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A Late Night Dinner Party
Date of Scene: 15 November 2016
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: It's another meet and greet at the Bar and Grill as Sokka discusses important topics like cons, love and boomerangs.
Cast of Characters: 20, 1076, 774, Inga, 152

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    One of the most important things for new arrivals to the multiverse to check out is of course the Bar and Grill. A meeting place where one can get sustenace for the soul as well for the belly, as it serves as both a place to meet and to eat.

    Both of these things are activities that Sokka enjoys, so Toph eagerly leads the way, dragging him by the wrist as they enter the establishment. A large station that floats in space, and there are always people here. Well, different kinds of people. Not all of them are human. And they all eat different types of food. The menus on each table are diverse, so there's basically no end to what people can order here.

    "... so," Toph says, having explained the premise of this place on the way over, "I usually tend to come here when it's something specific I want to eat that I can't get either at Yu Dao or back home in Malibu. Or if I want to talk with people. There's always somebody you know here, at least in my experience."

    Hmmm, where to sit. There are some free tables around, but let's check if she can hear a familiar voice or something. Sokka /does/ need to meet more people, after all.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka was having a good day. First he found this apparently limited edition book, then he got this really great brown hat that really drew out his eyes and now, now he was getting MEAT!

Best day EVER!

However, as he was dragged in, his eyes went wide. "F-food..." he said softly in awe. He tried to go forward, but, alas, Toph had a grip on him, trapping him. "Food?" he asked, giving her the doe eyes. To the blind girl. But alas, first they needed to find a friend. "Foooooood." To imagine, Toph spent like, a YEAR with this.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    There's a familiar voice! A laugh, in fact. Surprisingly, despite the opinion the people of Ferelden have of those from Tevinter, it is indeed not an evil cackle. It's a bright, mirth-filled thing. Dorian is sitting at a table, dressed in his usual duds, the light-colored leather armor. The laughter is apparently from something the waitress that's putting a plate in front of him said.

    "'Standard fantasy mage'? Oh trust me, my dear, there is little about me that's 'standard'," he says by way of reply. "But then, you've heard the old proverb: 'it takes all kinds." He smirks. He has a high-class sounding accent, hair and moustache are utterly perfectly groomed. And there's a staff leanded against the wall next to him, the head worked into the shape of three serpent-like dragon heads, each facing a different way.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yes, food," Toph confirms. "After we've found a place to sit, then you can look at the menu."

    Ah, there! Trust Toph's sensitive ears to pick up a familiar voice. And it's a friendly person that Toph has something in common with, despite how different they look. "Over here!" she states to Sokka, dragging him with her towards the table where the noble mage is sitting. "Yo, Lover boy!" she greets Dorian with a wide grin on her face, and she even reaches out to punch him in the arm. A sign that Sokka would know well enough, this is a person that Toph likes. "Mind if me and my friend here invade your table? Or are you waiting for a date to be all oogie with?" Oh yes, she teases him. That's part of the fun, and she knows he can take it.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinked and glanced up at the guy. He looked him up and down, before nodding. "Ah! Really? I didn't know you were friends with other lady killers. As one who has taken many, many, many, mannnnnny punches to the arm from toph, may I advise some ice." He gives a sage nod. "My name's Sokka. I'm sure you've heard of me." Pause. "Boomerang guy." He held out his hand and... once introductions are done.

"Fooooood!" Would run off to get his food. He then returned a moment later, sitting down. "Right. Waiters. Oops." He was going to order a steak and a chicken and pork and everything! Massive plates of food!

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    'Lover Boy'. There's only one person he knows who would call him that. And as the waitress leaves the table, the expected punch comes. He grunts, with a wince, but chuckles nonetheless, raising his other hand to rub at the friendlily-abused arm. "Toph! Good to see you again! It's been some time." He sounds like he means that, yes. He nods to her question, indicating the chairs at the table. "Please, go right ahead."

    Sokka speaks up then, and... Dorian can't help but chuckle. "I have broken my share of hearts, I admit. Purely unintentional, mind you. But with a face as handsome as mine, it's rather unavoidable." He accepts the handshake, returns it. It's a confident handshake! "Dorian Pavus, Altus mage of Tevinter." Pause. "No, I don't expect you've heard of it. Many haven't." He smirks nonetheless.

    He chuckles at the returning Sokka. "There are indeed waiters. They'll bring your food out." He smiles. "It's convenient when you're tired. Not so much if you're very hungry, I suppose."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Ladykiller? Now that comment makes Toph snicker a bit, looking awfully amused at the irony. Though she isn't about to correct Sokka, since it doesn't really matter.

    "So how are you doing? Kicked some more demon ass?" Looking pleased, Toph does sit down in one of the chairs. Not that she expected Dorian to be opposed to sharing his table, he's the sociable type. And he's not uptight either. Rather, he's fun to hang around. And Sokka will probably like him too. "This here is Sokka, my oldest friend and from my world. He's a warrior, the idea guy from the Avatar group, and he recently joined the Union! I'm showing him around and letting him meet people!"

    Luckily for Sokka the waitress is quick to take his order, as she hadn't wandered far off from the table after taking Dorian's order. Toph too orders herself a solid portion of food, as well as milkshake. Something that she insists that Sokka order too.

    "Eh, it's worth the wait if you ask me. And you've been without food for longer periods of time, Meat Head," she teases Sokka as she elbows his side.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nods sagely. "Ah, indeed. I know that well. I too have left my own fair share of broken hearts all across the four nations. But alas, a wanderers heart cannot afford to be tied down by any lone woman." Oh he was just FEEDING Toph the ammo here.

"I hope you've been taking god care of my good buddy Toph here. Because I'm pretty sure if you broke her heart, she'd break your legs. Or at least your arm." No, he would never NOT tease her. Because that's what bros do.

He nodded. "True. But I have been really busy today. I worked up an appetite." He paused, then hugged and noogied Toph. "Awwwww. You call me the warrior and idea guy now! I remember when you used to just call me 'plus sokka'."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "Actually things have been quiet of late," Dorian replies to Toph's words. "There's some trouble in Redcliffe... but these days when isn't there trouble somewhere in Thedas?" The smirk is a little bitter, but it's definitely also designed to convey humor somewhat. "I've resorted to taking escort missions. Apparently I cut quite the dashing figure in a suit, and since I'm also quite deadly, it's a perfect combination for discreet bodyguard services."

    As for being without food? "Well, it's never pleasant, no matter how long a time it is," he admits. "Particularly not when one's accustomed to eating like a noble and have to resort to gathering edible foods in a forest." He is indeed speaking from experience here. He went from nobleman to scraping by pretty quickly.

