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WMAT B1 Lunessa vs. Noh
Date of Scene: 20 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Spinach Wastes
Synopsis: The B-Bracket fight between Noh and Lunessa (Tesla)
Cast of Characters: 178, 368

Noh (178) has posed:
Last year, for some reason, the battle took place in a urban area that.. somehow.. took the form of.. a high school parking lot. Noh has filed this away in the line of 'Nope, it didn't happen', both because of the setting (... Sparkling vampires. Seriously, just, not.) And because of the fight's... albeit victorious, results. (NEVER EATING JELLO AGAIN.)

.. This year, Noh's match appears to take place in the middle of a vast field. HOPEFULLY not one filled with giant pink CHICKEN NUGGETS ON THE HOOF. I mean ostrich chickens. The little dhampir waits patiently for her opponant to arrive, knowing only that it's a 'construct', named Lunessa, and is a.. wolf somehow? She doesn't really know what to make of it, but! Leaning on her spoon and purring slightly at the sun beating down, the half-vampire still smiles.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Hills, plateaus, open land. Perfect terrain for pursuing a hunt through, just enough to be challenging without leaving the prey anywhere easy to hide. Though she was hoping there wouldn't be much hiding, that would just be making things too easy.

Fortunately people get a better idea of what that description means when Lunessa strides onto the field -- a grey humanoid wolf clad in some amount of battle armor, a fancy visor that currently is up on her forehead, and carrying a rather large looking rifle. Which, when the cameras turn towards her at the introductions, she cocks the activator slide on while flashing a smile full of nasty sharp teeth at said camera.

The construct part isn't quite so obvious, until one notices that her grey 'fur' has a metallic sheen to it, and there's visible LED-like flickering in her eyes. The armor is actually fused to her too, but that isn't obvious in itself other than a few cables can be seen connected to it that disappear into her fur as if plugged into her body somehow.

Noh (178) has posed:
Eyes go wide, as the dhampir stares. ... A. Werewolf. An ARMORED. Werewolf. With. Shiny bits! And, wires, and.. Uhm. Okay. Shoot. What's she supposed to do with that? One hand twitches a little, and then she grins a bit, letting fangs show as she diverts blood to trying to keep from stealing small shiny things off the shiny wolf, holding a hand out. "You are being Lunessa then? Is hello to you! I am Noh Body! Your opponant! We have good fight yes? Win, lose, we come out friends?" Shiny sparkly fangy smile.

(Chip Skylark would be jealous.)

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
".. Whu?" Lunessa actually looks somewhat confused at the introduction. "You better not be nobody, I didn't entire this thing to just beat down some poser." Pause. Ear twitch. "Not that doing that isn't fun either..."

<<I... think that's her -name-,>> Tesla remarks over the cyborg's comm. <<Do try to not embarass me.>>

Lunessa just growls a bit amount masterminds under her breath and switchs off the external feed. It's just the two of them and the arena now. "Whatever kid. Just at least be a challenge."

Noh (178) has posed:
Noh beams brightly at Lunessa, and then nods, picking up her spoon. "May best combatant win! ... And I am sorry ahead of time, yes? If you walking away missing spare parts, no matter fight outcome. I am, not good with make hands obey." She grins sheepishly, then steps back, and pulls out a quarter from her dirty jacket pocket, and holds it up. "Head or tail?" She asks, before flipping.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
The way she's faintly twitching, Lunessa must really be restraining herself from just opening up before all the pre-fight chit chat is done. Ugh. This is why she prefers real battlefields, less yapping, more shooting. Or at least more shooting while there's yapping, with how often heros like to spout their speeches.

And the coin is tails. "Finally!" the cyber-wolf practically barks. Takes a step forward to stomp a foot on top of the coin to emphasize the moment.

Then flips around her assault rifle to take a swing at the little halfblood with the stock end of the weapon.

