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A Spider's Teatime
Date of Scene: 28 August 2016
Location: City of Ravnica <Rav>
Synopsis: Rhapsody, Richard Stadler, Eclipse, Kirika and Rebound drift down into the Spider's Den to ask O-Hiko, an ancient Spider yokai, what she knows about the missing Izzet mage
Cast of Characters: 272, 481, 325, 300, 750, 395, 947

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:

    The Spider's Den hovers on the edge of Gruul territory and the Izzet sector, the juxiposition of pipe, concrete, and city abruptly ending to ruins. Run-off and vented warmed water keep the area in a hazy, high humidity. SUnlight streaks through a crevass in the abruptly ending pavement above as the pipes create a multitude of waterfalls and rainbows... but there was danger here.

    THe whole of the area was covered in spider's webs. Bright orange, yellow, and red spiders, their legs black as coal range in size from the very small -- only a few inches across -- to their larger brothers, three... four... five feet across, their legs wide enough to envelop men, their fangs sharp enough to inject burning venom into their victims.

    It was a very good thing, then, these spiders were on the side of the Izzet.

    However, far below and nestled among the boulders of ruined street and discarded stone, other yokai have found protection. A kappa, its bowl on its head filling with water from run-off, vigorously scrubs its face. An umbrella ghost clops along on a single geta, and latern spirits hang from a thick spider's web, strung across the chasm.

    The heroes would arrive to this yokai sanctum through a fifteen foot wide pipe onto a platform.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika feels like she owes the spiders one, after almost accidentally murdering the lot of them the last time she was here. Thus, she is here mostly to help try and make amends for previous mistakes on her part.

    She's also been pretty damn busy trying to keep rioters and thugs from using the district as their own little fight club, having this morning stopped an attempted robbery of a small shop by outsiders whipped up by the recent hysteria.

    Flashlight in hand, the kitsune is very careful to not get webbing stuck on her person, tail included.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    And it was not a short trip down. Seeing as Rhapsody had only been here once before, remembering the way involved a few wrong turns, at least one dead end, and a bit of back-tracking, all with the Guildmaster looking extremely sheepish each time a mistake was made. Things had gotten far to worrysome in lieu of current events and this was one of the last ideas that Rhapsody had.

    Now, finally arriving at the proper exit, the dragon heaves a sigh of relief. A few words into a -new- comms crystal records the location first, but activates a large number of security drones that come in from above, then spread out into a multitude of the pipes back into the Izzet Sector. She did -not- want to be followed here and she was going to make sure NO ONE ELSE was going to show up.

        It was also extremely likely Sidonia was around. Somewhere.

    After taking a long look around the webs, the dragon looks down, and motions toward the others that have come along. "Last time we had to scale down, ah.." the guildmaster's very NATURAL fear of spiders is creeping in. "If any of you have trouble with spiders, I would recommend steeling yourself for what you are going to have to do.."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Rhapsody might have a bit of a fear of Spiders, which may or may not have been rational. Richard's fear, however... that was entirely rational. He'd been in too many forests with too many large 8-legged murderers, webs and toxin so thick you could swim through it if it wouldn't kill you first. It was probably why, on a social call, he was carrying an automatic combat shotgun. With the drum. And incendary rounds.

It was not overkill if they needed it.

Despite that, though, his mind was only partially on the sipders that occupied this area. As always, for the last few days, it had been on Yunomi. Probing at the events he had and information he didn't, trying to find a reason, some... /possible/ motive for what she did. Hoping in both paternal pride and desperation that this was a...plan. A long one which even he couldn't see the end of. It was really all he had.

He follows behind Rhapsody as her points the shotfun forward, past her. "I'm trying. For my daughter, I'll head through this... Assuming none of them land on my back and start biting. Can't blame me for my reflexes then.

Rebound (750) has posed:
"So we're not supposed to punch these spiders, right?" Rebound asks, as she hops down from the pipe and to the ground proper. It pays for Rebound to verify orders a couple of times, just to make sure that she's perfectly clear on the situation at hand. No punching of spiders, only punching of tanuki and annoying guys who talk too much.

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    It is a great regret of Amalthea's that it takes a disaster to get her attention back on Ravnica. It is with great shame that she returns, pulled by a tragedy, instead of on less nightmarish terms. But it is on her honor that she comes anyway, to aid Rhapsody; thanks to the bond of friendship she had shared with the guildmaster's father, and with the young dragon herself.
    The truth is, she's been staying in Ravnica since the incident- all she had to do was strong arm the goblins that had been squatting in her summer home in the city back the hell out of the house Niv had gifted her.
    There was much screaming, and many goblins were sent to the nearest simic healers.
    But she is here now.
    It does not matter to her if the spiders are sided with the Izzet, the territory is unknown to her, and she comes in her heaviest armor, prepared in case anything other than their hosts decides to surprise them, but also because her armor is her formal outfit anyway.
    "I am well steeled already, Rhapsody. And I am sorry I come to you during these dark days but I promise you one thing..." She says.
    "I am here, now."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    There's not going to be much long to wait on the spiders.

