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Latest revision as of 03:20, 21 December 2018

Berserker vs All-Star
Date of Scene: 21 December 2018
Location: The Shrine of Adversity
Synopsis: Solty challenges Yang to a match.
Cast of Characters: Solty Revant, Yang Xiao Long

Solty Revant has posed:
     After watching Touta fight Yang, Solty wants to try her best against Yang. After letting Yang know she was coming, Solty headed to the smaller arena that Yang has apparently kept on reserve for the last few weeks.

     The green-haired android girl looks a bit nervous as she walks in, her big green furred ears a bit droopy. She looks around for Yang once she is inside. "Hello Miss Yang! Thank you for agreeing to fight with me!" she says once she sees Yang.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is standing pretty much where she waits for everyone that knows the way to the Shrine. Just outside the door to the arena. She waves happily to Solty, pushing off the wall and stretching a little. "Heya Solty. Tryin' your luck huh?" she asks, cracking her knuckles idly while rolling her neck to loosen it up. "Y'wanna call the coin toss like Touta did?" she asks, pulling the poker chip out again. She flips it into the air, letting it fall to the ground instead of catching it so she can't be accused of cheating.

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty nods enthusiastically. "Mr. Touta is strong, so I have to see if I'm strong too if I want to protect him and Roy and Miranda from danger!" she says, giving a determined double fist pump. She blinks as the coin is thrown up, then flails a moment. "Uh uh...heads!" she says quickly, then watches nervously as the coin falls.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang watches the wolf's head land upward, then stoops to pick it up. "Right. You get first swing. Lets get inside." she remarks with a grin, punching in a number on the panel, and walking through the door. "Feel free to start whenever."

Solty Revant has posed:
     "I did it!" Solty says excitedly as the coin lands heads up. She follows Yang inside and nods lightly at the taller woman. "Okay."

     She waits for Yang to get a good distance away, then lowers her stance a bit. "Okay...here I come!" Solty's legs kick and the ground beneath her explodes, as does each step as she runs at a blurring speed. It doesn't look like she would be able to turn very well, but her speed in a straight line is immense! Yang might be able to see the yellow-orange glow that surrounds Solty's fists as she throws a mach speed punch, and her hands seem to be blurring like they are vibrating at high speed. "Hyaaaah!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang turns, bringing her fists up after her gauntlets deploy along her forearms. She narrows her eyes appraisingly as Solty comes charging in straight at such speed. She moves to dodge, but that fist grazes past her Aura, causing it to flare brilliantly with the sheer force of the blow, even if she manages to not take the full force.

    Overbalancing, she staggers to the side, turning one full revolution, before planting her feet and bringing her own haymaker around with the extra momentum!

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty impacts that aura and blinks. "Oooooh." It is pretty dazzling after all! She sees the incoming hit from Yang and brings up her arms in an x-block, but even so she lets out a squeak as she is hit and gets sent skidding back before her feet catch and she bounces a couple of times. She catches herself after the second bounce. "Wow! That was even harder than when that military vehicle hit me!" she says, her forearms smoldering a bit.

     She comes running back, but not quite as quickly this time. She jumps side to side as she goes, trying to juke Yang out before throwing a small combination of weaker punches. It is obvious she has little to no formal training or experience. She's just doing whatever feels natural.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang brings her guard up again, grinning at the girl. "Well, I managed to pick up a tank and hit another tank with it, so..." she remarks, then turtles up her guard, rope-a-doping the combos into her Aura, before shifting to respond.

    She brings one arm out to parry a punch, then turns to aim her elbow into Solty's side, using the shotgun built into her gauntlet to make the strike that much harder!

Solty Revant has posed:
     "You did? That's pretty amazing!" she says, her momentum carrying her just far enough that Yang's hit isn't quite a solid one. Still, it dents Solty's side a bit and she winces. It probably felt like hitting a solid steel plate rather than a fairly small young woman.

     Solty tries to mimic Yang by attempting to use her momentum this time, spinning with the hit and bringing a leg around in a high kick aimed at Yang's head. Nothing fancy. She may not even really have fancy things to use. Her style seems very straight forward. "How'd you get so strong?" she asks even as she kicks.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang straightens back from the strike, and gets clobbered upside the head by the spinning kick. She goes down to one knee, stumbling over as her Aura flares to dull the impact, but that one HURT!

    Yang rolls through the fall, coming up and hiding her eyes... though the shift in stance should be familiar. "I got this strong, because I had to." she says, her voice losing some of that jovial attitude, replaced with a slightly stressed tone that betrays a deep, burning rage. "I. BURN!" she declares, her Aura exploding and sending a ripple of force out from her, blowing her hair into a billowing cloud that spalls off motes of ember-like energy, her eyes a pair of glowing red coals.

    Yang then shifts gears, and starts punching the air, launching semi-homing explosive bolts as she sets her stance to brace her almost-flailing attack!

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty's ears twitch as she hears that change in tone and sees the difference in demeanor. "...uhoh..." she says softly, then takes off running. She leaps, ducks, jukes, and slides to try and avoid the hits, but even so they still leave plenty of scuffs and scratches on her body, and one hit manages to break through on her belly. She cries out and covers it with a hand, but rather than blood there is a sparking of electricity instead. "How come?" she asks as she comes running back in, her steps cracking the ground once more. "Hyaaaaah!" She leaps and comes diving in, going for a flying punch.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shifts stance as Solty comes back in. She takes the punch head on, then leans aside to let it roll off of her Aura. As she allows Solty's momentum to carry her through the strike, she brings a knee up into Solty's midsection, then grips her hands together and slams both of them down in an axe-handle into Solty's back! "My world, is a horrible place, where the strong protect the weak, fighting and dying so others can live!" she says, her voice attempting to remain conversational, but that building anger filtering through.

