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Latest revision as of 04:39, 17 December 2016

The ignorant leading the blind
Date of Scene: 15 December 2016
Location: Quilt Overflow
Synopsis: Sokka and Toph study together. Toph explains some math, Sokka gives her a gift, a few people get high blood sugar.
Cast of Characters: 1076, 20

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded as he pointed to the book. "Okay, see here? Well..." He'd then take her hand to gently guide it along the words. "Feel here..." Squeak. "Now, as you can see, the entire idea here is that it allows the people to decide if the law is safe or not." Worst of all? They could have studied at a desk. Instead, they were sitting on the bed, his arm over her, lamp shining on the book, him using his hand to guide her. Why? The bed was more comfortable and HE didn't see any problem with it. "But in most cases, the law is followed. It's only a few times, and a few cultures, where that kind of thing exists."

His fingers were locked with hers as he gently guided them down the page... "Makes sense, right?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Perhaps she could tell him that she was capable of moving her hand on her own, having learned how to read for three years now.

    And while she can't feel his hands that well through the metal, it still was enough to distract her when he was sitting behind her. "Yeah... law is kinda confusing," she agrees. That response makes sense, doesn't it? Either way, it's Sokka. Who knows what makes sense in that head of his?

    Maybe getting three books assigned to read wasn't so bad after all, though she still wonders how she's going to memorize them all by Friday at this pace... "I do wonder /why/ Amalthea said we need to read so much," she muses. "I mean... cops. Reading?"

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, still holding an arm around her shoulder. He didn't mindso much. "Yeah? Lots of laws and regulations you need to learn, it's just the way it is. That's the difference between doing things your way and doing things the way they want you to do them." He gave her a little squeeze. "After all, we'll have to follow all these laws."

He blinked. "Oh, actually, thinking about studying... Do you have any seaweed bras? And do you think your dad could get me a cow?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Upon being squeezed the metalbender's eyes widen slightly, and she manages to stop herself from making a sound. And she nods her head a bit as Sokka points out just what they are going to have to learn now that they're here for training. Training... under /Amalthea/. Somebody who seems to realise just how to make a poor blind girl's life miserable. But maybe she can get through this with Sokka's help...

    The sudden question from the watertribe youth sitting behind her does take her by complete surprise, her eyes wide. "What...?" A seaweed bra?! Is that even a thing? Okay, let's focus on something else. Like... "What do you need a cruddy cow for anyway...?" Ignore the slight colour to her cheeks please.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka glanced down at her, cocking an eye. "Something wrong? Oh, and Jarvis. so, I talked to him about the schools, been working through what ones I want to do. Though Jarvis said I'll need to do a few things first. Apparently I'll need to get an algae-bra and a cow-culus. I'm not sure what either of those are, but a sea weed bra would basically be the same thing, right? And is the culus on the cow like... removable? Or do we need to kill a full cow?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Really. As things get cleared up Toph seems less flustered where she sits, turning her face away from Sokka. "Just... read the books that Jarvis told you to read. There aren't any specific clothes or animals that you need to do math," she explains, trying to keep a deadpan face. "Though you can kill a cow if you want a burger or something, I guess. Just don't drag it with you to class..."

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded, blinking. "Okay. so like... it's not going to be anoter kiyoshi warrior thing, is it? Because wearing a dress was supposed to be a one time thing. I mean, sure, it was a noble, warrior's dress. But I don't want to make a habit of wearing lady's garments. I'll leave that for you, you look way better in them," he joked.

He then took her hand and started guiding it along the paper. "Now, that's jury nullification. Now, some places have things where the law actually expires. So if someone does something and doesn't get caught for a long time, they get off scott free."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "No, no wearing dresses or something to do math," Toph assures him, thinking a bit on how they explained how Sokka had worn the same getup as Suki did. That might have been one hell of a sight. She guesses. Though she does let out of a mock huff. "Now who are you calling a lady?" Take that back!

    Still, as they resume reading, Toph can't help but frown. "These books seem a little weird... I mean, why do we need to know about all these strange creatures?" Creature Compendium... do they really have to deal with /that/ in law enforcement? Not to mention the Player Bible as Sokka had called it. "Do you think she's going to give us a pop quiz or something...?" she asks Sokka, letting him guide her hand as she doesn't really focus on the letters at the moment.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded. "Oh, you're a very pretty lady, Toph. Like an absolute princess," he teased. "Of kicking butt. Don't think I don't remember how fancy you can be. I remember watching you back at the earth emperor's party," he teased.

