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Welcome to Pandora
Date of Scene: 04 May 2017
Location: Pandora
Synopsis: Lyria, Dorian and Laura meet Gaige, the vault hunter of pandora. They go on a wild adventure, shoot some people, almost get blown up(Well, Laura gets blown up a few times) and learn a bit about Pandora. Pandora sucks.
Cast of Characters: 1112, 1111, 774, Lyria Mason

Gaige (1112) has posed:
There were so many beautiful, wonderful places in the world. Places with bubbling springs, or glimmering beaches, rolling hills or tall, lush forests. The kind of places a person could truly find themselves, relaxing and calming.

Pandora wasn't one of those places. Those who came through the portal would quickly find out why she said those who 'get through the portal'. On the other side was an ambush! Sorta. The wasteland was pock marked, with barrels of ooze and radioactive runoff. And as this new portal promised all kinds of pleasure, a group of bandits had taken up residence by it and begun shooting at anything that moves. About a dozen of them, with assault rifles and grenades.

Welcome to Pandora!

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney had listened to the upload, and decided that even if she wasn't one for firearms, she knew people who were, and the Watch could always use extra resources. Plus, rescuing people was always good. And money to actually upgrade her bike would be helpful too. Given the unknown terrain on the other side of the portal, she'd left it behind again, and is especially glad she did when she's greeted with the chatter of automatic weapons fire as soon as she steps through. Her torso jerks a few times as she's hit, but the teen seems relatively unphased, merely gritting her teeth as two silvery metal claws emerge from the knuckles of each hand. She leaps forward, another blade slipping out of the toe of each boot in mid air as she engages the bandits with lethal efficiency, claws slicing through guns and bodies alike.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Bandits shooting at anybody who gets through the portal, eh? Let's see if they can hit smoke with those assault rifles and grenades!

    ...No, literally.

    What comes through the portal is a bank of cold, blue-white smoke so thick it could almost be liquid. And it zips towards the nearest bandit with incredible speed. And then a shape forms out of the smoke...

    It's a man. A man with immaculately-groomed black hair and bronzed skin, dressed in light brown/olive-colored armor, with a white cloak over the lot. And a dragon-headed staff held in his hands, too.

    That staff is where the attention will probably go shortly. Mainly because as he reaches his target, he bares his teeth and makes to slam that staff into the bandit's hand. The aim is to get the bandit to drop the weapon. Though if the vicious strike breaks the bandit's hand, well... that's none of Dorian's concern.

    Oh right. That bank of cold, blue-white smoke is Dorian. He'll take that shape again, poofing into smoke to get to another bandit, then reforming long enough to thwack another bandit with his staff. He's going to be pinballing between bandits like this, until the combined efforts take them down, or until he runs out of mana.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Pandora looked like some world the gods had forsaken or was used as a place of punnishment for the damned. She noticeds the horrible place and she looks. Lyria at least was dressed the part for looking like she was from this world. She comes under fire and her town twin magitech pistols come out. She leaps to the side and starts firing magitech rounds at the bandits.

"Oh I can't belive it fell for one of the oldest tricks. Mom would have me keelhauled if she found out about this."

She keeps shooting and thens he shifts as she lans causing a burst of earth to explode under some of the bandit's feet but they might have enough time to dodge it.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
These bandits weren't exactly the smartest people in the world. Some of them were confused, then... "GAHHH!" One of their hands were broken. "You bastard!" They kept shooting ath im, though... and ended up shooting themselves more.

Of course, as one of them are shredded, his buddy turns. "HEY! Nobody kills my buddies but me!" And tried shooting at Laura at point blank range, for all the good it did.

About five of them were sent flying by the earth blast and they started panicking and chucking grenades everywhere. Most of which were falling back towards them.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!" Gaige said from the next hill over, watching with her binoculars. "That is SOOOOO cool! The tall, sexy guy? He turned into SMOKE! He's like a siren! But a DUDE! And the other girl has like, metal arms and is slicing them to ribbons! Oh, dannnnnng! That other girl has earth control thing powers! This is sooooo bad assssss! Hee hee. So, Clap, you ready?"

The little robot gave a thumbs up. "Of course!"

"Are you sure they're going to think I'm cool if I do this?"

"Of course, have I ever lied to you?"

"Not intentionally! Woo!" She jumped into the back of the scooter, and got ready for her grand entrance. "Wait. Clap trap, do you even know how to drive?"

"NOPE!" And then he revved the engine.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney staggers a bit from the sheer energy of that burst at point blank, but that's not going to stop her. "You need better friends." She kicks upward, toe claw aimed for his chin, before retracting her hand claws and launching into a handspring, hopefully launching the bandit into another group of his friends. Landing, she surveys the scene. Two other people have joined the fight on her side it seems; A short range teleporter and a gunslinger with elemental powers. Interesting. She tilts her head a bit as her ear catches a hint of a noise in between the bursts of gunfire. "Someone is coming. It could be reinforcements."

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    If there's anything left of the bandits after the initial push, Dorian has another surprise for them. He draws back from the (hopefully) confused enemies, raising that staff into the air. His hands and arms began to glow with a dark, purple-ringed black -- a sure sign he's about to do something scary. Those with the ability to sense magic? Something wicked this way comes.