    Most of the adventurers come armed! That's not good! But they're being lead by Rhapsody! ... that /is/ good.

    However, several of the larger spiders are acting as sentries. THey begin to descend from above, one five-foot-wide spider creeps quickly up from below the platform, fangs wriggling, blood red eyes kept on the armed Stadler. Another pair of three-foot-wide creatures draw down the wall from Amalthea.

    But the only one who is suddenly attacked is the Guildmaster.

    Rhapsody would feel a sudden weight on her shoulder as a foot-and-a-half wide spider drops down on her shoulder, its sudden weight not intending any harm, but its forehegs rise up to gently touch the back of the dragon's head.

    "Guildmaster!" comes an adorable squeak of a voice -- Meeko has grown a little bit from her last encounter with a cage and the guildmaster. She's a brighter orange than most of her brothers and sisters. "What a surprise to see you down here! We heard about what happened and it's so awful we were concerned that you wouldn't want us but then Goji listened in and we're a bit afraid that you would side with the magic eaters and then we would never see you again and it would be /so sad/!" she squeaks excitedly, "But you didn't 'cause yo u're a wise and good Guildmaster!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The dragon glances back over the rim of her Izzet-colored coat, "We're all trying, Stadler. It is all we can do at this time. And this, who we are meeting, is one of the last few people I can talk to about .. something I have," she notes. She'd reveal her little item once they found their host. When Rebound speaks, the dragon nods, and then watches her hop down. "Well.. at least it is easier for some," she muses before calling down to her, "Yes! Please don't harm the spiders!" Amalthea is regarded VERY warmly, and the fact she is in her old home was some good news during some rather dark days. "And so you are. Regardless of the reason, it -is- good to see you,".

    When a spider drops, somewhat heavily, onto Rhapsody's shoulder, it takes 110% of her willpower to not SHRIEK out. Her eye turns, spots the familiar looking hues of Meeko, and the the panic that was screaming for release from her mind starts to cool down from its boiling-over point. "A-ah.. H-hi... Meeko... You've grown.." she stammers a moment, listening to the creature's energetic words. They help to ease her fear. "I.. I have no trust for them, and I have the utmost trust in Yunomi.. I would not side with them," she says, her speaking cadence clearly broken as her fear continues to slip back into the rear of her mind. "I.. am hoping to ask a few questions... once we're down. If that is okay with O-Hiko. I've done -everything- in my power to ensure we were not followed. The way down here is complicated enough as is.."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Of course there would be sentries. But the unicorn displays a calm in the face of 'giant spiders' that is almost herculean in scale, when the massive arachnids lower to inspect them all. She is wholly unsurprised large and intimidating specimens would be the ones standing guard duty.
    "It is good to be back." Murmured to Rhapsody as she steps into line, specifically to Stadler's side.
    "Peace, Richard. We are not here to display force nor frighten the spiders, I believe you can put the gun down until after something has gone ploin shaped." She urges him gently as he holds the gun at the ready.
    It is not a surprise to her. It is standard training for most soldiers to hold their weapon at the ready, and if there is anything she knows about Richard Stadler, it is that he is one of the oldest career soldiers present.
    When the sentry spiders descend, Amalthea takes a half step back. But it is not out of suspect reflex nor fear. It is to better shift one foot forward, arm crossing her chest as she dips into a surprisingly formal bow, the unicorn displaying herself to be as non-hostile as possible in spite of her armor.
    And then Maeko happens.
    Amalthea's lips tug into a wry little grin, head tilting to better watch each and every one of Rhapsody's reactions /VERY/ intently.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika offers a nod to Amalthea before they venture, knowing the knight's presence is more than welcome. As is Rebound's for that matter. As she flanks Mr. Stadler, she seems content to let her sword remain sheathed and tucked in her obi, for the moment there is no threat here if she remembers right.

    Of course, the sounds of skittering leave her off-guard for a moment before she is reassured Meeko is of no threat to them, and she bows her head in respect to the spider-girl. "Well met, Meeko. I hope we are not intruding, then? I understand times have been difficult for the district, despite our efforts."

    She frowns briefly, shaking her head. The magic eaters. Ugh, hard to believe the council would even allow those jackals to this city.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler reflexively raises his weapon toward the five-foot-wide spider, almost as tall as some people, finger pressing on the trigger just slightly... but avoiding firing. Even if every trained reflex in his body is telling him to hold the trigger down and then go for the portable flamethrower slung to his back. "You put the gun down until something goes... pear shaped, and then you've already been stuck and in the midsts of being dessicated." Nevertheless, the weapon slowly lowers... before it pops up again as a spider lands with a /whump/ on Rhapsody's back.

