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WMAT Opening Ceremonies 2014
Date of Scene: 19 June 2014
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: The opening ceremonies of the World Martial Arts Tournament 2014!
Thanks to: Yuri Stinson, Mister Satan
Cast of Characters: 106, Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped)

Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
After many long, quiet months, the hibernation has ended -- the World Tournament Stadium lives again!

Thousands crowd the tournament stands. Thousands more pack the island's narrow streets and surround any screen available. Anticipation makes the smiling throng hum in excited unison. If joy is a disease, the people gathered at Papaya Island have got it bad!

As the sun begins to set and the sky becomes painted by picturesque swathes of orange, pink, purple, and star-spangled indigo, the crowds only get louder.

Inside the arena itself, all is dark and still. The stands are kept lit, but none of those lights are turned toward the stone fighting square, where a busy crew completes finishing touches by flashlight.

Meanwhile, upbeat music blares as viewing screens depict highlights from last year's tournament. Intense action clips flash along to music's swells and the beat's many drops. The entire tournament is replayed in a matter of minutes, almost every fight and every contender getting a moment to shine. The upbeat music gives way to a sweeter melody whenever other events are recalled, such as the hard work of medical volunteers, and the unexpected engagement of Radiant Nova's Fist to the lovely FIA. Once that segment ends, cameras pan around the crowds, causing enthusiastic attendees to mug at the lens and shout for their mothers. It's pretty much like every sporting event ever.

Where will we find our fighters? Some might be down in the stadium's main temple, where locker rooms, nap rooms, limited medical facilities, showers, and other amenities await. Some might be out in the stands enjoying the show to come. Others might be at home, cozy on their couches, kicking back to watch the Multiversal version of the feed. Wherever they are, all competitors eyes are on the stadium once the lights come up and the music changes to a dramatic and familiar fanfare.

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:

There's a pause in the announcer talking, allowing for applause and fanfare from people who know what is coming. And then the lights dim down low, "Different in appearance, but we here at the Tournament judge by heart, not looks! Formerly Radiant Nova's Fist, now known as..." Audible deep breath, "The Dark Hero That Rebels Against All Tyranny, Whom Was Forged In The Fires of Subjugation And Tempered By The Hammer Of Oppression.... But he says you can call him Yuri Stinson! THE MASTER OF CEREMONIES!"

A song kicks up through the stadium as the white-haired Master of Ceremonies walks out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAtNswun8lQ

Spotlights and color-filters flash around the stadium before coming into the center of the stage. Yuri Stinson happily walk-dances his way out to the center of the stage, spinning in place before flourishing his hand. The music comes to a stop. He gives a few more seconds for applause to die down. He definitely looks different from 12 months ago, though only returning fighters or people who know him would notice that detail.

He is wearing a headset, "Welcome everyone! And thank you all for having me back! I promise this year I don't have anything as stage-stopping as a marriage proposal. I'm pretty sure FIA would smack me if I did that again. But let me welcome all of you. It's a delight to be your Master of Ceremonies this year. This is a huge step up from my humble job last year as 'Announcey Shout-Louds Man'."

He smiles a bit, "I cleared out my usually busy schedule of doing... stuff..." He notes vaguely, "To come in here and say that I hope you all are as psyched as I am to watching these AMAZING fights we have lined up."

He takes out a notecard, "So with no more hesitation, I'd like to announce that Bracket A..." He lowers the card again, clearly playing with the audience, "Will be announced later. First we have to bring out a man who needs no introduction... but whose very presence demands one anyway."

Yuri paces the stage, "A man whose physique, combat prowess, and reputation are said to settle wars before he even takes the battlefield. A man whose undefeated streak is the stuff of legends! A man who is the gold standard by which all other men are judged! We almost had to make him wear a special jacket because those SICK GUNS ON HIS ARMS ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!"


Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
The crowd goes BALLISTIC. Fireworks go off above the arena, and from the fighting square's four corners! Rainbow sparks shoot across the sky trailing high whistling noises. A brass band march begins to play, as from every native throat the familiar chant is shouted -- "SA-TA-/UN/! SA-TA-/UN/!"

