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Latest revision as of 08:08, 13 May 2017

Gaige and the mouse
Date of Scene: 05 May 2017
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Gaige heads to revenant to shoot giant scorpions and means a mecha mouse! Her day got AWESOME!
Cast of Characters: 1112, Leyanne Mace

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige was having a grand old time, laughing her head off as she ran about, shooting and blasting things. "Boom boom! Anarchy forever!" I mean, sure, a giant scorpion WAS trying to impale her, but what's the point of letting something so minor ruin her good time? "Ah ha ha ha ha! Death trap, let's go, buddy!" Before she held out her metal arm and the robot formed in front of her, digistructing. Together, the two blew the creature to kingdom come, making it dissolve into smoke.

And Leaving Gaige sitting down and wiping some sweat off her forehead, laughing her head off. "This place is AWESOME! Seriously, why haven't we come here before? It's like a bunch of scags and whiplashers, but on steroids! and I thought Eridium was bad! Bwa ha ha ha ha!"

Leyanne Mace has posed:
There's another big scorpion behind Gaige - and no doubt her robot spots it. But there's barely enough time to turn around and face it before something red drops down from above. It's hard to see what, beyond white fur and a vaguely humanoid shape as she rides the monster's thorax.
For a moment, the scorpion freezes. It's about to bring its stinger down into its irritating parasite when she pulls out a short, double-barreled shotgun and lets fly with both barrels into the back of its head. She dives aside in time for the stinger to come down into the hole she's just made... and that's no more scorpion.
Tiny casually stands up, flipping open her shotgun to slide in fresh cartridges. "Interesting place, this Emerald Forest."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige turns around, lifting her gun, a deranged grin on her face. Scorpion, scorpion, sco-- OH MY GOSH! The poor, poor girl. Was almost bowled over by Gaige as the young mechromancer rushed in, took the girl's hands and was like. "Oh my gosh!"

"Is that a tri-coder triple latent wired display array? Ohhh, do you have a removable gripper grote with blade? Wait, is that a HYPERION dual lacifer ionic screen?!" .... NO?! None of those words made any sense! why was this weird girl suddenly trying to examine her, ahem, parts? "Oh my gosh you have a thingamajib! They stopped making those like, a decade ago! I've never seen one in such good condition!"

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace yelps quietly "Uh, hey- what-?" Leyanne is thrown off balance for a moment before she listens. "Hyperion? No, Arkadyne." She manages to say, looking a little confused at Gaige as all her 'ware is peered at. "I... have no idea what any of that stuff is. But all my stuff is Martian tech from my homeworld"

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Wait, MARTIAN tech? Oh man, I haven't seen martian tech in centuries! Well, I haven't seen it. Like, not since the martians were all wiped out about five, six hundred years ago. Ohhhh. Is this a double-helix transistor? Do you use it to magify your oblidisk, or is ot for ballooning algorithms in the dormison paradox?" WHY IS SHE NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH?! And why was she invading the poor girl's personal bubble?

And then paused. "O-oh! Right! Hey, yo. My name's Gaige. Nice to meet me. Don't try to shoot me, okay? Cause you're like, wayyyy too cool looking and I'd hate to have to shoot you back, you know?"

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace chuckles softly and takes a step back after a moment. "I... don't know? I don't service the tech, it's all military-spec gear stamped with 'not user serviceable' so I don't poke around." She laughs, offering her hand when the other gives her name.
"Gunnery Sergeant Leyanne Mace, Martian Freedom Fighters. Call me Tiny." says the eight-foot mouse. Helpfully, the same data is printed onto one of the plates of her bright red suit of armour.
With her cybernetic hand, the mouse pulls off her helmet, hanging it on her belt, then unrolls her beret and carefully puts it on her head, taking care to poke her antennae through the holes. It's probably at this point that her cybernetic eye is noticed

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige blinked a few times and... "OH MY GOSH! You have a cyborg eye! That is soooo hoooooot! can it shoot lazers? How about xray tech? Can you see through my clothes? Dude, if I had an x-ray eye, everyone would be see through. I'd be all like 'I see you have a gun. Bam! Now you don't!' and it'd be soooo coooool."