Stadler was clenching his teeth so hard it was a wonder they didn't shatter. Thankfully Rhapsody seems to be on good terms with a rather cheery voiced spider (Good God, how was it talking). His weapon lowers slowly, as if the action causes him physical pain. "Of course it's at the bottom of a pit of spiders. Why not just add giant snakes? And a large plant that sucks blood from vines." He mutters.

Granted, it's after a moment of thought that he realizes he couldn't shoot that spider, whatever it's sudden apperance. It reminded him if Fleece had 8 legs and was less frightening at times. "Please tell me he'll be a good guide to where we need to go." He says to Rhapsody.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Meeko gives a happy squeak at being recognized, and all eight of her eyes get the n_n look to them before she crawls off the Guildmaster, and scurries away.

    And over to Richard Stadler. She circles him curiously, and then scurries away.

    THe other spiders retreat, crawling back up to their own hideaways in webbing, where it's not obvious they keep watch. The webbing itself seems to tremble before a massive spider makes her appearance. Its legs span nearly twenty feet, brilliant yellow and blue stripes on her legs, with a green and reddish abdomen. Brilliant yellow fangs glisten with venom as she regally descends down a thread as thick as a man's wrist.

    It studies the assembly with scarlet eyes, its vision settling on Rhapsody, then on Richard Stadler.

    O-Hiko, the Spider Queen of Namamura, arrives in her true form.


Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika watches Meeko scurry about, a mix between wary and fascinated by the large arachnid. She has to admit, it's been some time since she encountered any sort of spider-yokai, even back home they and their insectoid cousins don't usually go about outside their dwellings.

    And then she sees O-Hiko, Queen of Spiders, and she goes absolutely rigid with fear.

    Her poker face is commendable as usual, but she is very very careful to not make any sort of untoward motions in O-Hiko's presence.

    "G-g-gree-greetings...Lady O-Hiko..." She murmurs, struggling to find the right words. "W-we...arm...well..." Nope. Words fail her.

    So she remains stiff as a board, her tail wrapping around herself like a child's security blanket.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    While not in the form from her last visit, there is no doubt in Rhapsody's mind that O-Hiko has just arrived, just in a form that doesn't hide what she truly is. The dragon makes a motion for everyone in the group to move away slightly. The dragon has had fears for years of showing what she truly is, but as she said earlier, she won't allow fear to dictate her allies OR actions. The Izzet Trenchcoat she typically wears is tossed aside and in a flash of light and a shifting form within it, the dragon shows her OWN true self in a show of respect to O-Hiko.

    Once the form is taken, she lowers her head in a bow, similar to Amalthea, and then she speaks. "Good day, O-Hiko. I wish this visit could come on better terms. Things in the world above you, as you may have heard, have become testing at best. I am hoping to inquire about a few things with you in hopes that we can understand WHY these things are happening..

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    THe dragon's form is appreciated -- and O-Hiko seems to melt away, leaving a woman with black as night hair, her red eyes catching the light. She is white as moonlight, a dark blue and yellow kimono on as she regards the assembly in a more... talkable form.

    Other spiders arrive, one bringing up a long, low table, scrounged from somewhere in Ravnica. Another brings cups and sets them out, a third a little charcoal brazer that seems to glow to life as it's set down.

    Others bring cushions for all to sit upon, made of fine silks and soft.

    "There is much we have to discuss, Guildmaster. By the day, the hunt for Yunomi grows more desperate, and I fear that should the magic-eaters stumble upon my home... my family is not the only one that will be affected. What Yokai from Namamura made their way to Ravnica now make their way here." she announces, and she motions for everyone to sit.

    She's much less intimidating as a human, but every bit as intense.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika is jolted from where she stands when Rhapsody nudges everyone to make way, and she recoils as the dragon reveal her true self, mostly due to the MAGIC EXPLOSION that ensues. She blinks, noting she doesn't have as many scales as most dragons tend to have.

    O-Hiko mercifully turns into a human shaped form as seats and tea are brought out, and Kirika accepts a seat, leaving her sword laid out beside herself. "Thank you..." She murmurs, then accepts a cup as she sits seiza style. "I have noticed a grand exodus from the surface, aye." She muses. "The Magic Eaters have not helped matters, neither have those who seek to take advantage of the mass panic in attacking the district's establishments."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler tries his very best to keep his finger off the trigger while Meeko converses, crawls away... toward him. Tight lipped, looking over the spider, staring down with dour eyes... before... the rest of them leave. Move away. And that does /not/ make Stadler feel better. "This is about the time when-

He's interrupted by the webbing shaking all around them... and a spider the side of a two story building slowly, gently descends from the thickest Webbing Stadler had seen before. He can /see/ the venom actually dripping down, and it takes every single /shread/ of self control he has not to fire, leave, and order this site bombed with the largest GBUs a Nighthawk could conceiveable carry. But he doesn't. He doesn't /quiet/ tighten his finger to do it.

