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Latest revision as of 16:30, 1 June 2016

A blissful evening
Date of Scene: 24 May 2016
Location: Ai
Synopsis: Felicia meets an old friend/foe at a bar in the Makai... a musical number ensues?!
Cast of Characters: 480, 990

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
It's a full moon tonight in Makai. That means that everyone and the monster under their bed will be at the nightclub tonight to hear Kikuri-hime and Kushinada-hime sing. It's not exactly a coat and tie affair, but everyone has agreed implicitly not to fight or cause trouble, lest the Nue's kick them out. Jedah is sitting at the bar, drinking some strange demonic cocktail. Blood, at least, human blood, is hard to find here, and the blood of the creatures of Makai has a funky taste to it. He's nursing his bowl of onmoraki soup and waiting for the show to start. He put out flyers yesterday in different parts of the multiverse, so it's not hard to imagine someone from another world showing up.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Felicia didn't come around places like this too often. It wasn't that it was something like a dive--it wasn't, it was just well, she had been born in the human world, and her mother was human, and so much of her life had been spent there, she was practically a stranger in a place like the Makai. That said, no one seems to notice a white cat with a blue shock of hair on it's head pad into the bar and casually trot right up to the bar. Some of the folks in there likely saw her, but she didn't seem to mind--and soon it was jumping right up onto the stool next to Jedah. It was a short-haired looking cat, and somewhat small--as if fairly young still. As it looks over at Jedah he might notice it has green eyes--that is of course before a rather impressive light blue aura and flash begins to eminate out of it--like the cat and the stool is engulfed in St. Elmo's fire.

     And seconds later there is the 5'6" figure of Felicia sitting there, her legs already curled under her on the stool. No uniform, not even a disguise, this is au natural Felicia, just as she knew Jedah would know her as.

     "Oh hi there, Jedah--whatcha doin' back in town? Cookin' up some evil plans?" she grinned.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah looks at the cat as though oddly familiar. His eyes widen as it transforms into Felicia. His expression goes from curious to amused. "Well, look what the cat dragged in," he says, sipping his drink. "Yeah, a few schemes in mind. I'm working on a computer virus, a modification of a mollusk with demonic DNA, and a bouncy castle. Ha, as if I'd actually tell you what I'm up to," He cackles.

"Surely you're not here for little old me? You came for the show, right? To listen to the singing and do some karaoke?" He doesn't seem too threatened or worried. Then again, it's nice to see a familiar face in the multiverse, even if you're not friends. Are they frenemies, Jedah wonders?

"Would you like something to drink? Everything's probably going to taste odd, but that's because of the properties of Makai. The soil and nature of the crops causes a rather earthy flavor if you're not used ot it. The onmoraki soup's pretty good, that's what I'm having. Kalpa fish and chips are pretty good, too."

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Well, I could understand the bouncy castle," Felicia said with straight-faced deadpan snarky charm that would make Bill Murray proud. "Aw c'mon, you can let me in on some of your master plans, it'll be fine," she said in a perfectly casual, cajoling tone like they were old friends. Well, they were old acquintances, that part was true.

     "Actually yes, I am--since Dracula is gone and there hasn't been much up on the whole EVIL front, I heard you were back so I decided to come up here to see what you were on about," Felicia reached up with her slender and dextrous 5-fingered, red-nailed hand to brush back some of that wildly 80s shock of blue hair of her's.

     "Everything is probably made out of blood or some kind of ichor, but sure if they got any beers--do they have budweiser in hell?" she raised a brow, likely making a bit of a joke--she was aware this wasn't 'hell', more like the neitherworld. "Kalpa fish, huh? hrm," demon world fish meant it was probably a lot fresher than usual...

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah drinks a bit more. Given his muscular form, and his physiology, it's unlikely he'll get tipsy anytime soon.

"Yes, the loss of Dracula is rather unfortunate, but he comes and goes, or so the lore says. He may be back in another form, or time."

Upon hearing Felicia came for him, he smiles cooly,"You are too kind. And, no, it's not all blood and ichor. There are veggan options. Not all my fellow demons and creatures eat babies you know. That is an unfortunate stereotype, perpetuated by humans. A few bad grapes, and people want to trample the whole vineyard. Yeah, they've got some beer from the human world, imported, very expensive, but what the hell, I'll sponsor you a couple.

