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Latest revision as of 22:22, 18 June 2014

BSZ Target Fight - Ezio v Jinx
Date of Scene: 18 June 2014
Location: TARGET: Mining Station Zephyr (MZ)
Cast of Characters: 39, 75

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
Ezio's first visit to space was...interesting, but to put it shortly, he isn't entirely unaccustomed by his second journey. On the other hand, he does have to arrive at the Mining Station with a bit more finesse than usual. He's spent three hours or so stuffed inside a cramped storage compartment, with his gear in one of the crates aboard a shipping transport.

When he sneaks out, Ezio's first priority is getting his stuff back before he proceeds with the mission, prying open the crate and gearing up before a guard can investigate the noise.

His hidden blade is quick as ever, and sharp to boot. The guard never saw it coming.

Of course, the alarms are tripped sooner or later, and Ezio makes his way to the station proper with axe in hand. This is generally the part where the Confederates send their champion in and things get shooty and stabby.

Jinx (39) has posed:
OH MAN! SPACE. Gotta have that space, space is great!
More over, there's really little a bunch of Guards can do against their mortal enemy, an Assassin. Blood and silence are Ezio's calling cards. But the fact remains that you kill enough of them and someone will notice. Thus the Alarms.

The Confederate response? Explosions nad cackling over the 1MC of the station. The Loose Cannon Jinx is here. "HELLO! WHOEVER IS DOWN THERE KILLING OUR DUDES! Don't even think for a second that you're going to be able to get away from me! I'm gonna catch ya and then I'm gonna shoot ya and then I'll have some lovely tea with you. Well. Maybe different order. Aslo no tea. That's for bitches with stupid hats. Ta~"

The explosions get a little closer to Ezio.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
"Merda." Ezio's one weakness; EXPLOSIVES. It's also his best asset but who's counting?

Snagging up a machine gun off one of the soldiers, Ezio hoofs it before he gets his goose cooked by the explosives hurdling towards him. That voice taunting him hits all the right points of irritation on the Assassin's inner ears, assaulting him on the auditory level as if the threat of ordinance sent towards him wasn't bad enough.

"You're going to find I'm deadlier than any rat you could exterminate!" He says back once he finds cover, slinging the weapon over his shoulder before switching back to the Hellion axe.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Ezio's first warning is the rather heavy footfalls behind him as he rounds a corridor into a more open space in one of the industrial sections of the station, rigging and catwalks all around. The second warning would be clattering, chattering mine-grenades splattered all over one of the catwlaks in front of him, compy metal teeth waiting to trap him up and hold him in place as they explode.

Third would be the holwing mad, happy voice of Jinx, squealing in delight as she rounds the corner, pants her feet and levels Pow-Pow into the room. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE'S JINXIE!"


Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx does 3 damage to Ezio Auditore with a Graze hit.
Jinx hit Ezio Auditore with her HELLO THERE PAL! Have some bullets and bombs! moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
Ezio spies the very thing that's hounding him today, and good lord is it an annoying one. Jinx unloads a burst of fire from her minigun, and Ezio feels a few rounds whizzing by that gaze his body-armor, piercing through a gap or two when he breaks cover.

This isn't gonna be won by fancy axes, but luckily Ezio has something else for this. He grabs the rifle slung on his back, then levels it to fire a quick burst towards Jinx, sending 5.56 slugs hurdling towards her with accurate fire. Cecily's teachings have paid off, evidently.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
Ezio Auditore does 11 damage to Jinx with an Above Average hit.
Ezio Auditore hit Jinx with his Short, controlled bursts. moderate attack! <Standard Mechanic>

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx's rather skimpy outfit does little to block the bullets, but oddly enough she doesn't seem too fazed by them, shurgging off the heavy shots with a bit of a strained giggle. "Oh man! Finally a dude who KNOWS HOW TO FIGHT PROPERLY!" She smiles happily, and then charges in, Pow-Pow still blazing away in bursts as she tracks at Ezio. She's moving for better cover, and seems rather interested in getting higher ground than Ezio for the moment.
Wait, how is that gun speeding up, and why is it doing so more as her eyes start glowing? Oh dear.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
"You're about to find out just who you're dealing with, shrill one!" Ezio growls, before he feels a few shots strike him on the side. He lets out a brief howl before he grits his teeth, carryong on as he lets off another burst of fire towards Jinx.

His aim seems shitty, but that's because it's to get her flinching, for when he rolls a grenade towards her feet. The fuse runs out just as it reaches the bandit, before going up right in her face in an explosion of force and shrapnel.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx really can't fault him on that one, as she's swatted with bullets and semi exploded. It's not so much the explosion that hurts her, it's the fact that the catwalk she's on just collapsed, sending her sprawling into the work floor again. There's going to be some extremely nasty bruising on her skinny body, to be sure.
She kips up though, massive braids swinging around her in a spiral. "Holy crap! Let's do this, this is awesome!"
Pow-Pow is slung against her back, and she yanks out a gaudy green and neon trimmed flamethrower. Terran make. Like she stole it from some firebats. "Meet Hotstuff! Let's do it!" Fooooooooooooosh goes the flames, as she hoses down at Ezio.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
Ezio can't fault Jinx for one thing, she's /hard/ to keep down for long. The guntoting bandit is met with a confused look before Ezio books it from the flamethrower she fires at him, having already had to deal with one madman with a flamer the night before. "I'm getting too old for this..." He should be lucky, at least he doesn't need to strip to his boxers to deal with flamethrower toting psychos unlike a certain Police Sergeant.

