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Latest revision as of 07:01, 13 December 2016

Justice is blind. But still a snarky little brat.
Date of Scene: 12 December 2016
Location: Earth-199999
Synopsis: Sokka and Toph wake up, decide to clean up a bit, then the group meets up with her parents for dinner. Some weird guests arrive and convince Toph to be a cop, leading to her great destiny as mistress of justice! Oh, and Sokka joins too.
Cast of Characters: 20, 1076, 204, 301, 300, 373

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    While she still felt somewhat lethargic, it takes more than a cold to keep Toph Beifong down. She's tougher than most girls her age, and while she is patient, she does get bored when she's forced to not do much for long. Yesterday she had been a good girl and stayed in bed, resting up after the rough bath in artic waters. But as she woke up, rolling over in bed and pushing Sokka's snoring head away from her stomach that he had decided to use as a pillow, she had decided. And when Toph Beifong decides on something, it's hard to turn her focus around.

    After getting somewhat cleaned up she put on some semi-warm clothes, there's no harsh winter in Malibu after all, and with that... Toph heads off to the kitchen.

    On the bed, Buster raises his head from where he has been sleeping sprawled out on Sokka's back, then meows and kicks off, rushing after Toph! When his humans go to the kitchen there might be food and treats!

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka let out a yipe and sat up as claws DUG into his back! "Ow ow ow owwwww," he whined, whimpering. "What in the world are you little demon critter?!" he yelled at the cat, shaking his fist before slowly getting up and stretching. Well, he felt better, at least. Sure, at one point he believed he was a fire bender, but that was normal.

He slowly started walking after her, grumbling darkly as he scratched himself. Well, it was a good thing he'd already been kind of staying in the general area, at least he had clothes. And he didn't have a thousand messages, so that was good. After a few moments he appeared in the door of the kitchen, blinking blearily at her. "Hey, Caramel Tophie. How you feeling?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Sokka isn't offered a single glance, nor does his words have any impact on the cat as he follows Toph. For he is a cat, and cats are glorious assholes.

    When Sokka enters the kitchen Buster is already eating, pleased now that Toph has filled his bowl with more food than Pepper fills it with when she's been the one feeding him. Toph herself is standing by the counter, preparing a sandwhich. While she doesn't turn around to face him, it should be clear that she already knows he's there as she suddenly holds out a sandwhich on a plate towards him. Huh, seems she already made him something to eat.

    "I'm feeling better," she begins, then lets out a huff. "And seriously, no caramel jokes. Nobody would say I'm /that/ sweet." Heck, even Tony only calls her 'Toffee' when he's being silly and joking with her. "Are /you/ feeling any better?" He did snore a lot, so it seems he did get enough sleep...

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka grinned and reached out, taking the sandwich. He then used his other hand to ruffle her hair. "Fine, fine. Chocolate Tophie?" he said with a big smirk. "And I don't know, you always seem pretty sweet to me. Though, lately I swear you've been a lot sweeter to me than I remembere..." Shoot, was he noticing?!!! He made his way to the table and sat down, eying her.

"I'm feeling a lot better. Gotta say, it's a lot nice waking up next to you than waking up under fifty tons of water and ice. Your dad was freaking amazing. That was just... he was all... BOOM! And then like, woosh! And then kabbablooy browbernatch!" Ah, sokka and his made up words.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph's hair becomes even more messy, some of the hair escaping her hairbun at the ruffling. Seems she didn't spend too long putting it up this morning. "I'm not chocolate either, meat brain," she huffs, just about to continue talking when he... talks about sweet she has been to hi-- holy crud is he /noticing/?!

    The blind teenager freezes where she stands, awake of him moving over to the table, though she pretends to be busy making her own sandwhich. "Yeah, he kinda enjoys being a super hero," Toph agrees, deciding to not go into the whole deal with Tony wanting to make up for who he used to be. If he wants to go into the story about the cave with Sokka, then he will do that. Besides, for Toph this is the only Tony Stark she's ever known. "Don't mention it too much to him though, you'll only inflate his ego," she adds, then points a hand up towards the ceiling of the room. "Besides, Jarvis is watching everything that goes on in the house. He might tattle on you." The walls have eyes and ears in the Stark house, though most of the time it doesn't bother Toph. It's a bit different now though. As she finishes making her sandwhich she turns around, leaning back against the counter as she begins eating. "Eat up. We're going to help out with the house work today. Dad and mom were working all yesterday, so they deserve a break today."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, eying her. "I don't know. You're probably right. You're more of a strawberry. A little soft, lil squishy, very red in the face lately. Maybe you were coming down with something before hand?" he said with a shrug. He was already done with his sandwich, he had bene ravenous! he then got up and sighed, moving over to her. And put his hands in her hair, shaking his head. "Want me to get you a brush?"

Then, in a teasing tone. "Want me to brush it for you? You know, I used to do it for Katara all the time when we were younger. In fact, I was the first one to figure out the whole hair loopy things after... well... mom," he said with a soft cough. "And don't worry, I'll do my very best not to let your dad know how awesome he is. I mean, he's almost as cool as mine."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You're the fruity one!" Toph counters in Sokka's direction, taking the opportunity to tease and joke with him. It's easier than him talking about the way she's been acting. Still... "It was /cold/ down there, of course my face got red!"

    Then he goes and offers to brush her hair, and Toph seems to hesitate for a moment, then she puts on a stern face and shakes her head. "It will only get messy again later anyway. We've got work to do." With that she stuffs the rest of the sandwhich into her mouth, and her other hand grabs at Sokka's wrist, pulling him with her out of the kitchen, through the living room and back towards the patio, overlooking the pacific ocean. The patio itself has a pool, a seating group, a top notch grill... in short, the perfect place to spend the day. But Toph doesn't stop... she's heading forward, and perhaps Sokka might get a warning when she raises her foot... and slams it down into the stone of the patio. The stone shifts, and launches them forward through the air and towards the beach far below!

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka snickered softly. "Well, I've always been peachy," he said with a smirk. He walked with her until... what, the patio? Were they going to clean it? It didn't look to dirt--

And then flying through the air! He flailed wildly through the air, giving his patented 'oh my gosh I am going to DIE like a bitch!' scream as he flew, shaking his head. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And then covering his face. "WHYYYYYYYYY?!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    ?Why? Because this way saves time!

    As they fall towards the beach below, Toph focuses. With Sokka screaming it's easy to tell where he is at least... and when they are closer to the sand below the earthbender throws her arms down before tearing them up, and in response the sand below erupts upwards into a slope to soften their landing, and Toph slides forward off of it, landing on her feet. "So... how used to ostrich horses are you anyway?" she inquires, brushing off her t-shirt a bit.

    From a short distance away Sokka should hear something however, the rustling of feathers... and a series of sounds. 'Wark wark wark wark waaaaaark!'

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka flails wildly, and then, sand. He slides down it, face first, then ends up buried to his neck in the sand. After a few moments he pops up, coughing and hacking. "Ugh. I wish you'd not do that. Hm? Ostrich horses? I've ridden a few, why?" He did not have the best experiences. "They keep trying to eat my hair. I much prefer rhino salamanders."

Then he glanced up and... "What? What's that sound?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You need to work on your landing," Toph asides, kicking the ground again to help Sokka into getting his head out of the sand. "Besides, why spend several minutes when we can get down here quicker and easier?" Once she's certain he's follow her she walks forward down the beach.

    "Rhino salamanders are for guys who are in their forties and try to impress the ladies," she snorts. So loud, boastful and annoying. "If you are familiar with ostrich horses, we have something similar here. For my thirteenth birthday I got a rather unusual birthday present from somebody in the Union..." Man, she hopes Faruja is okay, wherever he is... "And then dad got one for his birthday later." As they round the cliffside, Sokka should see it. A large pen on the beach, sitting in the shade. It's obviously been made with earthbending, solid fences made of rock, shelter built into the cliffside. By the fence itself two large heads are peering down at Sokka, and they should indeed remind him of ostrich horses. Large, clearly built for stamina. Their beaks are long and thin, and their eyes large as they peer down at him. One of them cants its head, while the larger one seems to /glare/. To top it all off, their feathers are a deep crimson.


    Following behind him, Toph gestures to the two large birds. "Sokka, meet Cuddles and Nugget. Cuddles is the one who's probably frowning at you right now. She's a bitch."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, moving up to the birds, cocking his eye. He looked them up and down and... "Are you sure we can't eat them? They look like something you'd eat. I mean, they're so fat and kinda... awkward looking."

He really, really shouldn't be saying that when he's within beak distance. And not looking at them, instead looking to toph. "And yeah, it's definitely got an Azula 'I'm a bitch' look going on."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Of course Sokka would see them as large screech chickens, Toph muses with a slight smirk. "They're not braindead. Well, at least Cuddles isn't. She's a war chocobo, and they can summon meteors. That's why we keep them a distance from the house." Perhaps Sokka didn't notice them before, but there are craters all across the area.

    "Heh, I'm tempted to say that Azula is nice compared to Cuddles... there's only one trick to getting her to behave, really." Toph walks over to a shed that is next to the pen, and she opens the door, heading inside "Come on, help me toss these vegetables in to them!" The food storage is kept cold, and there's lots and lots of vegetables there, mostly cabbages. "At least they don't eat snobby food like Buster does. But it's mostly my job to feed them when I'm home. Guess that's been dad's job while I was busy with the lily livers..." She herself fills her arms with cabbages... and then tosses them over the side of the pen!

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, following her inside. "Huh. Cabbages. That brings back memories," he said with a shudder. "Aang always tried to get me to eat salads, youk now. He kept trying to sneak them into my meals. Tricky little bugger."

He picked up some carrots and flung them in, then some beats and then a radish. Finally, a few cabbages and tossed them in... Before grinning. And tossed some corn in. "It's all a bit corny, if you ask me."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At that memory Toph snickers, looking amused. "Oh, right! That one time when he put some extra nuts in them too...!" It's amusing to think back on, really. "But they won't kill you, either. I mean, I should take you out to the mall later. They are super crazy about eating healthy here. Even dad is all about those thick messy smoothies made of just veggies." It's kinda funny, but then again he isn't a complete nut who only eats super healthy and denies themselves those amazing spareribs and burgers.

