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Latest revision as of 20:45, 29 June 2016

Here's Your Wakeup Call
Date of Scene: 26 June 2016
Location: Njorun Station - Medical
Synopsis: Toph visits Sigrun in medical after their fight against Confederates in Techno Urbania
Cast of Characters: 20, 992

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Njorun medical is a place of medical marvels, with the healers and non-magical staff working around the clock to keep the Elites in good health. No matter what injury, they're able to treat it, even if greater injuries will of course take some days to recover completely from.

    Though some things are treated quicker than others, which is good. Because Toph doesn't think she would be in much shape today if she still felt as crappy as she did last night from the poisoned state she was in. If it wasn't for the shirt and simple hospital pants, not to mention the IV stand with the drip she's getting infused into one arm, one might not be able to tell that she's a patient here. Sure, she's still a bit tired, but at least she doesn't feel like throwing up as she makes her way down the hallways towards Sigrun's room. It's not that hard with Sigrun helping her find it anyway. And once she's found the correct door she reaches up with her free hand that's not holding onto her IV stand, knocking on the door before she opens it and heads inside. Hey, Sigrun knows she's coming, if she didn't then she would have waited with entering.

    "Heya! Radios might be useful, but nothing beats meeting allies face to face, you know? Especially in here since being in medical is kinda boring if you ask me," Toph grins as she enters the room.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
Sigrun taps the walls in a rhythm, morse code spelling out her name on repeat. The monster exterminator has no clue whether Toph will get that message, but she's not going to pass up an excuse to practice her morse code, so that's what she went with.

Her covers are snug tight, covering all of the woman in her mid-twenties except for her face. "Yeah." Sigrun agrees, softly. It seems that whatever happened last night has left her shaken. "At least here being in medical the doctors don't use the same techniques I've seen them use a dozen times, it's more interesting than that at least."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As it so happens Toph does know some morse code, thanks to Captain America who led the defense of Techno Urbania yesterday. And Toph looks friendly enough as she steps inside the room and then walks on over towards Sigrun's bed. She's kinda short for being a teenager, and as she's Asian she might look even younger than she is. "Oh yeah, the docs here aren't all that bad. Personally I'm more worried about the nurses, they keep nagging at you to take a bath all the time..." Toph says with a slight huff, blowing the hair away from her unseeing eyes. It might look like Toph's been scrubbed a little too roughly in places, judging by the redness of the skin. Or perhaps those are marks from her fighting Xiao yesterday.

    "So... you well enough to get out of bed?" she asks. "I know hospital food isn't the greatest, but it's still something."

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
"It's very different from the doctors back home. I think these doctors use technology." Sigrun sounds a little uncertain, and a lot curious, but doesn't ask. She doesn't presume to know Toph has any answers to any questions she might have, instead she mentions, "They're just making sure to keep your wounds clean. Spirits of disease thrive in filth and dirt."

Sigrun hasn't noticed anything off about Toph's eyes by the way she acts. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, but I'm really not feeling it." The hospital pajamas Sigrun is wearing serve as little more than a reminder of her humiliation to the monster exterminator.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It sounds like Sigrun is asking about just how the medical workers do things around here. And Toph doesn't mind answering. "They kinda use everything, really," she begins with a shrug, "standard medical knowledge, advanced technical knowledge and equipment, magic, healing abilities... heck, waterbenders from my world sometimes are healers. Because water is the giver of life or some crud like that." As for the comment regarding disease its link to bad hygiene, the blind girl nods. "Yeah, bacteria gets extra cozy in dirt, my adoptive mother had that spiel with me back when I first joined the Union. I know, but I still don't like being scrubbed too hard, especially my feet." By now Sigrun might have noticed that Toph is barefoot. Which might be a bit weird since the nurses in medical were quite adamant about people at least wearing slippers in here.

    Something about Sigrun's words causes Toph to arch an eyebrow, and she drums her fingers against her IV stand. "You might not be feeling it, but you can't stay in bed all day. The sooner you get out of bed, the sooner you can leave this place and go home!" she urges. "Besides, I can't get a good look at you either when you're in bed!" She did mention that yesterday, didn't she. For now it doesn't seem like Toph is even considering that Sigrun is feeling bad for being injured and knocked out last night during the fight.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
"I'm pretty sure that whatever is considered 'standard medical knowledge' is rather different from any medical knowledge a doctor from my world would consider standard." Sigrun says with a lighthearted tone. "I can understand not liking it, I'm just saying the nurses aren't doing it just to be cruel."

Toph's encouragement to get out of bed makes Sigrun look away, "I don't know if I want anyone to take a good look at me right now." She says softly, it's not the injured and knocked out parts that make Sigrun uncomfortable. "Did you hear what she did to me?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A slight smirk crosses Toph's lips. "Oh, I know they aren't doing it to be cruel, I'm just saying I don't like it!" Yup, seems Toph is a headstrong teenager. How typical. "And by 'standard medical knowledge' I go by what most worlds seem to have. My own world isn't that technologically advanced, but the one I'm living in now has lots of technology," she adds.

