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The Diamond Drive
Date of Scene: 05 March 2017
Location: The System <TS>
Synopsis: A new Drive opens in The System... or is it really an Old Drive reconnecting after countless cycles of isolation.
Cast of Characters: 1103, 1090, Kirito, Gaonoir, Lexicon, Tomoe, 1094

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    The System Hub, Those that have been here before wouldn't see anything different... until an old, disused area on a far outskirt flares to life with multi-hued light. An old-looking Cable Rail station rebuilds itself as if time were reversing for it, and it alone, until it sits like the others, pristine and inviting.

    A Cable Train pulls up about ten minuntes later and sits, as if waiting for passengers.

    THis is all very strange, since there's only five Drives, right? The four that are at almost constant war with each other, and the hidden Iron Drive. So, what's this one, and why did it suddenly 'reactivate' a Cable Rail? Wouldn't it have built a brand new one?

Tutela (1090) has posed:
    Tutela's been a lot more active in the System as of late... what with her Drive there and the Tower... and now that there's a drive connecting again, it's time for the Security girl to investigate and see what the heck is gonna be on the other side. It's here that she stands in front of the System Bus, rocking back and forth on her feet as she waits for those who wanted to see the new place for themselves. "Laalalaaaa." comes a sleepy singsong voice from the short girl.

    "Maybe I should invite others...."

Kirito has posed:
Kirito's arrival is an odd thing. Upon making way way to this strange landscape... he takes flight, heading for the coordinates. But the surroundings are so strange that he can't help but detour and zigzag here and there for closer looks to... structures. Buildings? And stranger things besides. His head is RACING trying to figure out just what in the Multiverse he's looking at...

    "The Multiverse is GREAT. No matter where you go there's impossible things around every turn..."

    Only he would be grinning at this kind of adventure, really...

    Kirito swoops down low on approach, tucking his feet down as he dives in for a landing near Tutela. He skids on landing, slowly bleeding off momentum and serving his view towards Tutela...

Gaonoir has posed:
Hearing that there was some sort of 'digital' world opening up was enough to get Gaonoir's interest. Or at least curious that there's possibly such things other than the Digital Worlds that Digimon come from.

"Well, it doesn't -feel- any out of the ordinary.." murmurs the dark colored canine as he ambles towards the Terminal. Gives the cuff of his boxing glove a light tug to make sure it's firmly in place. "At least not yet."

Erika rolled her eyes a little as she followed, then adjusted her glasses. "You can't expect to have the mysteries answered right upon arriving."

Lexicon has posed:
    Across the Hub, a different System Bus arrives and with it, the white-clad figure of Silver Soul soars up into the skies. Today, the Hub's energy lines are purple in color, and for once the Drive Core Controller of Britannica has no intention of trying to wrest control of it from her rival. Rather, Silver Soul passes the Relay tower completely, soaring on wings of light.

    Spotting a growing crowd, including at least one familiar face, she circles over the reconstructing System terminal, then descends until her feet touch down. "Tutela, good to see you again," Crimson eyes marked with glowing sigils dart from her fellow DCC to Gaonoir, then Kirito, narrowing slightly, "You guys must be new here. Or you've been helping the others and I just haven't met you." A hand raises and she gestures, "You're in the System. And this is a System Bus." Turning, she squints as a rail car pulls in, seemingly empty.

Tomoe has posed:
Kirito isn't along as he arrive in the strange landscape she takes a moment to dive in along side Kirito comming in for a laning she towers over Kirito a good bit and seems to be very amused at her ling time friend as she comes in for a moment.

"Maybe but it's made our lives a hell of a lot more dangerous just don't get lost being star eyed Kirito. I don't want to have to explain to Asuna something happened to you."

she makes a bit of a face at Kirito, she's messing with him, mostly uit seems.

Flamel Parsons (1094) has posed:
    Agent Parsons has to make sure he's recognizable as his 'man in black' archetype /everywhere/, not just in modern worlds. That means he needs to dress appropriately. The System has probably had visiting NSA spyware and suchlike, right? As such, one might accidentally mistake Agent Parsons for just such a piece of spyware, given the way he dresses. His classic sunglasses stay the same, but his black government agent suit has a nice set of tron-style lines running over it.