Thankfully, Rhapsody manages to suprise the need to shoot out of him, transforming into a form he'd suspected but had never seen. He can't quite help from craning up in a bit of amazement at the dragon that had long just been the same size as he was becomes... well. An actual Dragon.

Thoughts of Fleece again. He at least manages to snap a few pictues with a smartphone, before moving in a proper position to flank her for security.

The one good thing is, after seeing a spider /that/ large go in front of you, watching her change into a woman and then have a large amount of spiders scurrying around you bringing up chairs and everything for a calm tea time was slightly less disturbing. Still slightly, so Rick keeps his expression booden, before sitting down when invited. "There's a lot of flack aganist outsiders right now. If those magic eaters have some grudge, the council may not care what they do if they say it's in the name of results.

Eclipse (947) has posed:
The discussion on the radio had piqued Eclipse's interest. A hunt for a fugitive was just the job for a longtooth shifter. But others were coming to the tanuki's defense, and to Eclipse, something smelled off about the whole thing. She'd need to find out more about what was going on- and it seemed that this was an opportunity to do so.

    And so, the shifter followed the small group down into the spiders' nest. She was actually a bit amused at the frightened reactions from some of the others. As a warden who lived in harmony with nature, she was fine with such creatures as long as they weren't a direct threat- some spiders were, of course, at least in her world, so she didn't let down her guard entirely. She watches with some interest as Rhapsody takes on her dragon form. From how the others are addressing her, the yellow spider seems to be their leader- and indeed, the lady takes on a different form of her own. "Many shapes are changing here," she notes with a grin. "My name is Eclipse. I heard over the radio-waves of some of the troubles here. I would like to lend my aid, but I know little of this world, or of the 'Yunomi' that is the subject of such clamor."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    "Richard, peace." Amalthea reminds again, much more firmly. Old and ingrained habits die hard, and she does not fault the man for training being so well ingrained, not doubting in the least how many times it's probably gotten him through some story-worthy scrapes and scraps..
    But this is the spider queen.
    For a long few beats the unicorn remains in her bow before rising. Now she well and truly takes a step back, an act symbolic of yielding wholly and entirely to Rhapsody when the young dragon reveals her True Self as well. Sitting is not easy in full plate mail. She opts to lower to her knees, a position oddly reminiscent of formal seiza style. She displays no fear. Certainly she knows well enough that these spiders could no doubt put up a fight and a threat if pushed, but she has no reason to fear them nor draw steel so long as this is all peaceful discourse.
    She is silent for now. For now, she will listen. And learn.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    When O-Hiko turns back to the form Rhapsody is familiar with, the dragon follows in kind, quickly moving to collect her coat before slipping her arms back through its sleeves again. "I'm sorry they do not feel safe in the Namamura district. I built it to protect -everyone- from Namamura and now this entire scenario is spinning out of control. The last thing I ever wanted was for anyone, spirt or otherwise, to be afraid. For that I truly am sorry,". The dragon actually looks sullen as she takes a seat near the table. "I have my security drones everywhere around us, and I suspect Sidonia is prowling nearby to ensure our privacy.." yet that still isn't enough to calm down Rhapsody's paranoia. And if SHE was still paranoid, she could only imagine what was going through Stadler's mind.

    "My one question is a simple one. I found something that, I am hoping, you can provide answers about. I have spoken already with Yunomi's kodama but they weren't able to tell me anything. It is in my coat. I will simply set it on the table as I am aware of how it can affect spirits.." that said, the dragon pulls from her coat a very long pin, two feet in length. She simply sets it down on the table. "Do you have an idea what this is, where it came from, or who could use it? Maybe even with senses sharper than our own.."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "That is a concern that we have, but a moment for introductions."

    THe Spider herself sits, and nestles into the cushion, breathing a little easier now that others are settling down. She would lose no children today. She draws her her fingers around the wooden handle of a pot, and lifts the sleeve of her kimono and begins to pour. The tea is red, dark in color, but fragrant with flowers and the warmth of a summer's sunshine.

    "I am O-Hiko, jorogumo, and I hail from Namamura. I stood against the magic eaters in the company of the guardian O-Asahi, Yunomi's grandfather, The Walking Wall, and the Tengu of Kawashiyama. I have been a friend to Yunomi's family for centuries since the day we stood together." she finishes pouring the tea, and she purses her lips a moment.

