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Latest revision as of 01:18, 15 October 2017

Gold Rush
Date of Scene: 14 October 2017
Location: The Tapestry
Synopsis: Yang steals some documents from a corporation in The Tapestry. Gets chased by the local police and corporate security.
Thanks to: Everyone, for coming.
Cast of Characters: Yang Xiao Long, 1132, Sanary Rondel, Tomoe

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    As the broadband indicated, there's a high speed chase on a highway in The Tapestry, in some high corporate area. Red and Blue lights flash in the dusk, and a distinct blonde on a very bright motorcycle is weaving through the evening traffic. The police are joined by unmarked vehicles with men in suits inside, who take no qualms about opening fire with guns while hanging out the windows. "Jeeze, gimme a break!" grumbles Yang, as she activates the autodrive, turns around in her seat and ratchets back one arm to fire an explosive bolt at the chasing cars. It explodes on the tarmac, causing them to take evasive action, but not break off. "Pain in the ass."

    Those coming in would likely need their own transport, or, be able to hop a ride from the law or corporation.

Kyoko Takada (1132) has posed:
    A high-speed chase is a little difficult for the girl known only as Alpha-39. Vehicles don't tend to be a great, long-term idea for her, and she lacks some really good superspeed-type power. Her interaction with this situation may be limited in time frame, depending on the path the chase takes. On the one hand, she's basically immobile, compared to even a police cruiser with a good road ahead of it. On the other hand, she has a high vantage point, about five stories up, and she's dead-center ahead of Yang's bike by a few kilometers. The building under her is unimportant; what maters is that it looks out across most of the highway, with minimal tree cover from this angle.
    K-chak goes the bolt, chambering a round. A slight adjustment, a moment's pause, a moment's calculation and prediction, considering ranging and some not-inconsiderable space of air and wind to pierce, and she squeezes the trigger. Her target: A leading point on the front, unmarked vehicle in the chase. She has little expectation of the tank-buster round being blocked by a car's defense, but is less certain what it'll do to the road itself.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Was it so much to ask for a quiet day out? Apparently so, what with the sudden ringing in Sanary's ear about a suspect on a motorcycle. Normally, she'd just sit back and watch the show, but considering that she's been offered a decent chunk of change to catch the culprit? She'll just take a break tomorrow instead.

     Flight's the method of travel of the day as the axe healer putters along and promptly lands on one of the pursuing corporation's cars, holding onto it while it speeds along in pursuit of the mysterious... Someone! She gives ecah of her anklets a light whack with the back of her weapon, then turns back over to peer at who it is they're chasing.

     Someone with vaguely familiar hair and vaguely familiar explosive power, it seems. "Who's...? Oh, whatever. Hold it right there! If you surren-" The healer sputters as she's reintroduced to the insect-based pain of riding without a windshield, unable to finish the rest of her offer!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe had a decent enough of a reputation in being a former Union Elite. She'd often got random contacts from various world which helped to pay the bills now that the Gatecrasher's union was a solo operation these days. Also she had school to pay for as well, to boot. She had no idea whom the thief was though as she had not needed to catch a lift, for she had her wing and was flying at rapid speed after the pursuit Still ignorant of just whom was involved?

She was flying in at high speed heading towards the chase and might be spotted from below but she has spotted the chase and banks in, she might be in a bit of fix though being a flyer in something like this.

"All right give it up now and come along easily."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang turns back around, grabbing the handlebars and banking hard into the outside lane, cutting between the barrier and a large trailer truck to block line of sight. "Persistant lot... aww man, that's Sanary." she grumbles as the Healer makes herself known. She pours on the speed and comes out in front of the truck cab, when Tomoe flies in. "Huh? Oh, hey Eisen! Traded in the shotgun for a pair of pixie wings?" she asks over the whipping of the wind, her lilac eyes the only things visible behind her helmet visor.

    A-39's shot punches clean through the car's engine block, and digs a good foot deep hold in the tarmac below, leaving that car sputtering and trailing smoke as it drops out of the chase. There's still plenty more, and some officers on motorcycles of their own joining the chase from the upcoming onramp, making a rolling blockade infront of the fleeing brawler.