"Hell? No, Makai, it's a dark world reflection of the human world, as Tenkai is a light world that is yet another reflection. You may consider yourself mostly human, but you are a Dark Stalker, whatever you believe. Why else would you be welcome here?" Jedah says, glancing around, trying to make her notice that no one thinks her odd here or out of place,"I mean no offense, of course. Try the kalpa, if you don't like it, someone else will eat it. Food doesn't usually go to waste here,"

Jedah signals the bartender, who comes up with two beers one would find in a normal bar in other parts of the multiverse.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Vegan? eww, don't make me ill now--Blood and ichor are one thing, but that's going too far," Felicia reached over and gave the man's royal purple coat a poke, her bare but white-furred and red-nailed feet hooking around the rungs of her stool as she bellied up closer to the bar.

     "Not mostly, my species are half human, technically--most of us anyway, catwomen breed with men of other species--usually human," she winked at Jedah, then took the beer that was offered with a smile and a thank-you to the bartender, turning back to look at Jedah.

     "Alright alright, damn if I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to make this an awesome date," Felicia snerked, grinning back at the 'lord of vampire' over there, thanks translators, you really earned those rubles.

     "I guess I'll try a platter of that kalpa, if they can fry it, it'll be just like fish and chips, do they have potatoes here?--ones without eyes, anyway? and by eyes I mean real ones--because knowing the Makai there'll be actual eyes, probably," she shrugged.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah receives the poke and pretends not to notice. He knows she's trying to rile him up, and being bothered would only cause her to escalate.

"I see." he says thoughtfully, thinking about how he'd like to get a small sample of hair or something to analyze in his lab. Maybe he can convince the bartender to give him the empty beer bottle. It might be useful for his research (consent probably required, and it wouldn't be useful, just saying).

Jedah considers a potato with actual eyes,"It's pretty close to regular potatoes. Imagine a world where life proceeded a little differently. Different proteins, different enzymes, buy basically similar anatomy and physiology. It's not that different from your world, except that there's a lot more genetic diversity, perhaps due to demonic DNA not being quite so careful to ensure it copies itself perfectly, but also maintaining viability.In other words, it's just a world where life developed differently, not unlike the rest of the multiverse."

"A date?" he snerks, too. "I think you know me too well for that, but yes, it's nice to just relax sometime." Jedah signals the bartender, who returns quickly with the food. It looks a little more colorful, but should taste good, maybe a bit better than your average fish and chips. Jedah finally realizes she's teasing him about Makai, and chuckles. "Taste for yourself."

About that moment the harpsichord begins to play (old school piano without dynamics), and a lovely brown skinned woman with glowing eyes and a strange Shinto-ish style dress takes the stage.

"Oh, good, she's starting. That's kikuri-hime. She and her sister kushinada-hime are the primary talents here, although after they're done karaoke will be open. It's mostly songs you know, just because, well, the machine probably came from the human world. Technology is generally something that most creatures here don't grasp quite as well. The power source may very well be mystical." Jedah hushes himself as the haunting, elegaical voice of the goddess fills the lounge. If anyone looks around, they will be surprised at how spellbound the audience is. Whatever humans might think of them, they have an appreciation of beauty, at least a little.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Felicia had been drinking with her lips contacting the beer bottle, so likely all Jedah had to do was collect the bottle when she left if he wanted her DNA--it would be genius, actually. "Well then, I guess it wouldn't be too hard to get some actual fish and chips then, thanks please mate," Felicia winked and gave a smile and thank you to the bartender, in that case. "Haven't spent a lot of time here myself since you summoned us all here that one time, Demitri had gotten a fair bit more skeezy than I remmebered," Felicia gave a bit of a 'phew' at that, their third tournament so to speak had been quite a time. She recalled Donovan had seemed to be having a hard time during that period, too.

     When the exotic makai singers came on stage though, Felicia had remained a bit quiet as she drank and ate and they listened to the performance. Some part of her was a just a bit jealous. She looked over at Jedah who was sitting quietly and watching intently and had to admit this made the wannabe-star feel just a bit like a second-banana here.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah notices the change in Felicia. Jealousy? That's good. He playfully pokes her with a grin, while muttering an incantation in Italian, and attempts to replicate Demitri's midnight bliss transformation effect. Whether the transformation is partially mental or not he doesn't know. If it works, he'll look her over, smile and say, "They're cheering you on," and points to the stage. He whistles, causing a lot of the demons to hoot and holler, to emulate that effect.

At least she'll be the center of attention, and maybe even get a bit of the spotlight for herself. He's being playful, not really malicious, but has no idea how she'll take this.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Donovan, god--don't you remember any of us?" Felicia closed her eyes and sighed a bit, like Jedah was a guy who'd forgotten all his old classmates in senior year, or the like. It was kind of amusing, though Felicia hadn't meant to, she sounded a bit 'cattier' than she might have intended--which no doubt helped spur Jedah's little trick on her. "Speaking of diva--" Felicia's green eyes had peered over at the stage just as Jedah's long-nailed finger gave her that poke, she hadn't seen it, unfortunately for her~ and it was undoubtedly magical--what with the resulting puff of smoke.

