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Latest revision as of 04:51, 18 November 2016

System Tower, Floor 40
Date of Scene: 17 November 2016
Location: The System <TS>
Synopsis: The tower dungeon returns to Britannica.
Cast of Characters: Lexicon, Silica, Yuuki Konno, 675, Deelel

Lexicon has posed:
The wilderness of Britannica hasn't changed much. It still resembles a slightly digital take on the picturesque Alps, sharp and jagged peaks of stone, snow, and alpine trees. In this clearing, nestled between mountains, an impossibly tall tower extends into the sky and disappears amidst the clouds. Black, metal, it stands out as something which should not be here. At the ground level the great metal doors stand tall, with a placard on either side displaying the number 40 in glowing lines.

    The snow around the Tower is undisturbed, save for the footprints left by Lexicon. The DCC's glower shifts between the door and a floating screen displaying some shifting graphs and a matching 40% indicator.

Silica has posed:
    Silica rides the Cablerail, as she did the last time. She's almost sad there's no Malvaders chewing on the station this time. "I think I can see where we're meant to go from here... Miss Lexicon said something about a tower." she says to whoever joins her on the platform after the train departs. "We should stick together... I didn't get a good look around so there might be wild monsters or something between us and there."

    Silica looks around at the group. "If we could all fly, it'd be easy, but I can't really carry someone very well... my Strength stat is pretty low."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki's an adventurer at heart, at least in a MMORPG sense. When she'd first heard of Britannica and the Tower, it sounded absolutely amazing. A digital world with a tower needing to be cleared, sounding a whole lot like Aincrad only a fully real existence rather than a game built around the idea of adventure and PVP. She'd practically begged Silica to take her with, and has been bouncy over the whole thing ever since the little Cait Sith agreed.

    She wriggles in her seat now, alongside Silica. Yuuki raises her hand like a schoolgirl. "I can fly! And take someone, if they're not too huge maybe!" she volunteers. Or not. She's not sure whether they have reason to fly or not. Yuuki's just as happy to wade through mountains of monsters to get to the destination, if it comes to that.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    On the cablerail, Cirra stands up, helmet under her arm. "I don't think it'll take that long." Being around Silica and Yuuki outside of ALO was a noteworthy day. "I've hiked through these mountins twice before. It should only be a short trip."

    And as the cablerail comes to a stop, the Judge slides her helmet on and steps out on to the platform, and points to the tower. "And our landmark is rather plainly seen." she looks back at Yuuki... It's /reall/y hard for Cirra not to smile and break her cool exterior.

    Good thing her helmet hides it as she walks along the trail to where LExicon is.

Deelel has posed:
SO here where Deelel again in Britannica once more she found it interesting but odd in it's contrast between her home world and the user world. It seeme dto ahve a sun after all but it was digital eitehr way she was in goo spirit and not too bothered by the snow really as she catches up.

"I can maybe carry one person on my light jet and that's it Silica and it be a pretty personal ride."

Lexicon has posed:
    Lexicon's posture shifts slightly and she turns around as she's approached, "Welcome to Britannica. I trust the Cablerail was a pleasent ride, at least?" Eyes closing, she gestures, "Sorry to make you walk. Britannica's infrastructure is a bit more homey than the other Drives, but we have much better scenery as a result." She nods once to Cirra, "Welcome back. You're familiar with the System Tower, still, right?" Her hand lifts and she gestures to the massive structure behind her, "Silica and Deelel, you helped me out against Rival Mech but you haven't seen this yet-- And your new friend could benefit from the abridged version too. This is the System Tower.'

    Hand lowering, she continues, "This thing warps around the various Drives, tapping into their System Resources until a floor is cleared and it moves again." With a gesture she brings around her screen, tapping it, "Right now it's eating nearly forty percent of my Drive's resource income. It's gotta go and I posted that job so you guys can help me make it someone else's problem."

    She places a hand on her hip, "Of course any treasure inside is yours and I'll also be compensating your time with a Britannica Care Package of restorative items once the tower floor is cleared."

Silica has posed:
    Silica giggles at Yuuki's enthusiasm. It was really hard not to be chipper when the Imp was involved. So much energy, all the time. She falls in with Cirra and Deelel as the group moves toward the Tower, and with ears perked up, the Cait Sith listens to Lexicon's explanation. "So it's a Random Dungeon that keeps going all over the place, and puts a zone-wide debuff out until it's beaten." she comments, pondering for a moment. "Well, If we're going dungeon diving, I'll provide support and healing, since I know Miss Yuuki doesn't use magic, even if the very basic level one water spell is practically a must no matter what race you play." she elbow nudges Yuuki gently, then grins a bit before moving on.

