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They are the Borg
Date of Scene: 17 June 2014
Location: Fall
Synopsis: Kotone and Roll check out what sounds like actions of the aliens that XCOM are fighting. It turns out to be something far more personally horrifying to Kotone. It's the Borg...
Cast of Characters: 3, Kotone Yamakawa, 27, 222, 307

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Fall. A rather interesting section of the Multiverse. Nightmarish creatures live here as normal people? Very intriguing to a scientific-minded people. Like the Borg.

No real distress calls have gone out, but there have been a few radio and news broadcasts that said some new costumed creeps were creeping out even the creepers around here. And anyone who notices these creeps will understand why. They look little better than zombies. Grey-skinned humans and humanoids in jet black armor with hoses and wires running from the backs of their heads down into that armor. They have one normal-looking arm, and one...that ends in a collection of tools and scanners and blades. Similarly, they have one normal eye, and one implant that looks decidedly unnatural.

Their movements are a bit awkward, and they show no emotion. When they speak, the entire group around them speaks at the same time with exactly the same words. They aren't harming anyone, really. Just poking a zombie here, prodding a werewolf there, scooping up some ectoplasm over there.

There is one of them, however, that stands out. She moves with grace, and has plenty of expression to her face. She also has two normal arms rather than one tool arm, and no implant eye. If there is a leader, it is obviously her, but if those others are her followers, she is commanding them without ever speaking a word.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn pads through the area, stopping to sniff here and there as he does, what else is a curious wolf to do? He's just wandered here on whim it seems as he's still been exploring new places that he seems to find. Not sure if he likes the smell or feel of the place, he proceeds cautiously as he pads along. When he comes across the sight of the strange humanoids and various other creatures he stops and tilts his head, then lifts it to sniff the air. Thinking it might be best if for now he just acts like a normal wolf, or maybe even a dog would be his best bet. He sits on his haunches and watches for a bit.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
What's this? A city of monsters living normally? Now this is definitely of interest to one Jonothon Starsmore. After all, he's a 'monster' himself. Because what else can you call someone who has FIRE coming out of his FACE, but a monster? Currently Jono's got it all that fiery nonsense wrapped up, from under his nose to his chest, so he's not trailing fire. He almost looks human. Except he has no heartbeat or breathing.

Just having finished his conversation with a store owner, as he exits the store, Jono finds himself nearly running into one of those metal 'spooks'. "'Ey, watch where yer goin', metalhead." He tries to step around the Borg, but it probably won't be long before said Borg tries to poke at him. Once this occurs, Jono pulls his arm away. "Oi! Wha's yer game, mate?" he grouses. "Go 'way."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa had heard about the strange reports, it sounded almost like Cystalids zombies from the things she had heard. She'd made up her mind to chreck this out, she's grabbed a side arm to just be on the safe side and had a nanovest under her normal clothing and headed out to check out, just what was going on here. She would have told Roll she was going to scout this out, she had no intent for combat no just to find out if the Skyranger needed to roll out or not. She'd be easy to spoit for the borg she's /very/ much like them, she actually has less organic parts left they they do also there's a wireless singal from her as well at the moment. Just what /were/ those things in the distance.

Roll (3) has posed:
Friends going to scout weird and maybe dangerous situations has Roll worried enough to come too! So the little Robot Master's tagging along with Kotone, and marveling at some of the sights of Fall. So it's a creepy but overall decent place... or so she'd have said aon a return home, if it wasn't for...

"Um... those aren't costumes." The little girl squeaks up at Kotone with some alarm, her expression a tad frightened at the odd horde of tool-armed, cybernetic people.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
As he hoped, Allyn draws little to no attention from the Borg. They just go about their business, poking and prodding people at random. One does look his way, and a red laser scans over him, but it apparently decides that Allyn is not of interest.

Jonothon, however...when he bumps into a Borg, it stumbles back a step, then approaches again and reaches out to prod him with a sharp needle-like device. It would cause a slight pinch of pain, but would do no real harm, and is withdrawn less than a second after the puncture, likely with a small piece of Jonothon collected.

