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System Tower Researcher
Date of Scene: 19 April 2017
Location: The System <TS>
Synopsis: The System Tower's latest appearance is being dealt with by a different Drive Core Controller and her assisting programs, and the Tower has sealed itself while the Floor is being navigated. This does not mean there is nothing to do.
Cast of Characters: Lexicon, 1103, 707, 571, 619

Lexicon has posed:
    Welcome to Cadenza, the System's musical Drive. Bearing the skyline of a techno-futuristic city with rounded buildings and skyscrapers reaching for the limits of the Skybox, it is most characterized by two things: The color purple, and a never-ending beat. A rhythmic techno thump of bass is audible nearly everywhere, though the exact tempo changes and fades in or out indicating different sources and songs. This is accented by the glowing lines native to all System Drives-- these one being a rich purple color-- which pulse to the beat of the drive's musical heartbeat.

    The pulses of light in the purple resource lines, however, are dim. On the downstroke of the beat, they're almost not there at all, flashing brightly with the pulse of the Drive a few times per second. The cause is as plain as day: One skyscraper is not like the others.

    As citizens scurry out of the streets to tend ot their homes in what has the atmosphere of 'mild crisis', the sheer black face of the System Tower stands tall even above Cadenza's skyline. Reaching it is easy, given the apparent curfew, and the base shows glowing purple numbers depicting the floor, 64.

    As the regulars of the Tower may be accustomed to, someone lingers at the Tower's base, though they're not actually 'waiting' for someone. A small program with visible doll-like joints, wearing an elegant blue dress and sporting rabbit ears. Bunnabelle, for those who'd assisted with Floor 59, is easily recognizable even when surrounded by holographic screens of data and graphs and photos.

    And approaching this Tower from the System Bus is a streak of white, the DCC Silver Soul coasting through the dimming sky on wings of light. Red eyes skim over the dimming terrain with a tense frown, "If she can't clear this floor, she's gonna be pretty hard to deal with.. We'd better make this fast."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Following not far behind the white streak, is a rainbow one. The cloak-clad form of Diamond Soul streaking through the air on her own clockwork Processors, the gems set into the center of the gears, cogs and springs flickering through the various colours as the mechanical wings shift in flight. "I heard from my assistant that the DCC of this Drive can be, unpredictable." she says to Silver Soul, her mismatched eyes glancing back at her companion. "I do agree, then. Despite there being two of us, we should not linger any longer than necessary."

    She spots the little bunny-doll, and angles downwards, starting her descent until she's only a bare couple of inches off the ground, and hovers there with her cloak fluttering in the breeze. "Bunnabelle, so good to see you again." she says, doffing her head processor and sweeping a bow, before planting it back atop her head.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu's heading in on her lightcycle, like the last time she came to help deal with the System Tower. Or, really, most of the times when she has to travel far enough to make vehicular transportation a more practical and/or appealing choice than walking.

The lightcycle comes to a halt outside the Tower, and Xiaomu de-rezzes the vehicle, looking around. "Bunnabella, right? And hey Lexicon, Theurgus," the sage fox waves to the DCC pair. "So what're we dealing with this time around? Or don't we know yet?"

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka's jacked in again, her suit giving off a red glow as she materializes in the virtual realm. "Yo," She greets Lexicon casually, switching off the heavy metal she's listening to underneath that helmet of hers. She glances to Theurgus when she shows up as well. The bunny does make the cyborg think she's been out of the loop for a while now.

    Either way, she reaches for the first weapon her brain thinks of, a shotgun, from her back before she clutches it in her hands. "Xiaomu, hey!" She greets the fox girl with a cheery grin, remembering her quite well. "Long time, eh? How's it been?"

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
The Silver City was lively, in its own way, though not with an actual, audible 'heart beat' to go along with it. Cadenza further looks like an exaggerated version of a modern city, where the architects were given blank checks, and in a few cases even the laws of physics were suspended to allow this apparent megalopolis to exist. The flying streaks are joined by a shape from another heading on the radar, though this one has no such colorful particle or volumetric lighting. (Though maybe she should add that.) "Ooh, so this is the place," the green-haired girl coos, holding a smartphone in her hand to frame and take aerial photographs. "The same place as that flyer mentioned a while back. Even eccentric things like virtual idols live here!"