Kyoko Takada (1132) has posed:
    From a rooftop vantage point, the worst thing that can happen is opposing aerial superiority. A-39 still has some time, and hasn't been noticed yet, but she's not going to take the chance on staying hidden without cover and while shooting either elite interloper out of the air. She'd only really got one shot at that. Instead, she takes off running, leaping at the edge of the building firing off a grappling line to be sure she can climb up the other side. She's got a point to reach, and has already sent coordinates to Yang to pass by it.
    She won't be on the rooftop, this time. Instead she slams into the window of an office building, passing through it amidst the shards, and then rolling into cover. The lights were off, so as expected, it's not someplace that's actually in use. She only needs a little time before someone gets suspicious enough to divert authorities from the far more obvious, pressing issue of the chase, and the merc plans to be gone by then.
    They'll have a bigger issue with what she plans to hit the road with by that point, anyway.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Good news: Sanary's finally found her footing on top of that car! Bad news: She's also found out who it is all these cars are chasing. The car she's riding on top of very nearly collides with the one that A-39 blasts off the road, and the healer nearly gets thrown off the vehicle entirely when it swerves just to keep on Yang's tail! Unfortunately for her, she can't even tell where that shot came from!

     "Ptuh... Fffrngh. Hey! What the hell's going on here?!" Sanary calls out as she faces backwards, cleverly avoiding having yet more dirt and rocks and flies hitting her face!

     Now the problem is trying to yell loud enough that Yang can even hear her between being so far ahead of Sanary and with Sanary facing the other way. Tomoe being around gives her a bit of reassurance, at least, although she still isn't quite fond of the idea of having the car explode out from under her. "If you give up now, I can... I can probably talk 'em down into letting you off easy!"

     As she speaks, though, she start kicking at her anklets lightly, breathing a sigh of relief when she feels a familiar push at her feet. She might not need to be on this car for much longer!

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe pauses for a moment as she's not quite expecting Yang she pauses for a moment, she looks shocked that it's Yang.

"You could say that I can explain later but seriously Yang why are you doing this?!"

The only good news here is Eisen is very unlikely to try to out right kill Yang, on the other hand she could take some serious punishment from her if they managed to come to blows here. The chase keeps up as Tomoe is trying to catch up with Yang now.

She also is not aware that she's facing the possibility of a sniper of some sort.

She's going to book it after Yang though, she's also glad to see Sanary is here too so she's not a lone operator today and Sanary is one off the best of world healers she knows too.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang ducks lower to her bike, pushing speed on... and when the cycle cops try to hit her with zap batons, her fists shoot out and fire kinetic bursts into the vehicles, knocking them aside and forcing the officers to focus on controlling their vehicles so they don't wipe out. One does, slamming into the barrier and fishtailing into a heap as the bike somersaults a couple dozen more meters before coming to a rest. The other falls back as the engine sputters. The side plate buckled in and the engine straining in the more cramped compartment.

    Yang transmits to the two Elites chasing her. "Look, if I had time, I'd explain myself, but suffice to say, it's for a good cause." the blonde pulls hard over, and leaps over the barrier to cut the corner onto the off-ramp, heading into the busier, and more congested lower streets. "Those men in suits, and the cops are being paid for in blood money, let me go, we'll make things right." She banks hard over, and starts heading off towards the coordinates she got from A-39. She'll be there in about five minutes.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "I'm sorry I got a reputation and tuition to pay now. Come on Yang give it up."

She seemed just about as stubbon as she keeps off after Yang her flight speed picks up a bit as she rises a bit above car level not wanting to clip anyone. She keeps going and the red semi translucent wings flare up. She attmps to keep up. She does have a reptuation as a solo operate more or less which could be ruined if she didn't finish a job or at least attempt to. She does keep up but she also knows she only has scant information to go off. So for the moment the chase contiunes, she's yet to start casting magic though...

