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Revision as of 05:34, 22 June 2014

WMAT A1 Neal Cables vs. Yumi Musumi
Date of Scene: 21 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Spinach Wastes
Synopsis: Neal 'Psycho' Cables takes on Yumi 'The Deckmistress' Musumi in a wonderful battle of fire... fire... and /dragons/.
Cast of Characters: 123, 127, 287

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:

loud musics balasts over the speakers as Neal "Psycho" Cables literally charges into the field, as he nears teh center of the area, his ride armor drops to it's knees in an impressive slide as the Red Union's Champion Slams a button on the controls. causing his mech's missle rack to fire off several fireworks in an amazing pyrotechnic display. Neal himself standing up from his controls, spreading his arms wide to let out a laugh loud enough for everyone watching to hear.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the stands, Allan Bodily facepalms. "Oi..."

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Introduction time! For Yumi, who is a unknown in the Multiverse, her introduction is started by the sight of a large golden crane with pink tinted wings, and a pink, blue, and violent, utterly long trail of a tail. It's black legs settle down on a fence post before the Bird of Paradise goes to fly away again, before it abruptly disappears.

Yumi pops up behind it, the small Japanese woman setting down a ... table... and a box, pulling out seven cards nervously.


Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Oooohkay." Kilik says, peering at the fighters in the rolling green fields of the Spinach Wastes. "For those who've never seen the fighters, Neal Cables rolls in in some kind of powered armour. And Yumi Musumi flies in on a giant bird and ... uh... Okay, she's challenging Neal to a card game? No wait, she's only got cards for herself. No dice for Neal! Looks like this might be a fight after all, even if it's looking juuuuust a little unbalanced right now!"

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Neal looks. reved up as Yumi enters, dropping back down into his armor and making it peform a few simple boxing moves all tieh while with that manic grin plastered on his face. "I've been waiting for this! Come on! Come on! Ring the bell! Come on! Come on! Start the show...


With suprising speed, Neal charges toward Yumi screaming. "Don't take it easy because it's only the first round! Fight with all you've got! There's a whole audience watching us and they paid to see something big! Come on! I wanna hear some jaws drop! YEAAAAAHAHAHHA!!!"

Neal lifts one hand and up and SLAMS it on the controls, causing the canon on his armor's shoulder to fire off a large beam of electricty, Neal Turning himself to sweap the beam across the area in front of him, and possible across Yumi too if she doesn't act Fast!

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Oh crap oh crap oh crap Yumi doesn't have anything out on the field--

Yumi suddenly throws herself on top of the table, shoving her shirt around her hand as the lightning laser beam takes her, sending her jotling, crisping her hat, and sending her wild hair on end.

She whimpers.

Dragging herself back to her knees, she looks at her deck, then delicately places a card on the table. Yumi plays: Mountain. Then Yumi taps it, sliding it ninety degrees, and puts another card down... which immediately sparks with magical energy, and above the card, a gigantic Spark Elemental sits there.

"I play mountain! I tap it! I play Spark Elemental! I tap it! ATTACK PHASE!"

The Spark Elemental leaps at the mech, lightning crawling across its' arms as it attempts to screw and overload the systems.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Well I sure can see how Neal gets his nickname!" Kilik calls out. "He charges Yumi screaming, delivering a blast of electricity. Yumi tries to dodge but takes a hit. She seems calm though, playing... playing cards?! A summon, some kind of lightning elemental to reply to Neal's electrical beam."

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
"Summoning!?" Neal Pauses for a moment as the giant spark elemental pops up. The grin vanishing for a moment to be replaced by a look for shock and confusion.

And then the grin comes back, bigger than even! "I LOVE IT! Send an army after me! I'll take on all comers! YEAAA-GAH! Hey!" The laugh get's interrupted by the spark elemental doing it's thing, As Neal's controls, let out a cacophony of angry beeps and buzzes, along with various warning lights glaring up at him. "HA! I like this things spirit! But I spent a lot of time working on this baby, so if you don't mind..." He slams a fist on the controls again, this time causing the missle rack on his other shoulder to turn towards the elemental before firing off a volly of missles.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"With shocking irony, Yumi's minion zaps Cables. And Neal fires off a volley of MISSiles!" comes the commentary.

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Yumi lets out a huff as she stands back up fully. She looks down at her field, drawing another card, muttering to herself faintly as she untaps her mountain and the spark elemental, which draws away from Neal and his mech temporarily, dropping in front of Yumi again as they both slide to the side to avoid the missile. Yumi's table seems to be on wheels so she can be on the run and play.

