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Latest revision as of 23:30, 3 July 2016

Magical Revenge
Date of Scene: 03 July 2016
Location: Urbania
Synopsis: Sigrun Stem goes looking for Ferham and gets her in touch with her less than photogenic side!
Cast of Characters: 516, 992

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Urbania. Which part was Ferham even in? She couldn't exactly tell just from looking around or checking street signs--she needed full on GPS to even have an inkling on her location, and even that required reading the coordinates that were extraordinarily long thanks to the immense nature of the Superplanet. It seemed daunting even if one could fly, as Ferham could--perched kneeling on a rooftop looking over the city, stepping over the edge as the joints on her back whirred and the red metallic wings spread out behind her at an angle, allowing her to stabilize herself in mid-flight as she hovered down and off the roof. Of course, this would be a good time for someone who might be shadowing her to observe her descent and get a bead on where she was heading. At least the general direction.

     Ferham was looking completely back to normal after the battle about a week ago, she'd been hit while accompanying No. 9 on one of his hair-brained outing and spent the next part of the evening dealing with some uppity unioner--what was her name, Sighard? Sigmar? She couldn't remember off hand. She had left the girl hanging from a flagpost in her underthings though, but she had left her more or less alive, and not in danger. Well, mostly.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
No, Sigrun is not a warhammer god, despite superficial similarities in the name. She's most definitely keeping tabs on Ferham, keeping to the rooftops as she watches Ferham through strategically placed magical observation orbs, which provide visual feedback to the sharpshooter.

The sharpshooter is sitting in an unremarkable room on the top floor of one of the area's tallest buildings, guiding her observation orbs to get en ever better look on Ferham, while staying distant enough to be hard to see. There's no need to be hasty, after all.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham has descended to the street level, her high heeled boots clicking as she sets down, wings sliding behind her back as she moves away. She was looking upwards and scanning the names on signs and on buildings, reading off numbers, perhaps looking for a certain address. In truth, she was actually pretty lost, and likely had gotten turned around thanks to the rather labryinthian nature of all the cities having merged together. Was she at the proper address for that particular /version/ of said city? She had no idea! She was trying to find someone, perhaps a contact of her's.

     It seemed that she was heading down what looked like an alley--and there weren't that many people around at all, not for several streets, it seemed--from the vantage point Sigrun had, this would be an excellent time to strike if she wanted to try and take a shot at her. Plus, she didn't seem to have noticed her observation orbs at all. Maybe her sensors didn't detect the wavelength or energy source they used?

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
Sigrun estimates the distance, and lines up a shot. Sure, her vision is somewhat obstructed, but the observation orbs show her the target area regardless. A few runes light up as the arrow is nocked and drawn, a careful, steady aim as winds start to swirl around the arrow.

On one side, the winds are just a little stronger than on the other, and when Sigrun lets the arrow loose, it speeds up, this results in the arrow going on a swift curve. The sharpshooter's aim and calculations near impeccable, and if Ferham doesn't make any unexpected movements, it should go straight into the Reploid's wing joint.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The noise of the arrow got Ferham's attention, but she was a bit too slow to react--the armor piercing arrow head sinking right into her right wing's ball joint--causing it to get stuck and prevent her from being able to rotate it.

     "Augh!" she looked up in shock at the direction the arrow came from--this time however she couldn't spread her wings to fly like the last time she got sniped like this--though thanks to that fact, she seemed to have a decent idea at who this was from.

     "Damnit!" she started off on foot, trying to run for some cover behind a car, mailbox--anything she could find.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
Cover is a good idea, of course. Sigrun, however, anticipated that desire. The next arrow is aimed for the most obvious piece of cover in the area, a restaurant's garbage disposal container, ready to be loaded onto a truck. The sharpshooter nocks a glass-tipped arrow, the shaft covered in a spongy tissue that's absorbed a lot of oil.

