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Tinder - The Start Up
Date of Scene: 15 August 2016
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: The Test Start Up! A Catered event where a few select members attending can witness the birth of a new era in Ravnica as a test start up for the Mana Nexus occurs -- AND NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG.
Cast of Characters: 272, 639, Staren, 930, Lyria Mason, Yang Xiao Long, 857, 325, 865, 385, 482, 300
Tinyplot: Moeru

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:

The Mana Nexus is a huge area; taking up several city blocks with walkways passing over it, this honeycomb like structure gently hums with energy, while far, far below the waves of a hidden sea lap at turbines, their massive gears turning in time with their fingers. Don't look down off the edge.

The tables are set out, tubs of bottled drinks ranging from mundane bottled water to things that look fizzy, glow with arcane light and promise 'the most bubbles of any soft drink this side of Where You're From!'. Piles of bagels, lox and butter loaded into peppers for display and kept on ice, vegetable trays, fruit trays, and large platters of roasted, spiced, sliced meats, root vegetables, plates of hot meat on sticks, smothered in spicy and savory sauces.

Off to the side, Yunomi is standing near the controls. Her dark hair and bright red and blue bangs are swept up, combed neatly and braided along in a crown atop her head to keep things out of the way and have a nice presentation, wearing a red and blue overcoat over demure, brownish clothing beneath -- mostly to hide the occasional oil spot. Her goggles are around her neck, and she's fiddling with a control stand, attached via softly humming, thick vine-like wires.

The wires are trailing off and through a portal, through which what looks like a fusion Japanese fantasy down can be seen. There is a shrine located beneath a massive tree, resplendent in pink, red, and white blossoms.

... and off to the other side, a goblin in a nice suit sits at an instrument that looks like a cross between a calliope and a massive theater organ, and begins to play 'take me out to the ball game'  -- before realizing he has the wrong music. He clears his throat, and then begins to play properly, turning the pages with his long, thin, hooked nose.

(music being played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAV0av2SHTg )

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Ravnica. Well, Merlin /had/ been looking for an excuse to visit, though he'd also been quite caught up in recent events at Dun Realtai. But this was something he'd sworn not to miss, and it's only important that the Order maintain its togetherness! And frankly, the idea of a mana-transmission system, especially a /mechanical/ one, has the old-school wizard intrigued.

    Ooh, bagels. Om nom nom.

    The unexpected musical touch gets the goblin an amused glance; at least he didn't have the sheet music upside down. Poor Mr. Borge. And then Merlin takes in the great machine, and the portal...oh. So that's what it's for. There's a nod of understanding, and then he spies Yunomi. And with a little magic, says hello - by means of a familiar greeting, namely a small blue rose apparating and sliding into place in Yunomi's hair. The soft stem is of course thornless, and the small rose tucks right into the same spot Merlin had first placed it.

Staren has posed:
    Staren smiles and waves to Yunomi as he arrives. He's happy for her achievement today, even if they have... differences about Namamura. He glances over the assembly of... everything, but heads over to the refreshment table, and attempts to create some large sandwich out of bagels, lox, and spiced meats before looking over the assembly more carefully as he eats, trying to determine how it all works.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden, Katze, and fancy celebration!. They go together like water and oil!, still, the digimon wanted to spend some time in a more calm spot, catch up with some people, meet others... and free food!. The small digimon seemed content with admiring the other people around, feeling a bit out of place, even as he enjoys some of the delicious snacks, and a glass of something non alcoholic. Katze is sitting on his shoulder, apparently wearing a dress of some sort, one has to wonder where she got that one!. He offers a polite greeting to anyone that glances his way, and moves closer to the goblin, just to watch him play.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The bagels are tasty!

    Yunomi pauses, turning and talking to one of the goblin techs before she feels the familiar brush of a flower in her hair. She draws up, stretching out her shoulder as she gives a smile, excusing herself from the tech before she comes over to greet the mage. "Merlin! It's a pleasure to see you -- welcome to my humble home!" she motions to the Izzet Sector, with its electro coil towers, the red and blue glows everywhere, all the mana tech that you can shake a stick at.

    Staren is given a warm smile, and Yunomi goes to shake his hand. "Hey, enjoy the spread." Get it, lox, spread?

    She'll be here all week.

    The goblin turns his pages with his nose (and might leave a little boogie behind), but he gives a toothy, yellowed grin to Alden as he plays, pulling knobs, switching levers, his feet pressing pedals and levers beneath the instrument.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Humble? The word gets an ironic smirk from the wizard. "Quite impressive. I do see now why you have such a curiously attractive choice in hairstyles." He reaches up and brushes her bangs, comparing the red and blue locks of her hair to the red and blue glows around. A touch of a finger against the rose in her hair, and half the petals turn red - properly matching the look of things. "I suppose as far as a guild association goes, it's certainly...appropriately thematic."

    Staren is apparently a connoiseur of the bagel as well, though his idea of putting meat between a sliced bagel, with some kind of condiments? Never catch on. Hmpf.

    "So all of this has been your work." He holds up a hand to forestall the expected correction. "At the very least, by your mind if not your hand. Fascinating." Of course, he knows she'll talk more about it in a bit - but it is interesting, and maybe the tanuki will drop a hint or two...

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason had always been curious about Yunomi and the guild she worked with. After all she'd been here before and was hopeful to see how all of Miss Stadler's work had panned out. She could feel the literal and figurative magic in the air as she arrived a bit later than everyone else but here she was to see how things would play out. Also there was food, she was always up to try strange extraversal food. The blue haired Levitani seemed to be just starting to move about taking in the sights while nomming on some bagels. Also she pulls out her mPhone after a moment and starts taking photos of things.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden offers the goblin a bright smile and a nod, enjoying the music!, still, he realizes he should be trying to mingle a bit, so he slowly begins to move away, noticing Yunomi approaching the others, and begins to move closer, listening curiously. Katze meanwhile, seems a bit restless, adn tired of being on Alden's shoulder, she hops off and directly approaches Merlin and company, waving a small arm, "Hi!" the small Maochao says, smiling brightly and apparently not sharing Alden's desire for a more careful approach.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "An ode to my mentor, the founder of the Guild. Red for the fires of creation, blue for the calm of the mind. With them, we create beautiful, useful things-- and some things not-so-useful." she gives a small smile. "What you see here is the cumulation of years of hard work, investment by other guilds..." and she gives a smile. "All because I asked a dragon very nicely to teach me when I was very young."

    THe rose's changing color didn't exactly escape her, but she gives a smile to the mage, and with a wave of ehr own, a silver one is placed, friendly-like in his hair. "Don't wander off too far. There's going to be some excitement tonight."

    She gives a smile as she walks up to Lyria then, reaching out a hand. "Hello! You're a new face -- careful with the camera, some goblins don't like to have their picture taken, and the small drakes that fly through the towers sometimes like to eat them." she states to the Levitani. "Yunomi Stadler, overblown Izzet gardener, how do you do?" she smiles warmly -- Katze catches her attention then.

    "Oh! Hello there, little one!"

Merlin (639) has posed:
    "A dragon. Well now. Such things are...not so dissimilar between us, perhaps. And your mentor is very clearly a skilled and powerful teacher, with a talented and determined student. Have respect for yourself, my dear Lady Yunomi." Maybe it's not official, but screw it, she counts in his book. Besides, maybe it'll make her blush, turning that cute face even cuter.

    The tall mage kneels a moment as Yunomi magics the silver rose into his hair, then nods. "I shall be at your service at any time. Excitement is my middle name, after all" he adds with a wink, before retreating to the bagel stand to let Yunomi mingle further.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The deep thruming growl of a Dust Engine splits the music filled air, a familiar to some, not so to others motorcycle with a very distinct golden maned young woman sat stride it comes up the roadways, coming to a skidding halt with a minor powerslide well away from where people are gathering.

    Yang Xiao Long dismounts her bike, and sets the helmet she was wearing on the seat, before lofting a hand and walking over to the gathering. "hOi!"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden sighs as Katze just walks in and begins talking, and after a moment, he tries to do the same, instead approaching Staren, smiling and offering a friendly nod, "Hi." he chirps, tail swaying, before offering a hand, "I'm Alden.".

     Katze meanwhile, smiles to Yunomi, ears twitching at the mention of dragons, and bowing politely when addressed, "Nice to meet you, I'm Katze." she says, the bow a bit stiff. She of course also greets Merlin, "Nice party." she adds, smiling.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve has always had more interest in Yunomi than in mana and magic. That's not to say she's not curious of course. She's fascinated by the whole thing, and has been spending time staring around at various things in fascination. But Yunomi's nice, and also a bit troubled, and Eve only decided to come in the first place because this was the tanuki's moment to be proud.

    Sorry Merlin, Eve makes her way over to the food tray and quickly wedges some of the sliced meat into the bagel. Finger food is the best. Eve can eat it when reading. Not that she's reading at the moment, but she's used to preferring casual finger foods to those needing cutlery. Besides, if she REALLY needs cutlery she can STILL use her fingers. It's a bit gauche, but nanotechnology means never being without the proper tool. She also adds some cheese because... well, cheese. Cheese makes everything better.

    She's lurking somewhat off to the side when Yunomi mentions 'little one' and just about bristles. She's not THAT little! But then she realizes. Oh. Ahem. "Hello Yunomi." she murmurs, looking up, then over at Merlin. "I, uh, like the flowers?" she adds dubiously.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
It was essentially Presentation Day Eve, as far as the Izzet League was concerned. With all the hustle and bustle that had been going on in the construction of the Nexus, a number of mage wrights were making their way to the get together to see just what all the to-do was about. It wasn't the OFFICIAL activation, it seemed, but such a massive project had more then a few members of the Izzet curious about a creation that looked very similar to something on the outskirts of Ravnica.