    Still, it's hard to ignore where the streaks in the sky, and the source of this dimming disturbance in the resource lines, is emanating from. That same accursed tower as before. How many floors does this thing have, ten-thousand? "Bleh," she voices her displeasure, "This thing is ruining the mood, though." Just like always. Circling in against the harrowing height that the structure presents, she slow-hovers the rest of the way down, placing her phone back into a (relatively) secure part of her ceremonial robes. "Hmmm...?" She sees a few familiar faces, and otherwise, gathered here, of course. But her eyes pivot to lock on to what was barely perceptible from so far above. "I-is that an animatronic?" She wasn't here last time to get any other impression! At least she isn't scrambling to hide behind Silver Soul.

Lexicon has posed:
    When Theurgus descends, Lexicon banks instead and circles the Tower itself, lowering down as she does so. The brief inspection comes to an end rather abruptly, though, and she swings her feet forward to descend as well.

    "Diamond Soul," Bunnabelle greets without turning from her data readouts, "Silver Soul, Xiaomu, Maaka, Kochiya. So the recent incident has drawn up a full party of experienced 'floor clearers' associated with Lady Silver Soul." She glances up briefly, her left ear folding down, "Unusual. This is Amethyst Soul's territory, isn't it?" Her ear straightens though and she turns around to face Sanae directly.

    "My name is Bunnabelle. I am not one of those corruptions you've dealt with previously." Hand raising, she rests it above her collarbone, "I am a research program specifically tasked to uncover the nature of the Tower. I've been studying it for quite some time, you know. Though--" That hand lowers, and she confesses, "I was also trapped in it for some time until these two Drive Core Controllers and this Fox Spirit helped rescue me."

    Resting her hands on her hips, the doll-like rabbitgirl turns enough to address all four parties present, "I'm afraid the Tower has sealed itself shortly after Amethyst Soul and Amethyst Sister entered it. I, too, was locked out so I've been running my observations from here." Eyes closing, she shrugs, "You four will make a handy backup team if needed, but I don't mind sharing my studies while we wait."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Amethyst Soul .... and Sister?" Xiaomu raises her eyebrows a bit, looking at Lexicon and Theurgus. "Have you two been harboring sisters the rest of us haven't had a chance to meet yet? How cruel," she teases. "Or is this more 'sister' in the sense of a nun, like ... I dunno, clerical support?"

She could mean 'clerical' as in regular holy orders or in the sense of filing paperwork - and to an extent, as far as she knows, it could just as easily be either of those, rather than a literal sister.

"Anyway, yeah, Bunnabelle here is a friendly," Xiaomu continues, addressing Sanae now. "We couldn't have cleared that floor without her help, truth be told. I'm curious what all you've managed to learn about the System Tower, in any case," she rotates her attention back to Bunnabelle. "And whether you learned any more from the inside than you have from the outside."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    "Let's hope this one doesn't involve mascots." Maaka says under her breath. "So what, are we gonna be waiting out here? Sounds boring, usually we get called in when shit goes down. By now the tower should open up because things went to hell in there." She says to Bunnabelle.

    "What HAVE I missed anyway? Been a while since i've had time to come by this place. Sounds weird, usually it's just a log-in away."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    "Ah, the Drive Core Substitute..." remarks Diamond Soul. "I have yet to find a suitable second to replace me as yet." She continues to hover there a couple of inches off the ground, and folds her arms over her chest, chuckling softly to herself.

    Xiaomu's question earns a nod from the Drive Core Controller. "I must echo Miss Xiaomu's query, have you learned anything more? Could you perhaps enlighten us as to what Orb and Borb on Floor 62 meant by something further up... or if it was some deception."

    To Alexis, the DCC turns. "This is Amethyst Soul's domain. She is currently inside and the door is sealed... should she fail and be ejected, we may need to go in and clear it, but from what I have gathered, Amethyst Soul and her Sister are quite formidable."