    As the food gets tossed in the large chocobos perk up, and then they get to eating! The large one first, as the smaller seems to defer to her. There's a clear hierarchy, but the small one is still allowed to eat once Cuddles is satisfied that she got the best pieces of food. Upon hearing Sokka's pun however Cuddles raises her head, as if /glaring/ at him. Then, letting out a loud 'WARK', she spreads her wings... and from above, a meteor comes crashing from the sky...!

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka stared at her as if she was crazy. "Wait. Wait wait wait. You mean to tell me someone out there. Some DERANGED maniac. Some LUNATIC! Has actually... managed to..." He shuddered. "Made a SMOOTHIE out of VEGETABLES?" He shuddered, hugging himself. "Truly this world has more monsters than I ever suspected! The only good vegetable is a barbaqued one."

He snickered, glancing over. "Awww, that's cute. I'm guessing she's the boss then, huh? Or do they usually just wing it? Surprised the little one isn't more peckish." He grinned and then. "Huh?" He looked up and then shrieked, running and grabbing toph, hauling her behind cover.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At Sokka's shock Toph seems a bit more calm about it, arching an eyebrow as she hurls more cabbages over the fence. "Yeah, what about it? It sure as hell beats them smoking stuff that stinks up the place," she points out. "They don't taste too bad either if you use good veggies." Sometimes it's quicker to just drink one of those things and then Pepper won't nag about getting enough vegetables in her diet. "The real monsters are far worse, believe me..."

    It's curious really. Cuddles is a bitch, but most of the time she gets annoyed by actions. Somehow it seems that Sokka's words have annoyed her, or maybe it's just his voice that she finds grating. Either way she's launching a meteor at him, and Toph notices it too late. Sure, she snaps her head up and raises her hands, about to shield Sokka from the impact, but instead she yelps and finds herself /yanked/ with as he drags them off behind the shed! "Aaah!"

    The meteor crashes into the beach, sending sand all over, though luckily Sokka and Toph are safe where he's dragged them. The sand however gets all over the veggies that they tossed in, and Nugget, the smaller chocobo, lets out an irritated sound. And then the two chocobos are bickering, flapping their wings a bit at each other.

    "Ugh, nice going, dunderhead," Toph sighs, yanking herself free from Sokka's grip. "Seems we have to appease her with beer."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka peeped out from behind the shield. Then turned to Toph. "APPEASE her? She's insane! We should put her down! She IS just like Azula! Need to put her in a straight jacket and lock her up! Get aang down here, take away her bending! Freaking grill her up and serve her with a side of dipping sauce! And you want togive her BEER? She's CUCKOO!"

Yes he did have to toss that last one in. "You can't seriously think this is normal behavior for an animal, any animal! She tried to kill us! That was stone cold!" And he just keeps making it worse.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "She's a bitch, but she's not stupid nor meant to be eaten! Seriously, if you think she's mad now, you should see how she treats people who /don't/ feed her!" Okay, she gets the point. Sokka has learned to fear the feathered bitch of Malibu. "One, that's not bending she's using, it's magic of some sort. Secondly, give her a beer and she calms right down. This kind of behaviour is normal for her, at least you didn't get into the pen like one of my buddies did for my birthday this year..." Poor Ziggy probably still has nightmares about it.

    "Besides, calm down, what are you... chicken?" HAH! Taste your own medicine, Sokka!

    With that the blind girl stands up, holding her hands in front of her as she sloowly edges over towards the shed. "Cuddles! Want a beer?"

    The reaction is immediate. The larger chocobo looks away from the smaller one, and Cuddles lets out a drawn out 'Waaaaaaark' before she heads on over to the fence.. and trips back and forth in place, obviously waiting.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka sighed and shook his head. "Heh. Honestly, though, she does remind me a bit of you. Always throwing rocks at me," he joked. Oh gosh he'd never stop. He did follow to help her, none the less. "So, does Tony let you drink the beer too, now? How old are you? Fourteen, right? Two more years and I think you're legal to do it," he said with a nod. Sokka was such a bad influence.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At being compared to Cuddles Toph can't help but grin, looking rather pleased as she finds a bottle of beer from a high shelf in the shed, and then she bends the cork off, walking over to the fence. "Well, we /do/ frighten dunderheads, I guess we have that in common... Plus hurling bick rocks too." The big bird stretches her neck over the fence, and Toph begins pouring the alcoholic drink right onto Cuddles' tongue. Well, this is the calmest she can get anyway.

    At the topic of her age however Toph arches an eyebrow. "Strange... I thought you were able to count. Because it was four years ago when you and Katara first met Aang." Doesn't he remember how old she was at the time? Seriously?

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded. "Yeah, you both like tossing rocks at me, both obviously dominate whatever area you're in. Both somehow can stomach salads. Shudder."

He nodded. "Right. And you were like... ten then, right? I remember you coming up to my knee back then." He said with a nod. Oh my gosh she wasn't THAT short.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Just for that I'm going to ask Pepper if we can have salad tonight, just to see you suffer," Toph teases Sokka with a grin, her focus on helping Cuddles with the beer.

    Another heavy sigh leaves Toph, and she adapts a deadpan look. "I was /twelve/. I turn sixteen in three months," she corrects him. "And I nearly reached your shoulder back then. Are you turning senile or something, or did I hit you with too many rocks all these years?"

    It appears that Cuddles is done with the beer, and she lets out a mix of a burp and a shaky 'waaaark', all before she turns and resumes munching on veggies along with Nugget.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka gasped, falling to his knees. "NO! Not salad! Please, toph, I'll do anything!" He knelt before her and took her hand, putting it to his face. "Please, have mercy on your poor, helpless subject. I will do anything," he said, mock swooning.

He then blinked. "Really? You're almost sixteen?" He actually looked horrified. "You?" He stood up, put a hand on her head. "Wow. I never would have thought. You're almost old enough to get married. Kind of hard to believe the bandit actually being a..." he shudders. "Adult. Well, you'll always be that little twelve year old girl to me, Butterscotch Tophie," he teased.

Then turned to the chocobos. "Huh. They're almost cute when they're not trying to kill you. almost."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Withdrawing the now empty beer bottle Toph can't help but blink when Sokka... falls to his knees. "Sokka, it's a salad, not a death sentence." Though to him it might just be, considering his stance on meat. "We could always make it a chicken salad, then there's meat in it." At least it's fair that he gets to squirm and suffer!

    Though she is tempted to make him suffer more when he doubts her age. "Well, yeah...! I'm not a kid!" she huffs, blowing some hair away from her face. Though some of his comments are... well, not the best to hear from the person you're crushing on, so at the m word Toph turns around, pushes his hand off of her head as she turns to put the empty beer bottle into the shed. Then... she pauses, turning her head slightly. "Just for those silly candy nicknames I'm going to ask Pepper to make it a plain tomato salad." So there!

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka perked up. "Chicken? Well, that doesn't sound so bad! yeah, some deep fried salad with grilled chicken on top. That actually sounds pretty good." Yeah, he could do this! Then....

"NOOOOOOO!" And then he hugged her from behind. "Noooo! Please, mercy toph, mercy! I'll do whatever you sayyyy! I'll stop making puns until dinner, I won't be sarcastic, I'll even say you're like... seventeen." Then fell back to his knees, his head on her back., "But please. Not a plain tomato salad. I'm a man, I cannot survive such things! We're buddies, right? Don't you love your best friend Sokka? You can't just let me waste away to nothing!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You don't /fry/ salad!" Toph points out. Though true, they could add grilled chicken to the salad... But only if he behaves.

    Upon being hugged from behind the earthbender blinks, eyes widening slightly where she stands. Sure, he's begging for mercy, thinking he will starve without meat to his diet. He /could/ survive without, heck... she loves meat and she's survived on roots and berries before. "What? I'm just asking you to not treat me like I haven't grown older in these fou--" Did... did he just flop down and rest his head against her /back/? Toph pauses, then sighs, crossing her arms sternly in front of her chest even as her cheeks turn slightly pink. "Fine. Just stop with the stupid candy nicknames already." Because seriously, she's not sweet like candy. "I'll ask Pepper if we can have some meat with the salad."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka let out a sigh of relief and then got back up. And then hugged toph to his chest. "YES! Of course! No more candy nicknames!" Firm nod. "And sure, you're all grown up. You're like a..." He hummed, looking down at her. "..." He blushed a little bit. "Yeah, that just... feels weird. But I suppose I have to accept it. I mean, in a few years you'll probably be marrying some dope," he said with a shrug, before letting her go. "Just, promise me something, Toph? Some honest, actual, no joke? Just because you're old enough, don't rush into anything. Find a guy who thinks you're as AWESOME as you are. Or a girl. Don't settle for some jerk who doesn't think you're the most amazing girl in the multiverse. Because you are and you deserve nothing less."

He then turned and looked at the drunk birds. "So, can you ride them, or are they just for attempted murder?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, no more nicknames in the silly category. Still, Toph does blush when she finds herself hugged back against his chest. Well, at least now he can't see her face, because she feels that her cheeks are flaring up.

    "I'm not all grown up just yet, but that doesn't mean I'm a kid either," Toph comments, then does her best to wriggle free and step away from Sokka. It seems that she can't just go however, as Sokka makes a turn onto serious speech street.

    Even as he talks, Toph doesn't turn towards him. She stands there, quiet. It's only when he finishes that she snorts a bit and begins walking back towards the house. "Like I'd ever rush into anything, you know that! Besides, as the greatest earthbender of all time I'm not going to settle for a dunderhead who doesn't appreciate me. Now come on, there's tons of other chores we can do around the house!" With that said she hurries towards the house, trusting that he will keep up.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, following after her. "Good! You know, you should try doing what I do. I always aim for wayyyy out of my league," he joked, then sighed. "Though... I guess that didn't really work too well, if Sarah is any example," he mumbled softly. "I mean, not many people would offer to help gran gran in an attempt to avoid me," he said a tad dejectedly.

