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System Tower, Floor 59 - Another 5 Hours at Patty's
Date of Scene: 18 March 2017
Location: The System <TS>
Synopsis: The System Tower returns to Britannica to cause trouble in the Drive. There's something eerie about it this time, and possibly familiar...
Cast of Characters: Lexicon, 1103, 707

Lexicon has posed:
    Britannica's wilderness is as snowy and mountainous as ever. Despite the digital surroundings, it looks every much like the alpine region it was made to resemble, cold peaks reaching into the Drive's sky. In the distance, here in the mountains, the cityscape of Britannica can easily be seen, squat European buildings clustered around hilltop libraries. But there's a very visible problem. The glowing lines that pulse all throughout the Drive, carrying the lifeblood of the system that keeps everything running, have grown dim. Barely visible in the evening light, they only become defined every few seconds when a pulse of light runs through them, like a fading heartbeat. The lights in the buildings aren't affected, at least.

    Out here in the wild cold yonder is the source: An immense tower made out of black metal, reaching impossibly into the sky. There are no windows on its grim visage, nor any lights of any kind. At a distance, one can easily see a spot of silver light circling around it in elaborate figures, ascending and descending at intervals until, at last, it descends to the meeting point Lexicon gave at the foot of the tower.

    For those just arriving, Silver Soul descends from the sky on wings of white light, touching down near a woman in red priestess robes, "I can't find anything resembling a 'top'. If it's really 100 floors like Fairfax was suspecting, they're not the same height as a standard floor in a regular building." Pixellated light surrounds the DCC, then fades, switching the red-eyed, silver-haired goddess with her brunette normal form, "I can even feel it digging into the Drive's resources, this time."

    Stylono considers this, tapping her chin as she glances towards the city in the distant, lower altitudes, "Though it's not affecting the lights in the homes of our citizens... I fear it is already becoming impossible to ignore."

    With a frown, Lexicon turns her back to the structure, folding her hands together, "All we can hope is that clearing floors yeilds more clues towards a more permanent solution."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Up in the sky, it's a bird! It's a plane!? No! It's Diamond Soul!

    A quick jaunt over from Locus to visit her new friend, lead the DCC of the Diamond Drive to the Silver one, just in time for the System Tower to show up. What a bother! The chromatic streak of light, like the ray cast from a prism struck by a sunbeam, comes cresting a ridge, then angles over to land near to Lexicon and Stylono.

    The woman wears a flowing white cloak, borne upon large clock-work gear assemblies for wings, with several mounts of similar gear and clock work around her feet, hips and hands. Atop her head with its flowing rainbow of hair? A large conical hat with churning gearwork. She detransforms on landing, resuming her normal, blue-haired shape. "Whether we can find clues or not, we shall have to speak to the barbarians of the other Drives, earn some cooperation if it continues to grow more and more power hungry with each clearing." she says, surprisingly sober as she looks up with barely veiled hatred at the black spike driven through the Drive. "I despise this thing. Too many times has it appeared in Locus, even disconnected. Hnnf."

    She takes a breath, arms folding over her chest before she smiles that foxish smile at Lexicon, pushing the immense structure out of her mind for the moment. "Anyway, dear Lexicon, how have you been since we last spoke?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Well, part of your problem might be that you're expecting the architecture to adhere to set physical laws, in spite of being in cyberspace," Xiaomu remarks casually from where she's still sitting on her lightcycle - not astride it, right now, but resting her hips on the bike rather than standing up so far. "I mean, c'mon, it comes and goes more or less arbitrarily, why shouldn't its external height be just as arbitrary as when and where it shows up?"

At Diamond Soul's arrival, the sage fox finally hops to her feet, reaching under the handlebars and doing something which causes the lightcycle to de-rez, miniaturizing back into its ever-so-convenient baton form, and slipping the baton into a pocket of her vest. "Hey there, didn't catch your name yet?" she greets the white-cloaked woman - and now blue-haired. Interesting. "I'm Xiaomu, I've been in and out of helping deal with the Tower stuff."

Lexicon has posed:
    When addressed by Xiaomu, Lexicon shrugs with her eyes closed, "I understand that its geometry is likely nonsensical, but Fairfax wanted me to check. I figured it wouldn't hurt." Eyes still closed, she tips her head forward and touches her chin in thought, "Though it's also not very comforting, because we have no idea if it's just non-euclidean or just has floors surpassing 100 in number. If it's the former, the end is in sight. If not, than we get to find out what happens when it tries to pull more than one hundred percent of a Drive's resources."