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
Let it not be said that Sanae doesn't adapt to circumstances, at least when she actually wants to accept a new reality. "I see, so that's how it is," she gives a broad smile, apparently completely trusting now that that's cleared up. "Pleased to meet you, Bunnabelle. I'm glad you're on our side!" Or, at least, a side that opposes having this tower here, more generally. She'd give the counter-introduction immediately, but it seems that somehow her reputation has already been solidified here in the System, so it wasn't necessary for this program.

    Instead, she breaks her attention to sweep it across the others gathered. "Two DCCs," the priestess wonders, twisting her head and obviously having gotten comfortable enough with the term to abbreviate. Ah, that's right, there was another, more fanciful light streak that was heading here, and a matching voice on the radio. Plus the 'Diamond Soul' call out that was just within ear shot as she was landing. There's also Maaka, that though she'd heard that name before, she can't remember solidly having met in person. Xiaomu, she recognizes! And so the fox girl gets an extra dose of smile, though she bows her head to the less familiar. "I'm Sanae Kochiya, a priestess of the Moriya shrine. I've been helping my friend, Silver Soul, for a while now."

    Though it's something that the natives will probably answer better than she could, she can at least speak up on the matter of sisters. "I don't know if it's biological, exactly," considering the seemingly digital nature of the System. "But, Index and Codex were totally adorable mini-mes of Lexicon." Her eyebrows furrow a little at the news that another pair went inside, and are effectively trapped. "Hmmm...what's the longest I've ever been inside, maybe three hours? But, please do, Miss Bunnabelle!"

Lexicon has posed:
    "I'll field that," Lexicon speaks up for Xiaomu, "Drive Core Candidates, or as Theurgus said, Drive Core Substitutes, are programs created using a Drive Core Controller's code as a base. Effectively they are created from us, and so in human terms they are like our younger sisters." SHe nods briefly to Sanae, "Index and Codex are examples, I made them from my own base code. Similarly, Amethyst Soul and Onyx Soul did it as well." Eyes closing, she rests a hand on her hip, "It's something of a backup plan, in case something happens to the Drive Core Controller and we are deleted, the Candidate can take our place."

    With that explanation handled, she surrenders the floor to Bunnabelle, who straightens her dress briefly before addressing the questions directed at her.

    "You're rather astute, both my internal and external observations have been compiling since I was released." Her eyes close, and she admits, "It's not good. My first discovery has been that the System Tower is highly compressed data. Like in the non-digital world when matter is compressed, data hardens and becomes impossible to change when this happens. The density of information that creates the Tower as a whole is such that even I am having an extremely difficult time discerning its origin. But I /do/ know that it originated from within the System itself. It is not alien code. So the theory that it is somehow viral in nature is no longer possible."

    Theurgus and Sanae tackle the entry issue themselves, so Lexicon nor Bunnabelle feel any need to further answer for Alexis.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"So, the Tower's structure is what happens if you take the digital equivalent of coal or graphite and apply the necessary forces to turn it into diamond?" Xiaomu attempts to parse Bunnabelle's description. "... yeah, that WOULD make it pretty much impervious from the outside. Diamond is one of the hardest substances known on Earth - not indestructible, but it takes a lot of work and a lot of force."

She pauses, looking at the nearby wall of the Tower. "What about the possibility that it's a product of some outside force acting on the indigenous data? That wouldn't necessarily explain how or why it moves between your domains ..."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    "So what, a rogue program?" Maaka chimes in. She isn't exactly computer literate compared to some experts, but she does manage to follow the discussion fine. Really, so much is being discussed and so many questions she might have are being answered right now. "How much longer are we gonna be waiting out here anyway?"

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
To Bunnabelle's description, Sanae thinks back to some of the files that used to get sent over certain forums and message boards, and the nature of that kind of compressed archive. "Back on Earth, my family had really terrible internet access," she recounts, throwing in her own conjectures behind Xiaomu. "Sometimes parts of a compressed file would get corrupted, or even go completely missing. You'd have to get the whole thing over again to do anything with it. And that's not even throwing password protection in." How is she linking this in any way to the current situation? She sheepishy rubs the back of her head, "Ah, that is... Even if it wouldn't he helpful in solving things right away, if you could detect that kind of thing about it, it could at least narrow down if it was became this way on purpose, or not. Maybe?" It'd be a little hard to believe that a compressed bundle of data would set a password *on itself*, anyway.