"That and not seeing Suki for ages and..." Awwww, he was all mopey now. He shook his head. "So, the house is pretty huge, what exactly do you do there? I've always wondered. Can you bend dust? Do you like... tap your foot and all the dust flies away?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    An amused snort leaves Toph, and she turns her face slightly towards Sokka. "No offence, but I think Sarah is out of most people's league. She's kinda a super hero, after all." But... man, now he's feeling bad about that. And Sarah only offered to help Gran Gran in attempt to help /her/. "I... think maybe she's shy or something, or maybe she's got a super secret boyfriend or something..." It's not good when he's like this, and Toph sighs, reaching out to punch him lightly in the side. "You'll be fine! Really!"

    What do rich people do in Malibu? "Well, we live there...?" Toph begins, then elaborates. "There's the workshop and garage in teh basement, that's mostly dad's turf. There are offices there since there's lots of stuff going on with the company, there's a gym, lots and lots of guest rooms, and well... the upper floor. Maybe I could show you the baby's room later, it's mostly done by now!"

    Can she bend dust? What a silly question. "Sokka, I can bend it if it's made of earth. Not all the stuff that's inside is dirt. But yeah, I do occasionally bend dirt out to make up for all the dirt I drag in."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka chuckles and gives her a grin. "Maybe. Who knows? Maybe eventually I'll get a super secret girlfriend," he said with a light laugh. "Or maybe I'm just one of those guys who are destined to be alone. Just one man and his boomerang, on wild, raunchious adventures. Traveling the multi-verse, making women swoon whereever I go. The man. The legend. Sokka." He posed dramatically.

How were more meteors not tossed at him?

"I meant when it came to cleaning, Toph. Like, how do you clean all of the place? Heck, how do you DIRTY the whole place? It's... well, not as big as the earth palace, I guess. But still bigger than most the places I've seen. Never much saw the point of it. I've always been comfortable with a smaller place. Heck, you were pretty much always able to make me a place in a few minutes that was more than adequate."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You? A super secret girlfriend?" Toph snickers, looking amused. "You're as subtle as a rock to the face, you wouldn't be able to keep any girlfriend secret!.

    Behind them Cuddles lets out one warning 'waaaark'.

    Taking the hint Toph grabs onto Sokka's arm during his dramatic pose, tugging him with. "Well, there's Dummy, and lots of tech to keep the place clean. I'm sure dad would have hired maids and such, but he actually prefers to keep as few people around most of the time. For his birthday and for the wedding earlier this year he actually invited the entire Union, and his parties are filled. But most of the time he prefers just keeping it quiet, you know? And especially now that Pepper's pregnant too." Who would have thought that THE Tony Stark, prefers peace and quiet most of the time? "I'm sure you could stay in the broom closet or something if you want somewhere smaller to stay...?" Toph suggests, managing to keep her expression calm.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka bursts into laugher, shaking his head. "I could totally keep a super secret girlfriend. I just need to find someone dopey enough to fall in love with me. Good luck with that, right?" he jokes with a snicker.

He snorted. "Oh, please. We both know I shouldn't stay here. Let's be honest. Could you REALLY imagine seeing ME here every day? I know how much you value your new life, I'm not going to intrude on it." Ruffled her hair again. "I'll get settled and then I'll get out of your way, okay? That way you don't need to worry about any of that anymore. Right?" He snickered. "Unless, for some deranged reason you actually WANT me being there every time you go anywhere." He snorted. "I figured after being away from me a few years you'd have missed all the peace and quiet."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah, right..." Toph snorts, turning her face aside as she feels her face grow warmer.

    The best way to deal with this is by joking.

    "No, I can't really /see/ you here even now, genius!" Seriously, he wouldn't intrude. "And for our information, peace and quiet can get boring after a while! Like how it got kinda boring when you were with your master training that first time." Though he does have a point, and Toph swallows a bit. "I... kinda talked with dad. He thinks you could easily get accepted to a school in this world. So, uh... maybe that's somewhere you could settle." It's not something he needs to think about now though, but it's an offer. For now though it feels a bit nice knowing her best friend is safe and sound. And it makes the days a bit less boring when Tony and Pepper are busy doing what they can to help people.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, grinning. "Oh? And here I thought you didn't miss me at all when I came back," he said with a little chuckle, before reaching out and ruffling her hair and... "Okay, this is driving me nuts."

He grabbed her hand and hauled her inside, taking her to... the bathroom? ACK! He started brushing her hair! "I don't know how your hair manages to grow three or four times bigger when it's messy! It doesn't even make sense..." He went quiet for a moment as he doted on the poor, probably grouchy girl and then... "I... think that'd be nice. Learning. I need to do that. But why do you say easily? I mean, I'm not from this world. You sure they'll want someone like me? I'm hardly the most... academic around. Unless they've got a boomerang club. Then they'll be dying to have me." He is master boomerang master.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There is no way on earth she would be able to admit that she honestly missed him a lot, is there? Though before she gets to speak Sokka is reaching out to her head again, and... "What?" she asks, "What's driving you nuts... hey!"

    Again with the hauling! Toph doesn't protest too much however, though she's a bit curious as he leads her to the bathroom of all places. "Sokka, if you have to go then you just push the button on the top after you're done, I showed you how the toilets work yesterday!" she says, flustered. But when he begins brushing her hair, she lets out a yelp! What. Who knew that the mighty Toph Beifong has a sensitive scalp? "Stop pulling on my hair!" she protests, reaching out to yank her hair free from his grip. "You don't need to brush my hair, I will do it later, it will get messy when we do chores anyway!" So there!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    There is suddenly a booming, angry voice all around them, angry, female, /terrifying/.

    "SOKKA OF THE SOUTHERN WATER TRIBE." the voice, vaguely familiar seems to echo all around them, consuming and filling the rooms.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka sighed, crossing his arms. "It's driving me crazy! How does it--" He froze in place and stood at attention, yelping. "Y-y-y-y-y-yes ma'am?" he squeaked. Oh snap was gran gran here? He was going to die. What did he do?

He had the look of a guy who grew up in a household with nothing but women and was TREATED accordingly. With abject fear of the matriarch.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Well, you're driving /me/ crazy right now!" Toph retorts, then yelps as the voice booms around them. Well, at least he's let go of her hair, so Toph takes the opportunity to put her hair back up into its usual bun, letting out a 'hmph'. Nobody messes with Pepper! Especially not nowadays when she has to deal with being heavily pregnant!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    There doesn't seem to be any response for a full minute, perhaps to keep the suspense hanging there between the two teens, and then, sweetly:
    "If I hear anything about hairpulling again, we're going to have to have a talk about proper behavior. Got it, kids? There's cookies in the kitchen. Have some before I eat them all due to Mr. Grumpypants kicking at things."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka let out a sigh of relief, then glanced to Toph. "Tattler. and I wasn't pulling your hair, I was trying to straighten that rat's nest. Hmph. I'm an amazing hair dresser, you know. I mean, just look at my awesome warrior's wolf tail." It makes him so fun and perky!

He did reach out and ruffle her head again. "But fiiiiiine. If you're going to be difficult about it." And then... maybe she'd put it together. The head ruffles. so many head ruffles. THE FIEND!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Upon hearing Pepper's voice Toph can't help herself and sticks her tongue out at Sokka. "Yeah, /behave/!" So there! Then she turns and hurries out of the bathroom before Sokka can grab her hair again. "Coming!" Seriously, cookies. Best lunch there is. And that means that Pepper might have gotten things under control on her end with organising help for those in need.

    "For your information Sokka, I don't need a fancy hairstyle! I just brush it, and then put it up so it doesn't get all over my face when I'm fighting. If you don't like looking at it, then just close you eyes!" It's easy. "Really? What's so awesome about it?" With that Toph does reach up to grab a bit at Sokka's hair, giving it a slight yank. Payback!

    Before reaching the kitchen though she does let go, and rather than heading straight for the cookies she walks over to Pepper, giving her a hug. "Doing better, mom...?" And then she prods at Pepper's belly. "And what about you, squid? Aren't you going to stop abusing her liver soon? You better arrive before Christmas!" So there.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka hmphs, following and crossing his arms. yeah, cookies were pretty awesome. Once he got down there he kind of coughs. "Errr, hello. Miss Potts," he said softly.

"Awww, but you're so much fun to look at," he said with a grin. "half the time you're kicking butt and it's awesome. Besides, you've got such pretty hair, I could do all kinds of things with it." And then the yank. "OW! Dang it, woman, no one pulls on a warrior's wolf tail! you have any idea how long it takes me each morning to get my hair right?" he called her woman!

He smiled to the older woman. "Yeah, christmas. I keep hearing about this thing. Seems like a weird festival. But hey, you get food, that's gotta be pretty nice."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper's voice interrupts: "I can't walk quickly but my hearing is perfectly honed for hearing my kid in distress."

    Pepper is in the kitchen, and she is very, very pregnant. Her own long hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and she's wearing just comfortable clothing -- black yoga pants, a gray maternity top, and comfortable socks.
    "Mrs. Stark, but it's fine, call me Pepper." Pepper introduces herself to Sokka, setting a platter of gingerbread men on the island of the kitchen, along with a carton of milk.
    "Christmas has kind of turned into 'winter festival of lights and giving'. Food's a nice touch, though." she jokes as she slowly eases down. "And yes, he's no longer aiming for the liver. He's hit the lungs."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I bet I'm quite a sight no matter what I'm doing or what I look like," Toph smirks. "And tough luck, it takes more than that to get to mess with my hair!" Did... he just call her a woman?

    Toph tries to keep on smirking instead of acting flustered, and hey, it's easier with Pepper there. Before she does take some cookies she does lean down and press her ear against Pepper's stomach, closing her eyes and listening. "His heart has certainly gotten louder these last two weeks..." It appears that Toph is content however, and she pulls back and picks up some cookies, stuffs one into her mouth and then pours herself and Sokka a glass of milk each. After munching the cookie she does look pensive. "So... what happens now? Are things settling out there after the multiverse puked up all over itself? Any news if they're remaking the Union...?" Perhaps Pepper has more details, certainly she and Tony have been talking.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded. "Yeah, you're certainly something else no matter what," he said with a snicker. He bowed politely to her. "Thanks for ummm... letting me stay here for the time being. I'll try to get out of under your hair as soon as I can. and, errr, sorry for... almost getting Toph killed. I... should have been smarter." He then grinned. "Hey, it's good. A liver shot mgiht hurt, but punching someone in the lungs is a good way to drop them quick!"