The man himself strides across the grassy field, making his way toward the fighting grid in long, bold strides. At first, he walks in darkness, but then, one by one, spotlights and lasers panning the crowd all turn toward Mister Satan. The moment he's highlighted is the same moment he throws both hands into the air and pops up his fingers in his signature double victory sign. A mighty bellow echoes in his hairy barrel of a chest, and the same sparkle lighting his handsome blue eyes also flashes in his grin and off the face of his golden championship belt. His white cape snaps in the breeze that's seemingly generated by all the screaming going on in the stands.

He rushes the stage. He jumps into an aerial flip, lands it, and springs into a dramatic tumble. He poses, he flexes, he blows kisses, he bows, and most of all, he looks like he owns the joint. He practically does! This is THE CHAMP, you guys. This is his world, and his arena!

Joining Yuri on the stage, Mister Satan takes up his own microphone, clears his throat, and begins: "WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLCOME TO THE WORLD MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT!"

There's a copious amount of applause and cheering again. More than one woman faints and swoons.

"It is my pleasure to stand before you as your host and guide as another tournament graces our wonderful world! WELLLLLLLCOME, HEROES OF THE MULTIVERSE! WELLLLLLLLCOME, ALL WHO DARE TO COMPETE TO BECOME CHAMPIONNNNNNS!"

Again, the applause is like thunder.

Mister Satan gestures for calm. He kind of gets it. "I will not waste much time on words. We are here tonight as true combatants seeking the kind of glory only hard work and honed skill can earn. Tonight begins the greatest competition many of you will have the honor of entering. But who stands between you and VICTORY?! Do you want to find out?!"

Mister Satan throws back his head and laughs. "LET'S INTRODUCE THE BRACKETS, MISTER MASTER OF CEREMONIES!"

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"AAAAAAAAAAAALRIGHT! BRACKET A IS PACKED TO THE GILLS WITH SOME AMAZING FIGHTS, SO JUST STICK WITH ME HERE, FOLKS!" Yuri says, picking up the slack when Satan throws him to introductions. The Supernal Exalt walks around the stage, a notecard in hand, "The Bracket A, Round One Matches are as follows!"

"We've got a match of speed and skill for our first match. A Unionite known for her speedy attacks and magics, Zephyr Windstar! And her opponent is a Shinki who has garnered quite the reputation for her dangerous skills and assassin-like qualities: FUKI!"

He spins in place and then reads the next name, "The next opponent, with a mysterious pseudonym I can respect, is EL GRAN GORDO!" Yuri rocks back and forth on his feet, "And his opponent is the heir to the Izzet legacy! RHAAAAAAAAAAAAAPSODY!"

Yuri claps his hands a couple times, "A pilot captain and expert ships pilot, we'd like to also welcome JUNO ECLIPSE!" He grins widely, "And we wish her luck, because her opponent is the Miniature Munitions Master... ZENO!"

"Our next match has another Shinki making her way to the mainstage. A fearsome fighter, a personal assistant, and an Angel-based Shinki design... AURORA!" He reads off the card, "She will face off against a part-time waitress who is hopefully here to serve up a heaping helping of Pain... MINETTE!"

"We're also proud to announce a returning bracket champion, the martial arts expert SHIZUNE NAKAMURA!" He exhales and then takes a deep breath, "Who has quite the fight ahead of her, facing off against the mysterious CIARAN!"

"There's also the mysterious and unknown BLACK DEMON. What could their powers be? WHO COULD THEY BE?" He grins, "Will they be unmasked by their opponent, renowned Meowcenary... KASUMI!?"

"And then we have a case of an oldie, known in the Feds, METAL MAN! A WILY ROBOT!" He smiles happily, seeming to enjoy introductions, "His opponent will be a foxy lady with an ice-cold touch: VANESSA SELBY!"

"We're almost half-way done with the first bracket. And I'm going to announce someone known fairly well in the Multiverse: Raven Devanos!" He pauses, "The known mercenary will be going up against ELZA LENGAR in an all-out brawl!"

"And then shuffling his way into the battlefield is THEO MORRISON!" He smirks clapping his hands together, "And he may be barking up the wrong tree with his opponent: ALPHA PACKBEAST MOONFRAY!"

"Another Shinki is fighting in this! Adorable, tiny, tanky, and here to prove herself... MEL!" He reads down the card, "Her opponent is another mechanical being! And we swear we will throw her mother out if she gets too rowdy... ARIEL!"

