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Carry 'er Home
Date of Scene: 29 September 2015
Location: Great Ocean - Northern Loop
Synopsis: Tracking a clue, Psyber and the crew locate a missing ship.
Cast of Characters: Wo, Shigure, 253, 188, 637, 691, 739

Wo has posed:
    It would have taken some time, even with all of the information that had been recovered, or landed by good fortune. While the Wildcat's fairy had helpfully provided a map, for example, it was a crude one, apparently scribbled in crayon and with exaggerated proportions and distances not precisely to scale. Even the vast supercomputers at the multiverse's disposal took a couple of days to fit the, ahem, data available to a physical location in the ever-shifting and vast seascape. Then, there was the travel. The location eventually pinpointed as the most likely is a bit of a jog from even the closest warp gate. When the report noted that the group of islands was isolated, it was possibly lowballing. It's little wonder that it hadn't been found until now.

    There is a small atoll the local warp gate rests (slightly askew, so watch your step) upon, which sports some weathered piers that apparently see infrequent use - considering the decaying crates stacked up there have several years of cobwebs. Nonetheless, it would be enough for any of a seagoing inclination to launch from, if a good sight less glamorous than the more civilized areas of the superearth. Anyone else lacking such perks would find an abandoned boat with a convenient rope for towing, and an oar for rowing, but it looks better suited to the relatively calm waters of the lagoon, rather than the sometimes unfriendly open ocean of the Northern Loop. A reminder of the reason for coming, and another sign that the cartoonish map and computer projection had come through, is an easily overlooked piece of debris. It's a ghastly outer hull fragment from a Wo-class' flight deck, one exhaust port 'eye' staring lifelessly and still, with a few of its teeth still attached.

    Nonetheless, the open sea awaits. Despite the isolation, it should not take too long to reach.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma, Chitose and Shigure step through the warp gate, their rigging shifting as final checks are done. The Seaplane Tender marks the broken flight deck, and nods grimly, before she hefts her launch rails skyward. Four rails, two on 'pistol grips', the other pair on her shoulders, mounted to the backpack rig all aim up, and with the rush of steam assists, the catapults fire their floatplane payload into the air, engines striking up with a deep growl. "First scout squadron launched, Flagship." she notes to the Cruiser.

    Kuma is also noting that discarded flight deck. She stoops and goes to pick it up, turning the lifeless metal over in her hands. "Kuma hopes she's still alive, kuma." she muses, before nodding to Chitose. "Understood. Line ahead formation, Chitose in the center, keep your eyes in the sky open, kuma." she says, before leading her group out of the lagoon and into open water. Her fleet is the scout fleet, after all.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    It's not hard to imagine Psyber arriving via ship, but this would be an incorrect imagining. Rather, the half-angel is instead arriving on foot and ostensibly unarmed for the sake of Lute's own reassurance. A shorter jacket than normal and jeans signal him in casual attire, though he still has a badge inside the jacket for official business. He keeps a fairly stern look on his face. While he still had Kalameet, and whatever Elliana was planning, to worry about, the recovering of Wo was one of the upper-priority issues in his docket.

    Thusly, he steps out of the warp gate and adjusts the coat he's wearing. To the Union-site individuals coming with him, he states firmly, "Lute will be arriving shortly to take custody of her for the Confederate Military. Do not engage him in hostility, all personal feelings aside. This is an order, not a request. I want a peaceful joint recovery that goes smoothly and gets a Confederate back into their hands and back to her normal operations."

    He pulls up a sleeve and checks the underside of his wrist to look at a watch, "Insitigating hostile actions against the Confederate Presence will be responded to as direct hostility."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute always has the worst timing on this stuff. He's been searching for Wo, since she went missing. His Unown, when not in use, have been surfing across the seas of the Multiverse, searching. It's not the most effective method. But, it is the most Lute could do to help. The moment he heard Wo was found, though? His heart skipped a beat, in a mixture of worry, relief, and hope.

     But, the timing is still poor. He had a WMAT fight today. And as such, his Pokemon team is going to be very much the B-Crew. Thankfully, like any trainer, he has a number of Pokemon on standby. Sadly, he will be nowhere near combat ready, which makes him even more glad there is a non-aggression agreement on this mission.

     Lute has shown up in his nautical gear. His labcoat, and a speedo. He won't trust a random unknown boat. Instead, after arriving the warp gate, he'll pull out two Pokeballs. Two Pokemon appear, landing in the water. Two Wailmer. They're not the /biggest/ Pokemon. And, legs will definitely be in the water a bit, no matter how you sit on them. They'll work for this purpose, though.

     Also with Lute? A vast number of Unown. Fifty of these black rune Pokemon fly out of the Warp Gate with him, moving into the sky. They spread out, searching ahead. If any of them spots something? They'll relay the info back to Lute.

     He takes his seat on his Wailmer. The other is for Yari. A glance is given towards Kuma. A frown. Lute rarely looks this serious.

     "She /is/ still alive."

     He has no reason to think this. It's simply blind hope. Sure, he has only met Wo once before, in person. But, a fair amount of talk over the radio. A number of friendly conversations. These have all given Lute a growing connection to Wo.

     He does at least give a slight nod to Psyber, upon seeing him. He has issues with the Union. But on this, they are apparently allies.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Understood," the voice comes from behind Psyber, though the source has already exited the Warpgate. From around the tall half-angel's left side steps the black-haired, twin-tailed cruiser Isuzu, a hand on her hip, "I don't like the guy, and I won't trust him any further than Hayashimo could throw him, but I'll do what you say." Eyes closing, she flicks an errant ponytail over her shoulder and steps forward, right out onto the water without any hesitation.

    Stepping around Psyber's other side, hands folded, is the unmistakable silhouette of his personal battleship, Kongou, "<Rescue Operation, Start!>" One eye closes, the other fixing on the angel, "Though she's the enemy, today she is a lost friend. Your love sure is strong, Admiral~!" Though she's teasing, she steps past him. Following up right behind her is the smaller figure of Zuihou, already kitted out and drawing an arrow from her hip quiver. This is raised, nocked into her bow, and drawn back while she closes her eyes.