    Dorian thumps the bottom of the staff on the ground, sending sand flying up from the ground. But the sand isn't the problem he's creating for the bandits. The problem is the GIANT BLACK AND PURPLE SKULL WITH THE GLOWING BLUE-WHITE EYES! The skull appears near the bandits, floating about six inches off the ground, jaw opening to emit a sound halfway between a hiss and a roar, soon disappearing.

    Now, for all its scariness, this isn't meant to do damage. It's just meant to terrify. Though, if they happen to die of fright, that too is no concern of Dorian's.

    he nods to Laura's words. "Which way?" He doesn't question her senses. She heard it first, he figures, so her hearing must be better than his.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria now keeps using her pistols, and while she can do things with the earth she's not like a Earth Bender, she shifts now as she keeps on shooting. She readies anotehr attack and just is lost at these guys. They really are not that bright she's got to wonder how they know which end of the gun is pointed at the enemy? Then it dawns on her, they likely saw because someone tried it the wrong way, then somehow remebered that.

She keeps shooting now at the ones who are still fighting.

"I think they are addled by some kind of narcotic no one could be this ... dumb, could they?"

Oh please let her be right? Otherwise? This is a new level for Lyria, a new level of stupid in the multiverse sheiddn't htink would be possible. She has no ideabout Laura, but Dorian she knows as being a notable elite at least from the old Union's reports. Funny how you don't know what you had until it's gone on the other than? The war to end all wars is over and none of the new powers in the sector ever want to see that level of fighting again.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
In the end, there's one left, the others left groaning or dead! The others torn apart in a flurry of blades and gunfire. And they were likely on something. "I MISS MY MIDGET!" one yelled before dying. The last one sees that skull, turns tail and runs!

Moments before he gets splatted on the front of the scooter. Gaige screams, holding onto the back. "CLAP TRAP I SWEAR STOP THIS THING!"





The car slammed into the side of the bunker they had been using. Gaige flew forward and hit the ground, bouncing a few times, her shield fizzling a bit but holding strong.

She groans a moment before, slowly, getting up and... "OH MY GOSH THAT WAS AWESOME! We were all 'AHHHH!' and that guy was like 'NO! Skeleton thing!' and then you were like BOOM! I think there's still some pieces of the guy left in the grill!" she said, a big grin on her face.

Then... blinked. And looked up to them. And squeaked. "Wait don't look yet I'm not ready! Hold on!" She sprinted to the scooter, jumped in and... and started pulling out eye patches(because if ONE makes you look bad ass, two has to make you look doubly bad ass, right?) a big black fancy cloak, a giant mecha arm, a rubber parrot and a knight's helmet. "Seriously, just hold on one second, I'm gonna look AWESOME!"

Clap trap groaned. "I think that only hurt on a seven of the pain scale! This is the best day EVER!"

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney starts to point in the direction of the noise, but right about then is when Gaige catches some sweet air. "There." Might as well tell him anyway. Her gaze tracks the fleeing bandit and then *whumpcrunch* Well, so much for him. The mutant teen is left standing in the middle of a pile of bodies, dripping with blood both hers and not.
     And then Gaige wakes up. The other teen doesn't seem to be hurt... And then suddenly starts rummaging in the now probably wrecked car. Looks like more walking. Looking back to herself, Laura retracts all but one of her hand claws, and grits her teeth as she wedges the tip into the wound, before popping out a bullet. This might take a bit, some of those cheaper pistols didn't have enough power to just go straight through.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "Addled, desperate, or just stupid," Dorian replies, as the last bandit seems to think better of attacking after his fellows were taken down. He shrugs. "Either way, their mistake." This lot wouldn't be the first to decide the warpgates are a threat, after all. Or to decide to use the ambushing of new people as a quick way to get money or off-world items.

    And then suddenly there comes that scooter. "'Fasta vass!" Dorian swears, ducking a bit in case of flying debris. "What the...?!" He's ready to continue the fight, until Gaige begins to gush. And then? He chuckles, shifting to stand properly, stowing his staff on his back by the strap.

    "And that is why it's not always easier to kill someone else and steal what they have," Dorian notes. "This time, these morons drew the scion of House Pavus. A bad card to draw in hostile circumstances." Yes, he's puffing up a little as he speaks.

    Notably he doesn't seem all that upset by Laura's bloodiness, whether in combat or how she's just plain covered with blood. He does, however, look a bit queasy when she starts digging bullets out of her own wounds. This prompts him to offer to all present -- yes, including Gaige -- "Are all of you all right? I can heal you if you'd like."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason the car slams into the bunker Lyria leaps back. She now looks at it and cringes she'a also racing to the crashed car, because? She is going to assume this was amechanical failure, also the pair seem to have some level of cleverness. They can't b e with those bandits can they? THe Blue haired and currently land locked Pirate Lass is now sizing them up. ^R
"You two need a hand there, yes addled as Davy Jopnes after a tanker full of grog."

She shakes her head.

"You think shit like the Paladins or local law would have even a few auto turrets up here at the gate."

"Don't look at me I just adventure, now I'm done with school for the moment."