Noh (178) has posed:
A slug to the head with the rifle sends Noh stumbling backwards - but with strange lightening reflexes, she stopp catches the quarter up off the ground where it landed tails up. HER SHINY. She reels a bit, shakes her head, lifts a hand to touch at the bruising spot, then grins, fangs wide, and looks up to Lunessa, hazel eyes taking on a slightly orange sheen. She hefts her spoon, twirls it once with the ease of a baton queen, and then grabs it in one hand, stretching her arm out, extending the pole-arm utensil like astaff.

Then she swings it forward with sudden speed, aming a swiping blow of spoonbowl for Lunessa's feet, to try and knock the wolf off them with a bright chirp of, "Is good start, yes!"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
A spoon, seriously? She's going to fight with a spo--

--Okay it turns into a spoon, staff, thing, but that's still pretty weird even by multiverse standards.

The epic utensil smacks into her legs and knocks Lunessa down as intended, though as she hits the ground she uses the same momentum from the impact to bounce herself up and flip over onto her feet again.

"Point for unorthadox... but if you really want to play like that..." There's a hiss of ozone burning as she activates the electrified claws that extend from one of her hands, and lunges at Noh with intent to stab, slice, or otherwise just hurt her in general with them. She may prefer her guns but that doesn't mean she's not prepared for close-quarters combat.

Noh (178) has posed:
A far more familiar attack this, electricity- Noh hisses as she's hit by the raking claws, which rip into her shirt down the front, and drive her backwards with black-turning lines of color down her front. Well. She's not exactly -all alive-, after all, so.

She hisses a bit, looking down at her shirt, then back up to Lunessa with a slight grin. Well! She's taking things in stride! (Then again she's fruit loops, so she really does take most things with a bit of odd humor anyway,) noting: "Very good! I like that! You are very good indeed!" She beams! Then twirls the spoonstaff again, takes it firmly in both hands, and lofts it in an overhead position.

Then she charges, leaping into the air and swinging the spoon down to try and bring the solid bowl of metal aimed downward for LUnessa's head. It worked before with a dragon, after all.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Not that anyone can see it since its from her own perspective, but as Noh recoils from the strike multiple tactical analysii go through Lunessa's augmented brain, noting both the wounds made and how her target reacts to them. With interesting observations. This isn't the first unliving being she's dealt with, and that is noted away for referal. Mostly on the fact that unliving tend to have few weak points or vulnerable body parts to deal crippling damage to.

Then she gets a spoon upside the head, the blow aided by the momentum of the misleadingly small dhampire's jump. It's a strike hard enough to spin the cyber-wolf around and stagger a few steps away. Probably left a ringing in her cyber-ears, too. Enough that she shakes her head, followed by a snort as she snaps her visor down over her eyes and the scanning lenses light up.

"I guess you're kinda tough after all. I'll have to stop playing around now!"

She snaps her rifle back up into her hands, conductors in the weapon glowing visible and then unleashing a high velocity blast at Noh. The weapon was designed to shred through armor and tear up internals... but since Noh doesn't have so much living body to tear up, it might actually be -less- effective on her.

Noh (178) has posed:
Hiss! Pain, as the blast hits the claw-marks in the middle of Noh's chest and sends her flingign backwards through the air, now leaving her with a smouldering hole in the front of her shirt - shirts, now one can see the layers of clothing beneath the first one, all smouldering a bit - and another stain of thick black spreading into the red of the cloth. She crashes to the ground, with a light chirrof noises, and then rolls over, picking hewrself up, using the spoon in hand to leverage herself back to her feet. Noh stands there, blinking, poking at the hole left behind, and then sort of.. well, grins!

".. Huh!" She announces, turning to face Lunessa, "it is, very odd, yes? I have been stabbed, and I have been poisoned, and I have been suffocated. I have been shot even! But never with, what is called? Laser weapon? Is, different!" Her fangy smile grows wide.. and then slightly, unsettling, her eyes now glowing a bit more orange than before. "If we are play hard ball, is perhaps time I am break out things I am learning for the bard ball playing of!" She says, beaming!