    He chuckles to Sokka's words of leaving broken hearts behind. "Ah yes, the eternal quandry of the wanderer," he agrees. As for Toph? "Not to worry. I am very careful around Toph. For exactly that reason. She's quite capable of defending herself." He rubs his chin in thought. "I have been thinking about this 'Union'. I've read about these superfactions, and I'm wondering if I ought to join. I'm not sure they'd want me there, though. I am, after all, just a 'Vint. Another villain waiting to rise up and cackle menacingly to the heavens." There's probably not a lot of context to go by there, but he talks like this is bad.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah, Sokka's a handful all right..." Toph teases with a smirk, then elbows him again. "And hey, I'm hardly Dorian's type, even if he wasn't way too old." Man, Sokka makes this too amusing and too easy!

    Thedas seems like a rough place indeed, and Toph nods. "I can imagine there's always a need for body guards... And you don't need to carry many weapons with you either to get the job done." Seriously, magic can be quite useful it seems. Even if she doesn't quite understand it. She is about to ask further questions, then Sokka hugs and noogies her. The blind girl lets out a slight yelp, her cheecks flaring up a bit as she tries to push Sokka away. "T-that's ages ago, dunderhead!" Why yes, the two obviously know each other very well.

    Then Dorian talks about the Union and possibly joining. "Well, you certainly shouldn't join the Feds. And I wouldn't say you're /evil/. You don't do evil things, and it doesn't matter where you come from, right?" Of course she's right. Dorian's never done anything she would consider villainous, nor does he seem intent on forcing other people to follow his will.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded. "Oh yeah, the whole having to eat on the wild thing sucks. I mean, sometimes it's really hard to find the proper meat. I remember little foo foo cuddly poops. I stil lwonder if I should have ended up eating him. But then, I did promise not to." He smiled down.

"Defending herself? Ha! I've seen her take out entire fleets!" Ruffled her hair. "Greatest earth bender of all time and I don't use that term lightly. We would have been dead a few dozen times if not for this little munchkin. And I can't wait to see what she's capable of now. I wouldn't be surprised if she takes care of this whole... confederate problem of your guys in a week. Two weeks, tophs~" Yes. He did have to make the pun. It was allll leading to the pun.

"What? Nooo. Don't go cackling menacingly. Leave that to melon lord here. I guarantee you she does it better and she can imprint her foot on your butt if you go bad." He gave a sage nod. "Just ask Aang, he used to wear the imprint constantly."

He glanced to Dorian. "Ah, he's not THAT old. Probably just in your fortys, right? What do you think, Toph. Maybe I should try growing a mustache like that. How do you think I'd look?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian snorts a quiet laugh at Toph's statement of 'not being his type'. "Indeed, she's not. But I've no doubt that when she gets older, she will definitely show her husband-to-be who's boss." He smirks. Though he does nod to the words of not needing many tools to get the job done. "Stealth is sometimes a problem. Sneaking around is, sadly, not my forte. But blending into a party? That I can do." Toph does mention that whole not being evil thing, and he emits a thoughtful sound. "True. And I suppose I'm not the only refugee from a quote-unquote 'evil' nation that exists in the Multiverse."

    He raises an eyebrow at the 'little foo foo cuddly poops' statement. "Little... what?" he asks, clearly not getting it. But he nods at Sokka's words of Toph's skill. "I've seen it first-hand a time or two. She's quite talented." As for the cackling? "I have also seen the Melon Lord. She is truly terrifying." He sends a secret smirk in Toph's direction. Yes, he remembers that little incident. "I got the opportunity to cackle menacingly once. I recommend not having anything in your stomach when you do. It tends to create nausea."

    Sokka's talk of Dorian's age, though, gets a raised brow and a tilted head. "I hope I don't look that old," he remarks. "You're about ten years off, my friend. I'm twenty-nine," he corrects.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Eh, finding food in the wild isn't /that/ bad," Toph says. True, she might be a noble, but she's not the pickiest eater around. And while she enjoys meat, she doesn't mind living off of nuts, berries and roots like the badgermoles do. She decides to not go deep into the issue of Foo Foo Cuddly Poops either, as it doesn't really matter.

    Though she does look like she's a bit... embarrassed as Sokka goes on and on about her deeds in the past, though she does manage to grin. "Dorian and I have fought together out in the field before, so he's seen what I can do."

    It's a good thing the waitress returns with all of their food, setting it out. Sokka has gotten a large platter with various items on it, so he should be able to sample a lot of the foods they have here. The large milkshake he's been given should also work on filling up his stomach. While her own portion is slightly smaller, Toph is bound to get full off of her food too. Though she sticks to fries for now as she eats between sentences. "I dunno what you would look like with facial hair, though it seems like many guys have it here. Heh, Goldie is proud of his own and claims nobody looks as good as he does..."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka snickered, nodding. "Oh yeah. You know, she's been gone a while and she IS about that age. I suspect there has to have been a few guys by now who've tried to catch her eye. Possibly some young earth bender, eh?" he joked.

"Oh ho? So the melon lord returned while I was gone? I guess I should have come back sooner to keep an eye on you. You're probably causing all kinds of trouble to this poor multiverse. However can it survive?" He then snickered. "Oh yeah. You know, first few days I met her? She took out an ENTIRE arena of master earth benders. All by herself. Didn't get a scratch on her. Just bam, kicked their butts. Then there was the time we took down a whole fleet together. Not even talking about the fact she invented metal bending. They said it was impossible, you know. NO one thought it could be done. They made prisons of metal just for that reason!

He then looked down at his food. "This... milk shake looks kind of... weird." He sniffed it, looked unamused. He then took a bite. Froze. Then sparkled. "Oh. My. GOSH! This is AWESOME!" and then he went at his food with a vengeance. The boy could put meat away. And his table manners were... probably almost as bad as toph's.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Deciding that he'll offer up another story for Sokka, Dorian begins, "Do you know, Toph and I had to pretend to be evil once? A mutual friend of ours, a fellow by the name of Geralt, had a friend that was trying to impress a lady." Looking to Toph. "You remember that?" He chuckles. "This friend of his hired Geralt to pretend to be a thief of some sort. Toph was the Melon Lord, I was the Revenant King. Unfortunately Geralt's friend was no combatant, and I believe I almost set the poor man's arse on fire. Literally."

    Dorian listens to Sokka's account of Toph's deeds. "I've heard some of that, yes. I've heard some of her exploits with metalbending here in the Multiverse. I've not been privy to all the details, mind you. But I have definitely heard some impressive things."

    Here he pauses, and looks at Toph. "People talk about you when you do great things, whether they're good or bad. It can be embarrassing, but they mean well."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Ugh. Toph halts eating when Sokka talks about crushes, boys and such, and she mutters. "... I doubt they would catch my /eye/."

    The entire deal where they had to pretend to be villainous was pretty fun when thinking back on it, and Toph snickers for herself, dipping another fry in ketchup. "You should have been there, Sokka. It was pretty fun. We overacted and well, the guy got to taste both dirt and fire." She pauses. "We should have done a stage show with it, really." That would be way more fun than the Ember Island Players.