She pauses for a moment "Oh Lyria Mason's the name."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige tosses the cloak on. Then freezes. And shrieks, looks down and tosses it off. "SON OF A-- IT has fleas! What's that smell?! Clap trap! What the heck?! Did you get this off a skag?!"

"Yup!" he offered helpfully as he picked himself up.

She sighed and then stepped on the edge of the back of the car, tossing the rest of the junk aside. "So, welcome to Pandora! I'm gaige. Most AWESOME Vault hunter in all of Pandora. I'm sure you've heard of me.Let's see if I got this. You, vampire, right?" she asked, pointing to Dorian. "You got that whole 'corpse' thing going on. Really hot though! You..."

Pointed to Laura. "Werewolf. Seriously, digging the blood look. You ever think of replacing one of those arms, though? I did, best choice I ever made. And you..."

Humming and pointing to Lyria. "Witch. Definitely a witch. Got that whole 'I'll curse you, but you'll like it' thing going on. So, guessing you're all here to get some loot, right? Well, hop in! This is one of Scooter's, it'll get us anywhere we need to go."

The bumper fell off.

"... It's supposed to do that. Don't worry, I've crashed them HUNDREDS of times and they're fine," she said moments before sliding into the driver seat. Two things, one, there weren't enough seats for them and clap trap. "You run along back to Sanctuary, okay? I'll be back with the goods." Gave him a wink. Two. There were no seat belts.

Of course, once they were in, she just laughed. "Local law? HA! What local law? You're in pandora now! This planet is the most lawless planet in the sector! Closest thing you get to police here is hyperion. And trust me, if you're trusting THEM to keep you safe, I've got a grenade I'd sell you." It'd be around that point one of the door's fell off. "Oh, Scooter is going to kill me..."

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney runs her hands over her body, checking for anything she missed, the holes with the bullets removed already growing shut, the only part of her still losing blood the gash in her knuckles where the claw emerges. "If your spell can remove bullets, I would appreciate it. It is a tedious process otherwise. And I do not enjoy pain, even if I do not let it control me." The last claw slides back into her hand, healing over within a few moments. Oh hey, looks like everyone's introducing themselves now. "I am Laura Kinney. Or X-23, when I am on Watch business." Surprisingly, the teen manages to maintain a neutral expression throughout Gaige's spiel. "I am not a werewolf. There is no canine DNA in my body. A replaced arm also would not heal." Okay, ignore the box robot. Doesn't seem useful anyway. She climbs onto the car, wrapping an elbow around part of the roll cage and gripping tightly. "Where are we going anyway?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian blinks. Looks at his outfit. It really doesn't look like a corpse or a dead man. "I beg your pardon," he notes. "I am perfectly well alive, thank you." Though it's hard to tell if he's really offended or not. That said, his skin is darker and much healthier than a corpse. Though he's totally wearing guyliner, so he does have the 'dramatic eyes' thing going.

    Rather hilariously, Thedas doesn't have the concept of the vampire as a sensual, sexy thing; Dorian can only think of a zombie that drinks blood rather than eats brains. That's not very sexy! Then again, Dorian's idea of 'sexy' ends up including 'muscles FOR DAYS' in there somewhere, so... your mileage may vary.

    It's worthy to note that he doesn't stare when Laura starts running her hands over her own body. "That, unfortunately, I can't do. I can offer you something for the pain, though." He reaches into a pouch and pulls out what is clearly a potion. "Should help with the healing, too, and dull some of the pain."

    And then introductions! He bows to the assembled people, with a flourish. "I am Dorian of house Pavus, Altus mage formerly of Tevinter." He'd mentioned this 'House Pavus' before. And he does talk like he's an aristocratic sort.

    He... actually hesitates before getting into the car. "Just let me know if Barriers are needed," he says, tension clear in his voice.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason grins for a moment on her face. "Naw I'm not the curses sort. More the sort to tyrh water on you or maybe lightning! That's always fun1" She seems to be for a moment as the bumper falls off. She stares for a moment "This thing needs a serious overhaul. Still this Scooter has kept thse things going I will give him that. Though when you get down to it I'm more a pirate given my love of booty."

Some extraveral slang is just /lost/ upon her.

"Oh ... I see like the Serpents Nest. Lovely sounds like this place could use a cleaning."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Wait, a pirate? Sweeeeet. Knew a pirate once. Down in oasis! Well, okay, met her for like, three seconds. Had to get out of there, didn't wanna stick around. I'll go back later, when I get some better guns. You know how it is."

She was driving around at like eighty miles an hour. Catching some air from the jumps. "SKAG!" Splat. "Ah ha ha! That was awesome! So, house Pavus? You one of them rich, company types? And what's the watch? MINE!" BOOM! Caught some really big air there.

"WOOOOO! So, like, happy you could all come! Like, I was totally set to do this whole thing by my own. You see, hyperion has this satellite thing and apparently there was this whole malfunction, ended up sending about four crates of guns and supplies and just, dang skippy! I was gonna go get it myself, clear out the bots, grab what I could. But then that portal opened up, you know? And I was like 'Oh my gosh, this is BAD! ASS! And so I sent my blog post out, thought I'd catch some people's attention. Then you three showed up! Try not to die, okay? Like, the doc gets soooo pissed when I bring back bodies! BANDIT!" Splat. Seriously.