    So it's a good look for him when he pulls up his windowless, unmarked black government-agent-style van. "Hi there!" His wave and grin are friendly, totally unbefitting of his stylish secret government aesthetic. He offers a handshake to Tutela. "Agent Parsons, Psychonauts Multiversal operations Bureau. Tutela, I assume? Is this the transport to the new area?" His wide-eyed, eager, friendly expression is only halfway hidden behind the menacing black sunglasses. "We should probably get going soon, if that's the case. Any ideas what sort of viral threats could be on the drive? What are new drives usually like? Is this the first time this has happened?" So many questions, so much curiosity. Unless Tutela tells him not to, he's just going to wander right into the train! Going into a digital space isn't TOO different from going into a mind, conceptually, so he can maintain both his curiosity and awe, and his functional progress. "A system! Right, right! I think I understand. Is this representing one machine or a network? This is a transit system, right? To get to the new Drive?" More questions, more questions...

    "How often do you get monitoring processes collecting mass data for the mysterious purposes of international intelligence agencies?" Is mixed in there to, just sort of tossed in among other questions like it's a normal thing to ask.

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    The System Bus waits patiently, and once people step aboard, it pings, and speaks in a pleasant, synthetic tone. "Thank you for your custom. Next Stop: Locus. Please be seated."

    The bus then sets off, gradually picking up speed before it peaks. The trip takes about twenty minutes, and the last few hundred feet emerge from the dark tunnel of the Bus, into a brightly lit place straight out of some fantasy world. Floating land masses, connected by cable cars, airships floating on giant crystals. Huge spires dotted with gleaming gemstones. All connected together by pulsing 'tron lines' that rapidly cycle through the rainbow. White, Blue, Purple, Green, Red, Black, Orange. Every pulse, like a heart beat, brings a new colour.

    The station sits on a small island of its own, with a cable car sat waiting for the new arrivals to take them to the main section of the floating terrain. On board the cable car is a small woman, sat on a floating book. She's about two feet tall, the book scaled to be a perfect size for her. "Greetings, and welcome to Locus. I am Charta, it is a pleasure to meet you." she says in a soft, pleasant tone.

Tutela (1090) has posed:
    Tutela sleepily waves to Silver Soul, "Hiii Silver Soul~" she calls out as she's recognized, a happy, sleepy smile upon her face when at least one familiar person comes in. Kirito gets a wave as he lands in, her head tilting some and so does Tomoe. "Hello~!" she calls out to the two before they land. Gaonoir and Erika get waves too, sleepy waves.... and then there's Flamel. So many questions... so many invasive questions that look to compromise system integrity...

    Purity and Malice, the DCC's two feather-shaped blades, appear attached to Tutela's sides, a wary smile given to him. She doesn't shake hands with Flamel, "It's a new drive, we don't know yet~! Though, you sound suspiciously like a virus." comes the sleepy response to the 'spyware' "But yes, this is a transit system between drives, it's the SYstem Bus!" a pause is given... "We... don't have programs like that here. Nothing reports outside the system."

    As the bus moves "Welcome to the System, I'm Tutela, the Security Program. DCC of the Iron Obulette. I handle antiviral things here... and I run the jail~" such cheer in this statement. After that though, she stays silent until the group arrives... when the floating woman on a book appears upon exiting, she gives a wave. "Hiii Charta. I'm Tutela~. Who's the DCC here?" she questions the book curiously, "And welcome to the System."

Lexicon has posed:
    When Flamel bombards the System's residents with questions, Silver Soul leaves it to Tutela to deal with. Security is her job, after all. All she does is glower at the G-Man-style agent with those piercing red eyes of hers. Without a word, she boards the rail car and moves to the front.

    As such, she's the first to disembark, though she's caught up in admiring the Drive's construction which gives Tutela the edge to start asking questions first. Something grabs her attention, though, and she glances towards the little book-fairy, "Wait-- Locus?" Turning, the DCC leans forward slightly with her hands on her hips, "Didn't Locus disconnect from the System teracycles ago? What have you been doing all this time?"

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir just sits himself down in a spot in a corner, folding his arms. "At least we don't have to walk," he grunts. He watchs out a window, but none of that silly hanging your head out with tongue lolling that normal earth dogs do. That would be embarassingly undignified.

Erika on the other hand is snapping pictures with her smartphone digivice the entire time. "I feel like I should reconize some of these design details," she muses about the 'tron lines' but then just shrugs it off in the end and click-click goes the device for more pictures.

Including several of Charta as she greets them at the other end. "A fairy on a levitating book." She snaps a pic, then turns to look at Gaonoit. "You could say she's rather--"
Gaonoir's ears flatted with a grimace. "Don't say it."