Kotone and Roll, they are the ones that really draw a reaction from the Borg. As soon as Kotone's wireless signal is within range for them to detect it, nearly ever Borg head turns toward her. And as red laser scanners pass over her and Roll, several of the creepy black armored cyborgs start toward them. The leader of the group just continues to casually walk along, observing the activity and the reactions from the residents.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn gets back to his feet as he sees that he is rather ignored, well, at least in this form it seems he can get by without too much trouble, at least for now. He does go back to padding about, sniffing at the citizens of the place and then he pads up to the one who looks like she is the leader and sniffs at her and around her. "Doesn't look like there is anything good to hunt here." he sighs and then spots a skeleton looking being and considers for a few moments. "Nah, looks too old, the bones might be too crunchy."

He then tilts his head up at Regina and sniffs at her again, "Excuse me, but what are you and these other things? You do not smell like you are natural beings." well, might be a good thing to see if the things are actually intelligent.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
The arrival of Roll and Kotone catches Jono's attention, too. Though not the same way; he has no cybernetic components. Allyn gets a look too; well, there are werewolves here, why not regular wolves? his pause to notice gives that Borg enough time to poke him with that needle, too. Pinch! "Ow! 'Ey!"

Jono turns to the Borg that poked him, his brows drawn down sharply. "Wot 're yer doin' anyways, comin' in an' pokin' people with needles?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is a bit creeped out as she takes note of the cyberware from hew view at a glance, it's clunky, primative and no sense of style. It's also the stuff of nightmare such multation it makes her shiver and she shuts down remote network connections quickly as she can. She just got a very bad feeling for it. She sees they are looking at her and she looks at them coming towards them, she almost goes for her gun, but will that do much.

<Roll? These are not the aliens I thougth they were!>

"umm ... hi! Can I help you ... people with something?!"

Roll (3) has posed:
Roll sends back in lightning speed text, while... walking backward a few steps. She's NOT comfortable with this mass of people hounding on her and Kotone. For now though, she adjusts her clothing and bow, with a hand on Kotone's arm for comfort.

Even Roll gets scared, after all, and this is suddenly WAY TOO SPOOKY!



Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina blinks in slight surprise as that wolf talks to her. She turns toward Allyn, then peers down him. "We are what evolution naturally flows toward. Perfection. A blending of the biological and the synthetic. We are the Borg." She holds her arms out in a grandios gesture, indicating the Borg are the group of cyborgs that are causing the trouble. "I must admit, I have not encountered a talking wolf before. Are you a shapeshifter?" she asks. The Borg have encountered those before, and it seems like a plausible explanation.

Jonothon's question earns him a quick and precise response. "We are collecting samples from the lifeforms of this area for scientific study." the drone says to Jonothon in a monotone voice that is somewhere between an actual voice and a synthetic one. Then, it just walks off toward the next target. Looks to be a zombie.

The group of Borg closing in on Kotone and Roll stop a few feet away, forming a semi-circle facing them. Scanning beams of all types would start to scan them, from lasers to sub-space sensors. Then, they approach again, holding up their arms and producing the same needle that Jonothon was jabbed with. And as if they are one being, they all start speaking in the same sort of monotone voice. "Greetings are irrelevant. We are collecting samples for scientific study. Comply and you will not be harmed." Three approach Kotone, and three more approach Roll.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn sits down beside Regina and tilts his head and his ears perk a bit as she explains what she and the others are. Well, he's not quite sure what she has said means, but there's a lot he doesn't know about. Though it is his turn to blink as well, so they are intelligent. "Yes, I am a shapeshifter, I guess that means you have met others that can do so as well?"

He then turns his head to watch the others that are here, just to see what their situations might be, though he doesn't look like he'll make a move to interefere unless someone is in real trouble. His attention then turns back to Regina, or at least most of it, however; he does keep his ears up and alert.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono had been about to say something to the drone, but then... the drone just wanders off. "Short attention span," Jono observes. Though then he sees the converging on Roll and Kotone. For now it seems Allyn is safe from their scrutiny, so he heads in the direction of the girls. "'Ey, I don't think these gels live here," he tries. "Takin' samples 'a them probably won't do yer much good."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks at the Drones for a moment ther's a look of stark horror on her face as she sees them talking about samples. Wait are they going to take her as a sample? Holy crap they just jabbed that man with that needed. She's now starting to back peddle.

"Woah woah, if your after local samples of what? Wildlife?! My friend and I don't apply we miss heard a report of what was here!"

She's totally backing off from the Borg now.

Roll (3) has posed:
BACKPEDAL TIME. Roll's tugging on Kotone's arm gently but firmly and now fearfully putting some distance between herself and the approaching Borg. "Y-you're taking WHAT?! No, sorry, I refuse! Nobody touches my systems except Dr. Light! Who... or what... told you to do this? Because you're being creepy!" Less hostile, and more curious, Roll nevertheless is now quite wary, and ready to bolt.

