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Latest revision as of 11:12, 7 June 2016

A Drowned Aftermath
Date of Scene: 18 April 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Drowned Ophelia comes to Remnant.

Yang Xiao Long and Alden face off against her.

Cast of Characters: Yang Xiao Long, 930, 975

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
The Emerald Forest! A training ground for new recruits to Beacon, a constant source of a assignments from professors (apparently), and also a great place to go if you want to die horrible, painful deaths at the hands of empathic sensing beasts of darkness! And that was before someone went so far as to bring DEATH METAL to the place. Grimm activity has kicked up quite a bit for reasons unknown, young beowolves and urs snarling and growling as they shift through the woods. While not unusual in and of itself, it's the random nature of the gatherings that may have gotten note. They converge - and just as suddenly break away. Converge and break. Random spots throughout the woods, causing several small field missions to be cancelled for fear of swarming Grimm. And the cause?

Why, a woman glides slowly through the green expanse. Black on black because who needs fashion sense when you're fucking brutal, the ichor that forms her clothing slithering hither and thither like blindly questing tendrils. Eyes half lidded, a quiet smile on her face as clawed hands pluck the Six Stringed Sorrow. Without power, without amp, its slow chimed tune causes the very trees to shiver as if in anticipation. Ebon petals flitted away in a cold breeze - pure, unadulterated sorrow. A siren call to creatures who seek out negative emotion like a drug.

<<THEMESONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eDL01w2wC8>>

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "... so I said, that's no Ursa, THAT'S MY WIFE!" crows Yang to the other Huntsmen that accompanied her back from the village. Nasty business that, but noone died and they drove off or destroyed the Grimm horde. Now, on the way back to Beacon, they were passing by the Emerald Forest... the Bullheads didn't have the range to come get them from the village, so they had to get to a closer pick-up point, which just so happened to be in a clearing near the edge of the forest. The blonde is a bit beaten up, a few small scratches along her arms and one over her cheek, though as her Aura regenerates, so to do those wounds, glowing softly with an orange-yellow light.

    Yang then looks down at the Digimon that came with them, grinning a bit. "Thanks for the back-up. That Beowolf woulda got me if not for you." she offers, reaching down to ruffle the top of the lizard-dog-things head.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden looks fairly unharmed, but then again, that tends to be the case when the harm happens on his more powerful forms. He did look like he had some scrapes on him. For now he decided to recover his strength as well, so simply did his best to keep up with the pace of his friend. "Don't mention it, I am glad I was able to help, was a good thing to take my mind of some stuff." he says, leaning into the ruffling while his lizardy tail wags. "You saved me a couple times too." he says with a grin, "I need to train and learn to do better at this kind of situations..." he adds.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
The woman pauses her glide when bushes rustle and rattle on either side of her - but her claws digits never halt their blackened plucking. Raven's wings snap out on either side of her, formed by the same ichor that suffuses her form, and she's up in the air before the Grimm can converge on her. Teasing and leading them on again. A few hard flaps brings her to the clearing of the Emerald Forest, where she lands once again. The distant, engorged scream of the Grimm brings that cold, brittle smile to her lips as the Six Stringed Sorrow once more forms - and she begins playing once again. Wake candles flickering in time with the slow, almost quiet riff.
Black petals drift, and the distant roar of Grimm is once again heard. Here it is, the two heroes JUST finished knocking down some grimm incursion at a village, and Ophelia's playing cat and mouse with more. Getting them all riled up again. Eyes flick aside as Hunters move towards the clearing again, and bright white teeth shine as she looks behind her, to the distant crashing of ursine and beowolves.
"Come play in the flowers, children." She murmurs.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang pushes a bush aside, then suddenly frowns as she catches hearing of that ghostly melody. "What in the name of the Sundered Moon is /that/?!" she asks noone in particular. It takes a few more moments to exit into the rendezvous clearing, when her Scroll lights up.

    <Ground Team, this is Proud Wing Actual, do you copy?>
"Ground Team, go ahead."
<Multiple Grimm signals approaching the landing zone, we can't get close without drawing a Nevermore. Reroute to secondary rendezvous.>
"Negative Proud Wing... Have eyes on possible cause of Grimm activity, maintain holding pattern."