Flamel Parsons (1094) has posed:
    Flamel takes his denied handshake in stride. Instead, he almost plays it off comedically. A translucent white telekinesis-hand fades into existence and he shakes that instead. "Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't dream of hurting a place like this." Parsons assures Tutela as he takes his seat. "Secretive, secluded machines hosting ambiguous and unknown digital intelligences very often turn out to be the secretive tools or even rulers of powerful worldwide conspiracies fronting new world orders! I'd never in my life think of putting something like that at risk."

    He keeps his eyes out of the window while he speaks when they finally emerge from the dark tunnel, clearly fascinated by the visual splendor of the world he's visited. "I mean, I do a lot of work with vague yet menacing government agencies, gathering information and such, but we just use that for superheroism and fighting evil international syndicates, so I can't imagine it causing you any problems."

    They arrive soon enough, and Parsons disembarks with the others. "Thanks for the welcome, Charta! I'm special agent Flamel Parsons, here to check in on your connection." Maybe SHE'LL give a handshake. Uh, such as it is. He offers a translucent telekinetic hand, sized appropriately for the bookfairy, which mirrors his motions if he can get that handshake. You know, politeness and all.

    He also takes a moment to put two fingertips to his temple, and activate his CLAIRVOYANCE. Major events like a massive world-connection can sometimes send out enough psychic energy for visions to get picked up, though the data in them is always odd and never consistently structured. Are there any clairvoyance visions that might be associated with so major an event?

Kirito has posed:
As usual some real weirdos come out when the radio asks for help. When Kirito's gaze falls across Flamel... he has to choke down the urge to snort or stare. Really, that outfit... what the heck, where do you even GET clothes like that?

    His eyes glaze over briefly during the long rants, but he narrows them quickly and focuses enough to listen to everythin being said.

    By quite a few people here. "hmmmmm...."

    It's enough to get the boy folding his arms. A digital realm rendered as a real place... but not FullDive. This weird... agent. And...

    "What I wouldn't give for a better procedure for getting into things..." He mumbles very quietly to himself, frustrated by the chaos.

    "I'm Kirito... and this is Tomoe." He nods towards his companion. "Are new drives dangerous? You called it right, I've not visited before. Heard a few things on Syndicate resources though."

    But not enough...

    He then finally gets to answering Tomoe. "Star eyed.. really?"

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Charta smiles pleasantly at Tutela. "Oh we are not new to The System. We have been in isolation while some... concerns were taken care of." This seems to answer Lexicon as well, however the book fairy continues. "Ah, the DCC is Lady Diamond Soul. She awaits us in the Spire. She could not come to meet you personally due to... some complications." she says.

    Flamel gets a curious eye, and she takes the hand to shake it out of politeness. "I will suggest to you, sir, that you keep such declarations to yourself." she offers in warning. Strangely enough, there isn't anything psionic here. Just the ambient magic, and the clicking whirr of clockwork, powered by said magical-type power.

    Erika's pun earns a cringe from Charta. "Oh my, please do not say anything like that again." a small 'emoji' appears beside her, of a downturned face and a little sweatdrop. It's holographic!

    Kirito, and by extension Tomoe, both earn a nod in greeting, before the fairy floats to the other end of the cable car. "Please step aboard. Diamond Soul is waiting." Again, once everyone's aboard, the car starts up, more lazy than the System Bus, but before long, the group are rendered out onto a landing before the giant central spire. A massive structure that reaches almost to the skybox above. Near the apex is a brilliantly glowing crystal easily several dozen meters in diameter, suspended within a beam of energy that rises out from the base of the spire itself.

    The landing is lined by magewrights and tall constructs of clockwork and 'magic', robots, or powered armour? They seem to be forming an honour guard for the guests, leading to the large double doors at the base of the spire. "We shall take a Warp Point to the Cathoderal. I will warn you that Lady Diamond Soul can be... eccentric." again that sweatdrop emoji pops up beside her, which Charta quickly swats away, sending the hologram flying over the edge of the platform.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe takes note of the man in black and gives Parsons a bit of a look over for a moment and simply rises one eyebrow. The Multiverse does have all kinds does it not? She looks to Tutela and nods lsightly to them. "Hello thank you for the welcome."
% Dshe grins and soon she's geting on to the ride they have and moving along with everyone else. She wasn't sure wht o expect but she seem to be curious now about the new drive.