    "Assuming it doesn't cap at a lower amount, anyway," Stylono tastefully adds. She turns to address Theurgus' arrival with a polite bow and an equally polite, "Lady Diamond Soul. Lady Silver Soul told me about you, welcome to Britannica." Nervously, she adds, "Though I wish it were under better circumstances."

    "Xiaomu's helped me before," Lexicon backs up the sage fox's claim, "She's reliable, if you need her assistence with anything." Turning at last, she glances towards Theurgus, "And I've been fine. Busy, as usual, but a busy DCC is a good DCC." Her turn completes, and she faces the Tower directly, "It looks like it's just the three of us this time. But with two DCCs and this Sage Fox, we should be fine with whatever this place can throw at us."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus nods to Lexicon, then turns to Xiaomu, doffing her hat, and with a wide flourish, introduces herself. "Theurgus, Lady Diamond Soul of Locus, the Diamond City of Magic, Tuner of Fate and the self proclaimed Mad Magician, at your service!" she straightens, and plants her hat back atop her head, then turns to fall into step beside Lexicon. "Whatever awaits us, it will not be any trouble." she affirms, summoning her staff to her left hand. It's pitch black, almost absorbing light, like the tower which the three approach, traced with lines that alter hue in a lazy fashion, all leading to a large marble set into the blocky headpiece.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Oooh, so you're a magical specialist?" Xiaomu grins at Theurgus. "Well met indeed, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do." She hefts her own staff, the rings hanging from its headpiece jingling as they bump against each other. "Just don't go too mad; the last thing we need is for you to go all bullet-hell on the Tower, and then we find out the hard way just how well the Tower can shoot back."

Says the foxgirl who lays down infamous amounts of firepower from just two handguns. The irony appears to be lost on her, though.

Lexicon has posed:
    "Please don't encourage her," Lexicon admonishes Xiaomu with a flat tone. She inwardly pats herself on the back-- When they'd first met, she considered the term 'mad magician' to describe Theurgus. And now here, suddenly, she's finding out that's exactly how Theurgus describes /herself/. There's a little bit of 'called it' pride to be had, there.

    "Stylono, stay here and mind the door while we handle this," she commands as she places her hands on the door, "It'll probably be unsafe if anyone tries to join while we're in the middle of the floor's puzzle." The priestess merely nods once, and as Lexicon opens the door and steps through, Stylono calls out.

    "I wish you luck!"

    The Tower entrance deposits the trio in a building interior. It all looks like new construction and still even smells a bit like paint that's only been on the walls for a few days. Regular gray walls with a crimson chair rail and boards along the lower half give it all a pretty distinctive appearance. The floors themselves are black and white checkerboard tiles. The room itself is somewhat small, a simple foyer or entryway with a wide archway opening into a long corridor beyond. The hallway looks like there are large doors on either side, with a room on the opposite end some 20 yards down which seems to be about the same size as this entryway. A figure seems to be moving around down there, behind a desk.

    The walls are decorated rather festively with ribbons and bunches of balloons, and a few colorful posters proclaiming various fun action verbs like PLAY and PARTY. However, the building seems to be largely devoid of any of those things. It's quite silent, like the place is closed for the day or hasn't even had its opening yet. There is only one sound: A melodious, soft voice singing, too quietly to make out the words, but it seems to be coming from the office at the far end.

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus just chuckles dangerously at Xiaomu, but refrains from any form of showboating. Now is not the time, there is mystery, intrigue... silent corridors and a creepily singing voice... oh dear.

    "This is... different." the blue-haired woman said helpfully, keeping her staff gripped tightly. "I do not like the sound of that singing, this feels like a trap." well of /course/ it's a trap Theurgus, this is the Tower, it's /always/ a trap, even if it isn't. "It is your Drive at stake, Lexicon, what should we do first?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
The very first thing Xiaomu does upon seeing the building interior, the room, the posters, and the decorations, along with hearing that distant singing, is to turn around and make sure there's still a door or something that we came in by - and that we could, if necessary, LEAVE by.

No, she's not going to just bolt out and leave the two DCCs to handle this; she came to help, she's going to make good on that. She's just making sure that if this turns out to be as bad of a trap as Theurgus is apparently speculating, there's an option beyond 'death is the only exit' or some cliche like that.

