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Latest revision as of 10:10, 6 August 2019

Airship vs Air Defense
Date of Scene: 05 August 2019
Location: Zemurian Continent
Synopsis: Davao, the newest Princess-class, invades Zemuria and starts harrassing their airships.

Rean Schwarzer, Staren and Note take exception to this.

Thanks to: Everyone for coming
Cast of Characters: Shigure, 6386, Staren, Rean Schwarzer

Shigure has posed:
    Out at sea, west of the continent, and in one of the main flightlines for local airships, a young woman, alabaster skin, glowing red eyes and a horror-rig of jabbering teeth, guns and dripping ichor, stands on the water, eyes turned skywards as she looks smugly at her target. Her turrets continue to lob flak shells at the airship, intentionally missing and firing into its path like a cat bats a mouse back and forth between its paws before going for the kill.

    Accompanying the Princess, a Ta-class Battleship, a Ri-class Heavy Cruiser, and a trio of Ro-class Destroyers watch their leader with impassive eyes... like the they're resigned to her maniacal wanderlust, searching for new 'fun toys' to play with.

Note (6386) has posed:
    It just so happened that an adventurous Note picked up the distress call! And so, through one of the warp gates she's come: a sparking and flaring meteor traversing the sky, casting off a huge plume of whitish energy out behind her like a rocket's main thrusters and fists out in front like a popular superhero!

    She's so tiny and not very reflective, so it's unlikely that normal radar systems will see her coming... But the naked eye sure will.

    And so will the Abyssals. She's seen their ilk once or twice by now.

    And so she puts on the brakes all at once, allowing the tremendous shockwave of compressed air she's built up in front of her to travel on without her and slam at the Abyssals as Note herself swings her feet down and lets her tail swish about loosely in the air, roughly twenty feet up... while she folds her arms at the seaborne Abyssals. "WHAT do you think you're doing?"

Staren has posed:
    The Star Hawk speeds out of the distance from the nearest warpgate that can accomodate it. Firing its railgun down at the water to get the princesses' attention, as ten missiles launched earlier catch up with it and rain down on them as well, trying to overwhelm their defenses.

    Then Staren loops around over one of the airships, aileron rolls, and deploys the legs so he can land on a deck and pop the canopy for Rean to climb out.

Shigure has posed:
    Davao flicks her eyes from the airship, to the saiyan as that burst of compressed wind washes past the formation, making the Ro-class dive slightly, and the other two subordinates bring up their arms defensively. Davao herself doesn't so much as flinch as her hair whips about. "I was bored. These looked like they would be fun." she replies, lifting a hand and cupping her cheek with a bored expression.

    That is, until the railgun and missiles come splashing down. The Ta-class bodyblocks one of the missiles, a tentacle sheered clean off from the explosion, and her alabaster skin scorched. Yellow eyes lift to the Starhawk, and the rage emanating from her is palpable.

    Davao just swats the battleship aside with a grouchy expression. "You're in the way." Her own eyes lift to the Star Hawk as it lands on the airship, and a brief sweep of recognition passes over her face, before she breaks into a TOO WIDE grin. "Oooo, you're /back/~." she chirps happily, clapping her hands like a lovestruck girl after seeing her crush walk into a room.

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Rean jumps out of the robot, landing on the deck of the military patrol ship. It jerks around a bit as the Abyssal Princess continues firing, and he grabs onto a nearby railing in order to keep himself from falling off. There's not TOO much he can do up here- he's built for melee combat not sky combat. But there is something he /can/ do still. "Hey, try and attract their attention away from the airship!" Rean shouts to Staren, as he charges up a spell. A swarm of shadowy butterflies appear around Davao, and explode in a burst of darkenss after a moment.

Shigure has posed:
    Davao's seeming joy is short lived as she's blinded by the spell from Rean. Then Staren would detect a powerful 'ping' of search radar, as a fussilade of shells erupt from a now VERY ANGRY Princess, and her escorts, though their shells seem sluggish and underpowered by comparrison.

Note (6386) has posed:
    "Uweh... that's pretty... stupidly cruel." Note mutters out disgustedly. It's pretty clear that she doesn't approve. But no sooner than she starts pondering what she's gonna say when the familiar sound of heavy weapons firing off catches her attention. She turns, spots missiles and-- "AAAAAAH!"