Then glanced up at him and... "Wait, are youl ike, part mouse? Sweeeeeet. You're an actual, you know, not human. I met a werewolf and vampire earlier, but like, you're the first rat girl. So, are you like a were rat?" Oh my gosh...

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace nods "Not X-ray, but I can see in UV and IR." She explains. Aaand then Gaige opens her mouth and puts her foot in it. She used the R-word.
The mouse visibly tenses, her cybernetic hand clenching into a fist. "Momma didn't raise no stinkin rat!" She snaps, before getting herself under control. There's a deep breath. "I'm a mouse - originally from Earth stock, but not anymore." The moise's tail lashes back and forth behind her.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded, completely missing it. "Sweeeeet. So you're a mouse! Like, a mouse girl! Wait, are you like, eridium experiments and stuff? I mean, I knew hyperion was testing this stuff on them, but i didn't know they were, daaaaaaang."

Circling the girl. "Hey, can I see your gun? You can see mine!" Hers digistructed in her hand. A shot gun. And she held it out. "It's pretty cool. Got it off a bandit. Was hilarious. He was all 'I'm gonna cut out your spleen and wear it as a hat!' and I was like 'BOOM BABY!' and he was all like 'Grggglllle' and then i took his gun and shot his buddy in the face. Good times, man."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace relaxes as Gaige seems to get the message. "No, no. Martian... I don't think Hyperion had anything to do with it, 'cause we've been there since at least 500AD."
At the request to see her sidearm, Leyanne holsters the double-barreled shotgun and pulls out /her/ gun. Holstered on her left thigh ready for quickdraw, it's a slightly unusual revolver, in such that it uses a dardick-like tround design to auto-clear the cylinders for faster reloading. It's chambered in a 10.6mm round functionally equivalent to .44 magnum, and was apparently manufactured in the Arkadyne Foundries factories of Mons Olympus.
Tiny flips the gun around in her hand and offers it over. The worn grip and slight blueing around the muzzlebrake show it's been well-used and well-loved.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige holds up the gun, finger on the trigger and... well, doesn't aim it AT the other girl at least. She does peer down the sights, but doesn't pull the trigger. She then hummed. "None of the software and hardware our guns have. It's nice, though. Real nice. I like the balance. Oh!" She then glanced to her gun. "Shoot it once to empty the barrel, then chuck it as hard as you can, trust me." She gave a wink.

Once chucked, it would EXPLODE. Like a grendade. And a new one would form in her hands.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace blinks and does indeed fire off the Hyperion gun, nodding approvingly after the blast. "Disposable weapons, nice." She says, offering the newly-formed gun back. "Sadly I think where I come from operates on different rules. That and we can't afford to throw guns away like that, so we stick with the tround system for our guns. Most of our weapons operate on the revolver principle. Well, those that we didn't buy off Earth or steal from the Cats." She smirks.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige handed her gun back. "Really? Guns are realllly common in our world. Got things that shoot slag, lightning, fire, acid..." Wow, her world was weird. "I always mess with the firm ware. You know, cause it's fun!" she said with a giggle.

"If you wanted, I bet I could upgrade your gun. Or you." There was a hungry look to her eyes. Don't. Let. Her. Near your machine parts! Be smart, Tiny!

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace laughs "I would but I think it would invalidate the service plan. I know the Arkadyne techs who service me every six months or so already get pissed off about how many arms I break, they'd probably stop doing it all together if I let someone without the right security clearances tinker with my 'ware." She holsters the revolver
"Kinda need the servicing to stay alive, with all the shit I got in me. They make sure that my neuroware's not being clogged with gial cells, replenish the power source, make sure that all the chemical vials are up to date and all the rest of it"

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige pouts a bit, but nods. "Fiiiine. I can understand that. I don't like it, but I can appreciate it. Gotta look out for yourself. But hey, if your warranty ever runs out, and you need a new servicer... well, look me up, okay? I'll take real good care of you! I already got a reploid buddy who's letting me do the same thing."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace nods "Yeah of course, but while I got it I'm going to enjoy the free repairs and free upgrades being a rebuilt military vet gets me, y'know? So what's the story behind your arm? Nasty injury or...?"