Plenty of League members, but a particular trio was only, currently, being represented by two of it's members. Ryxinel had been overseeing any last minute alterations and modifications to both the Nexus and any vines that needed a quick touching up before the 'main event' was to begin. One of his sisters, Sidonia, had been orchestrating and maintaining security around the structure. Only Izzet Members, and those on the list, (PCS are on the list) were being allowed in. The Guildmaster, Rhapsody, however, was being fashionably late.

The first sign of her arrival was an extremely crankly looking goblin, Rizix, grand first-secretary extraordinaire (new title) was carrying far too many papers to a far too small desk for them. With so many people moving about, keeping this 'required' Azorius paperwork would have his attention for the rest of the night. Rushing along in the goblin's wake, scooping up all the dropped pages he had been leaving behind, was a white dragon with far too few scales, if one had a close eye for such a thing. The Guildmaster's garments were keeping most of that fact a secret. A long coat with a red exterior and a blue lining attempted to hide the dragon's flaw, fingerless gloves and boots matching the colorscheme. While an enthusiastic wave is given Yunomi the moment she can be spotted, it was clear the Guildmaster was also making sure everything -else- was in place for the activation. She would probably be able to settle down. In a while. Should the bureaucratic gods deem it so. She could only hope that wish would come true before everything was ready.

Alice Jones (865) has posed:
    Absent any sort of vehicle, Alice seems to have arrived with the standard guitar case on her back and observing the area. "Heard there was something going on around here. Took me long enough to find this place. Something about a magical location?" she asks. "Figured I should find out what magic's all about, since well... I don't know much about it, and it seems like half the world runs on it."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Hello Eve." Yunomi greets the girl warmly. holding out her hand briefly to offer a fist-bump. "Enjoying the foods? ... I think I might have over-ordered... I was kind of expecting a few dragons..."

    Yang's motorcycle rolls in, and the short girl with the rounded, soft ears gives a wave to the blonde. "Hey! Yang! Welcome to my humble home! Take a look around -- if you have any questions, just grab me or one of the goblins!" she calls out.

     And then Rhapsody arrives.

    Yunomi's face lights up like a kid at Christmas, and a smile spreads across her lips as she gives a soft 'excuse me' to the gathering, and leaps right into the air, flitting over to where the grumpy goblin was filling out paperwork "Rizix -- thank you so much for your help. Once you get back to Nivix, please grab Yu and Mi to help out with filling paperwork for a while. I want you to enjoy Friday as well." she greets the Goblin, before she turns to the dragon of her affection.

    She leans her head in, hovering at the right height as she clasps her shoulder.

    "I was beginning to get nervous that you'd be stuck in meetings all day." she greets her, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze. "I'm so glad you could get out of there."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Typical Azor nonsense, I almost didn't!" Rhapsody comments as she claps a hand on Yunomi's shoulder in return, and then turns her gaze to the Nexus. "This project was a -lot- larger than I thought it would be, but look at it. Ready to go. He'd be proud of this, I'm certain of it, and I promise you the other two would agree," the guildmaster notes before looking back to the tanuki only to have her eyes stolen away by the spread. FOOOOOOD.

"Ah, I should probably," point at food, "Haven't yet." And from that look and that body language? That included no breakfast and no lunch either. Typical Azor nonsense.

The goblin gives his typical 'snort' response, but it wasn't AS gruff as usual. It meant he would probably ask the two little ones to help. Even the goblin was impressed that they organized a room that was long thought of as 'Impossible to organize'.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    "Indeed it is," Merlin says Katze gets a smile and a bow in return. "Merlin of Dun Realtai, at your service." And Yang's entrance gets an amused smirk - she instantly reminds him so much of Gawain. Perhaps they'll form a biker gang.

    And then a procession appears, and Merlin can't help but smirk as the tanuki floats over to the guildmaster. Ah. So this is Rhapsody, eh. Ravnica certainly is an interesting place, and with the gathering among them it's...almost the kind of place that Bedivere might approve of. Maybe the magic everywhere might give the poor knight hives, but oh well. It certainly seems to be an accepting kind of place.

    Merlin likes it instantly.

    "Thank you. Would you like one as well?" This to Eve, who admires the silver rose tucked into his hair. A simple conjuring spell brings forth one that matches her outfit.

Staren has posed:
And now, it's time for--

                         STAREN AT A SOCIAL GATHERING                          

    Staren stands there quietly munching on his overstuffed bagel sandwich, watching people arrive and stuff. He smiles at Yunomi's response to Rhapsody's arrival. It's good that she's happy!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
If Yunomi needed help eating a surplus of food, she should've called in Yuri Cube. Now, if there was extra sleeping that needed to be done, *that* is something which Yuna could feasibly help with;

She didn't come all this way just for a power nap, though; Yuna is still in her Beacon uniform, arriving on foot from the closest warpgate.

(It's possible that she hitched a ride on a supply cart bringing in some additional food. Or maybe Elner helped her 'cheat' via teleportation to just around an appropriate corner.)

"Sorry I'm late, Yunomi!" the blonde idol calls out, quickening her pace towards Yunomi, and trying to give the tanuki artificer a big hug. Only after that severe breach of decorum does she back off a little and wave to everyone else. "Good evening! Have I missed any of the start-up tests yet ... ?"

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason pauses at the mention of cheesing off the locals, she put the camera away and ofers her hand to Yunomi grinning a bit.

"Ahoy to you Lyria Mason here. A GArdnerhumm? Really with a prject like this? Wait does this thing have living parts?"

She seems quite curious and she lets Yunomi tend to the little one after all Yunomi's a very busy woman after all. She also goes back to her bagel as these things are amazing!.

Then Rhapsody makes her bigentrace the leader of the Izzet League had come to see things off today, either way she's not met that many dragons in the multiverse and She does let her gaze linger on Rhapsody as she arrives.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden goes quiet, when all the focus is to the arrivals, and figures Staren might be distracted. He offers a few waves to the others, intrigued at the dragon's arrival. For now he remains quiet, not wanting to interrupt, and just eats stuff, so basically doing the same as Staren!.

     Katze seems curious too, standing near Yunomi and watching Merlin do some hand gestures and creating flowers?. She claps to the wizard, "Nice trick!, are you a magician?" she asks, she does not mean to disrespect the wizard of course, but she comes from a more technological background.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  Speak of the knight, and he will arrive. Bedivere arrives through the nearest entrance, looking left and right about himself as though he can't quite comprehend what it is he's seeing. Or, failing that, that he's just resigning the lot of it to the 'witchcraft' method of explanation. There is a reason he spends most of his time in Dun Realtai. He looks slightly bewildered.

  Actually, the reason why he's late today is because he's been trying to wrangle horses. More specifically, he's been trying to wrangle a particular horse; spending time with the savage black penned all alone at the far end of the pasturelands.

  In other words, he tried to get up on the Black One's back, stayed there for about four and a half seconds, and then he was looking at the sky from a funny angle. At least the Black One has let him come close, more and more, even if the horse has dumped him off its back every time.

  It probably explains why he's walking stiffly.

  He's wearing his armour, today, which carries a shine and lustre to it that has never been there in the long time that his friend would have known him -- like newly forged, yet somehow the same, in some indelible sense. The silver-haired knight makes his way over to Merlin and Yunomi at a slightly slower than normal pace, limping very slightly.

  "Héa, Yunomi!" Bedivere does manage a smile, at least, even if it's somewhat crooked. "My apologies for my lateness. My time was somewhat taken up..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang grins brightly at the group, and makes her way over to the food table. She snags a plate, and gets a little bit of everything. She's a growing girl, and her Aura takes a lot of fuel!

    A hand is lifted to wave at Yuna. "Hey Yuna! Glad to see you're still in one piece!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi gives a smile to Rhaps, and then just a quick lean in that looks like she might be quietly saying something to the guild master, but instead it's just a quick peck on the cheek before she turns, and hops back over to Lyria.

    "There's actually a lot of biological magical technology embedded in the mana nexus; it's one of my proudest acheivements."

    Yuna gets a big smile, and she returns the hug to Yuna!

    "HRK--! Hi, Yuna! You're fine, you're fine! I'm letting everyone get their fill of food first! Please, please help yourself. I ordered bagels from my favorite place in Boston for the occasion. I don't want to cart any leftovers back to Nivix -- eat your fill!" she grins -- and then she spies Bedivere.

    The young mage makes her way over, and she offers a hand in greeting to the knight.

    "Sir Bedivere!" she warmly greets Bedivere, clearly pleased to see him. "You're not late, everyone is mingling and having a bite to eat before I get to the Good Part. Please, can I get you anything? Water? Wine? ..." she looks at the funny walk "... a Medic?" she purses her lips, glancing up to the knight in concern.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve will do her part in eating food, never fear. She's no Saiyan or anything, but she's a growing girl with an active metabolism and a serious attitude towards athletic training. Indeed, she's probably grown visibly since the last time Yunomi's seen her in person, though she's still probably not quite into the famous 'growth spurt' of children more or less her age. She's only got the one bagel though, and it's not heavily loaded. There'll be more when she's done it. Hopefully.