Kyoko Takada (1132) has posed:
    Alpha-39 gets word back, and responds, "Copy." She's no longer in direct line-of-sight of the chase, which means she can't take a shot from here, but that's intentional. Five minutes is more than enough time for her to get set up. One minute would have been enough.
    Small devices are pulled from her pouches, and she takes this surfeit of time to wire them together, spaced just so apart. The central piece can barely be called an explosive, it's just there to provide an initial shockwave that scatters the other pieces. Dispensing this will be slightly tricky, since she's arranged it in a line, but doable. With the right arc, the bounce will just give her more distance, and spread the effect right across the road.
    "Give me a count-down to arrival. Best estimate. Seconds count." She stands back up, next to the window, tossing the chained grenades in hand a couple times to get a feel for the weight. Oh, yeah, better not hit any cars down there, that'll screw up the bounce. "And don't look back right away."
    She'll wait, then. Right up until a couple seconds /before/ Yang passes the point, and then make her toss. The flashbang will go off first, bright and concussive, and help scatter the incendiaries, leaving a wake of fire all across the road. Injuries are entirely possible, but if it works, it works, and this is dangerous work.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Oh right. Radios! Thankful for the easier medium to actually hear Yang through, Sanary fiddles with her own ear piece before throwing herself off the corporation vehicle and switching to her anklets to take to the skies again! If skies means about eight feet off the ground, anyway, since she'd much rather avoid bashing her face into signage.

     <<"Blood money...? Hmm. You sure about that? I mean, they looked pretty clean to me...">> Sanary responds over the radio, starting to speed up in pursuit of Yang and ricocheting herself off a sign just to avoid going too off course! On one hand, Yang's been right about some things before. On the other hand, Tomoe does have a point: The money's good and there's bills to pay!

     <<"... Coming in on your left. You'll wanna avoid this.">> The healer waits a moment before grabbing her axe, then putting on another burst of speed from behind Yang. She brings the axe up, utters a rather unnecessary battle shout, then brings it down as if trying to cleave the fist-fighter and her bike in one mighty blow!

     Of course, that happens right when A-39's flashbangs go off not too far from Sanary's face. Said flashbangs draw an actual shout of pain from the healer as clenches her eye shut, then starts to spin around like an out of control bottle rocket into the sky.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang switches off the transmit to the other two, and starts counting down as she approaches the coordinates. "20, 19, 18, 17..." jinking just to the right as Sanary comes hauling in to strike the road beside her. She hears the explosions going off, and slams brakes on, turning down a side alley to break line of sight before the cops turn the corner as well. Some just go barreling straight through the firewall, coming out the other side with fried engines and the rubber seals on their doors caught alight, making them abandon their cars quickly after unceremoniously crashing them into parked vehicles. The radio comes alive as the ground pursuit finally call in for helicoptor support, but it's a ways off yet, enough time to get to a warpgate, unless she's stopped or at least slowed down enough.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Sanary is still reeling from the effects of the flashbang quite a while later, having zoomed off quite a bit away from where the chase is headed. Sure, getting hit with it would help sell the image of her still attempting to stop Yang's escape, but that doesn't make her ears and eye hurt any less than they did! And to make matters worse, she doesn't even know WHO launched that thing in the first place!

     She actually looks legitimately irritated by that. It doesn't take long for her to figure out where everyone is, though, what with the literal wall of fire on one side and all the speeding vehicles coming out of it. <<"Tch... I'm going back in. Just warn me when those copters are gonna swoop in, alright? Don't want anything getting chopped off again...">> Sanary transmits over both the local band with Tomoe and to Yang shortly before diving back down towards the chase's epicenter.

     Sanary still needs to look good enough to earn her keep, of course. Instead of going in for another overly dramatic slash with her axe right away, the healer first zips by Tomoe to give her a quick gesture towards Yang. It's only after that does Sanary bellow another challenging shout followed with... An overly dramatic downwards slash! Again.

     It might not have worked the first time, but surely this time it'll work! Or look like it could work.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe has a problem she has nothing really she can get off in flight. She did have have some options but then comes the explosion she was not expecting the flash bang nor the explosion. Tomoe lets out a cry as one she's blinding two she's pretty defend for the moment and the goes crashing into the street pretty damn hard to the point her form shows wire frame distortions shedding the idea she's entirely flesh and blood. She's going to be be down for a moment as she attempts to pull herself off the black top.


She missed having explosives and flash bangs herself but there's little she can do right now as it seems Yang had backup.

