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Productions for Sanctuary
Date of Scene: 02 July 2017
Location: Pandora
Synopsis: Gaige gets some acquintances to help her clear out an old abandoned factory on Pandora and defeat the gargantuan Blue! Step one of more stuff for Sanctuary, complete!
Cast of Characters: 1112, 571, 215, 857, 516

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Ah, Pandora. A world of beauty, gentleness, AND MASSIVE EXPLOSIONS! Which were filling the air as Tiny Tina, Pandora's most BAD ASS demolition's expert, was concocting her GREATEST explosive, made by mixing skag dropping, crystalisk shards and a lot of powders and stuff that even GAIGE didn't know how they worked. It had taken her DAYS to get the mixture right, but it was ready.

Of course, the group had been told where to meet her and, already, there were a few bodies laying about. Bandits, bounty hunters, some guy who thought this was something it most definitely wasn't. And gaige sitting with the BIGGEST grin on her face and a rocket launcher laying across her lap. Why?

Because she got to make things go boom. And there was very little she liked more than that.

The place they were summoned to was a small valley with a bunch of massive mines the size of cars just laying about, green lights on them glowing, warning that they were ative. In the mddle of it, Gaige in her car(Well, Scooter's car but she was able to borrow it). And then. The girl. The legend. Thirteen years of pure explosive destruction. TINY! TINAAAAAAAA! Making some last adjustments to the missle that was going in said rocket launcher when they'd be arriving. Don't mind the strewn about bodies, just try not to step in any of them.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    The roar of an engine announces Maaka's arrival via APC, the Razorback buggy storming its way towards Gaige's position, just outside the valley. It's covered in blood along the hull, and the interior is littered with still hot brass from a very much freshly used MG.

    Stopping, the APC's cyborg occupant hops out, toting a high-tech assault coilgun of sorts as she eyeballs Gaige and the diminutive explosives expert with her. "THIS," She points to Tina directly, skeptical. "Is your demo expert? She looks like she shouldn't be trusted with a plastic spark, much less high-grade explosives." She keeps her distance, mostly for the sake of not getting exploded in retaliation.

Iria (215) has posed:
Pandora. A unique, one of a kind world where there's a lot of fighting and action to be seen. Not to mention, it's a bounty hunter's paradise. Lots of hunting opportunities in exchange for good payouts. It's definitely a place that would appeal to most bounty hunters. Keyword being 'most.'

Iria is different from most bounty hunters. She's not in it for the money. She does it because she wants to help out those who genuinely need help. The money is nice, but knowing that she's doing the right thing for the other person(s) involved is what's truly important to her.

Arriving in her craft, Iria jumps out quickly and looks around, double-checking her weapons before spotting Tiny Tina and Alexis Maaka. Then she looks to Tiny Tina again. "So, you're the one causing problems here, huh?" She narrows her eyes. "Sorry to tell you this, but your days of giving people more bang for their buck are gonna end here and now!"

Eve (857) has posed:
    A proper invitation to meet Tiny Tina was a good lure for Eve. She has no reason to mistrust Gaige when she says Eve and Tina would get along. Oh sure there's the casual way Gaige blows up people and things, but Eve isn't exactly able to hold that sort of thing against someone. Gaige is a product of her upbringing after all, and Eve tries not to hold such things against people who have no reason to know better.

    Lacking easy access to vehicles, Eve simply glides in on huge silvery wings. There's no sound to announce her, not until she drops to the ground a short distance away from the gathering. Far enough not to be considered a direct attack at least, while close enough that she should be easily seen now that she's at ground-level. She folds the wings away behind her back where they disappear, as if they'd never existed, leaving a small girl of roughly Tina's age to walk in from seemingly nowhere.

    Eve eyes the sudden confrontation with narrowed eyes, shielding her gaze from the sun with a raised hand. "Is this a bad time?" she asks dubiously.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Tiny turns around, cocking an eye. "And who are you supposed to be, shorty?" She glanced to Gaige. "Girl, I thought you said this dogs were supposed to be chill, why they gotta get all up in my grill? I TOLD you not to broadcast it all over the net like that, this placed used to be like, super chillll. Now it's all blamey blam every two seconds!"

Gaige cringed as the small child yelled at her. She sighed and put the rocket launcher down before drawing her shotgun. "Ah, come on now. Don't talk to her like that. She might be young, but isn't any girl who knows more about blowing up bandits than her." She then turned to Iria, a grin forming on her lips.

"Oh, sweet. You here for my bounty too? Cooool. See, you know, I find if I just like, tell you guys where I'm going to be, half of you come out and try to kill me yourselves, really cuts out the whole 'We're gonna track you down and try to ambush you!' thing most of you guys got going on. So like, we got a factory to take back so let's just get this done with quick, okay cute thing? And--" Then... Her eyes lit up! "Oh, you must be Eve, right? This is Tiny Tina! Be with you in a sec, okay? Just gotta deal with another bounty hunter, you know how it is. They come, they yell about how your head is worth blah blah, how they're soooo bad ass, then they get shot in the face and they go all blehhhhhhh. Shouldn't take long!" she said before running at Iria, already aiming her shotgun towards the girl.

