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Latest revision as of 01:11, 15 May 2019

MECC: Yang Xiao Long vs Note
Date of Scene: 14 May 2019
Location: MECC Stage 5
Synopsis: Note and Yang's bout
Thanks to: Touta for commentating
Cast of Characters: 6386, Yang Xiao Long, Touta Konoe

Note (6386) has posed:
    The Arena is a raised circular platform of immense size. Marble-textured white tiling for hundreds and hundreds of square feet. It floats high above a sunlit grassy plain. Warm and pleasant weather is a constant here, with the humidity kept low so martial artists won't be drowning in their own sweat...

    A gateway rises from one end of the circle and Note emerges from it, with the gateway receding as she steps clear of it!

    She's dressed in her usual attire and looking out across the arena at her opponent's entrance location...

    "Alright... it's time to show off the results of all my hard work with that gravity training!" She brings both hands up, wrists crossed... and SLAMS THEM BACK DOWN to her waist in a bold motion. "HAAAAAH!"

    With an instantaneous *KRAKA-WHOOOOSH* golden power bursts up around her, igniting into a constant shining aura that fills the air with a thrumming pulse-noise. Her hair raises into an array of spikes, shifting to a similar golden hue, while her eyes narrow as they change from black to green...

    Yang's seen this before, sure. But this time something's different. The transformation DIDN'T wreck the arena around her. It didn't shake the ground. And... a few moments after it completes, the aura drastically dampens down into just a filmy glow surrounding Note.

    The only question one must ask is... how is this being LESS overtly impressive an improvement?

    "So you better show me what you've got! I'm not gonna hold back!" As if to prove this statement, Note lashes out with a palm, launching a bolt of burning blue Ki straight for her opponent!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang steps out of a gateway that mirrors Note's. She lifts an arm to the crowd or cameras watching, then deploys her gauntlets with a bit of a flourish. She settles into a stance as Note performs her transformation, quirking a brow at the more subdued state. "Wouldn't expect ya to, Note." replies Yang with a grin, bringing her arms up in a crossed guard to tank that energy bolt, aura flaring brightly as she absorbs the strike and skids back slightly from the impact.

    "Whew! That was a spicy one! Here, give this one a go!" bellows Yang, bringing her right arm back behind her, then throwing a haymaker towards Note, flinging a bolt of explosive power right back at the young saiyan

Touta Konoe has posed:
     Touta finds himself back in the guest seat within the commentator box. "Alright, guess I'm back at it again. Still you think they'd give me another person to commenta-" A wry smile comes on his face as he looks over to the corner.

     The crowd is eager as the fighters arrive at their corners. Cheers can be heard for both competitors from the stands and while they might be cheering for different people everyone wants to see punches fly.

     The chattering and hollering settles though as intro music begins and a voice comes in over the comms. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the MECC Tournament! For those who are just tuning in the name's Touta Konoe here as a guest commentator for this fight! And as a special treat we have another guest commentator with me! Not a lot of people know him, but he's one of the sharpest guys around say hello to Sable Si-"

     "It's Kurobo! And I didn't...Ah whatever. Greetings all who are watching. For this fight we have two powerhouse contestants who specialize in the art of hand to hand combat. In the red corner we have someone who's been garnering much attention already in this tournament, Yang Xiao Long. With a record of one win and two losses she's come to let everyone know she's ready to even the score."

     "And you said you didn't wanna do this? And in the blue corner for her second fight, we have Note...Uh...It just says Note. Well, no biggy! So far Note's one for one in the tournament so far. So this match will go to show that she's no fluke! Now without further ado, let's get this match started!"

     The buzzer goes off and before a punch is even thrown Note does something that leaves Touta speechless.

     "Hmm, it looks like Note intends to start this fight with everything she's got, letting her ki amass to the point that not only is it visible to the naked eye, but appears to be changing color as well. Fascinating..."

     "Wait, how do you even know all of th- Ah?! And Note starts the offensive by firing off some sort of blue Ki at Yang! How's she gonna handle it?!"

     "A spicy attack indeed, but Yang toughs the blow, showing she knows how to handle the heat. It looks like she intends to return the favor though with a bit of heat of her own."

Note (6386) has posed:
    Funny how the two martial artists are starting off with ranged attacks! Note all but mirrors Yang's motion, shielding her face and torso with her comparatively tiny arms. The blast bowls her over though! The little Saiyan yelps in surprise as she tumbles over backwards and rolls three times, but ends up on all fours... and springing forward instantly.

    Transitioning into a sustained dash, she zigs and zags across the distance to confuse Yang!

