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Latest revision as of 08:10, 13 May 2017

Date of Scene: 08 May 2017
Location: Pandora
Synopsis: Gaige and Ferham meet up again, allowing Gaige a closer look at her machinery. It's off the HOOK!
Cast of Characters: 1112, 516

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige could barely contain her excitement when she parked the car in the garage, got yelled at by scooter, stuck her tongue out, then dragged the girl off to her lab.

And her lab. Was. A mess. Food boxes on the ground, trash all over the place, and-- Wait. No. It wasn't trash. It was -parts-. Oh gosh. What kinds of things did she take apart here? Look at that poor, mangled toaster. Wait, that scanner? Did she build that herself? Was it safe? Was it going to explode? "Just lay here! This'll just take a moment!" And then it started to give an ominous hum.

Oh dear.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham had just met Gaige, not about an hour ago--but she was grateful for the help from her. Especially with those cretins back there--once she was dragged out of the vehicle she peered around at the state of the place--this was not quite as orderly as Dr. Wily or even Taro would keep their workspaces, not at all. Still, she didn't have empathy for just any machine having been taken apart--she mostly found Reploids being dis-assembled to be unnerving at times.

     "Lay?" Ferham blinked a little, standing near the scanner table itself. Oh sure, this didn't look strange or suggestive or anything. With a sigh, Ferham pulled herself up onto it--though she might have had to lay on her side for the moment.

     "So you're going to show me what all these toys of yours do?" she peered over at Gaige.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Sure, this is a tri-coder wiggerwhammer! It's like a hammer! But made with duck tape and stuff I found in the dump! And this is..." Listing off all her make shift tools. They were... yeah. She was somethign else.

"Just lay still, it'll be a moment. If you feel anything or hear a sizzling sound, don't worry. I've done this like, three times. And it's only killed something once." There would be, after another ten seconds, THOOM!

And a flash of light. "Sweet, it worked this time!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I have all the confidence in the world," Ferham was grinning a little when she said it, but she didn't lay on the snark exactly--she was more paying attention to what was going on--truth be told she was prepared to stop whatever it was if things got too... invasive. But for the most part she laid still, the flash of light blinding her momentarily.

     "Oh nice--what did you do?" she asked with some curiosity, her arms out in front of her as if she was just sort of lounging there on her side, her wings hanging over the otherside of the table.

     Gaige's scanners would likely pick up a few fun components among Ferham's core, reactor and other choice systems--cryogenics system, anti-gravity generator for her flight, as well as the complex network of articulated joints and nerve tissue material--hundreds of times more tensile than piano wire but just as thin.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige pointed to a screen. Then smacked it. Like three times. Then it showed her internals. Kinda. The screen was a bit out of focus, but it showed things. "Oh my gosh, your internals are just so... AWESOME! would... would you let me pop you open and open some of your things? Or like... build you a new arm or something? Pleaaaaase? It's all sooooo cooooool!" She grabbed her tool box. Giving a big, giant grin.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Woah woah, I don't think I need any new arms--or a third one, for that matter," Ferham waved a hand at Gaige, trying to calm down the excitable engineer down some. She looked back from Gaige to the screen, peering at it--then back at the girl. "It seems like your visual scanner is a little blurry, but it looks like everything's alright, nodding a little.

     "Depends what you'd want to investigate, I have internal parts that I'd rather not be handled by /most/ people, like my core, but..." she weighed her options. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt exactly if you wanted to look around," she pulled herself up partly and began the process of removing her armor--the entirety of it glowing and teleporting off--flashing off, really. It left Fer in the undersuit beneath it, her long dark hair falling back over her shoulders.

     "I hope you have clean instruments."

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige let out a squeal of delight, and then began tearing into her... weapons. Her eyes glimmering. Then.... "So, tell me about yourself, who built you? Ohhhhh. What's this glowy bit do? Ohhhh, what's this do? Wait, can I--" Crack. She urked. "I-I can fix that I have a piece that'd fit one second!"

Eh, it wasn't anything major. Probably. A fuse. For something. What's the worst that could happen? She ran off, came back with... it looked like a giant mechanical beetle. "Do you have one of these?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham would have laid on her stomach as she let Gaige poke around there--probably from habit of how she had to lay prone when her armor was on.

