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Stranger In A Strange Yet Similar Land
Date of Scene: 30 August 2019
Location: Mammalopolis
Synopsis: Corona checks out another anthro world and another bounty hunter.
Cast of Characters: Corona Arclite, 7099

Corona Arclite has posed:
Give Corona some credit, she made an effort to not drastically stand out. Being an anthropmorphic fox herself helps. Plus she's not wearing all the frontier wasteland armor and gadgetry she usually does, and even swapped her usual semi-sleeveless duster for a normal one. Still wearing the hat though. It would be a cold day in the deepest level of Hell before she's caught without that. She even drove into the city on a perfectly normal motorcycle instead of one of her over-the-top custom modified vehicles, and found an acceptable parking facility to lock it down at.

All that... doesn't change the fact that the vixen still looks more like she walked off the set of a Western (minus the guns, at least visibly) as she strolled down the street. While idly chewing on the end of a snack bar that's some mishmash of granola and bug bits. Mammalopolis' regulation of what 'predators' can eat doesn't seem to have phased her, since lizards and insects are actually high on the natural dietary list for the desert dwelling fennec fox.

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
City Center is a really nice part of the city, for the most part. Sure it has some alleyways one shouldn't make their way into alone, but for the most part, the city center is nice and bright and has a lot of shops and residential locations.

Of course some of the less scrupulous people occasionally are found. One of them had just been in a card game with several other men of ill repute, until the door had been kicked in and the game scattered. Now the wolf was running through alleyways, being pursued by the black jaguar that is leaping over walls and anything he throws in her way. She's obviously skilled in parkour.

The wolf jumps out of an alleyway and bumps into a crowd, shoving some big moose into the path of the jaguar before booking it towards where Corona is observing the city.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite tips her hat politely to a passerby, but the squirrel quickly herds her childen in a wide berth around the strangely dressed vulpine while shooting her dirty looks. "... So much for just bein' friendly." A sigh as the stetson is returned to her head and adjusted. "Reckon Ah'll just stick to sightseein'," she mutters, turning her attention back upwards. And musing how much power it must take to run all the store signs and displays. The sort of thing engineers in charge of keeping entire settlements running think about.

An ear twitchs to the sounds of ruckus bursting out of the alley and shoving into the crowd, but Corona pays it only the minute notation for the moment. This isn't her city, leave it to the local equivilent authorities to deal with. Besides, where she comes from some likely drunk and disorderly chaos spilling out into the streets was entirely normal.

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
The wolf jumps along towards Corona, and then spots the fox in the duster and hat. Looks like an out of towner. That means she should be easy pickings. He leaps towards her, intent on grabbing her and putting her between him and the jaguar who's hot on his heels.

Assuming he gets hold of her, he tries to keep her between him and Rosa, "Back off, hunter. Or I'll bite her throat!" Rosa stops a few paces from him, "You're not the type to murder, Wolfson. So I'm not buying your bluff. Just let her go." She looks to the fox, "Sorry ma'am, give me a second and I'll have you out of there."

Corona Arclite has posed:
The crowd on the sidewalk promptly splits to the sides to get out of the angry wolf's way, leaving him with a easy path to the fox that doesn't appear to be paying attention. Well she was at least paying less attention than she should of, emitting a soft "Hrk" in surprise as she's grabbed from behind, and despite being 'tall' for this world not very heavy, easily swung around and clutched in your typical 'grab a hostage/meatshield' manner. You know the one, with an arm around the victim's chest both to hold them tight and keep them in front of you.

The crowds may of backed off to the sides, but there's enough gawkers to react to hearing a threat of biting throats, most of them not being predators they either cover their eyes to not see it, or are putting paws over the eyes or ears of youngin's that shouldn't be witnessing such vulgar concepts.

The vixen only tilts her head forward a bit, causing a shadow to angle across her face as she huffs softly. "Now that's just rude," she drawls, before kicking back with one of her heels, extra hard thanks to the augmentations in her boots.

Also, she's still got her spurs on. Ouch!

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
The wolf looks confident for about a second, before suddenly his eyes go wide, and he lets go of Corona. He falls backwards, hands dropping to his crotch, and holding on tight. Seems like she definitely took him down.

Rosa rushes in once he's down and rolls him over, cuffing him and keeping her knee in his back, "Nice moves." She says to Corona, as she keeps the guy pinned down, "This scumbag jumped bail. I was trying to bring him in, but he bolted. Sorry you got caught up in it."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite just glances over her shoulder a moment at the wolf whining on the ground, then down as she scuffs her heel on the concrete to make sure there's nothing on the spur. "Tch. No way to treat a visitor." She was going to offer some bindings but the jaguar's already got it covered. "Oh, don't sweat it miss. Done my share of bounty huntin' over the years."

Instead Corona walks around to squat by the crook's head, hands resting on her knees to brace herself as she leans over. "Ya better just take the jail time, bud." She smiles in a way that's on the surface cheerful, but there's a definately devious way to the curl of the corners of her mouth to go with the glint in her eyes. "It's the only thin' that'll keep folks like me -out-."

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
"Well, thanks for your help regardless." Rosa says, "If you wanna come with, I'll share the bounty with you." She says, as she slaps a muzzle onto the wolf's face, and then picks him up, starting to take him back towards her vehicle, though it's a little way's away.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"M'be ya can fill me in more 'bout the city too?" Corona tilts her head a little at the muzzle. Wow, that's... Though he -did- threaten to bite her neck, even if it was a hollow threat. So just desserts one supposes. After a moment of considering it she snickers a little as she follows the feline. "Welp. That's one way to enforce his 'right to remain silent'."