    "Pina can help with some crowd control and minor healing too. Right Pina?" she asks, the little dragonling poking her head over Silica's shoulder, and giving a chirp of affirmation. "You're such a good girl." she coos, then pets at Pina's head before feeding her a peanut.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Of course." Cirra nods to Lexington and waits patiently through the usual System Tower pre-amble. "Though I do have one question." she inclines her helmeted head at the tower. "What happens when it reaches 1000 0" She then turns to look over the hills at Britannica. "Will it...crash the infrastructure of the city?" she's not a computer person, this is her best guess.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel bows slightly to Lexicon and loks fairly excited she's also not bothered by the cold it seems. "Sounds like a real pain to deal with. Very well I'll handle the damage then." She summons her keyblade at that commentand she seems to be very ready. "A Stack overflow is a very messy thing think of it like a natural diaster at least for the grid? Here I have no idea."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    A cheery "Haaaaai~" sings out from Yuuki. She'd bounced her way in to the meeting at the foot of the Tower. She listens intently to the briefing, though she's also studying Lexicon fairly intensely. Trying to see the difference, if any, between a resident of this digital world and those of the other worlds she's seen. Likely she won't find any, but it's still something she'll be seeking. Not that she intends to be rude or anything. Yuuki doesn't even realize she might be doing something disturbing.

    Yuuki grins unrepenetantly at Silica's ribbing. "That's Siune's job!" she insists. "And Asuna's! Casting magic takes too long for me." she claims. What with her uncannily-fast abilities in VR, this might even be an actual reason rather than just an excuse for being too-easily bored.

    She's curious though, wondering both at the answer to the questions asked and what else might be going on. Once Deelel speaks, Yuuki bounces up into the air again, hand raised. "Oh! I can tank!" she offers. She's a strong DPS, at least within her chosen game, but she has a few skills that make her moderately good at holding and surviving aggro. Depending, of course, if such things carry over here. If not, she has the old stand-by. She's quite happy to charge in first, get right in something's face, and be a big ol' threat they don't dare turn their backs on while dancing about at breakneck speed.

Lexicon has posed:
    "The hope is that it doesn't get to one hundred percent," Lexicon states flatly, "Though that wouldn't crash the Drive through a power drain or stack overflow, it would cause everything to come to a halt and that'd be stupidly...obnoxious..." She trails off, leaning slightly away from Yuuki's intense investigation, "...Is there something on my face?"

    Shaking her head, the DCC lifts her hand to her chest, "The other three have met me, so I'll just introduce myself to you. My name is Lexicon, I am the Drive Core Controller of this Drive. Think of me as a guardian, or local goddess, if that helps." One eye closes and she glances across the gathered group, "So Silica will be supporting. Cirra is a front line fighter, Deelel's more balanced. I think we have a good group here for what we can expect on this floor." She turns around to face the Tower and presses her hands on the doors, pushing them in and open. Without wasting time, she steps into the pitch blackness inside.

    The other side of the door opens up into a large, octagonal arena with a slightly rounded floor, lit from all 8 corners by enormous spotlights near the ceiling. Lines slide down each corner, glowing in different colors, and then 'pool' on this floor into intricate circuit pattern designs before combining in the center.

    And right there in the middle is a creature that resembles a two-dimensional monster made out of 3-d blocks. It's not very large or impressive at all, though it is a distinctive red color. Silica would recognize this as a Malvader, only the prevous ones she'd seen were blue. It's just milling around for now, and does not take note of the party's entrance.

Silica has posed:
    Silica gets a pang of deja vu as the door open into a large chamber. "It's like a Boss Room..." she comments idly... before she spots the meandering form of the Malvader. "... Definitely a boss room. That looks like a super-size version of those things we fought the first time I was here." she mentions, then looks around at the others. "Alright... starting off." she begins to chant, lifting her hands with arcane words spinning around her.

    Once she completes the incantation, a small 'bubble' appears around her allies, providing a minor defense buff from all types of damage. Yuuki'd see it's a 'Gale Sheath' buff spell.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks over to Yuuki for a moment she simply nods for a second at Yuuki with a pleased exprression on her face before she falls in and maks ready to go ahead she sees the nature of what htey are going to be fighting. She keeps her weapon ready and looks about for a moment as she sees the Malvader for a moment and she keeps ready but he does not know quite what it is.

