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Latest revision as of 01:54, 22 May 2019

MECC: Lezard Valeth vs Yang Xiao Long
Date of Scene: 21 May 2019
Location: MECC Arena 1
Synopsis: The MECC battle between Yang Xiao Long and Lezard is explosive!
Cast of Characters: Lezard Valeth, Yang Xiao Long

Lezard Valeth has posed:

A gathering of the most hypermurderous hobos and elites across the Multiverse, all here to show off their stuff and test the limits of both the Shrine of Adversity and spacetime in general. Because holy crap there's a lot of murder flying about.

Amongst the contestants, the greatest heroes and most nefarious villains face off in theoretically sportsmanlike murderball. Lezard strides forward into the arena, the barriers to maximum between the contestants and the audience for IMPORTANT REASONS. He flips his cape impressively, looking out over the area and accepting both applause and the booing of the crowd.

It will be a wonderful evening.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Stage One.

    The arena is a wide, open area split into two different 'elemental' fields. Yang rises from beneath on an elevator platform on a fiery plain, pools of lava-like substance bubbling and the ground looking red hot and cracked. Lezards side is the polar opposite. Literally. An icy field, frozen pools of water, and rises of ice.

    Yang lifts her head, and punches the air, firing a firework-like shell into the air once she's in place on the field. "Yo? How d'ya like this? It's kinda like how the Vytal Arena works. in Team and Duo matches. Kinda meant to be a simple flat arena for the solo matches, but I thought it'd be better for the fans." she says, then settles into her combat stance.

    Once the buzzer sounds to begin, she charges forward, leaping over a little hillock. She fires her gauntlets, lands right in Lezard's personal space, then jinks to the left and brings a sweeping punch in, aiming into his side with a quick flurry of jabs.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard smiles as he sees the arena shift and take on powerful elemental energies. "Fire and ice, hmm? Nothing I cannot handle. I remember you had been hoping for this battle for some time, have you nod?" He gestures, smiling. "Then come! Let us have a battle to end all battles! LET US SEE HOW LONG YOU CAN FACE MY MIGHT!"

Yang needs no urging, however, and she charges down the Midgardian mage with fists flying. Lezard sweeps out a hand, and a wave of bones rise up to try to interdict, but Yang hammers straight through them, only to begin pummelling Lezard. "Gggh! Curse it all!" There is a flash of power and Lezard blasts away, breaking out of the combo with a wave of force as he lands on a sweeping rise of ice. With a flourish, he draws out a twisted cane tipped with black steel. "Aggressive, aren't you? Very well, two can play at that game! ICICLE EDGE!"

As he calls out, the ice ruptures around Yang and slashes up and through her position, countless ice spikes rending the area!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang grins a bit as the mage backs off. "It's part of my charm~. Some men like a woman who does it rough." she chirps, bounding on the balls of her feet. Then, Lezard uses his magic stick and starts making ice blades slash up around her. She crosses her arms to guard and braces her stance, letting the blades slash against her Aura, some breaking through and leaving gouges in her arms and legs, across her midriff and one slices her cheek.

    After the blades finish moving, she surges her Aura, shattering the ice and cracking her knuckles. "Not bad. I actually felt that." she says, grinning ferally. The shallower gashes start to seal up glowing faintly with her Aura. She rolls her shoulders, bounces in place a couple of times, then dashes forward again, firing her gauntlets behind her to boost her speed to close the distance again.

    This time, she throws a slower combo of punshes, each one accompanied by a shotgun blast of kinetic energy just before the fist would impact.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard grimaces for a moment at the quip. "Sadly, you are not my type." He murmurs. He immediately moves to a defensive position as Yang breaks out of the ice and comes straight for him. The first strike gets parried by the dark rod, Lezard knocking the fist weapon aside, but the second impacts him straight in the chest. Lezard yelps as the impact slams into him, sending him tumbling down the ice and skidding into the lava section. He slams the rod into the ground, stopping himself before he tumbles right into a caldera. "That was close." He mutters, before he lifts himself up to his feet with a wave of power. There isn't much fancy footwork with Lezard, his technique mostly being the equivalent of archetypal magical artillery. Speaking of which...