    The exchange goes on, as Yang walks out into the open, eyes narrowed at Orphelia. She clicks the Scroll closed, pockets it, then deploys her gauntlets with the ratcheting staccatto of parts aligning. "Who are you and why are you out here?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden blinks at teh music, "I have no idea..." he says quietly, looking at Yang curiously, "What's the problem?" he asks curiously, since he can't really read what is being said. The digimon does get a bit tense, and reaches for his D-Arc when he sees his friend preparing, slowly grabbing one of the cards he holds.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
The slow, pounding riff echoes off as Drowned Ophelia ceases to play; But the music continues regardless, dull reverberations that shiver the trees around her with ghostly chimes. Summoned by her black sorcery as she laughs. "Me? I'm just enjoying a walk." Arms cross, and she rests her chin on her curled forefinger, that brittle little smile growing tighter. "Gotta say, though; I really love what you guys have done with the place." Eyes flick aside, where the roaring of Grimm grows a bit louder. Converging.
A clawed hand reaches up, briefly cupping one of the drifting black petals before she blows it away. The liquid grief as light as a feather while it poisons the air, ringing the metaphorical buffet bell for the monsters in the woods. And then her eyes drift upwards, to the distant roar of the bullheads moving into holding patterns.
"Tch. Don't leave just yet; I still want to see what your pets can do to.. well, you."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang's eyes narrow a little more, then the roars of the approaching Grimm break her out of that little focus tunnel. "Damn it." She turns to rejoin Alden and the other Huntsmen just coming out of the underbrush. 4 others all in various states of 'injured'. "Move, move! Go! Grimm coming!" shouts Yang, pointing back the way they came. She doesn't join them though.

    The blonde wheels about and plants herself as the biggest target, so the others can get clear. "Proud Wing, I've sent the others on ahead... Secondary rendezvous."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden looks up at Yang, letting out a soft whimper as he hears the monsters approaching, "Darn it..." he mumbles, "Guess we are not quite over yet." he says, rushing to use the card. His form glows brightly, before shattering again, revealing a form that Yang might not be familiar with, a large quadrupedal robotic (or cyborg?) wolf of some sort, growling loudly, "I should stay and help you take care of them." he says.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Blonde Brawler cycles the chambers in her gauntlets, a pair of red shells with orange tips locking into place. She draws up her fists as Alden transforms, and offers him a grin. "Thanks... there shouldn't be too many, but be careful... we don't know what that weird woman did to them." she says, but suddenly has her eyes forward as the first Beowolves burst through the far side of the clearing. They howl and start to sprint on all fours towards the pair... to be greeted by a pair of reports of those Shot Gauntlets, sending explosive bolts out at the approaching monsters. There's about 8 of them in total, but more can be heard coming.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
When the first of the beowolves burst from the foilage to rush the bright, warm little hearts still on the field - Drowned Ophelia suddenly begins hammering that Six Stringed Sorrow like she was trying to stab someone, hunching over it like a puppet with her strings cut. And then leaning back in long, dramatic arcs before her hands cross in close to fret hard. Some where a drum begins hammering as well, as she makes SWEET FUCKING METAL. Electricity arcs and dances between the strings, the lazy swirl of black petals becomming redefined; A harsh, black tainted wind.
"I? These are -your- monsters in the closet. I'm just giving them some room to play." Cackles Ophelia as the Six Stringed Sorrow shrieks, staring with wild eyes towards - a tiny lizard dog that's suddenly become much larger? And still the banshee wail calls more and more.

The first couple of Beowolves collapse backwards under the shotgun assault, while the other six peel off. Three for Alden, three for Yang. A couple pause as they pass Drowned Ophelia - almost as if confused - but proceed by none the less. Whatever she is, it's not human anymore. Trees rattle as a couple of Ursine begin to push their way in, hunting the panic from injured Hunters trying to move on to the second rendevous.

THEMESONG: 'War Eternal' - Arch Enemy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InRMwptcgAo

Alden (930) has posed:
The digimon streetches a bit, mechanical clicks coming from his frame as he smiles, "I'll try my best." he says. He is tempted to take to the air, but the trees and such might make it harder to spot the creatures. Still, he wastes little time. He spots the approaching Beowolves, and he turns to face them.

     His eyes glow brightly as he shifts his stance, digging his paws on the ground, the digimon's body clicking several times, as a LOT of missile ports appear all over his frame. "Giga destruction" he growls, launching a swarm of small, but powerful missiles, which make a beeline for the closest monsters, covering them in concentrated explosions. He is able to tag up to four targets, but he only aims at the 3 that seem to be charging at him. The affected area might be a bit large... but he can't help it... his attacks seem to be either 'single target' or 'blast an area the size of a city block' if he is not careful.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Well, she got two of them! But here come more. The next set of shells are orange with yellow tips, and she uses them to blast herself forwards into the oncoming Beowolves, body-checking the first into the second for some breathing room.

    The third comes leaping in, and with a shot-boosted spin, Yang twirls and uppercuts the thing right under the chin, arms wreathed in flames like a certain red-wearing Street Fighter.

    THe Ursai aren't missed, but even wounded, the other Huntsmen aren't slouches. They turn and open fire with their own weapons, peppering the large bears from range with a mix of bullets and an elemental rocket launcher.