She bites her bottom lip, before she taps a mountain, dropping a Goblin Mountaineer on the table, where it joins the Spark Elemental.

Yumi then gestures to end her main turn at the table- then suddenly taps the second mana and throws a card up into the air.

A Lightning Bolt crashes out of the sky as the flipped card neatly lands face up in her discard pile.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
There's a flash, and a scream, and Neal suddenly slumps over on the controls. For a few moments, there's nothing, no nose, no laughter, no fighting back.... is the fight over already?

"Ye... yeaah..." Suddenly, Neal springs back to life, throuwing his head back as he lets out more mad laughter. "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now we're talking!" and... are those burns starting to heal? There might have been some rumors going around about how the Red Union is full of people who can regenerate, and from the looks of it, that might be true.

not one to waste time, Neal surges forward again, aiming to bash the elemental aside with one massive arm of his armor, before charging at the engineer, firing a few more missles ahead of him as he chases after it. "Keep it up! Win or lose, I want them talking about this fight at the finals! YEAAAAAHAHA!"

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Yumi lets out a labored breath - and as the man charges forward, Yumi pushes her rolly table, the cards, and herself out of the way, hastily tapping the Goblin Mountineer card, who promptly explodes as she uses him to block, the card landing in her discard pile afterwards. This done, she stands back up, green eyes widening as she untaps her cards, and plays another mountain. This third one allows her to tap all, and then play a Dragonspeaker Shaman.

This creature is strangely dressed, mostly in rags, with a stave at his side. He stands still, though, as Yumi taps her Spark Elemental again, it diving forward to tangle itself with Neal again. "H-hnh..." She breathes unsteadily, worried.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Oh! That must've hurt!" yells Kilik enthusiastically. "Yumi's magic cards deliver the shock of the match to Cables... is it over? NO! The psycho's up and LAUGHING it off! I think he's even healing the damage!" he yells excitedly. In the announcer's booth, Fire gives Thunder a punch in the shoulder. "Musumi's got another minion on the field now. He goes to batter his way past the lightning - you sure that's a good idea mate? - and he's going for the little creepy-looking minion. Can anything stop the psycho?!"

Thunder, of course, turns back around at that and WHAPS Fire's shoulder right back.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Neal's grin grows larger for a moment as the Engineer vanishes. "YEAAAAHA-GAH! HEY! You again?!" Neal turns to grin at the spark elemental, as his armor start scremaing mor warnings at him. "Just a minion but hanging in there and fighting on! I LOVE IT! Your boss there should be proud! That said..." and then time, Neal leans fforward, shifting his armor about to try and line the elemental up right in front of the missie rack. "Minion or not, I never hold back, FIRE!" he once again slams the controls, firing off antoher volley of explosives.

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
The Spark Elemental decimates in a shower of sparks. However, this doesn't stop Yumi from whimpering, especially when one lands on her rear end, causing her to squeak and jump. She rubs it with one hand, drawing a card and untapping the cards she did tap, then she smiles.

Yumi plays another mountain, then taps all four of them in a row. The first one summons another Spark Elemental - she must like them. The second, well...

After tapping them, Yumi makes her way to her feet, green eyes blazing as she flicks a hand into the air, a card held between two delicate fingers. "My cards are not minions! I AM A PLANESWALKER! THIS IS /MY/ DECK!"

She slams the card down on the table, causing them all to shake, then immediately turns it to attack mode.


There is a crackling thunder-like noise, then from the skies above, a long sinous snake-like shape appears, before it descends down, the flared red wings pulling in tight as the dragon descends on Neal.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
At Yumi's declaration. Neal Throws his head back for more laugher "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I knew I could get some fire out of ya! That's the spirit! Get angry! Raise hell! SCREAM TO BE HEARD!" Then the dragon shows up., causing neal to Jerk his head up as his grin widens. "YEAAHAHA! Now we're talking!" Instead of ducking or seeking cover, Neal JUMPS headlong at the dragon, arms swinging into action as he attempts to grab the massive beast and slam it to the ground.

Yes, Neal is in fact skipping the beams and rockets in favor of going stright up mano-a-draco with this thing!