    It's about time to turn the conversation to Sokka. "Sokka here can't bend, but he's the idea guy. And he makes stuff too. If you need a strategy in battle, he knows how place people where they can be the most effective!" It's true. It might not look like it, especially with how he reacts to the milkshake. "Told you it was awesome," Toph comments with a slight smirk.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka stared and then burst into laughter, his mouth filled with meat. "You'g weally--" He coughed, had to swallow, then drink some water and pound his chest. "Ugh. You really did something like that, Toph? Wish I had been around. The melon lord was one of the funner times in our adventures." He then blinked. "Shame everything was going so fast then we didn't have time to enjoy it. I'm really looking forward to seeing what hijinks we'll get into this time around. A shame Aang and Katara can't join us." He paused. "Probably for the best Zuko can't though, heh. Guy's cool and all, but my gosh is he a downer."

"Oh, trust me. Whatever you've heard about Toph is likely true. She was the toughest little kid I'd ever seen. And I bet now she's even tougher. Happy I'm gonna have her to hang out with while I get through this whole multiverse thing. Isn't anyone I'd rather have by my side."

His cheeks turned red and he scratched his chin. "Y-yeah. Well, what do you expect? I had the best team around. None of the crazy stuff I thought up would have worked if not for you guys or the others we had who joined us. And really, well, the stuff I made wasn't so impressive anymore. Turns out a lot of worlds already have submarines, way better than the one I thought up. And the blimps are just... you ever hear of an airplane? I mean, they don't even have balloons!"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian snickers at the pointing out of the lack of sight. "Figuratively speaking," he says. Then he suggests, "'Catch your ear', maybe?" He chuckles at the words of 'tasting dirt and fire'. "I like to think we made him work for his trip into the lovely lady's skirts, at least," he replies. Toph's words of Sokka being a strategist get a raised brow. "Oh? Are you any good at chess?" he asks. This seems to interest him.

    He listens to the mention of the others from their group. He's not met these people, so he doesn't comment. But he does chuckle at the mention of someone named 'Zuko' being a 'downer'. Dorian nods when Sokka confirms all he's heard. "Truth be told, I wouldn't doubt it." He gives a half smile. Dorian, it seems, is incapable of just plain smiling. The mention of the technology gets a nod. "All sorts of technology, big and small." He shifts, to pull a smartphone from a pouch on his belt. "You have no idea how impressed I was when I first found out that this tiny little thing can send still images and moving images to others."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I'm sure there will be other fun things happening, so don't worry about it," Toph reassures Sokka.

    As for Dorian's comment about somebody possibly 'catching her ear', Toph lets out a slight huff, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. And then she jumps on the other topic. "The two liked each other, so what was the problem? He just needed to build up the courage to confess to her."

    Oh, Dorian plays chess? Toph arches an eyebrow. "Actually... I think you would really like, chess. It's a bit like that game you played with that swordmaster you trained under!" And why not? Games are fun like that.

    "And sure, you might not be like Goldie is when it comes to inventing stuff, but isn't that part of what makes the multiverse exciting? Seeing new things and learning from them... and then maybe you can learn to work with the new stuff. Remind me to show you how computers work when I drag you to Malibu sometime."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka shrugged. "I don't know, maybe? What's chess? A game? I'm pretty good at shogi, one of my teachers made he learn it." Dorian was going to hate playing chess with Sokka. There's nothing like struggling to beat a guy in chess who keeps calling the knight 'funny horse guy'. He'd even made his teacher flip the board once.

He then stares at the phone, then blinks. "Wait, what? Oh, you've got to be kidding me. That doesn't..." He then paused. "Wait, that's one of those COMPUTER things? I saw one of those! Like, there was images on it, and they said it could hold THOUSANDS of books in it! And they make them so small?! I have GOT to get one of these. Toph, are you seeing this?!" Then he gasped. "You... you know about computers? Eeeeee!"

He was totally giving her the eyes. He then blinked and nodded, grinning. "Yeah. When you like someone, the smartest thing to do is to just let them know! It's how I'll do it if i decide to start dating again soon." HA! Please, he's a master romance bender. As in he bends every way except TOWARDS the romance.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian nods at Toph's words of new fun things. "Oh, most assuredly." He spreads his hands, putting them out to his sides. "I'm here, after all. The Multiverse party can begin~." Yeah, he's... a little arrogant. Just a little. The mention of chess gets a smile. "I'm quite good at chess. Though I know there are a great deal many other such games in the Multiverse, and I'm definitely willing to learn others."

    Shaking his head, he notes, "No, this isn't technically a computer. I can use it as one, though. Which is good because they're still just a bit too complicated." He puts the phone away. "I'm still figuring out these 'game consoles' that are all the rage now." There is, to the astute eye, a twinge of something resembling regret when Sokka mentions 'tell them you like them'. Of course, Toph has astute ears -- his heart rate changes ever so slightly. However he makes no comment. Just takes a swig of his drink.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    She should have expected Sokka having this reaction to smart phones. Is she seeing this? "Not really. I can sense the metal in it. And yeah, the house I live in now when I'm not at the academy is filled with computers, it even has a robot mind that controls everything and talks to you. He taught me how to read with my fingers."

    Man. He's not making this easy at all, now is he? Though she's a bit curious about why Dorian reacts to that comment too. Though she does cough and speak up. "You don't tell people you like them, dunderhead. It only makes you look like a moron." Everybody knows that! Though that other comment... does that mean...? Cough.

    Toph begins eating her burger instead. Better shut up now.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinks a few times. "Then yeah, bring it out sometime. I'm always willing to learn. I probably won't be too good at first, though."

"Wait, what? You can read with your fingers? That's awesome! How does that even work? Can you feel the letters now? What if the ink isn't that high? Does it still work? I can wait to see your new home, Toph."

And then that. Sokka blinks, then grins. "Oh ho! Can it be, Toph, have you finally found someone to catch your heart? Well, worry not! You should just go out and tell them! I mean, you're awesome. They'd have to fall in love with you. They'd be dumb not to." He paused. "And if they don't, just hit them with a mountain. Or I can go punch them out," he joked.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian chuckles, the sound a bit bitter. "It can definitely save you a lot of embarrassment," he comments. "Suppose the one you're interested in isn't interested in you? Then it becomes awkward, and you can't even properly be friends with that person." He sounds like he speaks from experience there.

    He waits to hear about how Toph reads with her fingers. He's heard of Braille, but could it be that simple? He nods at Sokka's words. "That sounds like a fun afternoon. Chess has some odd rules, it takes a bit of time to remember them all."

    He starts to laugh when Sokka suggests that Toph has found someone. "I would feel sorry for whomever it is. She'd keep them on their toes, that's for certain." Yeah, he's not helping. And he probably knows it.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh right, Sokka doesn't know what Braille is. "Braille isn't like letters. It's dots that you feel with your fingers," she explains, holding up her hand and wriggling her fingers.

    Maybe some people are dumb when it comes to certain things in life. Then again Sokka is smart at most things, it's not surprising he's dense at other things, huh? And Dorian isn't making it easier either! Ugh.

