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WMAT B1 Onikaze Kenshin vs. Masked Knight
Date of Scene: 21 June 2014
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: Kenshin faces off against the Masked Knight (Lucatiel).
Cast of Characters: 66, 76, 182, 234
Tinyplot: WMAT

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin has arrived at the location for his fight at the appointed time. There is little fanfare to his entrance and almost now showmanship to it. His last several matches had been in mountains, plains, and a desert last year. So he was surprised to be announced in the main stadium.

When he DOES arrive, it is as previously stated a very simple arrival. At one moment he is not there. Moments later, there is a gust of wind and he appears from nowhere, seeming to teleport into the arena. He is clad in his normal and simple outfit. He is clutching his sheathed weapon in his right hand.

He slowly draws the sword and then tosses the saya aside, letting it vanish into the air beside him. He holds the sword in a simple grip and waits.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
As to the mysterious opponent on the lists, almost nothing is known. There is no name, barely a description beyond the blindingly obvious, and virtually no information on fighting style. It seems like the Masked Knight is a real mystery. Nobody can even say if it's a man or a woman and few involved in the tournament seems to have spoken to them.

The enigmatic contender is punctual in their arrival, at least, but it isn't as nifty as the Swordsman of the Wind. No; the Masked Knight rides in on a fine-looking destrier, an elegant and high-stepping dappled grey, black legs lifting high in clear showmanship, long wavy tail trailing behind like a banner, mane spilling over one side of its neck. Its trot almost seems to float, and the Masked Knight in its simple saddle rides the springy gait well with barely any movement.

For all the lack of showy gear on the horse, the knight's armour makes up for it -- a black leather cuirass with elegant silver and gold embossed accents, leather leggings, a length of ragged blue cloth hanging from the right side of the belt, and cuffed doeskin boots. The Masked Knight wears not one but two sword scabbards; a rapier at the rider's left hip, and a broad-bladed greatsword over the shoulder. The right arm bears a round metal shield.

Then there's the hat. It is a magnificent, broad-bladed hat whose profile is thin as a blade, with a reinforced crown and a number of white ostrich-like feathers surrounding the forward part of its dome; and a single jet-black pinion that rises high above the brim by over two feet; quite distinctive. That sucker looks sharp as a blade, and the formidable knight may or may not have killed whatever it originally belonged to.

Lastly, the mask -- it is a simple brazen mask, molded into the shape of a sharp-featured gentleman with an aquiline nose, a curved moustache, and a sharp, short pointed beard. Where the eyes would be, there are only several vertical slots, lending an odd appearance some describe as unsettling.

The knight draws their horse up short before Onikaze, standing in the stirrups. A touch of the reins brings the horse to bow forward elegantly, well-trained; and the knight likewise bows from the waist with a flourish before vaulting neatly from the saddle. The horse is given a pat on the shoulder, and it promptly turns and trots for the arena's exit.

Turning, the Masked Knight draws their rapier and holds the blade high in salute to Onikaze; and then remains that way as though hewn from stone, waiting patiently for the start of the battle.

Not a single word is spoken.

Maybe the Masked Knight is mute?

Artorias (182) has posed:
Artorias somehow manages to sit in the announcer's booth for the stadium. They've apparently brought in a chair large and sturdy enough for him to sit in, but he still has to hunch over the tiny desk in front of him as he sits with his elbows on his knees, looking over the stadium.

His tone is as jovial as ever, perhaps even more so as he begins his announcement once Kenshin appears. "'Tis a fine day for a match, ladies and gentlemen! The crowd is eager, and the combatants remain focused! Sir Kenshin lack'st any fanfare for his entry, simply appearing on a gust of wind at one side of the arena and drawing his sword to prepare for the Masked Knight's arrival."

He looks over to the other side of the arena when the Masked Knight arrives. "Ah, and there is the opponent, astride an elegant steed! Sir Kenshin's opponent is mysterious indeed, with the mask of a bearded man shielding the face under a rather magnificent hat. The Knight brandisheth a rapier; an interesting choice against Sir Kenshin's sword of the East. 'Twould seem both our duellists art silent as well." With a laugh, "I suppose I must make up for their silence with boasts of my own!"

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin bows at the waistline in a respectful and eastern fashion. He then rises up again and resumes his position with the blade, holding it in a practiced stance while he waits for Artorias to begin speaking. He has no ornate stance, nor fancy clothes. He is a man with a sword.

He lets both hands fall to the handle, adjusting his grip and then lifting the blade up. One of his feet slides back, adjusting the stance. He's still silent, but not out of rudeness or concealment. Kenshin is merely a quiet individual, as any who knows him would attest.

Still, after Artorias makes the introductions, he seems ready to fight. Eyes narrow upon his opponent, gauging his first move. Instead of show off too much right away and risk revealing his powers, he simply swipes his sword at the air twice.