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
"I'd be happy to. I'm gonna guess you're one of those out of towners." That seems to be the term she's been using for off worlders, at least. "Yeah, the muzzle. Since everybody..Well almost everybody has some kind of built in deadly weapon, we tend to do that for our own safety." Rosa gets him to the van and throws him in the back, "Hop in. And ask any questions you have, go for it."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Ayup." Corona idly runs her tongue over the tip of one of her own fangs. "Folks still use 'em 'round this parts then." Maybe the threat to bite her neck wasn't so hollow... Though he might of had a time with the hankerchief since it was actually made of air-filtering material. But that's not here or there. She ambles over to the passenger side (it's kind of odd not being the one driving) and climbs in, yanking the door shut behind her. "Name's Corona, by the way."

She turns her head a bit to look out the window. "Nice city... but Ah can't shake the feelin' there's something less pretty than the appearances 'bout it."

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
"It's good to meet you, Corona. My name's Rosa." She replies, as she starts to drive, taking the wolf towards the bond location so she can turn him in. That's in the frozen part of town though, so it's a bit of a drive, "This city is...Yeah, from the outside looking in, one would think this was a perfect utopia of mammals of all stripes and spots living together."

She snorts a bit, "In truth things are a lot less friendly than they look on the surface. There's a bad element in this town."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite tips the brim of her hat down a bit as she "Mmhmm"s briefly. Sometimes being a little paranoid has it's perks. You pick up on things normal folks would just accept and overlook. But she noticed some of the looks she was getting, and not just because of the odd way she was dressed or her atypical (compared to how small a fennec would be in this world's scale) height. "Not so cozy b'tween folks as they'd like it seen, eh?"

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
"Nah. Predators like me and that yoohoo back there make up a tiny percentage of the population in this city." She stops the car at a stoplight, and then looks at Corona, "And most folks are huge herbivores, so pretty much everything caters towards them. Makes things kinda inbalanced, if you ask me. My kind can't really get any good jobs. Nobody wants to sit in an office cubicle with a tiger next to them."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite turns her head to look at Rosa a moment. Then to look in the back of the van where the muzzled wolf was still sprawled out. "Not that he's helpin' correct that view any." Then sits back in her seat. Social hierarchy that's not necessarily wrong by it's own wording but evidently biased. She does know people that might take an interest in such things. "Ever consider work outside the city?" Bobs her head towards the back. "Ah mean that kind of 'work'. Digruntled or not, yer clearly good at it."

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
"If it pays, I'll do it." Rosa replies, as she pulls the van into one of the tunnels, "How warm is that coat of your's?" She asks, "Just asking 'cause if you need another one for this part of town, I've got one somewhere."

Sure enough as the van emerges from the tunnel, it's a veritable winter wonderland, "I'd do work outside of the city, sure. If you're offering."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Oh, don't worry none about me." Casually Corona slide up her sleeve and fiddled with the device strapped around her wrist. Tugged the sleeve back down and settled back in the seat, smirking faintly. "Personal environmental controls. Jacket's lined with thermal compensators." And this is just a very basic, don't raise too much suspicion loadout for her. "Where Ah come from can always use another pair of fists and won't ask too many questions 'bout the justice bein' doled out... well and the whole 'outside world' as 'whole got it's own network for such job outsourcin', too."

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
"Really. Well that'd certainly help me expand my reach." She says, "Plus wouldn't come with the excess baggage that I got around these parts." She finally pulls the van up in front of a small building covered in snow, and hops out. She hauls the wolf out of the back, and then escorts him inside, tossing him in a cell in the back until the MPD can come get him, "I think that's another one you owe me, Buck."

The big deer behind the counter grins, "I can always count on you to bring down the tough ones. Did he give you any trouble?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
No real trouble. Though he is going to be sensative in a certain spot for a while.

Corona is trying really, really hard to not snicker at a deer person being named 'Buck'. And not butt into Rosa finishing her work. So just gives a polite tip of her hat as she's been doing in way of greeting. Looks like Rosa had a little help on this one. Accidental as it may of been. So definately wasn't much trouble.

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
Buck is more than happy to pay her, in cash of course, and the walks over to Corona, "Here you go, as promised." She gives the fox half the cash, and then Buck calls out, "You finally getting a partner there, Rosa?"

The feline shakes her head a bit, "Dunno if it's a permenent thing, but she helped me bring him in, and I honor my word. You know that." She says, before heading back out to the van, "He'll text me if another one pops up."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite folds her half and tucks it into a pocket. Then grins back to Buck. "We've got some similar work 'interests'" she replies, followed by another polite nod before following Rosa back out to the van.

"Then y'all gonna need this." She takes off her hat, pulls an info card that was tucked inside free, and flicks it to Rosa. "And iffen it's answered by a slightly snooty, finicky soundin' gal it's good, that's just my business manager of sorts."

Sabelle would probably object to being called 'snooty'. Then stop when it's pointed out she could of been called something like 'secretary'. Or Windrose snarking that at least she's not 'the sidekick'.

Rosa Borrasca (7099) has posed:
Rosa takes the card, and then looks over it for a minute, "Sure. Expect a call soon." She says, "Not that there's ever a shortage of work in this city. I expect I'll be seeing you around some, since A) You actually fit in, and B) This kinda thing is right up your alley. Might have somthing I'd need your help with later, too. But I gotta dig into some stuff first."