Tiny Tina glanced up. "Mmmmmm hmm. So you this Eve girl ah been hearing about? Shorty over there says you're for real, but I don't know. You multi-versians all seem a bit cray-cray, if yah catch my drift. So let me ask you the most important question. Your life depends on it." Her eyes narrowed and... "WHAT'S! The only kind of cookie that MATTERS?!"

Eve (857) has posed:
    "Hello Tina." Eve murmurs distractedly, watching Gaige. She's not honestly sure how she should respond here. Iria might be technically an ally, or possibly an enemy... she isn't sure which. Gaige is neither. But of course neither of the girls seems to be looking for help, so she has no reason to try to choose between them. Gaige is an outlaw, but then so's Eve herself. More or less. Might as well let them have their fun for now.

    Eve blinks as The Question is asked. It runs through her head, spinning around and around in a process that takes surprisingly little time all considered. The statement that Eve's life depends on it is considered then filed away. It seems to be a riddle of some kind, since there's no way a life could actually depend on cookie preferences. Probably. The girl did mention cray-cray, which Eve realizes might be suggestive.

    Eve's only speechless for a moment before she purses her lips, nodding. "The cookie you're about to eat." she answers. "That's the only one that matters. Cookies you've already eaten don't matter, and cookies you might eat sometime in the future don't really matter yet. But the one you're about to eat really matters." she claims thoughtfully.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka just scoffs, "It ain't the age I'm worried about. It's the fact she's crazier than a sack of cats." She says, before she pops her neck. "So who's the bounty for, and how much are we talking here? I didn't come all this way just for a sightseeing trip. Where's the factory?"

    Eve and Iria's arrivals are greeted with nods, but Maaka remains focused on Tina and Gaige for the moment.

    Iria's actions suddenly jar her into action, and the hunter will have a laser pointed right at her head, the green dot trailing across her body. "Stand the hell down, Iria!" Maaka barks harshly, coilgun shouldered. "They're not the bounty, they called us for backup!"

Iria (215) has posed:
Almost immediately, Iria realizes the mistake she's made, and she holds up both hands. "Hold it! Hold it please!" She grits her teeth nervously. "I made a huge mistake here! Just calm down, OK? I didn't know you were the ones looking for us, not vice versa." She sighs a little. "Just take it easy. I'm sorry for what I said."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    The EM-GASH lowers, and Maaka cools down. "Right. Right, sorry. Anyway. Gaige, what are we here to deal with?"

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Tina stares. Then... "Wow... that... that was deep, homie. Like, really deep. Like... for realz deep. You read me? You ah-right, homegirl. I also would have accepted chocolate chip. But not oatmeal raison. Those are ABOMINATIONS!"

Gaige did stop. Well, she tried to stop. "Wha--" She tried stopping, but kept kind of going, then her feet went back, momentum went forward and she face planted. "Ow. What the hay, girl?! If you're going to try to kill me, atleast have the decency to follow through on the attempt!" she snapped, before getting up and quickly dusting herself off, coughing up some dirt. "Ugh! I got it in my mouth and everything! So, you're here to help then?" she snapped, glaring at the girl.

Iria (215) has posed:
"Yes, we're here to help. I apologize for my actions, but I got carried away I admit." Iria offers a hand to help Gaige up. She looks genuinely embarrassed, her scowl only adding to it. "My name is Iria, Hunter 9799-5."

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve seems surprised by the response, but ... well, if her life depended on the answer, even metaphorically, she's glad Tina's happy with it. "Chocolate chip is good too." she says carefully, though genuinely. "I was also considering saying ice cream cookie sandwiches." she admits.

    She continues watching Gaige and Iria distractedly, not wanting to be rude to Tiny Tina. She breathes a sigh of relief when they seem to come to an understanding. It may have been none of her business if they ended up fighting, but that doesn't mean she liked the idea of them going to war on each other right in front of her.

Gaige (1112) has posed:

Gaige cringed. "I didn't know? I'll try to get Ferham to bring some?"

"YOU BETTER!" She then turned around and then... closed the tip on the rocket. "Ohhhhh yes. This..." She picked it up. "This sexy, fine little number is my own personal mix. Could punch through a hyperion battle tank and, ohhh baby, leave it a flaming wreck. It will have no problem dealing with the big boy." AND THEN SHE JUST THREW IT TO GAIGE!

Fortunately, the teen turned in time to catch it, giving it a hug. "Okay, we got this! Thanks, Tina, you're the best."

"Ahem? My payment?" she said, holding out her hands expectantly.

Gaige sighed. "Right, right. Fine, fresh off the line. I had Ferham smuggle them in." And pulled out a bag of chips ahoy, before tossing them to the girl.