The space between himself and the masked warrior ripples with air and then condenses into two solid blasts of air that seek to strike out and knock back his opponent.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Kenshin's opponent remains as still as a statue, waiting in silence for the other swordsman to make his move. There are many warriors in this place, with as many styles as there are worlds in the Multiverse, or stars in the night sky. Still, the Masked Knight is studying Kenshin closely. The intense, scrutinising regard of that enigmatic figure is almost a physical weight.

And then Kenshin moves.

So does his opponent.

In one instant, the Masked Knight is standing with blade outstretched, sun glinting down the steel, waiting patiently for the battle to join.

And then the Masked Knight is no longer standing there.

By the time the wind lances for the position the knight had been, the knight is already halfway to Kenshin's position and lunging forward with tremendous speed; the point of that rapier fixed firmly for the shoulder of Kenshin's sword hand. It's a ruthless-looking blow, but it's meant to be disabling rather than, well, deadifying... but it's enough to establish that this is a warrior who spends no time on showmanship despite the elegant attire. The skills, it seems, must surely be solid.

Trailing behind is a long, blonde braid. Perhaps it's possible that this mysterious fighter is in fact a woman, but then again, perhaps they're merely an effeminate man. It's hard to say in the Multiverse.

What's not hard to say is that they've definitely got the chops to be fighting in this tourney! Who knows what future exchanges of blows may hold?

But they still seem just slightly hesitant to draw in too close or stay in Kenshin's immediate range. Blades of wind aren't something to be messing around with, and if he's that good with /wind/, they must be extrapolating on how much more hurt they could be in if they let Kenshin reach them with that /sword/. Tribute to Kenshin's abilities, surely.

It seems the Masked Knight is not taking him lightly at all.

Artorias (182) has posed:
Artorias sits up a little straighter as he stares between the two combatants. "Our silent swordsmen continue to stare each other down! Certainly neither lacketh in the ability to intimidate. One simple and composed, the other fantastically ornate. I suppose soon we shall see which style will prevail tonight."

The knight gives a brief pump of his arm when Kenshin opens up. "And Sir Kenshin striketh the first blow! Twin slashes of his blade, but not meant to catch the Masked Knight with metal; he seemeth to command the very air itself, each slash sending a rush of cutting wind upon his opponent - who hath /remarkable/ speed, by the Lord! Those attacks miss the Knight as she - I believe, for I spot a braid of blonde - is already delivering a lunge upon our Eastern warrior!"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
And up in the stands there's something a fuss. A woman in red, for whom dancing's a must. Lu-Mey is here, for Kenshin to cheer, an act that for her she holds quite dear. Upon her seat she stands, to give this a whirl, now just look at how her body is all a-twirl. With a fan in one hand and a flutter of lashes, the tittering oni gives a wave of red sashes.
"Ke~n~shin~. Ke~n~shin~. You can do it, go for the win~."

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
The blade that lances forward nicks the outside of one of Kenshin's hands, drawing a crimson gash that causes droplets of redness to fall and stain the floor of the arena. He grimaces from pain, but doesn't make much beyond a grunt.

Hopping backwards and away from his opponent, Kenshin easily modifies his grip, switching the dominant hand in a display of ambidexterity as his left takes primary grip instead of his right. This gives him time to naturally accelerate his healing to fix the hand while he gauges where to strike next.

And then the oddest thing happens. For almost all perceptions, Kenshin simply vanishes from sight. Or rather, he would appear to teleport. Vanishing from one spot, he reappears at the right side of the masked warrior a moment later with his sword already in mid-swing. A shallow cut aimed at the side of his opponent in a horizontal strike.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Indeed, the Masked Knight appears to be female, what little can be seen of her. Namely, her long braid. It's still possible that this enigmatic opponent may be a man, but who knows? Telling the Masked Knight's build through that masculine-looking outfit is tough. And if it's a she, she certainly doesn't seem to be telling. Or saying much of anything at all! No voice to betray her.

The rapier whirls up in a shining arc, deflecting the sword swung at her side, but not enough to completely turn it aside. Enough to stop it from biting too deeply past the cuirass, though, which it seems to slice through as though it were no more than tissue paper. That's a little disturbing, but not altogether surprising. There are many strong warriors in the Multiverse, many of which are in possession of strange abilities.

Strange to Mirrah sensibilities, anyway.

The Masked Knight kicks off from the smooth arena floor, leaping for the Swordsman of the Wind and batting at him with the flat of the rapier; a simple flurry meant to test his defenses more than cause any lasting harm. But the true blow doesn't come from the blade, but the shield on her right arm.

Kenshin better think fast, 'cuz it's flying at the side of his head. Also, it looks like it's very nearly solid metal. That might leave a mark if it hits...

Artorias (182) has posed:
"Sir Kenshin is struck by the blow, but 'tis not a severe hit; not much more than a graze against the back of his hand. 'Tis a dangerous point of impact, however, and I fear he may experience difficulty if our Masked Knight striketh him any harder at that spot! Ah, but the fight! Sir Kenshin openeth the space between them and switching hands. The man is as good with his left as his right, 'twould seem; quite the helpful trait in a dual."