    "It saddens me to hear both of Kaeruhime's passing and Yunomi's betrayal."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The dragon would be paitent. Already, just from O-Hiko's introduction, she felt like she learned something new. About how far back this 'bias' the magic-eaters had, goes. She doesn't look to ask further questions and had no doubt the others would have their own.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    "Kirika, of Kasun. I am daughter to the Kitsune Shukutou, the sixth Matron of the heavens and earth below." Kirika bows her head reverently to the Spider-Queen. "I have elected to act as a peacekeeper since Yunomi's actions left the district in disarray, as a favor to Rhapsody." She says, taking a sip of tea.

    "It...it leaves me saddened as well of her actions, in their wake things have been nothing but chaotic, and we are no closer to finding out why than when we were before."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler is still, for the moment. As the tea is poured. Taking it stiffly, but with at least one nod, as he lifts the cup to his lips and takes a sip. It would be rude not to, and she wanted to kill them, there were /pleanty/ of spiders around here. Always easy to trust someone that had a gun up to your head and there was nothing you could do about it. "That is... a long time. To fight with someone, yes, but for someone to attack you. Can't say I've held a grudge that long... or knew the war went back that far."

Another sip of the tea, and he keeps his mouth shut tight. He wants to qualify, to say 'yes, but' to the mention of betrayal, but he wouldn't fall into the trap of beleive what he wanted to despite the evidence. Instead, he puts his tea cup down. "We're all saddened by it. Confused, as well. Among other things. That's why we need information. My name's Richard Stadler. I'm Yunomi's father... well. One of them. He says, conceding a point another might make. "I would hope you'll forgive the.... desperation of the answers.

Rebound (750) has posed:
"So if you've been alongside her family for that long...You probably should have seen this coming, right?" Rebound of course is still operating under the assumption that Yunomi was corrupted or mind controlled or cloned or something, "I mean something should have stood out, right? She couldn't just suddenly go all cookoo for cocoa puffs without any warning, right?"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    That is the unicorn's introduction. It is the easiest and simplest, without pomp and fanfare. She does not list her titles, nor deeds, nor even homeplace. Though they are many, such things truly have no meaning to a unicorn. "I am a longtime friend to Rhapsody's father. My friendship extends to her and that is why I am here, and why I wish this resolved as much as any other. For both Rhapsody's sake, and Yunomi's" She says.
    "I do not believe this to have been a wild act of whim and whimsy on Yunomi's part. Mayhap it was out of her control. Mayhap she premeditated her course of action on her own, I cannot say, but the results are disastrous. And the Magic Eaters stepped in to 'fix' the matter so conveniently swiftly... Naturally I am with many others in the opinion they are as trustworthy as well as they fly when flung." She says before pausing.
    "Immortals tend to bear ill will and grudges over centuries, unlike mortals who's lives are too fleeting to carry them for longer than a single lifetime." She notes to Richard, before sighing. "I assume it stands to reason this grudge is still living. Would you put it above Ijiwaru or someone of his ilk to try and orchestrate something?"
    Amalthea accepts the tea. She sips slowly, and does her very best to not complain about lacking sugar.
    She likes her tea retardedly sweet.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    O-Hiko's eyes turn to everyone in the table in turn, though the other six, smaller eyes stay on the cold iron spike.

    "That weapon is a curious one."

    The folds the sleeves of her kimono over her hands, and uses it to pick up the spike.

    THe spike is four feet long. Its front edge has dulled from being peirced throughs something hard. She balances it between covered fingers, and her eyes close. A dark look crosses her face, before she sets the weapon down.

    "The murder weapon that killed my dear friend..." she breathes. She closes all eight of her eyes. "Darkness and pain are all I can sense from it... I apologize, Guildmaster. I know nothing more of this weapon, save that I can sense her death around it... but curious. I have not felt this sort of... darkness since I beheld a sword by Muramasa, the Ten Thousand Cold Nights..." she turns the four foot 'pin' over in her hands.

    "Yunomi is... surprisingly wise for how old she thinks she is." The Spider replies quizically.

    To Amalthea, the spider nods. "This is a grudge and war that has been... cold. The Magic-Eaters nearly took the valley of Namamura, and many of th e surrounding areas in Japan for themselves, eating the flesh of yokai to steal their powers, and burn us out like laterns gone long beyond their time. Many famlies of great yokai were wiped from the face of the land -- the Odanuki among them, reduced to one tanuki and his wife. My own children I sent to the wind to preserve them... not one spider among me here is older than a hundred years." she replies sadly. "Ijiwaru and the Magic-Eaters are an old foe, but for them to eliminate a kami?"