... Then, dipping her head a bit, Noh swings the two-handed spoon back into one hand, and suddenly charges, catching it in both hands with one swing to start attacking with the spoon like it were a Bo- spinning it with two hands in fast motion for a series of strikes aimed for Lunessa's frame; heavy strikes aimed for shoulders, arms, weapon, and then a sudden spinning thust of spoon aimed for the cyber-wolf's stomach area. There's an unusual amount of strength behind it- Noh's small size and really skinny frame is REALLY misleadoing when it comes to her inhuman strength.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
After discharging the shot Lunessa flips the rifle back over and slides it into maglock across her back to get ready for another physical assault.

Sure enough, Noh comes charging at her.

In response she holds up her arms in front of herself, armor guards unfolding outward into small shields of ablative plating. Which she uses to parry several of the spoon's strikes, busting off pieces of the armor instead of taking grevious harm herself.

Then grabs the spoon in, of all things, her mouth. She is a canine, after all. You ever play tug of war with a dog? Now just imagine if that dog was a six foot tall biomechanical cyborg.

Which might be why after a few tugs Lunessa snaps her head back and twists her body around as she lets go, whipping the small halfblood across the field and hopefully into something hard and unforgiving.

Noh (178) has posed:
Well. Noh is trying to bring her A-Game! .. She's still just not MAJORLY DOING DAMAGE though because, well. Small is very easy to do-- just that! Noh growls playfully a small moment as she wrestles and tugs on her spoon against Lunessa's jaws, but then is WHIPPED AROUND and FLUNG! ... sigh, time for another stamp on her air miles card.

She slams into a rock, and slides down to the ground, dizzy, before slowly getting up, and shaking out her head. One can practically imagine the rattling sound. There's certainly enough BELL JINGLING from her ornaments to add the sound effects! Then she grits her teeth. She promised herself she would take this battle in good nature!

... But it's a little hard when your head is ringing. Still. She grins again,and looks at the rock behind her- something seems to click! Because she turns again to face Lunessa! "Good dog!" She chirps! "Have a treat!" ... A, treat?

".. FETCH!"

A bauble hanging from her string of bangles flashes! And suddenly, the rock behind her shakes, rumbles, and then lifts up to the tunre of a hand gesture. She even does the BALL THROW! .. except instead of THROWING A BALL, the ROCK IS FLUNG for Lunessa!

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Even with the visor down there is a visible TWITCH in Lunessa's features at the FETCH!. "JUST BECAUSE I'M A CANINE DOESN'T MEAN I--" And she turns around just in time to see the rock being flung at her. Unfortunately it's not soon enough to see the rock being flung at her and -dodge- it.


Maybe it was the kinesis, or the size of the rock, but either way it hits with enough force to send the cyber-wolf slamming into the ground and skidding across it, after the rock shatters into millions of little pieces almost like it was exploding.

There's a growl as Lunessa grabs her snout with one hand and shoves her jaws back into place. "Okay, that one I felt..." She rolls over, and gets back onto her feet. Bares her fangs as she crouchs down, and looks like she's going to charge, or pounce, or something.

Or not, as instead of leaping she opens her mouth into a thunderous "ARRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" that while not quite a cannon certainly sounds close with the devestating sonic blast it produces.