Artorias suddenly claps his armored hands together in excitement, like an overeager fan watching a skillful touchdown in football. "Oh, Sir Kenshin displayeth even more fantastic abilities! In an instant, he is on the Masked Knight's other side with his blade in mid-swing, striking at his opponent's side! Ah, but the Knight is aware and agile, for she deflecteth the blow with a twirl of her own rapier to mitigate the impact into a biting cut. 'Twould seem this is a battle of agility and alertness, fair observers! The Masked Knights' response is to offer a feint with her blade, followed by a strike of that sturdy shield upon her arm directly to his head!"

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Male or female opponent means little to Kenshin in the context of the tournament. A footnote in the battle and something to be reflected upon later. Certainly not a factor in the battle at hand.

With a simple motion, he pulls back the blade and flourishes it, preparing for the next sword strike. But it's not a sword that comes in for him, but a shield. And so he brings the blade up flatly, bracing it against his hands to attempt to deflect the shield from striking him in the head.

He instead guides it down to strike him square in the torso, letting out an 'oof' and sliding back from the impact of it. Slightly winded, his feet skid along the tournament floor before he comes to a halt, lowering his blade after the attack. He coughs a bit.

But he's not ready to back down from the fight quite yet. And so he steps forward once more. His follow-up attack to hers has no special trick behind it. He's swinging a clean one-two sword combo aimed directly for her shield arm, trying to rob her of its defensive and offensive capabilities with a couple quick swipes.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
The unexpected shift of having her shield arc downward seems to throw the Masked Knight's balance off, but she recovers quickly, wrenching it back and retreating just far enough to lend herself some distance.

It's not enough distance to avoid the blows, though, and Kenshin will be rewarded by the first sound made by the enigmatic warrior. She gives a sharp hiss of breath through the mask, hollow-sounding, as both blows land home on her shield-arm and stain the white sleeve of her silk shirt red.

Recovering quickly, the Masked Knight shakes out her shield arm, whirling to place Onikaze Kenshin front and centre.

She doesn't lash out with her sword, not immediately, but instead lashes out with a boot, with every intention of kicking one of Kenshin's ankles out from under him. Whether or not she manages to succeed, she lashes out again with a closed fist aimed at Kenshin's gut in a savage blow. Then, finally, she'll attempt to crack him upside the head with the pommel of her rapier -- damaging blows, all, but not killing blows.

Maybe she fights a little bit on the dirty side, but she certainly will honour the rules of this place. There's no need to kill her opponent. This is only a glorified sparring match, and she relishes the opportunity to test her skills -- and it would be a shame to kill such a fine swordsman as Kenshin.

Never mind the fact that she's seriously beginning to doubt she could /actually/ kill him, even if she wanted to.

Artorias (182) has posed:
Artorias is, perhaps unsurprisingly, getting into the fight as it becomes more intense. He gives a pump of his fist when he sees Kenshin deflect the shield. "A skillful block by Sir Kenshin deflecteth the shield to his torso instead! Still an unpleasant impact, but at least the man need'st not worry about unconsciousness. Our Knight of the East is winded, but not out: a step forward is followed by something without trickery or powers, a clean two slashes to the Masked Knight's shield arm to cast away her defenses and lessen her options!"

"Both strikes find purchase, but the Masked Knight refuseth to relent and simply continueth through the pain! I must admire her will already, as well as her versatility: a swift kick is aimed for Sir Kenshin's ankle to bring him low, followed by a fist to his stomach and - oh, an upward /strike/ from the pommel of her rapier to his head! Our Masked Knight certainly careth not for limitations in a duel, ladies and gentlemen!"

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Still in recovering from his attack on the opponent's arm, the boot to his ankle staggers Kenshin, causing him to stumble a bit in his footing. This keeps him off balance enough for the fist to strike him cleanly in the gut. He makes a wheezing noise from the impact of it.

But the rapier finds itself swiftly deflected, Kenshin having little desire to be struck in the face and dizzied by the metal handguard. Instead, after deflecting, he hops back and away and wipes at his brow with the back of one hand.


A moment is given to appraise the situation with the Masked Knight internally. Above-average durability due to the fact she was still holding a shield after his strike. He makes note of reaction times to his teleportation maneuvers, chalking it up to high levels of reactivity.

Kenshin hops back and away, then leaps up airward. As he ascends, he swings his sword twice. One might expect another pair of airblasts. But instead, Kenshin's more supernatural abilities kick in. Abruptly, below his opponent, two spots on the ground explode upwards in small burts of flame, as if firecrackers were going off at her feet.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
The Masked Knight reaches down to clap her shield hand over her side, where the cuirass had been sliced open. A tiny scrap of her silk shirt is visible there, and the few fibers that have worked free from the opening are stained red. It seems the cut he'd laid open earlier wasn't as minor as she had undoubtedly hoped.

