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Power-up Training
Date of Scene: 01 August 2016
Location: The Sundew Kingdom<SK>
Synopsis: Traveling to Sarracenia's Sundew Kingdom, Ferham meets Sarracenia herself and gets a crash course in power ups!
Cast of Characters: 516, Sarracenia

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Soaring overhead, Ferham had spied the sundew kingdom and let herself descend from high above. She had just finished some operations nearby and she knew one of the confederate operatives still active reigned here--well, it didn't exactly hurt to come say hello, now did it? She understood that she might be mistaken for an intruder or worse, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. Landing in the lakebound city, the femmebot's high heeled boots click-clacked as she approached the palace, smirking a little at some of the weird looks she'd no doubt get. It wasn't every day some of these people saw a robot with gams like these of course. If need be, she'd stop and declare she was on official confederate business, and ask to be taken to their 'leader', so to speak. Whom Ferham understood was a matriarch.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Really it wasn't often (or ever) that these people saw a robot. And Ferham likely doesn't see people like these very often. The humans are normal enough, though a bit short and many wearing large flowers on their heads. But that is only half the population. The other half are short plant creatures with roots for feet and a single large leaf for each arm. Their heads are somewhat bulb-like, but the big round oversized bulbs are full of piranha-like teeth. The plant creatures wear almost nothing except what might be required for their professions. And just about every citizen Ferham passes stares a moment at the shiny, well-built robot woman.

     When she approaches the castle, armored plant creatures approach with spears raised. When told she is here on official Confederacy business, then escort Ferham inside. The castle is rather extravagant, and the front doors are large enough to fit a dragon through. Once inside, Ferham is asked to wait in the foyer while the guards fetch their leader.

     Ferham might have been expecting the princess, but the people who approach look in their late 40s. One is clearly the king, the other the queen, and both are dressed in luxurious green fabrics with red and orange accents, reminding one of the plants around the castle. "Greetings. I am King Bark Sundew, and this is Queen Pansy Sundew. How can we help you?" the king says. He is the classic king archetype. Large crown, long staff-like sceptre, and a thick cloak. The queen is dressed similarly, and smiles gently to Ferham. "Are you afriend of our daughter?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham is mindful of the piranha plants, or Pakkun flowers, as they're affectionately called by the Japanese. She would keep her hands to herself mostly, except if one allowed her to scratch one under it's chin--Ferham could work her charms on humanoids as well as other creatures at times, she found. She's polite to the armored guards out front too, waiting patiently and offering each of them a smile as she's escorted inside.

     Standing in the foyer, she's content to wait, a hand on her hip as she admires the interior of the castle. When hse is approached by the king and queen, Ferham is quick to give a courtly kneel before the two of them, waiting till she's allowed to stand.

     "That's correct, I'm here to see Princess Sarracenia, is she available?" she hadn't expected this opportunistic visit to turn into a formal affair, but she's able to keep her wits and politeness about her, and she also probably has a morbid curiosity about how she relates to Peach, if any.

Sarracenia has posed:
     The king seems a bit put off by that, but the queen just gives him a pat on the shoulder. "We will send for her. If you will excuse us, there are duties to which we must attend." The king and queen walk back into the castle interior after that, though the king can be heard mumbling something about 'if she asked for the leaders, why does she wish to see Sarra?' The queen just giggles softly.

     A few minutes later, the princess appears. She carries herself even taller and more regally than her parents do. That long red dress keeps her well covered and modest, with just a flutter near the bottom and a slight glimpse of pointed red shoes as she walks, while the heels create a tell-tale clacking with each step. "Yes? What business does the Confederacy have here today?" she says as she approaches and gives a polite curtsey to Ferham.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "My apologies if I offended, I merely wished to show respect," Ferham rose from her kneel and looked a little confused as the king seemed put off by her kneel, shrugging a little. "Of course," she bowed her head at the very least, looking up after they were gone.

     "Hello--I was curious if you'd heard tell of King Bowser, who apparently re-emerged, or at least there is news of such--would they or the name Princess Peach mean anything to you?" Ferham is posing this messenger act into a bit of an investigation of her own, it seems. She'd curtsey back to Sarra, of course, smiling in the process. She was surprised--if she'd seen Sarra from far off she'd have been sure that /was/ Peach, though the hair was a little different. Peach also didn't wear red, especially not red heels like that.