"Well, the obvious direction to go in," Xiaomu observes wthether or not there's an exit door at the group's backs, "is to head down and say hello to whoever that is singing. Or we can check some of the doors along the way, but depending on how the Tower wants to treat us, those might just put us back where we're standing right now."

Lexicon has posed:
    Xiaomu will be pleased to find the door is still there, though it doesn't look like the Tower's entrance. It looks more like a modern store or gym exit, metal doors with push-bars. The windows even show the snowy terrain outside the Tower, though Stylono apparently doesn't know she's visible, looking nervously up instead of in.

    "What kind of things does the Tower do in your Drive?" Lexicon asks Theurgus as she steps ahead, "It's my theory that it behaves differently in each Drive, giving different floor types more frequently. In Britannica, most of the floors that are presented are puzzle floors rather than combat floors."

    She steps into the corridor, tracing a hand along the right wall until she reaches one of the doors. However, it doesn't budge and has no obvious controls, having a smooth metallic surface almost like an airlock or blast door on a spaceship. Given the old-timey feel of the rest of the decor, this seems pretty out of place. With a frown, she glances towards the office at the end of the hall. In the entryway, the words were indistinguishable, but here in the corridor itself, the soft voice has just enough to carry clearly.

    "Caution, turn back now...
    There are secrets that will be unwound...
    They will drag you down...
    Turn back, turn back..."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus follows after Lexicon, peering at the doors and muttering to herself, something about Organization, and other conspiracy-like stuff. Such an odd woman. At the question, she's broken from the spell and looks over, "Oh... Puzzles, yes, but of magical theorum, spacial physics... logic puzzles in three dimensional space." she explains, making gestures that... really don't help to explain. "We had one floor split into a multi-tiered arena of sorts, which looped in a non-euclidian way, where we had to race to collect items before the local Virus did. The platforms could be shot or bumped into to dislodge someone's footing, rather obnoxious really."

    As the words become clearer, Theurgus' frown deepens, "Secrets... clearly The Organization wants us to abandon this tower. We must press on!" she then quickens her pace, marching imperiously down the corridor to confront the occupant of the end room... oh dear.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu can't help rolling her eyes at the threat of 'secrets that will be unwound'. "Can you be any less cliche with your ominous threats," she grumbles.

However, the sage fox actually seems a little more alarmed by that threat than you might normally expect her to be. She was brought face-to-face with some of her own darker thoughts and impulses than usual, not very long ago, so ... yeah, she's kinda been resensitized to the possibility of 'secrets' that are kept bottled up for a REASON.

Lexicon has posed:
    "You don't have to stay...
    Endure this curse we can't escape...
    Before your world breaks...
    Turn back, turn back..."

    Approaching the office, the voice grows louder. The office itself has the same walls and floor design as everywhere else, with rather large vents on either side in addition to the doorless entryway arc. The only real furniture is a desk with a tablet sitting on it, linked to what appears to be a CCTV system for the building. And behind the desk is the room's occupant.

    In the wall behind the desk is a glass-walled enclosure containing a small woman. She's quite short, child-sized, but has the figure of a grown adult filling a silky blue ballroom gown. Long black hair with slight curls, and a tall ribbon resembling rabbit's ears. She has her back to the entryway at first, swaying slightly as she sings, though once she becomes aware of the intruders she stops and turns around. Nothing horrible awaits, she's got a rather gorgeous appearance and looks very doll-like.

    After taking a moment to understand what she's seeing, the character turns around fully and places her gloved hands against the glass, her face brightening. Though her voice is muffled by her enclosure, she's clearly audible just as when she was singing, "You're not like them? Are you here to break the curse?" A closer look would reveal that, while she does wear princess gloves that cover her elbows, she definitely has doll-like joints under the cloth. This is not a small human, but an animated figure. Perhaps a virus. Another reformed, imprisoned monster?

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus storms into the room... and then comes to an abrupt stop as the small animated doll turns around. "Them? The Organization did this to you?" she... doesn't ask the contained being, shifting back into her self-musing posture with a tap of her chin. "That they could stoop so low... this cannot stand." she straightens, looks at Lexicon and Xiaomu before speaking to them. "Seems we have a damsel in distress. But we need to figure out what this 'curse' is."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"What exactly is this 'Organization' you're talking about, anyway?" Xiaomu asks Theurgus. "They the ones behind the Tower appearances or something, or is this unique to your 'territory' ... ?"

Still. A curse, huh? Maybe this won't be quite as invasive for the three of them as Xiaomu was worried it might be ... but still, she's taking a careful look around the office, and checking that conveniently-visible tablet for any 'clues' that the CCTV might be picking up from other rooms.