     "I was built on Giga City, high-performance model, force-metal augmented--by the R&D teams there, humans," when the /crack/ was heard, Ferham stiffened and she seemed like she stopped movign entirely for an entire moment.

     Did she just... did she just really deactivate her somehow?

     "Seems like a diode cracked, cryogenics system offline," she finally said after what seemed like an eternity of staring off into space. "--What is /that/?" she asked finally, noticing the giant beetle bot.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "I'll fix it! Really! This is my remote! I think I--" It shot out a missile. "... Oh." Debris flowed down at them. She coughed and sputtered.

"Wrong one!" She ran off, soon came back with a giant mecha cockroach(yes it was almost the exact same thing.) It then was then ATTACHED to her back. "Just lay stick!" There was a sizzling, a burning, a loud crunching sound. "So like, I built this to take care of deathtrap when I couldn't fix him. Cause like, lava and burning stuff. Oh, and the acid, so much acid... I freaking hate the wild life here."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Are you kidding me?!" Ferham uttered as the missile went off--what seemed like dust and debris falling down on her afterward, shaking herself and her hair off. Ferham's eyes went wide and she stayed /very, very/ still as it was literally clipped onto her back. It felt rather weird, though she didn't seem to be worried that it was a giant cockroach--clearly Ferham was made of tougher stuff than some femmebots.

     "I uh, do hope you have the right one this time--" she remained still, her voice not sounding threatening--rather just pretty concerned, all things considered!

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige grinned and then, once it was done, she just... tossed it to the side. She did not take good care of her toys it seemed. She then looked down and... "Ohhhhh. Sweeeet. All fixed! Mostly. Duck tape and gum and..." She paused. "I, err, i mean some good ol' hyperion hyper puddy. It'll cure what ails you!" she said. Then held up the thing she broke. "Eh... heh heh... eh. Sorry. I uhhh. should be more careful. So, what does this do?"

Before she PUSHED A BUTTON! ON THE WEAPONS! Because she is GAIGE!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham was sitting there, on the table--with the giant mechanical cockroach clipped onto her back. She had a brief mental image of the rust/metal eating cockroach that she had recalled Junk Man played around with--one of Wily's bots--and for a moment she got really uncomfortable--which was visible on her face, perhaps amusedly. It was sort of like a momentary freak out!

     "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm fine, really," she grinned sheepishly, trying to make it seem like there wasn't a problem. Having the thing clasped to her back likely made her just a liiiittle nervous, however.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded, grinning, and then... tossed the robot off. "OKAY! So, everything is good! Nothing broken, nothing exploding, nothing melting. That only happened once, out of like, a dozen tests. So it's like, probably not gonna happen again anytime soon." And then started closing things up and...

Then tugged on her arm a bit. "So, what kind of weapons do you have? How do you get upgrades? Are you more modular, like, can things be taken out easy and replaced? Or is it all built directly into you and stuff?'

Ferham (516) has posed:
     There is a long shuddering sigh of relief out of Ferham as Gaige just tosses the robot on her back off, shifting herself a bit onto her side to look at the mechanic girl. "I can use other weapons, but I use an electromagnetic whip--plus my cryogenics systems. I can super-freeze objects with it," Ferham probably thinks this is self-explanatory. "You ever exposed steal to liquid nitrogen? It becomes brittle, and can be broken--to say nothing of what that does to soft targets," she didn't go into detail there--she didn't want to seem like she was trying to intimidate the girl. She zipped her suit up the back closed, then moved to sit with her legs dnagling over the edge of the table.

     "I could give you a demo--but I don't use my weapons like toys, exactly," she nodded.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded, gasping. "You can do something like that? That'd be SO COOL! I wanted to attach a nitroglicerin cannon to deathtrap, but dad was all like 'Noooo, I'm not letting you play with nitro glycerine after what happened to that stray cat'. I mean like, come on. That was NOT my fault. But show me! Show me show me show me!" she was practically jumping up in place, getting way, wayyyyy too close, one hand on the girl's leg, the other on the shoulder, eyes gleaming.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Nitroglycerin is an explosive compound, I meant liquid nitrogen--it's not quite the same," Ferham grinned just a little, then became a little worried after what Gaige said about the stray cat. "Alright, sure," Ferham glowed and was suited up in her armor again, in a flash, literally. When Gaige came /super/ close and started getting grabby, well--Fer wasn't sure what to do about this, at first!