    "Help Chitose's planes find them!" is her own command before she releases the shot. Soaring skyward, the arrow flashes and breaks apart into green aircraft, their yellow tail markings identifying them as Saiun scout planes. The aircraft fan out, all going in different directions. With a little noise, she draws out another arrow-- all of the arrows in her quiver are yellow-marked, the same Saiuns she just let loose-- No green, red, or blue fletching denoting any combat aircraft reside in her loadout at all. Clearly she intended to obey his order even before he issued it.

    Out on the water, Isuzu's body adopts a glow, expanding outward until the narrow, lengthly hull of her Nagara-class shipself emerges, gliding forward to a stop. Through its loudspeakers, she announces, "Unless you'd rather fly, Admiral, I'm the fastest ship here. All aboard the Isuzu Express." -- She issues the entire line in a sort of deadpan 'why me' tone.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is hardly going to leave an ally behind, particularly when another ally asks her to help. The ninja is dressed in a more generic, tactical ninja outfit: kevlar vest over a knee-length dark blue kimono.

She arrives at the warpgate with Lute, already checking her magitek armlet. Psyber and the fleet girls all get a sudden salute from the ninja as she keys up her radio.

"Centurion Yari Takane, Ensign with the Confederacy, reporting! It's a pleasure to be working with you all. Glory and honor. Let's hope we can find her." Polite and to the point today, is Yari.

Then it's time to load up, and she hops on the Wailmer, with only slight awkwardness. She much prefers a machine under her, but this is the most efficient way if it's going to be a long search.

She turns to Kuma.

"Ma'am? Could I see that piece of debris? If it's part of Miss Wo, then I might be able to help detect her magic signature if I can scan it."

Otherwise the woman is generally ready to assist in the operation, looking ready to set out.

Lute does get a squeeze on the shoulder though.

"We will succeed at this, Logan." She reassures. Really, she's banking on blind hope too, but it needs to be said.

Wo has posed:
    Perhaps pinpointed wasn't quite the right term. Certainly, this is a small area in the vastness of the world's current surface, but it was still a distressingly unresolved, 'error margins encompassing' blob like one might see in a television report of a simulation. The scout planes, Pokemon and even ethereal scrying would all help narrow things down from here, as the team prepares to set out in the general direction of the now-greatly-reduced search radius. With the cross-factional cooperation and all of the eyes in the sky, it would not take too long to discount a few other islands in the area, which dot the sea seemingly at random. Most of them are uninhabited, at least by outwardly sentient life. By elimination, that leaves only two modestly large islands on the horizon. Airborne scouts of all sorts could relay signs of civilization: Farm plots, piers with small boats leashed, and a village settled against a hillside overlooking the water. This definitely had to be 'it', right?

    Upon approach, a bit of body horror for any sentient ships in the area takes shape, as what had been a speck on the horizon reveals itself to be the grounded and oxidized husk of what was once a tanker, apparently having been washed up there by one of the freak storms that can fire up at any moment. Despite having been derelict for quite some time, there are signs of recent activity - specifically, those with an eye for such things would note it has been partially salvaged, panels and pieces of equipment having been removed. Closer sonar scans would reveal the relatively shallow draft here in places, as well as more submerged wreckage, which has been similarly scoured for anything valuable or of use. Anyone in a boat, or on a boat, should likely be careful, and it would certainly further explain the isolation of these presumed people, especially since, in a few of the wrecks, decidedly non-human shapes can be seen moving. Or perhaps it is just a trick of light and shadow.

    Provided nothing unfortunate occurs, the larger of the two islands would come into naked eye contact shortly after, beyond the debris fields. Thin trails of smoke rise from the village, which is now easily visible, marking it as an ongoing population center. However, it is not like the intrusion has gone unnoticed. A few of the village folk were out, doing their daily chores, when the roar of aircraft and the call of the Unown alert them to the presence of other parties. They hesitate for a moment, and then make a rush for the elder's place - even though she has already seen them, as well. "They've come! What do we do!?" "Maybe they're mad that we tried to move her..." The wisened old woman looks resolute as usual, but has already decided, "Don't worry. I'll handle it. If they can help us deal with that 'situation' that has arisen, they are more than welcome to."

    Conveniently, since it is an island settlement, they have docks, as aforementioned. Ones in significantly better repair than the ones at the atoll, but that might be an awkward fit for something even as large as a light cruiser. One of the fisherman that had been plying his trade from the wooden planks looks up, passively raising the brim of his hat as he squints. A few of the children on the nearby beach also pause from raking for molluscs to fill their pail with. Yes, outsider visits are something of an event around here.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma nods to Yari, offering the piece of metal for the lizard-like woman. "Here, kuma." she replies, then peers over at Lute. She says nothing, but gives a nod before leading her team out ahead.

    Chitose raises the alert with a simple phrase, spoken with a little smirk. "Mitsuke ta!" (Found you!) "Relaying coordinates to search team." she advises to Kuma, before transmitting over radio.

    Shigure eyes that beached hulk, and the figures moving within. The brown haired destroyer shivers at the unnatural shapes... but shrugs it off as they approach the island. "W-We come in peace." she offers, holding up empty hands in the universal sign of peaceful intent.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "I'm presently in love with my job," Psyber says to Kongou, the reflexive statement that he uses so much coming out again, "Until such a time changes, I am not a suitable candidate for any sort of romance," He concludes, checking his watch again. Time out in the field is time away from readying for the myriad of other issues which will be arriving.

    Both Lute and Yari get a nod from him and cause him to look around at the others gathered. He's gauging Union-side responses to see if he might need to step in to overtly mitigate any offensive action against Lute. Thankfully, it seems that the spirit of cooperation is holding strong among the gathered forces and he has less of a worry about that as the operation gets officially underway.

    Turning back towards Isuzu, he takes a half-crouch and then a heavy leap onto the deck of her ship, landing with the skidding of his boots across her deck. He seems to place one hand into his pocket and take out his cell phone, pulling up several maps of the area on a projected display on her deck, "Steady ahead to the location we've just received on intelligence," Psyber comments as he heads into the command bridge of Isuzu.

    He picks up a radio on the bridge and then lifts it up, "Attention island residence," He attempts to communicate in a short and official tone, "This is a joint Union and Confederate operation. We presently have no hostile intent nor desire to disrupt your daily operations. We believe a member of one of the Superfactions may have washed up on your island, and we wish only for her return. A bounty is available if you are willing to negotiate."