    "Maybe they are dumb! And hitting them with a mountain won't make them like me anymore, idiot," Toph mutters and punches Sokka in the arm. "It's /fine./ Now eat your burger!"

    "Chess sets are easy to find, and they're not that expensive." Huh, that's actually a good gift idea.... One that she will have to remember.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka gave a light chuckle. "Yeah, I'll pick it up, just you wait. Can't be any worse than Shogi."

Then that comment. He snickered. "Well, yeah, but if they turn you down, they'd deserve it." He patted her on the head. "Let me guess, is he a younger boy? Oh ho, maybe some young fourteen year old?" Oh gosh he was going to torment her forever. "And yeah, whoever it is would have to be tough and able to take a punch. Or walk around in some non-metal armor. Lots of padding." Ruffled her hair. "Don't worry so much, Toph. You'll be fine. I mean, you're awesome and--" He leaned in and sniffed. "I smell you're actually bathing regularly now. Guys'll like that."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Mind, Dorian is probably doing it on purpose. Sadly, Toph can't really see the expression on his face, so it might be hard for her to tell. But he totally is. This is his 'punch in the arm' sort of thing. A light tease! He chuckles at the display around Toph and her unknown (and possibly nonexistent) suitor. And outright laughs regarding the 'regular bathing'. Ohe he can tell there's going to be some retaliation coming.

    Hopefully before Toph knocks Sokka out, he notes, "Chess isn't too hard. Just a handful of nuanced rules. It's Wicked Grace that's difficult. But I wouldn't teach you that because it's gambling." Here he smirks. "I may have a reputation for corrupting the innocent, but I'd rather not live up to it too terribly much. Corrupt too many at once and then there's none left over." He's probably kidding.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At that Toph sighs. "No, he's not younger than me..." That's the most she will admit. It's not like she has a specific standard, she just knows whether she likes people or not. When he leans in and sniffs at her, the blind girl's eyes widen a bit though, her cheeks very red now. And so she punches him yet again. "I-I'm bathing so I won't get sick! Pepper insisted on it after I moved in, and she told me about all the hygiene and crud!" Sheesh!

    Yes, it's better to talk about chess and games. Though the name 'Wicked Grace' does catch Toph's attention, and she halts unleashing abuse on Sokka to turn towards Dorian with a curious look on her face. "Wicked Grace...? What kinda game is that?" Gamling? Man. /That/ sounds interesting.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka grinned even wider. "Oh ho? So you like an older guy, huh? Well, hope he's not too old. But yeah, I can understand the allure. I for one have always enjoyed the allure of the older, more mature woman. A woman who knows exactly who she is and what she wants in life and can fight by your side."

He paused. "Oh ho? Pepper, huh? I'm going to have to thank her. I remember back i nthe old days you'd freak out and make us drag you kicking and screaming to the nearest river."

He perked, a grin on his lips. "Oh? Wicked grace? Now, I may not look it, but Toph and I, well, we used to gamble quite a bit in the old days. Were pretty good at it, too. Sheever tell you about the runaway?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian nods approvingly. "Proper hygiene is important," he agrees. "When you're hiding from a group of templars that have the silly idea that you're an apostate, it's nice to be able to hide and have them NOT sniff you out by your stench." He gives a half-smile.

    He has to chuckle at Sokka's words of mature women. "Ripened and soft, like mellow goat cheese, eh?" He does not realize that he probably just contributed to one of Sokka's one-liners. But yes. He also keeps his own preferences quiet. It's just not something that Sokka should learn about at his age. Dorian is, sadly, from a world that just having his particular preferences is considered wrong. So he's certainly not going to bring that up in public.

    Instead he turns his attention to the other things! "Wicked Grace is a card game. I believe there's a game called Poker that is very much like it. The game hinges on getting particular sequences of cards in your hand, and getting sequences that score higher than the other players." And then there's mention of the 'runaway'. "No, I don't believe I've heard about this." He shifts, to lean an elbow on the table, as if preparing to listen.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Hey, you guys were trying to drag me into cold water, and I didn't stink THAT much!" Toph points out. Though yeah, she can understand proper hygiene now that she's older. You begin to smell a lot more as you grow up.

    Oh, cards. Toph sighs at that. "Probably not for me then, unless the cards are either marked with Braille or with writing on them that my reading glove can pick up..." Poker she's heard of, and many people seem to enjoy it.

    Is Sokka going to tell Dorian about their adventures in the Fire Nation? "Oh, we just found a good way of earning money when we needed it. By using my earthbending. Turns out many people don't expect a blind girl to be that dangerous, you know?" she grins widely where she sits, then reaches for her milkshake to take a hefty sluuurp of it. Sokka is sure to continue talking, after all.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nods. "Oh yeah, I could tell you stories about Toph. We spent a day taking care of this river town, the river was just sludge. Even after we cleaned it up and everything, Toph still refused to wipe any of the gunk off. We had to trick her. Aang tricked her into training by the river, I grabbed her and then Katara hosed us both." He then hummed. "Yeah, she made me pay for that one. But really, we had to fly around with her. It was the only way." He nodded sagely, then smiled. "And nah, I like it, Toph. You smell good."

He then nodded. "Oh yeah, so here we were, a bunch of con artists were setting up games of chance. So we decided to beat them at their own game. Turns out when you use dice made of rock and other stuff, an earth bender is pretty useful. And they don't expect an earth bender in the fire nation during a war. She ended up getting the nickname the runaway." He snorted. "Ah man, remember when I dressed up as a soldier and we conned that noble? I swear the guy thought he killed you." He shook his head and laughed. It was hard to tell who was the worse influence.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian winces when Toph mentions cold water. "Oh well. I totally understand why you were kicking and screaming then," he replies. Yeah, he doesn't much like the cold either. Too many years of having a warm fireplace and a big fluffy bed with lots of warm blankets to get under, maybe.

    Toph's mention of the cards and her reading glove gets a 'hm'. "No, but I'll bet I could have a deck made that has the suit or number on the corner. I've seen cards with the suit written on the corner. I don't see why having a Braille letter put there would be different. You'd have to show me what the letters in Braille are, though."

    Sokka's tale of the surprise hosing gets a chuckle. "Yes, I would probably be cross at you for that too," he admits jovially. And the mention of con artists gets a devious little smirk. "Oh good. It's always a particularly delightful thing when those who make their way in life through taking advantage of others get their comeuppance." A devilish chuckle.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh yes, Toph is grumbling as Sokka tells Dorian about the events that day. "That was totally not fair of you guys... the gunk didn't reek /that/ much!" And then... he says she smells good. Turning her head away slightly, she blushes and speaks up. "Pepper got me a shampoo that smells like grass..."

    So... it might work playing the game if they mark the cards with Braille letters. "Well, yeah... I can send you some images over the phone when I get home later, okay? Then we can maybe set a time for when we're going to play!" That ought to be fun!

    Overall Toph looks amused as Sokka explains how they had to deal with those con artists, and she snickers when the noble man in the cart is mentioned. "Oh yeah, he kept on paying you off! We ate well that day, didn't we?" Ah, good memories! "Makes me almost wanna do it again sometime, you know...?"

