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Latest revision as of 03:33, 7 August 2016

Fateful Discussion
Date of Scene: 06 August 2016
Location: Zephyr's Room
Synopsis: Fate comes to talk Zephyr out of her slump.
Cast of Characters: 162, 306

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr's been off the radar for the last week or so. Ever since Divine Wind posted up about a 'failed mission' with the United Earth Federation. She has, in fact, been in her apartment on Njorun the entire time since she was released from Medical. 'Stay close, so we can observe in case some radiation damage remains.' they'd said.

    So here she is, returning home from a trip to one of the city centers in the Roots, riding a motorcycle with a pair of saddleboxes full of junk food and easy-cook ready meals. She pulls up to her apartment block, dismounts, unloads then heads inside. "Dee? Any messages?" she calls as she kicks the door closed. <One message. Master. Enforcer Captain Harlaown stopped by while you were out. She wanted me to inform her when you returned. Which I have done so already.> "Wait, what? Since when did you take orders from her?" <Since you have refused contact with anyone, even via radio for the last week. This is not healthy Master.> "You traitorous little..."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"She had your best interests at heart, Zephyr." Fate's soft voice comes from the door, a gentle smile on her face. She is the fastest Mage in the Bureau, after all, so it's to be expected that she got back immediately when Divine Wind alerted her.

Crimson eyes shift toward the groceries, but she doesn't address them directly. For now. "May I come in, Zephyr? I was hoping I could talk you into being my guinea pig for something. I've been meaning to cook something special for Nanoha and Vivio but haven't gotten to try the recipe out yet."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr tenses up. She wasn't ready to face people yet, she couldn't after failing her duty. Especially not the one person in the Bureau she admired most. <Master.> came Divine Wind's chime, coaxing, gently maternal.

    "F-Fine... come in." says the young woman through gritted teeth, as she throws her cycle helmet over into a corner, into a laundry hamper of all things, before throwing herself over onto the couch, sprawling across it. "Don't have much to cook with. Don't spend much time here after all." she says, covering her eyes with her right forearm. "Spend more time in Medical than anywhere else."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"Mmm... I'll figure something out. Now, let's see..." The blonde begins to rummage around in the kitchen, pulling out this and that. "You know, fast food is well and good, but there are some things that only a real cooked meal can fix. Come give me a hand?"

Divine Wind is given a nod as well. "Both of you can help if you want. Bardiche doesn't like cooking much, himself." A soft chime sounds from Fate's coat. "How are you feeling, Zephyr?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "You live fast. You need to eat fast." Zephyr replies idly, staying where she is for the moment, but peeking out from behind her arm. "Why do you even care about me? I'm mean, you've got, how many adopted kids, Nanoha, Vivio, those others." she grumbles, then kicks herself up to sitting, before standing. "Fine... what do you want me to do?"

    Divine Wind chimes softly. <I am unfortunately not equipped with manipulation abilities, nor are my auto-levitation circuits delicate enough for more than station holding during flight when Master's hands are both required. I can interfact with the few electronic appliances, and provide assistance that way.> Zephyr quirks a brow at the final question, however. "How am I feeling? I'm fine." that's a lie and it's so obvious even a rock could tell.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
For several seconds, Fate just gives the younger Mage a Look. It's not nearly sharp enough to be a Look <tm> but is definitely more than just a glance. "Zephyr, look who you're talking to about being fast." She smiles, though, and hands the girl a few things from the fridge. "Cut these and put them in a bowl for me?" It looks like there may be a small cooking lesson involved, or at least wrangling as an assistant.

The blonde smiles softly. "I care about everyone I work with, Zephyr. Even if I haven't adopted you." Fate leans over slightly, her smile growing warmer. "Though you know you're always welcome to come visit. Or... you know. Come to me if you feel the need to talk about anything."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr returns that Look with a steady gaze of her own... but breaks the eye contact first, taking the items and pulling a knife out of the block to cut them up. "Thick, fine or diced?" she asks, keeping her eyes on the task so she doesn't slice her finger open. She remains quiet for a long time after Fate finishes talking. Almost to the point that one may think she's not going to speak. "... I fucked up." she says softly, cutting up the items as instructed before sliding the whole lot into a bowl, handing it back without looking at the taller blonde.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
It's hard to win a Look contest with a mom. Fate's expression softens considerably, though. "Thick is fine, so long as they're even." The blonde turns the stove on and begins mixing a few things in a pan. She occasionally glances back over to Zephyr, but doesn't prod more than that initial prompt.

When Zephyr speaks up, though, Fate gives a slight nod. "It would belittle your feelings to say that you shouldn't feel bad about it, so I won't say that. It's perfectly fine to be upset. I know... I know it hurts when you can't save someone." She stirs a bit more, quietly, and reaches over to the bowl to upend it into the pan. "But the past can't be changed. Sometimes what you need to do isn't beat yourself up, but think of how to do better next time." Fate pauses, tilting her head to glance at Zephyr. "...and sometimes you just need someone to hold you while you cry. That's allowed, too."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "It wasn't just someONE... it was 80,000 mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters... people that had families that have lost a vital part of their lives." comes the outflow. She stands there, leaning on the counter. "I watched helplessly as the Imperieuse gutted those ships. Even though I managed to kill the target... what use was that?"