"We're nearing the end, but we've still got some amazing contenders! Our next match will be NEAL "PSYCHO" CABLES, a man with quite the name." He spins once more, "And his opponent will be trying to draw a victory and deal out some big hits... YUMI MUSUMI!"


Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
Mister Satan cheers along as Yuri makes his announcements; once the first bracket's reveal is complete, however, he brings his mic up again and takes over the stage. Cameras zoom in to show off his ear-splitting grin and infectious laughter. "What a line-up!" he beams. "And now let's see who we have competing in the largest bracket..."

The names and faces of every contender Mister Satan identifies continue to appear on the big screen. Some quick clips from previous tournaments play if any returning contenders are named.

"Our first match-up -- the lovely and dangerous SABER OF SILVER will face the petite but powerful ARIAH!"

"Next, we'll see Tesla Armadia's robotic construct LUNESSA go toe-to-toe with the adorable and voracious NOOOOH!"

"Returning contender ONIKAZE KENSHIN will hope to blow us all away another year as he takes on another mysterious swordsman possessing a fancy hat, THE MASKED KNIGHT!"

Mister Satan flips his card and continues reading down the lengthy list. "A young and cheerful newcomer joins the tournament next -- MAKO MANKANSHOKU! She'll have to be quick to beat her opponent, the gunslinger JERICHO HAWKE!"

"Ah! And here we have former champion SERORI meeting her match in a fiery red-head known for her powerhouse punches -- TAYLITAAA!"

"If the arena survives /that/ fight, we'll see Space Marine KARIAN take the stage to face an opponent whose mystery can only be eclipsed by her might -- MIGHTY HOOD! No, no, don't confuse her with Mighty /Mask/." Mister Satan grins as some section in the audience goes nuts.

"RICHARD STADLER will have to be /fortunate/ to beat the likes of MS. FORTUNE! DAHAHAHAHA!"

Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
It takes him a moment to recover from that impressive display of humor.

Once he does, he straightens up, wipes a few tears from his eyes, and continues. "Then, it's spear against spear as ALEXANDRA KNOX competes against EVANGELINE!"

The list continues. "Gun-totin' JINX versus the unstoppable ALLAN BODILY! Deadly and determined CORVO ATTANO versus KIRIKOU RUNG and his incredible Weapons!"

"KIYOKO SAITO meets newcomer RYUKO MATOI in a duel to determine the most daring!"

"The legendary CIRNO returns to take the championship again after coming so close last year -- but she'll have to get through ZN-MALPRG to do it!"

"Will the sword be enough for TOMOE to defeat a dinosaur?! GENGHIS REX brings tooth and claw into the first round!"

"Then, we'll watch in awe as the magically-empowered HOMURA AKEMI pits herself against an opponent maybe four times her size -- the incredible KHARN!"

"New to the tournament is LI-MING, whose magic will have to withstand AGGRESSIVE COUNSELING, INCORPORATED!" Mister Satan seems confused by this, but carries on.

"Finishing out the bracket is WORLD CHAMPION COWBOY COURIER!! Standing against him is the unrelenting SATSUKI KIRYUIN! Through will alone she means to take the prize! Hang in there, Cowboy!!"

Mister Satan leans back to take in the applause.

Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
A stage hand comes up beside Mister Satan. Half-audible: "What do you mean I missed a card? What? There's more in Bracket B?!"

Laughing nervously, THE CHAMP brings the mic fully back to his face. "BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!"

"The cybernetic wonder STAREN will face the marvel of martial technology, VENDETTA!"

"Then, weaponsmistress REINA KINNEY will need all her firearms to take down the agile and aerial ALICIA T. HARLAOWN!"

"Our next match-up will feature two peerless archers try to out-shoot one another in the oldest but most respected fashion -- gentle giant GOUGH will face gentle-hearted ASUNA!"

"And LASTLY -- I'm not lying this time -- lastly, we have returning contender and martial arts phenom SAKURA KASUGANO dueling the avatar of the gaming world himself, KIRITOOO!"

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
Yuri has been catching his breath since his last series of announcements, but he seems to have his energy back as he bounds back towards center stage, carrying the next set of cards in his hands, "BRACKET C. THE BRACKET YOU MUST C! C-ING MUST BE BELIEVED IN THIS BRACKET. ADDITIONAL SHITTY JOKES." He actually said that last part, yes.

