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Latest revision as of 05:07, 22 January 2017

Wings of Death
Date of Scene: 22 January 2017
Location: The Quilt
Synopsis: Toph Beifong, Alden and Alexis show up to deal with an ancient World of Ruin threat... DOOMGAZE.
Cast of Characters: 1087, 20, Alexis, 930

Tubalcain Alhambra (1087) has posed:
     A quiet farm on the boarder of the world of ruin. A herd of sheep graze idly while a man in heavy work clothes watches over them, with a wide-brimmed hat and what looks like a beat up rifle. It is blocky and heavy looking. Laser or magitek? who can tell. The man had been there for a few years as a farm hand, thought about moving on, but prospects could be uncertain on the outer rim, and he did have a decent thing going here.

     From far overhead, a large black cloud seemed to creep in, blotting out some of the light. There is a sound like the deep, raspy snarl of a crocodile, muffled by the wind and a rush of air--was that smoke? The farmhand had been on higher ground, and the vapors hadn't seem to reach that far, but he was immediately aware of a very strong rush of wind that blew his hat off and the dark THING passed over, the wind buffeting his clothes and causing him to accidentally drop the weapon he was holding.

     As he turned, all the sheep were still there, some still standing, even--except that now they were all naught but skeletons with what looked like red gore still stuck to the ends of them here and there, their now fleshless frames still twitching as the green noxious vapor wafted away. They were strewn around the area of now grassless, patchy dirt as if everything soft and organic had been stripped away by the gas.

     "Aw, old man Gigan's gonna have my legs broke," he said to no one.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, whatever happened to this place is not something that you see everyday, Toph imagines. She's certainly never seen anything like it.

    Local lawenforcement had been quick to alert the Paladins about the mess, and it appears that a certain blind teenager is the one who decides to check out the farm as she arrives. Though not without holding a hand in front of her mouth and nose as she smells what remains of the poor sheep. "What the crud happened here?" she mutters, stopping at the edge of the grassless area. The earth here feels a bit different. What could have caused this? For that matter, is there anything weird about the rest of this area? Toph narrows her eyes slightly, taking a few steps forward as she kicks her heel into the ground to get a good 'look' at her surroundings with her earthbending.

Alexis has posed:
Even with what already happened to the Multiverse recently it doesn't take long for word to get out about something like 'giant black stormcloud reducing livestock to gooy skeletons'. Bad news travels quickly, after all. But that's why it draws attention the fastest way. And some people, despite not staking a lot with the regrouped factions, still take an interest in these things.

The poor farmhand might not be seeing the end of strangeness yet, as near the defleshed flock comes to a stop what looks like a gigantic lion with rocky ridges and smoke trailing out of his backside. What's next?! Though as the creature ducks his head down to peer at the skeletons a pink-haired girl can be seen sitting on his shoulders. Until he recoils it away, hissing and snarling lowly. < This stinks of something unnatural >

"Yeah, that is pretty nasty. Whatever is causing this isn't something to get too close to." Alexis turns her head to look around, and sees the dumbstruck farmhand over a ways away. "Sorry, can't do much about the sheep, but we can at least get to the bottom of this."

And in the other direction there is at least a familiar face. "Yo, Toph! Long time no see! Shame this isn't really a good time for trying to catch up."

Meanwhile the Entei lifts his head, eyes narrowing at the dark clouds. There is something very not right to this, especially to the legendary clone's senses.

Alden (930) has posed:
A farm town!, he was somewhat familiar with farming stuff at least, even if the concept of cattle was kind of foreign to the creature that is used to grow meat on plants!. The mention of a spooky, dark cloud that destroyed a whole group of animals all the way to the bone within moments certainly caught his attention! The digimon made a point to go there and learn what happened, it did sound like a dangerous... thing might be on the loose!
     The poor folks of the town might be seeing more odd stuff, as a large, dangerous looking, periwinkle wolf travels not far behind Alexis, nose twitching as he catches the scent of the gooey skeletons, wincing. On his head, is what seems a tiny girl wearing some weird outfit, including cat ears and a tail, the later one noticing the familiar face around. "Hey, Toph!" she calls enthusiastically. Alden takes a few moments to turn to the others, intrigued by the pokemon, before offering a grin and a bow of his head to Alexis and Toph, "Hi!".

Tubalcain Alhambra (1087) has posed:
     "Are you sure that thing's with you?" the farmhand, who has recovered his rifle but doesn't seem too enthusiastic about using it, asks Alexis. The place was otherwise silent, though with the dead flock and the weird metallic tinge to the air around here, something seemed not right. Was whatever it was still around?