"Looks like your up front right? Yuuki?"

She'll fall in and she seems ready as she gets the buffs which she's pleased to get as every little bit counts.

"Is there any thing else we might need to know about here Lexicon?"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki laughs at Lexicon's question, apparently finding it utterly hilarious. "Nothing at all!" she says happily, quite pleased to determine that not only does Lexicon look perfectly normal, she gets grumpy too! She DOES ease back slightly though, her intensity not staying quite so overwhelmingly high. She's not actually out to cause offense, just to learn what she can.

    When Lexicon explains roles, Yuuki nods. The hand doesn't go up this time. She's getting a bit more serious, especially since she's apparently been left out of role assignments thusfar. She IS an unknown, after all. "I fight on the front lines. One of the floor clearers for New Aincrad Tower." she says, then she bows slightly to Lexicon in greeting. When she comes up from the bow, she's smiling once again.

    She glances around at the boss room, once they reach it. She takes in the boss. It's really not super-impressive looking, but then again looks aren't usually a good way to tell such things. "Your server has ... bugs?" Yuuki asks, stifling a giggle. She touches her sword hilt, signifying readiness, though she's not about to Leeroy the fight. Silica's shielding is much appreciated, and she nods to Deelel. "I'm ready!" she says, drawing her blade and holding it vertically before her. She waits though, for questions to be answered. Intelligence on a boss is ALWAYS welcome, though not always required. Sometimes the best way to find out is to dive in and remain alert while doing so!

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra considers what it'd like if everything just ground to a halt. "Hmn, it could have repercussions." She walks in through the double doors, pausing as she sees the Malvader. "Red?" She shrugs at the others and summons her crystal sword.

    Nodding at Silica when she gets a shield buff. "On three." She draws out a Law Card "One... two... three!"

    The Judge surges forward, lifting her sword up to slash diagonally downards atthe Malvader.

Lexicon has posed:
    "It's a virus," Lexicon explains. She raises one hand, silver light gathering in her palm. She pushes this down and surrounds herself with rings of code, her body glowing. When this glow fades, her form has changed into a silver-haired, red-eyed version of herself in a white bodysuit. Winks of silvery light herald the appearance of her Processors, armor that floats a bit from her body near her hips, shoulders, and back.

    "I suppose other worlds call them 'monsters', but they're a nuisence all the same." Lastly, the DCC produces a staff from similar silver light, the end of which unfurls mechanically and generates a white-silver axe blade of energy.

    And then Cirra charges in first, "--Hey!"

    Entering the circle on the floor attracts the Malvader's attention and its 2-dimensional body suddenly swings around to face Cirra's charge. Fast enough to close the distance, her sword blow connects with it, sending the little virus bouncing across the arena floor with squeaks of objection. When it slides to a stop, it wobbles back to a vertical position and starts waving its arms around and squeaking.

    The display ends when it brings one blocky arm down on a different-colored block on the opposite arm. The little beast is surrounded by red light and expanding rings of data, the pillar expanding rapidly as well as growing, until the light itself shatters and the form resolves as a twenty-foot tall black and crimson and gold robot with sickle-shaped wings and glowing blue eyes. It stands with its arms folded over its chest.

    Right above the folded arms, the Crimson Malvader stands, one 'foot' elevated in a heroic pose. A blocky hand rummages behind itself, and the creature pulls out and dons black, angular sunglasses to cover its 'eyes' with. It then hops back and disappears into the machine's chest.

    The response is immediate. The stationary robot lurches to life, drawing its arms out to either side in a stretching motion. It then slams its fists together with a loud banging sound, its attention shifting to Cirra, who had attacked it first.


Silica has posed:
    Silica winces as the 'boss' activates... after Cirra strikes it. Oh dear.

    The Cait Sith flicks her left hand downwards, taps the air a couple of times, and switches her dagger out for a gleaming crystaline wand. "This is going to be tough." Instead of casting any healing, noone's been hurt yet so it'd be pointless, the Cait Sith begins chanting again, more of those arcane words rotating around her, and locking into place as she speaks them. "Ek skýt tuttugu smár striða!"

