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Seeing the sights
Date of Scene: 23 November 2017
Location: The Quilt
Synopsis: Mairead just got her new IS, Clota and is flying around the Multiverse trying it out after a year without one due to an incident and who will she meet that she has never met before?
Cast of Characters: Mairead Sandilands, Touta Konoe

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Flying at a speed of about 400 MPH is a small target or suit of armor that is about six and a half feet tall. The armor is purple in color and as it flys, it slows and lands in this strange place. Setting down, Mairead Sandilands looks as she thinks and the armor fades and she is wearing her IS training suit that looks liek a one piece swimsuit and smiles as she sits, "I have missed that," she states to herself as she looks at her left bicept and than back at the area.

    Walking, she stretchs as she finds a rock and sits that allows her to lean against a tree and smiles. "Now I do not feel useless," she adds in her heavily scottish accented voice.

Touta Konoe has posed:
There's just no way for the young man to describe what he's looking at. As he walks around this unknown land everything is in a constant state of change. While he is unfamiliar of the name of where he has found himself in, the name 'Quilt' does seem to fit here so appropriately as patches continue to alter around Touta. How he got here though, that was a good question which even he's not entirely sure of at the moment.

All he knew was that he had been traversing the area for hours to no avail of finding anyone. It's only when he sees some plane or something in the sky that he thinks he might have a chance of finding civilization. Just as he was about to shout he sees the plane has already started to land in the distance.


He shouts out as loud as he can in the direction he heard the plane land and starts running over. It's to his surprise that once he finally gets close enough that what he sees isn't a plane but. . .

"A girl?"

What he thought was a plane wasn't that at all, but a girl in a swimsuit?

While she seemed to have on a swimsuit, it was Touta who honestly looked like he had been going for a swim. The young man who looked no older than twelve years old was drenched from his shoes up to his black hair. All of his clothes clung to him without remorse and the black sword he carried was drenched as well due to the fact there was no proper sheathe on the young man for him to place it.

"Hey, was that you up there?" he asks while pointing up at the sky.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Blinking, Mairead looks over at the voice and sees a young lad, about 6 years younger than she is. "Aye, it was me," she states to him as she looks him over. "Ye seem lost," she adds as she stands. "Sorry but I do not ahve a towel with me, nor any water," she comments. "Are ye ok?" she asks him as she stands and offers him the rock she was sitting on.

    Standing there, at 5'6" in height she looks aorund. "M' name is Mairead, who might ye be lad?" she asks.

Touta Konoe has posed:
Touta happily takes the rock to sit down at. He puts the sword down at his lap and he takes off his jacket to wring it dry, letting the excess water pour out. He then gives a big smile as he introduces himself.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just really lost right now. Name's Touta by the way. Mairead, do you know where we are exactly? Cause I'm pretty sure this is definitely no where near Japan."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Smiling, Mairead sits down, "Aye, I believe this strange land is called the Quilt," she comments. "I m'self have never been here," she adds as she looks. "Its funny looking, seems liek someone got tired and just put the place together." and she looks. "So ye from Japan?" she asks him as she thinks, "Or I should say which Japan, as there are many here since there are different ones here," she mentions as she raises an eye brow at the amount of water and the sword.

    "Ye do not look liek ye are old enough to use that sword, but I guess ye know how to?" she inquires.

Touta Konoe has posed:
"Hey! How old do I have to look to know how to use a sword?! I'm fourteen yea-"

His remark is stopped short for a moment as his face just stays in the same position for a good moment or so. Then it slowly begins to look a bit more confused and baffled.

"Mairead, did you just say there were 'many' Japans?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
Blinking, she looks at him as he starts, "Wait, ye are fourteen?" she asks him as she nods, "Aye," and she thinks onhow it was explained to her. "This place is called the Multiverse," she starts. "People from different places... um realities I guess it is called, arrive here at random times." and she ponders.

