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Revision as of 18:15, 14 July 2016

Date of Scene: 14 July 2016
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: A couple of trouble-makers raise a rabble, while Yunomi takes a crushing blow from Rhaps and reminds her that unless it's part of a spell, words are mostly harmless.
Cast of Characters: 272, 325

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The Namamura District -- a spot of happy green mana, set up in the mountains of buildings nad echoing subterranean chambers, lit by paper lanterns. A mixture of people live and work here -- some even joining the Guilds as non-magical helpers, testers, curriers. Some even showed a little talent for magic, children learning Japanese writing and the native Ravnican script.

    And there are, indeed, a couple of people here who don't belong. Wearing tattered, brownish robes, one of them is using a deafening yell to shout that the outsiders need to go home -- that Ravnica is for Ravnicans.

    Mothers pull their children from the streets. A disapproving old man is standing with a broom in his hands, eyeballing the three Guildless up as they grin at one another, and approach him. He's a small, wizened old man, wrinkles cover most of his tanned face, and his hands are slightly twisted -- the mark of a lifetime of long work. He wears an apron over his clothing.

    "Didn't you hear us?" the ringleader growls, leaning down and getting into the old man's face. "We said: Get Out."

    Far above, in one of the massive oak trees that help guard the district, Yunomi lands on a heavy branch, her goggles pulled down as she tries to guage what her reaction should be -- she had already been in the area when she had alerted Rhapsody of the trouble.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    This. Would. Not. Stand.

Guildless were one thing, but to come into the Namamura district, created for these refugees by the Izzet Guildmaster herself? No. No no no. This would not -stand-. Guildless, Izzet, Guilded, or some other status within the city. At the moment, the dragoness -and- her siblings are still a ways out, but Sidonia is already reporting on what's been going on. Rhapsody is listening, and mostly wondering, how this may be handled by the Offworld Apprentence.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The Offworld Apprentence, here among her people... the people she failed.

    And it would not stand that she would fail to protect them again.

    Yunomi leaps out of the tree, sailing through the air and drops behind the three guildless mages. She's wearing her full Izzet colors, red and blue stripes, brassy bits and leather, her goggles and the insignia at her shoulder with Niv-Mizzet's symbol, and just below it the symbol of the Three Siblings.

    "Hey, Asshole. Why don't you pick on someone your own size."

    The three turn, and one elbows the other, whispering something as the ring leader steps forward. "Ooh. I know your face. /You/ were the dragon's last little pet, weren't you?" he asks, stepping forward. His two cohorts follow in tow, and Yunomi looks past them to the aged man... who makes a rude gesture to the three, and hobbles back to his porch.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    And a certain trio were going to make -sure- Yunomi didn't fail. However, as the group gets closer, and realize Yunomi had a chance to do well for her people, they move to opposite sides of the trio, at distance. Out of sight, out of mind, right? If They felt a need to move in, they would, but there would be -no- doubt left behind that these people were protected by the Izzet and rabble-rousers such as this would not be permitted or tolerated.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi takes a deep breath -- she thought they'd be here b y now. She feels her knees slack, an over-sold gardener. No longer the power hosue she used to be, but she wouldn't back down from this fight. The three other mages begin to circle her like sharks.

    "What do you think, Tarren? Remember hearing how Niv-Mizzet's last apprentice let her engines blow up in her face?"

    "I think I heard something about that, Nosth. Some apprentice. Maybe she just had a thing for lizards?"

    "Ha! Lizards, I get it! Didn't think something that small could keep that big a bed warm though!"

    "I'm warning you, /leave/." Yunomi states, her grip tightening, feeling red mana gather at her fingertips, her fingers arcing lightning between them.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Well, that was the plan at least. It was Ryxinel's plan, not Rhapsody's plan. As she splits off from her siblings, and hears the trio tearing into Yunomi verbally, well, the plan goes right out the window.

There's a sound of metal against metal as a spell-blade is drawn free from its scabbard. "ENOUGH." The explosion of sound may as well have been from the Red Star in the air due to the amount of authority behind it. The other two siblings start to move in, allbeit slower than Rhapsody. "Another word, just one, and I'll use all six of the charges in this blade on all three of you."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "On what charge?" Tarren states. He pulls down his hood, and tilts his head back. "On taking a walk through your town? For having a verbal argument? You two saw it -- the Guildmaster of the Izzet just /drew a weapon/ on me because I made a comment. Oooh. Wonder what she does when she's not in her own little sector." he brazenly, flippantly states, running a hand through his copper colored hair. He's a tall, thin guy, missing teeth.