    "Alright, warm-up's over!" Being a little shorter than Yang isn't going to stop this girl. She swings up in front of her opponent and opens up with a flurry of punches and kicks meant to overwhelm her defenses and drive her back!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang's ready for the rush. It's exactly what she'd do in that position and with the flurry of blows coming in, she starts intercepting them with punches of her own. The addition of kicks, and the smaller frame of the saiyan makes sure that she's pummeled pretty hard, Aura blazing bright yellow, similar to Note's own ki aura in some ways.

    She grins and shifts slightly, grabbing at one of Note's legs as a kick comes in. Should she get a good grip, she starts to slam the Saiyan into the arena floor, using her augmented strength.

Note (6386) has posed:
    There's tremendous power behind Note's strikes. Every time they clash with Yang's, the air ripples and thunders, energy sizzling at the point of contact as her Ki wars with Yang's own power. The arena beneath the warriors groans and cracks before long.

    But one mis-placed kick lands the little Saiyan in hot water! "--Aaah--"


    That would be it for most people. But Note manages to shield herself from the worst by twisting her body around and spreading the impact around!

    The problem with grabbing her by the leg though... is that it leaves her tail free to curl about Yang's offending arm. The moment she's slammed into the ground one last time... Note uses her low-to-the-ground leverage and tailgrip to SPRING OFF THE GROUND and drive a DEEP and solid kick at Yang's gut, while trying to pull Yang into it using her tail!

Touta Konoe has posed:
     "It looks like Note attempts to tought it out like Yang, but finds it's not as easy to suffer a blow like that as you may think. Perhaps Ki isn't as thorough as Aura in soaking up damage? Hmm..."

     "Uh, either way it looks like Note's quick to get back on her feet! Man, look at that speed! I didn't remember her being that quick before but she's putting it to good use with an onslaught of strikes!"

     The crowd continues cheering as Yang takes the hits in tandem. The crowd is loving every second of this bare-knuckle brawl.

     "Yang's experience is showing now however. She's blocking every strike coming at her by matching Note's rhythm and countering each strike with her own."

     "Yeah, looks like it, Note better be careful though. As someone who's fought Yang before the more you dish out against her, the more fired up Yang gets, and the more fired up Yang gets, the nastier the punches are gonna be!"

     And then...Oh dear the humanity...Or saiyanity? This narrator isn't sure.

     "Uggh...If I could cringe that would have definitely done it. Contestant Xiao Long finds an opportunity to slip past Note's strikes and begins mercilessly slamming her into the floor as if she were a sack of potatoes. That could end the fight right there..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang takes the springkick right in the gut, her aura flaring brightly, then shattering with an electric crackle and the sound of breaking glass. She staggers back doubling over...

    Then she shifts her hand and GRABS Note by the tail, squeezing down hard as she lifts her head, eyes glowing red and her usual jovial grin taking on an air of malice. "Nice hit.... I actually felt that one." she says, then uses her grip onf Note's tail to pull her in and then wraps her arms around the saiyan, squeezing tightly.

Note (6386) has posed:
    "Ghuk--" Something WEIRD happens the moment that Yang puts real force into her grip on Note's tail. A startled squawk escapes the little martial artist and the power in her limbs goes noodly! The golden aura dies out, her transformation ending like a snuffed-out candle.

    There's nothing she can do... for a half-second, anyways. That's long enough for Yang to get her arms around Note, but the moment the grip on her tail's released... she sucks in a breath of relief, her strength returning.

    She can only hope that Yang won't make the connection here.

    But her strengthen returning's not enough. as she's crushed against Yang's body, bones creaking from the pressure. "GHYAGHHHHHH!!!" In this insane grip she can only wriggle this way and that, clenching her teeth from increasing pain....

    But pain and anger is something she thrives on.

    With a renewed burst of energy, Note roars a kiai at the top of her lungs, flexing a storm of power through her muscles to pry Yang's grip loose. The golden power ignites once again, her golden-haired state resuming... except this time, it goes even further. Her arm and leg muscles suddenly gain about an inch of girth, power crackling and sizzling wildl. THIS aura cannot be subdued and contained. It rages like an angry animal, snapping at the air with bonfire intensity. But the result is obvious... a HUGE magnification of strength.

    Free of Yang's grip, Note drives a zero-distance ELBOW into Yang's gut this time!

Touta Konoe has posed:
     The crowd finds its voice once more as Note breaks out of the slam! It looks this fight was still going to continue and they are ready to see more from the faux blonde.