He glanced down to Toph and watched her. The smile wavered slightly. Toph did seem pretty happy here. she was with those she cared about. Maybe it was time he headed out? Got out of her hair? She really didn't need someone like him intruding on her life... he gave a soft sigh, about to say something, when Toph said that. He blinked and went quiet. Right, the union. He barely even knew the group when they exploded. He wasn't even likely done with the paperwork yet!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "You're welcome, Sokka. I could hardly turn away someone in need of a place to get warm. What kind of person would I be?" Pepper states. And she narrows her eyes a minute at Sokka. And then licks her thumb, leans over, and wipes away what might have been dirt from his cheek with the power of MOM SPIT.

    And then she pauses, no use trying to dodge it.

    "Things... don't look good at the moment. I'm decently sure that the fights of the Union and the Confederacy aren't going to pick back up." she states gently. She draws up a moment, holding her side as she gives a wince.

    "And I'm not completely sure what's going to happen. Stark Industries is doing all it can to provide support where we can. I've been remotely monitoring the new neighbors for signs of... well. Anything." she breathes out, winces, and shakes her head.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
It's a good thing Tony took the suit to work today. Considering that 'work' has expanded from meetings at SI headquarters and on to supervising the engineering and logistics of converting the StarkNet communication satellites to handle the exponential influx of new users, it only makes sense that his car wouldn't be sufficient for transport to the front lines.

Why is it a good thing? Because Pepper is pregnant, and there is no predicting her cravings. This is how he finds himself stopping at a diner in New York City for two jars of the best pickles he knows of in the world. Tucking those into pouches within an insulated carry case he designed specifically for such eclectic food runs. And then off to Cincinnati for another pile of carryout boxes from a local favorite. And finally... Iron Man walks into the Santa Monica Costco, causing quite a lot of talking and staring as he clanks through the food aisles and selects an economy sized canister of Blue Diamond sriracha almonds. He pays in cash, and lets the cashiers cluster around him for a group photo.

From there, it's just a short hop by powered armor to home, though at reasonable speeds so as not to jostle his cargo.

Tony touches down on the patio by the pool, a semi graceful landing due to the unwieldy food case strapped to his back. "Delivery as ordered!" his voice booms out through the helmet speaker before he steps out of the armor and relieves it of its backpack. A soft grunt emits from his throat as he realizes just how heavy the cargo is /without/ the assistance of the suit to carry it, but with manly determination he manages to lug it to the sliding glass door and into the kitchen.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It was only natural to bring Sokka here after they were exposed to hypothermia and needed monitoring, right? Luckily it wasn't so serious that they needed to go into Njorun, especially considering it was destroyed that same evening. And now with the warp gates unstable it was better that he stayed here while he recovered. But he certainly was doing better today than yesterday. Still... it's nice to have him here for now, at least.

    A slight smirk crosses Toph's lips as Pepper enters mom mode, wiping Sokka's cheek clean. Heh.

    Though it sobers up when Pepper answers her question. Well, it's pretty hard to imagine that the fights will pick up if the Union and the Confederacy are no more... Idly Toph reaches out to rub at Pepper's side. Easy now, Bitchin' Camaro!

    "It... just feels so weird." The Union meant a lot to Toph, after all. It was where she met most of her friends, not to mention how she found this family she's now a part of.

    There's little time to think about that though when her ears pick up a sound before the others can even hear it, and she turns her head. "He's coming in!" And that's when Mark 42 touches down on the patio, and Toph turns out to meet him. If he needs it he can unload some of the cargo on her, if not she'll follow him back to the kitchen.

    "Are things settling down out there, or...?" It should be easy for him to see that Toph has /not/ been resting in bed today, judging by the sand and dirt on her clothes.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka froze then. He stared up at her. His mouth fell open and... he quickly looked away from her. "Yeah, these cookies are... great, aren't they?" ... He totally wasn't crying. Having her go all mom on him did not trigger anything. Nope. Totally not. Just wiping his eyes because dust got in them. That's all. NOTHING to see here.

"Really, ending the fights? That's good, though. Err and there's... cross dimension talk, right? That has to mean something. Things are... kind of working out. Then. I mean--" He blinked and stared. Then pointed. "AHHH! AHHHHHH!" foamy mouth guy moment. both hands gesturing! This time he wasn't dying! He got to stare in full, unadulturated awe! "GAHHHHH!"

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Pepper is content to not let Sokka on that she knows he's crying. She gives a bit of a sad smile at that, taking a guess of what could have set it off 00 and as she explains, her face changes to pained, until she thinks of what the end of the fighting would mean.

    And then there's foaming mouths? Curious.

     "oh! Hello, Dear." Potts gives a smile when Tony walks in, and goes to stand. And then stops her attempt to stand, and eases back down. "Oof. Kid. You are cramping my style." she accuses towards her stomach, but gives an embarrassed smile to Tony all the same.
    "I just took some gingerbread cookies out of the oven."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony pauses just inside the door of his kitchen, sets down the bag of food-goodies, and Toph is free to start unloading it as he just regards Sokka with dry bemusement. "...You know I already saved your life the other night," he points out. "This is just dinner."

Leaving the presentation of the food for Toph to handle, he smiles, with that unusual softness reserved for Pepper alone, and crosses over to plant a kiss on her forehead, one hand sliding down to cradle the squirming bump in her midsection. "Shh, settle down kid, you're gonna give your mom a hernia," he remarks gently; then leans in to kiss Pepper again, more properly this time.

And really, only from that distance can she truly see the exhausted circles under his eyes; the vague disheveledness about him from the hours he's been pulling these last few days.

"Skyline chili spaghetti," he recites, tantalizing as if he's the maitre d' at a five star restauraunt. "With EXTRA cheese. Zesty garlic, and horseradish pickles, and one giant can of sriracha almonds, because I guess I'm just /nuts/ for you." Oogie, gross. There's also a bag of caramels at the bottom of the backpack, just in case.

He flops down at the table with a war-weary sigh. "Toph. Food me," he commands.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Wait, is... is Sokka /crying/? Toph arches an eyebrow as she listens to Sokka's voice, breathing and heartbeat. Is he all right?

    Of course those worries are washed away when his mood does a 180 when Tony arrives in his Iron Many glory. "Sheesh, I told you not to fan his ego further," she chides and reaches out to punch Sokka in the side. Contain yourself! Even she didn't act this way when she first met Tony over three years ago! But she does help Tony with the food, considering he has been busy the last 48 hours. She does offer a joke though. "I told you Sokka really loves food, didn't I...?"

    Heck, she's even going to ignore the fact that Tony and Pepper are /oogie/ right now, considering they have been working their butts off. Instead she works on sorting the food, able to tell what's what. "Sokka, come and help me so we can all eat! Plates are in the cupboard over there!" She will focus on getting forks and knives, as well as getting cold drinks from the fridge.

    Though she does offer an amused grin as Tony gives her an order. "You're no longer my supervising officer, remember?" she teases, though she does grab a plate from Sokka and prepares a plate of food for him, setting it down in front of him. He's still her dad, after all. And behold, he even gets Gatorade to go with it.

    The next plate goes out to Pepper. "Maybe Bitchin' Camaro is just hungry. You two... have been working your butts off," she comments, her voice serious.

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    Potts gives a quiet 'mmm' sound as Tony touches her, and she leans into him lightly. Her eyes close, and even with the pregnancy glow she looks exhausted. She's bene coordinating, monitoring situations, dispatching Stark Industries groups and goodness knows what else along with terrifying Sokka and monitoring the conditions at home.

    "You're the best." she whispers to Tony, and gives him a smooch on the cheek (OOOGIE!), and shifts her weight as she nomfs on some of those almonds first. Mmm. Spicy garlic.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinked, then burst into laughter. "Ha! Nuts about you, that's a good one!" he said. Oh gosh, not the puns. "I'll need to remember that one." And then they get oogie. "Ughhhh," he mumbles, looking away and blushing. He grabbed some plates and such, placing them on the table and then froze. He looked between the three of them and... "You know, errr, maybe it'd be best if I go and eat out. I mean, you know, you guys have been having a busy day and all and you don't really need me intruding on this, err, kinda thing. Eh heh..."

What? He'd seen the way Toph was around them! He didn't want to end up messing this up for her, causing her any problems!

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Nonsense." Pepper interrupts, and the motions at Sokka. "You're a friend of Toph's. The Warpgates are messed up, you are going /nowhere/, Mister, until you have medical clearance to be out of my monitoring. So sit down, eat and rest." Pepper states in that I-am-not-allowing-arguments-ever Mom voice.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I know," Tony grins impishly back at Pepper. He IS the best. Then he leans forward to dig into his plate of chili spaghetti. Exhausted he may be, but also ravenous. Even enough to eat the pickles with it too. Maybe.

"Dig in, Sokka," he commands, pointing at him and then at an empty seat, imperiously. "I brought enough for everyone."

Then, aside to Pepper, softly, "Be careful not to overdo it. You and the Squid are more important than the network."

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "I am not over doing it, I'm taking things very carefully and seriously." Potts states as she stretches one arm. "And Bitchin' Camero isn't going to be cooperative no matter what I do. Pretty sure he's as cramped in there as I am out here."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "What?" Toph turns her face towards Sokka, looking confused. Why is he talking about leaving? They just got food. "But..." Luckily Pepper lays down the law, and at that Toph can't help but grin as she leans a bit over to half whisper. "Don't argue with her. Believe me, I've /tried/." And not many people can win an argument against Toph Beifong, something Sokka should know. Especially after the times Toph and Katara butted heads.