After some repositioning to get a proper line, Sigrun fires the arrow for that garbage, upon impact, the glass shatters and the magical fire inside scatters, shredding the shaft and sending fiery bits going everywhere, including all the flammable, half-rotten food found in that container.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Eek!" Ferham was surprised by the dumpster going up into a trash inferno, causing her to jump back away from it. She couldn't stay near it, unless she wanted to be exposed to the fire. Not that she had a particular fear of it, but no one wanted to overheat or melt, exactly. She looked around--now getting more desperate and trying to run for cover directly beneath the shooter--she would try to get under them and out of their line of sight.

     If fired upon again, she'll try to dive and roll out of the way too--as hest she could, anyway. She tended to roll from the side, thanks to those large wings of her's.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
Sigrun takes this moment to shoot a feint, with her mark alert, she takes a little bit more care to make sure she can tell where her mark will be. So the first arrow she lets loose is a noisy one, whistling like a flute to make sure Ferham sees it coming. It's aimed streight for the reploid's other wing joint.

It's the one that comes after that's the real threat. It's enhanced with a newly designed spell, electricity courses through the arrow, and it will keep pulsing with high voltages for a good while, voltages that should do a number on any kind of robot, unless the magic on it is dispelled.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Ahh!" Ferham seemed to not be fast enough over land as she had hoped--the second arrow jamming itself into her left wingjoint and totally disabling both of them. She could /try/ to fly still, but it would be without any stabilization, period. She'd be bouncing off the sides of buildings in no time, like that--like a ping-pong ball.

     And unfortunately for Ferham, the magical ability she would need to dispell the kind of electric magic that Sigrun had on that next arrow tip was beyond her ability. When the arrow hit her, she was shocked--crying out and quickly being dropped to her knees and falling over, unconscious and letting off a bit of smoke and ozone. Yeah, she didn't do well with electricity... perhaps Sig had known this.

Sigrun Stem (992) has posed:
Sigrun hadn't know that, but any good monster exterminator finding themselves an opponent with unknown weaknesses is willing to think about what may work and give it a try, even if that's a gamble. It seems it's paid off, and Sigrun's next arrow isn't aimed at Ferham.

It's aimed at the ground next to Ferham, with a magically extended line connecting to the room Sigrun was just in. Sigrun connects a silk rope to herself, and then the line, and then she slides down the line towards her mark.

"Victims, aren't we all?" She echoes the sentiment offered when the stakes were reversed, and she reaches for the reploid's whip, snaking it around the target's ankles and tying it down with more silk, connecting the whole to the line she just used to come down.

Next, she starts climbing back up that line, dragging Ferham with her. Once she's back up to five stories high, the sharpshooter fastens her mark to the line in that exact position, and after binding the reploid's arms together with more rope, she's allowing the target to dangle.

It's at that point that she puts in place a sticky illusion, it actively seeks to override other illusions, and has some built-in countermagic to dispelling efforts. The illusion doesn't impact clothes, though it does make sure to show off what's in place, no... it's meant to turn Ferham's appearance into that of a horribly misfigured person, hunchbacked and scarred. Sigrun figures that would hurt more than just showing skin.

And when she's got a sufficient distance, Sigrun dispells the electricity on the arrow.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham wakes up a short time after the monster hunter has removed the arrow from her and cast the illusion on her--of course, this form of magical illusion is fairly impactful on her physique~ Where there had been long curvy and gorgeous legs, the limbs now seemed shrunken and withered, causing the spandex undersuit beneath them ot have fallen in and hang off her, like her body had degenerated from inside--her boots and gloves like they were clad in broomsticks and dangling off as she was left to hang there.

     "What did she... what is... did my--oh nooo!" of course, this has also done rather horrible things to the /rest/ of her figure, including her chest, her armor now hollow-ly hanging off her front and the thong bit of her leotard and undersuit there now hanging and billowing like droopy tents. Ferham has been taken from Vava-voom to grandma!


     The angry howl can be heard for several blocks down, the shrill scream even shattering a few windows.