"And like, seriously? It's so hard to get people to work with me these days! They're all like 'I'm gonna shoot you for the bounty' or 'Stop running into the middle of the bandit horde!' or 'GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PSYCHOPATH!' I mean, come on. i'm not a psychopath! I've NEVER tried to run up to someone and blow myself up. Well, okay, not with a grenade at least. Like, some people are just so over sensitive, you know? SKAG!" Splat.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney acepts the bottle from Dorian, sniffing it a bit before she drains it. Relative immunity to poison makes you somewhat less worried about this stuff. She actually gains an expression, a look of confusion sweeping across her face. Her healing factor seems to /accelerate/, a few more rounds clattering to the floor of the vehicle as they are pushed out of her body by the healing tissue. "That was... interesting. Thank you." She proffers the bottle back, before taking a closer look at her fellow adventurers. She also misses the innuendo, so unless Gaige or Dorian get it... Oh hey, some actual intel on the mission. Although... something's seriously wrong with this place apparently. All the bouncing around shakes the mutant teen, but she maintains her hold on the roll cage. "Destroy robots, recover the supplies. It seems simple enough."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason smirks for a bit. "Given this placehas no order, yes. It's a miracle that your friend scooter isn't over run by banits. Then again maybe they are smart enough not to kill the guy who can fix the cars and make em go. That's teh funny part my family /does/ own a Shipping Company but they don't operate around here, no sea lanes. Hyper..."

Her eyes narrow slightly.

"So we snatch the guys and piss off some assholes?"

She just looks at Gaige for amoment and uisn't sure what ot thinks but this is abroken and twisted world, it says a lotabout Gaige isn't trying to mug them right now. She'slikely what passes for one of the sane or good ones here.

"Thanks for the lift either way. Though these guns don't use magic, just tech, right?"

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian gets the innuendo yes. He smirks, stifling a quiet snort. But no, he's not rude enough to bring up such a statement. If he knew Lyria better, he might tease her about it, but no. Particularly not here.

    Besides that, he's also busy trying not to be thrown out of the wildly-bouncing vehicle as it rattles down the not-road. And also trying to avoid cracking his teeth, biting his tongue, or anything of the like. He makes a mental note to get one of those athletic mouthguards for future trips here. He does, however, note to Laura, "You're quite welcome. I keep a few on my person for just such an emergency."

    Gaige asks about his 'house', and Dorian notes, "In a way. They're just as corrupt as those rich corporate sorts get." His tone's wry, but there's a bitter undertone that indicates he just might not like this idea. However, as there is an explanation of the mission, he listens.

    Still, he can't help but comment about the people who Gaige mentions don't like being near her due to being somewhat unhinged, "Actually, I do rather know what that's like. Though it's not my sanity -- or lack thereof -- that tends to be the determining factor for that."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Yeah, I get that. But hey, even if you're some rich boy, you're out here so that means you gotta be somewhat awesome, right? I mean, come on. My old class mate, dead now by the way, came from some rich hoity toity family. She didn't even KNOW about pandora, about the vault, about ANYTHING! I mean, come ON! how can you be so IGNORANT?" she snapped, shaking her head.

"Huh? Oh, pffft. Yeah. We haven't got any magic in this weird. SKAG!" Boom. "Except like, sirens I guess. But there's only like, five or six of them. HERE!" And then turned so sharply the jeep almost flipped. Right over a... crater. With a bunch of crates at the bottom.

Oh, and robots that began shooting at them. "So, like, they're stuck down there? Sorta. But like... when you blow them up, others of them start rebuilding themselves. It's a reallllly pain in the butt, you know?" As a steady stream of bullets start flying down at them. She holds out her hand and a sniper rifle materializes in her hand. "Sweetness! Let's kick some ASS!"

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney is pretty glad she picked this side of the jeep as the vehicle tilts, the mutant teen jumping out when it lands back on its wheels. "They cannot rebuild if they are in small enough pieces. Cover me." She takes a few steps back, enough to get a good run-up, before popping her claws again and sprinting forward, using the edge of the crater as a ramp to launch herself into the air, plunging down towards the largest bot, all six claws extended.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "To be fair," Dorian notes, at the mention of not knowing about Pandora or the vaults, "Since we ARE from the other side of the portal, there's a good chance we may not know about any of this. In fact, I don't. Though that's why I'm here. Also to add a bit of culture and attractiveness to this place. I might as well fight robots while I'm here."

    As for not having magic here? "You do now," he replies, meaning himself. And as illustration, when bullets start bouncing off the car, Dorian murmurs a Word and moves his hand in sweeping gesture before him. They're in a small enough area, it should get everyone (if so desired).

    Blue-white wisps of magic will start to build an outer 'shield' over anyone in the area who happened to be caught in the magical area. It won't give much protection, as the barrier will decay quickly, but it should give whoever it hit a few extra seconds of time.

    Once that's done, Dorian gets out of the car quickly, vaulting over the side almost before it completely stops. And then he dissolves into smoke again, looking to zip around to the flank of the group of robots.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason looks to DOruan for a moment but doesn't say much she does hear Gaige talks about her classmates being dead. "Wait dead? What happened there as for rich kids? I know how that goes ... for a lot of people." She makes a face given school she went to and was likely soon to be gaking post secondary in.