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka chuckled softly and ruffled her hair. "Well, I like it. You make a much better flower than a mud pile," he joked. "Yeah, she never much liked the water. I remember whenever we'd go on boat rides she'd always cling to my arm. As if I'd ever let her fall in," he said with a smile. He then paused. "Well, okay, I let her fall in a few times but I did always fish her out. Or Katara did. Or Suki did."

He chuckled. "ah yes, poker. I was known as a master poker player back in bah sing se. Why, they were cheering me on quite heartily." Pause. "Until I lost at the end." Ah, so he was conned then.

"Oh, return of the runaway? I'd totally be down for that. We gotta find the right suckers though." Oh yeah. They were HORRIBLE influences on each other.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "An intervention?" Dorian teases Toph lightly, regarding being ambushed with a cold jet of water. He's also not going to bring up that blush. Nope! He has more discretion than that. Besides that, if he brings that up, Toph might bring up how she met him. And he'd rather not have to explain that. He nods at the mention of making the cards. "That's a good idea. Small dots of clear wax dotted on the card in the corner, with some heat-treating to make sure the wax didn't melt... that might do the trick."

    The mention of boat rides gets a nod. "I don't blame her for that, either. I'm not fond of boats." He shivers a bit, remembering something. "Bloody Waking Sea," he mutters. Though Sokka's mention of losing at Poker gets a chuckle. "And lo, the king has fallen. Long Live the King." The words of conning the cons again gets a smile. "I know of a few places in Thedas you might be able to do that. Lowtown in Kirkwall is fairly seedy. Not as bad as many other places, but you do need to watch yourself."

Inga has posed:
Inga arrives at the Bar as she usually does--entirely unexpectedly. She backs her way through the door with her staff in one hand and a basket of mending in the other, turns, and blinks. "Oh...well, alright," she says with a small sigh. It is apparently they universe telling her to go out and socialize.

The small white haired woman is dressed in her usual old fashioned clothing, a long green dress belted at the waist. Except that instead of her usual boots, she's plush slippers fashioned to look like black cats.

She looks down at her slippers, shakes her head, then moved further inside, eyes roaming for anyone she knows.

A couple familiar figures are spotted, so Inga heads over to see if she might join the conversation.

"Good evening," she greets, setting her basket down on a chair. "Toph, Dorian, and...?" she trails off, raising a brow to Sokka. She'll know him when he speaks.

Faruja (152) has posed:
~Five minutes ago~

Faruja stood at the kitchen door, frowning. With Ainsley busy, it's up to the Burmecian to make some midnight tea! The grand Inquisitor is dressed in his nightly best: a big fluffy red robe, cross hanging from his neck, and a pair of obnoxiously yellow green chocobo slippers. The rat shoves open the door, and steps through!


Faruja steps into the Bar and Grill. He pauses, blinking, one slippered foot in the air as if he was kicking down the door to a den of heathens!

His gaze scans the Bar and Grill, landing on a certain group. The Burmecian quickly realizes he has indeed entered a den of heathens. His smile is mixed between annoyance at a certain white-haired heathen, and then warmth to a certain blind bender and mage.

Well, time to be diplomatic. He's too in his nightclothes to be wrathful. "Toph! How particularly wonderful to come across you this night! ...Particularly given I was just in my kitchen. Ser Pavus! 'Tis been an age! How are you Ser? Lady Inga...greetings." A fuzzy brow twitches.

Finally, he turns to Sokka. "Oh? A friend of the good Ser and Ladies, perhaps? Lord's blessings upon you." He takes a deep bow, trying to /not/ feeling like a buffoon.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I... guess you could call it that. I think she was a bit tired of her white furniture getting dirty all the time," Toph admits a bit carefully.

    Oh yeah, she did fall in the water a few times. "When I joined the Union Goldie, who was my supervising officer from the beginning, forced me to learn how to read and how to swim. So... I'm not THAT helpless in water. Just... useless. Because she can't bend and keep herself afloat at the same time. Nor does she know where anything is unless she hears it.

    At least they have an idea for an outing sometime. Which sounds pretty fun, and Toph hasn't actually been to Thedas yet, now has she? "Maybe you could show us around, Dorian?" she asks a bit hopefully.

    Upon hearing another familiar voice Toph blinks and turns her head slightly, then brightens up. "Hey, The Bloody Terror! Out to grab some grub too?" Just as she's about to introduce Sokka, yet another friend has arrived. And Toph brightens up. If she knew just what Faruja was wearing she might be grinning. "Twitchy! Long time no see," literally, "Sit down and grab something to eat! And you guys have probably heard Sokka on the radio," she informs them and gestures to the watertribe boy next to her. "He's my best friend and the brother of Aang's waterbending master. The boomerang guy!"

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka grinned and nodded. "Yeah, just like that. We can head there sometime, then. Me and Toph make the best team." Then glanced up. New girl, pretty girl. A smirk formed on his lips. "Okay, Toph, like this. Just do as I do."

And then the girl was walking TOWARDS them! Had his charms worked already? He flashed her a smile, then she walked over. And he spoke in a deep, fake voice, taking her hand. "They call me Sokka but you... can just call me Mr. Right." He placed a kiss on it. Then put his elbow down and... it hit the corner of his plate. Tossing the remains of his meal flipped over him and poor Inga. He blinked, a meatball sliding down his face. Then looked up, his eyes going wide. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, here, let me--" He grabbed a napkin, got up, his feet got locked in the chair aaaand down he went. Onto the poor girl if she didn't move out of the way. He'd try to reach up to the table to grab it and pull himself back up... only to dump another dish on his head.

Yup, just like old times. All that was missing was the goose attacking his head.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian looks up at Inga's voice. "Ah! Inga, good to see you again. Menanced any goats lately?" He's teasing her, of course. Given how they met it's appropriate! He indicates a chair at the table. "Please... do join us, if you've a mind." And then Faruja appears! In a most hilariously appropriate night gear. Dorian suppresses the smirk, and greets Faruja, "Greetings, good Father." That's the appropriate term, if he recalls properly. "I'm quite well. And yourself?"

    Toph's mention of showing people around Thedas gets a nod. "I've been avoiding returning, to be perfectly honest," he admits. Then he explains, "You see, some very well-intentioned and totally not-at-all megalomaniacal gent blew up a meeting of the leaders, killed a very well-known religious figure, and ripped a hole open in the sky. Periodically it spits out demons. It's very unsanitary. I don't know if you've ever had to clean up demon leavings before, but they're quite difficult to get out of one's clothes."

    And then suddenly Sokka's putting on his show... and it goes about as well as Dorian would have expected. He tries really hard not to laugh. And is mostly successful. He stands as the tangle of plates and chairs and people go a-tumbling down, and then goes to check on whoever went down. He does stay quiet, at least; he has the grace to not draw too much attention to it. Besides that, he's still trying not to laugh.