    She shakes her head. "It would be a grave act indeed, and if Yunomi was even the smallest bit attached to Kaeruhime... she would have perished as well in the act."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    And with no answers regarding the weapon once again, the guildmaster's form just seems to sink. For the -moment- it feels like there's nothing left for her to seek accept for Yunomi's -actual- father. Though the Magic-Eater's earlier words has caused her to think of at least one other. If it was even possible. "Thank you," she says, barely above a whisper as her mind races, trying to find some other thread to pull at while O-Hiko speaks.

    There are a few things in her story that call for her attention. "How old she 'thinks' she is...?" she asks first. Then secondly, "And... the way she looked when we brought the spirit's remains.. I refuse to accept that was false. I just.. I cannot -believe- after all we have done and how long I have known Yunomi that it was false.." she catches herself, realizing she's about to keep repeating the statement and stops herself. "This war is so ancient, it is as clear as crystal that they have a bias and I still couldn't convince the council otherwise.." another statement. She mentally yanks herself back from spiraling out again. "If not Yunomi, and not the Magic Eaters... then who?"

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler watches as the spider woman moves the spike over in her hands. He simple leans forward to look at it, but... his eye isnt' practiced in seeing the metaphysical of an object. Just that it was long, dulled, and could probably slam through someone's skull with enough force. But that is all he can gleam from it, before he leans back. "It's a... strange weapon. But if it's effective aganist it's target, then strange doesn't really enter into it."

There's a pause from Yunomi, before he looks over to Rhapsody. "How old she thinks she is, yes. Something happened... a while back. Might call it a rebirth... despite my studies, I've never been... that attunded to the metaphysical. But... she's a shapeshifting spirit. She can appear however old she feels. But I beleive she's... truely, at least, older than I am.

Back to the spider. "So what does this mean? That if Yunomi was connected, she'd be dead too? Which means that she isn't... and could have truely done it?" He says, groping for meaning. It would be a hell of a lot simplier if Yunomi had simply said 'I'm innocent, don't beleive them', but she /hadn't/.

Rebound (750) has posed:
Okay, no one aparently digs Rebound's comment. That's okay, she'll just try again, "So okay, lets see if I kinda understand what's going on here. Somebody used that," She points at the weapon, "To kill somebody else. Dramatic Entrance McGee says it was Yunomi that did it, but you guys say it's not because that's not something she'd do. But you ALSO just said that she's not really what she appears to be, so how well do you really know her?"

Kirika (481) has posed:
    "Mm. He seems to be intent on making this an open and shut case, with Yunomi as the lamb to sacrifice." Kirika muses quietly, frowning. She inspects the needle, producing her pendant like it's a Tricorder to scan the murder weapon with.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    O-Hiko frowns. "No, what I am saying is that... it is possible Yunomi could have performed the act. She is one that KAeruhime would have trusted... but I cannot see her performing such a cold blooded act. If Yunomi was still connected to the Guardian's powers, which stem from Kaeruhime, the shock of suddenly losing them would have killed her. Even the idea that she did not know that something was wrong... is... terrifying." The Spider admits. "Someone used this spike, to essentially kill a minor god. My good friend, and the gentle guide that had brought many yokai fromt he brink of death."

    She straightens, and shakes her head. "If Yunomi is the cause of this reprehenceable act, then she has betrayed more than the Izzet... she has betrayed us all."

    She turns to Rebound then, and she purses her lips. "Yunomi herself is not who she remembers, but that is not what is important. What she does not remember should not be able to affect her now; and the acts she comitted against Rhapsody are... out of character. Even for a trickster. Not without some sort of sign... she often would come here, to speak with me and play with my younger children. This is a side of Yunomi... of Umehana Odanuki... that I have not seen in her life."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    In an instant, the Guildmaster is on her feet. It took a lot to not end up flipping the table. "WHY is everyone saying she COULD have rather than NOT.." she almost snarls, somehow maintaining some semblnece of civility thanks, maybe only, to some amount of control that Jeannette managed to instill into her. "I keep looking for ways to DEFEND her and all I find from the people important to her, that have known her, that have stood by her, all want to BLAME her instead. I can't TAKE anymore of this. She's been betrayed more times in the last week THEN ME! WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE LOOKING FOR ANYTHING ELSE?!" Holding back the 'red', as an old friend once said, has now become nearly impossible, but there are other emotions in play that are going to rapidly rush in. "I can't.. I .. I can't.." she wobbles, on the brink -again-. "I just.. I can't hear it -again-.." Speaking with real 'mom' and 'dad' may have just been wiped off the table.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Rhapsody. Sit Down." O-Hiko commands, her attention set on the guildmaster. "It is against the very fiber of her being to have killed her protectorate Kami. The very fact that she was working so hard to bring her to Ravnica, to essentially rip her from the home she has had for thousands of years is testimony to her love. Saying that she could have is not saying that she did. /I/ do not beleive that Yunomi killed Kaeruhime. I would bet my life on it. To hear her speak of you, of Richard, of any of her friends was to know the absolute adoration she had for you. I am in the dark /as much/ as you are..." she states, and she takes a deep breath.