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles at Yari, glad at the friendly face. At least he has a bit of backup. "...Thanks, Yari. I'm glad you could be here with me." He actually takes a moment to grab ahold of Yari's shoulder, pulling her in for a brief hug. Soemthign that will probably embarrass her.

     With the directions, he starts riding his Wailord towards the direction. He does give Psyber a bit of a glance at the 'love' autoresponse. He wants to respond, but. Better things to focus on, now.

     Lute is a bit less considerate than Psyber. He does arrive after Psyber does, due to Wailmer not being known for going at high speeds. Still, he'll press on ahead while Psyber is announcing. He recalls the Wailmer, and will recall Yari's once she lands. The Unown that have been in the area, though? He holds out a palm towards the sky. The Unown fly towards it, before swirling around his arm and sliding into his sleeves.

     The very first person he sees, though, whether it is a dock worker, a playing child, or a fleeing villager? He will grab them by the shoulder, and glare at them straight in the eye. He reaches into his pocket, pulling something out.

     "Have you seen this women?"

     He holds up a picture, one of his fingers pointing at a woman in it. It's a picture of him, Ri, Wo, and Samar, at the beach. His finger points at Wo. Lute's hand placement is also suspect, in the picture. And he is only wearing his Speedo in the picture.

     He probably lost some of the intimidation factor he had from the horde of Unown.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Suddenly Yari's grabbed, and hugged! The woman definitely blushes, though not necessarily from the contact.

She actually smiles, awkwardly, military stick firmly up her bum still. But she returns it, warmly, despite her embarrassment.

"I'll spare you the cliche about friends. Welcome, Logan." Then she pulls away, gives a little Centurion pout.

"Mission. Let's not let these Unionites outdo us." A small chide, blush lingering, and some encouragement.

Yari isn't one that's used to sailing ships, nor is she used to riding pokemon. She mostly hangs on for the ride, trusting Lute's pokemon to do its job. She looks distinctly unhappy about all the jostling though, muttering something about 'useless organic transports' under her breath.

No, her attention is mostly on scanning, and so the ninja is more quiet during the operation than normal.

Psyber gets a full-on salute, never one to disrespect a ranking officer, even on join missions.

AS they approach, Yari turns her scanning towards the picked apart wreckage. It seems Psyber has the civilian negotiations going, and given her awkwardness with those types, she's happy enough to instead try to pick up signs of Wo-related life with her gauntlet.

She noticably stays near Lute. Fed solidarity?

"Has anything...odd washed up?" Yari asks another villager in a far more calm voice. She even salutes the islander.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    The battleship laughs at Psyber's scripted response. Teasing him into saying that may become a new hobby. With the angel taking to Isuzu's deck and the cruiser kicking herself up to high speed, the slower battleship hangs back with her light carrier comrade, acting as escort and possible, necessary muscle.

    While Yari draws attention to it, Zuihou actually steps out into the water to more closely investigate the floating wreckage of a former Wo-class, crouching down and prodding it with a fingertip. After a moment, she tucks her bow over one shoulder and reaches down, hauling the abandoned flight deck-hat up out of the water with some effort.

    With the coordinates provided, Isuzu makes full steam for the site highlighted by Chitose's planes, while Zuihou's own aircraft bank towards the same location. Before long, a full squadron of six Saiun circle high overhead. Zuihou's eyes close, far away, and she makes a concerned noise, "...I might not be properly equipped after all." Eyes opening, she turns towards the island in the distance with a small frown, still clutching the deck in both hands.

    At the island, Isuzu does not pull up to the pier. Rather, she's slowed significantly to a mere seven knots, the pinging of her sonar telling her when to turn to avoid beaching herself. Eventually, the triple-stacker cruiser is broadside to the island, in perfect 'Announcement' position for Psyber to make his declaration via the ship's own megaphone system. Of note, none of her guns have traversed, still held neatly at resting position, aimed forward and aft.

    In the distance, closing, are Kongou and Zuihou, though still several kilometers away when the diplomacy begins.

Wo has posed:
    For what it's worth, the angler doesn't seem too bothered by the interruption of several elites, and a large (to these people) ship suddenly approaching. After his brief glance, he reels his line back in before casting it fresh into the near distance, speaking his own mind first before answering anything else. "You definitely aren't our usual customers. You must be the ones the elder said would be coming, then." They are isolated, but they still have had enough dealings in the multiverse to be familiar with some of the politics, as well as concepts. Seeing a crew like this makes it all the more obvious that they must be elites. "I can't really speak for all of us. You'll want to see the elder."

    After a tilt of his head in the general direction of one of the houses of the village, he does eye Lute a bit longer. Then, he wonders, with too much genuine curiosity to be cracking a joke, "What happened to the rest of yer pants?" Wardrobe malfunctions and worse aren't uncommon in the sea around here, with the toothy fish and sea serpents sometimes nibbling at whatever is in reach, pants included. The picture he holds does get some consideration, before he gives a helpless shrug, and turns back to fully concentrate on what he's doing, "I don't know. They all look pale like the one we found. Figured she was a ghost, the first time I laid eyes on her." Not knowing how close he is to the truth, he mutters under his breath about how all the fish were scared off.

    The children on the beach are varied in their reaction. Some have left what they were doing and seem to be intent on approaching the crowd that will be making landfall soon. Others are a bit more shy of the newcomers, but also decide to take a break. One young boy picks up a damaged Abyssal fighter that he had set down nearby, and likely thinking it a toy, makes jet turbine 'woosh' sounds as he holds it at arms length toward the scout planes and Unown still in the air, before pointing it forward and making machine gun sounds in the same breath. One of the older girls gives him a hard nudge, "You know the elder doesn't like us playing 'war'." The kid frowns, after having narrowly avoided dropping it, "When I get old enough, I'm going to leave this place, and fly a plane of my own. A plane with guns and bombs, just like on the radio programs!"

    The ones that had come up to the group of visitors are obviously impressionable, and if left to their own, begin to encircle them, looking at every last detail with wonder. The vast wealth of distinctiveness to be found in visiting elites never quite grows old, especially to minds these young. "Wow, they're all pretty and cool!" They seem particularly enamored of Shigure and Kuma, that don't look much older than they are (heh), as well as Yari, whom is particularly visibly interesting. One of the girls steps forward, with the ninja mentioning something washing up, and she hesitates when she sees Lute's picture. She must know something! But she soon volunteers, "That's the lady we found in the mud. Are those her friends?" She also looks towards the particular house that the fisherman had nodded toward, "Uhm, you'd better see the elder. I don't want to get in any more trouble than we did, after the escape." Another of the girls gives her an elbow, "Ah-- Sorry!" She then quickly bolts off, though the other kids remain as 'escorts' to the elder.