    It's only when Sigrun speaks again that Toph seems to consider that Sigrun is feeling bad about the results of the fight. But the tone, the way Sigrun doesn't want anybody to look at her, that does strike Toph as odd. "No, I dunno what Ferham did to you. I was kinda dealing with Xiao being a brat and poisoning me, it kinda messed up my focus there." Toph narrows her eyes and cants her head a bit where she stands. "Did she really hurt you...?" Judging from her tone and the expression on her face, the blind earthbender seems a tad worried.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
"My world is very magically advanced, but technology was considered little more than the fancy of the superstitious and the fantasy author." Sigrun explains why the standard is so alien to her, though she sounds willing to go into detail, she's not verbally offering it.

"She stripped me down to my underwear and hung me up in the air for all to behold." Sigrun says softly, even restating the experience seems to serve to further humiliation, and she covers it up with anger. "I will make her regret it."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    So Sigrun comes from a world with more magical advances than technical, huh? Toph seems to accept this without question, not finding it strange considering she's been working in the Union for over three years now. "Heh, it happens... so you guys use magic for everything? Are there magical researchers in your world?"

    The other topic however is far more grim, and the earthbender blinks. Is she shy about her body? Well, time to try and make her feel better... "Haven't you worn a swimsuit before? Most people in the multiverse are used to seeing a lot of skin. And at least you weren't completely naked! But if it really made you feel bad... the next time we run into her I can hold her still and you can punch her!" Toph offers with a grin.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
"We do, and yeah, we have. They're called wizards. I'm a mage, which means I'm a professional in the field of applied magic." Sigrun explains terms behind the basic separation of science and engineering, as found in Antichthon. "I have a magicked chariot that seems to fill the same societal niche as a motorbike, and my codex gem is a lot like a magic 'smartphone' in some ways, I've been told."

The other matter causes Sigrun to sigh. "It's not about showing some skin, though I tend to show none, it's..." Sigrun tries to think about how to put it, "Well... there's a time and place for those things, and it's supposed to be my decision, not that of some Confederate bitch who thinks just because she defeated me she gets to humiliate me."

Toph's offer at the end gets a wry chuckle. "I'll take you up on that, thank you."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The explanation makes sense, and Toph nods her head. "So the magical counterparts of bikes and smartphones, huh. I honestly don't know much about magic, so I couldn't tell. Though I'm sure that some engineers... well, I guess they are the equivalent to wizards for you, they make and research technological stuff, would like to check it out. If you asked Goldie--, that is, Tony Stark, I'm sure he would be curious about it," Toph adds. She herself doesn't really care, but hey, there are lots of engineers in the Union who would want to know how stuff is done in other worlds, right?
    Perhaps it helped a little, but it sounds like Sigrun is still taking it somewhat rough, huh? So Toph bites on the inside of her lower lip, all while her expression turns stern for a moment. "She'll only have humiliated you if you let her. We've all lost to Feds, so what? It could have been worse, and you'll get your chance to defeat her again! Hiding in bed won't change what happened, but you can make yourself feel better. Now come on, they usually have waffles in the cafeteria!" With that Toph reaches out, intending to take Sigrun's hand and give her a slight tug, clearly encouraging her to get out of bed.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
"I might." Sigrun says non-commitally, and finally Toph's prodding motivatesher to get out of bed, taking Toph's hand. She looks a little unsteady, and the standard issue pajamas don't seem to be ones she's quite comfortable with. She puts on the mandatory slippers. "I admit I don't know the way around here."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Finally! When Sigrun finally gets out of bed Toph doesn't mind help steadying her, as the short teenager appears to be rather steady herself. "Huh... you're taller than I thought," Toph comments, then turns to help Sigrun out of the room. "And I know my way around here, I've been here several times, and I've snuck out a few times too," she grins impishly. "The cafeteria's not far away, and most of the patients go there still dressed in their pjs, you'll fit right in," Toph adds as she tries to reassure Sigrun that she made the right choice to get out of bed. "Hmmm. I think I'll have waffles and a large smoothie. This place actually has good smoothies with real fruit."

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
Sigrun follows along, with a faint smirk. "I'm no stranger to hospitals. I doubt I've told you about the story of how I got ambushed by Iraqi forces after I'd shot a well-respected colonel dead." She teases the idea of a story, but doesn't go into it, yet.

"I think I'll go for something simple and cheap, don't know what yet." Sigrun responds to the musing of foods, not quite going into whether or not she'll fit in.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The words don't exactly sound like they're the beginning of a nice story, and Toph cants her head a bit. "Uh, no. I haven't heard that story. I kinda guess it isn't a nice one...?" she responds carefully.

    As for the food, Toph shrugs. "It's free, the Union pays for our treatment and food when we're patients here. I'm having the waffles and smoothie anyway. It might be simple, but it tastes good and fills you up. Like proper food should. Of course I'm used to fancier foods at home, but why make things overly complicated when they don't have to be?"

    It doesn't take long for them to get to the cafeteria, and Toph finds a free table without any problems after she's stopped by the counter to get some food. Sure, it doesn't look all that awesome, but it smells decent enough.