Sarracenia has posed:
     The king seemed to approve of the kneel, it was actually the declaration that his daughter was the subject of the visit that got him. Ferham may not realize it, but the princess does not rule this kingdom, unlike Peach and her kingdom.

     Sarracenia's cordial smile fades quickly at the mention of Bowser and Peach, then her arms cross over her chest and she hmphs softly before turning her head up and to the side. "King Bowser is always appearing and disappearing, planning his next attack on the Mushroom Kingdom or carrying out those plans. And as for Princess Peach, of course I know that name. She is the bane of my existence!"

     Sarracenia's prim and proper poise soon dissolves as her anger and frustration come through. "It is all her fault that my own kingdom does not approve of me! The people care not for me or what I do for this kingdom! All they say is Princess Peach is so nice. Why can't our princess be like that?" Her voice turns mocking and overly sweet at that last part, then she huffs again. "I am perfectly nice! I am simply not a goody-goody pushover like that Princess Peach! And Bowser is no better! He has not once tried to kidnap me, despite this kingdom being here just as long as the Mushroom Kingdom! What is his problem? I am just as beautiful and desirable as that little blonde bimbo!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Indeed, I only heard some small mention of him the last week, supposedly he'd resurfaced again," Ferham is quick to keep up on those who might be looking to kidnap her acquaintances. "Oh, well then, wouldn't you be glad to hear her nemesis has returned?--But where are my manners--I'm Ferham--" she however pauses as Sarra has her little... well, tiff there. She stays silent until she's done.

     "I can see by your gloves and your demeanor you are not as... soft, or gentle as she seems to be," she raises a brow when she mentions Bowser not even bothering to kidnap her, however.

     "Is that something you would prefer?" Ferham isn't about to judge of course, she's seen stranger desires and stranger things in her time. "I mean if you were looking for someone to kidnap you, well..." she shrugs a little, muttering.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Princess Sarracenia blinks at Ferham's questions. "What? N-no, of course I do not /want/ to be kidnapped! That would be crazy!" she says, though her slight blush and hesitance to meet Ferham's gaze suggest otherwise. "It is simply that he has never even tried! It is insulting! As if I am not as good as Peach!" Yep, she obviously has some issues.

     She peers a moment as Ferham mutters, then coughs softly. "Of course, being kidnapped does have its advantages. Such as heroic plumbers who come to one's rescue. Or, in this Multiverse, I have discovered that heroes come in many shapes and sizes and types, and are not always men." She says this as if it is a slight hint.

     The princess folds her arms again after that. "Did you come here merely to gain intelligence on the other kingdoms? If so, I can offer a fair amount of information." she says, a slight smile returning to her face before she brushes some stray strands of her reddish-blonde hair out of her face.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham just smiles as Sarra begins to blush and has to look away like that, nodding her head a little. "I can understand, actually--it's not like he'd go after a woman such as me, either--I'm not even a princess--I'm not even human, for that matter, I'm a Reploid," she shrugs a little again, not seeming to mind it.

     "Well if it is something I can perhaps help arrange, I wouldn't mind, would you happen to have information on Peach and her dealings with Bowser then?" Ferham gestures as if it might be wise to talk about this in private.

     "Mmm... partly, I was also curious curious if you were as beautiful as Princess Peach, for one, and if there was anything in the kingdom I could assist with, it never hurts to have contacts within our organization, after all," she bows her head again with a smile.

     "Lovely shoes, by the way," she seems to mean it.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Princess Sarracenia nods lightly, then motions for Ferham to follow her. "Well, as mentioned, I have had only one dealing with Bowser, and only a few more with Peach." she says, then smirks lightly and gives her hair a swish at Ferham's mention of comparing her and Peach. "So? Who is the more lovely princess?" she asks, standing up a bit taller and trying to give the best display she can. And at the compliment to her shoes she smiles happily. "Thank you. I had them custom ordered."

     She leads Ferham into a small meeting room, then motions to one of the chairs around the large, long table. It is a table carved out of one long piece of wood and intricately inlaid with gold and iridescent stones all lacquered and polised to a mirror shine. Sarracenia takes a seat at the head of the table.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham follows along, nodding with a smile. "I like them," Ferham's own boots have a heel to them, but of course as they're part of her armor they're hardly meant for a black-tie or evening wear affair. She's quick to sit herself down as she's shown to the chairs, carefully angling herself down into it with her wings out of the way.