"Let us see if you feel this one as well. FIRE LANCE!" He lashes out, power surging around him as a dozen curling pears of flame erupt out and drive down upon Yang... But that's not all. The power grows even stronger as he begins another intonation.

    "The time of exorcism is at hand!"
        "Venomous servants, unleash thy dark flames!"

As he speaks, the lava erupts, great flames being hurled out of the caldera to slams down upon Yang in an unceasing rain of fire.

                             "CALAMITY BLAST!"                              

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang grunts as she sends Lezard flying. She grins, knocking her gauntlets together. "Aww, don't be like that~." she singsongs, clasping her hands behind her back and leaning forward flirtishly. She then immediately dives to the side as those fire blasts come streaking down on her, yelping as she's caught in the rain, only saved from being charbroiled by diving backwards into the ice area and letting the cold fight the heat.

    Once she emerges again, her hair is giving off motes of golden light, and her eyes have taken on a burning, angry red. The grin remains, but it's less flirty, more malicious. "Alright, now I'm startin' to get pissed off. Y'wanna do it like that. Warm-up time's over."

    Yang brings her fists together, sending a pulse of kinetic force out from her body, before she starts punching the air. Each punch ripples the air itself, as she flings exploding bolts of Dust at Lezard, exploding like tank shells on impact!

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard looks upon Yang's glittering, red-eyed form coolly. "Oh? You need a warm-up time?" He asks. The response, however, is impressive, as she begins punching air waves at him. The first impact crashes against him, and Lezard skids backwards, being forced back as he works to ward away the impacts. The air slams again and again, deep bruising forming all over his body as he is forced to hammer back into a burning cliff. Several impacts begin cratering them into the wall, until he finally yells, "ENOUGH!" Another wave of light and power blasts outwards, shattering the next incoming waves.

He staggers forward. He doesn't look like he's handling this as cleanly as Yang, but the fire in Lezard's eyes has yet to abate. There is a wash of energy as Lezard begins channelling power once more. "You are far too dangerous to allow this to continue. It is time to end this here and now!"

    "Ye of detestable name and virtue, false apostle!"
                "Thou art bade back to the abyss!"

High above the battlefield, golden lights form and gather, the air blasting apart to reveal a hellish, unceasing energy that blasts downwards, a spear of annihilating holy power that crashes down upon Yang!

                              "SERAPHIC LAW!"                              

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang's form is obliterated by the beam of white light. There isn't even a shadow within for several fleeting moments... right up until a clarion voice, bestial and angry. The beam is interrupted by a surge of golden light, the white light shattering much like the air pulses around Lezard.

    Yang is mighty pissed. So pissed she doesn't even wait for her clothes to go out. She leaps into the air and comes down like a comet right on top of Lezard's position. But she isn't aiming at him. Instead she slams her fist into the ground, pumping a shot into the arena floor and causing it to riple and crack, sending debris in all directions around her, but most of it's aimed at Lezard.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard was hoping to finish this quickly. Unfortunately, he underestimated Yang's incredible tenacity. The moment she begins to emerge from the obliterating light, Lezard growls. "No..."

And she leaps. "NO!" The ground shakes as it rolls towards him. "NO NO NO NO NO!" He yells, watching the situation he thought he had well in hand promptly slip out of them. The world shakes around him, and Lezard is crushed and battered by the power of the earth, shaking him down and crushing him under burning rock.

Finally, after several moments, the rock rolls away, leaving Lezard on his knees, gasping. "... You win this day, Yang Xiao Long. Congratulations... I yield." He grimaces, as if it pains him to even say that compared to the damage to his body.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang stands from the crater she made. She takes a breath, releasing her Semblance, and then grins at Lezard. The arena fades to a flat, empty space, and then does its magic of resetting the fighters to their prefight condition. "Hey man, no hard feelings yeah? You nearly got me with that big laser thing. If I didn't use my Aura to deflect some of it, I'd be on the floor yielding right now." She walks over and offers a hand to get the magician back to his feet. "C'mon, let me get ya a drink or something. My treat."

Lezard Valeth has posed:
For a moment there is a scowl on Lezard's face, but he smooths it out, standing up and dusting himself off. He nods, and walks along with Yang, taking her hand and trying to resume his stance. "None this time. Come, let us enjoy some refreshments and watch some of the other matches. May as well enjoy the sights while we are here."