    Eve looks at Yunomi's fist only for a merest moment before returning the fist-bump. She's surprised by it only briefly. Merlin's action is somewhat more startling however. She pauses, not quite flinching away from the touch, then reaches up to put her hand over the flower - green to match her dress - trying to feel what exactly it is.

    Satisfied that it does indeed feel like an ornamental flower, Eve nods and releases it, allowing it to stay in her hair. It's not like she doesn't use hair ornaments herself. She's quite fond of ribbons and currently has a pair of clasps pulling her hair into two long tails. Probably far more noticeable than any height Eve has grown, her hair's grown several inches in the last little while.

    She takes notice of Yang, Rhapsody and Bedivere, all of whom draw attention for different reasons. Loudness, scales, and shiny plate armor. Feel free to notice little blonde girl staring, anyone. Yes, Eve is kind of prone to staring, even if it's sometimes considered rude.

Staren has posed:
    Staren was aware that Yunomi and Rhapsody were friends, but apparently it's more than that! Which is great! Love is a beautiful thing. When Staren's not thinking about how to kill all the fair folk or immortalize people in an existance of circuits and cold steel, or whatever, he's actually quite a romantic at heart! He doesn't comment, though. That'd be super awkward!

    Yuna gets a smile and a wave. And now... Yang is approaching! Staren's head turns to follow her as she comes to the refreshment table, which he's awkwardly standing near. "Uh, hi! So, how are things? In Remnant, I mean?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The closest anyone will see to Rhapsody being a red dragon is the reaction she has after Yunomi's affection in such a public place. She PRAYS that there's no Orzhova around or everything will hit the Ravnican papers in the morning. IF NOT SOONER. "Good luck!" The guildmaster offers as Yunomi makes her rounds to the new arrivals. A wave would be given to any curious onlookers, but right now, the dragon needs noms, and there happens to be a table FULL of them a few steps away. Once she's sure Rizix has all the papers undercontrol (for the moment) she swiftly moves for the table, scoops up a bunch of random things onto a few bagels, then parks herself on the other side of the paperstack. "Mnnmnadfmfnamnnnf.." Rizix seems to understand, nods, and hands the dragon a pen. SOME of the papers needed to be finished before the activation, and there was no way the guildmaster was going to allow the test to be delayed.

        If anyone cared to meet her, she isn't going to wave anyone away.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang blinks a bit. How did she miss CatMan? "Oh hey!" she offers, beaming that big confident grin at Staren. "Oh, same old same old. Grimm attacked Vale last week. Lost a few good Huntsmen but we held them off." she relates, taking a big bote out of one bagel. "Itf geffim' moh fweehwen lehlee." she says around the mouthful, before chewing enough to swallow. "But that's what they train us for."

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Katze gets a smirk, and Merlin considers a carnation for her. It's always good to change up the magic. "Of some persuasion or another, though hardly an illusionist." The innocent question is clear, and Merlin merely draws a figure of a flower in the air - which, in a sparkle of magic tinted ever so slightly with Ravnican blue and red, turns into a pale pink carnation. The flower is given to Katze with a smile. "A gift, with a touch of the local. It seems Yunomi's plan has quite a good future, don't you both think?" This is addressed to Eve as well; green is a fine color on her. So are the ribbons. Very cute!

    "Ah, Sir Bedivere. You look quite polished, sir." That armor's fantastic, and Merlin's got half a thought that the knight's been polishing it extra for his semiofficial visit here. The stiff walk...well, the reason for that's clearly obvious, especially with the knight's latest project.

    Yunomi gets a shake of the head. "No such thing would be necessary. Bedivere would quite likely shrivel up in shame before asking for help, and well..." Merlin simply raises one hand, then calling upon magical energies present swats Bedivere in his unarmored rear end. The contact might feel electrical, or even a strange burning sensation - which passes in an instant, ice cold relief numbing the pain in its wake. "Sometimes it's more fun to help him out."

    It's not a major healing spell, that would require a bit more work. But at least, it should help the Pained Knight be somewhat little less Pain.

Staren has posed:
    Staren tilts his head forward slightly as Yang says they lost good huntsman. "I'm sorry to hear that... I hope we can help more in the future."

    Rhapsody is here, too!

    The awkwardness continues! He offers a smile and a wave. "Uh, hi! Rhapsody... how are things?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Katze claps several times and holds the flower, "Thank you." she says, "I'm Katze, nice to meet you." she adds, letting out a little purr, and moving out of the way to let the knight approach, instead rushing back to Alden to show the flower and talk about the 'magician'. In the meantime, Alden spots a familiar face and approaches Yang, smiling and waving a hand, "Heya, nice to see you again." he says, before eating a bagel of his own. Of course, he smiles to Staren too!.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang catches Eve staring, and offers a friendly wave at her. She then looks back at Staren, before speaking the Hunters Creed.

    "It is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become paragons of virtue and glory to rise above all. Unlimited in distance and unbound by death." She places her hand over her heart, causing her entire body to briefly become engulfed in golden flame. "I release your soul. And by my shoulder protect thee."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "That would be something to see I don't do much work with biological parts in my own line of work. I will have to ask you about the more in depth at a later time."

She pauses as she gets a call and she frowns.

"I'm afraid I have to take care of this. I'll get back into the party when it's over."

Alice Jones (865) has posed:
"Say what?" Alice asks, "Haven't heard that one before. Got a certain... Nobility about it though. I mean, didn't... Something something Egyptians name spoken, something?" she asks. "Trying to remember. Heard it from a fan once..."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Oh, so the Orzhova would raise a scandal about Yunomi hugging Rhapsody, but not about Yuna hugging either of them? It may be just as well that Yuna misses that bit of background. "Food sounds good," she says with a sheepish grin. "I didn't get much of a chance to eat lunch today ... or breakfast ..."

Her stomach grumbles loudly enough for others to hear, as if underscoring the point - but perhaps more embarassing is Elner pointing out, "I *did* remind you to get a good night's sleep before the combat exam this morning," as the little robo-faerie hovers next to Yuna's shoulder.

And Yuna's expression goes from sheepish to downright chagrined, "Elner ... !" She's already heading over to the buffet table, though, and looking for potential fixings for a sandwich. Some of the cold cuts and cheeses look promising, and she begins assembling a sandwich as well as procuring a bottle of ... glowy ramune?

Well. She'll find out how much like ramune it actually is when she pops the seal and takes a sip, won't she?

"And yeah, seems that way despite the Grimm," she belatedly answers Yang. "My Light Suit's pretty good at keeping me from getting hurt, but it costs me other ways ... did they manage to seal off the breach more thoroughly to prevent another break-in yet?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
Sign a paper. Date a paper. Initial a paper. Triplicate. Repeat. Date. Sign. Date. Initial. Sign. Sign. Pause. When the dragon glances up she offers a small smile to the scientist, "Oh! Staren. It's nice to see you in better circumstances! It's been a while. Things are going pretty well, considering," she makes a motion at the Nexus. "Yunomi's been working pretty hard. At this point I think the last few nay-sayers against her in the guild have given up. How have you been doing?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren's eyes widen a bit at Yang. "Be that as it may, I still..." he trails off, searching for words. "...I still think it's sad for their futures to never come to pass." Staren looks between her and Yuna. Oh, wasn't Yuna going to Beacon now? "Breach? Break-in?" He looks curious and slightly concerned.

    Staren looks over at Rhapsody, surprised that she's /still/ doing paperwork. "Wow, do they never let you take a break?" He shrugs. "I've been... You know... The same. Issues, good things, bad things... Haven't found a new thing to really /study/ yet since all the Abstractum went to sleep, though."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  The knight clasps Yunomi's hand with a smile of his own. He has a fairly impressive grip, considering how lanky and tall he looks; more like a crane than a stout bastion of defense. To hear him admit it, he was never the strongest among the Round Table.

  "I will live. A fall from a horse; no more," Bedivere states, waving a hand dismissively. The metal of his articulated gauntlets ticks softly with the motion. "Water, if you please."

  He cocks his head very slightly, before squinting at Merlin -- and too slow; he's dealt a swat by the magician, unable to do any more than glare, backing away from Merlin. He is, thankfully, fully armoured in every last resplendent piece from the golden age of Camelot -- it's lordly and it suits him, a symbol of his service for so many long years. The white mantled greatcloak only further polishes the image; bright cloth against the bright steel.

  So really, Merlin's hand just clanks against one of the plates, under the cloak. It does its job, though, and Bedivere's glare slowly gives way to a suspicious look.

  We'll talk later, it seems to say, in a foreboding sort of way.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang looks between Staren and Yuna, moving to give the latter a one-armed hug. "Yeah, they reinforced the perimeter wall. Atlas even leant a battalion of their new Knight droids to bolster security. The Vytal Festival is happening in a few months, so they want to make sure that Vale is safe and secure." she then takes another bite of her bagel, this time remembering to chew and swallow before speaking again. "Didja see those big white airships hovering around Beacon? They're General Ironwood's personal flotilla. 3000 men and women, 50,000 Knights and some new heavy mech things they're calling Paladins. Pretty much the whole Atlas expeditionary force is in Vale right now, helping provide security."