"Ohhhhh yeah," Tina said far too happily. "You some fiiiiine chocolate chip cookies. You gonna get in my belly, for realz tho! Be careful there, yah dig me? Them crystalisk used tah be all mellow an' shiz. Now though? They're all like 'Booma bang!' and they will mess your shiz uuuuup!"

Gaige nodded. "It'll be fiiiiine!" Then turned to the others, wiping her shirt off and hugging her missile. "So! Our mission is simple. We're gonna clean out this old abandoned hyperion factory so we can use its automated resource gathers and constructions to help sanctuary, you know? And this lil baby? This... is to take out the big boy who has taken up residence. So..." big, big grin. "Who wants to hold the missile? Hey, Eve, you ever hold a missile that could wipe out a tank before?"

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka lets her coilgun hang off the sling again, as she just rubs her temples. The screaming is getting to her. "Can we just focus on the job here? They can probably hear us." She points out, mercifully Gaige gets to explaining.

    "Alright; Clear out bad guys. Done. Let's get going!" She says, grabbing her rifle as she pops her neck. "Where we headed?"

Iria (215) has posed:
"Abandoned factory... doesn't sound abandoned to me if it's gonna be cleaned out," Iria mutters to herself. When she gets a look at that missile, her eyes hang open widely with disbelief and shock. They have to use something like THAT to take care of the big bad? There's no way in hell that Iria's going to carry one of those! No way, no how, no nothing!

"Uh, maybe someone stronger should take care of that? I can take point if need be." She tries not to let her uneasiness about the missile show.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve ends up a little wide-eyed at Tiny Tina's enthusiasm but at the same time finds it rather endearing. It's hard to dislike someone who shows such joy and pleasure over simple things. That also goes a long way to explain why Eve, generally a soul who prefers kindness to violence, doesn't actually think Gaige is a terrible person. At least so far.

    She peers at the older girl dubiously though, when offered the rocket launcher. "I... haven't." Eve admits. "I don't use weapons. They get in the way." she adds, looking over to the others hopefully, trying to get this taken (metaphorically so far) out of her hands. She'll fight, and she'll even cause a good amount of damage when it's called for. She just chooses to use more civilized weaponry that's not so unpredictable. Just like that old guy said in that movie.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige shrugs. "Welp, suit yourselves! More fun for me!" And then it disappears into her inventory. "Okay, machine gun, rocket launcher, grenades, shotgun annnnd... huh. I packed the assault rifle? Don't remember that. Oh, right, it shoots acid. Sweeeeet. Need to test that." Then ran to the car. "Okay, hop on in, guys! Let's do this!" she yelled before... motioning to it.

There were no seat belts. Gaige was not licensed. She was the kind of driver who RAN OVER random skags(and bandits) as they drove. "TEN POINTS! WOO!" And EVERY SINGLE RAMP she had to OVER BOOST OVER!

"So like, hyperion abandoned the factory, and the workers in it, around the time the first vault opened, you know? Cause like, they pissed off the crystalisks. But the machinery should be usable if I can fix it and boot it all back up. Just need some help clearing the wild life out. You know? That's where you guys came in! Cause like, us multi versians are pretty raaaaad, you know?"

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka doesn't seem like she's a fan of heavy artillery, as she regards the missile with some disdain. Weighing herself down isn't something she's happy to risk doing. She hops aboard the car, getting seated as they ride. "GAH! WATCH IT!" She calls out to Gaige as they sideswipe an unfortunate bandit. She's a dangerous driver, but now she's starting to know what it's like to be a passenger when SHE operates a car.

    She does take some potshots if bandits open fire upon them first, mostly to take them out with pinpoint shots. She's BORING by Pandora standards, but dead accurate by comparison.

Iria (215) has posed:
Jumping in the seat, Iria was not surprised to see a lack of seatbelts (don't ask why.) She also takes out her assault rifle and preps it to make sure she's ready to take on any bandits that might come their way. Unfortunately, when Gaige runs over various bandits and skags, Iria finds herself in a bit of a turbulent situation. "Hey, be careful, will ya?" Iria snaps.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve's completely boring when it comes to Pandora standards. She doesn't even drive or use guns. She just clings to her seat and any available handholds with a grip like metal bands, providing her own seatbelt. Actually it's not just LIKE metal bands. She's actually enhancing her grip with nanometal.

    "I see." Eve states, timing her words in short bursts, preferably while airborne, so her words come out uninterrupted. "We're rad." she deadpans.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige nodded. "Exactly! See, you got it? So like, we just gotta keep being rad and then BOOM! Blow them all up. Easy peasy, you know? And once that happens, I can get Ferham out there and we can go about fixing all the broken stuff. Might need some parts, but like, we can start getting things we need down to the city. Like screws. And nails. Cause like, seriously? I used our last screw last month and you havE ANY idea how much of a pain it is to go through the city trying to find a good screw? I found a ton of bad ones but I can't just rip them out of stuff, you know? They might break or something! SKAG!" Bam, it bounced like four times. "Awwwww yeah. Got some NICE air on that one." And then she headed towards a... tunnel. A road that went into a tunnel undergound. Oh dear.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka grabs onto a handle desperately, before she fights the urge to gag on skag guts. She hates this planet so much.