Lute (188) has posed:
     "Pants are a weakness on the sea."

     That is all the justification Lute gives for wearing a speedo. But, he nods to the man, looking him over. He doubts the man has a reason to lie. But, it at least gives them a bit of a lead. And then, the girl confirms it. And Lute sighs in relief.

     Still, he's not the kind to trust others easily. But Yari's confirmation makes him nod a little. Without sparing another moment, he heads to the village. He'll let the kids work as escorts for the group, arms crossed in front of him as he walks. He wishes he had something big and intimidating to show off, flanking his guard, and making him look more badass.. Mr. Crabs isn't appropraite for this situation, though. And all of his other Pokemon are hand are pretty much tiny and useless.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    'See the Elder'

    Psyber rolls his eyes and puts away the microphone back on the bridge of Isuzu, "Isuzu. I'm going ashore," He says to her in a stern tone, walking over to the edge of one side, then crouching a bit. He takes a huge leap off the side of the ship and manages to, due to superhuman abilities, land easily on the send of the beach. He kicks up small grooves in the shore as he skids to a halt before adjusting the short coat he's wearing.

    Yari is given a return on her salute when he gets the chance before he seems to go back to working on the phone in his hand. In all likelihood, he's moving budget and funds around to cover paying a bounty for the return of Wo if the village elder demands such a thing. He has no interest in strong-arming the place or violence.

    From the beach, Psyber remains mostly business. He doesn't stop to talk to many villagers or to socialize. He wants to get the mission done as quickly as possible, and he's going to make his way right to the Elder's hut with a determined gait.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure flushes a bit at the children swarming around. She rubs at the back of her neck when they say 'pretty' and 'cool looking'. She asides over to Psyber. "I-I will stay here to... uh, help keep the children occupied." she says, then crouches down a bit lower to the ground so she's at eye level or below those around. "My name is Shigure." she says to one of the older children. "What is yours?"

    Chitose remains out on the water, directing her floatplanes over to that other island... she doesn't like the feeling that graveyard gives off, so it's getting some extra scrutiny.

    Kuma, meanwhile, giggles, and reaches out to ruffle one of the children, letting those with more charisma handle negotiations. "Kuma!" she chirps happily.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Got it," comes the reply when Psyber hurls himself ashore. No sooner has the investigator disembarked is the ship itself glowing that glittering, metallic silver color and then dispersing to leave a young woman with black hair standing on the waves. Kicking off, she circles around briefly before turning inward towards the shoreline. Only moments later, she's stepping up into the sand alongside Psyber and maintains her position on his flank, hands resting on her hips. Her full Land Fit-Out is still equipped, though the guns and torpedo launchers are idle, as before.

    Further out to sea, Kongou and Zuihou both turn slightly, the two girls moving at a much slower speed than the light cruiser that bore Psyber ashore. Kongou follows while the carrier leads, that flight deck still tucked under one arm. Her eyes are closed, focusing on what her recon planes are seeing, slithering around in the wreckage just beneath the surface. After a moment, she turns her head slightly, though her eyes remain shut,"We won't be able to use ocean fit-outs there. It's too shallow. And there's something there, too... I can't tell if they're Abyssal or something else."

    Beside and somewhat behind, Kongou lets out a little laugh. The main battery turrets on her equipment start to traverse, elevating, though not firing. Preparation for possible battle, but of course not opening fire yet, "We'll have to see what Admiral finds out ashore. <Please Wait Warmly!>"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari kneels down, smiling to the girl with odd warmth. She likes kids. They're generally nice, don't tend to shoot you, and are often just adorable. The ninja' tail reaches out, and gives headpats to her before slipping a small bag of candy to the gathered children.

"You've all been very helpful, thank you. Lead us to the Elder, and this is all yours."

She flicks a big bag of home-made licorice. Her cooking skills come in handy sometimes.

And then they're all heading to the Elder. Yari walks along, eyes gazing, trying to get an off-hand glance into the house supposedly housing Wo. She'll try to use her gauntlet to see how strong her magical signature is, and whether she's seriously injured.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"I told you we should have veered to the west around that island," comes the crisp tones of the brunette heavy cruiser as she skates along the waves.

Suzuya lets out a heavy sigh. "Fiiiiiine! You were right, Kumano, sorry I got us lost."

Kumano brightens considerably, giving her sister ship a cheerful smile. "As long as you recognize I was right! Now let's rendesvous, I've been picking up the -right- island on radar."

As the pair of cruisers skates closer to the island, Suzuya lifts a hand to wave. There are the others! "We made it! Suzuya definitely didn't go to the wrong island or anything!" Behind her, Kumano gives a longsuffering sigh, but smiles in amusement. "Has there been any luck?"

Wo has posed:

    "Maria," the girl volunteers, since something about Shigure's presence is comforting. "Jake," one of the young boys also speaks up! "I'm glad you seem normal. Some of the people that show up here sometimes look scary. Though...that lady you're looking for seemed scary, but also like she needed help. She's all cracked and stuff." Kuma's friendliness stifles the shiver 'Jake' would have given, at that, instead poorly feigning annoyance at ruffling, "I'm ten, I'm too old for that!" His attempt at a man's stoicism is ruined as he erupts into laughter shortly after, "That's catchy! Kuma~!" The kids that had stayed behind are soon chanting it, in the same way that animal noises can pass around an elementary classroom. The ones accompanying Yari and the others even get *candy*, which is a rare treat out this way. Most seem to be saving it for later, in fact, or perhaps for sharing at home. If Isuzu isn't careful, one of her twin-tails might receive a playful tug from one of the more impish boys, likely a common 'game' for them.