    The last word locks in, and a flurry of twenty small yellow magic needles lash out at the viral robot. They probably won't do much alone, but the mass of them might just catch a joint or something. She doesn't know many high level attack spells.

    "Pina, get ready." Silica then says to her companion, who's already taken wing to hover at her side. "Kreee~." is Pina's logical response.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    "Oooooh." Yuuki says in admiration. "Nice armor transform routine!" It may not be part of any game she knows of, but she also has plenty of experience with Sentai shows and the like. Besides it doesn't take experience to appreciate a nice effect.

    Viruses, monsters, bugs. All the same really. It's still a Boss Fight. Yuuki readies herself, studying the boss. Then Cirra makes her move. Yuuki charges in as the count reaches three. Cirra may have the aggro, but she'll do her best to take it. "YaaaaaaAAAAAAAHH!" she cries out, a surprisingly loud and raw shout from such a small girl.

    The shout itself may draw slight attention, but that's not really its purpose. It's a self-buff, helping Yuuki focus. It has the side effect of making her noticeable. She charges straight in, only pausing once the bug's bashed away. When the robot forms, and makes its fists clash, she once again bursts into motion. This time she charges in past the 'monster', aiming a cut through its leg as she passes by. Then she whirls, cutting the opposite direction. Back still turned she ducks, diving under the most likely counterattacks, before bringing her sword up and across again, then down and back as if she were inscribing a star pattern on the robotic leg. Then she's out, a few feet away. All in nearly the blink of an eye before she pauses to assess the virus's reactions.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Of course. It has a robot." Cirra says flatly as she watches the transformation sequence, but that's why she had the Law Card out and ready. "The. Briar!" And slaps the card against the ground, crystal like vines spreading outwards towards the Galakryzer. Trying to tie the machine's legs up and keep it still!

Deelel has posed:
Deelel was not expecting this thing to be like this but at the mention of virus? She know what they are going to have to do.

"So we cube it, got it. It's the fate of all like that."

She knows what a virus outbreak can do, it's basically a zombie outbreak and there's little that the the programs can do save put them down. She readues her own weapon and then Cirra goes on in first? She breaks into a run chasing after Cirr and she's trying to get in up close on the obot to start attcking it with her key blade in a serious of rapid strikes before she falls back to make ready for another go.

Lexicon has posed:
    OF COURSE it has a robot. This is a Boss Floor, would the boss really be a single, simple Malvader?

    With a growl, Lexicon crouches where she stands, than hurls herself into the fray. Square-shaped wings of white light materialize from her back-mounted Processors when she does this, easily allowing her to fly while dragging her axe behind her, "You think you're scary just 'cuz you're bigger now? I've got news for you, jackass! EIN SCHLAG!" She brings her axe from behind to forward, swinging it in an upward arc.

    This impacts Galakryzer solidly, sending off pixellated light sparks and drawing its attention immediately to the airborne DCC. Drawn to Lexicon, it's unable to interrupt Cirra's spellcast, and bramble crystals begin entangling its feet. Galakryzer is left vulnerable like this, for Deelel and Yuuki to attack its legs while Silica peppers it with needles.

    Hindered and under close range attack, while still regarding the airborne DCC as a threat, Galakryzer hauls back its right hand, then thrusts it forward towards Lexicon. A rocket ignites and the machine's entire forearm detaches and sails after Lexicon. Not quite 'disarmed', however, the remaining stump projects a blade of crimson light, which the machine sweeps backwards at a low angle to drive off the melee fighters directly attacking it, and also to slice into the crystal vines entangling it.

    The left fist detaches from the wrist and drops, hanging by a chain, and the Galakryzer starts spinning this, though is too occupied with winding up and getting free to use it yet.

Silica has posed:
    "Watch that ball chain! It'll be unpredictable once it's fully spinning!" calls Silica from the backline. She charges up another Wind Needles spell, casting it as fast as she's able to speak the Words of Power, before shifting gear. It's got a good mix of ranged and melee, but if she can boost general defense, it should help.

    She begins to chant again, focussing on a spell she's only just unlocked and had precious little chance to practice... and fumbles the wording just before casting, causing the entire thing to explode in her face, sending her skidding backwards. Cough cough. "P-Pina... Bubble Breath!" she croaks, pointing at the Galakryzer.