Not that she really knows what to look for ... yet.

Lexicon has posed:
    "...What?" The doll blinks, perplexed. After a moment, she leans a bit more ernestly against the glass, "My name is Bunnabelle. I've been trapped here for so long, I've almost forgotten the Drive I used to live in. Please set me free!" When Xiaomu roams the office, the doll follows her, then scuttles to the other end of her enclosure as the tablet becomes the sage fox's focus of attention, "Solving the Floor is the only way! You can't delete them. You can only out-last them."


    Lexicon stays near the doorway, fixated on Bunnabelle for a moment, trying to parse why this unfamiliar thing feels somehow familiar at the same time. After a few moments, she glances towards Theurgus, "I don't think this is the work of the Organization you're usually working against." Her attention returns to Bunnabelle, and she directly asks, "Who do you mean by 'them'?"

    Xiaomu's attention to the tablet doesn't garner anything at first. It's a fairly straightforward CCTV interface. An upper corner identifies the building: Patty's Play Palace. There's some touch-buttons in the corner for a light, which isn't needed as the room the camera oversees is a well-lit arcade with rows of machines, and something simply labeled 'Beep'. In the lower corner is a basic map showing several other rooms, which can be touched. This one is a party room with rows of tables. This one is a stage with rows of seats and two figures standing still on stage. And this one...

    A humanoid robot covered in a plastic shell, giving it the appearance of a red cat in a blue dress, stands beside a power panel. She's perfectly intact, shiny and well maintained. Reaching up, she grips an ominous switch labeled MAIN POWER. Holding this firmly, the animatronic's head swivels to look directly at the camera. It hesitates, then pulls the switch down with a brief spray of sparks.

    The lights go out throughout the building. There's a moment's pause, and then the office's dimmer emergency power lights flicker back on. The tablet and camera feeds are uninterrupted. With a buzzing alert sound, the vent covers on either side of the room suddenly retract, exposing square, black voids. Down the hallway, little green indicators turn red, then flicker out, and the sound of heavy metal doors retracting can be heard.

    "They cut the power..!" Bunnabelle doesn't answer Lexicon, "They're coming!"

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    "Everything is linked to The Organization in some way. Their hands reach far. Further than I---" the lights go down, then the emergency power comes online. "--- anticipated." They are coming? Indeed. "Out last them we shall... seems we must dig in and defend our ground. Luckily for all of us, my predecessor and I taught the LDF how to do just that!" She twirls her staff, then in a flare of light, transforms back into Diamond Soul. "Kukukuku, Wahahahaha! You shall know me as the Mad Magician! And if you still dare to face me, you shall know nothing more!" she then says, her voice deeper and a slightly wilder cast with all her actions. "Lady Silver Soul, if you would be so kind as to keep the door, I shall look after these vents. Lady Sage Fox, if you could keep your eyes on those cameras and give us some fair warning." she grins. "Let the games, begin!"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
The look on Xiaomu's face is most readily translated into prose as 'are you f***ing kidding me?' - but she doesn't deign to put that thought into actual spoken words. The look should be plenty.

Still, Theurgus has gone and taken the initiative about diving up their efforts, so Xiaomu turns her attention right back to the tablet, cycling through the windows to figure out what is what, and where each viewpoint is. "I could probably put up some icy barriers to either slow our playmates down, or at least ofrce them to take the long way around and come at us one by one," she offers. "So are there cameras in the vents ... ?"

If there are, she's very interested in sorting out which cameras are on which duct, the better to help predict where the animatronics are coming in from. "Oh, and Lexicon?" Xiaomu asks while she's familiarizing herself with the cameras she can access. "Next time you need my help with a Tower, please remind me to bring grenades."

Lexicon has posed:
    "I thought grenades were a normal part of your kit," Lexicon admits. Silver light surrounds her in pixellated glory, then fades, leaving her in the bodysuit and processors of Silver Soul. She reaches out, producing her axe, which is then swung up and rested across her shoulders as she takes position at the entryway.

    "Y-You're Drive Core Controllers..?!" Bunnabelle certainly seems surprised when Theurgus and Lexicon both transform. As she recovers from the shock, the little doll cradles her chin in thought, glancing down, "...Maybe they can do it after all..." Her eyes wander from Diamond Soul to Silver Soul, then to the Sage Fox working the camera tablet.