    "Not only people, but places aas well, including cities, countries, nations, and even planets," she counts on her fingers as she thinks. "Have ye ever watched someone cook?" she asks him. "The items that make food are the people and places here in the Multiverse," and she grins and chuckles. "Which makes me think of this place as a big plate of food." Shaking her head she comments, "When I was ye age, I was learning to use a broadsword, and I am a few years older than ye are."

Touta Konoe has posed:
Touta begins listening intently as she brings up the Multiverse. There's head nods and gleaming eyes as she uses cooking food as an analogy for how the Multiverse was comprised. For most people who heard this kind of thing they would probably be in disbelief. How completely preposterous was it to hear that there were multiple universes, multiple Japans and somehow they were all sort of put together on one large plate that they could call the multiverse?

"Wow! That's so cool!"

Touta was definitely not one of those people however. Perhaps it was due to his own circumstances or maybe his personality but he accepted the news pretty easily. There was no sarcasm to his excitement either. It was pretty sincere.

As she mentions his sword he looks down at his lap and picks it up and swings it around a bit to get some of the water to splash off of it.

"Oh, this? It's my trusty sidestick. I've had it for a while now."

As she mentions the age gap between the two of them he begins looking her over and a certain question comes to mind.

"Do you usually wear a swimsuit when you're holding a sword, Mairead?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Looking, she blushes as she looks at herself, "Oi, I forgot I even had this on," and she thinks and her school uniform appears over her suit. "No, that is me suit for when I am in me armor," she adds. "It is comfrontable and she looks at him. "Nomrally, I am in me school uniform or my training auit when I am using me sword." and she shrugs. "I guess for the world I am from and the Japan I live in, it is not somethign we think about," she adds as she looks around.

    "So, ye are looking for ye home? Is there anything specific about it that makes it different form other Japan's?" she asks.

Touta Konoe has posed:
Touta watches as Mairead performs some sort of magical...No scientific...? It looks like she just did a mahou shoujo henshin scene. He whistles for a moment as he takes notice of it.

"I could really use whatever that was right now."

Though as she asks him if he was looking for his home he starts thinking for a moment,

"No clue, I've never had to think about if there were different Japans before and what would separate them from one another." It's kinda true, who ever ponders that kind of stuff in their free time?

"Mmmmm, well in my Japan the year is 2087. We also have a really big tower in New Tokyo that goes all the way up into space. Uhm...Oh! We also have magic. Speaking of Japans, what's your world like? You been in this manyverse for a while?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Nodding, she looks, "Me world is .... interesting," she says. "We have not made it far into exploration of the solar system, sent people to Mars but no farther. We have power armor that is used in combat, but with a lot of rules and it takes 3 years to learn to use them fully. Outside of that, our technology is not that advance, perhaps early 22nd century on some things and early 21st Century on everything else." she states. "The year I am from is 2110 and the armor we have can only be piloted by women and so a lot of things have changed due to this compared to other worlds."

    "We however do not have any Magic but where I am from we have the fae that we believe in still, although not many do," and she looks around. "But every place has something like that in one form or another," and she thinks. "Oh, and different times as well," and she grins. "For example, I know of a place where the ships form the Second World War are used and still battle, as well as ships that travel at speeds faster than light and got to different planets."

Touta Konoe has posed:
There's a look of astonishment and intrigue on his face as Mairead speaks about her world and the other worlds that inhabit the multiverse. He's like a sci-fi nerd hearing about the newest movie or comic book that's just come out.

"Woah, 2110! That's awesome! So that makes you from the future? No wait, you said that it was another universe so your 2110 would be different from my 2110 right? So does that still make you older than me though? I mean if I'm from the past that should mean I'm older. . . "

Touta continues to ramble on with excited questions for a few more moments. Some questions regarding the ships, some regarding the planetary ships traveling faster than light. Clearly this topic has peaked his interest.