     "Thank you, I also adore your gloves, they're much more... commanding and assured than other princesses I've seen," her green eyes pause on them for a moment, before leaning back in the chair. "Elegant castle interior, as well--so, yes, I am somewhat here to not only meet your lovely self, but also see if you've had any past experiences with King Koopa... ergo Bowser."

Sarracenia has posed:
     Princess Sarracenia starts blushing softly again as Ferham's compliments for her continue to flow. She looks her gloves over and giggles a bit. "Well, I did not want to appear weak like Princess Peach. Those soft white gloves of hers...it is no wonder she cannot look out for herself." she says a bit arrogantly.

     The comment about meeting her lovely self brings back the soft blush and Princess Sarracenia gives her hair a swish with a hand to help calm herself and maintain her air of superiority. "I had only one experience with King Bowser. He and I faced each other in that combat training area within the Citadel. He ended up besting me with my own weapon. But, as princess of this kingdom, it is my responsibility to know about other kingdoms. Is there something specific you wish to know?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "This is true, she does dress rather impractically," Ferham nods, apparently she's seen her before. She listens as Sarracenia recounts her previous encounters with the King of Koopas, her legs crossing and leaning forward with her palms folded over her knee, listening.

     "He is said to be very powerful, this is why I wanted to investigate him, even if he does work for the same organization as us," she nods. "He is very strong, and he possesses magical powers, things I don't do very well against, so do his followers," she seems serious about that, as well.

     "Well, does he have any weaknesses? aside from damseling Princesses, that is," she seems to think of that at first.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Princess Sarracenia considers that a moment. "Weaknesses...the only true weakness of his of which I am aware is his tail. He is a bit slow due to his size and weight, and supposedly if you grab his tail it throws him off balance and even a small plumber can swing him around and send him flying through the air. He breathes fire, but is surprisingly not really resistant to it. I think if one were to fight him the best tactic is to use his own force against him. Get him to attack and then move and counter-attack."

     Sarra shakes her head after that. "But, he is quite strong, and his use of magic is something that I do not share. But, I do have ways to counter those powers. My kingdom is a primary manufacturer of single-use powerups. They grant temporary use of such things as fire and ice bolts, as well as flight abilities. But..." Sarra looks Ferham over. "...I doubt you would have much need for those things." she adds, smirking lightly. "However, I do have some utility items that you might find interesting. I personally favor the suit-type powerups. Tanuki, frog, hammer sibling...there are a few others, but those three are the most useful in my opinion. And they are quite cute when worn."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham looked surprised when Sarra mentioned Bowser's tail, that was pertinant information, at least--and it made sense, many creatures with tails tended to try and protect them, since they lacked natural armor, especially like the kind Bowser possessed.

     "So, his tail and fire, hmm..." Fer makes note of that, before looking back up at Sarracenia. "Probably not of the ice-granting things, but the others are interesting," she nodded with a grin in return to Sarra. Oh yes, she liked this princess.

     "You do? Hmm... would you perhaps show me how they work? How to use them?" she asked, leaning forward and seeming to be looking to Sarra to help. Magical artifacts were likely not her strong suit, it seemed.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia grins almost impishly at that. "Of course. In fact, I have a room dedicated to their use and for practicing while using them." she says, then stands and motions to Ferham. "Please, come with me." Sarracenia then guides Ferham out of the meeting room and upstairs. It is quite a staircase, just as intricate and extravagant as the rest of the castle.

     Sarra leads Ferham down a long hallway and to a certain door. When she opens it...it is a training room! A large training room made of thick black and white granite blocks that promise to withstand lots of abuse. Wooden test dummies holding mockups of swords and shields with targets on their chests and one for a head line the far wall. Next to the door is a large red and gold treasure chest locked with a heavy steel lock. Sarra closes the door once Ferham is inside, then moves to the chest. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a golden key, then unlocks the chest before grinning to Ferham. "Alright, which powerup would you like first? I suggest the hammer-sibling suit. You will understand once you put it on."