Alice Jones (865) has posed:
"...Beacon. Never heard of it. I don't really talk with people from other worlds too much though." Alice says, "Is that some kind of... Military outpost? Not sure what a, 'Grimm' is either. You look a bit young to be serving at an outpost, but different worlds have different standards. I'm just saying my own country's standards from my own world. Can't speak to yours." then pauses. "...That doesn't sound normal. How many people are going to be in attendance? I've heard of international games that didn't have that much of an accompaniment."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang /finally/ notices Alice talking to her. "Huh, what? Oh! Heh, sorry, didn't notice you there." She turns, offering her free hand. "Name's Yang Xiao Long. Just call me Yang." she then beams brightly. "Well, footnotes version: Creatures of Grimm, big, black soulless monsters that want only to kill and destroy." She sounds /far/ too chipper about that. "Beacon is a school for Huntsmen and Huntresses. We train there for four years to hone our fighting abilities so we can protect those that can't protect themselves."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi raises her hands to her face, covering her mouth as her eyes go wide -- and she is trying so hard not to laugh.

    But the noises she makes are hilarious.

    It's then that she hears a little change in the music, and she gives a soft 'excuse me', and makes her way to the stage. Yunomi climbs onto a small dais near the power controls, and she gives a small clap of her hands, followed by an orchestral hit from the calliorganiphone playing Goblin. She waits until the crowd settles down, and she takes a breath, turning to the assembled friends old and new, brothers-and-sisters in arms. She took a deep breath.
"Good evening, my friends, my cohorts, my Guildmates -- and Rhapsody." she gives a deep, sweeping bow to the Guildmaster, if only to incite her to further blushing. She gives a slight grin before she stands, a little five-foot-nothing Japanese woman with fluffy ears the midst of all that's going on.
"To some, I need no introduction. I am Yunomi, and you know me very well. To others, my name is Yunomi Stadler. I am a guildmember of the Izzet League, upon whose generosity, admiration, and endless support I depend to live a life of luxury in a lab that I caused to explode, but that's only part of what is important now," she gives a smile.
"When I was a younger tanuki, my powers were growing, but my control was not. I was pursued in my earliest years by those who feared the powers of a yokai like me -- with reason, and I was afraid. I was afraid that I would lose control, that I would be forced to live away from my valued family and friends -- perhaps even be asked to leave the Union, the only family i had known since my unification... until Niv-Mizzet, the founder, the parun of the Izzet Guild, invited me here, to Ravnica." She motions above her and behind her, to the spires and the glows.
"It is here that I put down roots, that my powers began to bloom. I grew to embrace a guild of creativity, of service. Their family became my family, their causes my own. I have been so fortunate over the last few years to have worked with the most creative minds the worlds have given, and before you -- and beneath you -- is the crux of all the trust that the Parun had in me. He invested considerable time, energy, funding... and yes, even love into my growth. I have the best family any in Ravnica could hope for because of his efforts, and I know he is looking on us tonight, and I hope I can make him proud."
She reaches down for her goggles. "If you have protective eyewear, I would reccomend putting it on -- if you would like some, please ask one of the Goblins -- I've brought extra!" she gives a bright grin, fixing her goggles to her face as she turns to the console of the Mana Nexus.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
The other scientist gets a laugh out of Rhapsody, "They're a guild built around beuracracy, paperwork, and the magic to make sure you do it as slowly as possible. I think their idea of a 'break' is allowing you to sign a form without it being in triplicate," she muses, turning back to put her name on one last paper, "HOWEVER. This right here is the last one I had to sign today. Form 'Actv-117. AKA: Sign this to activate a new artifact #117. And yes, the other 116 are in the stack," she points out before the other 116 join 117, are jammed into a tube in the most crude and paper-crumpling way possible, tossed up, and then a small drake snaps it up in it's jaws and flies off in the direction of Prahv. "There's no rules on how to fold the papers. So I don't. Gotta get our revenge in -somehow-.

With that last paper sent off, and the musical cue striking at the same time, it would seem the main event can finally begin! With all the -currently necessary- paperwork done, the Guildmaster stands, pushes her chair back, it suddenly shifts to a much more looking comfortable form, and then she slumps into it again. Red and blue, of course, with at least some padding, now. It wasn't a throne, or gaudy, or looked like it cost a trillion credits. Just a comfortable chair for the event to follow. Applause are given, joined by Ryxinel and Sidonia on her right and left, as things start. They both get chairs too, color matching their scales respectively. Yunomi's greeting gets a formal bow toward the tanuki from her chair.

Staren has posed:
    Staren ahs, "Good to hear Vale's getting the security and protection it needs! Although, I didn't realize the grimm attacks were getting so bad you needed an army tens of thousands strong to deal with them... Although... what about Atlas's protection, with so many soldiers away?"

    Actually... 50,000? Staren searches for something to mentally compare that to. If worst came to worst, Lazlo would expect to have a few hundred thousand defenders... But, that's against the expected threat of the Coalition's military. Now that he thinks of it, just how big are Vale and Atlas? The numbers don't make sense without context... Is that a small army or a big one for most worlds, for that area? No idea.

    He smiles at Rhapsody's little rebellion against the Azorius. It's something, right?

    Oh hey, the thing is starting! Staren turns to watch Yunomi now.

    Protective eyewear time? He came prepared! He reaches for the the pair of goggles Ainsley gave him, hanging around his neck, and pulls them into place over his eyes. And takes another bite of lox-and-spiced-meat bagel sandwich. Chew, chew.

Alice Jones (865) has posed:
Glancing about, Alice doesn't seem to quite grasp what's going on as she waves down a goblin. "Hey, going to need some sort of eyewear for this." she explains.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    As Yunomi calls for attention, makes her speech then talks about eye protection. Yang reaches into a pocket on her jacket, pulling out a pair of aviator sunglasses. She flicks the ear supports with a practiced motion, then slides them on... but not before giving a cheeky wink towards Yuna.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Merlin, for the rest, is content to watch the group by Bedivere's side. "I know your personal feelings on such things...but then again, similar to such created the blade Excalibur. And I know your feelings about /it./ Magic is something I suppose we'll both have to get used to...there's such a smorgasbord of it out there." The glare gets a long, impish smile, and Bedivere leans in close.

    "Come now, sir knight. You've been working at that horse, and that horse has been working you. Everyone who has seen a squire knows what someone who's been thrown looks like, and treatment is always best delivered at the source of the hurt isn't it?" Amusement twinkles in his eyes; perhaps he should get Arturia a proper nurse's outfit. Fetching little white dress and everything. "It isn't good to let your host worry about you either," he adds with a gesture to Yunomi.

    Still, though. Not fair wearing an armored butt. Hmpf.

    Merlin watches the guildmaster finish her work from afar, and raises an eyebrow in the idea of shapeshifting a chair into various forms as needed. Granted, it isn't as if Merlin needs anything formal, but it's a bit of magic he can respect. And then Yunomi makes the most adorable noises ever, and the wizard decides his healing spell was successful after all. The tanuki gets a knowing wink.

    And then the presentation begins, and Merlin pays close attention - respectfully, and quite possibly to Bedivere's amazement politely. When the mention of protective eyewear comes about, Merlin admits that there's only one solution that can be...

    Without him moving, a pair of mirrored sunglasses appear in place over Merlin's eyes.


Alden (930) has posed:
Alden spots another familiar face!, which is good, because he was not sure what to do really, so he approaches Alice. The request for eyewear makes him blink, so he joins in requesting a pair, unfortunately, there is likely not to be any in Katze's size, so he helpfully covers her eyes, when it is needed.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  The silver-haired knight eyes Merlin sidelong with such blandness that it can't be anything but annoyance, but before he really has a chance to snap at the wizard, Yunomi turns to ascend the dais. Bedivere turns to watch, cloak rustling behind him as he does. A goblin hands him a pair of tinted goggles; following the examples of others, he straps them into place over his head, carefully extricating his hair from the strap.

  And he looks up, feeling like he probably looks ridiculous, waiting patiently for the main event to start in earnest.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna returns Yang's hug as best she's able - also with one arm, thankfully on the side that's holding her bottle instead of her plate - and then looks for a spot to park her refreshments while she picks the sandwich up for a bite or two. "So are these 'Knights' people or something else?" she wonders. "And I'd probably want to take a look at some of those Paladins ... still, good to know the security's been beefed up."

Further conversation is forestalled a bit as Yunomi gives her speech and warns people to protect their eyes; Yuna takes another bite of her bagel sandwich and borrows a pair of goggles from a passing goblin, then pulls the eyewear on - actually fiddling with some little brass levers aroudn the rims to adjust how much shading there is; she makes an appreciative noise at the effect - and then popping the seal on her bottle ...

Ramune normally fizzes up when you pop the seal, dislodging the marble that keeps the drink from spilling out. But this is less 'sudden gush of foam' and more 'whee look at that sweet-smelling cloud of bubbles'. Yuna blinks behind her goggles, cupping a hand around the bottle's mouth, then brings it up for a careful sip, then a longer one. ".... huh."

The peg she used to dislodge the marble is slipped back in; that should keep the rest of her drink from evaporating quite so quickly.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi breathes out again, and looks to the assembly. "If this goes wrong, this is going to go so very, very wrong." she mutters to herself, but she gives a nod.
    "Operator one, throw the first lever and open your transfer." she states.

    Deep below, there's a low hum. A gravelly voice replies: "This is Operator One, lever thrown and transfer open. Levels are holding at two-point-five-five and steady, Magewright."

    "Operator Two." Yunomi flicks another switch, monitoring, the crowd around her momentarily forgotten. "Throw your lever and open your transfer module."

    The hum turns into a slight whine. The wires at Yunomi's feet begin to take on a little bit of a reddish glow.