No matter. It seems she can ignore the pain, at least for the moment. The blood is a little more worrying, but there's nothing to be done for it; she simply seizes what little frayed bit of her shirt's sticking out of the hole, wads it up, and crams it back into try and staunch the wound. That settles that, though a cut like that still hurts like the dickens.

Her stance immediately shifts to one of cautious defense when he leaps back as though to launch more blades of wind. That may be what she's expecting, in fact, but instead she's surprised by two patches of red-hot light on the ground, and suddenly flame erupts from the points -- startling her, apparently, for she backs up with a sharp huff of breath, audible even as it issues hollowly from her mask.

Although the Masked Knight backpedals with admirable reaction time, it's not fast enough to spare herself from the worst of it. Flame sears right through the silk of her sword arm's sleeve, singing it to an unrecognisable crisp, drifting away in ashy bits before she manages to swat it out with her shield-hand. Cinders float away on the wind even as the masked head jerks up to regard Kenshin, no doubt calculating.

Warily, she seems to sidle uncertainly towards Kenshin, as though uncertain of how or where to attack him; as though she were second-guessing this whole affair, or perhaps thought herself outmatched. Once she's gotten close enough to take his measure, she seems to hesitate--

And then explodes into motion, a ferocious flurry of blows with the rapier. Thrusts and slashes, and even the occasional harsh swat with the flat of the blade to try and herd him the way she wants him to move; as though she were seeking to make absolute mincemeat out of his defenses. There's plenty of finesse, and it's not just blind striking -- certainly skillful swordplay and fancy footwork.

And then she finishes it off by attempting to drive a knee into Kenshin's, ah, 'below the belt.'

Welp. She never really claimed to fight fair.

Still hasn't said much of anything, actually. Good thing Artorias is chatty and enthusiastic enough for two silent opponents.

Perhaps that works to Kenshin's advantage. He's got to be able to hear how harsh her breathing is. She's not quite winded yet, but it sounds as though she's quickly headed that way. When she's stopped trying to carve a fillet out of him, it shows in the set of her shoulders; not quite slumped yet, but getting there.

Artorias (182) has posed:
"Oh, Sir Kenshin certainly doth not desire to be struck dizzy tonight! An agile deflection sendeth the Masked Knight's rapier away before it can strike bluntly upon his head, and he swiftly openeth the distance between them so that he may appraise his opponent for a moment more. 'Twould seem our windswept swordsman has met a fine match!"

Artorias suddenly leaps up to his feet with a shout when Kenshin's explosive magic fires off. Not so much a shout of surprise as excitement, because explosions make everything better. He quickly realizes that he's probably blocking a good chunk of the audience, however, and lowers into his seat again. "Ah, Sir Kenshin hath displayed yet more magic! Twin sweeps of his blade summon explosions beneath the feet of the Masked Knight like gunpowder summoned and lit from thin air! It catcheth the Knight off guard, certainly, for her evasive leap is met with grand flames that singe her sword arm. 'Tis not enough to hinder her, however! No, certainly not, for the Masked Knight immediately assaulteth Sir Kenshin with a flurry of strikes - ooh, and a knee below the belt, as it were! Not a clean fighter indeed, ladies and gentlemen!"

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
In a smooth backflip after his attack, Kenshin lands on the ground and shifts his grip on the blade, adjusting his posture as he prepares for the Masked Knight to charge in towards him again. The blade is swung easily, bracing for an attack.

The flurry of blows is reacted to cleanly, dodging the more brutal among them, but not all of them. The tip of the blade finds purchase more than once in his upper body, punching in cleanly through flesh and muscle, staining the black shirt with a red tint in more than a few places.

The knee is less effective, however. Kenshin easily sidestips the knee below the beltline and then seeks to followup on her sword combo.

The katana in his hand swishes through the air easily in his movements. A fierce flurry of diagonal slashes towards the midsection meant to overwhelm her own defenses, accounting for the weak blocking ability of the rapier against heavy swords, in tandem with her damaged shield arm.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Although she fights well, it's clear by this point that the Masked Knight is not a heavy-hitting opponent, and made more for finesse than for ferocity. As Kenshin closes in, such a brutal onslaught wears on her, and she can't help but stagger under such a flurry of heavy blows.

Although she attempts to parry whatever she can, she can't turn aside everything, and there's no hope of the rapier actually blocking the cruel sweep of Kenshin's fine eastern blade. Furthermore, every raise of the shield wears on her, and the fingers of her shield-hand are starting to tingle and lose sensation. Her fine silk shirt is torn in quite a few places, and the only thing visible beneath is blood. (That is, at least, reassuringly red and human-looking.)

It spatters on the smooth arena floor, though, and makes for slightly more treacherous footing for the Masked Knight.

Rather than break away to buy herself some space, the knight simply shoves herself into Kenshin's personal space, using her rapier to whittle away at his defenses, and the occasional well-aimed punch to try and throw him off his guard. She's holding it with both hands by this point, apparently deciding that that hand is better-used to support her offensive than to use defensively for the time being.

