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Latest revision as of 17:22, 27 September 2016

Digital Fleet Ops: Battle Royale
Date of Scene: 27 September 2016
Location: Great Ocean - Vast Gulf
Synopsis: Alden asked to spar with some of the Hikari Combined Fleet.

Yamashiro and Chitose agreed to face him and a companion.

Cast of Characters: Shigure, 930

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro stands on the shore of a relatively small island. Her rigging is cratered further up, near a line of palm trees, the massive turrets dug down a bit into the sand. She stands with her hands clasped before her, red eyes looking out across the water, serene.

    Chitose, meanwhile, sits leaning back against her own rigging, the large theatre cabinet supporting her weight, while the sound of piston-engine aircraft buzzes around, Type 2 recon planes keeping vigil in a wide arc around the island. The woman herself sips from a small cup, liquid within steaming slightly. "Are you sure you don't want any tea, Yamashiro?"

    The shrine maiden-like woman turns slightly, and shakes her head in the negative, causing her hair ornament to shift subtly before she turns back to her vigil. "They should be here soon."

Alden (930) has posed:
The digimon seem a bit late unfortunately, Alden seems to have gotten lost, even with a trio of passengers, all offering 'helpful' feedback on the address, and trying to navigate for him!. Still, eventually, the two ships might notice a figure flying their way!, it's... a robotic quadrupedal wolf, carrying what seems a small bear, an adorable long eared critter, and a tiny neko girl perched on his head!. The wolf lands softly, moving rather silently, and lets his passengers dismount, "Really sorry for my delay, I got a bit lost.". "I told you it was to the left." comes from the small bear.

Shigure has posed:
    Chitose blinks, then closes her eyes. "Incoming air unit... moving fast." she reports, standing up and adjusting her uniform. "Seems our guests are here."

    Yamashiro nods in response, then returns to her rigging, picking it up and putting it back on. "Quite alright." she remarks when Alden speaks. "I am the younger sister of the Fusou-class battleships, Yamashiro, and my companion is Chitose, first of the Chitose-class light carriers."

Alden (930) has posed:
The robot wolf smiles and offers a polite bow of sorts, before he stretches his limbs, and suddenly itches his left ear, "It's a pleasure to meet you two, I am Alden as you mithg know." before pointing to the little Shinki, "And she is Katze.", cue a wave, and a swift approach by said tiny catgirl, "Hi!"
     The other two digimon smile and wave to the pair, "Hi, I'm Bearmon." says the cap wearing ursine, "And I am Black terriermon." the other one chirps, "Alden invited us over since he needed a partner to spar with you." he adds. "Sorry for arriving like this, but Alden can't really carry us in our best shape." the bear says.
There is a short transformation sequence, omited for brevity, but it involves the two turning into more impressive looking forms, before they combine into a final one!. Where the two little creatures were standing, now there is a tall anthro lion wearing... a japanese high school uniform?, or at least the top of one, with a long blade attached to his belt. "Hi, I am Banchouleomon." the voice sounds... a bit off, like two people were saying it at the same time.

Shigure has posed:
    The pair bow in return, then watch as the pair turn into a new creature. "It is good to meet you both. I am a battleship, my companion is a carrier. She will not be engaging directly, but providing air support for myself." explains Yamashiro, as Chitose's theatre levitates off the sand, and the grey-haired woman sets off into the water. "Don't worry about getting hurt. I loaded training munitions, so bombs, torpedoes and bullets are just washable paint."

    Yamashiro nods. "I also brought training munitions."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden smiles, "I appreciate the concern, we are pretty tough in any case, and from what I saw, tend to heal much faster than most people." the wolf mentions. He nudges Katze to settle in a place she can watch. "I'm ready!" says the catgirl. Meanwhile, the lionman bows politely, feline tail flicking, before he stretches, "I am more of a brawler in any case, a pretty good jumper and swimmer, but landbound otherwise." explains, cracking his knuckles. The wolf digimon nods, "I will try to avoid damaging you either, but might accidentally encase you in ice." he says, "I'll try my best not to of course."

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro nods, then steps back, away from the pair. Her cannons swing out, eight barrels leveling on the pair. "Ready!" Chitose chimes in over radio. "Set! Attack Wing, Launch!" Then Yamashiro's cannons open up, staggered fire, two cannons firing at a time, working across her rig, flinging shells down range at the Digimon.

Alden (930) has posed:
The pair quickly jump aside as the paint ammunition splashes the ground and area near them!. The wolf digimon takes to the air, while the brawling lion sidesteps, and moves to charge the battleship, growling as he curls one hadn into a fist, trying to zig zag a bit, making himself a more difficult target.

Shigure has posed:
    Chitose grins a bit as Alden takes to the air. "First and Second Escort Wings. Launch. Engage the enemy air unit." The Theatre opens up two doors, and a group of small planes fly out, expanding out from tiny model, to scaled models, which form up into groups of six in flying V formations. They angle around and move to engage Alden with machine guns. The first Attack Wing are made up of green painted craft six in the formation. They climb quickly, and come diving straight down, releasing their payloads in a high speed dive bombing attack on the lion-like 'mon.