Iria (215) has posed:
With no more bandits to take aim at, Iria puts her assault rifle away and proceeds to hang on for dear life. She grits her teeth a little, but smiles all the same. "This sure beats going on a roller coaster, that's for sure!" She comments. "Too bad they don't make roller coasters with target shooting allowed!"

Eve (857) has posed:
    At some point when she'd had enough of going flying and their vehicle splattering unmentionable things, Eve apparently decided she didn't want her hair flying free. Who can blame her, really, considering how long it is? The process is relatively short, her hair gathering up as if by magic, pulling back, weaving back and forth, and shortly Eve is wearing a helmet. A golden helmet of gleaming gold, including side-wings over the ears. Because why just wear a helmet when you can also make a fashion statement and a moral position at the same time?

    She's now peering through a narrow slit in that helmet, hoping she doesn't have too hard of a time cleaning her hair out afterwards. Bugs would be bad, but this... ew. Just ew. And no, at no time does she relax her defensive deathgrip. All considered though, she seems to be handling the car trip quite stoically.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige coughed. "So! I um, didn't wanna worry any of you guys but like. the brakes? They died about halfway down this road." And they were going downhill. "But it's cool! Really! I got this! We're almost there and I--"

AND SUDDENLY GIANT STONE CRYSTAL SPIDER THING! "CRYSTALISK!" And BAM! Right through one of its legs, sending shards of crystal everywhere as the car started to skid. "HOLD ON!" she screamed, the car spinning in a tight circle before BAM! Slamming into the side of the tunnel.

Her shield sparkled a few times as she just sat there, groaning. "That... wasn't... what I meant by--" Then a shard of crystal two feet long pierced the window. Missing her but making Gaige squeak. "BOOK IT!" she yelled, jumping out and throwing herself to the ground, moments before the crystal exploded, sending shards of crystal everywhere.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka feels the car smash into the tunnel, and she leaps free after a moment of fuzziness and a reboot of her systems. She hops out of the car, gun blazing, as she opens fire upon the crystalisk. "COVERING, someone flank this thing!" She calls out, her gun illuminating the dark tunnel with every shot as it kicks against her shoulder.

Iria (215) has posed:
The moment the car begins to skid, Iria holds on for dear life. "Oh hell no!" She exclaims, praying that they don't crash at all, but her prayers are unanswered, and they crash! Fortunately, the impact only knocks Iria out for a half second, before she regains her focus... and then realizes what's happened. "Crap!" Iria yells, leaping out of the car with her assault rifle drawn and opening fire on the Crystalisk.

Eve (857) has posed:
    This is certainly an adventure, it seems. Eve's abruptly glad to be wearing a helmet, though at this point she's not sure she wouldn't rather be in the air flying. It'd probably be a lot safer, though she's not sure if she could keep up. She can fly fast, but this driving is somehow ... not faster, but certainly much more visceral. Keeping up might be difficult.

    Regardless the car's stopped now, if not in the most ideal way. Though she's rattled about, Eve's the only one in the car wearing both a seatbelt-equivalent and a helmet. Safety first. As the car stops and the crystalisk attacks Eve releases her deathgrip, her helmet unravelling and the gold flowing down into those long wings. Through some magic-like scientific alchemy the gold turns to silver some way along the path. When Eve dives out of the car she beats silver wings, flinging herself free at high speed and wheeling in the air to set her figurative sights on what's attacking.

    Once oriented Eve swoops down, aiming to make a tight pass and lash out with a metal wing. A metal wing balled up not like a normal wing, but like a large metal fist. For the last second or so of her flight she's not gliding but arcing along a ballistic path, like a bullet made of human flesh and nanometal.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
The crstalisk let out a... nothing. They don't really roar. What it does is turn towards Eve and the others as they fly at it. Its hide is made of stone and seems almost unphased by the bullets, barely even making it stop before it charges on them, the bullets mostly bouncing off its hide.

Then it unleashes a torrent of crystal shards at them, oddly similar to a shotgun blast, covering a wide area at Iria and Alexis. It then charges in...

But a hail of bullets hit the crystal on its leg, making it explode in a flurry of crystal shards. The creature stumbles and lets out a roar of pain.

Gaige, meanwhile... "Aim for the crystals, that's how you kill the things!" she called out encouragingly. She wasn't actually fighting, for once. She was actually WATCHING! She wanted to see how bad ass they were.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka feels a crystal shard hit her in the shoulder, and she grunts in pain as she drops her rifle, letting it hang on its sling as she pulls a sidearm. THe pistol fires repeatedly on the crystal chunks on the spider-thing, as Maaka takes Gaige's advice.