    "If there is a logic to it, or someone that got it started, then you could start to figure out why."

    As they're going to be out here for a while, Sanae retrieves her smart phone again. She's not playing Sweet Smoosher, honest! In fact, if anyone glances over her shoulder, she seems to be taking down notes in a really strange hybrid of a word cloud, flow chart notation. To further concentrate, she half-hovers over to a nearby seating surface, whatever that may be. "Just out of curiosity, does the System have any old legends about this kind of thing?" She assumes that this thread would have already been pursued, but it can't hurt to ask...and maybe she'll get an interesting story out of it!

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Diamond Soul nods a little to Bunnabelle's explanation... then reiterates her own question. "Do you know anything about the two creatures we encountered on Floor 62?" she asks, remaining near to Silver Soul with her arms folded over her chest.

Lexicon has posed:
    "It's hard to tell," Bunnabelle shrugs towards Alexis, "I don't know what kind of trap the Tower set for this floor. It might take them a while to resolve it." She adds quickly, with little investment, "Or fail."

    To Xiaomu's question, Bunnabelle shakes her head, "I don't know of anything that could do that. If that is the case, than it's beyond my understanding."

    To Theurgus, she dips her head, "--Ah, my apologies, Lady Diamond Soul. I got a bit wrapped up and forgot. Floor 62 was..." Data scrolls rapidly, suddenly, across one of her holographic screens until it starts pulling up images of Orb, Borb, and their elemental sphere launcher, "--Ah, yes. These two are the same class of program as Patty Cat and the other corrupted programs you encountered on Floor 59. Though the data suggests these two were not corrupted data, which is promising. The entire tower's content might not be lost."

    She taps the image, then raises a hand and slides it, spreading pictures of Orb, Borb, and more organic, less unsettling depictions of Patty and her friends, "These are all programs. Compressed data, and in many cases corrupted. They're effectively the same material as the Tower itself. This would be why weapons have been...less than effective in the past." A picture branches off of the 'living' Rodney Rat, showing the animatronic Rodney with half his face missing. An image Maaka will no doubt recognize, since it was her shotgun that did it.

Lexicon has posed:
    To Sanae, Bunnabelle shrugs, "I haven't been a part of the System very long and the Tower has been my purpose, I don't have that kind of information.

    "I don't, either," Lexicon admits, folding her arms with a frown, "...But Stylono might. We'll talk to her later, Kochiya."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    "Say they fail, what happens then? How bad would that be for /us/ per say?" Alexis asks, removing her helmet to reveal less scars than her actual face sports, but a decent residual self-image of the cyborg as she slings her shotgun on her back. She glances at the picture of Rodney Rat, and grimaces. She still remembers that fucking pizza parlor with fresh fear.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"On the other hand," Xiaomu muses, "if they're part of the Tower which is an altered part of the System, then weapons procured within the Tower *ought* to have the same amplification and you'd expect that to be capable of neutralizing their defensive buff ..." She pauses, and looks around. "None of the Tower floors have been first-person shooter scenarios or the like, have they?"

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    "The closest I know of has been the ones that appear in Locus... such as the aforementioned Floor 62..." replies Theurgus to Xiaomu. "As for a failure in the Tower trap... the few times I failed it only ejected me out of the door, forced to try again from the beginning."

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
It's quite a deep mystery. Sanae continues her notations, sliding 'clues' around to organize in a two dimensional space what's drifting through her head at the moment. 'Corruptions.' 'Compression.' Two things that as she noted through her own tale, don't go too well together. The images that Bunnabelle are projecting are also somewhat familiar to Sanae, as that pizza place seemed to be a particularly recurring theme within the tower. "So the tower could be more of a multi-part archive, instead of one big lump," she figures, based on that information! "I guess that'd make sense, and maybe that's why it's organized itself into a tower in the first place."

    That Bunnabelle doesn't know legends isn't too off-putting for the priestess, that waves a hand, wordlessly saying 'it's fine.' The kind of stories a recovered program would have to tell might be interesting, in their own ways, though. The suggestion by Lexicon gets her looking excited again, though, "Ah, that's right. I still owe Miss Stylono some time, and a visit with the twins." The power of putting things off, you can get a lot of productive and fun things done all at once.