     Toph would notice there are large patches moving along the sloping plains that are bare and devoid of grass, though the rest of it seems normal. The earth that was bare would have a strange dry feel to it, as if it had been burnt, by some kind of acidic chemical?

     It doesn't appear the three have long to wait, however, as there is a loud noise that sounds like huge flags whipping in the wind--a leathern sort of snap to them. The sun, which still manages to provide some light in the afternoon of the World of Ruin, is soon blacked out again. Whatever it was has smelled new flesh.

     A large black and green thing lopes out of the sky, the black amorphous shape soon becoming distinguished by a bony, skeletal face attached to what looks like a hulking leathery body with arms--large black flaps lined with corrosive green running along the bony and skeletal arms. It is enormous, easily the size of a building, a giant flying under-armed winged skeletal torso that seems to bleed putrescence, long cords of what might be red tissue snaking along it's head, neck and shoulders. There doesn't seem to be teeth, but green brackly smoke puffs from it's mouth. It's eyes and nose are just black, dead sockets.

     It is a terror freed from when the world was undone, and roused from it's state of dormancy by the shifting of the multiverse--Doomgaze!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The familiar voice of Alexis does earn a nod from Toph, and the earthbender raises her hand in greeting as well. "Heya... and nah, this isn't a social call. The Paladins got word of this stuff, so I decided to check this out since the others are busy. I'm not familiar with the laws here just yet, but I assume that this level of pyromania is against the law everywhere..." she mutters, even as she pulls out the lawbook she picked up on the way. Ugh, all these worlds... so many laws to study up on!

    It appears she is deep in thought as she fastens a mechanical glove over her left hand, moving it over the pages next with a pensive look on her face. As a familiar shinki calls out though she does nod, both her hands full with reading for now. "Heya guys, you got here too, huh?" It's good with some seeing eyes in this place too.

    As for the farmhand's concern, Toph turns her head a big before she nods. "The creatures aren't dangerous, Sir. Let us handle it, and we will help you. My condolences to what happened to your sheep."

    Okay, focus back to the situation. Toph turns towards the others, her expression serious. "It feels like something or somebody burnt the place with acid, but I'm not sure. It must have been a lot of it, considering how much have been burnt. And the sheep..." This is disgusting. At the sound of something on the wind however, the blind girl turns her head. While she can't see the blocked out sunlight, she does feel the sudden shade cast over them as the warmth of the sun is no longer warming the skin on her arms. This... feels bad.

    "... guys? Is there something in the sky?" If so... shit.

Alexis has posed:
"I wouldn't be sitting on him if he..." Alexis glances back, noticing Alden as he greets them. "Oh you mean him? Yeah, he's with us."

< It's coming back. > The Entei's remark is more mentally felt than spoken because that's how legendaries communicate, but it gets the point across either way.

Then a shiver runs down Alexis' spine. That sort of shiver that has nothing to do with it being cold or not. The worst kind of shivers to run down one's back. Specially as that -thing- rises into the sky, blocking out of the sunlight. "Ah.. yeah." She makes a face. "You should be glad that you can't see that ugly mug." This might be a problem for the earthbender.

Wildfire, on the other hand, isn't standing around waiting for the thing to try and do the same to them as it did with the sheep. A roar emits from the great beast as he opens his maw that sounds not far off from that of a volcano blasting to life. Accurately so as a massive plume of flame spews from said open maw towards the rising sunblocking horror.

Alden (930) has posed:
The large odd colored wolf approaches his friends, offering the Entei a curious glance, especially at the odd voice!. "Glad to see you, Toph... this looks nasty." he mumbles, "Does not smell that great either.". Of course, any attempt at conversation is stopped when the day gets even cloudier, and a nightmarish figure appears in the sky, looking at them!. "Yes, and it's big." he adds.
     Katze is already grabbing the digimon's D-Ark as she jumps down from Alden's head and moves away even as Alden calls after her, "Katze?". "Already on it!" comes the reply. There is a short, bright flash of light, before the wolf is replaced by something a bit more impressive, a large bipedal robot wolf!, dark blue in color, with a gatling gun replacing it's left arm, a shoulder mounted missile launcher (on the same arm) and a beam gun perched on his left one!. He prepares his attack, the minigun starting to spin up.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At the confirmation of there actually being something there in the sky, Toph quickly turns around, stuffing her reading glove and lawbook back into the satchel. "Let me know where it moves, guys!" she calls out. If it's flying, then she will need help on knowing where it is unless it makes enough noise for her to hear. But for now she can tell where the others are aiming, and so she will launch her own attack as she lashes out with both arms in split palm attack, launching a large earthen projectile up from the ground towards the area where they others are aiming. "What kinda bird is it anyway?" she calls out. And what kinda bird can unleash plague like this in the first place?

