are aimed directly at the raven rather than Sanary. Sanary can be dealt with later if needed.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden rushes to help Toph, grumbling about his attack doing nothing but perhaps freeze some bricks. "Hey, Toph? are you ok?" he asks, dumb question perhaps, but he is concerned!. He grumbles as he sees the situation going from back to worst. "Katze?, let's try something else." he says softly. The small Shinki nods, the device in her hands glowing, before Alden begins to glow as well.

     "Let's hope this does work a bit better... Out of the way!" he tries, before he begins charging his lazor!. His muzzle glows brightly, same as his eyes, his form shuddering as he gathers power, before opening his mouth, a large beam... pair of beams at that, helix form! "Positron Laser!". Giant laser/beam, the beam a bit larger than he was, shooting towards Ophelia!, it is enough to smash and destroy lesser things, and slam/shove back something fierce at things that do not get broken. It is clear that A) it is a big strain for him to keep it up. And B)He is not likely to hold onto it for long, but hopes to at least interrupt the song, or disrupt what Ophelia wanted... and clear a path to her at the same time.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Although they are physically hardy, Elves are a bit squishy on the inside. The whole army pauses, several taking steps backward. Thranduil's elk rears up as the undead pour out, throwing the Elvenking to the ground and running back toward the kingdom. After recouping from having the wind knocked out of him, Thranduil rises to his feet, drawing both swords, his eyes wide with...something. Is it fear? Elves have a strong sense of dread when it comes to the undead, and with so many of them, it's taking all he and his fellow Elves have to keep from running away. Taking a deep breath, Thranduil leads the charge once again. "I know not who is friend and who is foe. Identify yourselves." He says to the outsiders, sweeping his swords out to try and take out any enemies near him.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I'm /fine/," Toph mutters in response to Alden's inquiry. It's not a graceful sight as Toph connects with the ground again, as her legs are too heavy and she falls away from the tree... flat onto her face. Ow.

    Though it doesn't take many seconds before Toph pushes herself up with a grunt, spitting some dead leaves away from her face. All before her eyes go wide, her fingers digging into the ground. "Oh, what are they doing /now/?!" Yes, she 'sees' that. Things are coming out of the ground, stuff that shouldn't!

    As they pour out of the gates, Toph is getting to her feet, looking rather disgruntled. "Who gave /you/ permission to rise from the ground anyway?" she mutters, then spreads her arms and begins to focus on the necromoshers. Those she can 'see' after all. Or rather, the ground underneath them. Closer and closer they get, and Toph grits her teeth as she seems to struggle with the ground, clearly building up to something big since she doesn't immediately bend the earth. After ten seconds, she strikes out with both hands, twisting her wrists to turn her palms upward.

    The earth explodes underneath some of the necromoshers, seeking to drag them back down! There are too many of them for Toph to focus on all, but she's going to try and bury them again. And for those who are left? Well, why not use the metal that's in their bloody skulls? Reaching out again, Toph does a sweeping motion with her arms, seeking to bend the metal and thereby the necromoshers into the other necromoshers nearby, hopefully giving the elves a chance to attack!

Sanary Rondel has posed:
"Really? Alright, alright.. I'll keep you in mind if I ever need an exorcism or something, though." Sighing as well, Sanary runs a hand through her hair to try and regain some of that 'mysterious bodyguard' composure from before. Not that it amounts to much once she's forced to confront the miko directly, however, bringing up her shield to meet those needles. Although the shield itself is more than capable of withstanding the physical hit, the holy energy carried in them punches right through to the healer herself, drawing a sharp grimace and cringe at the pain going through her arm.

     "Kh... Not bad...!" Quite literally through it, even. Sanary's forced to shift that riot shield over to her other arm to give the injured one time to rest, pumping healing energy into it to try and get it working again. The healer readies her flaoting pile of bricks as if she's about to sling them right at Reimu, but she halts when she sees EverGore swooping in.

     Friendly fire is bad. Instead, she turns her attention completely to Alden! Who is... Firing a giant freaking laser towards Ophelia and, due to proximity, Sanary herself.

     Well... Crap. She sends her bricks (uncluding those previously frozen ones) right at that laser to try and intercept it, but they crumble under that blast. Bracing the shield in front of her, Sanary focuses her magical energy inwards to bolster her own endurance before taking the blast head on!

     In retrospect, she probably should have brought her armor instead of trying to look imposing without it. Hovering the way she is, Sanary's pushed back steadily by the beam, and she puts her all into trying to keep the blast from reaching Ophelia! She grunts, she strains, her ponytail and jacket flutter dramatically in the wind behind her, and by the time the dust settles...