IT doesn't tke too long to arrive and she grins a little bit. she'll get onboard at this point and she lets out a low whistle.

"Haven't seen anything quite like that before..."

Gaonoir has posed:
"I -told- you not to say it," Gaonoir grumbles as Charta objects to the pun as well. Erika just 'ahehs' awkwardly and shrugs a little, then grabs her partner and yanks him after her onto the new transport before he can say anything else more sarcastic about the little emote projections.

Thankfully by the time they get off at the other end the awkwardness is gone, thanks to having plenty else to take up her attention instead. Erika is making sure to document all of this with her rampant picture taking.

Gaonoir just shakes his head a bit. Then quirks a brow at the book-floating fairy guide. "Define 'eccentric'."

Lexicon has posed:
    Silver Soul regards Charta for a moment, then lifts her eyes to the Drive's architecture again. After a moment of thought, she closes her eyes with a little 'hnf' sound and surrounds herself with pixellated white light. When it fades, her appearance has changed to that of a more ordinary brunette, in her signature fur-lined coat and hat.

    "I never met MAGUS. directly, only what I read in the records kept by my priestess." Her voice remains calm, even when she adds, "This is a little exciting, actually. New Drives are always interesting, but this is an old Drive that's reconnecting. Something like this has never happened before, and I'll finally meet someone who was around in the old days."

    Yeah she's probably going to be disappointed by that.

    "I'm Lexicon," she adds for Charta's benefit as well as Gaonoir, Kirito, and Tomoe, "Drive core controller of Britannica. I don't care if you call me that or Lady Silver Soul. Whatever works for you."

Tutela (1090) has posed:
    "Not... new?" she questions, then again, Tutela's been hidden for a long time, maybe there's a few things that Cautio hasn't told her yet, she'll have to bug her later but for now... She lets the twin featherblades go back into her inventory. She rides up towards things with everyone, watching the hologram emoticons over Charta. She giggles slightly at this and follows along, no real care in the world right now as she looks around, exploring the new, to her, drive.

    "I haven't explored many of the drives, so it's nice to see another one I can wander around in. That way the entire system's protected." Tutela nods a bit, watching and listening now.

Flamel Parsons (1094) has posed:
    Parsons slips back into the car. "Huh? Which sort of declarations?" He seems genuinely baffled about the idea that this could cause any kinds of problems. He notices Tomoe's look and gives her a swiveling, friendly look in return.

    He sits back down, looking eager, nodding to Lexicon. "Oooh, ancient history, then? That's wonderful! I love any chance to get that sort of information too. I hope you can get something good out of this."

    As they head on out towards the main central spire, he does his best to match this area too. Lots of mages and such, right? He should look like he's magical too, so he leaves a pair of telekinetic hands available while he folds his own behind his back, and levitates his way along the honor guard's designated path towards the door, ready to meet! "Hmmm?" He says, tilting his head at Charta. "Oh, eccentric? I'm fine with eccentric, don't worry!" He has to be, in some ways, after all. Considering how eccentric HE is. Time to meet this "Lady Diamond Soul".

Kirito has posed:
Fantastic landscapes abound here! Kirito's sights set upon the distant crystal spire, his mouth gaping slightly in awe. But he just as soon sweeps his attention over the guards assembled to greet the entourage?

    And inwardly he starts to cringe. he was expecting adventure, but seems to have stumbled upon some kind of formal event. No better time to learn about this place than the present, but....

    Did it have to be a formal event? Kirito's resolve and expression wavers DRASTICALLY in the face of this predicament. The exuberance in his steps is gone the moment he takes a second step off the transit...

    "Looks like we just went from Bits and Bytes world to fantasyland... what's up with the decor shift?"

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Gaonoir's request earns the stereotypical response of "You will see." as Charta leads the group to the Warp Point. Lexicon's words earn a turn and mild stare. "Ah... so Pedia is no more? This is sad news. I am sorry for your loss, no matter how long ago that was. She was a wise leader, as I am sure you are also." Charta winces a little bit. "Ah... yes... that is... hmm." she fidgets a little before turning back to leading the group, oddly silent and pensive now.

    Charta remains largely silent until they reach a console with a glowing crystal above it. There's a 'designated zone', looking like an inactive spell circle in front of the console. "Please stand inside the lines, and do not place anything outside unless you wish it left behind." she warns, waiting until everyone is in place, then touching the crystal.