"Skag look..." The Skag doesn't last long but she doesnt' think too much about it there's local life that causes issues and now more fires is comming and shes' quick to leap for cover, popping up but pulls several small sphere which turn out to be small smech spirder that charge towards the robots.

"LEt's see whose the better engineer is..."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige was suddenly shielded. She let out a low whistle. "Daaaaaaang. That's freaking AWESOME!" she said, before jumping off the side of the car and taking cover behind it. "And it was her own fault! I mean, who PUSHES someone in front of an anti-bully robot?! That's just stupid! I mean, sure, some of the wires were mixed but that was TOTALLY not my fault! It was an anti-bully machine. It's what it did!"

She started shooting. The bullets her gun shot? Seemed to be made of elecricity. They were exploding the robots a little, at least. Poor Laura would discover, unfortunately, these things werre much better arm. Think occasional missile, shot gun shells, large milimeter bullets. Ow. And they had little flying repair droids. Lots of shrapnel for her.

"Return assault of bandits. Eliminate all targets. Have a nice day."

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney maaay have slightly underestimated the firepower she's now facing. The shield from Dorian helps a little, but it's gone within moments. Locking her claws into one of the larger droids, she yanks it around, trying to pull the machine between her and the others. Unlike a human shield, there are no moral issues with a robot. "Target the repair droids!" Hopefully her comms are still working even with all the electricity flying through the air. Once she's got her improvised cover pinned, she starts stabbing into the side closest her, seeing if she can get this thing shut down, and possibly dissected a bit to turn it into a shield.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Cutting down on the chaos of battle is a definite priority, Dorian realizes. These things are better armed than the bandits at the warpgate. So the first thing he does?

    ...Actually the first thing he does is respond to the compliment of the Barrier. "I am indeed~." He's... yeah, he's a little arrogant. Just a little.

Fortunately he's got talent to back it up, as he shows with the SECOND thing he does. He raises a hand, and a sparking orb of energy appears over a large group of the robots. A 'thread' of lightning connects his hand to the orb, until he pulls his hand back and down, the orb sparking once as the 'thread' was broken.

    For some reason, it looked like someone pulling the pin on a grenade...

    And well it should, too. As he's primed the area around that group of robots with an interesting little crowd control option. The spell won't actually hurt any of the robots until they try to leave the perimeter of its effect. When it does, it will start to shock them! And those shocks will chain to nearby enemies, too. So all of the enemies caught in the perimeter will get punished if one decides to leave!

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason has no real need of shields for amoment. She looks atherfor amoment, "That used /lethal/ force?" She doesnt' have time to do more for now she opens fire on the robot and her spiders move in trying to latch on to the horrible robitc thing and Lyria focuse her power, but finds to her dismay there's not enough /water/ to do a thing with them and she's force to fall back on firing on he repair droids while the spider sattempt to do what little damage they can to the things.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
The robots, unfortunately for Dorian, weren't really moving much. Except the little ones... which sent off a big explosion and... a few of them were left, smoking and still. The robots flew in and began to repair them with beams of light! Gaige shot one, making it go boom, but there were at least a dozen more.

Laura found her claws able to shred through and tear up the robot. Seemed they weren't made of the most durable materials. And then a few of them started lumbering to her and... "Look out!" Gaige yelled. Moments before they started SELF DESTRUCTING IN HER FACE!

"Of course they use lethal force! They're hyperion!"

Electricty surged through the air, from Dorian and Gaige's assaults. The robots seemed to be ignoring the spider robots, focused more on them, trying to blow them up through the car. They were big and thumpy, though.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney rips her way through the bot in front of her, lunging forward to bury her claws in another bot's 'eye'. At Gaige's shout she turns to face her new attackers, raising her arms to-
     She wasn't expecting that at all. The blast tosses her up and out of the crater like a rag doll, landing a few yards away with a sickening thud. She's not moving, but her ribs are still heaving indicating that she's not dead yet despite what would normally appear to be disabling injuries. As her body starts to knit itself back together, she can only hope that the blast took out some of the bots as well...

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Well, that works, too. The little robots can just as easily get zapped by the cage of electricity if they go in. It's like a roach motel, in that if an enemy goes in, it's probably not going to come out. Not without getting hurt, anyway.

    However, Dorian's got a bit of an issue with the robots trying to shoot him. So he dissolves into smoke again, and zips back to the nearest cover he can find. Unfortunately, one of his allies is a little too close to a self-destructing robot, and seems to go down.

    Dorian is no hero. But he tends to take it personally when someone takes out an ally. Especially a fellow Watch-man. Watch-woman? Whichever. On the other hand, however, he can now unleash a larger spell. Which he elects to do. Reviving Laura right in the middle of enemies seems a bad idea.

    He waits for a lull in the firing, and then stands up. He brings his hands togethr in front of him, and claps his hands together. As he does, a lightning bolt seems to explode in the air next to the enemies closest to the fallen Laura. By sheer dint of the fact that it is an exploding lightning bolt, it should hit more than one of the shootybots.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "Wait what." She'll ask later for now she's shooting at the robots now given her idea to use her spiders which can boost her Geomancy's range turns out nope that didn't go so well for her so she's shooting, she's shooting a lot and rekoading here and there.

