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Latest revision as of 04:19, 1 June 2019

MECC: Lezard Valeth vs Wandering Dog
Date of Scene: 31 May 2019
Location: MECC Arena 3
Synopsis: Lezard vs. Wandering Dog!
Cast of Characters: Lezard Valeth, Wandering Dog
Tinyplot: MECC 2019

Lezard Valeth has posed:

The arena is packed with a crowd today, as one might expect with the massive number of high powered Elites duking it out in a contained enviornment that will prevent them from being atomized from collateral damage. So much the better, as Lezard 'Meteor Swarm Solves All Problems' Valeth steps into the ring, taking up his place as he draws out his mysterious book. It floats, he floats, we all float down here. As he awaits the start bell, he smiles to Wandering Dog. "You must have been looking forward to this for some time, have you not.... /hero/?"

Wandering Dog has posed:
As the audience cheers for the two competitors as they arrive in the arena, one of them is Wandering Dog, the old martial artist dressed in his tunic. He's excited for this fight - he's always fought on the same side of Lezard, never against him...so it'll be interesting to see how it goes. Cheerful enough, the Dragon-Blooded moves to the starting position, and nods his head to Lezard when he arrives. "Absolutely. Let's see how you can do against my martial arts. Good luck!" The you'll need it is actually not even left unsaid, since Dog knows Lezard is capable. This is going to be a fight that tests him.


When the bell rings, Wandering Dog instantly channels his essence through his body, speeding up. He steps forward, and then dashes into Lezard's direction, leaping up towards him and moving to launch a strong floating kick into his center of mass. Despite the fact that people shouldn't work that way, the essence flowing through Dog allows him to kick not once, but twice, off the ground, before he'd hit the ground again.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
"I prefer to make my own luck and call it destiny after the cards fall." Lezard replies, adjusting his glasses. They gleam ominously in the face of the blast of Essence from Wandering Dog. The first kick comes smashing into.... The book. The martial attack crashes into it, the artifact floating there and having taken the impact head on without even wavering. Lezard flicks a hand, and the book flips in the air, intercepting the follow-up strike smoothly as well.

"Predictable!" Lezard announces. "Now taste my power! LIGHTNING BOLT!" A flare of crackling lightning rushes up around him, blasting outwards with cacaphonic, overwhelming force. "You will have to try harder than that, hero!"

Wandering Dog has posed:
Predictable, huh? Wandering dog tsks, but when the lightning bolt comes, he grins. "Let's see who's really predictable!"

In a blur of movement, Wandering Dog suddenly leaps upwards, narrowly soaring over the crackling lightning, and coming overhead at Lezard. "Try harder, you say? Alright! Swan Dive Kick!"

Flipping in the air, Wandering Dog suddenly puts his two legs together, one on top of the other, and comes down towards Lezard's head, trying to kick him square on. Even if it misses and hits somewhere else on his body, it's enhanced with even more essence, so the attack is certainly stronger than the last.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Wandering Dog's deft evasion of his magical retaliation gets a blink from the sorceror. "Well. One cannot day that you are not up to the challenge." Off balance as he is, Lezard gets smashed by the Essence-enhanced attack, the massive dropkick sendhing him sprawling. He lands with a thud, grunting in pain as he tumbles to a stop... But he is back on his feet with a quick wave of his hand, magical assistance righting him quicker than he would if he moved on his own.

"Enough of this foolishness! PRISMATIC MISSILE!" As he calls out, dozens of beams splay out, scintillating as they scream in and home, curving in the air as they blast for Wandering Dog in order to magically pummel him to the ground!

Wandering Dog has posed:
Wandering Dog makes his kick, but gets a vicious return in the process. Dozens of beam impact with him, as he brings his arms up to guard, scorching his tunic and burning into his flesh as he, eventually, is knocked down to the ground.

With a grunt and some motion, Wandering Dog flips back up, an agile man, and comes back towards Lezard, moving his arms this time to attempt to close the distance and strike him in the stomach. At first, it's a basic hit.

Until a few seconds later, when the impact goes from 'ow' to 'OW' and he'd be hopefully sent flying backwards from the essence imparted into him. "I've been charging up my essence for this tournament, so I can keep going for days, hahaha!" He's exaggerating, but, he did make sure his essence was fully charged today.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
The man seems to be glowing even more than Lezard does. As much as the man fountains light when he channels his own power, Wandering Dog is going all out. Lezard whips his hands through the air, tugging at magical power and sending a wave of pages fluttering from the book, scattering like chaff before Wandering Dog. As he punches forward, he feels like he hits /something/, the impact blasting outwards and crushing whatever he hit...

But something hooks against his leg, yanking it out from under him with a brutal strike. Something feels /wrong/ about it, a moment later... And when he looks up, he sees that Lezard has a long black twisted rod in his hands, surmounted with soulsteel to create a cruel, heavy head. He can practically see the wisps of dark power and soulstuff wreathing the head... Which gets a lot easier to observe as Lezard aggressively sweeps forward, lashing out with the Manus Catalyst with bone-crushing force. "Did you think I was incapable of close battle?" Lezard asks. "I have crushed more than one head!"

Wandering Dog has posed:
At this point in the battle, there's an aura around Wandering Dog growing. It's bloomed out to the form of a black and blue energy around him, a banner of various roads spiralling around him. As he impacts something, it feels wrong, as a staff yanks Wandering Dog out from under himself, sends him falling to the ground, and then smashes into him.
    here's the sounds of a bone being smashed into, crushed, as Lezard strikes. Wandering Dog spits up blood, coughing as he tries to force himself up. He's broken a rib.