Eclipse (947) has posed:
"Exactly," Eclipse agrees with Kirika. "Both sides have their presuppositions, it seems. But you all seem to be connected to her by the bonds of friendship and family... I'm more ready to believe you than those who are motivated by enmity." She waits for a moment after the spider's explanation and Rhapsody's outburst before turning to the dragon calmly. "So... Presuming that Yunomi is innocent, what other options are there?" she asks. "What sort of 'scent' are we to hunt down?"

Kirika (481) has posed:
    IMMEDIATELY, Kirika is up from her seat. She moves with lightning speed, and wraps her arms around Rhapsody's waist firmly but calmly. "Please..." She whispers, trying to usher the dragon to her seat. "None of us know the whole story behind us, but it will not do to lash out at one another. Please, do not jump to conclusions as Ijiwaru may have..."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler keeps the cup of tea balanced in his hand. It was a good way to keep his own emotions in check, to do something with his hands that required concentration on something other than his own feelings. It's what keeps him seated when Rhapsody jumps to her feet. The abyss never gets better to stare into each time you do, but you do get a bit more used to it with age. "Rhapsody. Sit. Down." He says, metering each word, mirroring the spider, looking over to Rhapsody with a face carved from granite. "You can have those emotions. Those feelings. But I suggest you turn them into armor and keep them at your core. Best way to handle these things." He motions to O-Hiko. "She just said she didn't beleive it could happen. What she didn't say is what you crave. You want proof. Some solid evidence, for her to say, 'But it is /impossible/ for Yunomi to do such a thing, and she can't. And I know that it's eating you up inside."

He sets the tea down again. "I don't know why she did it. Why she went off the grid, right away. But I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that she needed to. That this wasn't planned. Weather someone forced her hand or she felt a bubbling hatred welling up for you is something I don't know.

"But we have a murder weapon, and a target. That magic eater is hunting for her, and may do damage here. We don't know what crimes she's comitted, but we want her to explain them on our terms, not his. So."

Rebound (750) has posed:
Rhapsody's outburst makes Rebound tense up, just a bit. It's a subtle motion, but the fighter is just that, a fighter. She's always prepared for a battle, even when she's surrounded by friends, "Okay look, we're at like a nine right now, lets bring it down to a four or five." She moves from the position she's been standing in, "Listen, all we can do right now is operate with the information we have at hand. And what I have in particular is watching Yunomi try to stab the crap out of you." She looks at Rhapsody, "And the other information I have is that nobody has any freaking idea where she is, and I think that's bullshit. Nobody jsut vanishes. People even found the Invisible Man, and that dude's got invisible literally in his name."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The outburst was sudden. Even as she staggers, and Kirika catches the dragon, she's already regretting it. Being ordered to take a seat, twice, simply causes her to go silent and back to the cushon she was on a moment earlier. She was willing to just listen, now, but speak? ... No. Not now. Not unless asked to do so..

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "There is a possibility, that Yunomi is operating with a paticular goal in mind, but I do not beleive that she is ready to share what that goal was. She did, however, ask us to watch over the guild should she not return, long before the nexus was complete." O-Hiko states, and she sips her tea calmly.

    "She made it seem like she was preparing for a long journey, and asked us in her absence to ensure... other spiders would not wind their webs through the sector.. so far, I think we have been sucsessful."

    And O-Hiko's eyes glimmer a moment, her lips, blood red, curling into a smile.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler takes a deep breath, at that revealation. "I've no doubt she has a particular goal in mind. And if anything's rubbed off, even if she /has/ been forced to take action quickly and messily, she may have set up failsafes, contingenies." He snorts. "Not that I feel any better that she could have stripped off every goddamn tracker I had with a thought, but that counter still leaves a bit of paternal pride within my heart."

Another sip of the tea. The cup's almost run dry, now, and he doesn't look to ask for another. "I... fear about asking you if that's some sort of coached euphimism. So I won't, and assume you mean the odd brown recluse. I... should thank you for helping there. But... well. I suppose our only choice is to find her before this magic eater does. Get her plan, what she was doing, and why she had to do it, and... take what action we need. I wish I could do more to protect your sector here for the help, but I don't have a man to spare. Unless you'd like to add trip wires to these webs."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Something O-Hiko just said bears -weight- in Ravnica, and in Rhapsody's mind. She's certain no one else here would understand what was said, but 'spiders' in Ravnica never referred to O-Hiko and her kind. It is a way of speaking of a guild that isn't supposed exist. While events in recent years have broken them, they are never ever truly gone. As a result, and the spider's smile, she can't help but speak, now. "... Have they been active..?" who else would know, besides Sidonia? And even then, O-Hiko has numbers. She could have a map of the Undercity. ALL OF IT.