    To both Maaka and Xiaomu, Sanae's eyes go distant, as though she were thinking back. "The maybe couple of times I can think of weapons actually working, it was when that floor was set up to be a fighting kind of situation. Maybe it's like those other floors reject the 'idea' of a weapon? Like bringing a sword into a puzzle game." Well, except Swordtris. "If that were the case, you'd either have to fashion a weapon fitting to the floor, or find something universal about them."

    And to Maaka, in particular, "Uhm...they usually get kicked out, like Miss Diamond said. But, I'm not certain if that happens every time. I hope the two inside are alright, and not getting corrupted themselves." Great, leave that mental image for everyone.

Lexicon has posed:
    Lexicon's face sours slightly at the mention of failure, but Theurgus and Sanae are quick to answer that question. And to be fair, getting kicked out has been a recurring theme in her experience as well. She simply adds, "I haven't personally encountered a floor that outright deleted someone, yet." Even if the 'corrupted' comment from Sanae keeps the sour expression firmly in place.

    "'First person shooter'?" Bunnabelle inquires of Xiaomu, "I don't follow. But you are correct about weapons. As you may have noticed in Floor 62, weapons native to the Tower can affect the Tower. However," She addresses Sanae's comment next, "Several floors have no actual native Tower structures inside and merely act as prisons for powerful viruses from elsewhere in the System. This is the case for your experiences with Saint Poochooze, Galakryzer, and Christmas. And the appearances the other Drives have experienced involving similar large battle encounters." She nods once, "Even the encounter in the Iron Drive with Poochooze Man, and the Poochooze Man and Poochooze Lady later encountered in Floor 55 are viruses not native to the Tower itself. Ordinary weapons can, naturally, harm these viruses as normal."

    "Though if you do find a weapon inside the Tower," Bunnabelle adds, raising a finger, "I would very much like an opportunity to examine it."

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
Don't let Sanae's overactive imagination get to you, Lexicon. Surely it's nothing, and the two are simply still doing their best to deal with whatever is inside, and have suffered delays due to the ever-present 'unforeseen circumstances' that the tower presents. In some measures, that they haven't been ejected yet could even be seen as an encouraging sign! Noticing that sour look, the priestess is quick to reassure her self-proclaimed friend with a dismissive smile. "Oh, I'm sure it's fine, Miss Silver Soul." She's not seen a force inside the tower yet that would be capable of having that kind of influence on a DCC.

    Not that it means it doesn't exist, mind.

    Bunnabelle fills in a good amount of detail on something that Sanae had only managed to guess about. Her conjectures weren't a 100% match, from the sound of things, but close enough that she has little trouble sorting the truth into her head. "Ah yeah, those two," as the memories of the Poochooze Man and Lady are brought up, a sort of insincere laugh and smile rise out of her. "It's a good thing that was the case. They really wore me down trying to keep up and play by their rules."

    Though she doesn't remember having come across such a thing, Sanae gives a consenting nod to the notion of retrieving such a thing. "There was some merchandise we were able to keep, that one time," she recalls. "It's too bad that we can't really choose what we face. A dungeon adventure floor would have tons of neat samples for you, I bet!"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"... right, I guess for you, any shooter would be 'first-person,'" Xiaomu says to Bunnabelle. The rest of the explanation seems to be enough for her, though.

Except maybe for the viruses. "I think I've missed encountering any of those virus monsters yet, or if I *have* been around for any of them, I'm not remembering."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    "Something that has been bothering me since Orb and Borb's floor... they said something about the higher floors attacking the lower ones. Could there be any substance to this assertion?" asks Theurgus to Bunnabelle, tugging the brim of her head processor down.. the 'hat' covering her eyes as she waits for the reply.

Lexicon has posed:
    "What you might understand as 'monsters'," Lexicon clarifies for Xiaomu, "Are viruses. You'll run into them if you spend much time outside the cities on any Drive."