     The healer is on her back in a daze, pinned underneath her own shield not too far from the very person she was defending. But was that enough to interrupt the songstress' plan?

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
For a moment, it would appear that the Queen of Tears ludicrous 'plan' was going to work - the elves fall backwards beneath the unslaught of the NecroMoshers, who's entire battle strategy consists of 'get close and bounce off a lot of things'. Golden was keeping the rest busy between his tornado spam, and the EverGore caught the priestess's attention off of the Tear Drinkers below. Which is basically any insane undead empowered by DEATH METAL via the liquid sorrow of Black Tears. Alden's blast strikes forward, Drowned Ophelia almost leaning forward as if -wanting- it - before Sanary takes the pain. And is driven all the way up to crash into the stage itself. Even then, Ophelia is forced to release the Six Stringed Sorrow and raise her clawed hands to defend herself from the remnants of the massive blast, the energy crackling along her forearms. The ebon ectoplasm that surrounds her dissipating, evaporting as it sunders beneath the blast - but she stands, still. And spreads her arms wide, laughing.
"Goroubei!" She calls, and points a finger towards Alden, her eyes narrow. "Fetch." That slow, nasty smile on her face.
5rAnd theeeen everything goes horribly wrong. Toph's bending suddenly throws a wrench in the works, a good swath of NecroMoshers go piling into the holes in the ground - cackling and laughing and screaming madly as they claw against the unforgiving earth. Others are slammed into one another, forming hobbling masses of flinging arms and grasping claws. One or two highfive each other at their sudden siamese twin freak show. But it leaves an -opening-, right up the middle, while the Dorcs are busy converting other Orcs. Right up to the dubbed Doom Tower, with the gateway trying to form below - a perfect avenue for elves. The music pounds on, reverberating in the air despite Drowned Ophelia's guitar having been removed in order to save herself - maintaining. Death Metal has been summoned.

The EverGore turns, screaming in pain as the needles riddle up its side. It then flaps once or twice before turning on Reimu and flapping HARD. Giant, needled feathers go zipping through the air, looking to pin that priestess to the ground so the Grimm can devour her.
Even Lunara doesn't get a rest. As the weeping heavens pour outwards, black water falls from Dol Guldur to the Mirkwood below - and where it touches, trees lose their leaves. A few beginning to twist around one another, growing into a single huge tree while the ground beneath it rumbles.

Golden (782) has posed:
    The corrupted hero turns his gaze from the elves to the MetalGarurumon and flies toward the fellow digimon. He begins spinning, the gauntlet-claws pointed forward as black streaks of energy whip around him as he attempts to drill into his former friend with the claws.
    "You can't save them, Alden." says the voice. "They'll all die. The world will always turn to ash around us." The Black War Greymon squares off against Alden, the Dramon Destroyers at the ready.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Aware of Thranduil yelling, Toph raises her hand, just in case the elves around her didn't figure out that she's fighting for them. "I'm Toph Beifong from the Union, I've helped you before, and I will help you again! Let's kick their asses out of your forest! Alden and the deerilope lady are obviously fighting for you guys too!" Sorry Lunara, Toph doesn't know your name. So now you're the Deerilope lady. If the elves can even understand what she means.

    She's about to further the attack, though the moment the rain falls on her, she pulls back her arm with pained yelp, wincing. "What kinda messed up rain is this?!" she demands. Okay, too bad they didn't bring umbrellas and raincoats for this. Seems she will have to focus on a defensive role here, otherwise the others won't make it long. With an annoyed grunt she kicks the ground, and the earth rises up around her, covering all of her save for her mouth and nose. THAT ought to give her some protection. And now to protect the others.

    The earthbender throws her arms up, and here and there the earth shoots up in diagonal plates, large and meant to offer cover from the rain. Of course considering how many elves there are, this is something that will take a while, and so Toph is forced to focus on reshaping the battlefield for the sake of protecting her allies. Because if they are all injured by the rain, then they're done for.

Alden (930) has posed:
The blast ends with Alden falling to his side, grumbling adn trying to regain his breath after using most of his energy. That he was still even a metalgarurumon still comes to a surprise to himself... but still, things seem to work out!. Wait... why is the music still going... why is the rain hurting him...and why is that black wargreymon coming at.. oh no... "Alden, get up!" comes from behind him, Katze trying to warn her owner, even as Alden gets up and jumps back slowly.