No, her use of that arm is rapidly growing more limited. She'd best pick and choose the times in which she uses it, and make it count. It's not really necessary right now. Not yet.

Rather than try to simply overwhelm him with Death by a Thousand Cuts, she seems to be trying to manoeuvre him -- drawing out that curved blade, trying to move it into a position where she can draw it out. And then, when and if she should find the opportunity, to lock hilts with it.

If she manages /that/, well, she'll try to slam that metal shield into the side of his head again with her other arm, sacrificing a little bit of ground for the greater good.

She's definitely looking winded and ragged by this point, though. Blood trickles from the wounds already opened up by that curved sword; though she seems to be putting on a valiant effort to ignore the stinging pain, no doubt she can only keep up that facade (ha-ha) for so much longer.

Artorias (182) has posed:
"Sir Kenshin is an agile fighter, but 'twould seem his agility is put to the test this day. For each blow dodged, 'tis almost as if he suffereth another that findeth purchase! At least he is not about to suffer that final blow; the knee is sidestepped, so we shall not see this knight struck prone upon the ground just yet. No, Sir Kenshin hast chosen to give the Masked Knight a taste of his own skill in her arena, striking her with a flurry of slashes over and over to overwhelm her! We must hope that her evasion can suffice without her shield to support her!"

Artorias lifts a fist to support his chin as he watches the tense battle continue. "Oh, the Masked Knight seemeth to lack the advantage against the heavier blade of Sir Kenshin. She suffereth many blows, but - oh, what determination! No moment is taken to gain space to breathe, and instead she simply closeth the distance even further to deliver more thrusts of her rapier, holding it with both hands to support her wounded arm! 'Tis no battle of strength, however; she seemeth to be trying to outmaneuver his larger blade."

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin swipes his blade at the ground briefly to clean off any accumulated blood. Following the motion, a ripple of air runs along the blade to clean it off more completely. The idle gesture buys his opponent the time to rush in close and invade his defenses. A punch is aimed and connected cleanly, jerking his head backwards and staggering him a bit.

Several more strikes with the tip of the rapier find purchase in him and he backs away cautiously. He's suffered his own share of wounds, and they do show on his form. Briefly he considers going against his personal limitation and using his more high-tiered power, but mentally shrugs off the idea.

Instead, he simply steps in towards Lucatiel again. Instead of a high-speed combo, he instead aims a cleaving strike right at her side with a two-handed horizontal sword swing.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Although she sees Kenshin's sword as it swings, knows where it's headed before he even follows through in his swing, there's not enough time for the Masked Knight to evade the terrible blade aimed for her right side. She tries to bring both shield and rapier up to turn it aside, but it isn't enough to sway Kenshin's determined blow.

The Masked Knight takes the blow like a champ! That is to say, it forcibly knocks her off her feet so quickly and so harshly she doesn't even have time to cry out. The sheer overwhelming power of it launches her for several yards, sending her sprawling and leaving voluminous trail of blood along her trajectory.

She's slow to get up -- that is to say, it takes her about two seconds, instead of immediately bouncing back; two seconds that could cost her dearly, but her head's ringging like a cathedral bell of Mirrah after a knock like that. A brief instant is spent checking to make sure everything still works as intended, and she whirls on Kenshin, seeming to size him up before committing to any particular course of action.

Apparently, that action is to lunge with all due haste, trying to overpower Kenshin with speed where she might lack strength. Her strikes are calculated, though. It seems her aim is to open a dozen wounds rather than strike a single grievous blow, bleeding him dry rather than using brute strength. That's a battle she'll lose, and she seems to know that. Seh draws now on a desperate attempt to put him down, quickly, before she loses this battle of attrition.

Artorias (182) has posed:
Things are heating up! Artorias's fist lowers to rap against his armored knee as he tries to contain his excitement. "Sir Kenshin hast suffered many blows among the Masked Knight's barrage, from many thrusts to a punch to the jaw that sendeth him staggering! He is resiliant, however; such will not be enough to fell him. Our duellists both look rather worse for the wear, fair observers! Truly both hath found an even match in this arena tonight. Oh, and Sir Kenshin hast chosen to change tactics! A single heavy blow swings to the Masked Knight's side as if to cleave her in twain!"

The dark knight audibly winces and leans back a little in his seat. "Ooh, that is certainly /not/ an easy strike to rise from. Shield and rapier attempted to block it, but neither were quite effective, and the Masked Knight is cast off her feet for several yards. Oh, my, that is rather a lot of blood. Still! The Knight refuseth to remain downed for long, and once more she riseth to her feet and entereth the battle! 'Tis as if her injuries mean little to her; beaten and bloodied, she still assaulteth him with lunge upon lunge!

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin brings his blade to a resting position after thec leaving blow he struck against his opponent. He swipes the blade once more to clean off the blood from it, adjusting his stance.