     "Well, that's still the toughest sack of potatoes I've seen. Note uses her tail to pull Yang in as she springs off the last slam and into a solid kick right into Yang's gut! And it looks like it was crazy effective! Yang's stepping back her aura looking like glass that was shatterring. This might have evened the playing field."

     "It's never that easy for experienced fighters, and contestant Xiao Long is proving that now. It appears she's taking advantage of Contestant Note's exposed tail to get a better grip on her opponent. It goes to show it doesn't matter whether it's an arm, leg or tail. A fighter must be wary of the placement of their body."

     "Looks like it, and it seems Yang's doesn't plan to miss this chance! Oh wow...Folks this'll be a first, at least for me, Yang's opting out of using her fists or strikes and going full wrestler! This dragon's got Note in a Bear Hug!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang loses her grip, blasted away by the pulse of raw ki slamming into her like a bubble of force. She staggers back from the force, then gets knocked back further from the elbow, doubling over, and dropping to a knee. Could she be out already?

    Unfortunately for the saiyan, Yang's much more tough than all that. She stands up, and much like Note, she reignites her own Aura, the field flaring brilliantly, before fading into nothing again. "That's more like it! Playtime's over!" she bellows, grinning wildly as her hair begins to flare like flames. She sets her stance and slams her fists together, before kicking off from the arena. It leaves a crater from the force of her leap, and much like Note earlier, she closes in to unleash a punishing flurry of blows. Each punch augmented with a pulse of kinetic power as her shotguns fire.

Note (6386) has posed:
    Note faces the onslaught head-on! The results, however... are a little predictable. She is considerably smaller than Yang. For all she pours Ki through her limbs to amplify her strength and match blow for blow... it's her arms that tremble as the strikes resound one after another. Those gauntlets are the biggest difference though. Each 'shot' sends a terrible ache through Note's arms. Every parry is more pain and absorbed shock.

    Eventually her little body just can't soak up any more, and one of Yang's blows hits home head-on. Note goes flying, slamming hard into the tiling. She bounces and skids... but SLAMS her hands into the ground to bleed off momentum... and rises, bruised and bloodied. "... guess there's no way I can overpower you up close... okay then!" Note inhales sharply, gathering her power. Her aura blazes brilliantly, swirling and pulsing with increased fury as she does so...

    The girl then extends her arms, palms together... and draws them to her side, one held opposite the other to create a small space to contain-- "Kaaaaa Meeee Haaaa Meeee..." With every syllable of the chant, what's coming becomes readily apparent. A spark of blue ki appears in the space between her palms and swiftly expands, straining against its cage.

    "HAAAAAAA!!!" Predictably, she thrusts those hands forward, framing Yang in her vision. Now given an escape, the compressed Ki erupts into a sustained wave that courses across the arena, straight for Yang!

Touta Konoe has posed:
     Touta blinks for a moment keeping silent as the crowd continues to cheer. "Huh, what was-"

     "Touta pay attention it's your turn!"

     "Ah, my bad! And it looks like Note's releasing a huge surge of power to release herself from Yang's monster grip! She's making it a point to show off that power with a mean elbow right in the again! That's not gonna be fun even for Yang!"

     Once again Note appears to do the impossible breaking out of a tough situation and the crowd just loves it! Though there are still some in the crowd cheering for Yang to get her back into another hold, or to slam her around like a pack of potatoes again. People apparently really liked that move for some reason...People are cruel...

     "This seems to put some distance between the two. Contestant Xiao Long is reeling back but...No, not yet. She's still clinging onto the fight. To the contrary, it seems she's copying Contestant Note now, Igniting her Aura in a way it looks like fire. I wonder if the crowd can feel any heat from the stands or not?"

     "Yang's going in with her own explosive flurry but Note's finding her own rhythm! But you can feel the second impact of each strike from up here folks! Yang's punches are doubling up along with those gauntlets! Every impact gets a second with them and Note's face says it al- Ah?! It hits! One of Yang's blows finds an opening! Note's sent flying! Note...You alright?"

     The crowd goes silent for a moment as the see her bounce off the ground like a stone skipping atop a body of water. But the silence breaks again as she finds it in her to stand up again.

     "Contestant Note's brings herself to her fight though it doesn't seem that she's planning to get back into a close-up fight with Contestant Xiao-Long...Oh...Interesting...Let's see what Contestant Note's endeavors will yield!"

     "Eh...Wait, Kurobo, what're you talking about? What's Note doing? What's that she's saying? Wait, what's all that Blue Ki building up all of a sudden! Oh my she's shooting it! She's shooting some sort of beam thing! Is that actually Ki?!" Touta might be fanboying a little at this application of Ki...