"Also, was that your suit that let you fly? How come women are the only one's that are able to use it? Are you just saying that so I won't ask if I can try it?" He looks like he was about to rant off a bit more but he stops himself to let her speak, but he eagerly awaits answers to his questions.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Grining, Mairead thinks, "Well, in terms of birth date ye are older, but as my world is set different than yours, and I am 18," she adds. "Aye, that is me suit," she says as she smiles. "Me suit is call Clota. In Celtic mythology, Clota was the patron goddess of the River Clyde and flows into the Firth of Clyde in Scotland, where I am from." she comments as she chuckles, "No one knows why my armor can only be piloted by women," she says. "Only the one who create them knows and she is not talking about it," and she thinks as she stands. "Ye cannot pilot it but," and she thinks and the school clothing fades as the armor appears in a matter of seconds.....

    Offering her right hand to him. "Come on, let me show you something," and she waits for him.

Touta Konoe has posed:
Touta watches as another mahou shoujo transformation sequence occurs and from it a giant robot like exoskeleton surrounds Mairead. Touta's grin gets bigger as it's unveiled for him. He's got a friend whose a cyborg and but he's never done anything like this before so the spontaneous factor of the transformation is huge for Touta. Before he takes her hand he slowly brings up his blade and fidgets with it for but a moment. He then raps his jacket around his waist. It's not not really dry so there's no point in wearing it, but he can't just leave it lying around. Though once he has his stuff on he takes her hand without any hesitation. In fact he's looking forward to whatever she's about to do.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks, "Hold on," she says as she places her other arm under his legs and picks him up with ease. With asimple thought they are hovering and in a matter of seconds, about 5 they are 200 feet in the air. "This is why the place is call the Quilt," she says as she hovers and spins slowly as all the inofmration that the IS is feeding to her. temp, wind speed, alt, position (GPS), and complete 360 degree vision. "If ye are not use to it, it is scary at first, but I can reach speeds up to 500 miles per hour if I have too," she comments as she looks at him.

Touta Konoe has posed:
There's a sense of relief as she scoops Touta up and they start ascending, but he doesn't say why. But the moment they're up in the air that child like excitement is back on his face. It's as if he's seeing the world for the first time. Though technically speaking, he actually is seeing the Quilt for the first time, and so far he's really impressed.

"Man, this place is just so cool. Everything just keeps changing. I should have fallen into that water sooner!"

Though as soon as she mentions how fast she can go it only furthers his peaked interest ever more. "Can you do it right now maybe?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Looks and thinks as she studies the map in her head, "Hang on," she says as she figured out a place for him that would be safe. "I'll take you to Japan, where I am living at," she adds as the thrusters on her back, her feet and the back of her legs activate and they fly for Academy Island, located in The Great Ocean.

    As they fly, she is able to see everything as if it is normal vision, including anything that maybe in the air and avoids them. For Touta, he would feel the wind in his face, but not the effects of the near Mach 1 force on him.

    "At this speed, the amount of gravitional force or G-force would cause most people to be pushed into whatever theyw ere against. However, my suit has a field that negates that force and I cna change direction on a dime if I have too and not be affected by what that does," she mentions as she stops on dime in the air, going from 500 mph to 0 mph and than back to 500 mph.

Touta Konoe has posed:
The young man begins to have a fangasm at this marvel of technology.

"I don't think I've ever flown on something like this before!"

Mairead must think he's a pretty easily impressed individual at this point with all the 'Ooo' and 'Aaaah' that he's said since meeting her. At least he doesn't seem freaked out by the fact they were moving 500 miles per hour in one moment and then in the next going to 0 without some form of whiplash occurring. Though perhaps that was just ignorance of the young. Once he they arrive near Academy Island he starts looking around as much as possible even wiggling from her grip a bit more than he probably should.

