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Latest revision as of 03:14, 5 September 2016

Writing on the Wall
Date of Scene: 03 January 2015
Location: Shatterdome
Synopsis: Yunomi and Chuck Hansen (Striker Eureka) spar in an emptying Shatterdome, Sydney Australia.
Thanks to: I want to thank Striker Eureka, because he gave me some of the BEST RP ever, and I still laugh years later. -- Yunomi
Cast of Characters: 25, 272

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     It's funny, really, how quiet the Sydney Shatterdome has become.

     They're down to three Jaegers now. Echo Saber, Vulcan Specter and - of course - Striker Eureka. There's less people in the 'dome, just just less machines. Ground crews are fewer in number, there's less people in uniform. The mood itself is positively subdued. The writing, it seems, for the Australian teams, is on the wall. Almost literally, given that the Sydney section of the Wall of Life is almot complete.

     They're just on borrowed time now. Soon enough, the 'dome will be empty and the Jaegers will be decommissioned.

     Maybe that's why Yunomi finds Chuck Hansen - shirt off, face set and mad - hammering away at a set of boxing targets in the large gym. There'd usually be so many more people in here. Now there's just a young man and his dog.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi was a staple around Sydney, if she wasn't in the Shatterdome, she was often out looking over the sea and the wall in a worried manner. She might not be the 'engineering' part of the Izzet, but she wagered with enough 'oomph' behind a spell, even she could take out the Wall of Life. It didn't instill her with confidence.

    However, she flashed her ID and a smile as she went into the Shatterdome, making her way down the emptier hallways, and she could feel that the atmosphere was... heavy.

    When she came to the gym area, she quietly poked her head in, and her eyebrows went up as she spied the Ranger, and she bites at the inside of a lip.

    The pounding of fists on targets filled the room, and she was content to let him vent a little longer.

    ... not that she minded the view.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Max the bulldog pokes his head up from where he's been dutifully watching his master beat on those red bags. He's not sure what they had done to make his master so angry, really, but he's reasonably sure they won't do it again. He gives Yunomi what sounds like a very half-hearted 'wuff' and then slumps his head and jowls back onto the floor.

     Chuck turns, taking a moment to massage his knuckles with his fingertips. "So, come t'visit the graveyard, huh?" he asks.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi pushes herself off the wall, and meanders over to where Max was laying, and she scooches down, reaching to rasp her fingers lightly over the dog's head in greeting. She gives a wry little smile up at his master though before she straightens up.

    "There's still life here yet," she remarks quietly, and brushes the fingertips of her other hand against Chuck's arm. "Might be a little thin... but there's still life. And you know what they say -- where there's life, there's hope, ne?" she tries to push a little cheeriness into her voice, but optimism is about as thin as life is.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     "Yeah, well, there won't be fer much longer," Chuck counters. "Life and hope don't do much against a goddamn Kaiju," he continues, folding his arms. "Prob'ly do more than that damn wall tho'."

     He lets out a breath and focuses enough to uncross his arms, making himself look more like he's actually happy to see Yunomi. He's hard to read. "Well, ain't nothin' wrong with a bit of a morale boost, eh?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "You'd be surprised with what a young girl can do with a bit of hope. Remind me sometime to tell you about Madoka." Yunomi replies, and delivers a light punch to his arm as she goes to pass him. "Drinking buddy, designated driver, morale boost and subject of ear-tweaking. I'm /so/ multi-talented." she teases, giving him a bright smile that makes her eyes light up. She turns back to him, taking a few steps backwards. "So, what'd make your day, Chuck?"

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     "Gettin' in Striker and gettin' the old man to agree with me and kick a hole in that wall?" Chuck replies. He's serious but it's not a very helpful or constructive suggestion.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I think he'd agree with you, but thank goodness he has the common sense to not follow through." Yunomi replies dryly "And I'm not qualified to drive my jeep yet, let alone get into a Jaeger, so I'm right out. How long were you at those targets? I'm pretty sure I heard one whimper for mercy."