    In an instant the location seems to change, and the group are in a small science laboratory? Chemical apparatus, chalkboards, diagrams and notes are strewn across the various desks and furniture, and a tall figure with long blue hair and a witch's hat paces, muttering to herself. "These formulae are wrong, it can't be that complicated... perhaps if I..." she descends into muttering, seemingly unaware of her guests.

    Charta floats over, and clears her throat. When that doesn't work, she reaches over and jabs the woman in the side, which causes her to jolt and a long staff to manifest in a stream of numbers and light in her left hand. "!!!"

    The alarm wanes, and Theurgus calms, dismissing her weapon with the same flurry of numbers and light. "Ah, Grimoire, why are you disturbing..." she finally spots the others, and stalks over rapidly, a bright smile playing on her lips. "Ah! Why did you not inform me we had guests!?"

    Charta just sits there, palming her face, before regaining her composure. "Everyone, this is Lady Diamond Soul." "Please, this is hardly time for pomp and granduer." retorts Theurgus, doffing her hat and bowing politely with a flourish. "I am Theurgus, DCC of this Drive. A pleasure to meet you all." she plops her hat back atop her head, then lifts a hand to cover a growing chuckle. "kukukuk~"

Gaonoir has posed:
".. Yeah, I see," Gaonoir gruffs flatly as the book-fairy nearly gets herself flyswatted for stirring the witchy woman from her work.

"This chamber looks like some kind of fairy tale alchemy lab." A few more pictures are clicked, but then Erika finally tucks the device away for the time being. She's not that rude. Instead she bows briefly to Theurgus. "My name's Erika." Then motions towards the dark canine. "And that's my Digimon partner, Gaonoir."

"Yo." Gaonoir is being his usual dry indifference.

"Don't mind him, he's not a big talker." Unless he's being sarcastic, at least.

Lexicon has posed:
    "Don't worry about it," Lexicon states with a wave of her hand, "I inherited Britannica but I do not really remember much about her. It was a long time ago and I was very young. I feel like the people lost more when she de-rezzed than I did." Eyes closing, she adds, "I do what I can for the betterment of my Drive. Nobody's complained, so I must be doing a good job."

    To Kirito, Lexicon turns enough so she can see him while she gestures, "This is normal for the System. Where we were before is the Hub. All of the Drives connect to the Hub, and each Drive is influenced by the data stored in it. My own drive, Britannica, contains an enormous amount of literature and looks quite different from this. Cadenza, meanwhile is filled with music and in turn is a loud and obnoxious 24-7 rave party."

    Once teleported, she turns her attention to the noisier occupant, squinting slightly. This doesn't look like the MAGUS. she'd seen in the records. Is this really Diamond Soul? Up until her introduction, Lexicon is skeptical. Given her own origin, though, she quickly accepts Theurgus' status, "I see, nice to meet you. Your Drive seems to have changed quite a bit since anyone had last seen it." Her hands fold primly in front of herself, mirroring her unreadably neutral expression, "I am Lexicon. It's not every day a reconnection occurs. We all thought the worst when the Diamond Drive went off-grid."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is getting floored byt it as she nods to Kirito and asks a bit of a quetion of her own. "So this is nortmal I take it the various shifts in landscape?"

She also give nother nod to Flamel he doesn't seem as cold as the apprent look he gives off. Which s some kind of MIB vibe in terms of it's apperanc ebut then the alarm goes on. She shuts up and listens now as sh seems to be making ready, just in the event there is toruble or maybe she miss understood?

"IT is good to meet you Theurgus."

Flamel Parsons (1094) has posed:
    Parsons floats in the circle, remaining still and quiet, and veyr interested, all throughout the rather ad-hoc introduction. "Hi there, Ms. Theurgus. Pleasure to meet you as well! I'm Flamel Parsons. I noticed the reconnection didn't seem very high-stress, what all has gone on here to make things ready for reconnecting? What made you disconnect before?" He tilts his head, curiously, and adjusts his sunglasses.

    Then he's also peering forward. "Oh, what are you having difficulty with? I represent a very knowledgable group of scholars and researchers, if you've been having great trouble with some studies, I'd love to get you in contact with them! Do you do this sort of thing often?" This sort of thing? He gestures vaguely with one hand at the room around them. Science, he guesses, is what he means? He's... Taking this a little fast, it seems, out of his usual hunger for understanding and knowledge.