    The thoughts shift to something else. To the journey. To what could be going on. It's simply to vague now. "I .. can't image where she would go." As for Richard's thought, the dragon has a simple answer. "I might.. though I don't know how well they will appreciate patroling a sewer.."

Eclipse (947) has posed:
"So the theory, then... is that she is not 'innocent' as such, but rather was pursuing a greater good?" Eclipse questions. "Then why would she not tell someone of her plans? I am sure that in the greatness of the Multiverse there is some way she could explain herself in confidence to someone she trusts."

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika frowns. Somehow she feels even more lied to, with Yunomi pulling this plan without anybody's knowledge ahead of time. Just what the hell is she playing at with this? And why wouldn't she trust anybody to keep a damn secret?

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
"Neither can I." RIchard says to Rhapsody. "But I know enough about my daughter. If... If she needed to, she could go dark easily. Which means we'd need someone find her that can do the same thing. I know someone who might be able to help. I'd tell you her name, but she doesn't appreciate me handing it out." He nods, slightly. "As for why she couldn't tell us... You've seen the hunters that have arrived to take her. How much do we truely know about them? About what they're prepared to do? Love and hate are two things that can make one do... irrational things. I'm sure one or the other is at play here. It's up to us to find out which."

To the spider. "We might need to get around this area, and if I send people down here, I don't want them blind. How much do you know about this underground?" It seems he's on paralell thinking with Rhapsody.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "The weight against her being innocent is... somewhat troubling." O-Hiko admits, and she breathes out in a small breath. "She was especially secretive regarding the plans... she spent much time in the sewers -- my children have come across her in many places in the undercity where Izzet are not welcome." The Spider admits, and she taps her fingers against the cup.

    "There is both love and hatred. It is no secret that Ijiwaru has hatred and darkness in what passes in his heart... and that Yunomi's love for her Guildmaster is... absolute. Whatever she was planning, it either will come to a head... or will explode and rain down destruction on /everyone/ involved...."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    With nothing else to really say, or ask, the guildmaster goes back to being silent again, her thoughts racing from one idea to another, trying ot make sense of it all.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler nods one final time, before standing up. "Well, then. The sooner we figure out /what/ she's planning, the sooner we can effect either one or both outcomes. Depending on what would be preferable. But we need to find her, first. You know you can trust us, O-Hiko, which is why I'm hoping we can trust you. If there's anything you can tell us about what hiding spots Rhapsody's drones or the Boros search parties /haven't/ checked, I'd be grateful to have it. And if that magic-eating son of the bitch asks the same question... I can't ask you to put yourself at risk, but I hope you'll help."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    O-Hiko gives a nod. "I will help where I can... I do doubt that Ijiwaru would come /here/ asking for the same..." she sips her tea. "And if we find him in the darkness, we will alert the Izzet to his location. Unfortunately... Yunomi has learned our ways very well. Even I cannot find her."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Feeling the trailing end of the conversation, the Guildmaster slowly rises after -finally- having a small sip of the tea. She nearly forgot. Once she's up, and steady, she does offer a bow to O-Hiko. "Thank you for your help.." she manages before looking back at the others. "If there are no more questions," she says, looking back, "I imagine we should take our leave."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler stands, and nods to the Spider. "With all due respect... I'm hoping everything you taught her won't be enough for who I'm sending. Lord know she's kept a hold of enough tricks. Thank you, ma'am." He says, before geasturing to Rhapsody. "If you would be so kind as to lead the way out... I don't think the spiders trust me enough with this thing.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Meeko, please go with the Guildmaster and ensure she reaches the surface safely." O_hiko gives a command, and the dimunitive -- compared to her mother -- little spider gives a happy sounding squeak,a nd plops right back onto Rhapsody's shoulder, crawling up a little and pointing. "This way!" she points to the main tunnel with two legs. "I know the quickest way up. Yunomi showed me, and you don't even have to fly!"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The guildmaster actually manages a small smile. "Thank you, again," she muses. This time, she doesn't even flinch at Meeko and turns to follow the smaller spider's direction after taping on her Comms-Crystal again. It'd be nice to know the way better.

Eclipse (947) has posed:
"This has been an enlightening visit," Eclipse says. "I will do what I can to help you all solve this mystery. I am sure the spirits will be with us in this endeavor."