    Yunomi's circled around, and putsher hand gently on Rhapsody's arm. "Rhaps, it's fine. He's just a blowhard with a couple of cantrips." Yunomi points out, "We'll grab the Boros and give a report, since we've already got two of their names..."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Tresspassing. The Namamura district was created within the boundries of the Izzet Sector. If you are Guildless, as reported, then you are tresspassing on guild grounds. So. Again. I suggest you move along," the dragon growls before side-glancing to the Tanuki, "Oh, they are already on the way. That was the first thing Ryxinel did before we left," she muses, blade still pointed at the trio. "So. Again. Tell me. Why are you tresspassing here?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "The Guilds are a failing power. Ravnica should belong to /all/ Ravnicans... not offworld trash like her, and these people." Tarren motions to Yunomi, whose ear fuzz stands out and her tail curls into a slight upside-down U-shape. "You create an entire district for this garbage but leave everyone outside your walls to fend for themselves! Where's the fairness in that? Was that part of the dragon's big plans too, or did he only care about himself?" he snaps, and then touches his mouth. "Oooh. Sorry. That was your father, wasn't it? Best thing that ever happened to Ravnica was to /dump/ one of the formers of the guilds into the aether!"

    "H-hey, Tarren, dealing with a guildmaster wasn't on the plan--" Nosth replies, and the third guildless decides then it's a great time to wisecrack: "Well, yaknow, like father like child, right? So how much ego does this place give you?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    What the trio expects is probably not what happens right away. Rather than slice and dice with the blades, the red blade, and the freshly drawn blue one, is held to her side. Both of them are handed off to Ryxinel who quickly slips away. Not allowing another moment to pass, the draconic guildmaster surges forward, pulls back, and heaves a hook that has far too much weight behind it for her size. More like her true-form's weight is behind it!

    The Boros are passing through the gate, now...

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    That's where Yunomi steps in, glancing to Ryxinel as he slips away, the temptation to use the blades, and the spells held in them gone, sh e almost heaves a sigh of releif. Just some punks who'll be dealt with by the Boros (and hopefully sentenced to filling out paperwork, that'd be grand...) -- but then Rhapsody moves forwards, and Yunomi's eyes go wide. She steps in, using her meager weight to shove Terran to the side as she brings her bracers up and takes the hit for Terran -- and SLAMS into a tree, breaking off a branch, and slumping down to the ground.

    Comically, it rains acorns.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    It all happens so fast! The only reason the Guildmaster knows someting is wrong is she felt the fist on -metal- rather than flesh. The *CRACK*, the slump, the acorns... the eyes-wide expression that follows... the eye-narrowing, the absolute -snarl-, and then the insanity of two siblings holding back the third follows. Sidonia and Ryxinel -eventually- get her off to a side alley to talk her down.

    The Boros, thankfully, seem to be sympathetic for two reasons. One) Izzet Grounds. 2) That was her -dad-. Jerks. Give it a moment, she'll realize just how hard she hit Yunomi's bracers and come -running. Just let the blood-boiling stop. She's still a red, it's just easy to forget..

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yes. It was easy to forget that Rhaps was a Red, and Reds have tempers.

    Meanwhile, Yunomi was seeing blue and red stars swirling around against the black of her vision. Terran had /no/ idea how lucky he was that Yunomi thought fast... that blow m ight have killed him. The three Guildless go quietly after not only an offworlder, but an /Izzet/ came to their defence (in pretty much open defiance of a Guildmaster!), and Yunomi stirs only when one of the Legionaires claps her on the shoulder. She had been prepared for the forward blow, but not the backwards strike, and it took a minute for her to realize she was being spoken to. People are poking their heads out windows and shops, and the little man with the broom is at the opening of his shop, looking concerned.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The three wander off, but there's no doubt the Boros will probably have someone tail them and deal out whatever sort of warning or punishment they are due. Rhapsody, and her siblings, would eventually wander back out, but the Guildmaster looks far more reserved instead of angry now. Is she actually scared to face Yunomi after that? ... Yes. A little. Sidonia is nearly pushing her sister forward at this point.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi just keeps leaning against the tree, looking a little out of it. She waves off the legionaire, embarrassedly before she notices that there's two Rhapsodys! ... or one Rhapsody, and she hit her head pretty hard.

    Yunomi gives a slight grin, and a small wave. "Hey, remind me to /never/ make you mad. You have a hell of a hook, Rhaps. Right, Sid? Ryx?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The comment actually gets a rare smile out of Sidonia. "She's had very good teachers," she compliments. Ryxinel gives more of a nod than anything before moving to discuss what happened with one of the officers. Rhapsody takes a knee, finally glances up...
    "Are you ok..?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "No," beat. "I'm Yunomi." the tanuki offers a joke, and then motions for Rhaps to sit down. "Sit down, the both of you." she apparently finds this funny, and gives a laittle laugh before she winces, and picks an acorn out of her jacket.

    "So... I'm pretty sure you have a burning question other than that to ask." she states, giving a kind, adoring look to Rhapsody.