    Focusing her power, she just VWEEEEEEOOOSHES across the battlefield in a burst of tightly controlled speed, reappearing a good forty feet away and resorting to shouting at the Abyssals, hands cupped near her mouth! "I was gonna say 'you look like a nice target too' for karma's sake, but someone else got to it first!" Namely, Staren. Staren has happened. With lots of missiles. Note seems unconcerned, as she's seen how tough the Abyssals are before. "With a lot of 'BOOM!'" Enough boom to go wide-eyed at. She hasn't seen one of those volleys up close before.

    She's not about to so easily outdone, though. Note crosses her arms before as she inhales, then draws her arms down to her sides in an airborne horse stance.. "HuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" This fierce kiai's more than noise. The water below her bubbles and froths as an enormous invisible force drills down into it and cause an omni-directional wave to splash everywhere. At the same time, golden energy ignites to engulf her and cast her silky black ponytail upwards into an array of golden spikes. When she next opens her eyes, they're a fiercely narrowed light green shade. After the initial wave calms down, well... that noisily-pulsing aura still seems to be causing a fair amount of choppy waters! If anyone has the appropriate spiritual senses, well... it's no secret that Note's presencce just went from a candle to a bonfire.

    "You girls feel like turning around yet?"

Staren has posed:
    "'In the way', huh?" Staren echoes. "Yeah, I aim to be in the way, I guess." He reaches into his bag and holds out a vial, a plasticy orange blob, and a small airtank. "Flight potion. Should be good for a few minutes, If you end up in the water, the rest is an emergency suit and air supply, I'll try to work out how to get you."

    Then he closes the canopy and the mech leaps off the airship, transforming to bipedal mode and landing again, walking to a position it can shoot from. The airship rocks under Staren from the shells, and he sucks air in through his teeth in aggravation.

    <"What do you want? Is all you care about a fight and you won't go away until you get one?"> The mech has both the gatling railgun on its right arm and a handheld laser gun, and Staren puts both of them to use returning fire for the shelling the airship recieved. <"No goals... do you even care about destroying these ships? If you want a fight why didn't you enter MECC? Will you go away if I point you to a good fight so you don't have to keep provoking heroes into coming after you?">

Shigure has posed:
    Davao can't see the transformation, but the formation does make moves as the sea begins to turn choppy. The formation emerges from the dark cloud of the exploded butterflies, trailing smoke of their own from damage due to the return fire from the Star Hawk and the explosive aspect of the spell. One Ro-class doesn't emerge, seemingly sunk, or left crippled, the Ta-class takes point, liftin its remaining turret tentacle and opening fire at the airship, lobbing armour piercing rounds at the big, relatively slow target, likely trying to remove Staren's firing platform.

    Ri-class fires flak shells at Note, filling the air around the young saiyan with black shrapnel-filled smoke.

    Davao herself just snorts derisively. "Sanctioned duels aren't fun, they're boring. Give me pain, give me suffering. I am the Abyssal Princess of Pain. Your screams will be my lullaby!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren jumps off the ship. How can he possibly protect it? It's such a large target. <"Please. Once a bunch of heroes like us show up, you think you're going to win? Your chance is over. You want pain? You want suffering? Just go far away. There's a whole Multiverse out there, of people suffering all the time. More suffering than we can ever fix. Go, drink it up. All you're doing now is annoying us AND yourself when we cut you off!">

    Staren tries to focus fire on the TA-class's turrets as he hovers in midair near the ship, with a shield covering part of his machine, but at the scales involved with such a tiny target and moving around in the air, really it's more about dumping a large volume of fire in her immediate area.

Note (6386) has posed:
    "Grrrrrr!" Once more, attempts at intimidation fail. Well, what with the cutesy bow she's tied her ponytail with and being so small, maybe Note's just not that intimidating.. even if she's aglow with power. That doesn't stop her from being a bit pissed off at not one of the Abyssals so much as flinching.

    Instead, predictably, she's shot at. Note responds with her own hailstorm of rapid fire Ki blasts from, actually SHOOTING DOWN half of the flak shells before they get near. Some gets through though, forcing her to throw her arms up and shield her face. The nasty shrapnel cuts plenty of shallow gashes all along her arms, shoulders, and upper body. But it'll take more than some high-speed metal throwing around to do more than bloody and bruise her. With an explosive kiai she generates a raw SHOCKWAVE which instantly blows away all the smoke.

    Now she's angry. Guns really don't excite her!

    "My turn!" She brings both hands together, palms facing the Ri-class... and FWOOOOOSH! A long tapering spear of pure power's forced from her hands and meteors straight for her foe with explosive power!