As she charges back in with her swift and calculated strikes, he weaves and turns his body, careful to avoid allowing the blade to strike anything overtly vital as he has been. But the blade still finds solid purchase in his flesh several more times as she expects it to, and she opens several more bleeding wounds.

Despite her onslaught, however, Kenshin pushes in through her flurry of attacks. His grip on the blade is shifted and he uses her movements while she is on offense to attempt to seek an opening as his blade swings in an upward diagonal, trying to rake across her body.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
The Masked Knight wastes no time in pressing what advantage she can find, and it carries the desperate edge of knowing she's outmatched. Perhaps she can hold her own against this skillful warrior, but it's clear that this is becoming a battle of attrition. She's never been good at battles of attrition. There was a time that her brother used to fence with her, and matches against him were always battles of attrition.

She'd lost every single one.

Victory doesn't matter so much, but she does have her professional pride. Perhaps she was never on Aslatiel's level of expertise, but she is still one of Mirrah's most decorated warriors. Maybe nobody here even cares about that, and certainly they don't know; but /she/ knows, and she cares. She is proud, this one.

When Kenshin breaks past her guard, the Masked Knight tilts her shield to block that incoming blade, gritting her teeth behind her mask; exhaling harshly with the pain of the effort. That cost her dearly, but it could have saved her further down the line. Ignoring the screaming of her wearied and wounded shield-arm, she takes the momentum of that and follows through.

She doesn't bother to try and stab or slash at her opponent; she just leans back slightly, and aims a vicious kick at the sides of his kneecaps. It's a disabling and possibly debilitatingly painful attempt, depending on what his pain tolerance looks like. Hopefully it'll work in her favour.

Oh, well. If it doesn't, she's already attempting to shove a fist into his face, too. It pays to be prepared!

Artorias (182) has posed:
"Once more, Sir Kenshin retains a cool head against the quick assaults of the Masked Knight! Her blade findeth purchase again and again, but he remaineth composed and keepeth his attention focused for a chance to counter. Onward he pushes through her flurry of steel, and - aha! There!" The giant knight points toward the arena as Kenshin attacks. "An upward slash to strike her while she is distracted with her offense!"

"Oh, but not /entirely/ distracted. Her shield is lifted once more, and though it must be gravely painful, 'tis still better than suffering the brunt of that impact. Again the Masked Knight delivereth a strike from below, attempting to take out Sir Kenshin's knee with a strong kick to its side!"

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
The swordsman isn't going to easily fall for the same tricks twice. As her foot stomps down towards his kneecap, he easily shifts his leg, causing the heel to graze along the outside of his calf. The punch towards his face is likewise avoided, instead grazing across his cheek.

There is no backstep or sidestop following this. Kenshin does not pause or regroup. Instead, he pushes in straight towards her, gripping his sword in both hands. The swordsman aims for a straight-forward thrust, trying to run his opponent through with a hard strike of the blade.

It's a clean and expert strike, not seeking to have any flourish or style. Utility and simplicity.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
That's a pity. The Masked Knight doesn't seem too disappointed when Kenshin proves wise to her tricks, though. Were she in his shoes, she wouldn't fall for the same, either. Only a fool would have fallen for those tricks, and she can't help a glimmer of satisfaction. Kenshin is no fool. Not that she wasn't aware of that by now. He is a fine swordsman, and she is in fact honoured to be fighting against him.

And holding her own thus far, too.

Her options are dwindling fast.

There's an area near the spectator stands, close to where Artorias sits, that her horse has been milling about; contentedly cropping at the grass growing around the arena floor. He seems pretty content to stay the hell away from the ferocious knight fight.

At least, until his mistress leaps back and away from Kenshin, shucking off her gauntlet and reaching for something just under her shirt's collar -- a whistle, by the look of it, small and porcelain. She slips it up under her mask and gives a single short blast on it.

The horse raises his head as though he'd just been hit by a bolt of lightning, flying for the Masked Knight's position with hooves of thunder, ears laid flat against his neck, reins slapping at his neck. She replaces her glove as hte horse approaches at an impressive clip.

As the stallion thunders by, long and wavy tail streaming behind him like a pennant, the Masked Knight casts aside her rapier and lunges for the horse in a single tremendous leap, though she does make a wheezy sound of pain audible over the animal's pounding hoofbeats. Still, she manages to catch hold of the saddle, fingers digging into the layered leather of the saddle; hauling herself up and sticking her boot into the stirrup and swinging herself over.

Turning him in a tight circle, she reaches up over her shoulder, unsheathing the greatsword. It's a very broad, long blade designed for reach more than finesse, and it seems to suit itself well to a cavalry sword.

Kicking the horse's flanks, she sends her destrier straight for Kenshin in a thundering charge, swinging her broad-bladed greatsword up and then sweeping it back down in a single devastating blow... with all the weight of a two thousand pound animal charging at nearly full tilt behind it.