"If this is what this Hyperion's like they need to suffer a hostile take over of someone saner!" 5R
She calls back and she starts to do severl cartwheels and flips not letting up on the gun fu.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige giggles. "Oh, they did! Handsome Jack! But sadly, 'saner' is kind of relative! WEEEE!" AND THEN SHE RAN INTO THE CRATER! DAMN IT! Her sniper disappeared and a shotgun formed in her hands. She shot it once, as her shields were blown up. "ANARCHY!" she yelled. She then threw her gun. It exploded. And a new one formed in her hands. When she hit one of the robots, her shields instantly came back(though tinted red.)

Poor Laura would likely be feeling that one in the morning. Fortunately, as Dorian was keeping an eye on her, the robots that tried to go after her got blown up to rubble in a single blast, leaving them sparkling refuge and knocking out about three more of the flying ship.

Gaige was now just... running... through them and shooting everything as her shields went up and down like a hyperactive cheerleader on fifteen double expresso mochas.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney seems to have regained consciousness and is moving again, despite the fact that she's still pretty badly injured. One leg, the one closest to the blast, still doesn't want to cooperate. She manages to drag herself up the side of the buggy by her arm strength alone, sprawling across the rear of the vehicle and locks one hand around one of the grips of the mounted machine gun. Raising her torso as much as possible to get the gun aimed down into the crater, she pulls the trigger and unloads a hail of heavy caliber slugs of her own. She sweeps the barrel back and forth, hosing down anything that doesn't look like a supply crate. Or Gaige.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Sadly, now that Geige is heading into the crater as well, Dorian can't keep throwing the lightning around, without fear of possibly hitting her. So instead, he makes his way over to where Laura is, and waits.

    He isn't just going to sit on his hands and do nothing, though. He aims a Barrier at the Leeroy Jenkins-ing Gaige, in hopes of trying to mitigate SOME of the damage she's likely to suffer. He still hasn't quite grasped the concept of electronic shields.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Robots, bandits? insanity this world wasn't sane. No it was not sane at all she keeps shooting with her pistols but one ends up being holsters, she pulls a cutlass off her back and she sighs as she runs in after Gaige to do what she can to back her up but she's also timing to not get caught up in what ever it is Gaige is doing and she's going to go melee and the blade is not a mundane one no it's a vibro blade which could do something about the machine's armour or other defence as she becomes a whirl wind of bullets and blade strikes.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Blood, battle, guns, shooting, lightning, everything explodes on all sides and, finally, with a shriek of metal and extra cover fire from the three of them(Could it really be called cover fire if Lyria and Gaige were in the mix of it? Sure, why not?) the last of the robots collapsed.

Gaige laughed and then... "HA! TAKE THAT! Suckers!" she yelled. "I totally kicked your... oh." And then kind of fell backwards. "Oh. Heh. Guess I kind of... heh heh. You know? Using your blood as a catalyst for a shield booster kind of stings. You know? I uhh... I'm going to lay down for a minute. I think I lost a lot of blood there. Eh heh... oh boy."

A few of the robots were still twitching, but no more repair bots meant no more destruction. Which meant... the loot. The crates and, most beautiful of all, the CHESTS!

If they go towards the chests, they might notice there were.... bandit bodies stacked up nearby. And blood on the chests. Lots of blood.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney still isnt' really in much of a position to come down and investigate at the moment, but she lets up on the MG when the last bot goes down. Rolling over onto her back, she pants for a moment to catch her breath before sitting up. Lots of pink newly regrown skin on the side closest to the blast, and she's still bleeding from a few shrapnel wounds that hadn't quite had their causes pushed out yet. Good thing she'd bought some more clothes. "Are the supplies intact?" She calls down, starting once again the process of shrapnel removal.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Once the exploding and shooting stops, Dorian comes out from behind his cover. And sighs at Gaige's words. "You do rather need to keep your blood INSIDE you, you know," he advises. "It tends to have negative consequences if you let it out." The snark is strong with this one!

    However, there are people to be healed. Laura seems like she's in the worst shape. Dorian takes a few calming, cleansing breaths, willing his body to rid itself of the adrenaline. By the time he's done with this process, Laura will probably have pulled out most of the shrapnel. Once he's calm, he nears Laura and raises his left hand, the one he's not holding the staff in. Should Laura allow him close enough, he'll reach to hover a hand over the wound, his hand will begin to glow with vital, spring-green energy, and he will begin to heal the wound.

    If she would prefer not to assist her healing factor? No worries at all. But a healing charge shouldn't be wasted. If Laura's against being healed magically, Gaige will just get her healing earlier than expected!

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria make sure the robots are down, very much making sure they are down. She looks at Gaige for a moment and stares.

"We're going to need to get you to a medical centure..."

She shudders at the carnage a bit, but feels no sympahty for the bandits really. She look to Gaige is wary but will move to hand her a potion.

"This will help a bit but you'll need proper medical care."

She'll hand it off if Gaige takes it, aqnd she will be going to check out the loot now, right?