    "I understand, due to the random nature of the Tower's movements, but please do keep an eye out for any unusual artifacts. Data we can remove from the Tower like that will be ver helpful for my studies." Bunnabelle nods briefly, "I examined the souvenirs you mentioned, and they are all fairly benign objects, so something more substantial is going to be more useful."

    One of her rabbit-ears perks and she glances towards Theurgus, "Hm? Is that what they said on Floor 62?" Her eyes close and her data screens start cycling again. After a moment, she shakes her head, "I haven't encountered anything specifically like that situation, of higher floors causign damage to lower floors. Though I believe they may be referring to the floors being cleared." She waves a hand again, creating a long range picture of the Wall from Floor 62, with all its colorful orbs, "From the perspective of a program in a lower floor, the Tower's floors being cleared and the higher floors lowering may appear as if the upper floors are attacking, 'crushing' or otherwise destroying the lower floors. No data has been recovered from a lower floor after a higher floor has been cleared, however, so it's unknown what is experienced on these floors after they are cleared and the tower's level descends." The colorful Wall is depicted dropping, "Much like you experienced in Floor 62."

    Bunnabelle's eyes close and she folds her arms, presenting a thoughtful air, "Though it may also be in reference to the energy collection. Surely you've noticed the Tower is absorbing energy directly from its host Drive. Far more than any structure. It is clearly trying to power something but it is unclear what. Perhaps Orb and Borb somehow knew about a more menacing presence 'coming down' to ground level as the Tower's floors are cleared. It may have been a warning for what's to come, but this seems unlikely to me."

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    "My predecessor had a saying she held very sacred. Eliminate all possibilities, and whatever remains, however unlikely, is the truth." says Theurgus as she pushes her head processor back up. "Even if such a thing seems unlikely, our clearance of these floors seems to ever draw more and more power every time it returns. If it is not attempting to power something of gargantuan scale, it must be doing something with all the Resource it is taking."

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
Admittedly, that particular floor is a gap in Sanae's experience. So, for once, she sits, listens and watches for a while instead of bringing up some of her own points. Being informed by Bunnabelle isn't as weird as it should be, either. These animatronic-like programs aren't so bad, once you get them out into what she assumes is their 'natural' state. She does fidget with her phone in her hands a few more times during the exchange between her and Theurgus, though, and might take a (flashless) photograph or two of some of what's being displayed, for later reference.

    "If that were the case," she finally adds, "That'd be quite troublesome, wouldn't it? Since whether you ignore it and let keep draining resources, which would be impossible, or 'defeat' a floor of the tower, you could be helping whatever it's trying to do." If that is so, that makes it increasigly hard for Sanae to believe that the tower was a randomly cobbled together bit of compressed information, since that would insinuate both a design and a purpose. She's not a dumb girl, by any means, but after a while of thinking about it, she finally heaves out a deflated sound. "I do a lot better with youkai and monsters than these digital problems."

    However, she finishes with a nod to the other topic, that is bringing things out of the tower that might be interesting. "You got it! Lady Kanako already gives me the third degree with some of the souvenirs I bring back to the shrine. I think those kinds of things would be better left in your hands." Though she does cast a slightly worried looking glance toward the tower itself, as the clock keeps ticking by. That had better be some puzzle in there.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu goes quiet for a little while, listening and considering.

This is a computer system from the inside; thinking of it in terms of reality is a crutch at best, and video games are as likely to point her in the wrong direction as the right one where it comes to trying to grapple with the metaphors involved. Unfortunately, the System Tower doesn't correlate cleanly with anything she DOES know about computers, either.

"... Come to think of it, Bunnabelle? How did you move from the floor we first met you on -" 'We' excluding Xiaomu herself, obviously. "- to the other floor where we rescued you? What do you remember between the time that first floor was cleared and the one where I met you for myself?"