    "See? Told you they didn't mind having you around!" It's... kind of nice, having her parents treat her friends nice. It does help in this chaotic situation. At least Tony and Pepper don't have to tell Toph to eat, as she does so eagerly, filling her mouth and eating down the spicy food. And of course she talks with her mouth full. "You should tahk it easy and rest now if shtuff has calmed down!" She takes a break to swallow the food in her mouth, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Is there anything I can do to help? I mean, I fed Cuddles and Nugget, I can clean a bit or..." It's so weird to not have anything to do! Even if Sokka is here.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka sighs and sits down, glancing to Toph. Well... as long as she didn't seem to mind. Though she'd probably notice he was starting to get nervous. anxious, even. Worried. Possibly about upsetting her? Or her new parents? Either one, really. she was his friend. And if he ruined this for her, if he messed this up for her... he couldn't forgive himself.

His eyes kept glancing towards her. She seemed so much... happier here. Around them. He remembered her eating with her family last time. So calm and demure. Here she looked like she might start throwing the food around. He gave a little snort at that. It was a much calmer place, that way. Happier. And she was happier. "It's a nice place you've got here. I can see why Toph always had such good things to say about it. Also think I'm beginning to understand why she always seemed to be listening to something when those stuffy diplomats were talking back home," he said with a smirk. "And here I thought she'd just been falling asleep." He nudged at the plate, before taking a bite and... his eyes sparkled. "What... what is this?" It wasn't a salad, that much was true! He then chuckled.

"Yeah, kids can do that. Dad used to always say when my mom was pregnant, I'd keep trying to kick people in the face," he said proudly. He nodded. "and yeah, if there's anything you need, just say the word. I uhhh... I'm not sure what I can do that'd really help, but I'll do my best." Couldn't help feeling a little out classed here. All three could kick his butt.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
The car was a rental, of course. Stadler had considered a big entrance for the recruitment. Parachuting in from a C-5, for instance, or a small team of soldiers doing a combat drop onto the grounds. Hell, even the standard 3 car black motorcade would have been something to stare at. But... for the moment, at least, the Multiverse had decided it didn't like the notion of 'big'. What would have been Multiversal allies conducting operations one week ago could be called an escalation to war today; no one knew who stood where, and it was driving Rick up the wall most of the day.

Not today, though. Today, at least, he just had a singlular mission. Something simple to focus on, as he stepped out of the clean late model sedan, shutting the door, the cold night air of a California winter biting slightly through the immaculate Class As. He waited by the apssenger side door for Lloyd to get out (he made precisely one quip about now outranking the man, and that was it), before looking over to him. "I'm afraid I don't have something of a strategy here. If that Sonic Boom we heard going up the PCH was what I think it was, the whole family's probably in there, having dinner. And Tony is not an easy sell." He says, making his way up the walk towards the front door. "Thoughts?"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd had rolled his shoulders at Rick's quip. If he had been honest, being an officer had weighed on him. Now, to just be a member of something rather than someone who was always being looked to... it was nice. He smirked nonetheless, dressed as he was in the one suit that hadn't been hanging in his office, a deep red shirt under a black suit with a black tie. He had tried to slick his hair back, but that had been disastrous, so he instead opted for waving it to one side. He was unarmed, not expecting much of a fight here, even if their goal was in vain.

    He pops the door open and stretches out, shutting the car behind him and shrugging again. "We're just here to make our appeal. They're their own people, and a family to boot. Whatever they decide, we respect. Still, interrupting dinner..." He smirks. "Actually, that seems fine. At least everyone will be in one spot." He falls into step behind Stadler, eyes focused on the door.

    "Let's just say our piece and make our case. Straighforward and honest. Just the way we'll be operating from here on."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Guests, sir," Jarvis alerts Tony discreetly as the car pulls up the drive. "Mr. Stadler, and Mr. Irving. Per standing directives regarding Union officers I have allowed them past the gate."

Tony shoves a dollop of chili from his lip into his mouth with a thumb, and looks up with idle curiosity. "They could've used the radio," he remarks, then pushes himself up out of his chair. "I'll handle it. You guys eat." He smooths a hand over Pepper's hair and reaches past her to snag one of the horseradish pickles from its jar. Crunching it loudly, he crosses the living room, rolling his neck and shoulders to work the kinks out so maybe he'll look slightly less like he's slept 6 hours in the last 48.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There is no comparing the mood in this kitchen to what Sokka encountered at the Beifong estate those four years ago when he, Katara and Aang sought Toph out. There's no tension here, and Toph seems completely at ease around Tony and Pepper, grinning with sincerity. So when Sokka comments on it, she gives a 'duuuuh' look. "If it wasn't nice I wouldn't have begun crashing here after the lessons he forced me to have," she says and gestures towards Tony with her fork. As for those boring meetings back in her world? "Well, it's funnier listening to Union people chatter at times than to those stuck up snobs." That he has to agree on!

    As they're eating however, Toph pauses and raises her head. "There's a car coming down the road," she informs. Even if Jarvis will notice it soon anyway. "Two of them... you expecting anybody?" she asks of Tony and Pepper.

    Though when Jarvis says who it is, Toph relaxes a bit. Oh, former Union officers. No need to worry then. She nods when Tony says he'll go talk with them. It makes sense, considering he used to work with them before. "Let's finish eating before it get cold," she says to Sokka. "And then we can grab some more cookies after that!"

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nods. "Yeah. happy you found this place. Gonna be completely honest." Leaned in and in a mock whisper. "Your new dad is wayyyy cooler than your old dad." He smirked.

"Union officers? Oh dear. I bet they're here to let me know my paperwork got lost in the problems," he said with a light chuckle, slowly eating the food. Yeah, he was definitely nervous. Probably a lot more nervous than she'd ever seen him while eating. Well, if she'd ever seen him.

"More cookies are always good." He did glance down at the food and took another bite. Eating slower, too. Not stuffing his face. Thought back to when she mentioned he couldn't really... be classy. Sure, she was right. But now he wondered if that would bite him around her new family, too. He gave a soft sigh. Being the freeloader friend suuuuuuuucked.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler gave a somewhat exasperated sigh. Unlike Lloyd, he did have a pistol tucked into the small of his back... but he always had that. War or no war, he always expected to walk into a room and see some ravenous undead eating the occupants. At least that provided /some/ sense of normalcy. Unlike the term, 'Former Union Officer'. "All together sounds good. But in situations like this, it's always better to ask for forgiveness, than beg permission. And we will be doing the latter, with her family... Lord knows I can understand." He says, somewhat quieter. Well, one family's reckoning at a time. "Honesty is the best policy... if they all want to see the truth of it." He says, knocking on the door in front of them. When Tony opens it up, Stadler gives him a once over.

Maybe he could have fooled a reporter or a fan. But Stadler knew insomnia, and called it as he saw it. "Stark. You look like shit." He says, extending his hand to the /other/ former Union officer. "I'm sorry for the unexpected visit. Did we interrupt dinner?"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd rolls his eyes, Stadler's straightforwardness both a blessing and a curse. "Jeez, Stadler," he says, shaking his head, "Not making the best first step. Hey Tony, would it be possible for us to come in?" Tony, at least, might recognize the suit he's wearing. It's one from the designer Tony had recommended him years ago. "We would like to talk to you about our organization, the one we joined after the Union fell. I'm not sure what your official stance is on things, but I know that we need to rebuild a strong core of officers."

    Lloyd sniffs the air, catching a whiff of the food. "That smells... amazing. What is that?"

Pepper Potts (204) has posed:
    "Tony, who is it at the--" comes a voice, and POtts had gotten up and waddled to the door, peering aroudn the corner in that gray maternity top and black yoga pants. Her face lights up.

    "Richard! Lloyd! How are you?" she questions all friendly-like, reaching out for a handshake to the two gentlemen. SHe looks almost as tired as Tony does.

    "How's your daughter doing, Richard?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When Sokka leans in and offers that comment Toph smirks. "Keep that up and you're gonna make his ego explode all over... or more likely make him even more impossible to live with," she warns him.

    Why are the Union officers here anyway? "Heh, I doubt they are concerned with paperwork right now. Most of it got probably lost when Njorun disappeared anyway," she points out with a snort. Unlike him she eats her food eagerly.

    Though a snicker does leave her when her sensitive ears catch Stadler's words as he calls Tony on how tired he looks. Heh.

    Heh, sounds like the adults are already talking, though Toph focuses on Sokka for now since they are alone again. "Maybe we could stop by the mall tomorrow, and we can pick up some pizza... and if you liked watching Disney movies, there's this thing called a movie theater. They show movies on big screens there. And later we can get some groceries so dad and mom don't have to." Then she pauses, prodding at her food with her fork as she shrugs. "I mean, if you feel okay enough to go out."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, grinning as he glanced to her. Parents distracted and... "Movie theater? That sounds pretty fun. Of course!" he pounded his chest, then hacked and nearly choked, having to chug his water with tears in his eyes. "Hack, cough cough. Ugh. Huh? Oh! Yeah. If you're strong enough to go out, then of course I am. I mean, gran gran has been trying to drown me since I was five," he said with a light chuckle. "the only difference is, this time it was self inflicted." He took another bite. "So, what's pizza?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony shakes the proffered hand, transferring the pickle to his left hand so he can take another bite of it. "Yeah, you did," he replies matter-of-factly. "But thank you, it's nice to know you appreciate my efforts at maintaining communication across the multiverse," he remarks somewhat sardonically as he releases Rick's hand and reaches up to rub his eyes. Then he steps back and invites the both of them in with a wave of his... pickle.

"Sure, come on in. Skyline chili and pickles," he explains, with a little shrug as if to say 'pregnant women, right?' (Pepper may or may not elbow him at this juncture.) "What's this about a new organization? I kind of figured we'd be rebuilding the infrastructure of the old one."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard can't help but give a smile to Pepper as she waddles over to the door. Well, at least some things continued to move forward, despite the rest of the multiverse coming to a screeching halt. He extends his hand to Pepper, and shakes it twice, strongly. "Ms. Potts. You're looking well; I hope that baby isn't giving you too much trouble, yet." His smile fades a bit as his daughter is mentioned. "She's... safe, that much I know. Helping and protecting, though I haven't seen her since all this happened. We've all had too much to do. It's... I wouldn't say it's been easy, but."