    There appear to be 9 cameras in total, arranged as buttons on a basic line map of the building, and a little dot in the office even bears the label 'You'. It looks like the building, thus, is just two big rooms on either side of the main corridor-- Show Stage and Party Room 1 on the left side, along with the Vent camera L, and Party Room 2 and Arcade on the right side, along with Vent camera R-- and some auxiliary rooms past those; Parts & Service, Kitchen, and Prize Corner. It looks like the closest big rooms, Show Stage and Party Room 2, are connected to the office by the vents. So those are the ones to keep an eye on if the vents are a concern.

    Another problem is the rooms are all dark with the power out, and only vague shapes can be made until Xiaomu hits the light button, which seems to turn on a mounted light on the camera she's currently viewing through. The 'Beep' button plays a beep loud enough that it's even audible in the office.

    The brown figure on stage has moved, stalking slowly through the seats. As it walks into the light, it can be identified as a slick businessman-like rat with sunglasses, wearing a black suit. An un-lit cigar appears to be fitted to his upper lip on one side. He's either supposed to be a business tycoon or a gangster, it's unclear. He ignores the camera's light, though reacts to the sounds of the 'Beep' button and turns towards the source immediately.

    If the light is turned on here, the red cat is immediately drawn to it, and soon fills the screen with her cheerful, if unsettling face. Seems Patty Cat is drawn to light or possibly movement.

    There's another robot here, a blue canine of some kind with a large toothy mouth and an equally large yellow bow between her ears. The bow matches the dress, all molded from plastic. This character doesn't react to the light or the beeper, and remains stationary.

    The video feed is black, but the audio picks up something noisily rummaging around in here.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Not that normal," Xiaomu answers. "I have to get those grenades specifically from Shinra when I need 'em, or when I have a reasonable expectation of needing 'em."

She finishes experimenting with the camera controls. "Okay, so ... Rattenheimer may not notice light but he notices sound, Pat the Cat is really reactive, Muttley McMuttface is kind of asleep, are there only three we have to worry about? Or ..."

She focuses on the kitchen for a moment, then turns the light on for about one second to see if there's anything TO see. Or is that one just busted?

Lexicon has posed:
    "Rodney Rat," Bunnabelle corrects, "And Patty Cat." The doll-like rabbitgirl settles down in a poof of dress, "The dog is Katie Collie. And there is a fourth one."

    Turning the light on immediately fills Xiaomu's screen with mangled robot parts and broken plastic, shoulders-deep in one of the cupboards. It's white with red detailing and some shapes that resemble feathers, and a design on the bulky legs that suggest it's supposed to be a bird. When the light comes on, it stops, then hauls itself out of the cabinet. Part of the head and one entire arm are missing, along with large parts of the chestpiece that were broken off somehow, giving it a half-skeletal Terminator kind of look. The eyes are likewise mismatched, one the same white as normal, the other empty black with a glowing white point for a pupil. This stares at the camera for a moment, then lurches towards the edge of the frame and pulls the door open.

    When the damaged animatronic leaves the kitchen, it appears here, lurching across the floor amidst tables, plates, and party hats set up neatly around.

    "Freddy Finch," Bunnabelle introduces the mangled robot, "He was damaged by the last group who tried to solve this floor. And has been spending time scavenging and repairing himself." The doll folds her hands primly, "Patty Cat will follow motion and light, but ignores sounds. Rodney Rat is blind and reacts to sounds only. You can use the camera to distract him. But too much noise will wake up Katie Collie."

    "Real freakin' great," Lexicon mutters, "And I'm covered in glowin' crap like this." With a flicker of pixellated light, she returns to her normal form, now with fewer glowing bits and a relatively ordinary (still huge) hammer instead of a glowing energy axe. From her pocket, she produces a penlight and shines this down the hallway. At least like this her voice is quieter, "So...we pay attention and keep them away from us. That sounds easy."

    Glancing back, she adds, "Xiaomu-- Keep us appraised of their movements. Theurgus and I will defend if they try to break in." A glance at the Mad Magician, and she adds, "I'm sure you have tricks to distract sound or light-focused creatures, so that will be useful. Just make sure it's flashier than you are."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus, Diamond Soul, nods to Lexicon. "Anything the Drives can create, I can control. Just give me a target." she replies simply. She's largely non-glowy, compared to Silver Soul, though the staff, which has had the once blocky head replaced by an orbiting array of moving parts around the suspended marble, still glows with that rainbow hue. Resolving into a colour associated with the 'element' she's using at the moment. Her Processors aren't especially light emitting, but she does have that ever-present aura around her like all DCCs do.