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige shook her head. "Nahhhh. Like, I accidentally cut myself on my saw, just a scratch, only like, half way through the bone. But then I got an idea! I needed to carry around the big metal thing to summon death trap, so it made sense. I just lopped my arm off, once I got the blood transfusion and woke back up, I made a metal arm that stores death trap. Easy peezy." Oh by the heavens she was insane.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace laughs "Shit you're crazier than me." She shakes her head with a chuckle, taking a flask of tea from the bottom of her hardcase and sitting down on a handy stump. She pours a mug and then offers the flask to Gaige. "I got blown up, my unit was running point for a relief convoy into the Marineris Valley when my bike hit an AT mine. I tried to bail but I got an EFP enter my leg, about here." She indicates a spot about halfway up her left thigh. "Came out just above my left eye. I'm basically KIA at this point, but before complete braindeath they get me into stasis. I woke up eighteen months later and had to learn how to do everything"

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded, letting out a low whistle. "Well, could be worse, right? You got a lot of sweet robot enhancements out of it! Totally worth it, right? Like, seriously, it's sooooo hot. You should come with me on safari sometime! I go with Hammerlock, total dream boat. Metal arm, metal leg, metal eye, mmmmm. And he's like the best hunter, you know? We'd kick sooooo much ass together."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace nods "Oh hell yeah it could be worse. I bounce when I would've gone splat, I can punch with a few thousand pounds of force... I dunno if I'd choose the same process to get the 'ware again, but... I'm upgraded. It's my job to stand in the way of those who'd shit on the little guy, 'cause I got a second chance." She grins.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Exactly! Ugh, people are ALWAYS shitting on the little guy, you know? That's why I made death trap! He's an anti-bullying machine!" ... That... floating death machine. With lasers. And COVERED IN BLADES. Was an anti-bully machine. What... the....

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace looks over at Death Trap, nodding. "Bullies must be pretty hardcore where you come from." That's Tiny's only comment on the blade-and-laser-toting robot. She chuckles. "Sounds like the kind of people I'd rather like to punch." She clenches her left hand into a fist, spinning slowly at the wrist.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige noded. "Ugh, yeah. Bullying was wayyyy too out of control back home. There was this really, really nasty girl. But her daddy was rich and had allll the money, so she could do anything!"

She gave a sniffle. "S-she even stole my science fair project and tried to copy it! She fialed, but then her daddy bought off the judges! And then she PUSHED me! And she didn't get punished at ALL for it! Only I did! It's so not fair!" she pouted.

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace nods a little. She's starting to see a pattern. "So, let me guess, you helped her change from science to geography?" She asks, making an allusion to getting her blown up.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige shook her head. "N-no! It was totally NOT my fault. She shoved me. Directly in front of my anti-bullying machine. And so it took a swipe at her. That's what it did. That was its FUNCTION. She stole the project, she should have KNOWN that. It was only going to cut and maim her a little bit. But, it, well... kind of... accidentally made her explode. It wasn't my fault, though!"

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace shakes her head slowly. "I can see how it could happen..." She's basing this on the size of said anti-bullying machine. She looks up at him, and she's about to say more when her comm unit bleeps. "...ah hell. I got to jet, I'm due to be meeting Cletus and the guys over in Illinois. Apparently he's got something 'I'm gonna love' and they're filming a new episode"

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige blinked. "Wait, show? Huh? OH! Right! Yeah, see you around!" she wsaid, giving a wave as the girl ran off. Then humming. Then pulling out her head set. "So, listeners, you aren't going to BELIEVE what I just heard..."

Leyanne Mace has posed:
Leyanne Mace heads off to film a new episode of Jackass! She sprints off through the forest, to go meet Cletus and the guys for whatever crazy contraption it is they're going to fire her from...