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck scratches at his head for a moment, then looks up at the clock set above the door. "Uh, 'bout half an hour. It's better trainin' on a person, tho'. But the old man's all busy with the Marshall. You any good?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Awww, but I'm just a girl! You're going to have to go /easy/ on me!" Yunomi replies with a sugary-sweet voice, pressing her fingertips to her cheeks as if she were /scandalized/ at the idea of a bout against Chuck, and she gives a sidelong smile. "Considering the size of the bruise you left me with last time... but I've been brushing up." Yunomi gives a grin, and goes as if to brush off her shoulder. The clothes she's wearing change, from the loose jeans and T-shirt, tightening and reforming to a pair of gray fatigues and a red and blue tank top, and she kicks off her sandals. "We've got an influx of swordfighters and men with martial backgrounds at the Guild. Still not much of a brawler..."

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck takes a few steps back, but not before he gives Yunomi a slight pat on the shoulder. "You don't learn anythin' if I go easy on ya," Chuck replies, with that strange sense that it's something he has heard before. Possibly from his father. "If you get bruised, then you better learn t'block better."

     A few feet away, Chuck settles into a relaxed stance, fists balled. It's almost an exact replica of the fighting stance that Striker Eureka exhibits on the battlefield. Like father, like son, like war machine. "But I guess I'll go a bit slower for ya," he adds, grinning.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi purses her lips, and looks up at that pat on the shoulder.

    Oh Yeah. It's on.

    Yunomi gives a grin, and she pulls her hair back, rolling and twisting it into a bun behind her head, and she gives a small laugh. "Blocking? I'm pretty sure you could /bench/ a featherweight like me. I'll just have to not be there when you strike." And she brings herself down into a ready position, her stance loose and fluid, and she brings her hand up, palm forward, and curls her fingers to her palm in a 'come here' gesture.

    "If you can keep your eye on me, you might learn something."

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     "Yeah, yeah, bring it, Stadler," Chuck comments, stepping forwards. There's another advantage Yunomi might have. She's seen Chuck fight on a fair few occasions by now - and he falls into familiar patterns, because those patterns always work. So, Chuck steps close, and jabs out with his left fist. He follows that up quickly with a quick right cross!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi's pretty familiar with Striker's fighting patterns; she's also about 30cm shorter than him and half his weight. Most of the kaiju's fighting patterns wouldn't work here, nor would she try to match him blow for blow in strength.

    She leans back arching her back so she's below the jab, then comes in low and fast -- since he already so kindly stepped forward, she brings her heel down to try and catch his instep and put her elbow to his solar plexus.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     It's like hitting a brick wall! Chuck is a big guy and he's stacked on muscle. The elbow strikes directly into his solar plexus, but he seems convinced to power on through it. After all, he does have the size and weight advantage.

     Still, he hasn't hit her yet. "If I didn't like ya so much," he says, "I'd headbutt you right here." Instead, he aims a fist low, trying to power it right into her abdomen!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    A quick side-step! Holy cow, he's not holding back a bit! Yunomi felt the muscle behind that stomach, and damn. She gives a laugh. "Lucky me; I'm pretty sure the only thing harder than your /Jaeger/ is your /skull/." she teases, reaching out to try and grab at his arm and pull him down, to off-balance himenough to tip him in her direction.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     She grabs his arm - all tanned skin and corded muscle - and pulls on it. Chuck pulls right back, pitting his raw strength against Yunomi's more skillful application of forces. The thing is, it only takes a slight miscalculation to upset someone's balance.

     Chuck goes down. He immediately tries to push himself into a roll to the side, climbing back onto his feet.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi's already on him. She dives for him, giving a low growl in her throat, the slightly competitive side of her coming out. Why? Because she wants to win!