<I don't like this, Kotone! Can you run if it goes bad? I can't teleport you!>

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina nods to Allyn. "We have met several types of shapeshifters in our travels across out galaxy. And many of them like to take the form of local wildlife. It does serve a tactical purpose, but I suppose many of them simply find it 'fun' to impersonate a less intelligent creature." she says. The commotion from Kotone and Roll makes her turn toward them. And when she does, her Borg drones stop. Regina looks back toward Allyn. "Excuse me, little wolf." she says, then she makes her way toward Roll and Kotone.

While she is walking, the drones continue to scan while they stand with their needles pointed at Kotone and Roll. When Regina reaches them, she smiles lightly. Or...is it a smirk. "Please, calm down. We do not wish to harm you. It is part of our philosophy to gather as much information as we can about as many different things as we can." The Borg scans stop, then Regina smirks more noticably. "So, you are not biological lifeform..." she says to Roll, then looks to Kotone, "...and you are much like us. If you are not willing to give us samples, will you tell me who crafted your cybernetic and robotic components? I would very much like to speak with them."

As Jonothon speaks up and moves toward them, a few of the drones who were still wandering around move to intercept him. "Do not interfere." they demand in their monotone voices as they form a wall between him and the rest.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn turns his head to watch Regina walk over towards Kotone and Roll, he then stands and pads over towards Jono, "What do you think is going on? and do you think the two over there are in any danger?" he peers up at Jono for a few moments, then back to watching the others, ears still alert as he keeps an eye on the situation.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono's ready to try and help Kotone and Roll get away if they need to. For the time being, though, he's not trying push past the 'wall' of Borg that just formed between him and the girls. Instead he pays attention to the sudden appearance of Regina of Borg, and the drones' response to her coming forward. So it seems she's their leader?

Allyn's question causes him to turn to the shifter. 'Aiming' his words only at Allyn, Jono re"Dunno mate. If Queen 'a the Metalheads over there's willin' ter talk, it might not turn inter a fight."</span>

He's going to try to figure out some way to see if he can't defuse the situation developing. "See? They don't live 'ere, they're not locals," he coaxes. "So takin' samples from 'em ain't gonna help yer."

This close, it might be easier to note that Jonothon's speech isn't audible with the ears. It's in the mind. Which might cause some slightly strange sensor readings for some of the cyborgs here.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
<Yes Roll, I can run fairly fast and I don't think telling them the producer of the hardware is going to be a good idea. This sort of thing coming into Newport would be /bad/ even if they are not malicous this is the sort of thing the anti cyberist sare screaming about and .. what I ... fear god they difuigured themselves for what! Who knows what else...>

She's backing off at this she's now moving to make a hostile act she suspect her fire arm would be mostly usefuyl judging from the things armour plating.

"No offence you might not fair too well.

"How do I know you won't cause trouble if I give you the inforamtion..."

Roll (3) has posed:
Roll makes a strange, perturbed face, but still takes another step or two back even as Regina arrives. She... is rather UNSETTLED by the woman's expression. "Um... that's basically inviting you right to my home, when you're already creeping me out, sorry!" And maybe putting her family at risk, for taht matter. ".. What do you use the data for?"

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina sighs softly, a slight frown forming on her face. And humans claim that asking nicely yields positive results? Regina has yet to find this true. "We are explorers. We catalog as much data as we can, simply because we can. If the data is useful for more than simply being stored in databanks, then we make use of it in the appropriate way, usually to improve ourselves." She looks Kotone and Roll over as they retreat slowly. "At least give me your names. I am Regina of Borg, Queen of the Borg Collective. And you are? Oh, and are either of you affiliated with the two major factions of this Multiverse?"

With Jonothon and Allyn apparently complying, they find themselves with little to do but stare at the Borg drones standing in front of them. Those drones do not move. They don't even twitch or figit as one might expect from people standing still. They just stare at Jonothan and Allyn, their expressions non-existent, their arms hanging at their sides. Luckily, there seems to be something to pass their time. A little...child? Well, it must have been at one time. It is a skeleton about child-sized wearing a blue dress and a pink bow on its head. It scampers up to Allyn. "Doggy!" it says with chattering teeth, then gives him a hug.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks as he hears Jono's words in his head, well, he's never experienced a person doing that to him before, but then again that is how he communicates with wild animals, though not so much with words. Usually with scents and images from his mind and ets the same thing in return from them. Well, its still strange. He nods to Jono, "Well, guess we will just have to remain alert then and see what transpires."