    Elsewhere, as the visitors begin making their way through the village, the townsfolk - from the size of the village and the density visible, probably no more than a few dozen adults and older teenagers - seem to know well enough to give them a wide berth, or were instructed to. One of the girls gets pulled back from their escorting, presumably by her mother, before being ushered into the house. The atmosphere isn't quite distrusting of the elites, so much as 'this isn't our business to deal with'. Most try their best to look busy at their activities, though a young blacksmith does look up from pounding a heated bar of iron on his anvil, as they pass by. Rather than making it to the elder's house, however, it seems the elder felt this important enough to meet them half way, and near that end of the village's square, she stands there, a (shock!) elderly woman of at least eighty, drawing a shawl around her shoulders. Not wanting to waste time, she looks at the commanding Psyber first, whom she assumes that voice she heard echoing before belongs to; despite her age, her ears are sharp. "I heard, and know why you're here. Everyone here does, it's hard not to. We don't need any bounties or anything - money is useless to us here." After a beat, she does allow an exception, "Unless you'd like to set up trade good agreements."

    After a fashion, she resumes, this time addressing the group at large, leaning on a walking stick, "As much as I'd like to hand 'her' over to you, there's a complication." The deep wrinkles of her sun-aged face make the scowl that follows seem even more annoyed, "A few youngsters in the village decided they'd had enough of the disturbance, and were going to try to drop her in the sea, themselves. That's when 'they' showed up. I don't know how they knew, but two more pale women like her. They've been standing there ever since, like they're guarding her, or keeping a vigil. Anyway, just get them all to leave, and you can do whatever you want with them after." She beckons with her staff towards one of the storage houses; larger but with sparser windows than the more 'lived in' cottages. "We built a place for her in there. That's where they're all cooped up now." She seems to leave it at that, settling down on a wooden bench, and readjusting her shawl. She doesn't seem too worried, considering the circumstances. People here seem...practical in their dealings.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Trade and salvage agreements can be arranged later," Psyber says to the Elder in an honest tone, placing his hands into the pockets of the coat he's wearing. He gives the woman a respectful, if distant, stare. He's taking a posture of all business, narrowing his eyes a bit.

    "Dumping her into the ocean would have had poor results, yes. However, I can say with reasonable certainty that either the presence of Mister Trieste or myself will allow for her to be peacefully moved with minimal disturbance from the individuals watching over her," The Colonel states confidently, fishing a hand out of his coat to remove a crumpled pack of cigarettes. He puts one in his mouth and lights it, exhaling a plume of smoke towards the open air and away from the elder out of respect.

    "In an optimal situation, Mister Trieste will be recovering her and returning her to her proper location, which will cause no hostility and a peaceful resolution."

Wo has posed:

    Chitose and Kongou's worries might have had some merit, after all. While many of the dark shapes around the wreckage are your average lesser sea monsters, or even just really large eels and other mundane creatures of the sea, some end up not so easily dismissed. One seaplane in particular would spot something lurking near the wreck of a commercial fishing trawler; barely visible, but there is a glow to whatever is hiding there. While the shape tries to remain as motionless as it can, as the plane might get a closer look at it, it suddenly emerges from its hiding place, to attempt submerging a bit farther away. An abyssal submarine!? It knows it can't risk opening fire, so a quick dive is its best hope for avoiding detection. Perhaps the fairy aboard will be distracted, that can easily happen, you know. Otherwise, it seems like these procedings were being watched. But if the Abyssals knew where this island was, why hadn't they acted earlier?

Lute (188) has posed:
     Before the Elder has a chance to sit down? Lute actually acts a bit. He listened to her as she spoke, smiling. His state of dress /might/ offend her, seeing this is an isolated island nation. But, he still feels a need to at least make sure these people don't /hate/ them. Because that could cause problems.

     As such, he bows to her, smiling. He even takes her hand, if possible, to kiss upon the back of it as he introduces himself. "Logan Nathaniel Trieste, codename Lute. If you would like to make a trade agreement, there is a chance such a deal could be made." He reaches into his labcoat, pulling out a business card. It is, in fact, surprisingly formal looking. Black modern designs upon it, white letters with his name and occupation.

     "We'll make sure this won't cause you problems again." He actually isn't really caring if it does cause problems. It just sounds good.

     He'll make his way to Wo's abode, though. He takes a moment to straighten out his labcoat, fix his hair a bit, and make himself look more presentable. He glances back, at Psyber and Yari in particular. The Fleet Daughters? He could care less about them.

     "Cover me if this goes bad. But trust me. I know how to talk to Abyssals."

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "Isuzu," she introduces herself to the Elder, "Nagara-class light cruiser. What you have is a missing aircraft carrier and a friend of ours." As the 'escorts' are described, her eyes swivel towards Psyber, "Admiral. If she's surrounded by Abyssals, I'm probably a liability. They'd see me as an immediate threat, we might have to rely on him." Her head nods slightly in Lute's direction. "I'm equipped but I hope it doesn't come to th--ghah?!"

    Of course pulling on a pigtail gets her attention. The cruiser's demeanor changes immediately when she whirls around on the offending children, already charging away. All she can do is wave her fists up and down at her sides, "--Don't pull a girl's hair, you brats!"

    Clearing her throat, she turns back around, eyes closing with a little 'hnf' noise. The radars on her headband swivel more attentively, though. And the anti-air emplacements around her hips all start rotating on high alert, despite nothing manning the tiny machine guns and flak cannons. "As I was saying. I have no interest in harming the carrier. But her new escorts may not believe that."

    Zuihou frowns suddenly and turns at the waist, holding out the battered Wo-class hat she's carrying, "Hold this, I need both hands." When Kongou takes it, the carrier girl draws up her bow and another one of her arrows, nocking and pulling it back. Taking in a breath, she holds it and releases. The arrow breaks apart into another squadron of six aircraft, more Saiun scout planes, which ascend and begin circling around where that worrisome flicker of golden light had appeared.

    "Shinkaisei-kan?" Kongou asks.

    "...Not sure... But I'm keeping a close eye on that sector."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari offers the Elder a salute, but otherwise remains silent. She glances to Psyber, nodding as she speaks, the woman taking count of her supplies. Smoke bombs, flashbangs, ceruleum grenades, and more then enough pins and fishing line to make a decent trap or two.

"Of course, Logan." She adds, following along, the ninja soon leaping from building to building, trying to find the most silent and most cover-filled area she can. Should there be no immediate Abyssal presence, she'll quickly set up a series of tripwire traps just in case near the exit from the building. She's sure to transmit coordinates for those traps to her allies!