    "LEver thrown, Yunomi!" A squeaky voice replies, "Transfer module is operating within optimal range. She's holding tight!"

     "Operator Three and Four. Open your transfer modules and check for the integrety on the couplings."

    The whine settles. The thick fvines have their own hum, trackling with energy.

    "Operator Three, couplings are holding steady. No sign of heat transfer."

    "Operator four, all transfer modules for this section are open boss, everything seems to be holding steady.

    Yunomi gives a nod. "Chuugi, how are the attachments to the Namamura District shrine? Any sign of decay from the portal interfearance?"

    "No sign of decay, Yunomi. Ready to begin the jumpstart."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    At Rhapsody's side, Ryxinel is checking off things as Yunomi proceeds with the activation process. Check, check, check, etc. He seems to be nodding approvingly at what he sees, and hears, all around the gathering of people. At this point he hands both of his sisters a pair of goggles. The trio slips them on as energy starts to hum all around. Rhapsody is fully interested, now. "C'mon.." she whispers, hopefully.

Staren has posed:
    Transfer module. 2.55. The Namamura District shrine? Staren knows Yunomi's been working on /some/ kind of power network, but what does Namamura have to do with that?

    Well, waiting and seeing what cool science thing happens is what you DO here, right? So Staren waits, and sees what cool science thing happens!

Merlin (639) has posed:
    /MAGIC/ happens.

    For Merlin, it's like feeling the wind blow. Each successive lever and operator, whatever they may be, gives a shift in the feel of power. To Bedivere, the wizard does his best to explain. "The mana in this place is being gathered. Magical energy, that which surrounds us everywhere, is...being channeled, like digging a stream from a lake to gather its power for a waterwheel. Only this..." His voice is quiet, respectful, and curious.

    "This is akin to a pipe that crosses worlds, through that portal. I can feel it shifting, the 'water' starting to flow. All that power building, preparing for something." Eve, of course, can probably hear this as well. It's woefully incomplete, as the wizard can only describe what he senses.

    When the jumpstart is mentioned and Yunomi pauses, the Wizard sends a momentary burst of support and inspiration. A silent illusion, for her alone. An illusion of Merlin - five of him - somehow in cheerleader's outfits and waving pompoms, cheers the tanuki on with a particularly embarrassing dance that magically pops up sparkling balloon letters spelling Yunomi's name over his head.

    Good luck.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
And it's starting. Yuna turns her attention to Yunomi's work, not sure whether it's the portal or the vines that need more of her attention ... and then she sideglances at Elner.

Then she picks up her plate and bottle and sidles closer to Yang, as Elner flits over to hover (protectively?) above and behind the blondes.

*Maybe* she overheard what Yunomi muttered ... or maybe she's just remembering, a little belatedly, how many things have exploded in Yunomi's work on the mana transfer vines.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Whoooooa." is all Yang can really say as things start lighting up and humming and stuff. "Shiiiiny." She's completely oblivious as to the potential danger here, but as Yuna sidles closer, she lets some of her Aura out, gleaming a faint golden colour and providing some hopefully comforting warmth to the other blonde.

    >Don't worry. Mama Bear's here.<

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve moves over, a silent and not really stealthy shadow, to join with the blondes. Was there any doubt she'd make her way over to the young woman who saved her? She's particularly quiet now that the 'light show' has started, but her eyes open wide. She might be a sort of magical girl by profession, but this is real magic. As logical and scientific as Eve can be, there's still a part of her that's enthralled by things like this. Much like fireworks really.

    Oh, just as an aside, Eve's now picked up some lox to go with a second bagel. Her eyes may be wide, but her mouth is currently full of yum.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden just watches the lightshow, unaware of magic, or the real danger, holding Katze close and covering her eyes, even as she protests about wanting to see. He is simply eating a bagel while staring at the lights.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi makes some adjustments, reaching up and turning a dial, checking on a guage, twisting a knob.

    "Prepare for level one activation, nodes one through four. We will attempt a jumpstart in the Namamura District of the Izzet Sector once we are holding at sixty-point-three.

    Yunomi is surrounded by so much ambient magic that her ears and tail begin to glow, the little gems set in her vambraces pick up a color. She feels her heart beating, and she speaks up.

    "What some of you are feeling is the ambient mana around us becomming supercharged -- kind of like whe you're in a science fair, or when you're wearing fuzzy socks and you're just about to touch a doorknob. That is potential energy -- we're going to be using it to try and reconnect the shrine in the Namamura District here in Ravnica with the main shrine in my home town, and try and bring the resident kami here." she explains, and she looks over her shoulder at the group. "Here's where things might get a little it up. If you have a heart condition, weak consitution, are pregnant or have concerns regarding witchcraft, you may want to fan yourself and hold on for the ride!" she exlaims, and then she flicks a switch.

    The energy ramps up. Supercharged, anyone who has hair may feel it standing on edge as there's a loud "WHUUUUMM!" followed by another WHUUUUM! And another! Nodes below in the honeycomb are lighting up a bright, sunlight yellow, casting light upwards into the growing dim of evening.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    If anyone glanced Ryxinel's way, they may have caught a spark between two of his horns as the ambient energy continues to ramp up. The 'pop' is entirely missed as Rhapsody is locked onto both Yunomi and the entirety of the Nexus. Even with her difficulty using the magic of her homeland, she can feel -all- of it. If almost felt familiar in a very weird way, though she can't put a finger on why.

Alice Jones (865) has posed:
As the magical saturation of the area increases, something odd happens. A midnight-blue figure seems to be hovering over Alice as he flickers into view, simply reclininng. Whatever this creature is, it seems to have been invisible prior to the massive influx of magic. It's /probably/ not a kami, given its black fire for hair and arm bangles, as well as glowing yellow eyes. "W-Wha?" Alice says, "Hey, I didn't call you out..." as she looks back up at it.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  The silver-haired knight leans closer to Merlin, eyeing the air around the device as though it were visible to him. A small effort of will flushes mana through his magic circuits; sensed, perhaps, as a flickering of magic to the sensitive. It's no more than a candle flame beside Yunomi and her workings.

  Although the mark at his hand is covered by his gauntlet, the knotwork-like marks are visible as they snake up from his collar, curling about his left eye in part. His eyes are also bright, for that brief instant; brighter than they should be, as though lit from within. Slowly, Bedivere turns his eyes up to the dais.

  "I see. So it is a portal. Aye, I can feel it, too." Bedivere's admission is no more than a rumble. He can feel it, and it's not a happy feeling. It's like too much pressure before a thunderstorm, or too much static electricity in a room. It makes him nervous. That is, perhaps, the downside of a novice's senses -- can't turn them /off/. "But what will happen--"

  She flips the switch. Bedivere twitches as though he'd just touched a live wire. "Lord God, it's like the air before a thunderstorm," he mutters, looking a bit green about the gills.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Oh," Yuna remarks calmly, "is *that* all that they're working on?" She does (possibly, it's subtle) lean a little more into Yang's decidedly protective presence, taking another bite of her sandwich, then another 'sip' of her ramune-esque cloud-drink.

Elner doesn't say anything, but there's nothing particularly relaxed-looking about the robo-faerie's hovering. Magical mishaps CAN be spectacular ... and can be spectacularly dangerous, for that matter ... so Elner's ready with a barrier at the first sign of trouble, even if it should happen to be a false alarm.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Merlin's explanation falls silent as Yunomi speaks. She is, of course, the expert on the subject. At the same time there is much the wizard knows he is unaware of, and what she speaks of is entirely that. "It is indeed, Bedivere. And the thunder is soon to break, I believe. And..." He turns his head to face the knight slightly. "I believe as well that you feel it too. Sense it. Stand in the river, let it flow around and through you and feel it against your body." Dichotomous much? One hand reaches up to hold Bedivere's shoulder pauldron as if an anchor. "You will not drown, though it may feel like it. Just breathe. Just feel."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Couplings on node one holding."

    "Couplings on node two, holding."

    "Couplings on three and four, holding."

    Yunomi adjusts something, and she pushes her goggles up slightly. She's sweating, nervous. The last time she tried anything like this it blew up in her face ...

    ... and she lost Niv-Mizzet.

    The ambient energy is re-absorbed into the manavines snaking their way around the little stage area. She fixes her gloves a little tighter, and she calls out into the little radio crystal. "Mana resonance is rising, holding at forty-five, fifty two, fifty five... fifty seven -- Transfer one, ease off a little -- atta boy --" Yunomi states,her heart beating fast as she looks at another dial "Coming up on Sixty one percent. Standby for jumpstart. Initiating shielding around the shrine."

    Through the portal, the assembled can see what looks like a prismatic wall of curved glass being formed around the shrine itself, protecting it -- or perhaps, protecing others from it.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's not sure what she's feeling, given that her connection with magic is of the sufficiently-advanced-science type. Her hair does begin to float about her... not like touching a tesla coil freakshow floating, but more like it might if she were a mermaid underwater. Gentle patterns, drifting in and out in a waving motion. Considering it's bound up in twintails, her hair's responding a little like a snake draped across a tree branch.