    Or it could be the concussion, but she does adore the dragon.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Considering that, despite appearences, Yunomi was Rhapsody's elder by YES amount of years, she wasn't going to argue. She just offers a nod, takes a seat, and only -then- does the joke and manages a little laugh. She reaches up to pluck another one of the acorns from above the goggles. "Why..?" she probably doesn't need to ask the rest. Sidonia already has an idea, but waits to see what Yunomi says in silence. Back to how she normally is, it seems. She DOES take a seat, though. Who's the guildmaster now?!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Words have power, mages know that. A magic spell can call up fire, lightning... large, flying hippopotamous." Yunomi begins, and she shifts her weight again. Oh, it'll hurt in the morning. "But those guys weren't using magic, other than to be loud. They were just running their mouths, those kinds of words only have power if you let them. Were they wrong? Yeah, on most of their points, but... they don't know us. They don't know him." she leans her head back. "They are butts. And you know what sound a butt makes when it gets noisty?"

    And Yunomi grins, and just blows a raspberry at Rhapsody. "... and that's all you shoulda heard."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    There's a moment of thought, a moment to nod, then a follow up moment to snicker a little at the last line, "You're right," Rhapsody admits after it all, "Just.. that's still a very sore spot. I'm not trying to make an excuse, just, .. well you know.." she couldn't at all start to point out how well she knew her dad. Yunomi him as well, if not -better-.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "No, I'm Yunomi, I keep telling people this." Yunomi states sternly, then reaches over and takes Rhapsody's hand, with a little difficulty. "Rhaps. I know it hurts." Yunomi says, and then just leans forwards and hugs Rhapsody the best she can, and then scoots over and attemps to wrap her arms around Sidonia too, for good measure. Not because she's dizzy and will fall over without support. That's an entirely different problem.

    "You are my family and my heart beats for you, and as long as this heart beats, you know I shall look out for your best interests. Always."

    There's a pause.

    "I'm missing a dragon in my family group hug."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The third dragon suddenly comes in from behind Yunomi, "Are not," he quips matter-of-factly. The report was in, whatever the Boros would do would be their business.

    The two sisters just settle into it, and Rhapsody doesn't protest for a moment. Then, after another moment, "Thianel's kind of difficult to hug," comes Rhapsody's attempt at a laugh.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi gives a snerk. "I can invent a way to fix it, I'm sure. I /am/ Izzet." she replies, and she loops Ryx in as much as she can. One Tanuki. Three Dragons. SO MANY HUGS.

    "... so... how... hard did you hit me?" Yunomi begins, and she loosens her armor as she pulls back from the hug, and shows off the heavy dents in the armor "... that might leave a mark."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Ah, I kinda put my weight into it. . . . My -actual- weight into it," the dragon admits. "So um... probably pretty hard? I've never really gauged it.."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Albert sat on these and not a dent. I get punched by my girlfriend and suddenly I need new armor..." Yunomi siiiighs. "Such is the lii--" and then she realizes that Sidonia and Ryx are still there... and she purses her lips. "... I said that out loud, didn't I?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Oh please," Ryxinel starts.

    Sidonia follows up. "You really think we didn't know?" she just smirks that smirk. She is the Izzet spymaster, after all. It says so on her door. Ignore the fact she made up the position!

    "Ah haha, yeah, you did," Rhapsody confirms before giving a snug of reassurance. "I don't think they mind."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "... more that the people around us, like the Boros, and the district didn't know... look, I'm from Feudal Japan, thigs like this weren't... common." she explains, and she looks terribly embarrassed, stands up -- teeters -- and immediately sits right back down.

    "Apparently, I may have a concussion from smacking against the tree. Luckily, my head is harder than the tree."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Well thankfully, you know a lot of people that know a lot of other people that can make sure you're well taken care of," Rhapsody states as Ryxinel rises to give a call for someone from one of the spires' medical team to come help Yunomi with her injury. "Sorry, still.. Last thing I would want to do is hurt you.."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "But it's still on the list." Yunomi jokes, and she gives a grin. "Rhaps, it's /fiiine/." Yunomi eases herself back up, taking her time this time. "Heat of the moment, but hopefully you'll remember this next time soneone decides to run their mouth. Sticks and stones may break bones -- but nothing shows up someone's bigotry like the very person they were making fun of saving their pathetic little ass."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"Ah, yeah. Hopefully I can -remember- before I try to clean someone's clock of it's gears." Red. Impulsive. Gotta remember somehow! Hopefully. "I'm curious what the Boros will do, but they have their job to do and we have ours," the dragon continues before offering the tanuki a hand. "SCIENCE doesn't invent itself, right?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I hope you do." Yunomi states, and she begins to walk, teeteringly a bit before she crosses her arms.

    "I'm glad that was resolved quickly, though... who knows what they could have done..." she trails off.

    Meanwhile, the Boros who were in pursuit of the three ended up with a messy demise right outside Izzet territory. The alleyway they followed the trio into is now scorched and black, smelling of burning tallow that might be carried on the wind.

    And there is no sign of the three guildless mages, other than a coin spinning in the air, and then falling with a clatter to the gorund.