Tubalcain Alhambra (1087) has posed:
     The creature is immense, a hulking, flying monstrosity that is clearly undead, and or magical--what looks like intestines and a long spinal column trail behind the large batwinged torso. Immediately, upon sensing the creatures below it, it moves into action. The toothless bony mouth opens and a gale of frost and icy wind are expelled from it, raking along the grassy plane and immediately coating the ground in icing death. The ray of frost travels along the ground, threatening to wash over the Entei and it's rider!

     Swooping down before Toph, the creature's dark, soulless eye cavities flash with what looks red pindots of light, a large ghostly vision of the grim reaper appearing!

     ...But can it's eye-based death spell reach one that is blind...?

     Alden's now minigun-sporting frame looms up from the ground and bullets begin to pepper the creature's side--catching it off-guard!

Alexis has posed:
"It's big and it's coming this way!" Hopefully that's enough to help Toph. Alexis can't give much more warning than that as the Entei reacts, jerking her attention back as he moves. Wildfire redirects his stream of flame on the deadly cold, conflicting elements colliding in resistance up until the bitter swath passes over pokemon and trainer, leaving a large icy formation behind.

That fortunately does start to steam and break away a few moments later as Wildfire melts out of it. But Alexis is already wrapped in her own arms, clutching her hoodie close. That.. that did NOT feel like normal ice and wind at all. That had to be close to what it felt like to freeze to death, which honestly is just all the more jarring. The rumble that comes from the Entei shares a similar sentiment of the unnatural nature of that attack.

But enough worrying about herself. Toph is at a disadvantage against airborn monsters, isn't she? They need to do something... Aha.

"Wildfire, use Earth Power!" Shaking off the last bits of ice, the Entei roars again and slams a broad paw into the ground. A few cracks snake their way through the now frozen dead ground, from which several plumes of ash and dust erupt at the monsters as Wildfire uses some of the other aspects of volcanic activity he embodies.

Alexis is hoping that blasting it with some earthly elements will give Toph something to focus on, too.

Alden (930) has posed:
The 'robotic' digimon growls as he sees the monster use an ice beam!, that's HIS signature move. He makes sure to move further from the others, affraid of friendly fire, or maybe getting them caught if the beast counter attacks at him, the gatling gun spinning swifly, starting to glow from heat as it showers the monster with projectiles.
     As soon as he finds himself in a good position, he growls "Garuru burst!", deciding there was no point 'saving' energy, especially against something as massive as that! The missile pods on his shoulder and the side of his legs open, releasing a small swarm of missiles towards the distracted monster, while his muzzle and the beam gun's barrel begin glowing. The beam gun releases a series short white piercing beams, while his muzzle opens wide, and a large blue beam fires, this being his own freeze beam!.
     He can only keep the all out assault for a few seconds, before it dies down, the gatling gun starting to overheat, and his missiles needing a few moments to 'reload'.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "At least then I should be able to hit it!" Toph calls out in response to Alexis.As Toph doesn't feel any impact from the earth she sent flying at the flying terror, she lets out a displeased frown and lets out a few words that aren't suitable for young girls her age. It doesn't help that the frosty winds sweeps along the ground, and Toph immediately looks concerned. What more, she can't see the literal danger that's headed towards her. But perhaps that is what saves her in the end.

    Those soulless eyes can't be seen by a girl who's eyes have never been able to see, and Toph is unaware of the ghostly grim reaper that appears before her as it readies its scythe. Instead Toph charges ahead. And just before the grim reaper swings the scythe, Toph has already kicked into the ground, raising her arms as she creates a large earthen wave that she rides on top of. It does make it easier to tell where flying opponents are when she's fighting with others, especially when the Entei uses earth based abilities that Toph can actually feel and sense through.

    Alexis and Alden don't have to worry about the earth hitting them, but the flying creature might have a harder time escaping it, Toph hopes. Once the earthen wave crashes to the ground Toph skids ahead, turning around as she focuses on the ground. Did the wave hit it?