He nodded. "Of course, toph. All these stats and stuff, they're to teach us the kinds of monsters we can fight. What their skills and strengths are, what to expect. and the character making rules? Obviously those are to help us best create ourselves. Remember melon lord? It's like a more... mental image of that. This allows us to view simulated encounters before we run into the real thing. A bit crude, but it works." He paused. "Sucubus, huh. I hope we fight some of those, dang..." That heart rate went up.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Oh, please," Toph smirks. "I only go into ladymode when I have to. That hasn't changed over the years I was in the Union, trust me."

    Fighting monsters... that sounds so weird considering they're law enforcement. Is Sokka really right about all this? Still, Sokka isn't lying, and well... she knows him better than most people. So since he's serious, then she will take it seriously as well. So she sighs, moving her hand to where Sokka gestures. Though when he mentions succubi Toph can't help but snort, elbowing him slightly in the side from where she sits. "No, you don't. Because according to this she does unspeakable things to you and will kill you. I think it's more likely that we'll run into this... basi... lisk? What kinda creature is /that/?" Toph frowns, not sure what to think. Are all of them magical creatures?

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka grinned and then chuckled. "Unspeakable things? That sounds pretty fun. And hey, most women I know have tried to kill me. You alone have attempted it a dozen times. Basilisk? Ohhhh, poisonous. Wouldn't want to fight that."

He then grinned. "I don't know. Honestly, I think you'd make a good lady, Toph." There was that wicked grin of his. "In fact... I think you'd make a great princess of butt kicking and then..." Oh no. Something was coming. "When the time comes." He grabbed her. "The great spirit of butt kicking will fall, and in its place, a new spirit will rise! Toph, spirit of butt kicking, ascending from your mortal coil into the realm of legends!" He rolled over her, grabbed her, then rolled back over onto his back and lifted her up into the air. "Pyew pyew pyew!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Unspeakable things leading to you dying isn't fun, meathead," the blind girl snorts. But yeah, he is right. Many of the girls they met when they were travelling with Aang /did/ try to kill Sokka. "I guess the universe would it to be poetic justice in how you eventually croak, huh?"

    Upon hearing that Sokka thinks that she would make a good lady Toph can't help but roll her eyes where she sits. "As if! And for that--" And then she's grabbed! Her eyes go wide in surprise, and she yelps, flailing as she tries to get away, but then there's rolling and... Before she knows it she's held up, and she just... hangs there. "Sokka...? Do that again and I'm bending the nearest metal straight at your forehead..." she mutters in warning.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka snickered softly. "True. I guess you'd rather be the thing that kills me, right?" he asked with a chuckle.

He laughed then and dropped her. Onto him. She was laying on her back on his stomach and then he hugged her. "You know, I always forget how tiny you are. You're way easier to pick up than Katara is," he said with a light chuckle. "You know, I think the whole you actually bathing thing is working out. Usually by now I'd be choking on the stuff that comes out of your hair, but I can breathe just fine now." Way to just ruin the mood, sokka. He let her go after a moment. "Okay, so apparently she pegs you as a barbarian. They even got the can't read part in there, but I can't find anything on reading gloves so... we'll need to work around that. Or much earth power." He paused. "Ah, see? There's a real monster. A kangaroo gecko. Remember those?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Maybe I will be if you don't put me down right now!" Toph semi-threatens where she dangles, letting out a slight huff. When she's dropped however she blinks, tensing up slightly when she realises that she's basically using him as a mattress at this point, and he's... hugging her. "W-well, Katara is taller than I am," she points out. True, she's now the same age that Katara was when they all first met. But she's not that tall. His comment about her improved hygiene though, that makes her cough, lips drawn thin. "Pepper insisted... and nagged a lot," she explains, feeling her face turn slightly warm. So he thinks she smells nice now? Maybe...

    Oh right, he's back to the books again. Even if he lets go of her Toph doesn't immediately move, though after a few seconds she rolls off of his stomach and flops onto her stomach next to him. "Well, I guess that they have different ranks here." Even if Sokka does get to be a warrior, heh. "Oh, yeah. kangaroo geckos are quick little pieces of shit, aren't they? Like that one time they got into your sleeping bag..." A titter leaves Toph where she lies, her face still pressed against the bedcovers.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded. "Well,remind me to thank her. I like this new and better smelling toph. It's kind of nice, makes you a lot funner to rough house with. If you ever need some suggestions I have a number of delightful shampoos and moisturizers I brought from home. They're great, they really help me keep my skin soft."

He blinked at that comment. "Oh gosh. I remember that. I thought the sleeping bag was extra warm. Then the little bastards bit me! Right on the leg! Tiny little sharp teeth!" he said, shaking his head. "Then they started dragging me around and I couldn't get the zipper undone. Ugh."