    Pina chirps, then draws up, then uses her Breath Weapon... which just sends out a stream of bubbles to surround the robot. These then burst, aiming to put a temporary Stun-like effect on it so the others can lay in the damage.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel sgets a few hits in and if she understood she's equate the local viri here more to gridbugs than to the pandamic nightmares of her home world. Eitehr way she's going ot be on her guard and she'll just go to down with the keyblade driking agian and agian with it with the edge of the weapon glowing like a ID's armed edge.

"Is that it?!"

She calls out and then she gets that was a bad idea as it's about to do something else it's got a mourning star basically and it's going tobe a bad day if she gets hit.

"Watch it!"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki seems to be having fun. Fighting new and interesting bosses is what it's all about for her. She doesn't have any real worries about the danger either, though of course she should. In New Aincrad, a death simply involves a likely party wipe and a respawn at a nearby safe zone. Here, death is much more significant.

    Yuuki's own attacks likely draw their own pixel sparks, though none are anywhere near as impressive as Lexicon's. She makes up for quality with quantity however, striking many times with her sword for each mighty axe swing.

    She's not easy to dissuade from attacking, however. The Galakryzer's lightsaber attack forces her to react, and she vaults over the blade to the opposite side. Then back again, when the beast swings its sword the other way. She crosses side to side behind the robot's back, carving digital streaks into the robot's armor with every motion, forcing it to either face her or suffer the consequences of ignoring her.

    The chain-fist attack though, she observes carefully. A chain like that has potentially a lot of range, and can easily be swung in a complete circle. No easy blind-spots for such a weapon! While it's still spinning up the weapon, she begins to cut at the robot's supporting arm. "Got it, Silica!" she cries out. "No shielders to defend us from it. Get ready to pull away! That's looking like a major attack!" she advises.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    With the Malvader's robot tangled up, Cirra steps sideways into the robot's front arc. That ball and chain looks perticularly dangerous. "A flail isn't as effective inside it's radius, stay close so it can't connect with the weighted end!"

    Cirra runs forward, leaping up to put one foot on the robot's leg, and keep leeping upwards until she reaches an apex just above the robot's head.

    The Judge comes down with the crystal blade, swinging it with both hands overhead, trying to score a long hit directly down the front.

Lexicon has posed:
    Twisting in midair, Lexicon braces her axe with her free hand and meets the incoming rocket fist head-on with the axeblade. The impact scatters pixels and the fist keeps going until it slams into one of the distant walls. Once the rocket motor gutters out, the fist is thrust out and down, falling uselessly to the arena floor while Lexicon climbs out of the hole it had made. That looked painful. She looks more pissed than injured, though.

    At least being that distance away gives Galakryzer some time to deal with things that aren't stupidly tanky. Yuuki carves lines of glowing red across its armor while Deelel pounds against its other leg, widening a series of cracks in the armored plate. Galakryzer wrenches at its legs, the damaged vines cracking and creaking. When Cirra's blow slams into the machine's helmet, it breaks loose, staggering back a few paces. Now free from the crystal vines, the viral super robot kicks off, throwing itself away from the melee fighters. It lands heavily, twisting as it does so and raising its mace hand overhead, still spinning. When a wrenching motion, this is suddenly thrown out of a spin and brought down, the chain extending to give the machine all the reach it needs to reach Silica's distant position.

    Bubbles pop against Galakryzer's armor, though their immediate effect isn't apparent. It does not ignore Cirra, Deelel, or Yuuki though. Those who try to stay close to Galakryzer have front-row seats to the vents on the chest snapping open with a hissing sound. The gold trim turns red, glowing angrily and sending water from the dragon's breath weapon hissing off into steam. This few-seconds of warning is all they get before the viral machine's chest vents spew out jets of flame, sweeping in front of it as it moves.

Silica has posed:
    "Oh no..."

    Silica leaps to the side, springing with the nimble agility of a Light Body race. The impact shockwave still sends her sprawling, and skidding along the ground, slowly pushing herself back to her feet. "Uuuhhhnnn... P-Pina. Heal!" she calls, pushing against the arena wall while her companion flutters over, and spits a healing burst at the Cait Sith to replenish some of her health gauge.

    She resumes chanting. No big flashy stuff, this isn't the place to go trying something stupid like that. Instead, she begins a Healing Incantation, targetting the entire party to top them off.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    This thing is just too well protected at close and medium range. When Cirra lands, the steam from the bubble breath and the changing color of the robot's trim colours serve as a warning, a warning that's just a little too late for the Judge.