Noh (178) has posed:
Eyes FLASH, as Noh is suddenly just not THERE anymore- somehow she's suddenly sped up, celerity backing her movements as she disappears from the stance of standing in place just as the sonic blast hits, sending up a cloud of dust and rattling the rocks. She's now behind Lunessa, her features becoming less and less the innocent, cute little thing she normally appears as; now her fangs are visible, her hands are claws, her features are gaunt and she is pale; her ears pointed. She's channeling her energy away from her usual glamour to other, more important things-

Like suddenly charging forward, once again at rapid speed, to try and grab for Lunessa's jaws with both hands, and suddenly clamp them shut. She grins, one fang snagging over her bottom lip, before she scolds, "Bad doggie.. No biscut for you.." in an odd, growlish voice. Tight grasp on long snout, she attempts to use sudden, greater strenth to wrench Lunessa's head down, and then back one handed-- for the other hand is suddenly, claws splayed, slamming for the wolf's chest, in an attempt to strike either into it, or throw her back a couple of feet. Noh does, after all, when concentrating on her Vampire powers, have the strength to move a car, even if limited by longevity.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
How the hell did she move FASTER than SOUND? Augh curse you Multiversal defiance of physics!

Not long to ponder that though before the quick little bugger (Lunessa doesn't call people bitch, that'd kinda be insulting herself, y'know) practically comes out of nowhere to grab onto her mouth and wrench it shut. But when Noh goes to smash her in the chest Lunessa is just as quick, yanking her head free, and using her leg booster to reverse-dash away from the stiking dhampire.

But not without leaving a little surprise behind, as during the backup maneuver she also tosses one of her plasma grenades at Noh's feet, hoping she won't notice it while being distracted by her maneuvers.

Noh (178) has posed:
Plasma heat explodes at Noh's feet- and surprisingly, she yowls in pain at it, blastes backwards, a crator left behind in the ground where she had been. She manages to contort in the air as she comes for a landing- not for the hard, rough landing a collapse might bring, but an odd, twisting, on her feet in a crouch landing that leaves her panting a little. Her pants are badly burned, her uppermost shirt is scorched, and she's missing a sneaker. But she's still standing-- if only because she's just not HUMAN. She lifts her gaze, blood dripping from her mouth in a slight froth now, and gives a rather unsettling grin of many sharp fangs, before shadows suddenly swallow her up.

A ball of roiling darkness hovers, before it suddenly blasts for the cybernetic Lupine-- only to form, mid charge, into the frame of a dark furred, chain-bound lioness, with a vague scruff of mane from it's head down to it's back, and fangs larger than those of a normal lion's. It leaps into the air, jaws opening, and claws splayed, as it attempts to latch onto Lunessa's throat and use body weight driving it to drag her down, with jaws clamped tight-- hard enough to crunch through light layers of armor at least.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Okay, plasma actually caused pain by the sound of it. This is noted. But it looks like previous analysis that causing crippling harm would be difficult due to lack of human characteristics is still standing.

Eh, pain is pain. Gratuitous screaming and thrashing in agony was just fringe benefits for amusement.

Such amusement is not to be had though, instead the resounding crash of two bodies together as the half-vampire thing turns into a half-vampire LION to pounce on her, impact slamming Lunessa to the ground again, with the beast on top of her. Jaws clamp down with an audible crunch, though its only one one of her arms as she shoves it in Noh's mouth to keep her from digging into somewhere more vital.

"Unfortunately for you..." There is an audible thrum as an energized blade deploys from her other arm, a recent addition by her master after a couple of bad run-ins with Jedis. "Monsters is what I was -made- to hunt!"

And thrusts the energized blade for the dark lion. Not having to worry about vitals is actually a benefit when you're not suppose to kill your opponent.

Noh (178) has posed:
A snarl of noise-- Noh twists in her hold on the arm, crunching again with another bite, as she half rolls on instinct, and the blade instead meats flesh in her upper shoulder, burning a hole into the black fur and sending up smoke. The arm hold is let go of only for a moment, though, because the demon beast is suddenly lunging up and away from Lunessa, ears back, tail lashing, before runes, barely perceptable as etched into the thick shackle collar the lion bears, flash.