Back to his smile as Tony invites them inside. "I actually haven't joined StarkNet just yet, Tony. Most of my news has been local or eeked out through what networks we've been able to establish. Whole thing's a much more franctic and tigher affair than I'm used to. God, I expected the war ending would be all vacations and big headlines, not worry, worry, worry."

He does move in to grab a little of the food there, if allowed. And Toph may be mistaken. Stadler is /always/ concerned with paperwork. "We've gotten somewhat on our feet, though. Things our colascing, and it looks like someone's trying to start something. You were an officer, Tony, and I'd... ask you back here. But... the... character of it has changed. We're not soldiers, any more. And...

He pauses, eyes moving over to the two kids in the kitchen; esspecially the blind one. "You're not quite who we're here to see."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Mrs. Stark," Tony coughs loudly behind his hand when Rick addresses Pepper as 'Ms. Potts.'

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony then arches an eyebrow, as Rick indicates he's here for the kids instead of himself. "Toph?" he asks. Because he can't imagine Rick and Lloyd coming all this way to see Sokka. I mean... it's Sokka.

He does nod to indicate it's fine to help themselves to the food -- there are sriracha almonds too, and gingerbread cookies if you dare steal them from Pepper -- but his brow remains furrowed. "So you're starting your own group," he says, more statement than question. Honestly he's a little offended they aren't here to see /him/, but then again, he knows that Rick never really approved of him being a Union officer either. His eyes turn to Lloyd instead, mouthing a simple, 'What?' for more information.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smiles over at Pepper, offering a small nod. "How's it going, Pepper? Getting close to the day?" He turns his attention toward the table, noting Toph and Sokka sitting there and making his way over. "It's true," he says in turn, "While having you join us would be a fantastic thing, I know that your life is changing with a baby on the way. So the offer is extended to you, Tony and Pepper as well, but we understand if you decline."

    He ignores the food for a moment, sinking into a squat near Boomerang Guy and Toph. "Honestly, we were kind of hoping Toph would be interested in joining with us. She's young, and she's strong. She would make a fine addition to our group, if she chooses to be. She did fine work with the Union, and we need that sort of thing now with the Paladins." He glances over at Sokka, smirking a bit. "And maybe your boyfriend could come along too. Sokka, right?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "You can describe what's happening on the screen to me if you want, I don't always know what's going on in the movie," Toph suggests, stuffing her mouth full of food. Though when he begins choking Toph leans forward, helping him by /slamming/ her open palm against his back. "Hey, take it easy with that spicy food!" And then he goes talking about drowning, making her laugh a bit nervously. "I guess you guys have to get used to all that water, huh..."

    What is pizza? Toph grins widely at that. "I'll let it be a surprise for you. But trust me, you'll love it. It's one of the greatest foods ever. And yes, it has meat on it. The good ones, anyway."

    In the guests arrive, and Toph has already gotten a second helping of food. So she raises her hand to wave to both Richard and Lloyd as they enter the kitchen, they'll be given a vocal greeting obscured by food as well. "HMMH." Hi guys. Glad you're safe. And here to talk about Union stuff.

    It's a bit curious though how they state they're not here to see Tony. Huh? The blind teenager turns her head slightly, a long strand of spaghetti hanging from her mouth before she sluuuurps it up, leaving a trail of sauce on her chin.

    Once she's swallowed the food however she sits there, looking a bit confused. "What...?" Though she does lean forward a bit, as if to put herself between Lloyd and Sokka. They /aren't/ upset about the missing paperwork, are they? Because if they are, then they will have to go through her first.

    "Wait... you want /me/ to join your group?" she asks. And not Tony? True, he will probably be busy with Bitchin' Camaro soon along with Pepper, but... "The... Paladins?" What kinda corny name is that? Sure, she heard of something called the League, but... these groups are forming quickly, aren't they?

    When Lloyd talks to Sokka however, Toph tenses up where she's sitting. Her mouth drops, more sauce dribbles down her chin... and her cheeks instantly turn a deep red. Not because the food is spicy, however. It only takes a second and a faint movement of Toph's hand, and then Toph's dining plate, made of metal, goes flying through the air... straight at Lloyd's face. The blind metalbender sits as frozen, a look of horror on her face as she holds her breath.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded. "Oh? That'll be fun. You're a good listener usually, toph." He lied. "And more surprise food? I look forward to it."

He then glanced over, staring at the guy. "Ah man. Maybe they are mad about the paperwork. Mmmm?" And then... That. "WHAT?! NO! No no no! No. I'm just Toph's friend. No. She's like a little sister to me," he said with a shudder. Poor toph. "Besides, Toph's wayyyyyy too cool for someone like me. I've got to make sure she ends up with someone a lot better," he said with a snort. At least that was the truth! "To be honest, I'm pretty sure there's a young earth bender she has her eye on."

He gave a light chuckle. He had no. Freaking. Clue. And poor, poor, poor Toph. However, before he could make too big a deal about it, metal pan to the face! He cringed. She reacted worse than him. "Yeah, see? That's what happens when you say such horrible things about her," he said with a laugh. "Though Toph, I don't think you need to react THAT violently about it. I mean, I'm not THAT bad a boyfriend," he said with a chuckle. Oh gosh he was just going to make it worse.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:

    Of all the reactions to expect, a faceful of chili spaghetti on a metal plate was not among them. The plate plasters to Lloyd's face for a long moment, before gravity finally seems to get in gear and it slides down, hitting the ground with a rattle. Lloyd's eyes are closed, giving him the appearance of a spaghetti-faced monster for a moment before his hand rests on his forehead with a squish. "What'd I say?" he says thickly, chili flying as he speaks. "W..." He opens his eyes wide, as though in comprehension, before chili falls into his eyes.

    THAT gets his attention. "OH GOD MY EYYYYYES!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony blinks in surprise -- all he has time for, really -- when Toph's plate suddenly launches itself across the table at Lloyd. "Methinks the lady doth protest," he murmurs to Pepper. Then, louder, as if Lloyd didn't just get splatted by spaghetti and chili, "So what's the deal with these 'Paladins' then? How's it different?"

Lloyd is lucky Dummy isn't in the kitchen because this would be a prime moment for a fire extinguisher dousing. Instead though, Tony just grabs a dish towel and tosses it to him.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard quickly shakes his head to Stark. "We're not. You know if I was doing it, I'd be low on funds, hiring anyone who can make reliable head shots through the lens of an M50 mask. I'll probably end up doing that anyway... but it's not my primary focus. We're organized and funded from a group of nation-states. Not nearly as large as the Union, and we're feeling it... but we don't nearly have the same sort of bagguge." He first looks at Lloyd in a bit of annoyance... primarily for offering a spot to Sokka. Damned kid didn't have much of a maturity in him... well, maybe he wasn't that bad. They were here for Toph, after all.

But it didn't take a genius to see the way Toph's cheeks heated when Lloyd said that. And after that, things just went in a direction where one could not direct. Only dodge. The fancy expensive suit was covered in chili, and his second was screaming about his eyes in a /frankly undignified/ way. Like he didn't even /try/ to build up an immunity to capsacin sprays. And then that idiot of a boy digging him into a deeper hole.

And Rick /sighs/. "Well, this went Charlie Foxtrot in record time." Glasses pressed up as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "To answer your question, we're enforcement. Uphold the law for the people, by the people. A bit idealistic, I know, but...

He looks to Tony, then Toph, then the rest. "The war's over, folks. Do you know what that means?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Pardon her, she's still trying to get her brain to work. All of her blood has gone to her face, you see.

    The blind teenager tries to remember how to breathe again, even as she hears Sokka talk behind her. She's aware of Lloyd spluttering and whining about his eyes for some reason... Her hand is still extended, though she does eventually lower it once she realises that Sokka is still as dense as ever. This... is not good for her nerves. Though yes, Tony asked the question she was about to. So she clears her voice, trying to sound calm and collected despite the fact she's still blushing like mad. "Y-yeah... what /are/ the Paladins?"

    Sure, they worked well together in the Union, so why not remake it? What's so different about this one that Stadler is here to talk with /her/ rather than Tony? Tony was an officer, so...

    There haven't been too many times when she and Stadler have talked, really. For the most part she's talked more with his daughter... But she sits still, listens... And then he gives his answer. They're law enforcement. And Toph Beifong blinks twice where she sits, her expression deadpan. "You... want me to be a cop?" she asks carefully, her hand shaking slightly. A few seconds pass, and Toph's mouth twitches a bit, her cheeks still faintly red...

    The next moment she lets out a roaring laugh, and she has to steady herself on the table, her other hand moving to her stomach as she leans forward, caught in fits of laughter.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinked a few times and then glanced to the guy. Then to Toph. Then back. He snickered a little. "You want Toph to uphold the laws? I mean, she's always had a talent for... bending them, but I don't think I've ever heard her uphold them." Technically they probably committed the highest degrees of crimes in EVERY kingdom they went to! Water tribes, defnitely. Fire nation? Oh gosh yes. Earth kingdom? They RAIDED the castle! Like, really, there was no laws they HADN'T broken.

He did lean back. "Though, I can understand the reason you'd want her. She's pretty much the toughest bender around. Though she has a tiny bit of a temper on her." How in the world could he not figure it out? It had to be obvious to everyone else.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I think it's going a bit far to say that the war's /over/," Tony frowns. "The official battle lines, maybe. But the /people/ are all still out there, good and bad." His frown deepens, though, at the mention of law enforcement. "I built Iron Man to protect people, and I'll keep doing that, but I'm not sure I like the sound of government funding. The Union held everyone accountable to its own rules. What happens when these founding nation-states disagree on what the rules are?"

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd wipes his face, his eyes still stinging as he sets the towel aside. He shakes his head, looking down at his stained suit. He guesses he must have touched THE nerve. He'd have to watch that one for future reference. "It's not just her bending we're interested in," he says, "While it is impressive, it's her heart that I'm more interested in. She wants to do right, that much is clear. And yes, she has her rough spots. But all of us did. Even Stick in the Mud Stadler over here." See, he was just waiting to get in his counterquip. "We have training in place to help smooth out the rough spots, and I think you would make an impeccable cop, Toph. You've done a lot of good, but the decision is yours."

