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Plague Dreams, or I've Been Working Too Hard (Staren)
Date of Cutscene: 17 March 2012
Location: Morc McGee's Lab
Synopsis: Astonishing developments in the latest threat to the Multiverse. Or, just a silly dream sequence.
Cast of Characters: Staren
Tinyplot: Nathan Xiang 2012

At a facility hidden deep inside a winding canyon (possibly a windy windy canyon), the strike team moves in. Ellestaria and Duncan lead the charge into the facility -- the Confederates are happy to let the Union charge in first, after all. The lab seems deserted, at first. Red emergency lighting suffuses rooms of consoles and lab equipment -- the displays all seem to be malfunctioning, displaying static or glitching out.

There is no sign of the collective, until...

The elites step into a room and their attention is drawn to an inanimate carbon rod on the floor.

They look up. The rods are all over the place. Piled in the back of the room, strewn about. The elites stare at the rods. The rods seem to be staring back. The elites stare at the rods. The rods stare at the elites.

And then, there were only rods staring at eachother.

"Looks like they've failed." Morg Mcgee stands, looking at the lab's screen. "A tragic loss... but no more will be lost today. Let's do this!" Staren and Raynor nod, and Morg slips goggles over his eyes and steps forward, dramatically throwing a switch on the wall. The three watch a satellite's-eye view as the cloud of disease and nanotech spreads.... and spreads, and keeps spreading. They stare in shock at the screen. "No, it didn't work, how didn't it work? What did we do?!"

Raynor's psychic shouts, "It's here!" and points in horror at the door, where the swarm of little specks pours into the room, overtaking them all...

The next thing Staren knows, he's in a hospital. A friendly voice -- his doctor in Lazlo -- is speaking from behind the curtain around his bed. "You're awake! I have good news and bad news." "What's the good news?" "Well, you're alive. The plague wasn't deadly. It seems that as it spread through the multiverse, the changing physical laws and magic warped it, changed it." "So, what's the bad news?"

A hoof sweeps aside the curtain. "It turned everyone into ponies. Forever." The doctor appears to be accompanied by what might be pony versions of Staren's parents. Staren lifts a hoof and stares at it. "No! I don't want to be a pony forever!"

"*SNRK*" Staren's body shakes slightly and his eyes open. He lifts his head from his arms, a trail of drool connecting his mouth to a small puddle on the table as he looks around blearily at Morg's lab. Morg and Raynor and co. are drinking coffee and chatting. One of those ghosts is just giving Staren a weird look. "Phew!" Staren sighs with relief.