Thankfully it's all smokebombs and flashbangs, nothing lethal.

Then, the ninja is back to the rooftops, pulling out a Garlean rifle, sitting on the roof just behind the ridge of it to stay well hidden, gun aimed and ready just in case Lute needs fire support or quick Ninja Action.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma grins as her very name catches like a wildfire. She then gestures to the pails and the abandoned work. "Kuma would like to know what you were doing, kuma! Can you show me, kuma?" she asks, ushering the children to show off a bit.

    Shigure smiles at 'Maria', it's a kind smile and the tomboyish tone she uses just makes her deeper voice all the more soothing. "Did you find her? The 'cracked lady'?" she asks, looking around the various young faces... that one girl, the one that ran away, might have been the one... but she can't find that girl amongst the crowd. Chitose's radio message gets a look of concern, as the Destroyer girl covers her ear, as if listening to an earpiece. "Mmm... I should go help the others out at sea." she then smiles sadly, placing a hand on Maria's shoulder before standing to kick off into the water.

    Chitose hmms a bit, ordering another scout to pass low over the area that shape was spotted. The scouts in the first wave begin to run low on fuel, so she calls them back. As they return, she loads up, and launches a second wave of scouts, then shifts her hands from the launch rails, and deploys landing tethers, holding the four little cables out between clenched fingers. "You've all done well... refuel and take a break." she says, as the planes catch and swing for a moment or two on the tether lines, before they shut their engines down and she pulls them up to be taken back into her hangar.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Ooooh... that ship gives Suzuya the creeps." She shudders slightly as she finally gets to see it, closing in on the battleship and carrier. "Kongou! Zuihou! Sup? You guys looking out here?"

Kumano skates around the blue-haired girl and gives a polite bow. "What Suzuya means to say is, have you had any luck locating our missing carrier?"

Suzuya visibly shudders again. "Just hope she won't wake up and send planes at us. Melon's at home working on some anti-air equipment, but that won't do us a lot of good -here-."

Wo has posed:

    The elder makes a grunting noise of disapproval, as the children that had accompanied them slowly begin to disperse, though it turns out not to be aimed at Pysber, Lute, Isuzu, or any of the others in their immediate company. Instead, "I tried to tell them to leave her alone, but the youths of the village are headstrong. More impulsive than they were in older days. It sometimes makes me worry for the future." But then, she also knows well enough this is a common refrain. She used to hear much the same when she was their age. Still, the multiverse wasn't an overarching influence in those days, either. "Since we can't keep the multiverse out, the best we can do is cooperate, and hope some good will come of it. Good luck getting your friend out. Now, if you please." It seems she'll leave any other negotiations for after she sees how these outsiders deal with it, and if there are any explosions that will have to be tacked onto the bill, as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, one thankfully not fouled by smoke.

    The warehouse she had mentioned is, again, conspicuous. Though it also isn't particularly secured, since it is not like the Wo-class carrier was going anywhere on her own, and was hastily abandoned after her 'friends' showed up. All the villagers seem to be avoiding it, though a few have paused in their daily routines to catch a glimpse of the elites at work, while trying to make it seem like they're not overly concerned or curious. The elder is watching, after all. The double doors are accordingly easy to open by whomever might dare, and no resistance is immediately encountered, aside from the creak of a hinge that could stand a little bit of oil. In the darkened exterior, as promised, two shadowy outlines can be seen. Apparently a Tsu-class light cruiser, and a Ri-class heavy cruiser, going by the indexes that would be available -- the former has a red glow around her, standing passively but intimidatingly staring forward with her faceless helmet. The Ri-class is apparently not the same one that might have been encountered before, either; she has longer hair, though still the same stark black. Her eyes glow.

    Until any step is taken into the actual warehouse, they remain standing exactly like so. However, guns will be levelled at any that try to immediately approach the somewhat crudely made bed behind them: A soft mat placed on a work table, with another familiar shape laying upon it. It is indeed a Wo-class, though without her flight deck. She's missing an arm, a chunk of torso - exposing a twisted combination of metal and bone for ribs, and what can be seen of her flesh is cracked and pitted, but anyone that knows Abyssal would realize this isn't fatal damage, despite how grave it looks. Perhaps sensing others approach, in her half-conscious state, she groans out her monosyllabic designation. If it was an order to stand down, it isn't quite being heeded.


    Meanwhile, back with Shigure and Kuma, the kids that stayed behind are all too happy to have Kuma come inspect their play time. The boy that wants to leave the island from before even shows off 'his' Abyssal fighter to the light cruiser. He found it on the beach, so it belongs to him now! "You're one of those elites we hear about on the radio, right? I bet you get to shoot all kinds of enemies!" He's too young to not have an idealized vision of warfare, considering there is not a trace of recognition that that means 'doing harm to other sentient beings'. Ah, childhood. The others are sad to see Shigure wanting to leave, since she's pretty and nice, but seem understanding, "Come visit us again!" "Yeah, most of the outsiders that come are grown-ups."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "I agree," Psyber says to Isuzu, slowly taking a drag from the cigarette in his mouth. He exhales another plume of smoke and then lets Lute take point when it comes to dealing with the matter at hand, following behind him with a couple yards between the two when they make the entrance into the hut. Stepping in, red eyes dart around the room and take a quick assessment.

    Even unarmed, he's confident in his ability to disable the two cruisers, making that assessment quickly. At this close of a range, he'd have the distinct advantage in melee. But, he doesn't want a violent resolution to this. So instead of taking any sort of hostile action, he simply reaches into his coat and pulls out a white hankerchief. He holds it up and waves it a bit, giving them the universal sign of non-violence via a white flag.

    Rather, after doing that, he lets his eyes fall to the injured Wo-class on the makeshift bed. He assesses the injuries and can generally ascertain the damage she probably took. Multiple full breaches, likely high caliber impact fire. It's amazing she was able to drift ashore rather than outright break and sink, but he doesn't let his face betray the actual distress her condition causes him. If being best friends with Nathan taught him anything, it's how to maintain a total appearance of neutrality no matter what you actually feel.

    "You wanted to do the talking, Trieste, go ahead. We need to get her out of here and back to a location where she can heal immediately. She's gone an unknown amount of time without treatment and likely is gonna get worse rather than better."

    He looks to Wo after he speaks to Lute, saying rather simply, "We're here to get you out of here and back home, Wo. Just give us a bit to figure this out."