    Yamashiro, for her part, isn't a slouch in close combat. As Banchouleomon comes charging in, she shifts her stance, the turrets folding back behind her as she shifts to grab the swinging arm, using the momentum to hurl the leonine Digimon over her shoulder.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden blinks and lets out a happy bark as he sees the planes, "That's amazing!" he praises, before realizing the airplanes begin to attack!. He lets out a cute yelp, and tries to take a dive, "Can I damage them?" he asks, the shoulder mounted rocket launchers comign to life, firing a pair of small projectiles at them!. The metal wolf grumbles, some paint splatters on his left flank.
     The Lionmon jumps aside from teh bombardment, a bit distracted to realize what the meelee ship was going to do!. A surprised and perhaps amused mrowling noise as he is hurled, rolling in midair, and landing on his feet, kneeling, "Very good!" he praises, smiling, "Check this... Otokogi!". The lion's fist glows brightly as he slams the ground, a red shockwave shooting forward, leaving a trail of flames, moving at the meelee fighter!. It explodes early in a bright burst of light and flames, the Lionman watching closely.

Shigure has posed:
    "It's fine to damage them. The fairies are very tough and they'll bail out when their plane is damaged enough." replies Chitose. The rockets find their marks on two of the Zeros. The airframes bursting into flame and coming apart as they spiral downwards into the water.

    Yamashiro turns, and smiles softly, bringing her arms up in a defensive stance. The explosive wave catches her by surprise, but she weathers it with her belt armour, her outfit scorching along the side as she turns to angle her armour into the damage. One turret CLA-CLANKs as it reloads, then fires another pair of shells at BanchouLeomon. "Not too bad yourself."

Alden (930) has posed:
The Lion digimon growls, pleased, while his tail lashes around, smiling. He tries to show off as well, trying to slash the shells as they come flying his way!. Of course, he forgets they are PAINT shells, so all he achieves is spreading the paint all over, "That was dumb." he mumbles, before chuckling, adn rushing ahead, his blade sheathed again, fist glowing as he tries to punch the ship!.
     Alden nods, watching the planes head to the water, thankfully, they were just partially encased in ice, might be easy to fix!, in the meantime, he begins to chase the zeroes around, apparently enjoying the chase, a larger projectile compartment opening in his chest, a large missile, with an angry face painted on it fires forward, exploding near the planes!.

Shigure has posed:
    Chitose launches a new wing of fighters, as the ones already out begin to fall, wings icing up and tail systems freezing up, more parachutes appear as the fairies bail out. As they hit the water, they deploy little rafts, and throw out tiny fishing lines, waiting to be picked up.

    Yamashiro charges at the Leomon in return, hands unclenched though she meets the punch with a two stage return. A palm strike to the inside of the arm to deflect the strike, a scortch mark appearing along her shoulder as the glowing fist glances past, then following through with a two palm full body strike into his midriff.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is distracted making sure the fighter pilots are safe, and does not realize another group of flying machines was heading his way, making himself a rather nice target!. If they shoot at him, he will gladly play the part, letting out a very hammy whine and spiral down to the water, he is a silly digimon at heart.

     Bancho is far more serious now, grunting from the hit on his shoulder and midriff, pushed back and gasping for air, the strike causing the brawler to step back a moment to regain his balance, holding his bandaged stomach for a moment, "You hit pretty hard."

Shigure has posed:
    Yamashiro stands up straight, and gives a smile. "I am a battleship. My firepower is something I can be proud of..." she looks aside, out at the water. "Armour and speed... those are things I want... but..."

    Chitose's air wing swoop in on the larger Alden, peppering his armoured hide with more black paint, strafing him until he goes down.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden wishes he had some kind of smoke to use for the effect, flying in circles until he splashes in teh water, still trying to pull the silly 'downed' act for several moments, before floating to the little fairy life boats, "Need a ride?".

     The lion digimon stands up, dusting himself, still a bti sore, "I was a bit careless." he admits, before looking around, "You seem fairly fast to me, but I can understand... I do wish I was better at a range myself, I can handle close fight well enough but..."

Shigure has posed:
    The fairies look up, and give little thumbs up as they pack up their gear and hop aboard the large metal wolf, while Chitose makes her way closer. As she closes, the remaining aircraft come in behind her as she skates along the water. She holds a pair of puppet controllers, with the strings empty, out to the sides. The strings have hooks on the ends, and the fighters come in low, deploying loops to hook onto them. Once they're attached, they shrink back down to the small toy versions, and are taken back into the theatre flight deck.

    Yamashiro bows at the waist. "You are a strong opponent. Do not let my misfortune weight upon you." she says.

Alden (930) has posed:
The digimon finally gets next to the other boat, smiling, "Those planes are great." he says softly, wagging his tail as he floats lazily. Meanwhile, the lion bows, and moves closer, patting Yamashiro's shoulder in a friendly way. "Thank you."