    The flames come spewing down and Cirra rolls backwards as she's engulfed in the flames, and rolls along the ground to extinguish them from her armor. "Hng." She rolls back up to her knees. Where is this thing's weakness?

    Cirra backs away from the Galakryzer as her sword splits in half and she lifts it up to her shoulder, firing a pair of explosive crystl rounds at the huge robot.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is light on her feet, and keeps moving about she wasn't made to take many hits. She knows htis all to well the virus however isn't out of the fight just yet and even with all the damage pouring in it's still far from over and she keeps tyring to fight but then it seems to ahve something else in mind the chest vents open fire with flame. Deelel has been in flame wars before but this is getting a bit nut. Deelel is cooked a bit but is able to roll out, she's on the ground however rolling to put the flames out. She won'tbe attacking this round...Silicia's healing spell however should tend to most of her damage hopefully.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    "Stay CLOSE!?" Yuuki cries out, once she realizes the robot has downward-pointing flame jets. This isn't according to plan! Abruptly deciding she'd rather take her chances with the chain mace, making the decision in those few brief seconds she has, Yuuki flings herself away from the robot before it can roast her.

    She passes through the spinning mace weapon arc in a tight ball, minimizing her time of exposure. She's hit, taking a glancing blow from a robot fist. Not a lethal wound, but a painful blow nonetheless. If only Talken were here to hide behind!

    Silica's healing, small as it is, is enough to dull the pain somewhat. "Thanks!" she says, flashing the small roguebeastmage a smile. "Now, didn't I see something break off of that thing? It's got to be vulnerable! Smash it when it comes down!" she calls out.

    And with that, Yuuki dives back into the fight with another battlecry. Again she goes to work, cutting into the legs. She's got no way to easily jump up, and doesn't have a deadly pounding or cleaving weapon besides. Her blade's best able to exploit armor-piercing and stabbing vulnerabilities. So she's a distraction, hopefully giving an opening to someone wielding a heftier weapon.

Lexicon has posed:
    After several seconds of sustained flames, the Galakryzer's flame jets cut out. The left arm lifts and it starts retracting the chain, its discarded hand dragging across the arena floor. Silica's focus on healing is ignored, at least at first, as the others are much closer still.

    One of Cirra's crystals shatters against the super robot's chest armor. The second, however, jams itself into the flame vent as it's closing and wedges it open. Something starts grinding, and then the vent starts spilling out smoke. Yuuki's charged back in, chipping into the machine's armor where it's been carved up and cracked.

    Rearing back, Galakryzer thrusts down with its beam sword, though being so close it has a rough time with any accuracy, and Yuuki is relatively safe.


    From behind, Lexicon returns to the fight, slamming her axe into Galakryzer's back with a blue-white flash of digital energy and a scattering of icy mist. Ice explodes out against the mecha's back, scattering metal plates.

    This immediately gets Galakryzer's attention and it ignores Yuuki entirely, whirling around and exposing its back. The heat from its fire weapon is already melting the ice, exposing shattered armor and machinery inside. A weak point..!

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Though she's hurt, Yuuki couldn't ASK for a better setup than this. "Take it down!" she cries out, drawing her sword back to her waist, pointing it at the virus's exposed and shattered back armor.

    Yuuki can't use sword-assist moves here, or Sword Skills. There's no programming, here in reality. But that's okay, she designed this move. She's had to perform it, had to make it work through nothing more than her own speed and skill. The strikes come more like two slashes than ten darting thrusts, carving a broad X through the damaged armor plating. She draws her blade back, and the Obsidian Blade begins to glow with a violet light that nonetheless sheds little actual illumination. The final blow, charged with all Yuuki's strength and no small amount of Dark magic, explodes into motion aimed for a vulnerable point.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Safe. Aside from the fire." Cirra grunts, then as her crystal jams one of the vents on the robot, she looks down at the floor, lifting her boot to see the circuit patterns in the floor.

    The Judge stands up and turns around, aiming her rifle at the source of each of the coloured lines. Except for red. That one stays open.

Deelel has posed:
Programs normally shouldn't have magic, Deelel however well? It's not really her own it's more on loan to her from Dual Disc which is find with her as she recoers she's got a very big ifde about the virus and just how to attack it.

"I have an idea."

She holds the blade uot and starts muttering a little bit she's chatning something some of the air seems to shill about deelel.


A array of lance like shards of ice form and go flying right at the virus. She seem to be mostly back into the fight now and is very much going to use what magic she can to make this thing have a /very/ bad day.