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
These are young Grimm; The digimon's explosive attacks are more than enough to scatter them with yelps of pain. Two begin breaking apart into a thinning black mist upon hitting the torn ground, the third limping slowly aside from the direct line of fire. Apparently, those that survive - learn. But even as one watches, the survivor goes from limping to running again as it is bathed in the whirling wind of sorrow and hate; Where such bleak emotions cling, the Grimm thrive. And still Drowned Ophelia hammers, eyes closed and lip bitten in ecstasy, the strings of her Six String Sorrow beginning to glow as it summons the frail, bitter strength of Death Metal. She's working her way up to a crescendo, the black ichor rising and splashing around her like the ocean to the shore! The tearing winds spread the darkness further around, electricity arcing to the ground around her as the storm grows.

Four huge ursai burst into the clearing, spines running from crown to tail, almost every joint bearing some bone-white spike or plate of armor. The Huntmen hold their own as said before; And can likely take after themselves. Unlike most 'non-elites' in the multiverse, RWBY rarely finds anyone utterly defenseless. It's just the harsh nature of their world, beyond the protective kingdom walls. Bewolves get STREET FIGHTER BTFO'd by Yang's flying fence line, bouncing away and crashing into the brush. The third goes flying, disentigrating before it even hits the ground. And yet, for those that survive - the Black Tears are a strange salve. It's not that they're invincible, quite the opposite - but if left alone long enough, they WILL begin rapidly regaining strength. While twin Ursai harrass the hunters, Alden and Yang get their own matches. With surviving Beowolves to harrass from the flanks!

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden grumbles as one of the creatures gets away, and shifts his focus on the larger, rather armored ursai, "They regenerate..." he mumbles, stating the obvious. He has to physically look at his targets, but his attention focuses on teh larger things charging at them!, "I will try to freeze them, think you can shatter them?" he asks to Yang, the digimon inhalling deeply, his eyes glowing again, as white mist emerges from his metallic muzzle, energy building inside.
     "Metal Blaster!". The digimon opens his jaws, a wide, bright white beam blasting from his mouth, as wide as he was, and rushes through the clearing at the Ursai!. The blast is short lived, the digimon sweeping across the two targets before it fades. The edges of the beam leave flakes of ice as it freezes the moisture in the air. It is large enough to hopefully engulf most of the two creatures, penetrating inside and lowering their temperature to bellow zero, literally freezing the affected areas solid!. Even if the attack fails to kill or destroy them, it should at the very least disable the large things.

     The attack does take a fair bit out of him, especially after his previous encounter, so he barely is struggling to jump aside from the charging Beowolves.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:

    Yang gets blindsided by her onrushing Ursa, send flying into a tree with a groaning oof. She staggers back to her feet, then grins ominously as she turns baleful red eyes onto the Ursa. "Y'know? I'm feeling a bit... Grizzly." she quips, before stepping forward and, with an explosion of flame, aims a heavy charging hook after Alden freezes part of it. "I THINK YOU NEED TO CHILL OUT!"

Drowned Ophelia (975) has posed:
The lancing beam of freeze seems to erase the oversized Ursai for a moment as the Evolved Digimon unleashes a harsh blast; When the light fades, the Ursai are indeed frozen solid. Or, at least, one is - the one that had punted Yang is partially frozen, and straining to break loose. AT least, until the Red Eyed Mistress of Punchburg comes screaming back in with a horrible ice pun.
It's a LONG shot (hee) but it works out great; The partially frozen ursai gets partially ripped in two, it's rock solid limb crashing into and -through- the fully frozen beastie. Both shatter into pieces, while what's left of the first ursai collapses downwards. Both disintigrating into particle effects as the strange forces that comprise the grimm are released.

Drowned Ophelia hits the crescendo, leaning back as she claws at her screaming, shivering guitar, hard stock pointed skyward while the wake candle machine heads burn like welding torches. The spiraling storm curls upwards above her, crashing in one loud thunder boom while a thick column of lightning dances all around her. When it passes - a vehicle sits there. Two parts hot-rod, one part corpse carriage, the Hearse's engine is already growling in the desire to MOVE, flames fluttering from the golden exhaust poking up from the heavy duty hood. The Six Stringed Sorrow - guitar strings still aglow - disappears, the remainder of the Black Tears slowly evaporating. It still leaves a few Grimm about, but the Bullhead drop ships above can report that the converging Grimm have suddenly halted and begun to mill about without the pure Sorrow to draw them in. Ophelia, for her part, blows a kiss and laughs as she begins entering the purple chasis.

Which leaves only a couple of beowolves left as distractions.
"It's been fun; Maybe next time I'll see what sort of fans I can find in that walled city?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang growls, and as a final parting shot, fires one of those ranged shells at the vehicle as Ophelia drives away. It's unlikly to hit, but anger is unreasonable at times.

    The Beowolves are a problem, and the Blonde Brawler dances with them, but being young, they fall fairly quickly to her high speed punches.

    <Proud Wing Actual to Ground Team, Grimm activity has ceased, we're coming down at Primary pick-up point.>
"Copy Proud Wing, we'll have it sanitized by the time you land."
<Copy that.>