Kirito has posed:
"Oooooh. So I'm guessing this drive manages... arcane knowledge and wizardry?" Not something he'd expect to find on a computer, and the disbelief in his voice is pretty evident.

    And yet the appearance of Theurgus all but clinches it. Kirito's eyes are pretty wide for a second or two as he takes measure of this turn of events... but he settles in quickly enough with a warm - if slightly nervous and apprehensive - smile.

    "... Kirito, an adventuring swordsman."

    He has plenty of questions, to be sure. But a formal occasion's not his idea of when to best voice them.

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus looks over Lexicon thoughtfully, then smiles. "Ah, yes. I took over after MAGUS. sadly left us. She told me I would eventually meet an old friend of hers, though it seems her prediction was a little off." She chuckles softly... before descending into a nearly maniacal cackle, barely contained behind her raised hand. "Kukukuku~, Wahahahahaha!"

    Parsons' questions dampen that mood quickly, suspicion etching into the woman's face as she turns away, pulling a small marble from her pocket and muttering as she places it to her ear. "Yes it's me. It seems The Organization moved faster than we anticipated. No. I can handle it." she puts the marble back into her pocket, then, like a flicking a switch, she's back to that pleasant, affable persona. "Ah another learned man of the sciences. I would be more than happy to swap notes with you... at another time."

    Gaonoir and Erika earn a further smile, and Theurgus reaches out to lightly ruffle the girl atop the head. "Some need not speak to be understood. Their actions attest far louder than anything they may utter ever could." This woman is literally bouncing all over the spectrum.

    And then Kirito speaks up, nervous and uncertain. The blue eyes that fall upon him almost seem like those of a predator who has found amusing prey. "A swordsman? My my, such a brave and motley band I have within my domain." she leans in, inches from Kirito's face. "You are rather astute for a simple swordsman. Indeed, Locus is a repository for all types of knowledge. Arcane and eldrich, scientific and theoretical, mundane and fantastical." She straightens, spreading her arms wide.... then just sighs. "It was getting rather lonely with only these walls, these buildings and halls... it's why I reconnected the System Bus... that and my mentor told me to do so."

Flamel Parsons (1094) has posed:
    Parsons latches onto this like the jaws of life prying off a car door. "The Organization?" His eyes are shining -- literally, a little, behind his sunglasses -- and he seems eager to hear more. "An unnamed coalition of ambiguous actors furthering unknown goals through clandestine methods? Unnamed and anonymous individuals wielding circuitous influence over the order of the world for generations who may even now be infiltrating or distantly spying or otherwise insiduously collecting information for their mysterious agendas? Am I close?" Oh no. OH NO. OH NO OH NO.

    The look on his face has turned from bright and optimistic to positively excited. He looks quite hopeful and awaits some confirmation of his... strange immediate guesses. He's practically bouncing on the soles of his fancy shoes.

Lexicon has posed:
    "So both of our expectations haven't been met, then," Lexicon admits with a little sigh, "But still this is a great occasion. Your drive stores literature as well, so we already have something in common." A hand raises and she gestures to herself, "It's my ernest hope that we can be comrades, even if we're going to be competing for the System Hub." With a shrug, she adds, "I could use a friendly rival for a change."

    Especially one that doesn't flaunt certain abilities in her face all the damn time. Just thinking about it causes her fist to clench at her side for a moment, before she catches herself. A glance is cast towards the bookfairy, "I thought you introduced yourself as Charta. Is Grimoire a nickname, then?"

    As soon as she's addressed Charta, though, Lexicon's attention is drawn to Flamel's enthusiastic ... conspiring. Her gaze shifts to Theurgus, then back to Flamel. She doesn't voice her concern, but she can't help but feel like these two will be trouble if left unsupervised.

Tutela (1090) has posed:
    There was a reason why Tutela wasn't saying anything. As soon as they arrived, she dissapeared! She's gone for a while while everyone else is doing their thing, only returning with something else in her hand. She pops up behind Lexicon... and "Boo." a smile is given to Lexicon as she backs away. "I'm done..." as she holds up a broom.. ."With my security sweep. The system is, oddly, virus free for the most part. I haven't seen any around so. I'll be making visits in the future to make sure."

    She backs away and pointedly looks at Erika, she'll appreciate the pun at least...