Kyoko Takada (1132) has posed:
Hit a human with a strong enough bullet, made for piercing armor, and it'll go straight through. Hit a human with something far stronger than that, and the sonic boom of its passage will leave a hole far greater than the weapon's caliber, making the idea of a non-lethal hit something equally beyond the barest idea of "reliable."
    A-39 talks into he radio. "Someone you know?" A moment later, she corrects herself. "What I meant was, 'someone you don't want to get shot?' ... The hard way, then." But then Tomoe does that whole wire-frame thing, tickling something in the back of A-39's memory. Game characters? "Where have I..." With a quick shake of her head, she picks up and aims her rifle, keeping the full length within the building's shadow. It's unfortunate that Sanary has her priorities straight, instead of going to tend to some civilian injured by the firebomb, but that's just a lack of luck.
    With a muttered "just stay down," A-39 fires her AMR at Tomoe's right leg, center of the shin, practically point-blank range for a weapon with her range. A quick draw on the bolt, and the second round is chambered, brought up and centered on Sanary. A moving target is far harder, but if she waits a moment, Yang's bound to make another turn and get out of sight. It's hurried, now or nothing. With a second boom, the gun fires, and A-39 books it in the opposite direction, kicking through interior doors and aiming for the opposite side of the building to make her get-away with as little exposure as possible.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang jinks aside as Sanary comes charging in again. She short bursts a quick. <"Sorry about this."> to Sanary, as she snapshots a kinetic burst at the Healer as she comes down for that axe strike. All to make things look authentic. She hears the reports of that rifle, and hopes Eisen isn't too badly hurt over all this. She was banking on there not being any Elite presence, so much for that.

    A-39 reports in and the Blonde swaps frequencies. "Got it, I should be able to get clear now--" She catches herself before she smacks into the side of a truck coming out a side street. "WHOA! Grrr... Yeah, get outta here."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is groggy there's bystanders who have been hurt, she hears them she's going to have to make a choice the suspect or the injured people she knows what she's going to make. She's slwoly trying to get up. Then the shot comes she moved a bit. Sadly for A-39? Tomoe is not known for staying down she is known for the exact oppsite part of that as one of the primary tanks of the Gatecrasher's union. It's a hit not quite on the money but enough Tomoe is not going to be able to chase after the shooter or Yang for them long enough to get away, though who knows how she'll respond to Yang the next time... they meet.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
Normally, Sanary would try to tough out that shot from Yang with the aid of her healing magic and keep on trucking. Considering the circumstances, though, and the fact that she's getting shot at from that unknown accomplice yet again? It's all too convenient of an excuse to go down from the combined attacks and take a hard landing, cartwheeling a few times before landing flat on her face at the side of the road.

     That last part wasn't quite as intentional. Still, it gives the healer a plausible reason to stay down, and down she stays! <<"Son of a crappin' dammit...!">> It takes her a while longer to get her bearings straight again, but with Yang and A-39 too far away or undetected to pursue , the healer instead starts to circle back.

     Task #2: Healing Tomoe and everyone else that's been forced off the road in that crazy chase.

Kyoko Takada (1132) has posed:
    Evading pursuit is nothing new. Most of A-39's life has been spent in places with fewer living, sapient beings, but the same general principles apply, and she's been getting more practice with this type in the last few months. The police are after her at this point, and for good reason, but she has a head start and plenty of energy, along with a few explosives. They'll find spent casings at the scene, but that's about it, as the sniper disappears.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang guns the engine as Sanary wipes out, and speeds through the warpgate just outside the city limits, as Helicoptors finally arrive on scene and start looking for the motorcycle fruitlessly. The armed response team arrive at the floor, but A-39 is long gone by the time they arrive. They seal the place off, dust for prints and perform initial evidence location and marking, but nothing will likely link the offworlder to the area, unless she comes around again.

    As for the rest, there's plenty of wounded, either with burns from the fire, or other minor and major bruises, lacerations and broken bones from the crashes and the incendiary explosives. Local response teams are on site by the time Sanary returns, and the fires and being quelled with suppressive foam. In all, a relatively clean getaway for such a brazen heist.