Wo has posed:

    With submarines, it can be hard to tell what their aim is. While the golden glow had eventually given it away, it had seemed to be hiding, and simply watching, from what little could be divined of its intentions. It is also unknown if it was acting alone, or if it brought friends along. Regardless, by the time scout planes return to the area, it appears to have submerged, and is likely sheltering near one of the less exposed wrecks. This graveyard for ships is not so ironically a perfect hunting ground for submarines, so observation of it is likely a good choice. For the time being, the worst part is likely *not* knowing.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute is actually a bit distraught looking as he sees Wo's current state. For a second, he closes his eyes. He's reminded of his training with some Abyssals. Wo is okay. Lute's eyes open up slightly. And his face turns into a smile. He takes a few steps forward, just approaching the door fo the base. And as he does so? He unbuttons his labcoat just a bit.

     This might be troubling for the negotiations.

     "Greetings, fellow members of the Abyssal Fleet. I am the Auxillery Member, Logan Nathaniel Trieste. Class, Pokemon Tender. A Flagship with the I-Class Destroyer, Imima, under my command. I am also udner the command of Battleship Princess. I am here to bring the Wo-Class in for repairs, under orders of numerous Princess and Demon class vessels. Now, ladies, if I might step inside?"

     He'll take a couple of cautious steps inside, flicking the hair covering his right eye aside as he does so. He also pulls out his Cell Phone. He couldn't bring Imima. But. He can have Imima talk. He has it set on speakerphone, and casually says, "Imima, say hi."

     Imima makes a noise that sounds like screeching and moving metal crossed with a hideous roar.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "She's ashore!" Kongou announces in response to Suzuya's question, "Isuzu, the Admiral, and some others are retrieving her right now." She leans outboard as she turns, directing herself towards the shoreline as well. This maneuver is entirely to follow Zuihou, who's already made that turn. Accellerating while the light carrier slings her bow, she holds the Wo-hat out, which the smaller girl retrieves with both hands.

    "I don't want to be on the water here any longer than I have to," Zuihou states, "I think I saw a Ka class lurking around that wreckage and I don't have any bombers. It was a flagship, too."

    Kongou's face pales a bit and she accellerates again. Though Zuihou has the higher top speed, mysteriously it's Kongou who reaches the sand first. Moments later, the carrier follows suit, though while Kongou stops at the beach her smaller comrade trots up to meet up with Isuzu and Psyber, still lugging the discarded flight deck.

    Meanwhile, in the interest of appearing non-threatening, Isuzu raises her hands. There's a silvery glitter as her rigging dissolves and she effectively disarms herself. Green eyes travel from Tsu to Ri, to the battered Wo behind them. Her frown grows more serious, though she leaves the talking to Lute and Psyber. It isn't until Zuihou bursts into the warehouse, panting, that she takes her eyes off the abyssal warships, glancing towards the door, the carrier, and the ruined parcel she carries.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari listens in to the proceedings via radio, using her gauntlet to try to track both Abyssal unknowns and her allies alike. She keeps her weapon leveled, ready for supporting fire should it be called for, but otherwise watches the proceedings.

"...You can do this, Logan." She whispers to herself, quietly rooting the man on, and by extension their temporary Union allies. She does wince though at that roar. /Dangit/ Imima. She adds a bit of pipe and nicotine relaxation for her nerves. That thing always creeped her out.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma is more than happy enough to let the kids boast and bluster. She then grins, and good naturedly headlocks that one boy, noogieing him mercilessly for a moment. "War isn't a game!" she chides gently. "But keep that spirit, put it to something more useful!" she adds, letting him go as she turns to help with the collecting, sifting through the sand just like any of the other children. Don't mind the big lump of metal on her back, nor the occasional belch of smoke from the stacks... or the adorable button-eyed peek from over some outcrop of metal at the kids.

    Shigure turns to skate backwards, waving a hand. "I will." she offers, murmuring softly, though her voice carries amazingly far, despite the low volume. She then turns back and begins accelerating toward Chitose's position.

    Chitose, meanwhile, is turning, heading for the shore as well. Best get out of the water and out of the Submarine's attack zone... though this could make things difficult on extraction. "Flagship Ka-class... A good think I brought my Zuiun..." she murmurs, swapping the Scout 'Magazines' for Zuiun bomber ones... just in case.

Suzuya (739) has posed:
"Submarine, huh... That sounds like bad news!" Suzuya isn't terribly worried, but she does give the wreckage a cautious glance. It never pays to be careful, at least. "Say, Kongou, don't you hate subma--" But by the time Suzuya turns to ask that question, both battleship and carrier are gone. "Eheh..."

Rolling her eyes slightly, Kumano reaches out to grab her sister ship's hand. "Let's try not to put our foot any farther into our mouth, Suzuya. All right?" She lets out a heavy sigh. "Honestly, I can't take you anywhere..."

"Wh.. but Suzuya is the flagship!" The blue-haired cruiser whines as she follows Kumano in toward shore, giving a final glance toward the wreck before stepping onto land. The pair keep their rigging summoned, but the purses containing their main guns are kept hanging at their sides, rather than held and ready.

The both of them peek in, Kumano covering her mouth with her hand when she sees the condition of the Abyssal inside. "Oh my."

Wo has posed:
    The Tsu-class, apparently now an Elite (not to be confused with the multiversal term), would somewhat be recognizable to the fleet daughters now entering the area. It is the same one that had been seen with this Wo-class a few times. The Ri-class is a new one, though. With no glow to her at all, it is uncertain just how much she understands of the exchanges going on, and her ghostly glowing eyes don't betray any rudimentary feelings she might be having. They don't open fire, as none of the intruders have, but their stance makes clear their intentions, the Tsu-class even gargling a warning, in that non-speech she is capable of.

    As Psyber had guessed, though, it turns out to be Lute that is the key figure in alleviating the tension. A confused warble comes from the Abyssal light cruiser, at first, but it seems to fade into a tone vaguely resembling recognition, especially once the I-class 'speaks' up. The toothed helmet turns to the silent Ri-class, soundlessly relaying meaning, and while they do not leave immediately, they do step aside. The heavy cruiser's eyes, still mostly dead, somehow carry a hint of suspicion all the same, watching any that approach the grounded and heavily damaged carrier carefully.