Inga has posed:
Inga looks over her shoulder and spots Faruja. The most curious expression flits across her features momentarily. A look of, perhaps, singular amusement. It is gone as quickly as Faruja's annoyance, replaced with politeness. "Sir Faruja, how nice to see you! It has been some time," she says, blinking down at his slippers.

Well, they can share /that/ embarrassment in common, anyway.

Inga turns then and smiles to Toph, laughing lightly. She has a nickname now, excellent! "Always good to see you Toph--and Dorian! Ah, no, but I am fattening one up for the Yule sacrifice, so it is only a matter of time," she grins in response.

In response to talk of Thedas, Inga raises a brow. "That sounds--" but then Inga is cut off by Sokka taking her hand. She blinks, eyebrows rising, as he kisses her hand. That's not /too/ odd, she's been greeted in such a way before. "Why in the nine worlds would I call you that?" she inquires, only to then be showered in the remains of spagetti. "I--"

And before she can say anything else, she's on the floor with the clumbsy boy on top of her, a tangle of limbs and spagetti, fuzzy slippers, and a curse on her lips that she is only /just/ managing not to speak.

Her face is quite red. Wether it is from embarrassment, rage, or tomato sauce is anyone's guess.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Dorian gets gets a more than respectful nod and welcoming smile. "Drowning amidst a sea of paperwork, Heresy, and political intrigue, amongst other nattering problems. But myself and those under my guidance live thus far. I count myself a lucky Burman for that much, as the Lord wills it." A slow scowl. "Demons. Where are the bloody filthy, and where do I sign up to send their heads back to the Abyss?" Comes the rat, with typical zealous venom. Thankfully, Inga is there to distract him.

The rat's eye closes. He can't help it. He smirks a bit towards Inga. "A pleasure, as always, Lady Inga. Strike me down, but I am glad to see you well. I pray Ser Dresden is in one piece and your homestead prospers?" Time to be polite. And maybe a little honestly concerned. Curse you Union!

Faruja's stomach growls almost as if on cue. The Burmecian gives a tired, if content, little sigh. "Too bloody long, Toph. How are you? I /swear/ you have grown an inch or two since last I saw you." He teases, before finally taking up his seat. A clawed finger towards the waitress, tail swaying.

"One pot of black tea, honey and cream. Enough for these lot if they wish. One glass of 1543 Eagrose White, and a grilled tuna sandwich if you please."

Faruja shrugs. "I fear I was out of radio contact, however, if this young man is amongst your party then he is a friend. Allow me to introduce...myself..." Pauuuuse.

Sokka seems entirely engrossed in Inga. Not entirely wrongly, she's good looking for a human! But just how easily he starts laying out the the flirtations has the Burmecian's muzzle slowly becoming a toothy line. Clickt. Faruja loosens his cane-sword. Then, remembering where he is and that Sokka is a companion of Toph's, reluctantly clickt's it back.

"I see that the good Ser is most...gallant. One aught always assist young men with such a quality."

Grey magic forms around his hands, and he makes a single gesture towards the flailing, falling Sokka.


Suddenly, gravitic magic tries to utterly unhinge Sokka's connection to the local gravity. He might fall less if it takes. He also might suddenly realize Floating takes a bit of getting used to.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Wait, what...?" What is Sokka talking about? Toph looks confused where she sits. Wait, he isn't...!

    That silly fake voice, the kissing of the hand... that is cheesy enough, but then Sokka does as he usually does; make a fool of himself as the universe loves screwing him over. Food goes flying, effectively assaulting Sokka and Inga as well as his charm, and Toph merely arches an eyebrow as Sokka falls. Seems that Toph is too used to Sokka making an ass of himself. "Yeah, real suave, Sokka. I'll remember that."

    Oh, Toph does remember what Dorian told them about Thedas and how it was being overrun by demons. "So? We can handle a few demons! And if you're that worried about your clothes I can always buy you some new ones when we're done!" She's rich, after all.

    Faruja's inquiry does make Toph grin. "I'm good, been busy with the academy! Goldie and Pepper are getting things ready for Bitchin' Camaro, it's about a month left now! Pepper's waddlin' around, I bet she's looking forward to being done!" Hmm, has she grown? "I might be a little taller, yeah... about four months left until I turn sixteen now!" So yeah, she is certainly growing up and not the same kid she was when she first joined the Union. She's nearly an adult now! Because you know everyting at sixteen, duuuh.

    "And don't worry about Sokka, he does stuff like this all the time, but he doesn't mean anything bad by it! The universe just loves making him its bitch, I guess!" It's true, isn't it? "You okay there, Inga?" It's not like she heard anything break, so the thing that's worst off is Inga's dignity, she assumes... But Toph does kick one foot into the floor, bending it so that Inga gets help rising to her feet.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka would grab the table, fly up, hit the roof, bounce off it, crash to the ground, grab the table. "W-what? Hey! Stop this! crazy... air... magic, stuff!" He said, sounding a little panicked. Once the spell ended he'd let out a sigh of relief, a little bruised, battered and messy.

Then he turned to Inga, before looking away. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I was... sorry..." He practically radiated sad depression. "Please accept my apologies." He was about two feet from just getting on his knees and begging forgiveness after that mess up. Instead, though, he just sat on the other side of Toph and sat, face in his hands, wallowing in his humiliation.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian is no help in explaining Sokka's motivations to Inga in the slightest. Nope. He just offers the pair a hand up. Particularly with this Floatie business happening. "Do be careful," he warns Sokka "Those dishes really can come out of nowhere." Ass.

    Faruja asking about the demons gets a smirk. "I'm sure the Chantry could use some help. I'm not exactly sure how they're coming along with it. I've not been back since the Breach opened. Traveling in a demon-infested countryside tends to be rather hazardous to one's health. And this isn't counting all the bandits, the Qunari, or the mages and templars trying to kill each other and not caring who gets in the way." Thedas has a lot of problems!

    Toph gets a chuckle. "I'm less worried about my clothes and more worried about keeping all my internal organs in place. The demons aren't the only problem." There are other problems with going back to Thedas, too, but those are personal and he's not going to address those here.

    He will, however, pat Sokka on the back. Once Sokka has stopped pinballing around, that is. "Not to worry, my friend. Many of us have made arses of ourselves in pursuit of love," he reassures. He doesn't expand on that, though.

Inga has posed:
The floor lifts beneath her and helps her to her feet like a spring. Inga almost falls again, just managing to get her balance by grabbing onto the table, eyes wide. "Ah...thank you. I'm fine. My dress on the other hand..." she says, and GLARES at Sokka. If looks could kill, and all that. "You--" she begins, but at the sight of his posture and complete humiliation all the anger leaves her. She sighs, and reaches over to put a hand on his shoulder. "You are forgiven, Sokka. Your earnesty is...charming," she informs him with a pat. Inga has some sympathy for the clumbsy.

Then Inga takes a seat before something else knocks her over, and begins dabbing at her dress with a napkin. "Ah, well. It is not the worst stain I've ever gotten out. Blood stains are just terrible you know," she comments.