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang roars as she knocks Note flying. She then levels her eyes on the saiyan as she powers up a desperate gambit. Yang doesn't move, she doesn't even try to dodge. Instead she opens her palms and aims to grab the head of that beam. Her hands sink into the plasma, her aura flaring brilliantly against the blue ki. She somehow manages to endure the beam, and with a howling kiai of her own, shifts her grip and sends the monsterous attack into the sky with an Aura-boosted uppercut.

    Her outfit is tattered, her body scorched, but her eyes are blazing with fury and her grin remains on her face... those eyes are almost literally glowing red, luminous in the shade of her hair as she hangs hunched forward like some kind of animal. "That was... pretty good. I'm really pumped now.... how about we finish this." she says. Her aura flares one last time, then shatters under its own accord.

    Yang then fires behind her, launching forwards and up, arcing over the arena to slam down near to Note's position. She slams her fist into the arena, causing it to ripple and crack, sending shrapnel and debris flying all over the place in a circle around her, but mostly directing a cone toward Note.

Note (6386) has posed:
    Note WINCES as she sees the effort Yang's putting into dealing with that blast! A redoubling of effort sends a bulging PULSE coursing down the beam to make things harder for Yang, but... it's not enough. The beam is deflected and Note ceases to feed it with more power.

    That, though, WINDED HER pretty severely. On top of the beating she's suffered, Note staggers forward a few feet gasping for breath... and just isn't capable of gathering herself in time! She attempts to leap OVER the wave of growing debris, but is pelted by chunks of stone and dragged into the brunt of it eventually!

    Absolutely covered in rubble, Note's smashed to the ground and isn't getting back up. Just sort of wobbling back and forth trying to summon the strength.

    After a moment or two of that, though, her transformation sputters out. "UUuugh..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang slowly pushes back to her feet from the middle of her crater. She wobbles a moment or two, then lifts her left fist in victory. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?" she bellows, rallying the crowd one last time before the arena resets, and she releases her Semblance, staggering as the power ebbs and she nearly topples over. "Whoah... man. That was a hell of a workout." she remarks, then approaches Note's landing zone, offering a hand to the saiyan. "Hey, y'wanna go eat some of the buffet places in town out of business?" she asks, grinning boistrously at her friend.

Touta Konoe has posed:
    "What a spectacle...Contestant Xiao-Long instead of dodging this huge blast of ki is appearing to try and tough it out. She's already suffered so much damage accumulating already, does she still have enough to-"


     The crowd isn't really sure what's going on, but Touta's yelling and if he's yelling it must be worth yelling about right? So everyone's yelling. Some are cheering there heads off, some are in just absolute disbelief, and then there's some just shouting "Hacks!" but it's being overshadowed by everything else.

     "Contestant Xiao-Long's endurance is monsterous. It's hard to believe her record looking at this fight before us. But it seems now that Yang's cleaned up that attack she's taking no time at all. She's launching herself into the sky."

     "Up...Up...She's really getting some air time. Ah wait, she's coming down! She's coming in hot! Did you feel that folks?! Yang's landing sends a crazy shockwave! Bits of the arena are going everywhere! But it looks like Note's getting bombarded with it none the less! She's trying her best to get past it all but-!"

     "..." The crowd goes silent as she falls on her back, there's no sign of getting back up. Though as her transformation reverts her back to her normal non-golden hairdo another voice comes over the comms.

     "It's over. Contestant Note is no longer able to fight. Contestant Yang Xiao Long is the victor."

     The crowd goes wild at the announcement. Cheers are heard, fists are raised to imitate Yang who's lifted her own fist up in victory. Yang's name is chanted amongst the crowd, and a round of applause is given as she goes to offer the Saiyan a hand of support. Nothing makes a crowd pleaser like a good sport right?

     "Yep. It looks like Yang really brought it today. Great job to both our contestants and an amazing way to end a fight! That's all we have for these two contestants tonight, but if you want to see more keep up to date on the MECC website where you can find awesome stuff from our sponsors!"

Note (6386) has posed:
    "Nghhh..." Note's a bit woozy after that... but looking up and seeing yang there, she grins sheepishly and takes the offered hand, hauling herself unsteadily to her feet and dusting herself off. Thankfully the weird systems of this place are kicking in, reversing the apparent injury rather quickly. So her strength's quickly returning! Except... at the mention of food.

    Her stomach growls rather loudly. And in embarassment she lashes her tail back and forth a few times. "Ehehehehe... yeah, sounds like a great idea! Guess I've got to work harder, huh?"