    She tries to plant her knees on the inside of his thighs before he can roll, and put her arm crossing the back of his neck to hold him down! IF chuck's quick enough, he might get away. Or be face up. That would be embarrassing.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Yunomi's quick, and she slams her knees down on the back of Chuck's thighs before he can get to his feet. The arms go across his neck and, for a moment, it seems like she might just have managed to pin him.

     And then, after a moment or two, Chuck raises himself up onto his forearms. It's about as good as he can manage. With a terrific shout, he hurls himself to the side - so he has Yunomi on her back, facing the ceiling, much like him. He hops himself up, and them brings his weight down - attempting to shock Yunomi into letting him loose.

     "Nice try, Stadler! But size and strength always win on t'ground!"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "There's something to be said for tenacity!" Yunomi states, and she moves her arm, clinging to him, this time she tries to thread her arm around his neck, her knees coming up his thighs and her legs popping out to try and hook Hansen's legs into place, her other arm coming to brace herself -- and try and push Chuck's head forward into a sleeper hold! "As long as you don't suddenly grow /back spikes/!" she mutters breathlessly at his ear.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     "Hrrrk!" Chuck grunts out, as Yunomi wraps around his head and shoulders for a sleeper hold. With his legs locked, he loses a fair bit of his ability to move - but he still has his arms. Again, Chuck brings himself up, practically living up to that assumption that he could lift Yunomi, and slams his back towards the ground again. He just needs one moment of weakness...

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi can feel herself being lifted off the ground gives a soft hurk beneath him, pressed up against him, but she holds on. Even when she feels her body slam back down against the matts, with his full weight on her. One of her legs loosens from her hook hold, and she releases her arm, giving a breathless laugh from beneath him. "I... really shouldn't do that. You could be called up at any time. I'd hate to have to explain to Pentecost how I knocked out one of the best Rangers!" she laughs. "Truce?"

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck turns, bracing himself on his palms as he looks down at Yunomi, brow covered in a thin layer of sweat. "Yeah. Y'shouldn't. Dunno - what're the terms of this truce, eh?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi recovers the breath that was knocked out of her by the two slams, and she gives a small laugh, bringing her hands up and running them over her forehead and bangs. "First... are you okay? I shouldn't have... ah... tried so hard to win." she replies in embarrassment, glancing up to the ranger. "Well, what would you like outta the truce?"

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     "'course I'm fine," Chuck replies, giving Yunomi a strange look. "It's not like I passed out." He balances himself on one hand for a moment, brushing his palm against his brow. "Dunno. Drink might be nice."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Drinks I can do." Yunomi gives a smile, and she slides out of the way, pulling her top a bit from her skin to air it out, and she sits up, giving a slightl pained expression as she curls her body to a sitting position, sitting with her legs underneath her. "Not bad for not having warmed up." she cheekily grins, assessing her own performance.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck gets to his feet, with all the slow momentum of some of grizzly bear. "Yeah, not bad. But I also didn't hit'cha with my forehead. That would've won me the match," he says, sounding cocky and confident. He goes to gather up his cap and then plops it on Yunomi's head. "There. Tribute."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "/That/ is provided I wouldn't have simply ducked under your big, hard head." Yunomi grins. "There's certain benefits to being small."

    The large hat plopping on her forehead is not one of them, but she gives a grin all the same, and leans back a minute, watching him move. Every movement of muscle, the way the skin slides over the tendons and sinew, the folds and bends of his upper body, before she summons her sake bottle, and places T-Togi in front of her, and slightly to the side. She leans back, feeling the pain of returning breath against her chest, and her hands curled lightly at her side.

    "Also: I throw fireballs and lightning. I totally let you win."

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck finds a comfortable spot on one of the mats and, with a barked command to Max, summons the dog over to the pair. "Yeah? And I'm sure those fireballs and whatever are mighty fancy, but they've got nothin' on Striker. Y'move again, Yunomi." He holds a hand out - either for the sake bottle or a cup of it.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "The might of a Jaeger is nothing compared to the pure destructive force of a Yokai with a purpose, Chuck." Yunomi counters, and she pours a cup, and hands it over to Chuck. She draws up one knee, leaning her cheek on it as she reaches out to scritch Max. "... you know I'd go through hell to protect what I love."