"I can't believe it! Mairead, it's actually another Japan! It looks so different without the tower going into the sky though! How long has this place been here in the manyverse again?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Arriving on the beach within the IS Academy, she sends the armor away and returns too her school uniform, "About a year or two," she says. "Just past the ocean, over the Horizion, is the Hakari Defense Alliance that use the battleships from World War 2 led by Admiral Nagato," and she thinks. "I think that we need to get a place for ye to sleep. Normally, we do not allow lads here, as this academy is all lasses, except for the one lad that can pilot an IS, so odds are you will have a lot of girls chasing you," she says to him. "But it is a place to rest and I will talk witht he Academy President to see if we can get you a pass to stay here till you locate your home or it arrives if it has not yet arrived," she mentions as she knwos that there are many dangers to the Multiverse and since she knows little of what he, Touta, can do she is goign to see that he is kept safe. "Let's get ye to the dorm and a warm bed," she states. "Plus we cna get ye cloths dried," she adds as she walsk with him towards the dorms.

Touta Konoe has posed:
Japan? Sleep? School? Dry clothes? As Mairead was in her IS she was holding on to Touta to make sure he didn't fall off, but now she was about to be surprised as he latched onto her with his own hug!

"Mairead, you're awesome! I thought I was gonna get stranded in that place for weeks or something! Thanks a bunch!"

The fourteen year old boy is without a doubt really affectionate in regards to his gratitude. It would probably be much more pleasant though if he was not still wet from earlier. Well, that wasn't a big deal...Right?

"I owe ya for this, Mairead! I promise if there's anything you need me to do just let me know."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Grinning, she hugs him back, wet or not, "Lad, it is ok," she says. "I am one who will help when it is needed, I was raised that way by me family and it is the right thing to do. I am not going to leave a young lad alone in a unknown place." and she looks off over the sea, "There ar emany dangers here, and many people that can do a lot of harm that even I cannot go against. Plus there are many factions now instead of just two," she states. "I will have to explain it to you once ye have rested and after a good nigths sleep, will take ya to get some food and we can talk more on the multiverse."

    Reaching into a pocket, se pulls out a card, "Hold onto this," she says. "This will allow you to come and go form the IS Academy and if any of the lasses here chase after ye, as all the students but one are lasses, just run. Although I think the 1st years will be the ones to chase after ye more than the 2nd and 3rd years." and she looks as they arrive at the dorm and walk into them. She looks around and walks him over tot he elevator and they take a lift to the forth floor, "This use to be the floor for those form the Union that attended. The rooms are good, dresser, deck, bath, two beds, phone and a computer. The key to the room is on the desk and she opens one of the rooms. "Ye can use this room for the time and I will see about getting it oked to stay here." she says as she smiles. "if ye need me, my room is on the third floor, room 302." she says to him.

Touta Konoe has posed:
Touta's not really sure about this whole factions thing or whatever, but hearing about the dangers and such is something that he can definitely understand without an explanation. It made sense after all, there were probably so many different kinds of people from so many different universes that it had to be crazy to handle here. On one hand it was as Mairead said, just plain dangerous. But with that same danger there was so much to explore. Even the confines of the IS Academy was only one part of this expansive universe. He was definitely going to have to check out a bit more of it before returning to his world.

He takes the card from Mairead giving it a look over for a moment only realizing it was some sort of keycard when she explains it to him.

"Mairead, you make it sound like such a big deal about these girls chasing me. Besides, isn't it every guy's dream to be chased around by girls?" He asks jokingly.

As they continue towards the elevators he stays by her side making sure he doesn't lose her in this school. He's only been to one school as fancy as this before and he's pretty sure that they didn't have any elevators. He only starts speaking again once they finally reach the dormroom. It was extravagant to say the least. It looked like the kind of dorm that was given to rich prepschool kids. What's more it looked like it was for two people, and he had it all to himself. LUCKY!

"Wow, this place looks cozy. I'll make sure to remember your room number. Still, Mairead thanks again for this, you really went out of your way to help me out. Let me make you something to eat tomorrow as a way to thank you. Maybe I'll make something for you and your classmates!"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Smiling, she looks, "Aye it is, but for the lad here as a student, it is too much. There are 8 dorm buildings with 4 floors. 40 rooms per floor adn 2 students per room. 320 people time 8 minus 1 is the number of lasses here, so 2559 lasses of various ages from 13 to 19," she says as she lets him figure it out. "And thank you, I will accept that and it is the right thing to do. Now ye get some sleep and good night."