Iria (215) has posed:
One of the crystal shards hits Iria, tearing through her cape and cutting into her arm under her armor. "Ahh, dammit!" She yells out, trying to pull back a little. Even without looking, Iria can feel the blood seeping from her injury. "Son of a bitch! You'll pay for ripping my cape!" Iria says with an angry look as she opens fire, aiming for one of the crystals with her assault rifle. "Take THAT!"

Eve (857) has posed:
    While Eve's under powered flight, she's all but unhittable. Crystal shards might be able to catch her if fired in a broad enough pattern but she'll never be hit by aimed shots. When she's in a swooping charge though, that's another matter entirely. She has defenses still though, even then. One of her wings is dedicated to the attack but she uses the other to shield her. Crystal hitting her wing doesn't do much to her since the wings can be rapidly repaired. It's only crystal hitting her vulnerable body that would hurt.

    She aims one of those ballistic passes, aiming to shatter a crystal node with a wing-punch. And then she's sweeping past, turning, rising once again under wing power. Her flight's a little ragged now, with her having to dedicate some concentration to reshaping the wings to something that can best sustain flight, but better she be slowed than that she plow headfirst into the ground. That'd be something GAIGE would do after all. Eve probably couldn't survive such an act.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
With a pained roar, another leg is shattered, making the crystal creature roar in pain. It stumbled about until, finally, Eve swooped down and launched her own assault. The third, and final leg crystal, was shattered. The creature stumbled a few times before letting out a loud, pained whine, then collapsing.

Gaige ducked down. "TAKE COVER!"

Because this is Pandora, the world that created the 'life flipping you off' theory, it then exploded, sending shards of crystal flying EVERYWHERE!

Ow. Good job!

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka swears under her breath as the spider begins to explode, and she dives behind cover, prying the shard out of her shoulder with a grunt of pain. "-FUCK," she grunts, before she tries to treat the injury with some quick-repair nanites. Her shoulder's gonna be pretty sore, to say the least.

Iria (215) has posed:
When the spider explodes Iria tries to dive for cover, but one of the shards hits her in the stomach, leaving a very serious wound there. "Unngh!" She cries out, knowing that she's bleeding even more than ever. "Ugh... That wasn't supposed to happen."

Eve (857) has posed:
    Luckily for Eve she's already swooping past, moving fast, when told to take cover. She glances back, partially turning, and gets enough warning to wrap nanometal wings around her as the crystalline creature explodes.

    Her defense isn't perfect, both in full-body coverage and in thickness. It's enough though, with her distance, to give her decent protection. She levels out in midair, turning with a wobble, and slowly making her way back to the vehicle. She sets down, letting the wings fade once again, seemingly streaming from their extended position through her back and even her clothing, until they're completely gone.

    Eve's a little bloodied, a little shaken, but she seems reasonably fine. She peers suspiciously at Gaige though. "Something tells me we're not done yet, are we?" she asks flatly.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Gaige was doing something--which usually meant danger. She had been likely a bit slow on the uptake--or perhaps she had accidentally had the lid of her recharge pod jammed (she kept telling Gaige not to leave stuff ontop of the thing, maybe something spilled?) but either way, it had made Ferham late for this little field trip. Totally not that her player had passed out and slept through her alarm, nope.

     "Gaige!" Ferham teleported down into the area on the surface where she had last been able to track the female human, which would have been the valley they were just in. From there she spread her wings and zipped around, having heard over radio likely that there was /some/ kind of violence or dangerous activity going on. She wasn't the girl's keeper by any means, just... gah. She had to keep her senses and wits about her. She found the entrance to the underground tunnels and pulled herself down into them--her wings folding back behind her.

     She rounded a corner just in time to see the crystalisk explode--a long shard of crystaline matter impaling the wall just near her head. THUNK. She blinked for a few moments then moved on, as if nothing had happened.

     "Ah, I see this /is/ one of Gaige's outings," she peered around the scene, looking down as her boots kicked over a few more pieces of the unfortunate crystal creature.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige shook her head. "Nahhhhh. That was just one of the small ones. There's like, dozens of them!" She gave the thumbs up. "But hey, you guys did really cool! I mean, like, I got wayyyy more fucked up when I ran into like, three of them last week.

Then urked. "Ah crap. Heyyyyy. Ferhaaaaaam. We're uhhh, totally being safe, I promise. Just clearing out the crystalisks I mentioned. You know..." She might have left out that they were THE SIZE OF TANKS AND AS STURDY AS THEM! She then looked to the car. "So, brakes are dead so... going in, we'll probably wanna just, you know. Walk for a bit. Come on!" she said before drawing her shotgun and running off before Ferham can yell at her notthatshe'sscaredofbeingscoldedoranything. "ey, can you watch the car? sweet!" she yelled to Alexis. Before running off!