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Yumi winces as the dragon ... misses. Okay, it's far. Big dragon, small mech. Still sucks. Neal however leaps up and rockets towards the dragon, barely managing to grab onto it's hind leg, where it shakes him off back to the ground. Yumi, meanwhile, draws, untaps, and starts to laugh. Endlessly. Yumi drags her table and her cards towards the nearest large hilltop, struggling up it as she frantically plays a mountain, untaps Stormbreath Dragon - and then she taps all the mountains, smiles, and then dives off of the hilltop -

Right as all of her played cards completely disappear, because of an earth shattering *roar* that can be heard as from the skies, the extraordinarily larger dragon, the Worldgorger Dragon, drops down in front of Yumi, who lands on its' back.

"Attack phase." She says, simply, pointing at Neal.

Who might be getting eaten.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Okay, maybe I'm missing the point, but only a crazy man leaps at a dragon like that!" exclaims Kilik, grinning madly. "Still, Neal didn't get hurt and he didn't manage to draggem out of the air, so maybe the madness balances out?" he says, apparently having planned that pun out in advance.

"Speaking of balance, Yumi's hauling around a pretty wobbly table there and ... oh. Oh man, that thing is HUGE! And it does NOT look happy to see Neal!" shouts Kirikou, staring up at the Worldgorger. Now is a bad time to be Neal, he figures.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Neal snaps his fingers as he misses his grab at the Stormbreath Dragon. "BAH!" his quickly distracted by what shows up next though. it's... big, REALLY big, and it's coming at Neal fast. Neals ever growing grin jsut gets bigger. "YEAHAHA! BRING IT!"


heparks fly as The Living Legend is now stuck in the dragons mouth, it's controls screaming another series of Warning sirens at him. stragely though, instead of trying to fight his way back out Neal's... forcing his way in?! "Ya Want a bite of this? Well then! If it's a snack you want? HERE! Have your fill!" He reaches an arm on his armor out towards the back of the throat, looking for a uvual, anything to grab, once he's got something, he reaches both fist up, and SALMS the controls. "YEAAAAAAHAHAHHAA!!!" The arm suddenly pulls back, hard as it can manage, while both the beam cannon and missle rack unload in it's throat. If it doesn't spit him out, he'll blast a path out right through theback of it's head!

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Neal and his beam cannon and missiles rip the Worldgorger Dragon apart, Yumi dropping safely to the ground as it explodes into a shower of beautiful sparkles. Her cards reappear, and Yumi draws, untaps, smiles - although she's hurting. She doesn't normally do this much energy and she seems to feel everything at least a little bit. She plays a Mountain, taps everything --

THen points at Neal, and says clearly, "Maximized Enlarged Fireball."

... oh.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou says, "Ladies and gentlemen, this fight has been incredible. For those who haven't tuned in, a brief recap. Yumi 'Deckmaster' Musumi has been quite the surprise, summoning creatures that have been keeping Neal 'Psycho' Cables off-balance. But they don't call him 'Psycho' for nothing! Off-balance is just where he likes it! He's torn through everything Yumi's thrown at him, and in this case that's not just a figure of speech! You should see what happened when that dragon tried to swallow him. Eeeugh. Neal's damaged, maybe even brain-damaged, but the Planeswalker's looking somewhat tapped. It's anyone's fight at this point, so tune in on 900.6 or come on down to see what comes next!"

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Neal drops to the ground with a loud THUD! Turning to stare at Yumi just as the fireball pops up. "Not stopping? Good, Good! Don't let any setbacks stop ya, That's the spirit!" He then attempts to punch the fireball.

Yes, really.

It ends about as well as you'd expect. There's a loud BOOM! Neal vanishes for a few moments, and when the smoke clears, Neal's slumped over the controls again. Though once again he pops back up, he's burnt and missing some of his hair, and his armor looks like even more of a pile of junk than normal, but he's not done yet! "YEAHHHHAHA!" With a few more sparks form his damage armor, Neal charges at Yumi again, one arm drawing back as he tries to knock her skyward with an uppercut from his armor.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Oh damn." says Kilik. "Neal just punched a fireball. That worked about as well as you might expect. Good thing he can regenerate huh?"

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Okay, so the Fireball spell didn't go well, which is actually...

Kind of what Yumi expected. Then he comes knocking, sending the not-actually-good-at-physically fighting girl rolling head over heels, oofing as she bites down on the cards she was holding to make sure they don't go falling away on her. Yumi hisses tiredly as she pops back up, darting back towards her little table. Yumi draws a card, untaps everything, plays a Mountain, takes a deep breath, whimpers faintly-

Then there's another Stormbreath Dragon, this time not moving in phsyically but unleashinga great cone of lightning and electricity. It's like the Spark Elemental, just... maximized.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Neal Grins at Yumi. "Still going aftrer a hit like? YEAAAHAHA! You're tought than you look! Huh?" He's distracted by the sight of another stormbreath dragon. "Eh?"