    Zephyr slams a clenched fist on the counter top, her shoulders shuddering as she tries to hold it all back, but the wall's been broken now. It's only a matter of time before it fully crumbles.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"Mmm." Fate turns the heat down to a simmer so she can turn away from the stove. She listens to the girl's outpouring, a gentle expression on her face. "Zephyr..."

Taking a step forward, Fate rests a hand on the girl's forearm. She doesn't tug Zephyr in, but she does keep herself close, should Zephyr really need a hug. "Don't hold anything back, okay? Nothing you say here is going to leave these four walls, so you don't have to worry about what anyone else might think."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr's shoulders continue to shudder and shake. One hand covering her mouth so she doesn't scream, but that doesn't stop the tears. They fall like rain onto the counter top, and before long, that gentle touch on her arms, causes the younger mage to turn and bury her face against the elder.

    Like a young child, she clings in close, arms wrapped tightly around the taller blonde's waist as she just unloads. Crying out for all those people she watched die. More than just those 80,000 in the UEF ships, there were countless more in the GTVA ones that were destroyed too, and the memory that those were also people with families, just keeps the waterfall flowing.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
Sometimes patience is needed, and Fate doesn't press. She just waits, offering a gentle and understanding expression as she watches Zephyr begin to cry. "...ah."

Fate's arms come up to gently wrap around the girl, petting her back, stroking her hair, and just holding Zephyr supportingly. "There, there... it's okay, don't hold back." She closes her eyes, quietly letting Zephyr cry until the girl is finished.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    It takes some time. There's a lot of pent up anguish to unload, but eventually the tears dry up, the shuddering shoulders still and the near death-grip slackens. She eases away from the taller mage, keeping her eyes averted as she sniffles, rubbing at her face with her sleeve. "... thanks..." she mumbles out.

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
When she sees that sleeve in use, Fate is quick to offer a paper towel. "Are you feeling a bit better, Zephyr?" The blonde pets her hair softly a few times before releasing her, but staying nearby in case another flood of tears comes. "The past won't go away, but... if you keep dwelling on your failures, you're going to tear yourself up." She smiles softly. "And sometimes you just need a good cry. I know... I know it was hard. But you're stronger than you know, and I know you can be even stronger."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr takes the paper towel, and wipes at her eyes with it. "Not I can't be." she replies bitterly. "I'm as strong as I'm ever going to get... the only way is down from here." She turns away, and flops back down onto the couch. "My Linker Core is broken, Captain Harlaown. And it'll only get worse as I get older... I'll go out the same way my mother did. With my Linker Core exploding in my chest."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
Leaving the pan on low simmer, Fate follows the younger mage out and sits on the couch near her. "I didn't mean physical strength or magical strength, Zephyr. I mean that you, Zephyr Windstar, are strong." The blonde reaches forward, poking a finger at Zephyr's chest. "Right here. Not your Linker Core or your magic. Your heart. You're a brave, strong person, and I'm sure Divine Wind would agree with me."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grunts a little at the poke. "Bravery doesn't save people without the ability to back it up." she retorts sourly. "But I get it." Divine Wind chimes as it floats its core frame through. <If you were not strong enough. I would not obey you, Master.> it remarks, as it settles on the coffee table. "Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence there."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
The blonde gives Zephyr a light pat on the shoulder. "All I ask is that you promise me you'll never give up. Divine Wind will hold you to that, too." She smiles and stands up, walking back to the kitchen. "And if you ever need someone to just listen to you... I hope you'll come to me. Now..." There's a bit of clanking as she takes out dishes and utensils, and soon returns with a bowl to give to Zephyr. "Here. Much better than something from the microwave."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "Like I said, I'll end up dying like my mom did. She died fighting to protect me and dady." replies the brunette, accepting the bowl. "I, Zephyr Windstar, will die fighting until the last shred of magic and life leaves my body. That, is my oath." she adds, as she leans back, looking into the bowl, then digging in with the provided utensil. "I'd like to do some training with you though... if you have time between your Enforcer assignments... and I want to apply for the Enforcer corp. My CO says I'm wasted in the Ground Forces air wing."

Fate T. Harlaown (306) has posed:
"While I am confident you will fight to protect others, Zephyr, don't be so sure you'll die doing so. I think you have a lot more time left than you think. Besides.... you haven't fallen in love yet, have you?" Fate smiles softly and brushes a bit of hair away from the brunette's forehead. "You're always welcome to train with me, though. Nanoha may be a better teacher, but... yes, you can call on me whenever you want." She tilts her head slightly, giving the girl a smile. "I can set up a recommendation for your application. I know how serious you are about protecting others."