     "I won't give up without trying." he growls, trying to look menacing. He decides to take to the air safer for everyone else!, jumping up and flying upwards, hoping to take the upcoming blows away from the others, "Why are you helping them!" he snarls. He is no close range fighter.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     Reimu surprisingly enough smiles at the sight of the needled feathers flying directly toward her. As the orbs continue their onslaught against the avian, their carrier veers away from the sudden needled feathers. As she weaves through the air, needled feathers are constantly clouding her vision as they continue to pierce through the air. If it weren't for the fact that the sky was already dark, everyone would have been able to notice the onslaught of feathers easily. After a quick aerial dodge to the left to avoid an incoming feather, she flies forward weaving her way through the storm.

     She manages to make her way close enough as the needles continue their assault on the raven, however, the young miko comes to a stop as she begins to glow. Then, suddenly, as the rain begins to come forth she raises her hand into the air and summons forth a large barrier directly in front of the rain that's falling closer to her. As the red and white barrier begins to grow, it seems to come closer and closer to the raven. It should be expected that if that barrier hits the raven, it's probably going to burn.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     The Elves are rather well armored, so most of them should be fine. Those who aren't armored like the archers and scouts make their way quickly to find shelter beneath Reimu's barrier. Thranduil has no helmet (it would mess up his pretty hair!), so he suffers a few nicks and scrapes. He slices through some of 'rain' and looks up into the sky made gloomy by dead trees and the darkness. "Archers!" He shouts, and those armed with bows take aim at the creature overhead.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
That could have gone better. That could have gone /so/ much better. If not for the shield and the magic, Sanary would probably be little more than a smoking crater on stage now! Prying herself out of the ground, the healer's looking a little shaky as she forces herself onto her feet, using the shield as a crutch. She shuffles over to where Drowned Ophelia is standing, then reaches for her shoulder. Double-crutch!

     Also, to make it easier for her to link her energy to the Queen of Tears'. Sanary didn't quite like what she felt the last time she did it, but it's her best shot at helping Ophelia recover some of her energy, stave off some of the wounds, and all without subjecting herself to more giant beams!

Lunara (935) has posed:
Lunara cries out in pain as the black rain begins to fall upon her. Wearing basically no armor at all, the rain feels like acid as it falls upon her elven upper half, and her fur won't protect the rest of her skin for long. Her first instinct is to seek shelter from the trees, but the rain seems to be killing them on contact, leaves falling like the entire season of fall is condensed into a single moment.

     Thankfully some of her allies here seem to be on it, and she quickly seeks cover under some of the earth bent up by Toph. She then turns her attention toward the raven, hefting a few spears at it, each bearing a slowing poison.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
The EverGore twists once more, preparing for another pass at the smaller Reimu - when the Silvan army belows unleashes wave after wave of arrow. And knowing the elvish propencency for showing off how fricking skilled they are, the arrows all probably hit in neat little lines along the giant raven's side to punctuate Lunara's spears. The giant bird shudders asides, poisoned, screaming its rage - before it is struck by the rising barrier of Reimu's. It catches on -fire-, crashing back to Dol Guldur. There it smolders, cawing weakly, and leaving Reimu with sky superiority!

Have you ever been hurt? Not physically, but emotionally. The sudden punch of surprise, the bitter words of an ex-lover or a parent. Some humiliating fraction of time where it feels like your chest is screwed down so tight you can't breath, and for a few heartbeats you just -know- if someone asks you 'are you alright?', you're going to punch them in the ****ing face because it hurts so much. And then the moment passes, your chest unwinds - though perhaps it still hurts and you sob. Now imagine if that moment never passed - if just stretched on and on and on, the grief and hurt and hate all blended together like a misery slurry. That's what Sanary feels when she connects -this close- to Drowned Ophelia. It'd be enough to steal breath - but it also keeps her from being hurt as the rain falls, soothing away pain with madness and apathy.
The Shelter between Toph's battlefield control and Reimu's shield does wonders for clearing a path; With the NecroMoshers broken and left ineffective, the Dorcs still busy, the Doomed Tower awaits any brave enough to run the gauntlet. The Queen of Tears glancing aside to Sanary, smiling that bitter, tight smile, before the Six Stringed Sorrow forms once more; And her claws hit it hard, thrashing - the pounding sound growing now as the gateway below stabilizes. Nothing..? .. No, ripples like water. And the Black Tears begin to pour, crawling like tar upon the ground, tendrils whipping this way and that. She intends to flood Dol Guldur -and then the Mirkwood.
"Come play in the puddles, children!" She croons in her grief and madness, laughing darkly. Unconcerned with the pain of her own allies. Now or never!