    The Wo-class, herself, is once again in bad shape, but there is enough to be repaired, despite what would have killed a human. Try not to think that she's been laying like this for a few weeks. To the sounds of voices around her, including many familiar ones, she murmurs something unintelligible, even beyond her normal difficulties. It is almost like a human being delerious with fever. However, at least it means she's alive, despite how she looks. She even makes an attempt to open her eyes, pale and unfocused, it proves impossible to resolve images of any of the figures around. "Wo," she mumbles, before seeming to lapse out against from the effort. The sudden bursting in of Zuihou seems to set the Ri-class cruiser on edge again, but the Tsu-class simply reaches over and lowers the gauntleted arm with a light push, giving a garbled grunt that manages to sound patient. The more 'aware' of the two, she knows that for now, they aren't enemies, which is likely a good thing. With Suzuya and Kumano also appearing, a less-controlled Abyssal might begin firing, regardless of the circumstances.

    For what it's worth, the warehouse used to house a machine shop, also. There is certainly enough to use to carry Wo out, despite being heavier than she looks -- thanks metal, and plans to reimburse the locals were already underway. A check with the Elder would confirm the extraction team can use any materials they need to, within reason, as long as the situation is handled. For whatever reason, as well, with Zuihou having brought some remnants of her flight deck - to join some other shards the locals piled up on a bench nearby - her expression seems to be a bit more at ease. It seems that Yari's traps won't be necessary, this time around, as the atmosphere has relaxed considerably. Abyssals are beings of raw feeling, at their core. A more chill Wo seems to be rubbing off on the two others in the room.


    "I...I know that," the boy replies, in that way kids say they 'know' something but don't really understand it, yet. "The grown-ups are always telling me that. Anyway, let's go play!" With that, the boy that Kuma had talked to joins the other kids in a bit more light-hearted play. With their pails filled with the clams they had extracted from the sand and gravel, they have some free time to build some sand castles with the one they had kept empty. It's a nice and peaceful place to wash up, but now vacation is almost over.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Lute," Psyber begins as he puts the white cloth back into his jacket.

    "Take what you need to move Wo-class and transport her back to Confederate territory along with her escort team," The tone Psyber takes seems to suggest he thinks that Lute is, after causing the Abyssals to stand down, the obvious candidate to move Wo back to Iron Bottom Sound. The half-angel takes a step towards Wo, but only to give her a brief inspection of her injuries while he takes his phone out again and logs something.

    "I'll stay here and clean up any remaining diplomatic necessities, but right now it's most important that you get her out of here. She's been beached for too long, I think, and needs to recover her injuries however the Abyssals do that," He decides as he starts to key something into the phone.

    As soon as he taps the last key on his phone and hits something on it, Lute's own electronic device will chime in for him. Psyber has cleared Lute a straight shot through any contested territory between here and the Confederate areas.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari lets out a small sigh as there isn't any immediate fire. She doesn't leave her perch, still all tension and readiness, at least until poor Wo is being hauled out.

At that point, she presses a button to deactivate her traps, and so any tripped wires would go off harmlessly. She then leaps down, weapons stowed, ready to offer pure physical force in carrying Wo.

"You'll be alright, Miss Wo, Ma'am. Welcome back." A nod to the injured 'woman', and Yari tries not to cringe.

Addiction feeding intensifies as she wards off bad thoughts and hurries along.

She'll also use her magitek armlet's blowtorch-like 'lighter' function to help fuse poor Wo-bits back together on the girl as necessary.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute looks calm and relaxed. He sees the reactions, as does everyone else. He lifts his cell phone to his ear, whispering, "Thanks, Imima." He claps it closed, sliding it into his pocket. He is practically strutting over to Wo, doing his best to not act too different than usual. After all, he doesn't want to show weakness. He smiles at the Tsu and the Ri, nodding a little at both of them. He stops in front of Wo, looking down. A hand lifts, placing on the side of her face, comfortably.

     "I'm... sorry that we took so long." Finally, he allows himself a sigh of relief. He listens as Psyber speaks, but focuses on looking down at the barely concious Wo. He kneels down a bit, next to her, looking down at her forehead. "Rest. For now."

     He leans in, placing a kiss on Wo's forehead. He stands up, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a couple of Pokeballs.

     "Go! Tangela! Rattata! Spearow!"

     These are Pokemon that Lute only caught just before coming here. He starts giving orders, though. Simple things. Bring equipment over, help get things set up. He glances over at Yari, as well. "Help me hook all of this stuff up. It'll... take a while to get her ready for transport."

     A glance is given to Psyber. Lute has a long, long history with the Union. Certain things makes him not trust them, especially in regards to the Abyssal Fleet. While he has been told that they want the Abyssals to be able to choose whether they are Fleet Daughters or Abyssals, he simply believes their goal is completely otherwise. It'll weigh on his mind for a while, what the Union is hoping to get out of tonight, and their friendship with Wo. But, he deems to give Psyber a smirk.


     It's all he can really say.

     "...Also, tell Isuzu she should dye her hair blue and go as that one pop star, Hatsune Miku, for Halloween."

     Also for some reason he says that, too.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"Understood! On it!" Adds Yari as she's setting up equipment, and generally helping get things in one piece for Wo at Lute's orders.

She's always so much more comfortable with something to /do/ after all, and she'll help speed the process along. Thankfully it's a little like working on Magitek. Just more flesh. Creepy.

Kongou (637) has posed:
    "I'm not coloring my hair," Isuzu states flatly, "Also I'm /right here/, idiot." She at least steps aside, though seems to be unconsciously fronting with the Tsu class. Light cruiser posturing at its finest, with the shorter of the two trying to appear a bit taller and broader. It doesn't work, and might even be missed by the distracted occupants of the warehouse.

    Recovering her breath, Zuihou straightens up a bit and steps past Isuzu to the Tsu class with her big, strong hands. The damaged flight deck is held up and offered, and she smiles, "I think this belongs to her, please take it back with you!" She would have approached the Ri class, but may have picked up that the red glow gives them a better understanding of what she's trying to say. Or at least they're more crafty in battle, so they must be smarter the rest of the time! Right?

Lute (188) has posed:
     "Psyber, tell Isuzu I'm not talking to her because she lured me into a trap." Lute says, bluntly.