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Rean looks at the potion and the swim gear Staren hands him for a second before donning the swim gear and downing the potion. Staren totally wouldn't try to prank him in the middle of a fight, right? because this would make a dumb practical joke if he put this on and fell off the airship. In any case, he takes a running leap off of the airship, hopefully making it less of a target now that there weren't combatants on it. He falls for a second before hovering for a moment. "...Whoa..." He murmurs.

Ok, no time to be impressed. Time to get to work. They were messing around with his homeland causing pain, even if it was their 'purpose.' "Go find somewhere else to mess with!" He shouts, and then dives at the Ta-class, and swings his sword down, aiming to cut off her remaining tentacle.

Shigure has posed:
    The Ta-class grunts, snarling at Staren and swinging her tentacle around. The barrels elevate, get knocked aside by a close shot... and then Rean bisects the rig at around the mid point, lopping the turret clean off and leaving an ichor-leaking stump behind. She just looks angrier, rather than concerned, and makes a grab for Rean since he's so close.

    Ri-Class is one of the 'lower' Abyssals. Pure rage, no other emotion. Not even much personality. A 'zombie'. The incoming blast of ki earns a blank stare, as it engulfs the cruiser, and she's no longer visible after the beam passes.

    Davao just chuckles... it's got this smug, self assured air to it. "Your suffering. Mine. That girl's. The boy. That flying ship's crew... an entire town on the coast." she lists off, placing a hand on one of her throne's turrets as shots rain down around her. Some piercing through her though she still doesn't flinch. "It doesn't matter to me from where the pain comes. Only that it does." She then leans forward a bit, hiding her eyes apart from the glowing irises as she stares up at Staren and the Star Hawk. "Oh, just so you know... I can't feel, any of this."

Staren has posed:
    <"It's more than that."> Staren points out. <"If you were /trying/ only to find suffering, you could just find some little place the heroes never hear about and drink up all you want. No... what do you get from confrontation?">

    They've... stopped firing at him? But they also have Rean. Staren takes the moment to focus fire on the ones who AREN'T holding Rean, for fear of missing. Rean will surely survive long enough that if he's still grappled after, they can help him fight /one/ Abyssal.

Note (6386) has posed:
    Note's not a terribly vicious person. She wouldn't normally even think of killing. But cleansing the world of the evil spirits these things obviously are to her senses is very, very different. Thinking absolutely nothing of the disappearance of the Ri class, Note lowers her hands... but only so she can spin about in the air and BLIIIIIIIIITZ across the distance to attempt to drive a FULL FORCE KNEE into Davao's gut and send her flying as FAR as the little Super Saiyan possibly can.

    That might be quite far. "How's THAT for suffering?!"

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Rean's not used to flying just yet, so he pulls up a bit too late and is grabbed by the arm by Ta-class.  He charges up another spell, this time just a simple fireball aimed at the face, hoping it would get her to let go.  He then turns to Davao. "Can't feel that?" Rean echoes. She probably meant the bullets raining down on her but... "Is the suffering of others all you CAN feel?"

Shigure has posed:
    Rean's spell slams into Ta-class' face. She screams, releasing Rean's arm and clutching her face. She staggers backward, then suddenly, detonates violently, sinking beneath the waves and leaving berhind a large black pool of ichor.

    Davao just smirks at Staren, either unable, or unwilling to answer his questions. Which becomes rather a moot point when...

    Note comes streaking in, smashing into Davao's mid section and launching her a good distance away. The lighter warship is /gone/, vanishing in a twinkle of light over the horizon.

    The two remaining Ro-class both submerge and vanish from sight soon after.

Staren has posed:
    <"Hmmh. Hope that makes them lay low for a bit."> Staren's machine hovers low to the water near Rean and Note, stowing its laser gun and transforming back to plane-with-legs mode as it hovers just over the water. Staren opens the cockpit again. "Alright, strap in, Rean."

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Note, with her high energy levels and such kicks Davao into the distance. "Nice kick, Note!" Rean says, still hovering over the water a bit. Staren offers him a ride back, and he ends up flying into the robot. "THanks, Staren. Uh...how long do I have to wait until this wears off?"

Note (6386) has posed:
    It looks like Team Abyssal is blasting off again! Note continues traveling a good twenty feet past the impact, drifting until she decides to flash a V for victory at the horizon and exclaim, "Don't come back 'til you can handle fifty times normal gravity!"

    With a FWOOSH-CRACK the aura dies down and her golden state simply fades, hair losing the strange force surging through it and dropping back down to a smooth black ponytail, eyes returning to their normal state and a GREAT deal of tension draining from her posture.

    "Why do these girls keep causing trouble...? I don't get 'em at all."