Artorias (182) has posed:
"Our Eastern Swordsman is quick to adapt! He dost not allow the Masked Knight's foot to take out his leg a second time, and neither does he accept the punch that followeth; both fall victim to his agility, deftly avoided so that he suffereth little more than grazed impacts! Nor doth he wait for a moment or open the space between them, for he immediately pusheth forward to simply run the Masked Knight through with his blade! 'Tis not a blow she endureth pleasantly."

Artorias suddenly pauses when he hears the whistle and looks over to the nearby horse. He simply stares for a few moments at what happens before continuing. "...and 'twould seem the Masked Knight hast decided to take on a mounted stance! She bringeth a greatsword to bear and chargeth toward Sir Kenshin, swinging her blade in a heavy arc toward the warrior! She is certainly no longer lacking in strength, with a weapon like that!"

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin was not anticipating for his opponent to switch over to a mounted form of combat. But it is not one that he is entirely incapable of dealing with. Up until she mounted up, he had been relying mostly on his swordsmanship and minimal use of his more specialized powerset. But this would change shortly.

Switching his stance to a more defensive one, Kenshin flicks his hand a couple times and then points two fingers forward towards his charging opponent. Magical ripple appears and, thanks to his mastery of energy, direction and power, a great deal of the momentum is magically sapped from the charging blade before it can strike him.

So that instead of the greatsword's strike toppling him under hoof, instead he brings up his katana and it shaves along the blade, managing to go over it and then dig into his shoulder for a deep wound in passing, but not as much as one would expect from a mounted foe.

His counter-attack is a simple one. He clenches the hand that had two fingers extended into a fist and then thrusts it towards the mounted combatant. This action serves to condense and then project the force, trying to strike her like a mace to the chest and de-mount her.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Sparks spit from the two clashing swords, but the blow isn't especially damaging, not as much as might have been hoped.

The Masked Knight flexes her shield hand, coiling the reins around her hand and reserving that arm for maintaining control over the horse. It's a fine specimen, obviously of good breeding and expertly trained; strong enough to support all that armour and still be light on its feet. And--

And oh dear. The force smashes into the Masked Knight with all the force of another knight charging at her with a lance. The impact hits her squarely in the chest, knocking the wind from her and eliciting a breathy sound of pain; not quite strong enough for a proper whimper. That /hurts/.

It also nearly knocks her free of the saddle, but one of her boots is engangled in the stirrup, causing her to be flung over one of the horse's sides but not thrown free of the saddle; the horse whinnies, upset, and veers into a sharp curve as the reins are abruptly wrenched to one side, still coiled around the Masked Knight's shield-hand. She's dragged along by her horse for a short way, grunting as she bends double and tries to sort out the tangle; bending a little more as she reaches up to seize another hunk of leather from the saddle proper.

The effort of pulling herself back up and onto the saddle is a monstrous one; she's left panting and wheezing by the end of it, the horse trailing into a walk and finally slowing to lower its head, snorting placidly. Its rider is a bit less placid, whirling the greatsword and shifting her grip on it, eyeing her opponent. Reins still wrapped around her shield-hand, she transfers them to her wrist, using that hand to probe her chest and side experimentally. Her wince is probably visible even from a distance.

Cracked ribs, maybe. She's still been run through, and the wound from that is still bleeding profusely. Not much left in her, by now.

Leaning forward, she strokes the horse's neck even as she kicks it into another hearty gallop, murmuring something to the animal; it flicks an ear indifferently, though both are laid against its neck as it throws itself into full stride -- straight for Kenshin. He slips once or twice on the smooth surface, even shod hooves unsuited to such a material, but he finds his balance quickly enough.

It's no near miss, this time; it's obvious that the animal is making straight for the Eastern Warrior. The Masked Knight whirls her greatsword up and attempts to bring it down in a single devastating hammerblow, but just as damaging is bound to be the hard, unforgiving angles of her horse's legs and the sharp, polished black of her horse's thundering hooves.

Artorias (182) has posed:
"'Tis Sir Kenshin's turn to go on the defensive now. I hope he is capable of doing so, for the Masked Knight refuseth to waver in her offense! But...what is this? Somehow, 'twould seem the Masked Knight's greatsword swingeth with much less strength than the moment it began! This is remarkable; Sir Kenshin's blade is now able to deflect the greatsword, bringing it along a less critical path against his shoulder!" Artorias can't help but laugh, applauding in the announcer's booth. "This battle has taken a fanastic turn, fair observers! Sir Kenshin is now attempting to strike the Masked Knight from her mount to even the playing field once more!"

Again, Artorias visibly winces. "Ooh, 'tis a powerful impact indeed. The Masked Knight is not yet down, however, at least...not /entirely/. She manageth to bring herself upon her saddle once more after an awkward tangle, and her charge cometh around once more to bring a downward swing of her greatsword upon Sir Kenshin, pairing it with the horse's trampling hooves!"