He immediately, first, starts jabbing himself in his pressure points, flowing essence through them, allowing the bone to heal itself, but that's not going to do much except stop him from living in agony during this fight, as well as shore up his energy.

"You hit hard. But melee is my specialty. Do you really think you can best me in it?!" Wandering Dog wavers, and then, suddenly, bursts back in Lezard's position, sending a flurry of punches. He expects the staff of soulsteel to be brought back to block, and attempts to overwhelm Lezard's reflexes to get a hit in.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
"Of course not. But it does what is necessary."

    Unfortunately for Lezard, his confidence is short-lived. The first couple punches are parried by the Catalyst, each one reverberating as Solar essence collides with the Darkness of the weapon repeatedly. Unfortunately for Lezard, he is no master of martial arts, and the Dog quickly batters his way through Lezard's guard, hammering into him and wiping that smirk off his face with rampant impacts.

Lezard staggers, emitting a quick burst of raw force to try to get a moment to breathe. He rights his glasses and wipes the blood from his face as he grimaces at the situation. "Consider me enlightened as to the dangers of continuing to play to your strengths." Lezard remarks in a dire tone.

"Now let us see you defeat me in /mine!/ DARK SAVIOR!" Suddenly, the blackness rises up, lashing and slashing at Wandering Dog in countless black blades. "I am not done with you...!" Lezard says, the power of the spell cycling back and compounding on itself. While the Dog can likely weather the blade storm, there is a larger problem...

    "If ye trust that thy eternal bonds may be broken,"
        "Then let my words be as a vengeful blade upon thee!"

Above the arena, a massive spear rises, hissing and spinning on plumes of arcane power. The massive black blade glows with crimson runes, spinning before it flies down to strike with crushing force upon Wandering Dog, shattering the area around him with a colossal cratering blow!

                              "COSMIC SPEAR!"                              

Wandering Dog has posed:
Wandering Dog feels good about getting a hit in, but then, Lezard goes for his specialty, and fires off a blade storm. Dog has some trouble with it, blocking blow to blow but getting cut up, but it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

If it wasn't for the Cosmic Spear, which comes straight for Dog. He sees it coming. But the blade storm keeps him pinned. The spear hits his stomach, exploding the arena, sending him flying, ripping his tunic to bits, and wounding him, dripping blood. The Shrine and his essence flow are what's keeping him going.

When he stands up from the crater he's down in, Dog spits out more blood, and grins a bleeding smile. "Alright. Nice trick. Let's show you one of mine."

Essence flows through Wandering Dog, as he taps into Sidereal Martial Arts. Lezard saw this before - when Dog activated his full power against the Bodhisattva Anointed By Dark Waters. This is just a fragment of it. "PATH TWO!"

Crystalline claws grow from Dog's finger nails, long, hard, and sharp. In an instance, Dog is moving again, despite the pain telling him to lie down, and moving to jab them straight into Lezard's stomach and deal retribution. They're extremely powerful compared to regular claws - they're probably magical.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
The Wandering Dog is clearly not holding back anymore. Lezard can see Power when it is displayed so brazenly, and the intense power of his Martial Arts as used on the assault upon the Silver Prince was quite memorable indeed.

Lezard, unfortunately, is not so durable as the Deathlord. And he knows it.

Pages flash up in order to try to block his path, but he tears through them. A magical barrier comes next, a crystalline matrix of energy, only for the Dog to crush through and shatter it. A moment later, he's up on Lezard, tearing into his gut. The claws sink into his flesh, and he feels the red gush of mortality over his hands. For all Lezard's power, he is yet mortal. With a gurgling groan of pain, he folds over the strike, one hand reaching out to try to stop the claws from digging into his body further uselessly..."ENOUGH!" Lezard spits, crimson slying from his lips as there is a thunderous CRACK, energy blasting them apart once more as Lezard skids back.... And immediately, a circle forms around his feet. The moment Wandering Dog hurls himself after Lezard, he hits nothing but air, passing through the Necromancer as he phases out of space...

And reappears across the arena, another, larger magic circle forming. "I WILL PUT AN END TO THIS! PERISH, HERO!" He is /really/ getting into this.


This chant is familiar to Wandering Dog, and it is no different now. The air swirls, cracking and splitting as he somehow reaches beyond the space of the arena and draws down burning hunks of debris. Already, they crash down, littering thr ground with explosions and murderous force, only heralding the massive rock that descends into the center of the battleground. With a deadly streak, it crashes, cometlike, and cracks the ground itself, annihilating everything around... And possibly Wandering Dog, too, if he doesn't find a way to get out from under the 8-Ball.

                              "METEOR SWARM!"                              

Wandering Dog has posed:
Wandering Dog moves to get those claws into Lezard, when energy blasts them apart, and Lezard prepares his finishing attack. Wandering Dog swallows. This is going to hurt if it hits. His immediate goal is to try and dodge it, but...

The opposite happens. One of those meteors hits Dog head-on, even as he puts all of his energy into speed. He instead changes his essence into pure defensive maneuvers, as it impacts into him, and tanks the blow. Two things happen.

One, Dog survives. He might not have if this wasn't the Shrine, but the Wandering Dog survives, trapped under a meteor that's exploding, using his insane damage resistance to keep going.

Two, he taps out. As soon as the meteor's not on top of him, he'll struggle to get up, struggle to walk, and struggle to bloodily grin at Lezard and congratulate him, before also struggling to walk it off. He'll probably collapse the instant he's outside the arena.