     Sarracenia then throws Ferham...a doll? Yes, a small yellow doll wearing a thick black helmet and a thick black armored shell. "Just give it a hug~" Sarracenia giggles before she pulls out one for herself and demonstrates. She hugs the doll, and it explodes in smoke and magical sparkles. When the smoke clears a moment later, Sarracenia's dress is gone. In it's place is the black helmet, black shell, and a black bodysuit. And in her hand is a small but dangerous-looking maul. The head is as thick as a fist, and looks very heavy, with a thick steel grip. "And then...you practice throwing!"

     Sarra throws her hammer with deadly accuracy, smashing the head off of one of the dummies. The hammer she threw disappears after impact and reappears in her hand with the same smoke puff of the suit transformation.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I'd be delighted," Ferham would hold out a gloved hand for the regal girl, and if she took it, would walk hand in hand with her while letting Sarra lead the way, smiling. Her green eyes did wonder about the halls as they walked, the girl's heels clattering as they went, no doubt. She is rather surprised and taken in by the elaborate training area, so much so she jumps a bit when Sarra closes the door behind her, before regaining her composure.

     "Oh, yes, of course... Hammer Sibling? I assume that's gender-neutral for Hammer 'Brother'?" she'd heard of them, apparently--they were specialized turtle troopers of Bowser's. "Just hug it?" Ferham had to react quickly to catch the 'doll' item that was thrown over to her, looking surprised when she managed to catch it in her arms loosely despite having not intended to use it just yet--it appeared she was going to try it on anyway!


     As the smoke cleared, Ferham was standing there--now out of her armor, but in something quite a bit bulky--she had the padded Hammer Bros helmet, and accompanying shell on her back, however her outfit had changed to a set of long red gloves, boots, along with a red harnessed bra and thong combo.

     "What the--eek!" Ferham's reaction to the new outfit was priceless, course, but she did relent as she found herself able to move quite a bit quicker now. She practiced throwing a few hammers, having to get the hang of it as the first couple went high, but soon enough, she was getting the hang of it.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia is visibly surprised with how Ferham ends up dressed. Sarra's suit is tight, but it covers nearly every inch of her skin! Ferham's outfit is at the least provocative, and Sarracenia blushes a bit before giggling. "Oh dear. It seems the powerup does customize a bit to its user." she says as she looks Ferham over. "I must say I am surprised. I was under the impression you were a Reploid, and that your armor was integrated." she says, then smiles. "So, give it a try? The dummies are automatically replaced once they are destroyed."

     And, as if on que, the dummy that Sarracenia smashed is pulled back through a slot in the wall, and another is pushed forward.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "You're not so bad yourself there, Princess Sarracenia," Ferham huffed a little, before looking over at Sarra with a smile, despite having blushed a bit herself. "My armor is stored at the moment, I reason I can summon it back when this state ends, or is dispelled," she shakes her head. "It's not built into me, it's however fitted for my shape and systems, it won't work for anyone else," she practices lobbing a few of those hammers--hey, throwing hammers was no joke--if you've ever had one thrown at you.

     She practices sending a few more at the new replaced dummy--the hail of wood and steel hammers clobbering the fresh one and impacting it in several places, crashing into it!

     "Huh... I can see why you like this one, it's surprisingly satisfying," she put her hands on her hips, perhaps forgetting the outfit was baring a lot of midriff, before looking down and realizing this, before peering over at Sarra. Awkward~

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia doesn't seem to mind. In fact, when Ferham looks over at her she gives a little wink. "Yes. These items magically store your other equipment and things until the suit is destroyed. Then it magically returns them to you unharmed. These powerups are only good until you take a damaging hit. One good smack and it disappears. So, they are good in a pinch, but one should not rely solely on them." she explains before she joins Ferham in some hammer sister fun.

     Sarracenia must agree with Ferham on the satisfying comment, because she has a slightly sadistic grin as she smashes those dummies with thrown hammers. She even laughs out loud every now and then as a head goes flying or a dummy is smashed in half by a particularly vicious hammer hit. "It is very satisfying! I use this range to relieve my stress quite often!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham listens silently as Sarra explains this, before moving aside and letting Sarra join her throwing hammers. She doesn't seem to mind being 'Hammer Sisters' with the Princess, at least! She seems even surprised at the glee the princess goes through with this display of violence.