    "How long do we need to fend them off?" she asks the bunny-doll, remaining hovering a few inches off the floor in the middle of the office, so she can get to one vent cover or the other if need be.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Unless they're going to kill us even more painfully for not using their real names," Xiaomu retorts, "I wasn't that far off for the two of them, and almost exactly right for Patty."

Pardon her for sounding more snippy than usual, she wasn't expecting that close of a look at a nightmarishly mangled animatronic that looks like it escaped from a theme park horror movie by way of the set of another horror movie about time-travelling robot assassins, or something. "Freddy's in Party Room 1 now ... huh, could we lure him to one of the intact animatronics and let him wreck the other one for spare parts, or something?" She waggles the camera in Party Room 1, makes a beep from the Show Stage camera, and waggles the Parts & Service camera to keep Patty interested.

Lexicon has posed:
"They will stop moving when the lights come back on," Bunnabelle admits, "It is going to feel like forever, though."

    The camera's movements don't distract Freddy Finch at all. He even ignores the light, and simply proceeds across the room at his steady pace. At the far side, just on the edge of the camera's pan range, he crounches down and disappears through a hard-to-see vent low in the wall.

    When Xiaomu returns to this room's camera, Patty Cat isn't there. Panning doesn't reveal her at all. She must have moved while the tablet's focus was elsewhere.

    Rodney Rat is moving out of frame when the camera beeps, causing him to whirl in place. At the far left of the pan range, Freddy Finch emerges from behind a table and starts stalking across the stage itself. Opposite of where he came out, Patty Cat pushes open the Employees Only door and walks slowly towards Rodney. For the moment, 3 animatronics in one room. This somehow prompts Rodney Rat to turn around again, and exit the room. However, Freddy Finch doesn't seem to be pursing the two intact robots in the room with him. That answers Xiaomu's question before Bunnabelle can.

    "Shh--!" Lexicon hisses. In the bright LED circle of her penlight, Rodney Rat's frame emerges into the main corridor. He rises to his full height, head panning while his large rat's ears swivel about. After a moment, he turns directly towards the office and resumes his steady walking pace. Of note, it's not the predatory lurching he did when Xiaomu beeped the cameras, so he's not 'hunting'.

    Gingerly, Lexicon shifts to one side of the door, placing her penlight in her teeth and lifting her hammer in both hands. Her eyes drift to Theurgus, then Xiaomu, head jerking towards the doorway with a 'do something about this' sort of insistence.

    Yeah, neither of her partners dealt with these things before, but Lexicon's run into Rodney and Patty before. She's got a pretty clear memory of these things.

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus' heterochromic eyes, one blue, the other red, with their power symbol pupils, turn to the hallway. She makes a gesture to Xiaomu to hold for a moment, then with a quick flick of her staff, sends a little parcel of glowing purple energy down the hall, past Rodney and into one of the other rooms, opposite of the one he stalked out of. Once it enters, it strikes something as it's fallen out of control as soon as it left the DCC's line of sight. What it does, it produce a clear chime like silver bells that rings throughout the building... probably attracting the bird, and with the loudness, maybe even waking the dog.

    She might not have planned that one out all the way.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
So, time to be silent. That could be a problem, considering Freddy is now in one of the vents that's going to lead right into the office with them. Xiaomu settles for waving a hand to try and get Theurgus's attention - maybe Lexicon's too - and pointing emphatically at the left vent, before switching over to the vent camera and checking on Freddy's progress. She'll reach for her staff again as well; maybe gunfire won't be that effective, but she has more than just her guns.

She freezes JUST before grasping the staff, though. Because those rings are totally going to jingle and that might be a really, REALLY bad thing ...

Lexicon has posed:
    Bunnabelle, to her credit, has covered her mouth with both hands. She might not even be breathing. Lexicon tightens her grip on her hammer, lifting it moreso in preparation to attack if needed.

    Rodney Rat approaches at a steady gait, his footsteps heavy on the tile floor. That mote of light bounces harmlessly past him and he ignores it, as it moves so silently. It's not until Theurgus loses control of it and it knocks something over in the other room that the Rat responds. It lurches to a stop, hunching forward and glowering under one arm at the source of the noise. There's a horrible, mechanical hissing sound like a feral animal as Rodney Rat turns and pursues the noise. He disappears into the adjacent party room and soon becomes visible on the PARTY ROOM 2 camera, stalking like a hungry tiger.