    She continues to stare, methodically chewing on her food. After a bit she lowers her bagel, considering. When she can, she finally speaks. "Where is the mana flowing from, exactly?" she muses. Not that the answer would mean much to her, but she'd be reassured to know that SOMEONE here knows.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Of the trio that run the Izzet, one is excited, one is on the edge of their seat, and one is cautiously optimistic. At least, for once, the three of them are nearly on the same page! At least within one page of each other. While Ryxinel continues down his list, and Sidonia continues to monitor security, Rhapsody is so close to the edge of her seat that she may as well be standing.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang seems to be glowing in sympathetic resonance, her Aura pulsing faintly, like a heartbeat. It's all her own power though. The great messy mane of her hair begins to float and writhe like some great beast of the deep come forth from legend, a golden anenome that threatens to engulf Elner if the Robo-faerie isn't careful where it floats.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden does not feel much, not sure if he is supposed to!, even if he sees others seemingly affected, he is drawn by the shiny wall of force forming, and carefully pulls Katze closer, perhaps a bit worried, seems like this has the potential to go badly. He just finishes his bagel.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Well, thinks Yuna, if this process requires shielding around the shrine - whether to protect the shrine or to protect its surroundings - then maybe some manner of worry is involved. And her hands are full.

That doesn't stop her from praying, of course; she just closes her eyes, her lips moving silently as she offers up her prayer to the gods and divine spirits of Namamura, those who have watched over the village and those who have watched over Yunomi throughout her travels, praying both *to* them and *for* them, that the transfer of their domain may be successful and performed without harm to them or to those whom they protect.

Only once she's finished her prayer does Yuna open her eyes and look to Eve, "I think it's coming from nodes one through four. More than that, you'd have to ask - after things are finished, that is."

Elner might react (or simply sweatdrop), but the robo-faerie is a little busy trying not to get entangled in Yang's hair. Yuna's ponytail is blowing around some as well, albeit not quite as wildly.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    The reactions from those around him are quite fascinating. Merlin himself doesn't seem to change so much - his own hair is kept under control, the wizard showing off a little bit. That, and it's such a pain in the ass to brush back into place in the morning; then again listening to Gawain whine "Merlin, Merlin, Merlin! It's always about Merlin!" again at least made it tolerable. But for now, he's sitting back, crossing his legs and just.../sensing./ Good thing he's wearing sunglasses; those eyes of his might just be glowing a little as well. Magical sight pumped to the maximum...

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  In answer to Merlin, Bedivere hunches his shoulders slightly, like a man setting himself against a gale. He squints slightly through those too-luminous eyes, the knotwork coiled around his eye flickering briefly as he braces himself against the ramping energy all around.

  It's like the opposite of the last time he had felt Arturia call upon the Sword of Promised Victory; save instead of pulling everything out of him, this seems to be a constant building until the very fullness in the air around him is almost painful. Incredibly unsettling, at the very least. He works his jaw as though deciding whether he finds it actually uncomfortable or not.

  He glances over to where Merlin rests a hand on his pauldron; Bedivere instinctively casts a flat look at it. For all that he has helped Dun Realtai, Merlin has not won so much privelege as to be allowed in Bedivere's vanishingly small bubble of personal space. Not yet, anyway.

  Leaning forward just a hair, he lets the silent energy do exactly that, flowing around him, through him; feeling it as he would feel a strong wind against his skin. It does feel a little like drowning, and for an instant he almost struggles against the hand on his shoulder, but gradually relaxes, eyes sliding closed to study the sensation.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
SO he was a bit late. There had been paperwork, of course. Getting transportation down here with... a group of friend (he didn't care how peaceful it looked, there was always a chance someone could do /something/ at a place like this). But Rick was at least here, pushing into a good viewing position with a phalalx of concerned people. It's a bit... uncanny how the manage to act as a team to push their way near the front. Certainly it would do no good if Yunomi couldn't actually see him from the crowd; Saying 'I was there, honest seemed like a poor excuse.

But He made it, Estano, Declere, Fleece, and the Chief, flanking him, looking on and most thankful for the fact that soldier's wore short haircuts. Rick leans over to DeClere. "Medical effects?" He has to raise his voice slightly to be heard, to be rewarded with DeClere giving him a 'The fuck do I look like?' expression, right next to a slightly cheering Fleece.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi glances around, to Merlin and Bedivere, to Yang and Yuna and Eve, to the manifesting stand and the science-loving catboy, Lyria, the digimon, and to the dragons, /her/ dragons, lingering on their faces -- and her family. Dad, Estano, Declere, Fleece, the Chief. Her friensds and mentors and pillars and the rocks she held onto... but there were faces missing. Faces that should be here for this triumph

    For a moment her heart felt like it would burst.

    "Levels are holding at sixty one percent." she chokes out, feeling tears beginning to form in her eys. She clears her throat, and with a little more oomph she calls out.

    "Beginning first mana transfer. Watch the couplings for any heat damage, make sure the main samophange doesn't crack. All systems are holding at sixty-two percent power." she calls out...

    THere's a soft hum that steadily gets stronger. The manavines build up energy, crackling with blue lightning -- harmless to everyone present.

    "Pidge is reporting that the levels are holding steady through the portal and into the Shrine Rig. Chuugi, can you confirm?"

    "Confirmed. We are clear to attempt the jumpstart, Yunomi."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    It was time, and at this time, Rhapsody has to stand. This was all too important to be sitting down for. Her brother asides to her that everything checked out and all that was left was the jumpstart that Yunomi had been getting ready for. The dragon's breath would catch in her throat, but spotting Stadler and company causes a flinch first, but then a genuine smile. With them here, at least half the guild, all sorts of friends, and a particular construct watching from the Thirix Spire, there was only one thing left to do.

    A red star shines all the brighter as the Izzet League holds it's collective breath.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Merlin spots the crackles of energy in the vines, and smiles. "It seems the lightning is about to break upon us, Bedivere." And then he projects his voice, to be heard by Yunomi herself, offering a single word - a command - of encouragement. One that would make sense to a member of an ersatz flower club. "BLOSSOM."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  Bedivere lifts his head slightly, eyes rolling up, falling nearly closed, but he (thankfully) doesn't pass out. He's simply letting his sense take over. No... water is not a good analogy, he decides. Besides, he can't swim; he's deathly afraid of deep water. This sensation... it's more like thrusting his hand into the open flame of a hearth, save he does not lose his hand for his trouble.

  He turns his eye up to where energy crackles and spits about the manavines, searingly blue against his vision with his powers active. It's almost painful to look at, but look he does, forcing himself to commit the details to memory.

  When her gaze falls over him, eyes glowing, those knotwork marks like blue-white light against his skin, he gives Yunomi a smile, inclining his head solemnly in encouragement.

Staren has posed:
    Jumpstart. Supercharged mana. Staren watches curiously, trying to figure out what exactly Yunomi is /doing/... As his hair gets kind of staticy and Yunomi gives some warnings, he hopes that it really is safe... The Izzet aren't exactly known for /safety/, after all... But then, they seldom have public events like this, either...

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:

    THe world stopped for Yunomi, and she could hear her own breath as she whispers "I'll see you soon, Kaeruhime."

    And she looks up, thankful that her eyes were hidden behind her goggles before she calls out "Initiating Jumpstart -- CHuugi, stand clear!"

    And she pulls a heavy looking, insulated lever -- and the vines begin to pop and crackle loudly!

    Merlin is very, very wise in the ways of magic, but this was not like lightning, more like... the reverse. A sudden magical void. A punch in the gut that knocks the breath out of your body as the ambient energy was gathered, and transferred through the manavines.

    The lights around them dim, a couple fading to dark. Batteries in the audience on unprotected devices may drain a little, but through that portal, large enought hat everyone can see, the shrine lights up with the brilliant glow of a midday sun.

    "Holding -- couplings are normal. Heat transfer within acceptable perameters. Charging has reached fifty -- seventy five -- eighty -- one hundred percent! Cut the--"

    And then there's a sudden, loud, electrical POP! And a sicking sound of mana snapping back along the vines, crackling and red as the vines hold, growing more round in response to the sudden backfeed of mana.

    Yunomi pulls down the switch, and then with a second electrical ZAP! the tanuki is knocked back, off the dais and along the ground, her gloves sizzling.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna nods briefly to Yunomi, smiling as brightly as she can (which is 'considerably') as she sees Yunomi looking at her. If there's anything that *can* go wrong with the process at this point, Yuna is certain that it's outside of Yunomi's control - and for something this important, for creating a new, safer home for the people and spirits and others of her native village, Yuna is equally certain that Yunomi would leave as little as possible up to chance. Her smile should convey that faith and that confidence; at least, she's trying to channel them through the smile she offers to Yunomi.

Besides, if Yuna were actually worried about her physical well-being at this point ... well, Elner's right there, Yuna *could* transform. But either she doesn't expect that the Light Suit would protect her substantially from what's about to happen when the jumpstart is attempted, or she doesn't expect there to be anything that she needs protection from.

If Elner is any more skeptical than Yuna, there's no sign of it ... which is perhaps telling in its own right, because with this much ambient energy, a protective barrier would be noticeable, a shimmer in the air distinct from Yang's warmly rippling Aura. But there's no hint of a barrier or a force field.

And then Yunomi pulls the final lever. Yuna fumbles briefly with the controls on her goggles (she's got one hand full and the other's hanging onto her drink, okay?) - and then she spots Yunomi getting zapped right off her feet. "Yunomi!!" yelps the idol, instinctively handing her plate and bottle to Yang and/or Eve (whichever of them is closest and has a clearly visible hand) before bolting to where Yunomi landed. Even if the tanuki girl wasn't manatrocuted, that landing probably *hurt*. Even if there's nothing Yuna can do, she can at least check Yunomi over - or ask Elner to do so - and make sure Yunomi is at least *conscious* ...