"Great, so this is how the planet normally is? Gods it may actually need diret intervention..."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nods. "Yeah. But, like, if I keep it in me, then they shoot me. And my shields die. I mean, I guess I could hang back but, let's be honest. It looks wayyyyy cooler to run into the battle, gun blazing, shooting left and right.

She just downs the potion, doesn't even check it. "Huh? Nahhhhh. I can just get some health now packs from the doc later. Nnnnggg. Ain't the first time I almost bled out. besides, I barely got cut up! Last time you shoulda seen me, had this hole like, three inches wide in my leg. It looked bad. Ass. Wanna see the scar?" she offered. She then chuckled. "Nahhhhh. It's usually a lot more calm. Vault and all. Don't mind the bandits, though. They're just the workers that the mega corps made come here to harvest materials and then abandoned them and their families so they were forced to result to canibalism and stuff. Complete nut jobs. I like to shoot them in the face. But eeeee. That's the loot! We just need to open it and we're good!"

She ran forward, pushed open the chest and....

Poor, poor Lyria was still in the pit with her. "Good bye," a voice said as all the chest opens... and about a dozen grenades shot up into the air.

Gaige stared in confusion. "Eh? OH SHI--"

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney isn't gonna turn away healing. Mainly because getting back on her feet faster means they can load the supplies and get the hell out of there. Also, Gaige dropped the intel ball here. She can wait a bit. And then... /shit/. No time to talk. Grenades have a five second fuse, right? Laura charges back down into the pit, doing her best to tackle Lyria and Gaige to the ground, pulling the biggest and most solid piece of debris available over them. Goodbye Eardrums....

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "What it NEEDS is an exceedingly violent moron fumigation," Dorian replies, once he finally looks up from his healing. And then he starts to approach where Gaige and Lyria are, intent on looking them over for injuries, and healing them if possible. Gaige's words about the bandits gets a frown. "I rest my case," he notes.

    And then suddenly all hell breaks loose again. Laura is trying to tackle Lyria and Gaige, and Dorian, for his part? He does something stupid. He gets NEARER to the grenades. Why? A Barrier, of course.

    But this one isn't just a tag-and-be-done-with-it one. Oh no, he sustains this one, feeding all the mana into it that he can gather on short notice, making sure that everyone is in the protection radius, since he doesn't know how big the blast radius is going to be.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason Says "let's seehow the loot is, ... your world ... is strange even by what I have seen before."

She really has the name hyperion itch at the batck of her mind where had she heard it before? No it couldn't have been that old Marine's flagship who used to be with the union a long time ago? He wasn't into business or that fromw hat she knew of him. So what was itabout it?She looks to Gaige.

"Penal labour?"

She shakes her head a bit and she looks over to Gaige and stars.

"Oh deep six me."

her arms go up to proect her face an the barrier is what really saves her, along with Laura's own actions as she'just having one of thsoe days....

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige snickered. "ah, nah, this ain't my world. I'm from eden 5! But, you know. You get bounty worth a few hundred billion on your head and suddenly you're not safe anywhere, you know?"

Then the booms! And there was a LOT of booms. Joy of joy! These weren't just normal grenades, they were the *splitting* grenades. Raining aorund them like fire works. Fortunately for dorian, they were lower level grenades, just a lot of them. Eventually it stopped(amazingly, the chests were fine, what were they made of?) but the area was now pot marked. And... Dorian was probably tired, but managed to take the damage out of the blow. Leaving the others okay. Gaige...

Well, she, the moment the coast was clear, she jumped up. "Wait. No no no no. This means..." And the chests. Were. EMPTY! "MY LOOT!" she screamed, kicking the chest, then yelping and hopping around, holding her foot. "Ow ow ow ow owwww! Who beat us here! WHO?! I swear I'll kill them! I'll--" Then she froze. And let out a scream of pure, unbridled rage. "YOU ONE EYED MOTHER--" Followed by a scream of words that -really- weren't proper for a lady. "I'll kill him! I swear the moment I find him, I'm going to rip out his one remaining good eye and shove it up his prostate so far he can see his dinner!" she screamed. As she threw her tantrum, her arms clenched and... and she was actually on the verge of tears. "this... this was m-my stash. I found it. I-I tracked the crash landing. How in the world did you beat me here?" Yup, she was most definitely going to start crying. Teenagers.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    Dorian does rely far too much on his strength and talent with magic. Getting close to those grenades while trying to use Barrier to protect against the blast was pretty stupid. He can feel the force of the explosions, of every piece of shrapnel straining against the Barrier. There might even be the sensation of the stuff hitting the others, even though he feeds as much mana into the Barrier as he can manage. Hopefully him keeping the 'second health bar' filled, so to speak, will mitigate enough of the damage.

    As the debris rains down, the Barrier abruptly sputters and dies, and with a pained exhale, Dorian falls to a knee. The catches himself on the staff he carries, though, so he doesn't go completely facedown on the ground. His breathing is labored, and he's sweating. And it isn't the heat. Nonetheless, soon he's looking around at the others, to check on them, to make sure everyone made it through the explosion all right.

    He looks up as Gaige begins to react so. He doesn't react to her use of words that are 'unbecoming a lady'. It's a moment before he can speak, and when he does, the words are raspy and breathy. "I take it... you know who left us the... 'surprise'?"