Lexicon has posed:
    "Hmm?" Bunnabelle blinks at Xiaomu, then turns to face her with her arms still folded, "Floor 59 is the first time I've personally met you or these two Drive Core Controllers," She gestures to Theurgus and Lexicon as she says this. "The Tower first appeared a very long time ago, before the Diamond Drive even came online but some time after the Sapphire Drive collapsed. It drained very little Resources at that point and was seen as more of an oddity than a threat. I was assigned to study it around when it had been elevated to floor 4. While exploring a maze system generated for the puzzle of Floor 6, I triggered a security protocol and was imprisoned." She gestures, "I was only vaguely aware of my surroundings until I was moved to the glass case you found me in on Floor 59." The bunny doll's arms refold, "What I know of prior events are due to reports, news, and data analysis from what I have been able to extract from the Tower since my release. It's horribly vague and I'm trying to catch up on more practical research."

    The Tower's surface ripples, a pulse of purple starting at th ebase and running up the sides. This prompts Bunnabelle to turn around, glancing up the structure's face, "--Ah, Lady Amethyst Soul appears to have succeeded." All of the floating screens around her wink out of existence. Right as the last screen winks out, the tower's surface twists until the structure implodes on itself with a popping sound, disappearing entirely.

    In its place floats a tall violet-haired woman in a black bodysuit and processors, marked with glowing purple accents, floating on wings of lavender light. Beside her, a similarly dressed girl -- her outfit and equipment is all white, her hair more pink in color. While the white-clad girl lowers her blade-rifle weapon, the elder who could only be Amethyst Soul swings her oversized digi-tech katana up and rests it across her shoulders, peering at the party gathered on the ground.

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
"So on some of it, you're just as in the dark about it a we are," the priestess figures, somewhat bluntly, but she doesn't seem to be accusatory or anything. "And this was your first chance to gather data about the newer, hungrier tower as it did its thing..."

    At first, with the strange changes the Tower is undergoing, Sanae moves to shield her face from what might be an explosion, for all she knows. She'd never actually been outside of the tower when a Floor was solved, come to think of it! When her vision clears from all of that, though, she looks up in curiosity at what remains. Which isn't much, besides those two obvious DCC-like people. "Ah...is that them," Sanae wonders, to the two figures that remain? "Hello," she calls up! "I hope you're not corrupted!" Geez Sanae, you can't just SAY that to people! But seriously, with that black and white color scheme they have going on, and those rather serious bits of weaponry, it'd be bad to suddenly be facing a battle. The relaxed atmosphere had disarmed her a bit.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Congrats, you two!" Xiaomu calls out to Amethyst Soul and Sister, waving to the both of them. "Don't mind us, we hears the Tower popped up again and came to see if our help was needed. We've just been talking to Bunnabelle here about what she's learned over time ... What challenge did you two have to clear?"

Theurgus (1103) has posed:

    "Bravo. Splendid." Theurgus says, applauding the reappearance of Amethyst Soul and her sister. "What news have you of your encounter with the interior?" she asks next, folding her arms in a totally non-threatening way. "Please do not mind us. As my friend said, we came to render aid if it was required, and attempt to learn more of this blight upon all our Drives." She doffs the processor atop her head once more. "I should introduce myself. Theurgus, Diamond Soul and Drive Core Controller of Locus the Diamond Drive."

Lexicon has posed:
    Lexicon likewise turns her attention from Bunnabelle to the Tower when it disappears, then turns more fully to face the appearing Controllers floating in its place. She makes sure her weapon isn't out, so even if she's in Digital Divinity at least she's not posing an immediate threat in someone else's territory.

    It's Sanae's comment that reaches the pair first. They both react with surprise, before Amethyst Soul uses her free hand to hide her mouth and her laughing. Beside her, the white-clad Amethyst Sister pushes her hands down, "Goodness, please don't say things like that! We're perfectly fine..!"

    "Amethyst Soul," the elder introduces herself, descending while letting her laughter fade, "You're far from home, but so long as you are here to help I won't have a problem with you being here." An eye closes and she gestures with a nod of her head, "Though as you can see, we handled it all the same."

    It takes a few moments, but the light steadily returns to the resource pathways of Cadenza, the pulse of the Drive growing brighter and brighter and the dull thump of techno music in the distance becomes more pronounced. Signs start turning back on, and businesses open into the night are already re-opening.