Silica has posed:
    Silica swaps out her wand for her dagger once more, magenta eyes locked onto the mech. She utters a short 'prayer' of some sort to herself, then charges in with all the speed her Agility build can muster. She shouts. "Palmira! Alezoup!" Cirra should know what Silica is planning on doing, as she charges straight for the Judge, then leaps up, aiming to springboard off the taller girl's shoulder and into a much higher position.

    During her ascent her dagger begins to glow an icy blue-white, and with a kiai as she starts to descend, she slams the blade into the mech's exposed back, just after Yuuki's final blow, pouring an Ice Element Sword Skill into the fractured armour as well.

Lexicon has posed:
    "Forgot about me, fucker?!" Lexicon's just as much shouting for the Virus' attention as she is beating on it to make it prioritize her. Galakryzer brings its sword down, which she deflects with the axe and returns the favor, slamming the blade against the machine's chestplate. It's attention is completely taken up by the DCC for the moment.

    Cirra's thinking outside the box, but in this case it doesn't do anything. Attacking the lines connecting the floor patterns doesn't seem to accomplish much, even as it dents the metal plating the lines run over. In another encounter this might have done something, but Galakryzer stands on its own merit, through hot code and guts.

    Deelel's Blizzard spell starts hammering Galakryzer's exposed back and armored sections, ice shattering against the more intact armor plates, sizzling, while shards that drive into the body of the machine send out showers of sparks. The machine starts to turn, but is immediately drawn back by Lexicon's relentless onslaught.

    Yuuki's next, airborne enough to slash and stab into Galakryzer's exposed back multiple times in rapid succession. Amidst the sparks, something explodes and the machine's ruptured back spews out smoke. The explosion causes it to jerk in place, distracted from its rumble with Silver Soul, stunned.

    Silica's descending slash carves into the damaged section, rupturing something that sprays out pixellated crimson data. Galakryzer shudders, sinking to one knee. It raises its mourning-star fist in one final defiant act, then collapses forward with a crash of metal on metal.

    Galakryzer's wreckage promptly dissolves into scattering data. Moments later, the Tower's Arena also disappears, depositing the fighters in the snowy mountain wilderness of Britannica.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    "Wow!" Yuuki says. It may not be a particularly eloquent reaction to the fight, but it's heartfelt. She blinks, looking around. "So... it's dead then? We win? All right!" she shouts, pumping a fist up into the air.

    "That was a great attack by the way." Yuuki adds to Lexicon. "And congrats on the final blow, Silica!" she beams. "Now, important question. Does this world have any really awesome foods we can get to celebrate with? Anywhere to go for a feast maybe?"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Hearing her character's name wouldn't normally do much outside ALO, but in Silica's voice make the Judge quickly turn away from her failed plan. She grasps hold of Silica's ankle. Black smoke wafts out of the Judge's armor as she flexes her legs, and releases the smaller girl up into the air, turning around just in time to see Silica's slash.

    Just then to get deposited back outside the tower. She sighs. "Just in time."

Silica has posed:
    Silica rises after Skill Lock wears off, and sheaths her dagger. She giggles softly at Yuuki, "Eeeeh, I didn't mean to steal the final blow." she says self consciously. Pina comes winging over, and loops around Silica's shoulders, nuzzling her cheek. "I'm fine Pina." she says, gently stroking the dragonling's head, before walking over to give Zekken a hug. "You did really good too. It's always amazing to watch you fight."

Lexicon has posed:
    "Yeah, that's the end of it," Lexicon states, lifting her axe. She rests the weapon across her shoulders, crimson eyes scanning the valley where the tower had stood. Only when satisfied does her body envelop itself in silver light and return the DCC to her normal state, bulky fuzzy coat and silly hat and all. With a light nod, she states, "I don't mind treating you to some of Britannica's cuisine as thanks for helping me. My priestess Stylono will meet us in town with your Care Package rewards as well."

    Turning slightly, she gestures towards the lights of town, "Shall we, then?" And without waiting for an answer, the diminuative DCC sets off through the snow, tucking her hands into her billowy sleeves.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel ends up falling on her butt after the stage vanishes she shakes her self off banishes her keyblade from view and moves towards the prize as she tilts her head for a moment and laughs.

"That was a good fight. Not bad at all and the problem is solved for now, I hope?" She seems pretty chipper and will fall in with everyone else as they head for town.