Tubalcain Alhambra (1087) has posed:
     Wildfire's stream of fire comes in direct conflict with the ray of frost being issued from Doomgaze's mouth, the two meeting and eventually the icy gale and stream of frost is pushed back, back--slowly, before the flame meets it's skeletal head and body, causing it to thrash and hiss in pain! Despite the swath of cold having initially passed over them, it seems it doesn't do too well with fire, likely owing to it's undead state.

     The erupting volcanic ash is spewed forth and bits of molten earth begint to waft down, landing on the creatures wings and burning it!

     The explosive missiles impact the large flying torso's side and slam into it, the missiles tearing out hunks of black leathery tissue and causing it to list to the side as it flies. The freeze beam washes over it--and what looks like a membrane of light or some kind of magical barrier is setup around it, or is exuded by it? Innate shell status?? The frost however seems to reinvigorate it, albiet temporarily--the black tears made by the missiles fragmentary explosions begin to mend!

     The creature lopes up and into the air, trying to avoid the earth that Toph sent toward her--and begins to swoop down to try and rake her with it's long venomous claws!

Alexis has posed:
Looks like they don't have to worry much about Toph. Not that anyone will ever realize what sort of horrible fate the earthbender really avoided thanks to her handica--you know when it comes to Toph I can't even call it that. It's definately not one to her!

Entei is surprisingly fast for its bulk, forcing Alexis to hold on tightly as he moves to avoid getting caught up in the other attacks. After a few bounding strides to stay out of the way of the earthen wave collapsing towards the monsters Wildfire skids to a stop, turning attention of pokemon and Trainer alike back to the horrific beast. "So if this thing is some sort of monster death..." Cue the smirk of cleverness. "Light it a funeral pyre!"

Anyone standing near the vicinity of the Entei would feel the ambient heat spiking as he digs his claws into the ground. Eyes glow bright enough to shine from beneath his mask-like facial features as he inhales sharply, and then expels a massive orb of flame at the monstrousity! The giant fireball is more than just flame though, the orange and red churning with the golden hues of purifying energy. Fire can clense as much as it destroys, and as the Beast Trio are guardians of the land Entei carries some of this cleansing force in posessing Sacred Fire.

Alden (930) has posed:
The Beast's reaction to his attack gets a frown, "A shield?" he mumbles, "Katze, let's try a different approach." he mumbles, his gun still cooling off, and his explosives are still reloading. "Holy might work." he calls to Katze, "Wait until I get a bit closer.". While the monster seems fixated on Toph and Alexis, he takes to the air, and rushes towards teh wounded side of the monster, "Now!" he sends.
     "Digi modify, Taomon talisman of light!". A large paint brush appears on his one good hand, clumsily holding it with the one limb and the gatling, and proceeds to move it in the air in front of him, drawing a symbol in red 'ink', it seems slightly sloppy, "Bonhitsusen!" he calls again as he finishes drawing, and assuming the monster did not turn at him, 'pushes' the air with his hand, sending the symbol ahead until it rests right next to the monster, starting to glow brightly and emanate holy light, before exploding in a white burst!. It's not as potent as any of his usual moves, but perhaps this might work!.
     After the light fades, the digimon seems winded, panting as the brush dissapears in a small group of voxels.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Some of the rocks do land on the flying doom, though hardly enough to bury it it seems... and Toph frowns, turning her head a bit as she listens intently. With everything going on it's a bit hard to hear the movement of cloth on the wind, and this damn thing, whatever it is, doesn't make any noises! Perhaps it is like some silent death then... And then there's Alexis and Alden calling out their attacks. That does make it a bit harder to listen for something that's near silent, even for her sensitive ears.

    Sadly she isn't aware of the incoming swoop, and as venomous claws slice into her back, the blind earthbender's scream is easily heard as Toph herself stumbles forward, gritting her teeth together. But at least that attack was good for something.

    Now she knows where that thing is...!

    Stubborn as she is, Toph takes advantage of herself falling to the ground, slamming her arms into the ground as she causes the ground around herself and the flying terror to explode upwards in a barrage of rocks and earthen spikes.

Tubalcain Alhambra (1087) has posed:
     The orb of flame crashes into the side of Doomgaze, engulfing it--even as it descends on Toph with it's many foot-long claws rending the air and slicing into her body! Venom is injected into her body in life-threatening quantities! The flying monstrosity has more to worry about however, as the Entei's fireball continues to eat into it's body--and then the blinding flash of light from the digi-modify attack casts the monster in dark relief against the light--the holy power is searing away the flesh and tissue from it's bones! Fire and smoke, toxic smoke from the creature's acidic body now plumes up into the air, the vapors killing off grass and plant-life.