Gaonoir has posed:
Erika emits a little squeak as her hair is ruffled, and the puns from the security agent. Gaonoir snorts softly, a faint hint of amusement finally showing through his dour exterior. For a moment. Then it's gone again. "I guess this lady ain't all that bad." But yeah, the warning that she's a bit eccentric was clearly accurate.

And then conspiracies comes up, which has Erika jumping right onto the conversation. "Sounds like a situation of shadowy surrogates sneaking beneath superficial suminations to enact an sinister subtefuge of circumnavigating social structuring!"

Gaonoir ... slaps a gloved paw over his face. Oh dear loads, she's even rambling in alliteration. Erika is bad enough on her own, now there's TWO conspiracy nuts going at it.

Kirito has posed:


    Kirito leeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaans backwards on pure PERSONAL SPACE reflex, quickly getting all flustered and boggly-eyed at Theurgus getting all nosey at him.R
    "N-no more than the average Spriggan." He answers modestly, doing his best to deflect and keep a straight face.

    He's nearly bending over backwards and getting even MORE nervous though... so that's not working out too well.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe stares at the cackle oh this is worrysome to her for a moment at the mention the orginzation that gets her raising an eyebrow she doesn't such anhting on it it's just her reaction to the culture of this world for a moment.

"I'm one as well honestly if you could call me that. Kritito and I have been adventuring buddies for a very long time." It was a very long time a she thought about it.

"So a place of learning that's interesting actually."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus' eyes watch Parsons curiously. "... You know of The Organization?" Oh no. red alert, red alert!

    Lexicon manages to break part of the mood, and Theurgus steps over, reaching to clasp both of Lexicon's hands within her own. "A duality of knowledge. A combination to rival the stars themselves. Rivals or not, I can see us being closer than sisters." she says in a flambouyant tone. Charta just grouses as the nickname is brought up. "... I had hoped that went unnoticed." she replies simply. That probably answers that and the subsequent question that usually follows.

    Tutela's return gets Charta speaking again. "Of course there are no viruses here. The Locus Militia ensures any that get in are quickly and efficiently eradicated. I do hope you did not accost any of our citizens. There are some reformed Viruses within our citizenry. They have agreed to not cause trouble, and in return we allow them to live and work within the city." she says, smiling brightly. "We have gone three cycles without a major incident." she adds proudly.

    Gaonoir gets a look of shared pity from Charta, as Erika starts up on the aliterative stuff. Seems she has to deal with similar herself on a daily basis.

    Kirito's reaction, and Tomoe's addition just earn another chuckling cackle. "Oh relax." she says to Kirito in particular. "I was only playing with you. There is no need to take this so seriously."

Gaonoir has posed:
Ponytail sways with the motion of her head as Erika shakes it. "Not until you mentioned it. But nefarious nuances of such problematic persautions is not a new concept to us." Followed by a small but sly smile. "Some of us even make a persistant effort to investigate potential instances of such internal instigations of interference."

Gaonoir holds up his gloved paws even though the question of accousting wasn't directly aimed at him. "Hey now, where I come from 'Virus' in itself doesn't denote sinister intentions. I've met quite a few 'Vaccine' types in my time that are bigger dicks than any of the so-called dark and sinister types."

Lexicon has posed:
    And now Theurgus is right in her face. Lexicon can't help but lean back herself, even with her hands captured. A nervous sort of grin appears on her face as all she can do is listen to this flowery, poetic declaration. She glances to Charta for help, then back to Theurgus. She at last pulls her hands free, lowering them in front of herself, "I would hardly say it's /that/ drastic of a combination. And I already have sisters. Perhaps you'll meet them later."

    With a little sigh, she turns to glance over the laboratory itself. Some kind of mad scientist-magician. Her eyes narrow slightly. More like a ... mad magician? Is that a thing? Without taking her attention from the alchemical equipment, she adds, "Though I do look forward to cooperation. Finally someone around here who uses their head to solve problems, it'll be a breath of fresh air, for sure."

    A glance towards Kirito and Tomoe, "I'll advise you that the adventurers from outside the System are quite capable. I recognize your overall structures, you must be from the same world as Silica. And she's proven a valuable ally to Britannica." Eyes closing, she gestures, "So if you want to 'get your adventure on', there's no small supply of viruses and dungeons in the System that'd benefit from your experience. Even here, no doubt the System Tower has made its rounds." She glances towards Charta for this one, "Is that right? Has your Drive experienced the Tower yet?"