"Our first match is a match of incredibly inadvertantly mythic names! The blonde beauty MARIE MJOLNIR will be facing off against the not-blonde, not-beauty, much more monstery-looking BEELZEBUMON!"

"After that, we've got a returning competitor! Hopefully he has his sanity sorted out so we don't get a repeat of last year, and instead get some badass fights, The Combat Cyborg... NO. 9!" Yuri flips his card over, "His opponent is a naval expert and a skilled duelist! JEANNETTE THOMPSON!"

"After that, there was a bounty hunter in the depths of space! And she could easily combine your stupid ass with your face! Her name was SAMUS ARAN, and she would destroy Metroids!" He grins a bit, enjoying his meta-reference, "And her opponent will be a real-life rockem, sockem, terminatem robot! CAMERON BAUM!"

"AND THEN! Well, you're paying for the whole seat here at the WMAT, but you'll only use the edge... unless you're really fat, then I dunno! But we'll have the GOD OF SPACE, ARTHUR LOWELL!" he rubs his hands together, "His opponent is a self-stylized villain! A man whom hopes to crush his opponents with his prowess... DARK MATTER!"

"Well coming down the pipe we've got a great match in store! The alien-turned-heroine known as NEUROI GIRL will be competing!" He pauses, "And then your confusion is only starting when she faces off against TAKAMACHI "THE GOOD ONE" NANOHA!"

"But we're only halfway done! And we'll be seeing the mysterious hearthrob known as D go up against the terrifying bane of the Abstractum Network, SAMAEL!" He pauses for a moment or two, taking a few deep breaths.

"And then grab the seat of your pants and get out your notebooks, because another part of this confusing puzzle steps in! The blonde haired speedster FATE TESTAROSSA steps into the ring," Yuri calls, continuing a moment, "She will be up against another mysterious competitor. He's entered under the name The Black Reaper!"

"AND NOW THE CONFUSION REALLY BEGINS! As the next fight in our list is the blonde-haired speedster known as TESTAROSSA FATE." He laughs faintly, continuing a moment later, "She faces up against A-KO MAGAMI!"

"Wellllllllllll then after that we've got a heavy weight brawl. Can the King of Koopas, the Grand-High Goomba Guy BOWSER..." He pauses a moment or two, "... beat his opponent, the Rock-Ready Mistress of Earth and Stone... TOPH BEIFONG!"

"After that match, we've got the long-known Multiversal Junker MAYA!" He goes through the card, "Facing off against the super-spy lady known as PROCYANA!"

"And then we finally bring this confusing puzzle to a conclusion when the next match featers NANOHA "THE EVIL ONE" TAKAMACHI!" He takes a couple breaths, "Her opponent is hailing from a universe of her own creation, the Rogue of Life... SUMMER POWERS!"

"After that, well the Buck stops at our next fighter... KAYDON!" Yuri twirls a bit, "And I was just kidding last time, the confusion is just getting started when MOTHERFUCKING CLONES get involved! Yes that's right... it's MATERIAL-S!"

"But that's not all. MORE MONEY, MORE CLONES, MORE PROBLEMS up in this Bizza! Our round after that features MATERIAL-L!" Yuri shouts into his microphone, "And her opponent is a returner from last year, the Watermancer known as SARAH!"

"And to top all that off, well? We've got two heavy hitters. A massive knight in full armor with a big sword... ARTORIAS." Yuri laughs abit, "He will face off a man who will hopefully not spam cheap moves too badly... SAGAT!"

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
Now it's Yuri's turn to get handed a card, "And it seems in my incredible enthusiasm, I have forgotten a match from the A Bracket. So please accept my humblest apologies. I will repent with the noble act of Sudoku, followed by Hare Krishna, later."

"Another one of those MMS Shinkis, owned by Nathan Hall of the Union, VERVI!" He pauses for a few moments, "She will be facing off against a corporate employee and military strategist! From the UniTech Corporation... REBECCA KISMARIN!"

Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
Speaking of Nathan Hall and Vervi...

Mister Satan picks up his microphone after the last echo of Yuri's voice dies out. "Very good, very good! It's astounding, isn't it? Can you even wait?!" He cups his hand around his ear and leans out to the crowd before laughing again. "I can feel your excitement! These matches will be memorable for years to come! But, did you know we also have exhibitions in this tournament?!"