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
Kenshin is careful to dodge and weave around the hooves of the massive horse as they try to thunder down upon him. He's doing his best at that, anyway, but the combination of sword assault and horse-based combat means that a couple hooves do strike him cleanly in the torso, easily fracturing a few bones while the greatsword strikes him in the back and sends him sprawling.

He hops back up onto his feet, cradling a heavy wound in his side.

But he's not ready to give up quite yet. And with a flourish of his blade and a mighty swing with the arm not cradling his side, he brings the sword up over his head and then down to strike the ground.

Someone better pre-call the repair crew for what happens next, since a burst of magic sends a huge, earth-splitting crack through the ground. It seeks to split the arena, catch and trip the horse, and hopefully topple his foe all at once.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
A swift wrench on the reins brings the stallion to pull up short, whinnying and rearing up to thrash at the air (and hopefully his mistress' opponent) with his hooves; coming back down and trampling a bit in place to find his balance. The slick tiles of the arena are difficult for him to find his footing on.

That footing is swiftly upset again as a massive crack traces jagged lines through the ground; the horse rears again, this time in evident fear. Rather than be caught in the yawning abyss, the Masked Knight seems to make a command decision, spurring the steed forward even over the shuddering earth and shattering tiles. It allows her to avoid the worst of what would have been an extremely nasty fall, but the way she's clutching her side with her shield-hand suggests she's losing an uncomfortable amount of blood. Practically any visible scrap of her silk shirt is stained red with blood from some wound or another.

The stallion scrabbles a bit, but ultimately manages to recover, swinging into an easy canter towards the Swordsman of the Wind. The Masked Knight once again brings that greatsword to bear, cocking it back in preparation for a blow; attempting to ride down her foe with hooves and blade, and end this once and for all.

No more is her posture in the saddle quite so proud or tall. She's sagging, and the fatigue visibly weighs on her... but she continues gamely on, refusing to surrender or accept defeat until it stares her in the face.

Onikaze Kenshin (76) has posed:
With the sword coming in towards him once again, Kenshin does not try to repeat the prior trick as before. Instead he rushes forward at high speed, ducking below the full arc of the strike. This does not mean he avoids it entirely, however, and the tip of the blade carves a full arcing wound across his back that runs its full length.

Somersaulting out of this charge, Kenshin calmly (if in more than a bit of pain) stands to his feet and then reaches out to the air beside him with his free hand. He plucks his saya from the air next to him, allowing it to shimmer into existence.

Turning to face his opponent, he calmly sheaths the weapon and then speaks simply, "We are both very wounded. There is little sense to continue at this rate. I concede the match to you before both our injuries prove too grievous to continue in any fashion."

Artorias (182) has posed:
"Hooves and greatsword fall upon Sir Kenshin, but his agility saveth him from becoming entirely trampled! Entirely, at least, for he is still struck and sent flying, but at least 'tis not a deathblow just yet! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, our Knight of the East is durable and refuseth to give in even now, after such time and so many hits! His sword is raised and...striketh the ground? Strange, but...oh! More magic, 'twould seem, as the earth ruptureth beneath the Masked Knight's mount in a lengthy crack!"

"'Tis not yet enough to fell the steed, however, and it proceedeth in its charge gallantly and with determination, no doubt echoing its rider. Another blow is raised to strike down upon Sir Kenshin, whose agility spareth him another bloody impact! Ah, but what is this?" Artorias pauses, leaning forward in his seat as he sees Kenshin produce his sheath and speak. "Well! Ladies and gentlemen, 'twould appear Sir Kenshin hath conceded the match to the Masked Knight, in the face of their mutual injuries! An unexpected outcome, but certainly understandable; 'twas an even match from the beginning, a battle of attrition to the very end. I wonder if the outcome would be a tie had it not been conceded! A fantastic battle from both ends!"

The towering knight then stands and applauds, a rather loud sound coming from him.

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Once she's stopped moving, it's clear that the Masked Knight has been run ragged, and if Kenshin had decided to press his advantage, she would have been cut down in the end. She's always been pretty awful with battles of attrition.

Instead, she lowers her blade when it becomes clear that her opponent has no intetnion of continuing the battle. The blade dips until it points at the ground, though she still maintains a grip on the reins; watching Kenshin as though to confirm that he does in fact offer a yield.

After a moment she swings the blade up, though not to strike -- but to return it to the bulky scabbard over her shoulder, reining her horse about and approaching Kenshin. She swings down from the saddle, though the sudden landing makes her stagger a bit. She reaches up and doffs that ridiculously large hat, feathers sweeping as she takes a bow... but that mask still hides her features. The lack of a hat just shows she does indeed have fine blonde hair, loose and somewhat messy about her face, where it frames the mask.

And she inclines forward in a most formal bow before straightening and replacing the hat. A gauntleted hand is offered to shake.

"You honour me by crossing blades with me." Her voice is low and just a little husky, but definitely female; tired, and a little hard-edged from pain and fatigue. "I thank you, Onikaze Kenshin."