Then Neal suddenly disapepars inside a cone of lightening. When the coast is clear, Neal looks, stunned, literally. He's covered in burns, the warning sounds from the Living Legend are starting to glitch out into soemthing that sounds almost dubstep. His hair is even standing up on end in a silly fright wig.

Shaking his head clear, Neal does the only thing that makes sense to him. When a dragon roars at you? ROAR BACK! Neal slams the controls, fireing off an eletric belam of his own along with a few missiles for good measure. all the while leaning foward in his seat to yell right back at the giant lizard. "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou says, "Neal knocks Yumi down, but the Planeswalker is back up in no time, calling up a dragon. The Psycho seems to approve, He's all fired up! No wait, that's just the smoke from fireballs and summoned lightning attacks. Yumi's dragon blasts Cables, Cables blasts back with missiles and beams!"

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
The Stormbreath Dragon disappears again. Yumi's discard pile is gathering up nicely, and Yumi is getting tired of running around avoiding Neal and his mecha while trying to play the game, because while he can act freely, Yumi is very much bound to her game. She bites her bottom lip, letting out another noise.

One chance, one opportunity...

Yumi taps her lands. She slams another card down.

Then she points at Neal. "As the world ends, so does it."

Then a second Worldgorger Dragon eruprs from the lands behind him, letting out a angry schreech, before it spits out the closest thing it's got - a gigantic fireball, following by a series of lightning strikes.

Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
Neal, in true Neal fashion, spins right around to face hte new worldgorger and screams right back. "I get to fight another one! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAH-ERK!" Once again, Neal disappears under all of that firepower, When the dust clears, Nea's once again a burnt wreck slumped over teh controles of his armor, which is looking progressivly less like armor and more like the reslts of a particulary nasty car crash. Still, he's not done. popping back up into action yet again, Neal charges the dragon, lettingo ut antoher volely of fire as he runs. "I took down your buddy eariler, let's seee how you manage!"

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou says, "Neal keeps the pressure on, and Yumi seems to be in desperate shape. Doesn't look like she can hold out if he should catch her cleanly. Then again, Neal isn't in great shape himself. If his regeneration should fail he's done for, and his powered suit's looking more and more like yesterday's lunch! Yumi recalls that monstrous dragon, but the Psycho seems to be happier than ever over it!"

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
The Worldgorger disappears, and Yumi's green eyes go wide out of sheer. Utter. /Terror/. The little Deckmistress worridly picks up another card, untaps her six mountains, adds a seventh, and considers her options. Okay. She figures this is a long shot, but long shots have gone a lot worse, and hey, at least in this case it's not a full on battle, just a tournament fight.

(she'll probably be having nightmares about Neal for ages though).



Allan Bodily (123) has posed:
"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Neal lets out more mad laughter as te oher worldgorger goes down. He's stopped for a moment however, as the fireball slams into his back. "Still at it? Awesome! That's the spirit!" Immeadtly he charges at her, fireing off a few missles before jumping into the iar a second later, lifing his arms heay arms over his head as he aims to slam into teh groud moments after the missiless impact. "YEAAAHAHA!"

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Call Neal the Dragonslayer. He tears down yet another one of those monsters, and Yumi's looking desperate." Kilik calls out, pounding the desk. Fire and Thunder cling together, apparently forgetting their rivalry in sheer terror. Not Kilik though, he's merely excited. "Her dragon fired on him just fine, and I'm sure it hurt, but Cables can't be brought low by that kind of damage it seems! He's coming for her now. The Deckmaster just conjured up a monstrous fireball and flung it at him, but she seems nervous. I gotta be wondering what's going through Yumi's mind right now. Hopefully it won't be Neal's fist!"

Yumi Musumi (287) has posed:
Missiles impact, and Yumi's ploy fails.

The missiles strike through, and the girl crumples to the ground, whimpering faintly. Ow. That all /hurt/. She's done for.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou's on his feet, dancing around and cheering. "Yumi's last ploy fails her. Her dragon is defeated, her fireball more encouragement than deterrent. Any other man taking that much damage would be down or dead, but Neal 'Psycho' Cables just laughs through it and finishes Yumi 'Deckmaster' Musumi with a missile barrage!" he calls excitedly. Not without sympathy for Yumi, but ... can you blame the guy for getting so fired up?