The ground around them starts to rumble, as suddenly another rock dislodges, and then a nearby tree, and then a downed log, and even part of a fence all lift into the air, and then are FLUNG! For Lunessa's form in a cascade of heavy objects; once again symbolizing a triggered pin among Noh's collection, this one being her strongest pin of all: Kinetic Warning.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:

Admittably a fence isn't necessarily heavy. It is however good at getting someone tangled up in, which is pretty much what it does here, as part of the fence snags in the intake of one of Lunessa's thrusters, preventing her from dashjetting away from the avalanche of pain that follows it. Rocks and tress go crunch on top of the bionic wolf with enough force for it to indent into the ground and shake it a bit from the force. There is no way even...

Nope. Despite being crushed and crumbled Lunessa still quite literally claws her way out from underneath, and that's with only one fully functional arm. Shit this cyborg can take some damage and still come back for more. But that's going to make it hard to fight, isn't it?

Maybe it isn't. She doesn't have much in the way of pain recognition after all, that sort of defeats the purpose of being part machine.

She's also got those two cannons attatched to the back of her armor, and apparently despite the bashing of various blunt objects those work just fine. Enough to launch several high yield explosive shells at the dhampire-lion.

Noh (178) has posed:
WHOOM. The not so big cat is sent blasting backwards by the shells as they collide at once with the ground, wham, wham, wham, and she again twists in the air, but instead of landing like a cat should, she crashes to the ground, panting, in a heap-- somewhere in all of that she reverted back through shadows and smoke to the small, slightly toothsome frame of a dhampir; though at the moment seems to oly be barely shaking off the transformation, a lion tail and cat ears remaining behind. She huuffs, into the earth at her hands, and feet, shoving herself slowly back from collapse, to her knees, and then to stand. The worst of the damage is immediately visible in all the dark stains blossoming on her clothes, and the fact that she's frothing blood still with each huff of breath-- but she's still standing. And really, Noh wouldn't enter the WMAT if she didn't know she wasn't able to take this kind of damage without really -dying-. She grins again, and then pulls her bauble chain from her neck, and fingers the pins roughly in her hand.

"You fight, very good, very, very good. Is honor that I will lose to you, Miss Lunessa, yes? But it would not be sporting to lose without giving my all. I have attack I save because is very... unique, considering element, yes? No one ever expect it."

She pauses, gives a loose titter.

"Here, have spanish inquisition!" She says, grinning; and a flash blinks of light-- before suddenly a ball of light at the palm of her now outstretched hand appears; and grows, and intensifies, before suddenly shooting a beam of energy - HOLY ENERGY - at Lunessa; fit to shake and rattle her joints almost like a lazer blast.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Well she's right about that being unexpected at least! Noh isn't the first unliving that Lunessa has dealt with, but she's certainly the first to have a HOLY energy attack.

The cyber-wolf turns and braces herself, letting the energy shot blast her already mangled arm. Which falls out of its socket, and could be mistaken as bleeding even, until one remembers that she's biomechanical, and that is more likely some sort of lubricant or other manufactured fluid. Though it's clear that some of her body is some sort of organic composition, there's so much fiber mesh and augmentation to it there's no distinct seperation.

"And you're a tough little bugger, I'll give you that much." Lunessa leans down to pick up the mangled, severed limb. Nope, it's not worth trying to reattach.

So she winds back and flings it at Noh as hard as she can.

Noh (178) has posed:
What is the sound of one hand clapping?

I don't know, but the sound of one arm colliding with the head of a dhampir who's already dizzy and weaving unsteadily on their feat is a sort of CLANK! sound that is followed by the THUD! of said dhampir collapsing in a heap, huffing for breath, but managing just barely to stay concious, only to give Lunessa a weak thumbs up, before simply, flopping limp. Nope, not moving from here.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Granted, once the fight is over, -then- Lunessa seems to realize how bad of shape she's in. "Shit that little bugger hurts when she does hit. Com'n, you." She trudges over to grab Noh by the ankle, and drag her off to the medical area. She may be bitchy but she's not big enough of a jerk to just leave someone lying in the dirt.