The factory itself was... big. And a lot of it was outside. With giant mining equipment, assembly lines, and a ton of other stuff. All of it dead and seemingly empty.

Oh, and as they came closer they could see the dozens of crystalisks. And the pools of radioactive sludge sending a green glow through the chamber. Yayyyyy. "Looks like fun, right?"

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve doesn't seem particularly bothered by her wounds, though it's not clear if she's not actually hurt or if she's just being stoic. The wounds don't bleed freely though, slowly closing up as if being bandaged... which they effectively are by nanomachines. The wounds weren't all that bad, and while it'll be a while before she can be fully healed, they're mild enough that her body's automatic defenses can effectively treat them.

    Eve peers out at the factory interior, bemused. The glowing green pools are particularly disturbing. "Fun." she confirms dryly, probably not meaning the same thing as Gaige when she says it. "So, we have to get rid of... a bunch of them. I don't suppose we can just drop the roof on them right?" she suggests halfheartedly.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Uh huh," Ferham intones as Gaige begins to try and butter her up, but it seems she's having not much of it--at the same time, she doesn't seem to be trying to press the issue, either. "I guess you /have/ been pretty good about playing with high explosives lately, so I can't fault you for needing any to defend yourself against this... thing," she kicked a piece of what might have been one of the crystaline creature's arms out of the way with her boot.

     "What's this factory? would it have any defenses? Seeing as this is Pandora I'm sure it would--do we have anyone skilled with security systems?" she looked around to Gaige, then Alexis--then Eve. She noticed the latter was hurt.

     "Well, it looks old, dirty, disused, dead--and it's infested with more of those... things, and some radioactive creature has apparently used it for a toilet, /this/ is what you came here to check out, Gaige?" she flicked her whip out, the handle glowing as the length hadn't extended yet. She walks a bit in front of Eve as she's rather small and seems to still be dealing with her injuries.

     "Lets see if these creatures can deal with pain," she made a showy cracking of her whip before she attempted to lash at two of them--her whip extending long and far enough to snap at two at once!

Iria (215) has posed:
Despite the pain and the bleeding, Iria's forcing her way through it all, eventually making it to the factory, and scowling at what she sees. "Oh swell. This place sure hasn't been abandoned for long," She comments with a scowl as she notices that strange liquid. "Either someone's been doing experiments here or something else is lying in wait!"

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige blinked. "Ferham, wait!" But, well, it was too late. The whip reached out, grabbed two of them and..."Should have iced them first!" she squeaked. The two were barely phased. It was like trying to whip a pair of tanks. They let out a roar and then charged them. Before sending out a hail of exploding crystal shards. "Take cover!" Gaige screamed.

"And no, this place is pretty abandoned! I think after Blue came, everyone just high tailed it out of here! Honestly, it's mostly cause of him that the--"

And then the chamber began to shake. "Ohhhhh crap," she said quickly. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap ohcrapohcrapohcrap," she squeaked, before turning towards the factory.

Blue woke up. And blue was *big*. The creatures were normally the size of a car. This thing was the size of a *blimp*. Its massive body glowing blue with the glowing blue crystals in its body. "Oh crap," she squeaked. It slammed a foot down, making the ground shake. "Okay guys, remember your training! Blue up the crystals and try not to die!"

Blue then sent a crystal the size of a car hurtling at them, which exploded midway through to erupt into four foot long shards of crystal.

Eve (857) has posed:
    "If there were defenses still, they'd be expended by now on the crystalisks." Eve points out, mostly to Ferham, before the reploid charges off to do battle. Eve blinks, but follows. She won't be flying, not in these close quarters. She'd be too predictable, having to dodge obstacles, so her biggest advantage would be gone.

    Instead Eve goes with a classic combo. Her left hand held before her, she grows a largeish shield. Her right hand, drawn back, extends out a midlength shaft which forms itself into a hammer. She's going for maximum protection from crystal shards first, then whatever she has left is going towards the best heavy-impact attack she can manage.

    Crouching behind her shield, Eve takes one of the crystal shards on a heavily-reinforced shield. It shatters in a shower of fragments and dust, leaving Eve safe enough. But she'll have to get CLOSE to make a difference here, which means risk. Lots of risk. She hikes up and starts running, crouching low behind her shield, looking to get close enough to start malleting hell out of crystal outgrowths.

Iria (215) has posed:
"Abandoned? I dunno about that," Iria says half-sarcastically, but the sarcasm within her starts to grow as the shaking begins. "Abandoned my ass!" She screams, looking around for the source of the shaking, before spotting Blue, and her eyes widen like saucers. "Dammit, more trouble," Iria says as she goes for her handgun and fires a few shots.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham has whipped tanks before! Like that time she fought Skylynx and he sent her into the upper stratosphere over the Planetary Plains! That took a while to fly back from, of course--and she wound up getting a fair bit of bugs and such stuck in her armor--and evade a lot of birds--but she had come back from it! Ferham blinked as her whip did more or less nothing and she was rewarded with a volley of crystaline shards for her troubles--which zoomed toward her and Eve. Ferham still had time enough to try and take a defensive position up in front of Eve--folding her wings infront of her as she turned and was knocked back by the shards--one of them sheering across her side and digging into her armored leotard there--ouch.