MEanwhile, the large bare tree suddenly begins to shake as the rain stops; Others halt their sudden loss of foilage, but this one has been far too corrupted. Earth cracks around it, as ravens fly in to circle overhead. And it rises - atop the hunched back of a huge troll, eyes dimly glowing with witchlight. The massive, hunchbacked TreeBack stooping as it focuses on Lunara. And then roars!

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil pauses and puts a hand to his forehead, trying to blink the encroaching darkness out of his vision. It's a flaw with Elves: so much dread and hatred can bring one to their knees. He only pauses for a moment, then he's back to slicing through anything in his way with his swords. Who would have pictured the prissy Elf as a dual wielder?

Golden (782) has posed:
    Gourobei gives chase to Alden. "Because they showed me how weak I was! How blind I was! It's time to tear down the false gods and kings and purge the world of their thralls!" More explosive fireballs hurtle through the air at the Metal Garurumon. "Join us and we'll destroy all the ills that beset the Multiverse!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Luckily the rain doesn't seem to have done enough damage to kill anybody just yet, and now it's stopping. What a relief! Toph does keep her earthen armour on however, and now with a way open into Dol Goldur, the earthbender kicks her foot into the ground before she gets ready to head into the ruins of the doomed tower. But then the giant tree seems to rise... no. That's no tree.
%tAs the huge troll claws its way out of the ground, Toph turns slightly with a frown. Okay, that large thing needs to go down. Though it's too big to simply yank back into the ground like she did with some of the necromoshers.

    As quickly as she can, Toph kicks into the ground and throws her arms out in a split palm attack, causing a large pillar to shoot out from the ground, aimed at the troll's leg in an attempt to make it lose its balance.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:

     From there, Reimu concentrates on keeping the barrier up rather than moving forward for a moment. After all, this is a bit of first for her in holding up a barrier. From there, she still begins to fly closer until she grins upon seeing that the rain has finally stopped. As the barrier fades away she turns her attention to the giant troll that appeared right nearby. She shrugs for a moment, "This could be harder than I thought, but for once I'm glad that this is different from my usual job."

     From there, the four red and white orbs float in front of the young girl as she flies closer to the giant troll. A barrage of needles and talismans appear to be aimed directly in front of Reimu as she flies closer to the troll. Several needles and talismans to the eyes can probably stun the large beast, but it most likely won't kill it.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is honestly in not a great shape to fight, "You are crazy!, someone is messing with your head!" he barks back, flying back as a couple of missiles are sent towards the black greymon, about all he can do, while still being able to move!. At least he is fast, even if he is tiring fast. He is starting to slow down after a few minutes.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary grimaces as she feels that rush of emotions again, the familiar-yet-unfamiliar pain invading her senses even as her body is still trying to fight off the physical pain of getting blasted just a short while ago. She seems to be wavering on the line between going completely berserk and becoming a sobbing mess, any thoughts of trying to maintain that cool exterior all but gone at this point.

     Then she screams. Not in a painful, despair-filled way, but more like the sort of scream someone would let out to just blow off all sorts of steam when nobody else is in the same building for fear of getting the police involved. She goes quiet for a few seconds after that, then lets out another scream much like the first one before slumping against her shield.

     "... That's better. Now... Let's finish this already!" The healer lets out an odd chuckle as she keeps her hand held against Drowned Ophelia, the link between them almost seeming... Reinvigorated? Strengthened? Or is the healer just putting her all into it without regard for her own safety? Either way, the Queen of Tears might just feel something odd in that link alongside the rush of energy.

Lunara (935) has posed:
Seeing the EverGore go down in a smoldering heap felt like a small victory, but the giant twisted tree that Lunara had been to distracted by the battle and the rain to notice, rears up with a troll atop it's corrupted crown. She can't really think of much she can do against the gigantic tree, but she attempts to help Toph in knocking the troll off it's perch with a couple spears that seek to impale it. Finally she turns her attention toward the Dark Tower, and it's stage, having caught on by now that changes in the music seem to be driving much of what they have been battling against tonight. "Here goes nothing!" She mutters to herself.