     "Very err, intimate type, aren't you?" she smiled a bit and her gloved hands fell on the girl's hip and her shoulder, mainly making sure she didn't lose her balance as Ferham helped herself up from the table in the meantime.

     "Like this," in her palm she superfroze the moisture in the air--creating a lovely looking small ice sculpture in it--that looked somewhat like a flower, holding it close to the girl's face to see. "Of course, if you wanted a larger demonstration, I might need more of a target. She doesn't seem to mind the hand on her leg or shoulder exactly, either.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige gasped, licking her lips and then... "Oh yeah. I can DO a larger demonstration." She grabbed her hand, and then started pulling her along. "Mmm? I guess. Why?" She didn't even seem to realize what she had been doing all this time. Silly Gaige.

She took her outside to... where a bunch of metal training dummies had been set up. And a dumpster. all of it had claw marks, of course. She pointed. "So, this is where I test his near gear. So like, go ahead! Break some stuff and go wild! This is gonna be soooo awesome!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham would take the crystal and likely run it over Gaige's lips--just to let her see it was real ice--and no, it wouldn't stick. It wasn't 'dry' ice, that was something chemically different altogether.

     "Oh, no reason," Ferham smiled, shaking her head a bit as she walked outside with Gaige. She pointed her palm at the dumpster, likely letting Gaige keep the ice crystal for now--and from her palm a stream of cold erupted--hosing the dumpster down with it, till it seemed like it was covered with frost.

     "Now that the structural integrity of this has diminished.." she flicked her whip out and soon it /crashed/ against the metal housing of the dumpster--shattering a section of it just like that!

     "The rest of it will just... thaw out, but yes--I guess you could call me an ice queen," she winked.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige stared, her eyes wide and excited and then... "Oh. My gosh. THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING EVER! Can you like, do it again? Wait, you know what? We should TOTALLY go mess with some hyperion bots later! I usually use acid on them, but that would be AWESOME!" she said with a big grin.

"Can you pop it out, too? Like, let's say.... you were in a sword mood, right? Could you take out the whip for that and just slot it in? And how much control do you have? Like, could you make a statue of me with the ice, or just simple shapes? Ohhhh, this ice is nice. You could make a killing at Mad Moxxie's."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "If it's robots you want to fight then hot or cold extreme temperatures are still a good idea, so is electricity--mind, if they're not shielded," she held up the handle of her whip, demonstrating how the length appeared from the handle's tip. "I could, I suppose--but then I'd lose the range on the length of it, as for shapes--that was just a simple trick, I could make statues out of ice if I wanted," out of people too--but Ferham doesn't elaborate that part. She didn't like making corpsicles.

     "You're very excitable, I like that, maybe we /can/ go out drone hunting, if that's what you're up for," she grinned.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded rapidly, grabbing her hand and then dragging her back to the car. "Yeah, totally! And heh, I guess. Dad always said I was full of energy, you know? His little double A battery he used to call me. I jsut keep going and going! It's pretty cool, you know. When you live out here, you gotta be able to go all the time no matter what, you know?"

And once again.... seriously, who taught this girl how to drive? She was a maniac! A danger to herself and others, she was going to get people-- oh, right. She already gets people killed. A lot.

"So, who built you? What's your home like?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "It's not that far from this place, really--however there is a lot more civilization--my world had been tormented by several disasters in the last hundred or so years of it's life, some parts of it are dry and barren, much like Pandora," Ferham wisely got herself seated and in a stable position inside Gaige's vehicle before she got going--she had learned how much of a crazy driver she could be, lets say, by now!

     "Was made in a laboratory by humans, the project head, well... I'll tell you about that later, perhaps, sometime," she nodded, apparently not wanting to speak about it just yet.

     They rode off.