    To Gaonoire, Lexicon comments with her eyes closed, "Different worlds use the term differently, I've found. Most of them use it as some kind of corruption of data that makes the citizens unhealthy. Deelel's viruses actively corrupt data. Here, a virus is a monster."

Tutela (1090) has posed:
    Another drive that employs viruses? "At this rate, you won't need the Iron Obulette..." she mutters with a sad face showing, "Three cycles though is a good time." she shrugs a bit, shoving the broom into her inventory. It's here she looks around, "I didn't accost anyone... it's not how Tutela does things. I was just walking around and exploring the publically accessable areas..." she gives a bit of a grin, "I don't have access to a lot of places here yet, to do a full search."

Kirito has posed:
What is 'The Organization?' Kirito's quickly adding THAT to the list of questions he wants to find answers for, but he's far too preoccupied with breathing a sigh of relief the moment that Theurgus withdraws from his personal space. he shuffles a few steps away.. then looks over at hearing Silica's name spoken.

    "You've had visitors from Alfheim before? Silica's a good friend of mine!" He cracks a more comfortable smile now, interest beginning to gleam in his eyes. "Can't say no to a good adventure or dungeon dive! What do you have around here"

Flamel Parsons (1094) has posed:
    Parsons snaps! But, like, with his fingers. Not emotionally snapping, he's still fine. "I know a lot about lots of organizations! Secret orders! Alien infiltrators! Unknown entities and spirits from other dimensions! Even vague yet menacing government agencies!" He makes a lot of excited gestures. "Here, here, I have so many websites to show you. If you're dealing with something like that, you need to know about these..."

    Oh this is bad. Lexicon and Tutela can probably sense the danger hanging around some of these obscure geocities links about the Illuminati just from deep instinctual fear. It's not viruses. It's a much deeper, more awful threat: Green ink. "Oh, but, so, you've reconnected? Your mentor said to, who is your mentor? I'm still acclimating, you're the primary leadership here of some sort, right?"

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Charta says to Tutela. "Forgive me, we are very protective of our citizens, regardless of their past or former ties." she says, bowing a little to the Security program. Lexicon only gets an apologetic look in return for the glance. 'Sorry, she's always like this' is what they look conveys. The query about the Tower makes Charta's eyes darken, disappearing behind a dark shadow from her bangs. "A huge construction like a spike driven through our home, drawing Resources that are desperately needed at the most inopportune time? A blight of black that stretches from the base to the skybox like the horrid finger of some massive beast seeking to rend our fragile peace into a thousand pieces?" seems Theurgus isn't the only one with a flair for the dramatic. "Oh yes. We have been troubled by this thing."

    Theurgus goes back to Kirito abruptly, beaming a smile as she hooks an arm around his shoulders, chuckling. "Ah, that is good to hear. My militia can handle the odd Virus outbreak, but if that damnable Tower comes back, it will be a relief to have more than my trusted friend Grimoire--" "Charta." "--- At my side." Aaaand then Flamel speaks up again.

    Theurgus releases Kirito, and a dangerous sparkle enters her eyes are she looks across the pleathora of information. "Astounding... simply astonishing really... Such documentation..." she looks up at Flamel. "... I believe we can come to come agreement. Finally... a fellow Tuner of Fate." Oh dear.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe :she looks to Kirito for amoment and she just laughs a little bit at Theurgus for a moment she seems amused too. he does tkae it well though when Lexicon speak up she's blsughing brightly bright read at this point and she ahems trying to regain control for a moment. 5R
"Silcia's a good friend and someone I trust in any party I'm with." She's not hte strongest but she damn well trusts Silicia and that make her worth more than many other DPS as she would put it.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir leans closer to Charta while Theurgus is talking to Flamel again and whispers "You weren't kidding about the 'eccentric' part." Though other than the whole Organization thing she doesn't seem to be that... out of touch with things at least.

Lexicon has posed:
    As Charta describes the Tower in so many flowery terms, Lexicon's expression grows flatter and more annoyed. Not at how wordy the tome is being, but rather, her annoyance at the Tower's prevalence. Even on a Drive that wasn't connected to the Hub... With a rumble, she folds her arms, "I see." Her eyes glance towards Theurgus, then back to Charta as she adds, "Now that you're no longer isolated, though, you have allies you can call upon to get rid of it in a timely manner. Whether it's me or Tutela, the other DCCs, or visitors from outside the System like these four." A nod of her head indicates where Kirito, Tomoe, Gaonoir, and Erika are standing.