     She quickly runs into the forest, finding the least corrupted parts nearby, and uses her magic to summon a small squad of treants from the very woods themselves. She returns to the battlefield with them at her side and commands them to attack the base of the tower, while following close behind and channeling a spell to send waves of powerful roots into the rock of the foundation of the tower as the treants hammer away at it. Lunara hopes it's enough to destablize the structure and bring the whole stage down.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
The Treeback has met its match in Toph and Reimu; Toppling forward with a gut churning roar of disbelief, before it raises a thick arm while Reimu needles it with wards and holy power. It weakens visible - before the crows circling the bared branches of the tree growing from its hunchback scream and launch themselves outwards. Looking to crash into the flying Reimu, to cut at her with tens of little claws and little beaks; Looking to harrass and charge at Toph upon the ground.

The Elf King's skill is unmatched - while the NecroMoshers depend on numbers and mobility, something deprived to them by Toph's prior acts. But his forces are harried, the Silvarn army as emotive a foe as Drowned Ophelia could ever hope to face. Her face lights up with .. it's not joy. But a strange, satisifed hate as she claws the air between her and the King. Gaze sweeping upon all the heroes lined up to stop her, bright hearts and minds trying to stand against Sorrow. "Weep with me.." She whispers to the elves, to the bender, to the priestess and digimon and druid as she lifts the Six Stringed Sorrow on high, machine head pointing straight up as she leans back. Lightning arcs between her and the storm, which swells outwards. Reimu's shield won't hold it all for long, and it seems that the Mirkwood will at last sink beneath the waves of horror and grief begun long ago by the rising shadow. Starlight lost beneath the bruised, pregnant clouds as heavens weep and wail.
"Scream with me! Drown with me! Let your hate flow free, let your sorrow be unchained! Swim in vengeance, sink in pain, and rise once more!" When Sanary offers her energy, it is taken with greed; Sucking down power like a kid with a chocolate silly straw.

It seems like it'd be a victory for .. not for anyone, really. Nothing wins but entrophy and fatalism when the Drowning Doom marches. And then? The whole stage shifts; The vines from Lunara working into the cracks in the stone, weakening them as Tree-ents struggle through the sloshing, tar like Black Tears. Even as corruption withers at their legs, they're crashing into the stone works. Drowned Ophelia staggers, keeping a grip on Sanary as her performance - her very STAGE - is interrupted. Like all that the Drowning Doom does, strength is mixed with frailty. Their strongest point is also their weakest link. Shrieking her annoyance, Drowned Ophelia forms wings upon her back once more as she leaps aside - hopefully taking Sanary with her, to land near EverGore. The music suddenly comes to a jarring halt, leaving an impressive silence in its wake - storm clouds evaporating overhead, as the gateway to the Sea of Black Tears winks out of existance. The remainder of the Drowning Doom suddenly far weaker - and uncoordinated. Even the TreeBack is suddenly listless, simply standing there as it is hacked down..

Sanary Rondel has posed:
It doesn't take long for the normally tanned healer to start turning pale with just how much energy is moving from her to Drowned Ophelia. Her magic reserves are bottoming out, she looks like she's barely able to stand, and even her magitech eye flickers a few times before it just goes dim along with her sight.

     It's a good thing the woman has wings, since the healer all but collapses right onto her once she leaps off that tower. Despite being almost completely drained, however, Sanary still manages a tired, if somewhat pained chuckle. "That's the way... Break it all down, and... And... Yeah. /Looks/ like we're just about done here, eh? Eh?"

     Even if she can't see and feels like she's about to pass out, that doesn't mean she can't still try to find some dark humor in all of it!

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil shouts more commands in Elvish and a large portion of the army backs off. He and a group of his more elite soldiers rush forward until Ophelia begins shouting, the bitter cold feeling of dread stopping them in their tracks. How does Elrond manage to do this without succumbing to it? Thranduil is a hands-on type of King even if he comes across as a snooty, prissy prettyboy. "Wither away, vile woman. You will not succeed this day." It is times like this that he wishes they could make friends with the giant spiders and have them to risk their lives instead of the elves.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Suddenly, birds! As they charge at her, Toph lets out a startled yelp. It's a good thing she's still armoured, which means that they can't easily hurt her, though they do make it hard for her to focus for a moment. "Ah, flying frog rats!" she spits, flailing her arms as she tries to slap some of the crows aside so they can stop pestering her!

    And there the drama queen herself begins her monologue, and Toph looks mighty displeased and annoyed. "THIS is why rock music is better than your emo death metal!"