To Dorian, she gives a quick look of sympathy, then to returns her gaze to Faruja. "He is well, as is the homestead. Settling in for winter nicely. And how is Ainsley?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja belts out a laugh. "I am /still/ amazed Ser Stark is not all but a slave to good Lady Pepper for that. How /did/ he manage to get her to agre...nevermind. Some knowledge is best left buried." Smirk. He starts devouring wine.

"Good. Toph, you will be a good sibling, no matter what anyone else may say. My serves are, as ever, yours and your family's." He offers solemnly.

"I very much would like to visit your academy soon. A young geomancer or two from Ivalice might give your students a challenge, if they have been progressing as I imagine under your tutelage."

Faruja rubs the back of his head. Toph. An adult. It's frightening to think about. The rat crosses his chest for seemingly no reason at all.

Alright, the rat feels slightly bad. Inga forgives. "Then all is well. A pleasure, Sokka. Inquisitor Faruja Senra of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, Ivalice. I must admit, I /am/ curious to see what you are capable of in the field. If you survived adventuring with Toph...mmm." He trails off.

Dorian gets a vicious smile. "Why, sounds exactly like the sort of a place an Inquisitor is needed. I do believe I shall inquire as to this 'Chantry' of yours." Really, it sounds like a slightly more demonic Ivalice. The rat might be at home.

Faruja noticably perks up. "She is doing well, Inga! As beautiful and intelligent as ever! Her new skill with wordcraft is /fascinating/! The professors at Gariland would be all over themselves to study such techniques, and yet, this unworthy heart has somehow gained the love and loyalty of someone so talented!" He gushes. One can practically see the love-symbols floating off of him.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh man, Sokka really feels bad about it. But why? It's not like he didn't mess up worse on other occasions? The blind girl looks a bit confused, and then she reaches out and punches Sokka in the arm. Cheer up! See? Dorian has some wise words to certainly make Sokka feel less awkward. Hopefully.

    "If there are more of us who go we should be safe, though," Toph says, quite convinced that they can stay safe. "With you knowing the area, and with us who are able to fight as well, we should be able to handle about everything." It could be good experience with lots of stuff to learn. Not to mention fun. As much fun as you can have fighting demons, that is.

    Of course Toph has to tease Faruja a bit. "Oh, Bitchin' Camaro was a happy little accident. But they decided to go with it, and why not? Maybe it will keep Pepper from working herself to death." Because that woman never knows when to just relax unless she is tricked into relaxing. Which Toph has gotten better at.

    It's not the first time Toph has dealt with geomancers from other worlds, and she grins and nods. "Well, why not? Send them over! Though my students focus on metalbending for now, and... well, they're not quite at the level where they can fight effectively. But eh, they'll get there sooner or later!" Why worry? They will figure it out.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka sighed and gave a nod. Well, his apology had been accepted, at least. But after that embarrassment, he was still a bit mopey. He reached around toph to get his milkshake and take a little sip. Then toph punched him and he smiled to her, chuckling.

"So, how about I try this a second time. My name is Sokka, I'm from the Southern Water Tribe. I was Toph's companion during our travels with the Avatar and I've just recently joined the union. And, well, as to what I can do?" He laughed. "I'm a swordsman, I guess. Not bad with a boomerang. Not really a whole lot else to me, I guess. I don't have any of the special bending magics like Toph or the others, I just have to manage the old fashioned way."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian's honestly a little concerned when Inga gets angry. While she's not the sort of blood mage he knows of, she's still quite dangerous when she sets her mind to it. He relaxes, though, when she seems to forgive Sokka. "Are you both all right?" he asks. It was quite the tumble, after all. He pauses, looks up at the patrons watching. Makes a shooing motion. "The show is over, ladies and gentlemen. Please return to your meals." That's right. Go on, shoo.

    Faruja's mention of the Chantry gets a nod. "There's a great deal of others that need help too. Mainly because of certain mages and templars deciding they cannot suffer the other to live." Pause. "Just... steer clear of Tevinter. It's in no position to listen. Also I'd like my home to remain un-exploded." He's at least partially kidding on that last one, though.

    Toph's suggestion gets a nod. "That's not a terrible idea," Dorian agrees. "The Free Marches is far away from the Breach, so it's probably safe from most of the demons. Kirkwall being located in the Free Marches, of course. So it shouldn't be too terribly bad. Kirkwall is also a major trade hub, so I expect there will be enough guards to keep order in the city proper."

    Sokka's words get a smile. "Faruja has a point," Dorian replies as he takes his seat again. "If you did fight element benders, and managed to do so without bending abilities, I think that speaks to the strength of your own abilities."

Inga has posed:
Inga cannot help but smile at Faruja's obvious love for Ainsley. While the rat might be constantly warring with his instincts to burn her at the stake, he is good to Ainsley, and Ainsley is someone Inga calls friend. Thus, the uneasy alliance.

Inga smiles to Toph. "I did tell her so at the wedding--I told her I was only half joking," she comments. A Seer gets to be smug every now and then in exchange for the all the mental anguish she suffers.

Once tea is brought, Inga helps herself to a cup. "A pleasure to meet you in person Sokka," she replies. "We spoke on the radio, if you recall," she adds.

Then, she quirks a brow. "What is a boomerang? I have never heard of this weapon. It /is/ a weapon?" she asks.

Dorian should be a little concerned. They all should. But she disarms everyone apparently by being adorable, somehow.

"Quite fine," she assures Dorian. "I'd say it would be naught but bruises but I cannot remember the last time I had a bruise...heal too quickly," she explains.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Peeer. Right at Toph. "Fighting creatures beyond come to RUIN THE GOOD SOULS OF MEN is a duty!" Also fun. Some of them pop like impious grapes or turn to statues when killed. Good times.

Huff! "Frankly, I am torn between worry and respect for the good Lady. Still working even now no doubt." It's all said fondly.

Finally, Faruja offers an honest smile. "Charmed, Ser Sokka. 'Not a whole lot else to you'. We 'magic users' have a most difficult time using our magic bereft of vocal chords and limbs. Magic and a sword are merely weapons. In the end, skill, faith, and dedication are the only things that matter."

Faruja sighs. "I am too used to refugee situations, sadly enough, what with the civil war and Archadia and Alexandria breathing down Ivalice's metaphorical neck. I assure you, Ser Dorian. While we are pious, zealous folk, I urge a bit of discression when working others' lands. I am one part holy adjudicator, one part political officer. Annoying mix, really." A hand wave.

Beep beep. His linkshell goes off, and he frowns. "Oh, of /course/. Bloody cults...do excuse me, Sers, Ladies. Speaking of demons and their ilk, I have work to do. Go with Faram!" Then, the rat rushes off, still in his nightclothes to fight Evil (tm).

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    No, Sokka isn't a bender, but he has other strengths. And it seems like the others like him well enough! Even if he did mess up Inga's clothes.