He dives to evade the flames, rolling to put out a fire that's sprouted on his half-cape before letting the thing go. He gets those by the bulk, he can spare them.

Rolling onto his stomach, Ezio trains his rifle at Jinx, firing a double-tap at the girl in defiance of her approach of shooting everything with accurate shot placement.

Jinx (39) has posed:
This... uh. This is starting to go very poorly. Jinx takes one two shots right in her shoulder, more bruising and blood starting to seep up to the surface. Magical protection of some sort, it would seem. But even it can't stop all the shots, now can it? That flamer tries to track, but Jinx really needs more practice with it, it would seem. A look of frustration in her wild red eyes, and the young lady howls. "STUPID GUN! YOU FAILED ME! GET BACK IN THE BOX!" A moment and it's gone again, and the Cannon hefts up a rather vicious looking rocket launcher from her back. "ARLIGHT! Fishbones, do your thing!" Now the indiscriminate fire comes from Rockets and missles. Pew Pew!

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
Explosions rock Ezio's world, so to speak, shrapnel and force kicking his ass all across the station floor. His robes are beat up with holes in his armor made, and he spents his time recovering prying bits of sharp objects from his side and leg. Ow. Ow. Ow.

He takes a moment to get his breathing under control. Inhale, count to four, exhale. Rinse and repeat. Such a simple trick, yet so effective for these sorts of situations to keep calm in the face of fire.

He produces a flashbang this time, tossing the grenade towards Jinx before he leaps over where he took cover, and fires another burst while Jinx is blinded.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx howls in pain/joy as she's stun-banged, and staggers at more bullets and gunfire, her whole body starting to ache and shake. This was not good, not good at all.
Not that she was scared or anything, she's not sure how much fear she can feel, really, but she IS gleefully firing up at the cieling now? Wait no, she's firing at whatt looks to be a series of generators in the work space. Ceiling, walls floor... oh, uh oh.

The last Thing breaks, and then suddenly Ezio and Jinx are no longer being held in by gravity. Objects start to float, direction gets hard to track and thos who are not prepared will feel a wave of vertigo for a moment ortwo.
Jinx was ready though, using the moment to propel herself away from Ezio and also shot him in the process with a few more blasts from Fishbones!

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
Gravity seems to be on Ezio's side on this one, as he manages to evade the rockets sent towards him before they hit him. They do however sent him towards Jinx, which gives him an excuse to fire at her once more-

Click. Nope.

"Merda, should've been more careful with this." he grouses, before he tosses the weapon to catch it on the grip. He floats towards Jinx until he's in range, and then swats at her with the weapon's stock to her head like a club. It'll probably break across her thick skull, but it was fun when it lasted.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx takes the strike to the noggin as well as a girl in Zero Gravity can. That is to say she goes sprawling across the workroom and slaps herself headfirst into a piece of superstructure. Blood, this time, spraying out from a gash in her pretty face. Probably concussed. Definately ringing.

Which is why there's a howling little squeal of anger from the girl as she lifts up Fishbones one more time. It can't possibly have any more Ammo in it, can i-


A rocet the size of Jinx suddenly flies out of the business end of the rocket launcher, hurtling across the room and picking up speed as it races for Ezio.

It also recoils her right back into the structure.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
"That...is a big missile."

Ezio's eyes widen, watching as the rocket hurdles towards him, before he's enveloped in an explosion that wrecks part of his armor, leaving him scorched underneath and blackened from his wounds. His ears are ringing, and it'll take a stay in Njorun's medical facilities to fix his hearing on one ear. Let's hope they can bullshit an excuse up after this.

He's too far from Jinx to clock her on the head again, and his rifle's fucked up. He does have two means of ranged combat left, hopefully he can make both of them count.

Ezio laods up his crossbow with an explosive bolt, then he aims at Jinx. He takes a breath, before firing towards her.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx... realyl doesn't take that last shot all that well. She tumbles back against the bulkhead, and goes very rather still.

Wait no. "Hurk, bleaugh." And then she's sort of cartwheeling in mid air, the gravity still not restored, all sort of limp and spdread out, bleeding globs of blood into the work room and generally making a mess of the place.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
R And now for part two of Ezio's finishing strike, taking care of Jinx won't be an issue long as he can keep his arm steady. Raising it, he cocks something on the underside of his left wrist as a finger loops in the trigger.

He closes an eye, grits his teeth, then steadies himself before a final shot echos out, and a small caliber bullet is fired from Ezio's wrist gauntlet.