     "Ahhh!" she cried out, turning as she attempted to hunch lower and return fire with a spray of cryogenics--super-cooled air forming into a cone of frost and trying to hose them down with it!

Gaige (1112) has posed:
The crystalisk's Ferham grabbed launched another flurry of shards, nowhere near as powerful as the big ones. But still more of them. That was, until the ice began to hit them and their big, lumbering bodies began to slow down. And down. And down and... was this it?

Gaige ran in past Ferham, her shotgun out and... "YEAH! Let's do this!" she yelled, firing off a few blasts into one of the legs, shattering the crystals. A few shards hit her, but her shields stood strong, making it glance off. She kept running, a smirk on her face. "Woo! LEt's kick some ass!" Oh they were going to die. She ran straight past them and at blue and--

And a shard slammed right through her abdomen, slicing through her shields like butter and piercing through her side. Her eyes widened and her running slowed down. She looked down at it in confusion. "W-what?" she said softly.

The handgun... did nothing to them. It practically bounced off their stony hide.

Eve had the right idea, though. The shield did protect her, though the creature seemed... smarter than the rest. Rather than striking out with bursts, instead it sent out one really big crystal at Eve. But if she could get close, she'd find her hammer was SUPER effective against crystal things like that.

Eve (857) has posed:
    Eve relies heavily on her shield, but it's not a perfect defense. It's clearly not going to stand up to a crystal almost as large as she is, for one. It'd be able to take the hit, probably, but it'd crumple. Eve could fix it, but not if she gets impaled first. Tanking a shot like that head-on would be a fool's move, and the little blonde is nobody's fool.

    She dives aside in a desperate but calculated act, still holding the shield up. The attack is too fast for her to completely evade it, but by angling her shield against her body she's able to deflect it. The impact sends her spinning around and knocks her relatively small mass aside like a bowling ball scattering pins.

    Gathering her wits, Eve's able to see what happens when Gaige is struck. "Gaige!" she cries out in concern. The girl's not her friend, not exactly, but she's not an enemy either and Eve doesn't like non-enemies getting hurt. For just a moment she considers charging back and sheltering the explosive-crazed weaponeer. Only for a moment though. Her shield couldn't protect both of them, not against this monster. And her hammer might well be the only thing with enough blunt force to be truly effective on offense. No, if she wants to protect the gunbunny, she has to do it by using the best defense.

    Crying out, Eve launches herself forward, hammer swinging madly. The best defense, as anyone surely knows, is a good offense. And Eve intends to fix this monstrosity with some good old-fashioned percussive maintenance.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     More of the shards began to ping off her raised wings, making Ferham think of being hit by a hailstorm--or maybe small arms machine gun fire. She'd been through both! Damn humans and their fixation on automatic weapons! Though come to think of it so did a lot of robots. Ferham growled as she was already getting damage reports and warnings from what the things were doing to her and her friends--her cold damage apparently having chilled a few of them enough to make their weapons more effective--which was good. She just hopped she--and the others--could handle these things.

     She tries to send out a cloud of frost at the creatures as Eve charges in, likely able to avoid the icy mist and bring 'the hammer down' on these silicoid nightmares!

Iria (215) has posed:
Unfortunately, Iria's handgun isn't doing much good, so all she can do is run away for the time being. She keeps trying to dodge the attacks, realizing that the blood has clotted on her wounds, but they still hurt like hell. She attempts to toss out a grenade away from where the others are, in hopes it might make a crack.

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige slammed her gun down, shattering the end of the crystal and then tearing it out. She then shot a few blasts, finishing one of them that Ferham had frozen. Her shield flashed back up, all red, and she wobbled. "Ohhh that's a lot of blood..." she mumbled, blood pouring out from her side. "Oh... I got this!" she said, running forward, unloading her shotgun on the beast. "Anarchy forever! WOOOO! Hack the... hack the..."

The freezing was working well on the little ones. The big one, however? Not so much. It didn't even seem to notice. However, the GRENADE did a good job, blowing a chunk of crystal off and making the big one roar. Eve's assault was working wonders, each blow of the massive blunt instrument shattering more and more crystals, tearing its legs and exposing the softer layers beneath. The creature roared and sent out a flurry of crystall shards in all directions, impaling and even destroying a lot of the smaller crystalisks.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Gaige? GAIGE," Ferham nearly freaked as she turned and realized that the 'gun bunny' had blood pouring out from one of her wounds. Blood, as she knew, was basically like a big, liquid organ--and it was pretty bad for humans when it all gushed out onto the floor. She stalked forward and rammed the heel of her high-heeled boot into one of the smaller ones, causing it to shatter and break apart, though ti was just one of them, and there was still quite a few more of them to deal with!