    He casts his eye toward Sokka, smirking. "As for you, Sokka, you remind me of... well, me. And if I can become a commander of a superfaction military, I'd like to see your full potential realized. But, again, your call." He glances back over at Stadler, smirking. "Stadler can vouch for me. Right, Boss?"

    He turns his attention to Tony next, nodding. "Do what you feel is right, Tony. It's not for everyone. And I want to stress that, by the way. I hold no ill will if you refuse. We just wanted to extend the offer. Stadler's idea, at least for Toph. Sokka was kind of an impulse offer on my part, but I feel like it's a right choice."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Well, manical laughter isn't the /best/ indication of success, but Stadler had dealt with more intractable recruits. Either she wanted to join, beneath those defenses, or she didn't. It was about figuring that out. So, one thing at a time. "Something funny, Beifong?" He says, a slightly false smile on his face. "Is it us? Or the thought of you doing what we do? Or maybe you think I simply came in here unprepared." He says, his voice making that sound, rightfully, like a very senseless thought. He motions to Lloyd. "We're not here to recruit you for your powers. I think they'll be an assest to you, but what Irrving says is correct. Underneath those rough spots, those edges, I think, is a cop that's looking to come out. Someone who wants to do good. Who wants to /build/ something here. Your..."

He pauses, looking at Sokka. "...friend would be welcome, if he thinks he can get through training, too. Lord knows we've taken worse, like the General over here." He says, saying the title in a dead pan that in itself makes it a joke. "But, that's what we're here for. Building.

And back to Tony. "Of course, those old enemies are there, those old animosities. But One side of the world fighting the other is done. I can't say much, but the Confederacy is in no state to conduct operations again. The war is /over/. And that means we finally can stop manning the walls around civilization and shape it itself. To help people, to see the world righted of wrongs. It's not going to be perfect, Tony. Nothing ever is. But after trying to destroy the other side for so long, isn't it about time we built something?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Sokka of all people should know just how much regard Toph has had for the law during their travels. Oh, the scams they pulled! Then again, they had a noble goal in mind; saving their world by helping the Avatar. Breaking the rules is how Toph expressed herself when she was bound by her birth parents.

    That makes it extra hilarious when Stadler and Lloyd suggest that she become a law enforcer. Her. The very bane of such institutions!

    Why yes, she's still laughing, even though her laughter isn't quite as intense. It's a good thing Tony is talking, because right now she's pretty much unable to. Though eventually she's merely snickering, shoulders shaking. "You," she repeats, pointing at Stadler then at Lloyd, "want /me/," she points to herself, "to be a /cop/? How much cactus juice have you been drinking before you came here?"

    When she joined the Union Tony did help train her, to help her decorum and what not. Except he's not too focused on that, now is he? He's a father figure to her, not an authority figure. And then Lloyd suggests Sokka of all people to join as well? "Pffft," she sniggers, elbowing Sokka. "You can become Captain Boomerang for real now!" Man, this is /hilarious/!

    Stadler's comments are a bit surprising though. He usually calls her by her first name, so when he refers to her by her family name, the blind girl arches an eyebrow. "You... are serious..." It's half a question, half a statement. "What makes you think /I/ wanna be a cop? Or that I'd be a good cop anyway?" she inquires. What does he mean, he came here unprepared? What does he mean by that? But he did manage to do something... because Toph looks serious, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka snickered softly, nodding. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure there would be warrants out for our arrest if not for the whole saving the world, thing," he said with a snicker. He then blinked, looked the guy up and down.

"Remind me of you? I think you might have me confused. Heh. I'm just a guy with a boomerang and a fancy sword, nothing special." He waved a hand dismissively. but then that other guy said something and... he shrugged. "Meh, training spaining. If I survived a year being the group's bending bag, I think I can survive whatever training you people do," he said with a snort, before leaning back, arms folded behind his back. "If you can somehow convince Toph, I'm AGHHHH!" Leaned forward too far, chair fell backwards, spilling him on the ground and kicking his plate up into the air... right at poor Richard.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smirks. "Oh, you think so?" he says, turning his attention to Sokka. Stadler seems to be getting somewhere with Toph, so maybe he can make an impact on the boy. "You think you can handle training, how about you train with me? You have a sword and a boomerang? I have two swords. We'll see just how well you can stand." As Sokka falls back and knocks his plate at Stadler, Lloyd just smiles. "And yes, you remind me of a younger me. Before the weight of the world was on my shoulders. If you want, there's nothing in this world you can't do with a bit of training and discipline. I know, because I've been there."

    He moves to set Sokka's chair back up, smirking down at him. "What do you say? Wanna give it a shot? And..." He lowers his voice a bit. "What kind of fancy sword?" he adds with a gleam in his eyes.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony's lips thin, a little defensive, a little wary, even as he considers the question. "I..." he starts, then shifts his focus to Toph to buy himself some time to sort out his own thoughts. "Well, in at least one reality you were a police chief," he points out.

As for himself, though... "I'm already building something here. The radio network, yes, but..." he looks toward Pepper, then back. "Joining the Union was never about destroying the other side for me. It was about standing up for the little guys. And having a say in how we went about that. You know I've never been good at following the rules," he smiles drolly.

"I... think I'm going to stay right where I am for now. You need my help, you know how to reach me, but... I don't have much interest in policing the multiverse. I have other things to focus on." And he takes a step to put himself within arm's reach of Pepper, so he can slide a hand around her waist.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler is someone whose learned to have a lot of patience. And it's patience that has him stand and wait. Wait until that laughter settles down, for that question to settle in her mind, for the fact that they were /really/ here to offer it to sink in and be something she actively considered. "Of course I am, Bei Fong. Because I can see there's something lurking underneath that mirthful demeanor. You're driven. Studious. You don't take your skills and think they're good enough. You try to /teach/ them. That's not someone, I've found, who wants to coast through life."

He takes a step forward. "I think, somewhere in there, there's someone who might be like my daughter. Someone who wants to stand in front of the innocent, those that are at the vagaries of criminals and monsters, and be the aegis, the bulwark between them and others. If I have it wrong, if I have /you/ wrong, then I'll write off this trip, take some chili to go, and chat with Tony at the next beach party he pulls. But-

And then Sokka sends his plate flying, having it /smack/ aganist Richard's well-mantained uniform. And unlike Lloyd, Richard simply pauses, looks down. Then looks up. Right at Sokka. Silent for several seconds. "Son." He says, in that quiet voice that's worse than shouting. "I'd take Mr. Irving's advice at training. Because I think you need it. The only thing keeping me from pistol whipping you right now is my own folly for dressing up in an immpecable uniform to impress a blind girl, and the fact said blind girl would probably kick my ass before I could get the gun up. And I know I have that right."

He looks to Tony, and does actually nod. Just once. "I thought as much, Tony. I know, in that, you haven't changed. We had our disagreements, in the past, but you were never a /bad guy/. And I know you'll help this world where and when you can. If you change your mind, let me know. I will see what I can do. For now..."

Stadler reache's into his soiled inside pocket, managing to take some gravitas, even if he looked a mess. What he pulls out, in a leather case, was immaculate and shined, though. "This is mine." He says, flipping it open, and offering the badge to Toph. "But I think you'll want it to be yours."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"And the fact that your current /host/ wouldn't take to kindly to pistol whipping his other guests," Tony interjects. "If that's the kind of police force you're running I'm not sure I want Toph to be part of it, either."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    "He didn't mean it, Tony," Lloyd says, glaring at Stadler. "Are you trying to sabotage all this?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Well, there /were/ wanted posters of us, remember?" Toph points out to Sokka. Though when he sells himself short, she does frown a bit. "You're the idea guy, remember? Plus you're the schedule dude." That would be useful, right? "I dunno what kind of training they have, but you got through that master's training..." Heh, Sokka might actually be decent for law enforcement. More than her. But Stadler speaks, and there's something about his words that does stop Toph from interrupting him, even if she's giving him a curious look on her face. Sure, everybody knows that she stared her own metalbending academy. "I could just be doing it to boss people around, you know..." she points out. Still, he's not exactly lying... not even when he states how she wouldn't act if somebody were in need of protection. So he's got her figured out, so what?

    As Sokka leans too far back on his chair Toph instantly reacts, throwing her hand out, and parts of the floor shoots up in the form of two pillars that connect with his upper arms, stopping him from hitting his head. Even if it's probably thick enough to take it. Though she's unable to see him kicking the plate up in the air, so there's no stopping that.

    She does pay attention to what Tony is saying though. There are some people she does pay preference to when they talk, and her dad is one of them. What he says however does make the blind girl pause, her expression turning slightly blank. Oh, right. He told her about that. And she had laughed at that then. Still, she can't help but wonder. Is /that/ why Stadler is here now? It's clear she's thinking when Tony speaks his mind to Stadler regarding this whole Paladin thing. Lloyd is talking with Sokka, and he seems rather convinced that the watertribe youth would make a fine addition. Toph however seems like she's far away for a moment.

    Still, when Stadler reaches into his pocket and pulls out something that Toph looks a bit curious. Mostly because she can sense something there. She does look a tad curious however, her right hand extending to take the badge, feeling it between her fingers. There are letters in it, though as they aren't braille she can't tell what they spell out. For a few seconds she looks like her thoughts are a million miles away, yet as Tony speaks up again she raises her head a bit. Perhaps it's the fact that he stood up for Sokka that got her attention. "Dad..." She stops saying anything further, though she's still holding onto the badge as her expression hardens. An expression Toph often has in the field of duty. "You want me to protect people. And uphold the law. What law?" she inquires.

    Maybe the fact that she's no longer laughing is what Stadler was looking for.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinked, smiling up at the guy. "Two swords? Like Zuko? Yeah, I'll give it a shot." He looked the guy up. Helped him up with ease, had to be strong. He then drew the sword which... came with him everywhere. "Space sword! Made it myself from a fallen meteor. Can cut through... almost anything. Even steel. Saved my butt more times than I can count." He got to his feet and looked him up and down, chuckling. "Well, okay. Though, uhhh, I'm really nothing special. Eh heh. So don't get your hopes up. If you're thinking I'm anywhere near Toph's level I... I'm really not," he said with a sigh.