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Well that isn't good. Yang may have seemed completely zenned out, but as soon as the mana backfeeds, and Yunomi hits the cutoff switch only to be sent flying back, the blonde is in motion. To most normal people, she would be little more than a golden blur as she crosses the gap to help catch and slow the Tanuki, cushioning her fall. "I got you. MEDIC!"

Staren has posed:
    "Yunomi!" Staren runs forward a few steps, then stops. Is she safe to touch? "Are you alright?" he asks, looking between her and the machines in concern.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    The pressure of the oncoming storm suddenly reverses, and for Merlin it is instantly night. As if sucked down explosively into quicksand, as if the very air was yanked from his body - something even more than air - the wizard sits bolt-upright for a moment and gives a shocked gasp. The sensation is most displeasing, and for an instant he's thankful that Arturia herself is not present. He's aware of Yunomi being flung to the ground...but can barely move himself, and can do nothing to help.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  The silver-haired knight grimaces as the energy snaps back along the lines, a sudden outrush of energy that isn't unlike the sensation of profound emptiness that Excalibur brings. Rare are the times Arturia has had need of calling on that energy, but whenever she has, the end result has brought Bedivere to his knees, in the most literal sense.

  Bedivere grabs Merlin by the shoulder, staggering heavily against the wizard, with a rough grunt of something between pain, nausea, and discomfort. He can also see Yunomi thrown from the device out of the corner of his eye, as he goes down, and he'd really like to help, but right now he's too busy trying to remember how to keep his balance.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The moment the POP is heard, Ryxinel surges away from Rhapsody toward the source, hoping to prevent what was about to happen. "Backblast! GET DOWN!" The red dragon wasn't sure how much magic was about to come rushing back, so the result could be minor or massive.

    Sidonia's first priority is Rhapsody, so in an instant the blue dragon tackles her sister behind the chair that had been brought, and then a shimmering white barrier erupts over them and anyone within ten yards or so. She would protect as many as she could, but she had to be certain that Rhapsody was kept safe.

    At the sound of the pop, and her brother rushing forward, Rhapsody only has time to say the first half of Yunomi's name before Sidonia forces her to the ground and the barrier goes up. "LET GO!" The dragon was far more concerned for her adopted sister.

    All around, other magewrights and guards would be rushing in to produce similar barriers to the one around Rhapsody, wanting to protect everyone present if the backblast ended up being even worse then expected.

        Izzet League 101: Things blow up. They know how to deal with it.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
The one thing that was... sometimes difficult to get over was the level of expertise Yunomi showed at this sort of thing. Rick's own knowledge of magic was rudimentary, based on different rules, and he only had a firm grasp on a few things. Mana was here, those vines conducted it, and opening that tiny part of him to what was filling the area was like the sufusing waves of hear from a furnace blasting in his face. At least it was easy to close, but it still left him... slightly queasy. Nothing that kept him from smiling up to Yunomi as the power built, trying to lend strength and try to keep the welling of his own throat down when he sees the tears in her eyes. He's good at masks, at leasts. Good at this control, as it gets stronger, and stronger, and-

There's the brief more queasy feeling of something being wrong with that cut off cry, and then his stomach dropping to the bottom of his shoes as he seems to see Yunomi go flying back, across the ground in slow motion, staring in horror that presses it's way in too fast to be recognized.

At the very least, though, he is good in a crisis. Or, at least, DeClere is.

"MAKE A FUCKING HOLE!" She bellows, and it's very likley those that didn't would get smashed in by a palm. And if not by the good Doctor, then the other team, which, like before, knew how to work through a crowd, even /if/ There were was one parent fighting despair, A concerned First Sergeant and spy, a wailing Fleece, and a doctor who wouldn't let anything stop her.

Rick knows enough to hold back, to hold on to something of control as DeClere forces her way over to where Yang is. "Doctor. Put her down." She notes, business and broking no argument as she reaches in her pack, snaping out a medical scanner and sweeping it over.

Eve (857) has posed:
    When the magic surges, Eve just... freezes. She may have considerable theoretical knowledge of medicine and first aid, but no real experience. And, after all, she's just a kid. The first time she runs across anything, she may not react with calm rationality... especially when it happens to a friend.

    As a result Eve's left holding Yuna's plate and bottle, gaping. This was supposed to be SAFE!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is chanting something under her breath as DeClere makes her way over. When ordered, she easily relinquishes the Tanuki to the medic's much better equipped care, but remains close by. She hasn't known Yunomi for all that long, but Yang is nothing if not quick to form bonds. "With Unity, strength. With Love, Solidarity. With my soul. Protection." she offers in prayer.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Izzet Rule One: There are explosions.

    Most of the backblast was contained by the other mages, by the forethought sheilds, and by the crackling manavines themselves which feed /most/ of it back into the honeycomb structure beneath everyone's feet, safely. The mana sweeps back through the crowd, largely harmlessly thanks to the other Izzet mages in the audience protecting them, stands and aura helping to defend others. It's like being washed down with ice water as the blue mana dissipates... but thankfully no one else appeared hurt.

     Yunomi should be thankful that her hair had been carefully braided into a crown around her head, though the rose that Merlin had placed there has been burned away, ashes clinging to her. She has soot and burn marks on her, her chin and cheek showing signs of manaburn. Her gloves are steaming, her protective gauntlets and gloves having taken most of the blow. As her goggles are taken off, her eyes are rolled back, and the red on her collar fades as black swirls appear, like ink spreading through water.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna is similarly quick to make plenty of room for DeClere and Stadler; Elner's already running its own sensor scan - not only checking Yunomi for injuries but monitoring the mana flow from the vines and equipment. "Nothing seems broken," Elner reports succinctly to DeClere, even though the medic has her own scanner out as quickly as the robo-faerie can say it.

Then, as if taking note of the Izzet League mages casting all kinds of protection spells, Elner sets up a protective force-field bubble - big enough to enclose Yunomi, DeClere, Yang, and Yuna, and open on the side away from the portal, the dais, and all the equipment. More importantly, it's kept open so that Stadler *isn't* cut off from his daughter's side.

And Yuna is praying again, once she's out of DeClere's way. She hardly cares to whom right now - any god or benevolent spirit who'll listen and grant her prayer for Yunomi to be okay, be it from Namamura, from Ravnica, or from somewhere else, so long as the kami in question will listen to the prayer.

Staren has posed:
    Yunomi /was/ wearing protective equipment. He kind of expected her to get up right away and shout 'I'm alright, folks!'

    But that's not happening. She seems to be... unconscious, hopefully not worse. "What happened?" he asks, hoping at least /someone/ besides Yunomi can explain...

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    When it's clear the mana has dissipated, or to use a Ravnican term, drained out of the pool, Sidonia lets her paniced sister loose. The guildmaster rushes down the 'road' that DeClere had cleared and skids to a stop, on her knees, near Yunomi as well. Sidonia isn't far behind, communicating with the Simic to send someone right away just in case those present couldn't deal with any potential mana burn, or sickness, caused from the backblast. Ryxinel will be going over everything, trying to figure out what happened. Sidonia will continue on security. Rhapsody? ... Well that's obvious. "Yunomi?"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
There are times, real times, that Rick wishes he was a religous man. Someone who could have called up to the strength of a higher power and call for it to infuse those here with divine protection, skill, recovery... anything, really. Now... now it was only a matter of uttering half hearted prayers sent to anyone he didn't think was listening; the only faith he could give was to those here, the professionals whose skill he'd seen. It wasn't... as much as it could be, provided cold comfort... but there it was.

He stood off to the side, fighting the urge to rush to Yunomi. A hovering parent wasn't good for a Doctor to ply her trade, and DeClere, for all her abrassiveness, was a professional at this sort of thing.

DeClere ran over the body, gently removing a glove. "Taken damage... burns on the hands, arms, neck... stomach." She says, grimacing slightly, reaching into her pack, and pulling out a spray bottle, running it over the Tanuki; it mists, then hardens into something that might at least dull the pain, and keep things santized, before rummaching through her pack.

"I'm not a mage, Rhapsody." She says, in a low voice. "She's magic, and I don't know how to deal with that. I need help." She notes, before pulling out an herbal salve.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "It's fine," the dragon muses back quietly. "We have allies on the way. Do what you can.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
For all that Yuna meets the technical definitions of a paladin - a warrior in the service of a divine entity - her prayers still aren't a whole lot more effective for practical purposes than anyone else's; her faith may be stronger than many people's, and more flexible than most, but it's rare that she sees a distinct and definite response to any prayer she might offer. All she can really do is ask, "How deep do the burns go?" as she finishes her initial prayers. "If it's only skin-deep or muscle-deep, then her life shouldn't be in any real danger, right ... ?"

With the immediate threat of mana-backwash explosions seeming less and less likely, Elner powers down the protective barrier, but the robo-faerie stays ready to set the force-field up at an instant's notice.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    If there is a higher power that wants Yunomi out of the world, it must be scared of DeClere.

    Yunomi comes to, taking a deep, pained breath, the wind knocked out of her as she feels pain both wreck through her body and then cool. Her gloves, gauntlets, and goggles were off. She feels tears threaten at her eyes.

    "That... that should have worked." was all she croaked, and then coughs again, ignoring anyone for a moment or two before she tries to push herself up -- and realizes she's looking at DeClere's lap... and promptly she just... flops back down again.