He smiled at her non the less. "Oh, so, Toph. I know all this has been hard on you. What with the loss of the union and, well, us becoming cops and all. So... I thought I'd get you something special. You know... to remind you that even if some things change, not everything has to." He had to rolllll over her again(no he didn't, but he was a brat and it was funner), to get to the opposite side of the bed, and pulled out a box, holding it out.

Inside were two things... a Wang Fire beard and... Hairy pits. "I figure if you're going to be a cop, you'd best look the part."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, considering he's /giving/ her an opportunity to regain her dignity after he just accused her of actually having become /girly/... "Ah, of course! You were always the one concerned with accesorising and smelling good when we were travelling!"

    Ah, memories from fun times on the road. "At least you gave us some good entertainment that night when you were jumping up and down." And when they left, hah!

    It's always difficutl to adjust to major changes in life, though it's easier with friends being there with her. Even if Aang and the others hadn't shared her enthusiasm to explore the multiverse right away, Sokka is here now at least. "Eh, it's okay. I mean, dad did call me on the radio earlier, I don't think he and mom will let me forget them that quickly... I did tell them to lemmie know when Bitchin' Camaro pops out! Preferably before so I can be there! Unlike you I don't faint when seeing babies." She gives a slight snicker, but then blinks when Sokka actually rolls /over/ her, and she pushes at him. "Hey, stop that!" She does manage to pull away from him and moves to sit up. As he pulls out that box to her she looks curious. "Huh... look the part?" What does he mean by that? She doesn't refuse the box though, opening it as she reaches in with her other hand. "Did... you get me a dead frog rat or something?" she asks, arching an eyebrow.

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka blinked and then harumphed. "Well, excuse me! Just because I spent months on the road didn't mean I had to SMELL like it. I got plenty of compliments about my smell, you know. One girl even said she never would have imagined I'd been on the road at all."
% She actually said she couldn't believe he wasn't UNDER the road.

He blushed. "Yeah. Thanks for helping me out of that. Really," he said sarcastically.

"What? NO! It's a Wang Fire beard! the original!" he said with a nod. "The hairy pits are new. I figured there was noone else I'd trust to use them for the right reasons, I could always make a new pair, too. But... thought it'd just let you know. No matter where you go or how things change, we'll always be there for you... cherry tophie~"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A fake beard. He got her a fake beard...

    Sitting still as she runs her hands over the lumps of fur, Toph looks confused for a moment... all before she breaks out into a laugh, sniggering where she sits. "You... got me matching pits too? AWESOME!" Oh yeah, she should wear this when she goes home for Christmas! Or for the Christmas photos! If Pepper lets her...

    It's kinda good to have a best friend like Sokka. Even if he does say some sappy things now and then. Or stupid things, like calling her by fruity names. And he was warned, was he not? A punch from her right arm comes towards his side, and Toph snorts. "I told you to stop with those silly nicknames! You're not doing them right, it's just the same with slight variation!" she reprimands him!

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka snickered, reaching out and ruffling her hair. "Of course. Only the best for my little..." Leaned in close. "Tophly rancher. I guess you're right, it does work better if I modify it a bit, doesn't it?"

He reached down and rubbed his side, snickering a bit. "Happy you like it. I know you always have my back whenever I'm feeling down so... I felt I should do the same for you. We'll get through this. I know we will. and even though you're tough enough I know you could do it on your own, you won't have to this time. I promise." And kind of side hugged her. "So! Dragons!" he said quickly, trying to distract her from the sappiness.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A weak smile crosses across her lips as he gives her another silly nickname based on her real name. Well, that was slightly better, really. "You can't go stale, otherwise... well, it wouldn't be punny anymore."

    "You always have my back too, so... no sweat, huh?" she reminds him. They really should get back to reading so they won't be in major trouble on Friday, however. He's right. Not to mention hugging her. The blind girl clears her voice again, then nods. "Y-yeah... dragons." Time to make him read most of it out loud to her!

Sokka (1076) has posed:
Sokka nodded and chuckled. "True. If I go stale, it'd just be you, Tophaloaf. However would you survive? I mean, Tony is cool and all, but he can't hold a candle to the master. And you're a cop now, besides. I'll bet a bunch of these people will be old pains in the butt who focus on nothing but the rules. It'll be up to me and you to keep it fun and happy," he said with a big grin. "And we will have a bunch of fun, I know it."

He nodded, pointing to it. "So, the green back dragons can spit acid, apparently. They have a wingspan of fifty feet, teeth that can grow as large as a man's arm and some can eeven do magic." He rested his head against her a little as he read, pulling the covers around them a little so they didn't get cold. The whole... ice incident was still a little on his mind.