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty's ears droop as she hears that and she looks a bit distraught. "That's terrible...I'm sorry." she says, even as she brings her arms down to block that knee before turning in the air to do the same against that axe-handle hit. It is still pretty brutal though, and Solty gets smashed into the ground with a pained yelp.

     "But, that makes you a hero!" Solty says as she lies there a moment, then braces her hands against the ground before going into a pommel horse kind of spin, using her legs to try and trip Yang before rolling and bringing the other down to try and catch Yang on the ground. "And that makes you a good person, so if you ever need help, just ask!" she says, her smile cheerful despite its determination.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang tries to set her legs against the sweep, but ends up going over. She lands hard, her Aura flaring one last time, before fizzling out... but she isn't nearly done yet. Swinging her legs around and spinning back up onto her feet, she fires in front of her, clearing some distance before slamming her fists together. "And that's why I'll keep getting stronger! SO I can protect those who can't protect themselves!" she bellows. She burns, her hair billowing out like golden flames... "So, let me show you all of my conviction in a single attack." her power surges. Anyone with a scouter nearby would probably have it exploding off their face as she gathers all the energy she's been absorbing, gathering it into her fists as they start to burn with golden flames.

    Yang then leaps, soaring like a comet, before coming crashing down to slam her fist into the arena floor, sending a ripple out along the ground, that's followed by a massive ring of rock spikes to come erupting from the ground, leaving very little space to evade!

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty gives a firm nod as Yang says that stuff about getting stronger, but when her power flares like that and she says she is going to show Solty all her conviction Solty looks a little worried. But, she clenches her fists and gets ready.

     At least, she thought she would be ready. She was made to have superhuman reaction times and instant speed. But it isn't enough this time. Solty jumps...and those spikes erupt. Catching her right in the middle of them. "Gaaaah!" The little android girl ends up with just her head sticking out, and after a few moments of shuddering and electrical arcs she passes out.

     The Shrine detects her defeat and resets, and she lands with an 'oof' before sitting up and rubbing her head. "Ouch..." she says with a bit of a wince, then giggles a bit and smiles to Yang as she sits there. "The people in your world must be glad you are around!" she says, then stands up and bows politely. "Thank you for the battle. I hope I did good at least!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang pants in the little crater she made, standing straight, then flumping down on her ass, legs splayed out as she leans back on her hands, even as the reset triggers. "Some are, some aren't... I'm not even a full Huntress yet, one more year at Beacon then I'll be able to take jobs and all that other stuff." she says, her eyes shifted back to the normal lilac as she grins at Solty. "Could use a bit more finesse and flash, change up your attack style a bit. You got really easy to read." she offers. "Try taking some martial arts classes or something, learn a few techniques that you can adapt to your own style. It's what I did."

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty listens intently to Yang's advice, then blinks and tilts her head. "You aren't even a full Huntress yet? Does that mean you'll get even stronger?" she asks, then smiles brightly. "Would you be able to teach me some things? I don't really have any training. I guess I'm supposed to have fighting programming but...I can't really remember it. I don't know of any martial arts teachers in the City, and I don't think Roy would let me if he knew about it anyway." She seems a bit worried about that last part. "...he probably wouldn't even like that I came here to fight you, even though we can only barely get hurt in here."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang ponders that, then nods a bit. "I mean, you're a fighter back on your world, right? Makes sense to teach you how to look after yourself, even if you're supposed to stay out of trouble, yeah?" she remarks, flopping onto her back and just sprawling out. "I could teach you a few things, but I focus mostly on my fists and punching stuff... not a balanced combat style."

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty lies back beside Yang, though more carefully. "...I'm not sure, actually. I know I'm strong, but I don't really know why I was made as strong as I am. I don't really have powers like you or Mr. Touta, just my strength and some kind of power generation ability." She holds up her hands and looks at them. "...sometimes I wish I could remember, but then I'm afraid if I did that I'd have to leave Roy and Miranda and Kasha." she says, then turns her head to look at Yang. "Do you have a family?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Can I get away with 'it's complicated'?" asks Yang with a chuckle. "But seriously, there's my Dad, he taught me the basics of hand-to-hand, that I carried on adapting to my own style... and my little sister, Ruby." her face loses the smile and goes a bit somber. "I never knew my mom... but Ruby's mom was like... /super mom/, baker of cookies, and slayer of giant monsters."

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty's ears perk at 'it's complicated' and she nods lightly before listening. "Oh. You and your sister have different moms?" She thinks a moment. "I guess that isn't so unusual. Kasha and I are both adopted, so Roy wasn't always my dad and Miranda wasn't always Kasha's mom." Her ears droop a bit as she hears how Yang talks about Ruby and Ruby's mom. "...are you mad because she had a great mom and you don't know yours?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "What? No! Summer was an awesome mom even if she wasn't mine!" replies Yang defensively. "I never knew my mom cuz she walked out on Dad when I was still a baby."

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty flinches and holds up her hands in front of herself apologetically. "Sorry! I..um..." Solty isn't sure what to say. "...uh...a-are you hungry? Kasha showed me this thing called a 'burger' and it's really tasty!" She hops up quickly and smiles. "I bet we could find somewhere nearby!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang's demeanor flips 180 at the mention of food. All hostility gone in a flash, like someone flicked a switch. She kips up from the floor, and nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, sure. I know a place nearby. C'mon!" she says, laying an arm around Solty's shoulders, and practically picking her up to head out of the arena.

Solty Revant has posed:
     Solty blinks in surprise at the sudden shift, then again as she is almost carried out. "Great!" she says happily, hanging on to Yang so she neither of them get tripped up. She makes a mental note not to talk about Yang's moms!