    "Oh," the younger DCC admits, "I'm Cantio, Drive Core Candidate for Cadenza." She bows in midair to Theurgus and Lexicon, then offers a more ordinary finger-waggle wave to Xiaomu and Sanae, "It was a badly lit maze we had to solve while viruses were chasing us." Eyes closing, she nervously admits, "It was a little scary. Even my MPBL couldn't--"

    "Cantio," Amethyst Soul cuts her off. The two exchange glances and the younger sister starts, then nods. Amethyst returns her attention to her guests, dispersing her katana to raise both hands, "I appreciate you coming to help, even if it wasn't needed, so I'll let you spend the evening enjoying what Cadenza has to offer before you go home." There's a cracking sound and white light obscures her body. When it disperses in pixellated cubes, a much smaller purple-haired girl in a hoodie dress still has her hands held out, "It's Cadenza, the city of music, so let's party!"

Theurgus (1103) has posed:
    Crrrsh. Rainbow light engulfs Diamond Soul, reverting the DCC to her normal form. The blue-haired, blue eyed mage chuckles. Saltavi's enthusiasm is infectious, after all. "Our little friend here." she gestures to Bunnabelle. "Has helped shed some light on a few theories we have about this tower... I believe, if we are to defeat this thing for good." she glances back to Lexicon, before looking back at the local DCCs. "We should work together. exchange information and pool resources. At least until the threat this thing poses to the entire System is dealt with."

    Theurgus offers a hand out. "What say you, DCC of Cadenza?"

Sanae Kochiya (619) has posed:
Thank goodness, they seem to still be normal. Or, at least Sanae assumes this is normal, since none of the ones that would know better than her seem to be panicking. There's a look of relief visible on her face, after -- and now she can get to admire how cool the Amethyst sisters look. Especially the older-looking one, so mysterious, adult-like and sophisticated, even if her heart tells her she would have a stronger kinship with the younger, more vulnerable-looking and talkative one. But, that can't be true. Sanae is definitely also mysterious and sophisticated.

    "Ah...that does sound a bit tiring. I hope the viruses weren't in the shape of ghosts and bats." She can't recall exactly what game it was, but she's definitely certain she played some 'kusoge-' in the past like that, that was oddly intriguing and kept her coming back for more, despite the many false starts and defeats.

    And then, Amethyst Soul dispels to return to her 'true' form, and Sanae stares for a few moments. She's feeling a bit of that same whiplash that she did when she first heard Silver Soul speak, relative to Lexicon. "Wha...huh?" She gives a shake of her head to clear it, "Ah, of course a bit of celebrating would be fun! And I think Miss Bunnabelle might have managed to get some information out of it while you were in there. I'll get to know you both better, too!"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu grins, twirling her staff lazily. "Party time sounds good to me," she remarks. "And you two sure earned it. So, the 'city of music' ... got any good game soundtracks around I can get my groove on to?"

Then again, Theurgus is still kind of in business mode. That doesn't stop Xiaomu from strolling over to take a closer look at Amethyst Soul ... or whatever her 'real' name is ... and Cantio. The hoodie dress seems to have the foxgirl's particular attention, although with a somewhat wistful air - it's not like she could buy one and expect it to leave the System properly with her, is it?

Oh well. There's always shapeshifting. Or Tomoyo or Rarity or somebody ...

Lexicon has posed:
    "I guess it can't be helped," Lexicon admits. With a crackling, she surrounds herself with pixellated light and reverts to her normal, brunette self with the other gathered DCCs do so. Even Cantio reverts, looking pretty much the same just with a sailor suit-inspired dress instead of the bodysuit and Processors. However, something Theurgus says gets Lexicon looking around, "--Wait, did Bunnabelle already take off?"

    The rabbitgirl doll is nowhere to be seen. She took off right after the Tower disappeared. No doubt seeking its new location to continue her research.

    "Working together to fix something that's bugging all of us sounds good to me!" Saltavi salutes with a sideways V-sign, "Count on Saltavi an' Cantio! I mean you can't end the plot without a protagonist after all."

    Beside Sanae, Lexicon bows her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. With her other hand, she gestures, "Saltavi, Drive Core Controller of Cadenza. She's always like this, don't try to understand it. That way lies madness."

    "Soundtracks?" Cantio reacts to Xiaomu with a nod, "Yes! I'll show you where I like to shop, they have a big section for game music."