"That's right! Last year, you might remember we pitted the legendary HULK against his biggest rival, BRACHIO! Well, this year, we're inviting other competitors to settle their grudges in our arena -- this year, we have FOUR exhibition matches planned!"

"The first is a special cross-promotional event with the BUSOU SHINKI BATTLE RONDO!" The screen displays several shinki models posed to fight. The static image hangs on while music from the Battle Rondo tournament plays, then fades out to showcase clips of shinki mid-combat. Their model names appear on the screen each time they land a hit or fire off an impressive array of missiles, lasers, and other weaponry. "At the World Martial Arts Tournament only, you'll see World Champion Shizune Nakamura's own shinki, Battle Rondo Champion TORA, defend herself against the former Battle Rondo Champion, VICTORIA! The winner of this match will take home special WMAT-themed shinki equipment -- now available for purchase in an exclusive MMS store!"

Mister Satan flips the next card. "We also have a real grudge battle on our hands in our next all-shinki brawl -- FUKI, wielder of the sharp-edged Abstractum SILENT BLACK, pits all her skill and strength against two shinki who have a score to settle, LIZBET and VERVI! I understand we'll have some special commentators on hand for that match. The Union's own General, Nathan Hall, will be there to represent Vervi, and for the Confederacy and Fuki we'll have former General Serori in the booth!"

The screen cuts to the next shot -- two silhouettes engaged in a fight, one with a sword, the other with open fists. "Our next exhibition match will be used to settle a private wager. Nurse turned Witch MEDUSA GORGON will seek to take down the man who faces twisted perils without flinching, famed Vampire Hunter, D!"

"Our final exhibition sees icy calm meet explosive temper -- SARAH will meet SERORI in a world-shaking duel! When two powerhouses collide, you can't predict who'll be left standing -- you'll just have to be there to see the results yourself!"

Mister Satan smiles. "But remember the number one rule, contenders: no killing permitted."

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
Yuri steps back to the main stage, "And where would this grand tournament be without Sponsors? So let's take some time out to thank them." Yuri says in a serious tone.

"First off, we'd like to thank Multi Moveable Systems, the makers of the Busou Shinki line. They've donated a great deal of money to sponsor this tournament," He drops a plug for the company, "While a huge responsibility, a Shinki can be a rewarding friend and partner for your life. You can go to their booth at any time during the tournament to see about adoption or acquisition."

"Additionally, we'd like to extend a thank you to Tony Stark and all of Stark Industries," He states firmly, "Formerly a weapons manufacturer, Stark Industries is committed to clean, renewable, helpful projects and has a recruitment and hiring booth in the main area, as well as pamphlets on their programs and how you can bring them to your world."

"The New Vegas Board of Tourism would like to remind you that New Vegas is always open to relax, year round. Drinks, fun, and games are all available to you and their facilities are top notch. Just seriously, please do not feed the Yao Guai."

"The Izzet continues to lead the way in magitech research, and they've made sure to donate to the tournament. They offer many great programs to better the Multiverse and we thank them for their contribution."

"I'd also like to take a moment to pitch the Youthan-" He looks off stage, "What, really?" He shrugs, "To pitch the Youthanizer. Shoot yourself in the face with a Melon today and restore years of luster to it."

"And finally I'd like to thank REVOCS, the fashion company, for their donations to the tournament. REVOCS, the cutting edge in fashion."

There are more to come from Mister Satan!

Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
Mister Satan picks up where Yuri leaves off, again. "We also have to thank HYPERION, for their generous donation into the prize pool, and for their continued support of the New-U Stations! The New-U Stations not only offer instantaneous transit between arenas, but will also regenerate the bodies of any contenders who, uhrm...who happen upon unfortunate accidents in the course of their duels. Register at a New-U Station today!"

"Next, we also thank the military powerhouse UniTech Corporation, for supporting the prize pools monetarily and for contributing extra prizes to the contenders lucky enough to win! More on that to come."

Mister Satan continues, "We also thank the Beifong family for their generous support of honorable competition. Their donations have gone to improving amenities and medical care throughout tournament grounds."

"Speaking of amenities -- food and supply shipments have been managed this year in overwhelming part by Black Dragon Shipping. Black Dragon Shipping, for all your Multiversal shipping needs!"