    Vent cameras R and L are both empty. The lights show nothing is inside them. It looks like Freddy Finch was using a different, un-monitored vent to move between the larger rooms elsewhere in the building. Although-- A closer glimpse at Vent L's camera shows Freddy Finch's feet slowly approaching, then stopping right by the opening. After a moment, the animatronic crouches down until his face is visible on the camera. Now THAT is the vent to the office.

    A glance at this camera would also show Freddy Finch crossing the room and then crouching beside a more obvious vent opening, peering inside it. That is, until the light and panning motion attracts Patty Cat's attention and her face fills the screen. This blocks off further surveillance of the Stage for a while.

    When the noise goes off, Lexicon flinches, then shoots a glower at Theurgus. She can't get too angry, though. At least that noise didn't go off and draw the Rat to the office even faster. She glances at Xiaomu, noting the gestures, and relays that to the Mad Magician. She can afford to lower her hammer, and shines her penlight into the vent from her distant position.

    "When the power is out," Bunnabelle whispers, "The vent covers won't stay closed for more than a few seconds. It's enough to dissuade them from getting in, and they'll back out and leave...Just don't expect it to stay closed. You have to watch it."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Theurgus blinks at Lexicon. That was entirely her intention, and her nonchalant shrug conveys as much without words. She does look to Xiaomu, then over at the vent. Floating silently over to it, she eases it closed using the mechanism, then hovers nearby to keep watch on it.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu draws her hand back from the staff for now, reaching behind her back and under her vest, quietly drawing the Roc's Icebrand. If she has to resort to shooting, noise is going to be the least of their worries - and ice should gunk things up a little more than ordinary bullets would.

Fortunately, Theurgus is focusing on the actual physical vent, like she said she would. Good, one less thing to worry about. Xiaomu keeps most of her attention on the tablet, trying to keep the other animatronics 'entertained' ... well, except for Muttley McMuttface, AKA Katie Collie (seriously, Xiaomu likes her name better). Dealing with three of these things skulking around is bad enough, she doesn't want to add the fourth one to the mix.

Lexicon has posed:
    On VENT L's camera, Freddy Finch hauls himself into the vent. He ignores the camera, crawling his way past it with a scraping noise that grows audible in the office. His destroyed face becomes clear in the light cast by Lexicon's penlight, and that's when Therugus hits the button.

    The vent door shuts and a green indicator above it starts flashing. There's a firm *thunk* on the opposite side, then some faint metallic scraping. After precisely 1 minute, the vent's light turns red, emits a buzz, and the door opens again. The light stays red and won't close until it's green again-- about another minute or so. However, there's nothing behind the vent, and on the VENT L camera Xiaomu can see Freddy Finch retreating from the vent and walking away.

    Rodney Rat circles some tipped over chairs, searching for the bell-like sound that drew him to the room. After a few moments, his posture straightens and he ceases 'hunting', returning to a more leisurely walk.

    At some point while examining other cameras, Patty Cat's face disappeared from here. Freddy Finch can be seen walking towards the Employee's Only door.

    Katie Collie has not moved. However, the blue dog robot's eyes are now open. This is clear even if Xiaomu doesn't use the camera's lights-- A pair of silver points stare directly at the camera from across a room filled with toys, plushies, and other collectibles.
    With Rodney distracted and Freddy thwarted, Lexicon breathes a sigh of relief. Carefully, she peers around the side of the door and back into the hallway. She freezes, not lifting her penlight or anything.

    In the distant hallway, two silver points approach at a steady pace, with heavy steps. The footsteps soon are joined by a purposeful clicking sound, and then a lonely music box begins to play.

    "Shit," Lexicon mutters, quickly ducking back out of the doorway, "I think she saw me."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    "The feline? Perhaps I can seal her in ice for a time..." suggests Diamond Soul, remaining near the left side vent so as not to furthre attract the approaching robot. The glowing of her staff shifts from the purple of Sound, to a light blue-white indicating ice... but she waits for a go-ahead before trying it. Lexicon's been here before, that much is clear even to the conspiracy theorist. Besides, they're all in this together.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Muttley's awake," Xiaomu stage-whispers to the two DCC's. She's trying to sort out where Patty might have wound up, though.

And she really, REALLY wishes she had some grenades.

Lexicon has posed:
    "Do something!" Bunnabelle cries out. She doesn't move in her enclosure, but she can't take her eyes off the approaching silver eyes. The rabbit-ear ribbon even seems to lay back when the music box begins to play.