    "W-was anyone caught in the blastback? It was /blue/ it shouldn't have bounced like that!" she coughs, trying to sit up.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Ryxinel is still rushing around making sure nothing else is going to happen. Sidonia is escorting a Simic healer in. Rhapsody lets Yunomi know, "Standard backblast protocal, all the magewrights present spread out and cast barrier spells. No one else has been hurt. Ryxinel is.. inspecting everything. He probably won't stop until you tell him to," she notes, trying to make light of the situation a -little-, but there was truth in the statement. The artificer dragon probably would be trying to figure it out for a WHILE. "What about you..? There's a Simic coming now.."

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Bedivere is slumped against him, and for a few seconds at least - as Yunomi is tended to by the others - there's nothing the wizard can do. Eventually, at least, he manages to stabilize his own prana, letting the shockwave finally echo away into nothing. Bedivere...is less skilled in such things, and is barely able to keep himself up. The wizard keeps one hand on the knight's back, just to make sure there's not a sudden collapse under the weight of all that steel. Well, Bedivere will live, but Merlin /really/ doesn't want to have to wheelbarrow his iron-plated ass home. (Literally) (Both) "I think...it would be best if we retire for the moment, Sir Bedivere. Something happened...but it is in hand, and I would not trust a journey back in this condition. Perhaps in a few hours." Until then, Merlin at least intends to wait at an inn. Food and a little rest can't hurt...and he can at least wait for word of Yunomi's condition.

Staren has posed:
    "Yunomi! You're alive!" Staren is relieved to see her getting up. "It's alright. If it /should/ have worked and it didn't, that means you just learned something! Um... are you okay, though?"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"I think the rest of us are okay, Yunomi," Yuna says, sounding tentatively relieved. Or rather, she's DEFINITELY relieved - Yunomi's awake and talking, both of which are very good signs - but she's not letting herself stop worrying entirely *quite* yet. "At least, I didn't see or hear anything besides you go flying, and you didn't hit anyone else on your way off the dais ..."

She digs in a pocket briefly, pulling out a handkerchief and offering it to Yunomi, or to DeClere - or maybe just using it herself to dab away at the tears, if the aforementioned don't interdict the attempt. "How badly are *you* hurt? You took some mana burns, I don't know how serious they are ..."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
DeClere has a shotgun. There is probably a rumor going around that's she's shot at the Grim Repear once. But even she lets out a breat as Yunomi comes to, moving to place the salve back down and reach for some pills and a bottle of water. "If you say so. Talk you your dad on things not going as they're planned." DeClere isn't the emotional sort... not right away, at least. There was time for shakes and tears after everyone was in triage or zipped up in a bag.

The pills and water are offered to Yunomi. "Take two of these. Proper mix. Should move the healing process forward." She notes, before signalling to Stadler, who lets his own breath out, and steps forward.

He's quiet for a moment, taking in her injuries, her burned clothing, the triage dressing, before taking another breath, and looking toward her eyes. "Well. That was... impressive. Not the... intended result, but... Whatever doesn't kill you..." He says, giving a slightly uncertain smile.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I'm alive... oh hey, yeah, that could have been bad for the guild if I got killed before Presentation Day." Yunomi coughs, trying to lighten the mood. She gives an apologetic look to Rhapsody, and accepts the pills and bottle of water from DeClere without any sort of protest. SHE KNOWS BETTER. She takes a deep breath, and shifts her weight as she looks up to her dad, and she gives an uneasy smile. "Yeah... I'm going to have to log this one down as a 'mixed sucsess'." she replies softly.

    A Simic Medic arrives, green hair, gills, smelling faintly of fresh seaweed. He begins to examine Yunomi, his hands working to try and decrease the damage done from the manaburn.

    Yunomi gives a smile to him, but keeps talking

    "OK, so, I got flung back, concussion? Am I slurring my words? So most of that blastback came through the control? ... I'll... hae to insulate it... Ryx... Ryx make a note -- insulate console controls..." Yunomi begins woozily, and leans a little bit more heavily on the healer.

    "... what about the shrine?" she asks, and she tries to crane her head towards the portal.

    The shrine looks... completely normal. There's some scoring and soot from the blastback.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Looks intact to me," Yuna says reassuringly after one quick glance through the portal. "I can send Elner for a closer look if you'd like?"

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  Somewhat bleary-eyed, the knight staggers, an arm around Merlin to keep himself on his feet. It's a good thing that Arturia wasn't here after all. If he's sent reeling this badly, he can only imagine what a sudden absence of ambient energy must do to her. Or any other Servants, for that matter; to his limited understanding they're all made of the same stuff.

  He shakes his head as though to clear it, gathering himself and pushing off from Merlin's shoulder with a grunt of effort. The world swims around him, and though he staggers again, he manages to keep himself upright, mostly.

  "Oh, aye, something happened. Lord God, I feel like..." Bedivere shrugs lamely. "Like my king just called upon the Sword of Promised Victory. It was /your/ idea to cast my senses so far, wizard," he grumbles. The annoyance fades as he looks to Yunomi, though, expression suddenly weary. "As much as I am loathe to leave her, the others have her health well in hand, I think. There is naught more I can do for her, and less still in this state."

  As though to underscore that, he shuffles against Merlin again. "No. Let us return home. I will be fine, we simply must needs... walk slowly. Very slowly." This place is like weirdness incarnate, and he's even less inclined to trust the rampant magic and gizmos after something just backfired spectacularly. He's kind of superstitious in some ways. "Besides, I should not wish to worry my king if we did not return in a timely manner. There are enough seeing to Lady Stadler; I should not like to crowd her."

  And with that, he'll let Merlin help him hobble on home to Dun Realtai -- but not without a backward look to Yunomi, ashen-faced. Yeah, see, this is why you don't let the newbie-rank sorcerer do things without filters between him and the Otherworld, see.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "I'll tell him later. He's pretty much looking at everything and I'm pretty sure he'll go down INTO it in a minute--" pause. Peer. Woozy? A curious glance is given the Simic as he works. She finishes answering Yunomi, "The safeties seem to have worked. While the protocal was used, it seemed to difuse back into its natural state, or into the nexus, or well, the dias," she says, muttering the last few words. The guildmaster stands, realizing there were a LOT of people here that just experienced a manasurge and then a backblast. Sensitive to mana or not, it can take a toll. After realizing the size of the crowd, the Guildmaster plants her feet on the chair she had been sitting in earlier and looks around to address the crowd.

    "I'm certain there is a lot of concern for what happened, but as any member of the Izzet League knows, our kind of science rarely happens without explosions, and tonight it was simply proven again. Please be assured that Yunomi Stadler is being tended to and will be quite alright. For anyone here that is sensitive to magic, or has felt the effects of the mana-surge and backblast, the Izzet League would be happy to host any of you for the night in our guest area in the Thirix Spire. If you care to stay, please see myself, or Sidonia, and we will get you the access you need to access the auxillary spire over there," she makes a motion toward the second of the Izzet spires. Nivix was gold, but Thirix was more of a cobalt hue. "All I ask now is that you allow yourselves, and Yunomi to recover, and we will address any questions or concerns when everyone is back to 100 percent. Thank you!" That said, the dragon hops down, takes a breath, and then moves back over to see how everything with Yunomi and company is going.

Staren has posed:
    The Simic are medics, too! Cool. At least, hopefully they're medics and not just randomly here to turn Yunomi into a dragon or something. Although that might not be all bad!

    Staren smiles a bit as Yunomi gets back on her mental feet, planning how to prevent this from happening again, and then he grows concerned as she analyzes her own condition and looks kind of woozy.

    Rhapsody makes an announcement. Staren looks between those gathered. "Get well soon, Yunomi. Whatever you were trying to do here... I'm sure you can pull it off soon."

    He's not planning to stay, so he sort of just stands around awkwardly for a bit.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I've got to pull it off soon. This thing goes live on Friday. I've got four days to get that problem fixed..."

    Yunomi reaches up, touching the fading burns on her throat, and the blackened ribbon there. "... it's just odd. That should have been /just/ enough to..."

    She swoons again, and shakes her head "Rhaps, I've gotta go lay down, I think. Thanks for the help, friend. Please give my regards to the Speaker." She gives a wan smile to the Simic Healer, who opens a mouth to protest, then withdraws.

    Yunomi pulls herself to her feet, and glances around with a slight, apologetic smile.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
DeClere looks... slightly peeved when the Simic medic arrives, giving him, for just a moment, a stone-faced flare that sends most people running away in fear to leave her to /properly/ stich someone up.. but only for a second. She wasn't an expert on mana burns, and her personal pride hadn't gotten in the way of her professionalism... yet. She lets him tend to her, but, as she stands up, stands up with her. "We'll head back to your quarters." She says, in that tone of voice that says she can say no, but it would be... difficult to stop her.

Rick himself might be beaming with a little bit more courage now. By /God/, if she can make cognizant experimental observations after a blast like that, she was well on her way to becoming a proper scientist. Adventurer. Both. He'll stand up when she does, looking to Yunomi, then to DeClere. "Get her settled." He says, to the Doctor, before turning to Rhapsody. "I have the vacation days. Would you be good enough to find me a room? I'd hate to have to pitch a tent outside. Can't do that without at least a platoon."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The dragon watches, mostly quietly now, as everything starts to settle down. People are starting to leave if they want, magewrights are starting to filter back toward Nivix, and anyone that asks Rhapsody for access will get it. When Richard asks, Rhapsody tugs an azure colored Izzet Signet out and gives it to the man, "You always have a room here, Mr. Stadler. I just had never had the chance to give this to you." If he showed the signet and headed into Thirix, he would find his name on the door.