     "Oohh, I like you, Princess Sarracenia," Ferham all but purrs, noting the wanton glee and capability she has in defending herself. It's surprising and quite a bit different from the other princess types she's seen.

     "Stress relief is a go, I like this," she nodded, finally having taken out a few more of the training dummys, popping a few of her joints as she takes a moment to relax. "So you do this all the time? It's a lot of fun," she nods with a smile.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia smashes one last dummy, then giggles and grins at Ferham's comments. "Of course it is. I wouldn't do anything for relaxation that wasn't fun." she says, standing with one hand on her hip and her weight shifted to that side while she tosses a hammer casually up and down. "The frog suit lets you swim quickly underwater and hold your breath for a very long time. The tanuki suit offers the power of flight, as well as cold-weather endurance and the ability to transform into an indestructible statue. And they are both quite cute, if you ask me. But, the hammer sibling suit is the best for combat. The helmet and back shell are near impervious. However, I do have a few other items that rather than giving you a new outfit just alter the color pattern on your current outfit."

     Sarracenia moves back to the chest and leans forward, then pulls out a cute little flower with eyes. It glows with fiery power. "Unfortunately you can't use a suit and another power item at the same time. Except a Power Star, but those can't be manufactured or really even gathered."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Tanuki, I've heard that name before--mythical Japanese animal?" Ferham nodded a little, a hand raised to her chin as she took in that information. Now that she'd learned how to use the magical items she could utilize them whenever she needed to, which was handy. "Cold-weather endurance? I might save that for you--or my other human friends, they could be saved by that in a pinch--I myself am resistant to cold temperatures," she stood aside as Sarra bent down into the box, watching with interest as she came up with the fire flower.

     "So if I were to use that one now it would simply... overwrite this one? important to know," she nodded, then blinked. "I'll keep that in mind," she nodded, smiling down at Sarra. She seemed to be having a great time.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia blinks at that first question. "Is it? I really don't know why it is called that. It looks like a raccoon to me." she says, then pulls one out so Ferham can see it. It's another little doll, except this one has a black face with cute shiny black eyes surrounded by the fur and body of a raccoon plush. Sarracenia sets it on a small table by the chest. Then Sarra pulls out a little frog of similar design and sets it down beside the tanuki.

     Sarracenia then turns back to Ferham and smiles. "I like the fireflower almost as the hammer sibling." she says, then gives the flower a hug. In another puff of smoke and sparkles her dress returns, but the coloration is different. Where is was all bright red, it is now a darker fire red with white accents and flame yellow gloves. Then, she gives a graceful twirl before flicking a finger at one of the dummies. And with a quick sound , a fireball about the size of a softball goes bouncing along the floor before hitting the dummy.

     And exploding like a mini-firebomb. The dummy is both blown apart and caught on fire, and Sarracenia is again grinning. "Perhaps even better than the hammers."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I must say, as much as the form-fitting Hammer Sis outfit is nice on you, that dress looks even better with the flame pattern," Ferham points out as Sarra transforms (mostly) back, though she jumps back as she notices the fireball being flicked. Likely Fer is mindful of the amount of skin the hammer outfit leaves open, embers on that wouldn't be pleasant.

     "On second thought..." Ferham took up the almost beanie baby-sized raccoon suit plush and drew it closer--soon finding herself in a full body Tanuki Suit! Think 'Batman the animated series' Catwoman esque sort of full-body thing, only brown and raccoon-themed. Along with a big long bushy tail!

     "There, now how do you--" she practiced turning to stone with it a few times--her entirety turning slate gray, and remaining that way. Whoops, did she not know how to change back??

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia blinks in surprise as Ferham picks up that tanuki plush, then giggles as Ferham transforms into a statue. She isn't sure if Ferham knows how to change back or not, but the suit usually imparts such knowledge. Still, Sarracenia can't help but smirk lightly. She idly wonders if Ferham is teasing her, given the Reploid's conduct so far. "Oh dear. I hope you can change back. Otherwise, I may have to put you in the royal courtyard as the centerpiece of a fountain." she says before...she flicks a fireball at Ferham. Likely just to give the reploid a better idea of the statue's advantages. It may be immobile, but it is quite heavy and the explosive fireball hits Ferham-statue and just explodes harmlessly.