"But sure. On the beach?" He glanced to the guy he'd doused in food. Yeah. There was a good reason he was all good to run now. He'd quickly head for the exit. He paused and... "Hey, Toph? If you decide to join. I bet you'll be an amazing cop. just like you are everything else," he said with a smirk.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"If you DO want to give this a try, Toph, you know we'll support you," Tony puts in. Though he's going to have Things to say if he finds out about any pistol whipping. He smiles a little bit though. "You know, since I'm going to be busy changing diapers and the world, someone else can kick the asses for a change." A pause. "You're more than ready to fly solo. I hear you had a kickass supervising officer to prepare you."

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Sokka seems eager enough, and as he heads for the door, Lloyd follows. "Cut through anything, huh? Shame I don't have my Material Blades. I think they would be a good match for that sort of blade. Made from a meteor... that's impressive. And you say you made it? Sounds like you might be a good fit for the forge, too." He reaches into his inner pocket, pulling out a small yellow tie clip and smirking as he follows the excited youth outside. "I guess it's not in my nature to come completely unarmed. If you want a match now, I can certainly oblige."

    He holds the clip up and speaks. "Mitgefuhl Vormund, set up!" A mechanical voice intones <SET UP> at the command, and Lloyd is surrounded in a soft light. When he emerges, he stands in his Knight Armor, a large round shield resting on his arm with red mana tracing the edge like a blade. Across its black surface is the engraving of two swords crossing, while a yellow gem rests in the center. "I didn't think it would be appropriate to come in with my swords, but I can't just be unprepared. So."

    He smirks at Sokka, holding up his shield. "Let's hit the beach. Show me what you can do."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler turns to Tony, looking a bit exasperated. "Oh, come on, Tony. Have you ever known me to beat someone up becaused they messed up my uniform? If I did do that, though, yes. I'd be in violation of the law and my post. And Mr. Irving here would be obligated to report me, as his duty to the law is paramount." A small look to Lloyd. Would have been a larger one, but he was a soldier a few days ago, and the jokes are, legitmately, something he needs to watch. But he does keep his attention where it should be for the moment. Lloyd could deal with that friend of hers. Again, he might actually make a good Paladin... with some training.

"I suppose you could. Be running an Academy to teach your skills others just for the /power trip/ of education." He says, in another dead pan. And, of course, there was that protective impulse to bring up those pillars. Rick would just smile at that... before remembering that cue won't exactly work. "Interesting reaction. And a quick one, too. I'm not suprised." He says. Making no mention of the fact that she was a Police Chief. Toph had heard it (she had great ears), and she would be racing toward her own conclusion, easily enough. For the most part, he lets her think. Let's her process, as she finally starts taking it seriously. Actually considering it, from the looks of it, and asking a question that did not dismiss, but aggressively inquired.

"Commonwealth Law, and local ones. We have jurisdiction in the Commonwealth and Commonwealth client states, but are required to follow local law. We protect innocent life, conduct due process, and need warrants for arrest and search. We are not a spy organization or extrajudicial."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded and walked out with him. "Your friend is kind of weird. I'm not sure what kind of... weird thing pistol whipping is, but it sounds like some kind of weird... naughty thing. Was your friend hitting on me?"

Oh gosh if the others could hear it. He then glanced back and... his eyes went wide and he stared with awe. "That's. so. COOL!" he squealed like a twelve year old girl.

Then kind of ran down the beach and drew his blade, eying the other man. "I'm guessing you're one of those armed even when unarmed sorts, right? Yeah, my... ex was like that. Heh. She could kick my butt six ways to thursday," he said with a chuckle. He held his sword back, his left hand near the grip but not holding it. His stance was... a little awkward. Aikido based, most likely. But there wasn't much doubt to it. In fact, he looked relatively relaxed and natural when he got into position. As if he'd been in it a hundred times.

Then he struck. He surged forward with a surprising amount of speed, the kind of speed that a guy without bending learned to pick up, gripping his sword in both hands. He went for a sharp stab towards the chest, keeping his distance for now as he studdied his opponent. However, following the stab his left hand dipped behind his back and BOOMERANG!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    While Sokka gets up from his chair and leaves to go with Lloyd, Toph remains seated, still holding onto the badge that Stadler had placed in her hand. As Sokka departs with those words however, she is still, not turning her head. But both Stadler and Tony should be able to see the blush crossing her cheeks, not saying a word.

    Then there's Tony. Of course she knows her adoptive parents support her, wanting her only to think about what she does. Sure, she had a supervising officer. From when she was still considered a child. In a few months she'll be sixteen, and considered to be somewhat adult by some. Toph bites down slightly on her lower lip, quiet as she lowers her head a bit, her thumb running over the star on the badge.

    Commonwealth... to follow local law. To protect the people where they are? As Stadler explains the blind girl listens where she sits, not looking very much like a potential law enforcer with her dirty pants and oversized t-shirt with a rock band motif on it. Her hair is a mess, she's still got sauce on her chin. But she raises her head... and then slowly gives Stadler a nod. "If dad will be busy, I guess it's up to me then." She's... actually going to be a police officer.

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smirks as Toph's voice rings out on the radio. Secured. "Looks like Toph is in," he says, raising his shield as Sokka falls into his stance. It was certainly awkward, but he could tell Sokka had practiced it. It wasn't the right sort of awkward to be untrained. He smiles. "Well, alright then. That's new, but that's what they said about Irving Style, too. So show me the technique of Sokka Style."

    He braces himself in his own stance, sweeping low in his standard stance. It's strange, for sure, since it's used with two swords instead of a shield. As Sokka lunges in with the Space Sword, Lloyd's eyes seem to change. No longer is he as goofy and carefree as he was before, but instead a battle-hardened veteran. He strikes out with the shield to deflect the sword, spinning down to evade the follow up boomerang. As he does, his wings appear behind him, sparkling in the night. "You could say I'm never without a weapon. I have spells, I can fly, I have my Device. If I need backup, I have my Pokemon companions. You learn to be ready for anything." He reaches his empty hand INTO his shield, gripping something. With another flash, he draws a mana sword out of his shield, which shrinks to more managable size. "Like this! DEMON FANG!" His blade lashes along the ground, kicking up sand as a red burst of energy sails directly toward Sokka. He straightens back up...

    Only to take the boomerang to the back of his head on the return trip.

    "AUGH!" he cries, stumbling forward.

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Stadler knows when to talk, and knows, even without sight, silence speaks more loudly. So he's quiet, now, watching Toph run her hand around and over the badge, over the simple design and starburst. It wasn't meant to be flashy, of course. It really didn't need to be. And he could tell, of course, by that blush that it had gotten her attention. Stadler had to admit Lloyd was write on this. Tricks, cajoling, incentives... they worked sometimes. But in this case, the best thing to do was to offer, amd wait for what was inside Toph to speak out.

He holds out his hand, for a moment. I"ll need the badge back... for the moment. When you're sworn in, you'll get your own. Stand tall, between the wicked and the innocent, and you'll wear it weather you have it or not, Bei Fong. And it's Lure et Justitia. Law and Justice. In case you were wondering."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka spun around to the right, letting out a yipe as he kind of... had to stand on the edge of the blast, bending forward to narrowly avoid getting hit. It was an awkward style, but effect. The kind of style you develop as a guy who knows, if he gets hit, he's toast. "Heh heh. Used to fighting fire benders so I can't really say that's unexpected.

The boomerang flies back to his head. The most impressive thing was that the boomerang actually came BACK! He moved in, tossing the boomerang in again, slashing towards Lloyd's side. He'd probably be off by a mile, the sword jamming into the sand... Only to come up a moment later and send sand flying at Lloyd's face as the boomerang came back around from the back, to try and sweep out on of Lloyd's legs!

Who in the world taught this kid to fight? It was like fighting a drunk orrangatang with a saw!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As Stadler holds out his hand, Toph isn't slow to hand the badge back to him, though her fingers to linger on the metal for a few seconds before she pulls her hand back. "So... when and where do I go to join?"

    Stand tall... between the wicked and the innocent. Law and Justice.

    ... she'll get /paid/ to yell at bad guys. How awesome is /that/?

Lloyd Irving (373) has posed:
    Lloyd smirks. "Fair enough," he says, "but I'm just getting started." Lloyd doesn't even move as Sokka's strike goes wide, sword and shield glowing as he waits. The sword hits the sand, and as it comes back up, he understands. "No thanks, Sokka!" he says, leaping back from the sand attack. If he were paying attention, Sokka would notice a purple circle under Lloyd's feet, the air seeming to charge with power. As Boomerang comes back again, Lloyd leaps up, the rang catching his heel and sending him off balance. With his wings, however, he's able to steady and land on his good foot, his hit leg showing a bit of weakness. "Lightning!"

    True to his word, a bolt of lightning falls from on high toward Sokka, followed by Lloyd leaping in, striking three times toward his center mass with practiced sword swings.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinked a few times, eying the fingers. Okay, lightning, that was a bit worry--

And it hit him. He let out a scream, standing there, electrocuted. Then fell backwards, sword falling from his grip.

He uhhhh... he was down. Toasty. Electrified. Extra crispy.

Well, he was only one step above mundane. Maybe the training wasn't such a bad idea. "Just... just... gonna... lay here... a bit... don't... don't tell azula... where I am..."

Richard Stadler (300) has posed:
Richard Stadler takes the badge back, snapping it up, carefully placing it back into his jacket. "I would give you a night to sleep on it. I'm sure me and Lloyd can extend our stay in California for one more night. I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon. Pack light. Tell your friend, too. It's a bit of a long car ride." He says, before turning to Tony, and Pepper, nodding. "Thank you for your time... and your permission, Tony. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night to you all." He says, before walking for the door. He'd pick up Lloyd on the way. Hopefully he hadn't killed anyone.