     She cracked the whip angrily now and would try to grab one of the smaller ones to actually lift it up and begin using it like a flail and crash into the others to continue pouring the hurt on them!

     "Gaige?!" she turns back, letting the one she had trapped fly, what's left of it--letting it crash into another part of the factory. She'd run over and try to take up her grenade-launching weapon, trying to aim and fire it!

Eve (857) has posed:
    In close, Eve's less focussed on defense, more on offense. Dodging around the crystalisk's legs, she could easily be hit from any side. Her shield's practically useless so she lets it shrink, instead growing the hammer's length and head to a more devastating melee weapon. It still weighs only a fraction of even Eve's tiny weight, but ten pounds of steel whirling on the end of a long pole is nothing to be trifled with.

    Eve grips the steel weapon with both hands, whirling, spinning, bouncing hits off the crystalisk's legs and rebounding to spin in the other direction too. She works her way underneath the beast, figuring it's the safest place from crystal shard fire. If it collapses, well... hopefully she sees it happening quickly enough to get clear. She's taking wounds as well, but so far those wounds seem mostly superficial. Eve's tougher than she looks, or luckier, or faster. Perhaps a combination of all of the above.

Iria (215) has posed:
Once she sees that she's opened a possible weakspot, Iria switches to her assault rifle again, and fires again... click click click.

She's out of ammunition. Scowling, she slaps another clip into rifle and fires off another burst of gunfire at the creature. She hopes that this will help end this battle, because it's getting quite annoying having to fight with such a serious injury!

Gaige (1112) has posed:
Gaige pulled out the missile launcher and... then the hail of missile shard. Her shield protected her a little. A little. She still dropped, two shards in her abdomen, her eyes wide. She held up the missile launcher towards Ferham. "T-take it," she said weakly. "Aim... for the body..." she whispered. "If... I don't... make it... make sure everyone knows... I went out... like... a bad ass..."

Pause. "Also... just a flesh wound... hee hee..." Oh gosh she was a dork.

The lack of bullets from Iria did nothing, sadly. However, Eve would find her assault was both keeping her safe AND wrecking the monster, leaving it stumbling about, slow and awkward, before it collapsed for a moment. Opening itself up for that big missile that Tina had given them.

The time had come.

Eve (857) has posed:
    As effective as Eve's hammer is, she knows she's just chipping away at a beast too big for her to actually slay. Not that she actually *wants* to kill it. Semi-sentient crystalline beast or not, she doesn't intend to kill anything. She can accept, barely, that the thing's bestial enough that her rule of no-killing isn't appropriate here... but that doesn't mean she wants to be the one to finish it either.

    Besides, they have that big rocket. That was the whole point, it seems. And she's heard that Gaige is rather reckless with her explosives. There's no WAY she's going to be just standing under this beast when someone shoots a monster missile at it! As much as she's paying attention to what she's doing, she's keeping an eye at least occasionally on Gaige and those with her too.

    Eve's already on her way out when the rocket comes up. Her hammer vanishes abruptly, the girl instead using nanomass to protect herself from the explosion to come. She ducks low to the ground, arms spread wide, running for all she's worth like some weird ninja who's seen one too many Duck and Cover videos.

Iria (215) has posed:
When the rocket comes, Iria's getting out of the way fast. She doesn't need to be caught in the explosion! She's running like a bat out of hell, ignoring the pain of her injuries underneath her cape. "Just gotta get outta the way!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Taking the missile launcher from Gaige--she'd have to see about trying to use her ice powers to slow the blood flow later, Ferham has to heft the heavy piece of ordnance and aim it directly at the most sensitive and silicoid-portion of the giant monster pursuing them, firing it off and turning to shield Gaige and the others even as the projectile is in mid-flight--trying to stop it to make good their escape! Also, cool guys don't look at explosions, but that's not the reason she's making such a hurry. Gaige is bleeding out fast!

Gaige (1112) has posed:
BOOM! Just BOOM! Everything went BOOM! That missile tore out the creature and sent its body parts FLYING! Chards of crystal(valuable even) rained down around them.

"Ohhhh... pretty..." Gaige said. As she laid in a pool of her own blood. "H-huh. I... I think... Ferham... hon. I... I don't know if I'm gonna make it so like... if I don't... like..." She blinked. "Tell dad and stuff he was awesome, okay? And it wasn't some lame bandit that did me in. It was a fifty, no, hundred story tall monster made of rock and diamonds. And I kicked its ass... okay?" she said with a grin. "Bad... ass..."

But yeah, a lot of the creatures were now dead due to the earlier booms. Allowing them to retreat to the vehicle... without breaks. Also, Gaige passed out from blood loss on the way. Yayyyyy.