He then blinks as the skeleton child runs up to him and hugs him, he sniffs at it, "I'm not a dog, but I am a wild wolf." he tells the child, but he does butt his head up against it in a friendly manner. He was going to change into something else, just in case things with the Borg and the other two got nasty, but well, skeleton or not there is still a child hugging him and he will protect it.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono remains quiet at Allyn's response, but nods, indicating his agreement with those words. And he 'smiles', only really visible in his eyes, as the skeleton girl hugs Allyn. He doesn't look particularly bothered by the fact that she's all bones, literally. He does think about this self-improvement claim, but doesn't speak up yet. Nothing's being overtly threatened at the moment.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa thinks for a moment longer as she looks at Regina of borg fgor a moment.

"Kotone Yamakawa I am freelance mechanic...look fine, just promise me one thing obtain the information legally."

The information is going to be out it hits her given their WMAT and she's in one she sighs.

<<There's an upcming ad from Meditech... with me in it they will find out one way or another pissing off the cyborgs here would be bad...>>

"All right the company that produces the line is Meditech they tend to deal in the multiverse...at large you'd find them on the datanet."

Roll (3) has posed:
"Roll, Union ally, and one of the first Robot Masters ever made, if it interests you so much!" Roll announces, a bit less timid fi that's all she's being asked for! ""Explorerers... um, you're really in need of a new way of going about this... you come across a bit badly if all you're looking for is information!" Badly enough she's still edging a step away!

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
Regina listens to the Kotone and Roll, then crosses her arms over her chest. "Kotone Yamakawa. And...Roll? Simply Roll? No other additions?" This seems to amuse the Queen of Borg for some reason. At Roll's comment, the queen simply chuckles. "We are not overly concerned with our reputation." she says, waving a hand dismissively. "However, we have collected enough samples in this area."

Without much more than that, the Borg queen turns, and with her all her drones turn. Then all of them walk toward a nearby hill before turning back to face the group. "Thank you for your compliance." she says, though her smirk might make them a bit wary of her intentions. Then, a green glow surrounds all of the Borg entourage, and in a shimmer of different shades of green they dematerialize.

Then, high in the sky, what appeared to be a lunar eclipse turns out to be...a large spherical ship that just happened to be blocking the moon. This becomes obvious when the eclipse suddenly ends and the black sphere that was blocking it moves away at a high speed.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono watches the drones and their queen turn and dematerialize. Then a ship in the sky?! Jono looks up, The ship seems to disappear then, and he blinks. "...Whoa." Pause.

Then he looks back to Roll and Kotone. "You two alright?" he inquires. He rubs a bit at the arm that got needled, but it doesn't seem to hurt too much.

Roll (3) has posed:
With Regina and her drones departing, Roll eventually shudders. She might have breathed a sigh of relief if she ID breath. As it is, she claops both hands together as if to say 'yay, it's over!' and turns a relieved face towards Jonothon Starsmore... "Y-yes, wow! Who WERE they?!"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono shakes his head. "No idea. Creepy blokes, that's all I know." The mental voice carries a very thick Cockney accent. And as much as his face is wrapped up, it doesn't look like his lips are moving as he speaks. Nor is his voice muffled, somehow. "Have ter be more careful, I suppose."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa shudders for a moment longer looks over to Roll and Jonothon. "They are called the Borg they tend to ... assmilate others according to another person I know. God in heaven...could my world become ... like that!? Could I become like ... that!?"

Roll (3) has posed:
"Borg... Borg? Assimilate? You mean... integrate? Copy?" Roll's not quite sure of the full reamifications there, but... "They were all cybernetic.... and acted like bees zipping about! That's kind of creepy."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Consume."

is the reply that Kotone gives she clearly is very shaken up by this whole turn of affairs.

"Roll I ... had nightmares about things like that before ... I was a cyborg I ...."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Eh?" Jono looks to Kotone with wide eyes. Roll's comment gets a nod. "Yeah... now that yer mention it, they did all kinda act like zombies, didn't they?" Pause, a look to one of the passing zombies here. "...Present company excluded." He quiets though, when Kotone begins to speak about her nightmares.