    Lexicon shoots a look at Theurgus, then looks down at herself. After a moment, she clicks her penlight so that the steady beam starts blinking, then flicks it around the doorframe and into the corridor. From her seat, Xiaomu can see it skitter past Patty Cat's feet. The flashing gets her attention, though, and the animatronic turns around to pursue it. With a little sigh, she admits, "Ice would probably stop it, but it'd also probably make a lot of noise and attract the other ones." She shoots a glance around the doorframe, "They're not viruses. Normal attacks don't work on them too well. I'm sure we /could/ destroy them, but it'd take an unreasonable amount of work to do so. Evading them is a lot less of a pain in the ass."

    Patty Cat crouches in the hallway, picking up the penlight. As she stands, the light cracks, then dies in the animatronic's grip. However, the robot keeps walking and doesn't resume her approach.

    A few moments after Patty is thwarted, she wanders into frame in the far off Party Room 1. Safely avoided.

    Glancing at this camera again reveals the glowing eyes of Katie Collie are much closer to the camera, close enough to see all those teeth on what is probably /intended/ to be a cute cartoon dog.

    There's a click above the doorway, then a musical chime much like a clock calling out the time. It's so much noise that it would no doubt alert Rodney Rat and possibly even Katie Collie to investigate the office... if it wasn't immediately followed by an electrical hum and the flickering of lights turning on throughout the building. As lights come on in the corridor, the metal doors slide back up into place. When the 'wave' of power reaches the office, the lights brighten and the vent covers slide down into place of their own volition.

    "Y..you did it?" Bunnabelle rises to her feet, pressing her hands on the glass, "Usually only one person ever tried at a time! Your teamwork is an inspiration, it's no wonder you're Drive Core Controllers!" She pauses, glancing at Xiaomu, and quickly adds, "--And guest."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    "Hmmph, hardly worth the transformation resources." gripes Theurgus idly, turning back in a flurry of pixels and rushing code numbers. Once she's back to normal, she dismisses her staff as well, and folds her arms over her chest. "Intriguing floor design... by the way you were acting, Lexicon, you've met these things before." she surmises, looking over at the brunette with that knowing, infuriating smile of hers. "If I did not know better, I would suspect you of working with The Organization and being a party to their Tower plan."

    She looks over at the bunny-doll, walks over to the glass, and inspects it. "So, have we broken the 'curse'? How do we free you?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Hey, I'm not just any guest," Xiaomu says to Bunnabelle, only slightly nettled to judge by her tone. "I'm an experienced gamer, one who's been playing ever since the first video games made their way to Japan, and my skills are broader than most humans can comprehend."

She pauses to dig out a package of fried tofu and carefully tear it open, offering pieces to Lexicon, Theurgus, and even Bunnabelle. She won't take it badly if any of them refuse the offering, though - that just means more for her. And she does start munching on a piece after offering it around.

Lexicon has posed:
    "Yes," Lexicon admits when Theurgus mentions her familiarity, "The cat and the rat were the antagonists on an earlier floor that also presented itself in Britannica." She shoots a glower at the Mad Magician, snapping, "And don't you even try to drag me into your delusion. I'm not working with any 'organization'." Well, except the Paladins, "Not some shady shadow government one, anyway." She lifts a hand, politely declining Xiaomu's offer of tofu, "Shortly after Kochiya cleared the floor, a TV show started airing and a curio shop in town started selling their merchandise." Her eyes close, and she considers, "It's very likely related. That shop carries all kinds of things related to this Tower. It's even run by a virus we rescued from here."

    "Speaking of," She glances towards Bunnabelle's enclosure. It's that instant that the Tower decides the floor is completed and disappears, depositing Sage Fox, Mad Mage, and Silent Rage on the snowy mountainside. Drifting down, her skirt acting as a parachute, Bunnabelle lands in the snow lightly as well.

    "I appreciate you three bringing an end to that. No doubt you had your own reasons, but as I benefited, my thanks all the same." She straightens her dress, then looks up at Xiaomu, then Theurgus, "You may have determined that I am not a virus-- I'm not. I am a catalogue program. It is my duty to monitor the System Tower and learn as much as I can about it. I previously tripped a security feature and was quarantined." Tugging on her dress, the doll dips into a courtsey, "Now that I am once again freed, I must find where the Tower has moved to and resume my work. I hope I will have information I can give you when we next meet."