     As the smoke quickly cleared, the figure that was left sitting next to Jedah was quite familiar, but decidedly different. Her frame hadn't been changed much, her shoulders a bit more svelte, for sure, and her hair had been seemingly tamed and given a much more stylish straight and glossy look, hanging down past her shoulders. Her eyelashes had been lengthened, crimped, lids painted with a shiny shade of blue eyeshadow, her lips cupid's bow and coated in rouge. She was clad in a full-length white strapless cocktail dress with a slit up one side, with a pair of shoulder-length satin gloves in a turqoise that was a good match for her hair--the same shade as the shiny stiletto high heels that her feet had been slipped into.

     Felicia turned to Jedah and smiled, her legs now more curled to one side of her along the stool, seductively--and she reached up with a satin-gloved hand to her lips--closing her eyes as she blew him a kiss. The shape of her rouge-clad lips seemed to 'jump' away from her lips as the kiss was blown, floating cartoonily across the distance of them and trying to plant itself against Jedah's cyanotic blue cheek.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah receives the kiss graciously. Is that a blush, or did his skin just get a bit purple? Dimitri may be skeezy, but he understands the appeal of Felicia under the affects. Unfortunately, what Jedah remembers about his own transformation is a bit less pleasant, at least when the transformation ends. Hopefully Felicia won't be ticked, but it might do their little rivalry and bantering good. Maybe he can blame it on someone else? Oh well.

"Go ahead and sing. They're waiting for you," He says, shooing her onto the stage. Hime smiles and extends a hand if/when she gets close.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Oh my, Jedah-hon, you do like to show a girl a good time," Felicia casually took a long slug of her beer before gently letting herself down from the stool, her heels click-clacking as she approached the stage, her long white tail trailing along behind her. Her long cat-like ears twitched as she took the out-stretched hand of the other singer, pulling herself conspiratorily close as she seemed much more friendly now thanks to Jedah's little spell. She was soon handed a microphone and the two began a classy piano duet, the crowd silent as the grave as the two sexy starlets gave a stunning performance that might be seen in a smoky piano bar or a packed theater hall.

     The lights of the stage sparkled off Felicia's long white dress and gloves and heels, apparently Felicia was getting her wish~ though this was a bit different from the musicals she had always dreamed of starring in! There was a reason for this--this was Felicia's deep-seated vision of success, given life thanks to the darkstalker's magical prowess that had been used on her.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah gives Felicia a smile and a wink as she slinks onstage. They actually sound pretty good. Jedah takes a moment to get a closer look at Hime (for the benefits of description). She's a silver-haired, dark skinned goddess with a red, white and green modern robe with a sari wrapped around her wrists and hanging down towards her feet. She is shoeless, but doesn't seem to mind as she floats about 6 inches off the s take. She's lovely, a near match for Felicia. She doesn't seem intimidated at all, but rather glad to share the stage. The crowd is going wild, that's for sure.

Eventually Kushinada-hime, a green clad goddess with hair ornaments, bangles that sound bell-like when she moves, and dew-clad feet joins them while they sing. Petals form in the air only to dissolve like pink snow on the ground of the lounge. Something about the trinity of goddess perhaps? Something about hearing the cicadas sing while you slowly fall asleep on someone's shoulder? The lyrics are poetic, but don't quite tell a specific story.

When the trio gets tired of singing, Kikuri, loving to give Jedah the business, too, beckons him onstage as the two goddesses take a break. Now it's time for a duet with Felicia. Oh man, hopefully this doesn't go viral. The Feds back home would never understand. Wishing he had midnight bliss'd himself, he tries to back up Felicia's singing, but really can't sing very well. The audience remains polite however, not wanting to embarrass Felicia. For demons, they really know how to behave in the right circumstances.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Felicia seems delightfully cozy with those two green-robed and dark-skinned beauties, her arms around either of them as she works the stage with her endowment of Marilyn Monroe-infused charm in that state, bringing them both down with her as she shakes dem hips. Those ruby red and bee-stung lips grace both of the princesses in turn as the song ends and Jedah approached, Felicia holding the mic and swinging her tail about with one hand like it was a cast-off feather boa or mink stole.