     Sarracenia giggles, then smiles. "It is gratifying to know that my Confederate allies like my kingdom's items so much. Once they have used them. I have had quite a lot of trouble exporting any to the Multiverse. But then, with so many powerful items already out there, these items must seem more like trinkets than useful items." she says. She apparently thinks Ferham can hear her despite being a statue.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     As the fireball hits her square on, it is dispersed--and Ferham changes back from being a statue--becoming normal again, but also looking a bit surprised by that.

     "Ahh! That was... something else," apparently she was confused at what happened. "I thought I understood how it worked, but... I guess I almost wound up a very attractive lawn ornament," she reached over and patted Sarra on the shoulder, apparently thankful she was there to help her.

     "Well, I can somewhat understand, they do seem to require some training to use, and I suppose some people might be looking for weapons or armor that doesn't fade away getting struck once," she apologetically nods, but brightens a little. "On the plus side, I do have to thank you for showing me how to use these," she gives the princess a respectful bow of her head and upper body. "I had a lot of fun tonight, too," she looks back up at the woman with a smile.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia giggles as Ferham changes back in response to the fireball hit, then again at the comment. "Nonsense. If you had been stuck as a statue, I would have made you the focus of a beautiful fountain in order to honor your own beauty." she says with a teasing smile. She then nods at the comment about the items. "True. Perhaps they are only really useful here on this world, where it is much easier to avoid being hit, partially due to the creatures on encounters being quite incompetent."

     Sarra smiles happily as Ferham says she had a good time. "I am glad! I have so few friend who are interested in my items and my kingdom." she says, then sighs. "...or even interested in me."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "You would...? I mean--uh, at least until I figured out how to use it to turn back, I suspect," she eyes Sarra a bit, before letting it go. For the moment. "Well, I wouldn't say that--being able to swim that well or fly could be a useful life-saving tool, as well as the resistance to the cold," Fer plucked at the fur covering of the tanuki suit, before blinking and slipping over to slip her arms around Sarracenia herself.

     "Relax--whenever you're feeling low just give me a hail over the radio and I can come by, okay?" she gave the girl a snug hug before leaning back, though not fully releasing her yet.

     "If you're okay with that anyway, I realize being a Princess comes with a lot of respect due to you," she winks. She rocked herself back and forth a bit on the heels that were integrated into the tanuki suit for her, likely sporty thick 3" ones.

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia seems rather surprised when she is suddenly hugged. She goes stiff a moment, but slowly relaxes. She doesn't hug back, but doesn't push Ferham off either. "I suppose I could. If I have the time." she says to the radio comment, then smiles just a bit as Ferham pulls back. "I just wish my subjects felt the same way. They are respectful, but I would not say that they think I deserve respect." she says.

     She runs her hands along Ferham's arms after that and giggles. "Tanuki looks so cute on you. Perhaps I should commission a non-magical suit for you."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Perhaps we need to work on your public image a little more, is all," Ferham says with a helpful tone, blinking a little with her brows raised, before she grins. "I'll wear what the Princess deems appropriate then, I suppose, while I'm in her kingdom," she doesn't seem to mind the idea of Sarra getting outfits for her made. "It's the least I could do, anyway," Ferham didn't seem to mind her arms being petted like that either. Tha tail of her tanuki outfit curls around the both of them.

     "For now though, I should probably get back... as much fun as spending time here with you is," she pats Sarra on the shoulder. As Fer begins to untangle herself from Sarracenia though, her entire body begins to have that familiar slate-gray creeping across it again.


     Ferham is again a statue. Well, on second thought, perhaps she ought to spend the night!

Sarracenia has posed:
     Sarracenia giggles a bit as that tail curls around, then smiles softly as Ferham pulls away. "Okay. Have a good ni-..." Her words trail off as Ferham turns into a statue again. Sarracenia rolls her eyes and giggles. "I am not building you that fountain tonight!" she says teasingly. She gives Ferham a pat on the head, then giggles again. "But, you are welcome to stay the night. Although, you might feel a bit stiff if you stay a statue all night."

     Then, Sarracenia heads for the door after packing away her powerups and locking the chest again. "See you in the morning~" she sing-songs to Ferham before stepping out.