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck accepts the cup and takes a sip to start with. He grins roguishly and asks, "What, why're you tellin' Max that?"

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "He didn't threaten to headbutt me." Yunomi rakishly replies, but she glances up to Chuck with a grin. "... and you probably already know that, because you're /so/ great. At everything. No, really. The skill you have? Totally great."

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     "'course I am," Chuck replies. "I've gotta be. And I've got the record t'prove it. Chuck Hansen - best in the world. Youngest Jaeger pilot with the most confirmed kills. And b'sides, all's fair in love and war, Stadler," he challenges at that rakish reply, grinning around his cup.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Oh yeah?"

    Yunomi's ears prick up. She gives a mischevious grin as they focus in, intent on Chuck. "Because if it's all fair..." she challenges, and she raises one hand, mana lazily swirling around her fingers. "Chuck Hansen, youngest Jaeger pilot, angriest little possum /ever/."

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck squints at Yunomi for that little comment. "Now, that was just unfair, that was! How was I s'posed t'know what'd happen if I touched yer ears?!" From zero to irate in under five seconds.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "How was I supposed to react to you reaching out and touching my /ears/? That's so /weird/. Do you do that to just every pretty girl in Sydney? Reach out and touch her ears?" she asks, reaching out and mimicking tweaking ears on the side of someone's head.

    Her own ears flatten back a little as she purses her lips, and continues making that grumpy face right back at Chuck.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    ... and continues to wriggle her fingers, ridiculously, in the air, as if she were tweaking someone's ears.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     "I don't know!" Chuck retorts defensively. "It just seemed like the right thing t'do! I mean, pretty girls in Sydney don't have ears like /that/!" He gestures at Yunomi's head vaguely, as if to indicate her ears. He scowls slightly as she continues to wriggle her fingers in the air.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi's fingers stop wriggling. Her grumpy, pursed lips melt away slightly, into a gentle smile. She scoots a bit closer, her own sake cup left empty as she slowly reaches to brush her fingertips against his arms.

    "Hey." she whispers, craning her neck to look at him, some of her bangs falling into her face. "It's just one of the many qualities that make me 'not a pretty girl from Sydney' right? It makes me better." she adds, keeping her fingertips lightly on his skin, waiting to see if he'd pull away.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck doesn't pull away. His face splits in that casual smirk he tends to exhibit, however. "Yeah. Definit'ly better. Don't think there's many girls that aren't Rangers that'd go toe't'toe with a Kaiju either. But you did. That means somethin'."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Her fingertips trace upwards as she draws a little closer. Her eyebrows rise up, and she takes a deep breath. "... and what's it mean, Hansen?" Yunomi questions, curiosity piquing in her voice as she tilts her head slightly. Her ears are focused on him.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck just shrugs his broad, beefy shoulders. "Means there's no one else I'd rather have watchin' my back in a Jaeger on Kaiju slugfest, /Stadler/."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Good. Because there's no one's back I'd rather watch~." Yunomi grins, takes a deep breath, and presses a kiss to Chuck's forehead, up on her knees, holding her breath.

Striker Eureka (25) has posed:
     Chuck lets out a little grunt of approval and rests his arms around Yunomi's shoulders as she leans up to press her lips against his forehead. He doesn't say anything but, of course, he takes after his father in that sense. The Hansens aren't good at displaying emotion. Still, he doesn't move away, and he lingers there for as long as he can.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi smiles, and with his arms over her shoulders, she loops hers asround his head in a not-sleeper-grapple, and just smiles into his short hair, her fingers curling at the base of his skull.

    Where there is life, there is hope. And a couple of badasses who go and fight giant monsters.