     She grins foxily and seems able to manage him on stage though and more or less plays the part of his 'gun-moll' during their song, able to keep the crowd under control thanks to her presence and ability to work the audience. Her singing voice was more high and alto like this, like a nightingale, so even if Jedah winds up sorta bad she's there to cancel him out~

     towards the end she approaches his side and throws her arms around his shoulders, one high heeled foot going up and back with her other standing on tippy toes as she has to push herself up even in those saucy stiletto heels to bring her face more level with his--leaning in to give him a big smooch on the cheek--likely leaving a red lipstick imprint there.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah receives this kiss with a definite blush. Did she just make a demon blush? He gently guides her back to the bar, but something prevents him from undoing the incantation. Scientific curiosity? The desire to fan the fire of rivalry? He hasn't felt any of this in a long tims. Unfortunately, the lipstick imprint remains. He didn't think about covering his tracks too well. At least she got the spotlight like she wanted. If it costs him, oh well. He smiles, a genuine smile, and has the bartender reheat his food before going back to it.

"How are you feeling Felicia? Wasn't that singing fun? You were a lot better at it than me."

Felicia (480) has posed:
     Felicia seems to have been having too great a time, or perhaps Jedah just relishes this opportunity to make her look silly too much. She seems to want to guide him back to the bar still, wanting to sit and chat with him for a spell while they were there, heels clicking.

     "So Jedah, what were those lovely plans you were talking about before?" Felicia bats her eyelashes at him as she moves, apparently still quite under the spell. Maybe Jedah could further taunt her by explaining what he planned to do while she was in no state to remember or actually /use/ that knowledge? It seemed deliciously sadistic enough, on first glance. The cocktail dressed cat lady pulled herself back onto the stool she'd occupied next to him at the beginning of the evening, though now of course looking considerably different--she definitely seemed more lithe and less sporty than before, her muscles and spryness reduced to svelte curves and model-esque petiteness.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah pulls out a notebook, a very simple form of his Primer that contains his basic notes, showing it to Felicia. It just looks like an interactive book or perhaps odd PDA. It's not the actual primer, but a book somehow linked to it.

"Well, let's see. I want to try and make a virus that affects digimon. I want to try and help the abyssal fleet in some way, perhaps by making demonic barnacles that suck the life out of their foes. Beyond that, just see how my research can help the Confederacy."

"It's just about learning what I can do, and seeing if I can cooperate with other scientists in our faction. Most of it's just in the planning, but the advanced science of the Primer makes a lot of things possible I can't yet do on my own. Maybe try to fight the Four Devas, just to see if they've got what it takes."

"Most of it's not near completion. Now that we're in the multiverse, renewing our Makai doesn't seem like an option anymore. I've had to find new purpose, new meaning in my life,"

Felicia (480) has posed:
     "Oh my, Jedah honey--you've been busy!" Felicia's bee-stung lips were hanging open just a bit in wonder as her large green eyes peered over the page, reading the words without fully understanding it all--not totally comprehending it. She does scan over it all before hanging it back to Jedah with her blue satin-gloved hand, now resting her chin on her palm as she rests her elbow against the bar top.

     "It's been a wonderful evening Jedah, but don't you think it's time you brought a lady home?" her green eyes stared over at the lord of the vampires with her chin resting on her palm like that, looking as if she was gazing dreamily at him. Her legs had curled around the side of the stool and she seemed to be having quite a great time.

Jedah Dohma (990) has posed:
Jedah nods. "Yes, that would be good. I'll take you back home. I enjoyed tonight with you, too." Did he enjoy her company? Or just causing her embarrassment? We may never know. Maybe a little of both. He offers her his arm, and if accepted, takes her back home, unless it's inside of the Union base, in which case he'll take her as far as he safely can.

When they get there, he pulls a page out of the notebook, and with a few taps turns into a card with the message, "Tonight was pure _bliss_," as well as a few pictures of them together, singing having fun, and a couple with the other singers."Get some rest my dear," and leaves after making sure she's comfortable and doesn't need anything.

Felicia (480) has posed:
     After a few drinks and food, Felicia and Jedah would wind up heading back to the human world likely--back to whatever place she'd been using outside of the Union headquarters--of course she accepts his arm as the leave the bar. The famed catwoman--or someone looking quite like her walking arm in arm and leaning against the dark-coated soul-sealing crazed vampire lord, Jedah?! The scandal!

     Of course, the next day, Felicia is in for somewhat of a surprise. She wakes up, her head aching as her blissed self had taken in more alcohol than what Felicia had been keen on taking in any case--to tell the truth Felicia didn't even drink normally--she woke up on her bed, clutching her forehead, and as she sat up her hand made contact with the photo and note.

     "What the...?" Felicia winced as she got her vision to focus as she read through the note, her cheeks becoming flushed red as she quickly leafed through the photos, the note getting crumbled in her clawed, 5-digited hand in anger.

     "That sonnuva bitch!"

     Her enraged cry was loud enough to shoo birds off the top of her apartment building.