    "Then just figure out a time that works for you, Lover boy, and we'll join you to Kirkwall for some fun games!" she says, and chuckles at Faruja. Sure, he's got a stick stuck up unmentionable places, but he's not that bad. Even if they do annoy one another at times. "Just lemmie know if you need the greatest earthbender to roughen up people in Ivalice, okay?" She's only too happy to help, after all.

    "So... are you sacrificing more goats for the holidays? And why do you fatten it up? Are you going to eat it afterwards or something...?" Hey, a girl has to ask.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinked a few times and then grinned. "Oh? Never seen one? Let me show you!" He grabbed his boomerang and then tossed it. It flew through the room, bouncing off different things as it went. Like magic. And... then a cook with a big pot came out. The boomerang hit the pot, spilling the contents over the ground.

Impressively, the boomerang still came back. Sokka caught it. And the attention of the furious cook. "YOU!" the man yelled, before grabbing one of those mashing hammers. Sokka eeped, grabbed Toph's hands. "Looks like it's time to go well it was nice meeting you all!" he shrieked, hauling her behind him as he ran.

Ah, JUST like old times. He had to use a table as a barricade to avoid getting pounded by the hammer and might have had to carry Toph at one point to avoid actually slamming her into anything, before making it out the door, pursued by furious chef.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Poor Toph won't get her questions answered, as she blinks upon hearing the angry voice of the grumpiest cook. Wait, what's wrong now? She didn't bend any of the forks... yet, at least. Though before she knows it, her hands are grabbed and she's yanked off with a mighty yelp! "Sokka?!" And off the two go, Toph dragged with the fleeing Sokka as the duo are chased from the Bar and Grill by the charging cook.

Inga has posed:
Well, Inga was about to answer Toph's question...but then Sokka demonstrates his boomerang. Which is...quite.. a ...thing.

She covers her face with her hand for a moment, letting out a sigh as Sokka drags Toph out, fleeing the wrath of the mach with the potato masher.

Inga chuckles and looks to Dorian. "That one is surely touched by chaos. The poor thing," she laughs softly.

"Tch...and of course we eat the goat."

Inga sips her tea and looks to Dorian. "How have you been Dorian? Getting along alright in the multiverse?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian nods to Inga's assurance that she's all right. "That's good," he replies. "That would be an embarrassing injury to confess to a healer -- having been injured by flying food or cutlery." He smirks. To Faruja's assurance that he would be careful, Dorian notes, "Thank you. Tevinter may be in need of an exceedingly violent moron fumigation, but I'd rather find a discreet way to do that." A chuckle. "Do take care, Father Faruja."

    Dorian smiles to Toph's invitation. "I'll do that, thank you. Don't forget to get those pictures of the Braille letters to me." And then suddenly... boomerang. This is impressive, but... "Ah, Sokka, I don't think you should..." CLANG! Dorian winces. "...Oh dear." His eyes open wide as Sokka and Toph leave, followed by the cook.

    He's actually not worried. Toph alone is more than a match for a man with a hammer. Even if she has to relocate them with her earthbending abilities. And so he just... shakes his head. Inga's question gets a nod. "I am, yes. As it so turns out, mercenaries who are attractive and well put-together are rare in the Multiverse. So I've found work with high-paying clients needing discreet bodyguards at formal functions. It's quite lucrative."

Inga has posed:
"Well, as I am a healer, I need only to confess to myself," she smiles in response, reaching to pour more tea as she listens to Dorian's response.

"Well, I am glad to hear it. Indeed you are one of the more put together people I've known in general," she says, crossing her cat-slippered feet unabashedly. "I can see that you would fit in well in such gatherings...and you have made friends?" she asks. Apparently, she is a bit concerned for him. Seeing the intimate moments of people's pasts tends to leave her with a degree of familiarity and a sense of...responsibility.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian chuckles quietly at the agreement that he's well put-together. "I try. It does help with jobs. Though I do tend to get underestimated. 'Fop' and 'ponce' are words I often hear applied to me. Usually only once, at least to my face." There is a completely not-innocent smile.

    He also nods to the question of making friends. "I have indeed." He smiles, this time normally. Maybe even a little fondly! "I also have to say that I'm quite glad for the Multiverse. A friend of mine from Thedas, Felix, his condition has been worsening. There's no cure for what he has, but the treatments from Multiversal healers have improved his condition tremendously."

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles in understanding. "Mmm. I am often underestimated by my appearance. I quite understand," she says. What with being all of five feet tall, delicate in appearance, with a limp to boot.

"I am very glad to hear it. Most people I meet are friendly. I did not think I would ever find a place where I felt at home...but in honesty, I have found such a place and it is perhaps more of a home than the one I knew for twenty or so years of my life," she explains, glancing into her tea for a moment.

"Felix hmm? What is his condition? Perhaps I can help as well?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "Being underestimated does have its uses," Dorian agrees. "Few people, even in Thedas, expect a mage to resort to bashing heads with a staff." He chuckles. his expression goes a bit sad, though, when Inga mentions having found a home. "That's good to hear. I've yet to find that, myself. Then again I don't really ever remember feeling as though I was 'at home' anywhere, so I've no idea if I'd recognize it if it ever happened."

    The question of Felix then... is a difficult one. "Well, it's difficult to explain. There is... well, there have been these extremely powerful, horrible beasts known as Archdemons. When they rise from the depths, they bring darkspawn. Which are exactly what they sound like. These darkspawn kill anything they can find, and taint that which they cannot. This taint brought by the Archdemons is called the Blight. There's no known cure for it. It's just too powerful. Felix will eventually die from it. But for now he's being kept stable."

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles slightly. "Mmm, I do not think most people every expect me to throw blood at them, wether it is to heal or to harm," she replies. "I'm not above bashing someone with my staff...but I'm not very good at it," she admits with a chuckle.

"I understand, at least to some degree. It was...quite a shock coming here...and in my world, I did not have many I could call friend, and no real family to speak of. I have found a great deal of horror here. So many worlds on the brink of complete destruction...but I have found other things, too. Things I didn't dare to hope for. You will find your place as well," she tells him. She sound so sure of it.

Listening to what he says about Felix and the Blight brings another troubled look to her eye and a frown to her lips. "I understand a taint of darkness well enough...I wonder... well, perhaps I might meet him sometime, and see what I can do perhaps? I...and those like me...we were specifically chosen to fight a certain taint in our world. We have a certain resistance to it. It is surely worth a try, at least," she offers.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "Well... you've seen what I left behind. Or rather, who," Dorian replies. Referring to the vision she had of his father upon meeting him. "I had little choice, since I was such a disgrace." He actually chuckles though, even if the sound is a bit bitter.

    The mention of fighting the taint gets a nod. "It's possible... though the Wardens are made for fighting the Blight as well, and they've little ability to fix it. Of course, they're also warriors, generally not healers." He tilts his head. "It can't hurt to try. Just don't take it into yourself. I don't know if it'll infect you too. And the last thing we need is to spread the Blight to other worlds."