     Miraculously, the creature wheels around and begins to fly away! Doomgaze is trying to escape!

Alexis has posed:
Fire works, but they're probably going to need to do something about all that noxious smoke Doomgaze is making while it's burns. Well do something about later at least, because it's trying to get away. Even while on fire, and there's no guaruntee that it's burned badly enough to die anyways.

But maybe they can kill two monsters with one stone. So to speak. Because it's not stones she's thinking about.

Alexis gives Wildfire's mane a tug to get his attention, then makes a twirling motion with the other hand. "I think you need to wrap this up."

It gets the message across, and instead of spewing out more flames he just takes advantage of what's been already made by his attacks, elemental power winding fire and smoke into a spiraling effect to create a Fire Spin and slow the monster's retreat down. Or at least the vortex will suck up that acidic smoke so it can be vented off somewhere to do less harm. These people need their farmland too much to just dump it here, there's already been enough damage to landscape.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    After launching her attack Toph lets out a pained groan, pushing herself up on shaky arms. Okay, those slashes hurt... but it stings more than a normal attack /should/.

    Whatever's going on isn't good, and so Toph reaches a shaky hand up to her ear to activate her radio, rasping out a few words before she pushes herself back up on her knees. But right now she will leave it to the others to deal with this, as she isn't sure whether she trusts her legs to carry her at this point as a sudden wave of lightheadedness makes her nearly fall over again. She's not bleeding /that/ much, is she? Which means that the options are narrowed down.

Tubalcain Alhambra (1087) has posed:
     After injecting it's poison and wounding Toph, Doomgaze attempts to flee after being set on fire by Alexis's Entei--as it is known for. It has already caused a large amount of death and destruction across the outskirts of the world of ruin, and apparently has the good sense to flee from those it deems a threat, craven as the entity is.

     The fiery tornado however brings the creature's flight to a sudden halt--it tries to flap it's wings to pull itself out of the drag caused by the fire spin, but it seems to be a losing battle as an air-rending SCREECH goes up from the creature and it's pulled back into it. Doomgaze is whirled around and around in the fire tornado, it's leathery wings and tissue over animated bone body begin to char and turn into cinders as the creature is incinerated.

     First, the skull falls, the black pits for it's nose and eyes completely blank as they begin to widen and finally meet with the upper lip of the toothless grin in an oral ring. It crashes into the ground and breaks open, spraying bone powder and acid into the air.

     The wings are flayed apart by the fire and soon gone, reducing the arms to twin flagpoles as they thrash in the air as the being falls.

     Finally the rest of it's spinal column and calcinated remains hit the ground, burning up. The creature seemed to be weak already, somehow--had the restructuring of the multiverse damaged it somehow? No way to tell now, but it was over.

Alexis has posed:
Ick. Just... ick. This thing died in about as gruesome manner as the destruction it already spread. That's about as nasty as it can get, even for someone like Alexis that's seen more than her fair share of weird shite thanks to the Multiverse. They should probably do something about those remains to make sure they don't contaminate the land any farther.

But first Alexis guides her Entei over to where Toph collapsed, sliding off his shoulders and kneeling down next to the earthbender. Those claw wounds are rough looking, but she's seen Toph tough it out through bad wounds before. Considering what that thing was doing to the land, not to mention the sheep, it might be some kind of toxin. It's not quite the same as Toxic used on a pokemon, but it's similar enough to see the signs.

"Don't move." Lightly Alexis puts a hand on Toph's shoulder to let her know she's there. "Just keep calm and still until your allies can get here, straining will just make the poison spread faster."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As the large flying terror crashes to the ground Toph does seem less tense, but she's clearly not doing well where she's sitting. "Nice... going," she nods to the two others. They dealt with it, though it's clear that fire was more useful in this fight than earth was.

    The hand on her shoulder isn't pushed away, and Toph doesn't seem like she's getting up from where she's sitting. "I know, I feel like shit... I already radioed them... you got any water to clean out the wounds with?" the blind girl asks. At least help is on the way. And after being poisoned a few times she's sadly getting used to it. Though at least it also means she knows how best to deal with it and not to freak out too much. This poison doesn't seem to make it too hard to breathe, luckily.

    "Thanks," she asides to Alexis.