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason looks at Gaiges.

"Really? Is that a lot or is infation so rampant the bounty is chump change?"

She looks at Gaige for a moment. She seems to be pretty damn crazy, but it could be worse. She seems to look at the ruined loot she sighs she looks at Gaiges rage ove the loot.

"...It's just material, shouldn't the bots scrap be worth something at least?"

She's alive right. She sighs and looks to Laura for a moment though she's also a bit messed up too from everything with LAura's help she's back on her feet.

"More bandits may be on their way we should get moving, nothign worth fighting over now."

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney is able to muster enough strength to shrug off the chunk of robot she'd sheltered the other two on her, just about staggering ot her feet. Yep, eardrums are gone. At least the actual frags didn't make it through. Looks like the guns are gone, which is bad luck for the Watch. And she's fucking STARVING. Turns out healing off multiple probably lethal injuries works up quite an appetite. She helps Lyria up before crouching down next to one of the crates, slitting any tiedown straps with a claw and prying it open. Let's see what's inside... "We must hurry. This fight may have attracted further scavengers."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Y-yeah! That one eyed bastard, two bit bandit, no good dirty unwashed son of a--" A long stream of insults come along before she gets to the name. "Skag eye! He's some nut job who thought he'd get skag powers if he ripped out his eye and replaced it with a skag's eye. Now he has his own little bandit troupe," she grumbled.

Then laura opened them and... the rations and supplies were there! "Oh, of course! They just grabbed the damn guns. You know, the *important* stuff. The rations and medicine is still here. Let's see about hauling that up. You guys all know how to use digistructing packs, right? Oh, wait, off verse. So, in the jeep there are these big, black triangle things. We just attach them like so, and... presto." She put one on one of the crates, pushed a button and it was digisized! Woot! "... Yeah, these aren't the stablest. So we should reallllly get them in the jeep before they un-digizize. Mad Moxxie said they'd last probably two, maybe three hours. And, ummm, if they break on her own, how'd she put it? Like... having a house drop on you. I think. So let's get them in the jeep!" ... Just... so much confidence. She was still obviously pretty sad about her failure.

"Ugh, how am I going to talk about this in my blog? I didn't even get any cool guns! seriously! And with you three around I didn't even need to use death trap. Oh, right. That's my flying death robot. Oh, and yeah. With that kind of money you could like, buy your own space station and then some. Probably. I don't know. I probably have the largest bounty in the universe now. Pretty bad ass, right?" she asked with a grin. "Good luck trying to collect it, though! Rich guys like him don't get rich paying what they owe," she said with a snicker.

Laura Kinney (1111) has posed:
Laura Kinney gets to work loading the crates, transferring them into the back of the jeep, before resuming her original position on top for the ride back to the portal. Get her portion of the loot to the nearest Watch safehouse, get food, get shower. Those are her current priorities. "He would likely not pay. And anyway, there is no other reason to kill you." Any tact she /did/ have kind of went away along with her eardrums, so the first part of Gage's rant was lost. They're back now, but there's still a trail of dried blood at each of her ears.

Dorian Pavus (774) has posed:
    "Good point," Dorian replies, to Laura's mention of scavengers. It's this that gets him moving again, though he leans heavily on that staff as he stands up. He stands, then takes a moment, to 'center' himself, taking a few calming breaths. He taps the end of the staff on the sandy ground, as if planting the weapon so would help him somehow. It seems to, at least psychologically anyway, and his steps are a bit steadier as he starts to look in the crates as well. Because they might as well help themselves to whatever still happens to be here.

    And he nods at Laura's words. "If there are scavengers coming, we should probably 'scavenge' what we can before they do. I'd rather not have to resort to bigger spells to bring another battle to an end quicker." That is of course Dorian-speak for 'I'm in no shape to fight again'.

    He'll assist with the digital loading or... whatever is going on. But hey... supplies and rations are better than having nothing to show for it all. He'll be strangely quiet for the ride back, too. Mainly trying not to fall asleep, because if he lets go on the trip he's liable to get bounced right out of the Jeep if the ride back is as bumpy....

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "You can't eat guns."

She notes as she moves to help with hauling the loot away, She'll od what she can and pauses for a moment.

"What meeting a band of strangers from another world isn't good blog bait?" 5R
She tilt sher head for a moment and looks at her for amoment.

"There are people out there who could collect on a bounty like yours, I'm just a guppy I admit but trust me on that. There might be people ready willing and able to collect. There's also the Paladins to worry about too."

She notes as she works along with the remaining loot.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Hmmmm? Right. Paladins. I'll keep an eye out for them. And I'm not too worried. I'm a lot tougher than I look!" Before the car took off.

Zoom zoom! It was a wild, insane ride, of course. And she crashed A LOT! But, they got there safe and sound(ish). A few bandits had taken up residence by the portal, though. She ran them off, chased them with the jeep. Had a good ol' day of it, before finally dropping them off and telling them she'd come to their world sometime. Maybe. A world at least.

Either way, she had some supplies to drop off and vengeance on a certain bandit to wreak. And she did give them a decent chunk of the supplies, of course. She was a fair girl, at least.