"Lastly, we are honored and humbled to be supported by Starfleet, a vast organization spearheading the responsible exploration of outer space. Starfleet Academy trains the finest innovative minds, and leads the way into humanity's future!"

Mister Satan tosses his remaining cards over his shoulder. Maybe he's got the rest all memorized? Laughing, and then slapping Yuri's back once or twice, he goads on the next reveal: "So what about those prizes?! What are the contenders competing to win?!"

Yuri Stinson (106) has posed:
"Well we've got some great prizes lined up this year, actually." Yuri says loudly, jostling a bit as his back is slapped, seeming put off balance by the CLEARLY MUCH STRONGER THAN HIM MISTER SATAN WHO IS SO MANLY. In fact, he even goes tumbling forward and somersaults across the stage to land in a sitting position. He quickly changes to laying down sideways, posing saucily for the audience.

As he lays there, he ahems, "Third place in each bracket, which will be determined by a semi-finals loser's match, will award twelve MILLION credits. It will also award a one-week all-expenses paid trip to Afterus. Accomodations in the Temple of Time will be provided as well as a Derse Carpacian Guide."

He rolls over a bit, winding up on his stomach with his chin propped on his hands while his legs kick. A couple ladies in the audience swoon, "Second place will award a mighty FIFTEEN MILLION credits. Unitech will also provide a short vacation to the planet Atlas and an opportunity to go on a safari to hunt Cybirds within the solar system's moon. Also included is a chance to command a Bioderm/HERC pairing during an operation. Bracket B also has an EXCLUSIVE prize of two Transportalizers that connect to eachother, allowing you to travel between two lcoations quickly."

He smiles a bit and then does an easy handstand and then flips up onto his feet, dusting himself off, "Ah, but first place. First place nets TWENTY MILLION CREDITS. And in Bracket C alone, a mysterious red cog that we've been told is TOTALLY awesome."

"All other prizes will be announced as the tournament continues."

Mister Satan (TP) (Dropped) has posed:
Mister Satan pulls his hand back in shock as Yuri Stinson goes stumbling across the stage. The crowd loves it -- they're laughing -- but as the prizes are listed and they're given other reasons to cheer, Mister Satan turns around to hunch over and stare at his bright red hand. It's trembling, and already swelling up to twice its size.

Finger by finger, he convinces his shaking swollen hand to curl around the microphone. Doing this makes him grit his teeth and grimace, and it brings tears to his eyes. It's at that moment he's forced to whirl around and face the spotlight again. Still stricken by agony, he draws in a deep, shaky breath, and addresses the audience in a choked voice.

"F-f-f-f-f-f-forgive me! The sight of so many pure contenders has overwhelmed me! I am moved by the spirit I feel in the stadium tonight! There's nothing like it, is there?!"

He bows his head and makes a show of wiping away his tears. "The prizes are not the real incentive in the World Martial Arts Tournament! Here, you compete for the joy of it! As martial artists, or combatants of any other kind, you carry in you a raging fire that can only shine in a competition like this! It's a rare opportunity, and here you all stand before me ready to embrace it! To fight! To seek GLORY!"

Mister Satan continues to speak to the crowd as tears stream down his face. "I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE TOUCHED THAN I AM AT THIS MOMENT! Every year is better than the year before! I only wish I could join you, to compete among you as one of your own! But now, as I said at the start of these ceremonies, my role is to guide you! To teach you! To cheer you on from afar as you, the next generation of warriors, stand in the spotlight and compete! I give you my faith and support in this, the WORLD MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT!"

Many in the crowd are openly weeping along with Mister Satan. His emotion, his absolute dedication, keeps the audience enthralled.

"I have only a few words to offer in closing. May you all fight with HONOR -- may you all fight, remembering the privilege you carry as warriors who are dedicated, skilled, and strong! I, Mister Satan, hero of this planet, declare the World Martial Arts Tournament to be open!"

At that, a fanfare splits the air, and the crowd begins to ROOOOOOOOOAR all over again! How are these people going to have any voices tomorrow?! Mister Satan gestures to Yuri Stinson. "YOUR MASTER OF CEREMONIES, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!"

Fireworks pop across the sky. Music continues to pour across the island. The lights in the arena start to dim, inviting the audience to enjoy the light show.

Mister Satan hops off stage in the growing darkness, keeping a jaunty pace.