    Luckily Lunara knows how to deal with corruption in nature, and the wandering... trees do their thing. And there the music mercifully stops, causing the entire chaos to die down. And given the chance, Toph isn't slow to summon some more earthen spikes to deal with the remainder of the enemy forces that the others aren't already working on defeating.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:

     Her eyes widen upon seeing the giant Treeback begin to fall towards her. Her eyes widen from the sight of the enormous beast. With a surprising burst of speed, she flies back, her dress being blown from air resistance as she rushes to get away from the falling behemoth of a troll. However as she moves out of the way, she turns back to see to her surprise the Treeback basically just standing there doing nothing. Reimu merely stares at the large, impossing sight with disbelief as it stands perfectly still.

     Unfortunately, the birds still manage to fly directly directly toward her which she responds by waving her gohei which sends out large repeated streams of yellow talismans that seem to flow forth as if they were water sprinkling from a fountain. In her haste though, a few of the birds manage to scratch her dress before caught in the spray. She grits her teeth before twisting her gohei slightly and the path of the spray shifts directly into the path of the rest of the oncoming birds.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
EverGore's enflamed feathers have been soothed by the falling rain of black tears, the oversized raven shaking itself back to its taloned feet. Smoldering slowly, the weeping witchlight that is its eyes focused on the lost battle below. The mop-up of Drowning Doom forces in an alien land. It then ruffles feathers, and leaps into the air again - claws angling down to pluck a few Dorcs and NecroMoshers up, as it gains altitude - escape, escape! With something new for the Sea of Black Tears to swallow.

Drowned Ophelia lets Sanary rest on the ground for a moment, that fragile masque broken with rage as she clenches her claws fist. Then relaxes, and glances aside to the 'healer'. With a smirk. "Yeah. We're done." The Six Stringed Sorrow wails once more in a quick solo, lightning striking upwards from the ground and spreading aside to reveal - The Hearse. The heavy engine rumbling and shuddering with speed constrained. Drowned Ophelia looking to pop Sanary in the back - no better sleep than in a coffin, after all, even if the top will be left open. Then whistling for Golden.
""Goroubei! This gig's over." The engine roars to life, flames spouting out the heavy golden blower up top, and the huge rear wheels dig into the ground as it takes off. Following, loosely, the path of the retreating EverGore.


Alden (930) has posed:
Yay, victory!, they won!, or are winning at least. He charges at teh birds again, his 'wings' glowin gbrightly as he does a swift charge/dash attack with energy blades, destroying a large group of birds. "Take that!" he barks, before he suddenly goes, "poop." and faints, his form exploding, and revealing his gabumon self, which falls quickly to the ground. Thankfully, he is durable! so he is not going to die just from that, buuut, he is out of it for now.

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:

     As the sudden spray of talismans clears away her section of the birds, she takes a deep breath as her hair is slightly out of place as well. From there, she looks down towards the groud of humanoids and she decides to fly down toward the one who is apparently wearing rock armor. As she floats down towards the young woman, the four orbs dematerialize from view and she stands on the ground. As she sets her gaze directly toward Toph and she bluntly asks,

     "Would you mind to tell me what just happened? I was going to be hired by Sanary for a job, but when I noticed the army of the undead, I decided to go against her. She mentioned someone named Ophelia as well." As she sets her arms back to her sides, gohei still in her right hand, she continues, "Would you know anything about that?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Letting her armour fall, Toph lets out a sigh of relief as she walks over and picks up Alden. Better get him back to Njorun station, this isn't the safest type of place to leave people behind. The elves might take care of him since he helped them, but eh... they're not that hospitable, and perhaps even less so after their forest was attacked. Not that she can blame them...

    Then there's Reimu landing on the ground, and the earthbender turns her head just slightly, even if she is clearly not looking at the priestess. "Well, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but it seems like Miss Sunshine Happiness there was trying to summon up some nasty stuff because she's a grumpy and vengeful dunderhead, she got help from a Confederate who obviously didn't think it through when she asked you to help." The teenager sighs. "Thanks for helping out, by the way. Those things were /nasty/, just popping out of the ground like rotting daisies..."

Reimu Hakurei (972) has posed:
     Reimu nods in response, "Uh, sure. It's actually part of my job to exorcise evil spirits and I take it you helped in tripping up that giant behemoth back there." She smiles slightly and continues, "Yeah, she didn't think it through before hiring me at all, but I won't get paid for this and I think I'll be okay with that. Anyway, if you need me to help out, I'm from Gensokyo or you can just call me up through the radio." From there, she merely closes her eyes as she waves to Toph, "Make sure to stay safe!" Then, she flies off into the distance to hopefully access another warp gate in order to return home.