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WMAT A1 Black Demon vs. Kasumi
Date of Scene: 22 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: This Sunday, Kasumi the Meowcenary and the mysterious woman calling herself the Black Demon will face off for the first round of the WMAT. Swords! Axes! High-flying acrobatics, maybe! And FIRE, lots of fire. Don't miss it!
Cast of Characters: 37, 66, 75, 85, 183, 195, 232

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Its a wonderful day for a fight. Wonderful looking sky, clear fields and the looming dark castle fit for an overlord of stature out in the backdrop of the area. "Feels like home!" the nekomata quips, running about the area, getting a feel for the layout. The sun shines down upon her trio of weapons upon her back: an axe, a sword and a bow. "Now, just wonder where this Black Demon person is. I could use the prize money from the tournament for my Overlord."

D (232) has posed:
The Devil's Hand arena grants any tournament spectator a slice of the idyll, but for one man, the balmy sun and cheerful crowds are more bane than boon. Standing tall and silent amid a shaded stretch of relative isolation -- 'relative,' for the stands and picnic grounds are all /busy/ with happy life -- the dhampir D waits for the coming fight to begin.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
D finds himself joined by one Ezio Auditore, but the assassin doesn't show up in his robes, but the kind of wear espected for an onlooker of this tournament. "D." He greets the Dampir before grabbing a seat, producing the kind of food he probably nabbed at the concession stands beforehand, munching a burger. Seems he got enough for others if they want it. He bought enough to last him the tournament rather than just for the day.

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori watches the fight from a hovering anti-grav platform. The broadcast booth is shielded from the winds, but is otherwise pretty open, leaving her kicked-back posture visible to all attendees. "Aah, looks like Kasumi is the first to arrive! No sign of her mysterious opponent, yet."

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
In spite of the ominous name and rumours of a haunted castle, the Devil's Hand arena is a surprisingly cheerful place! Bright and sunny and full of perfect picnic fields. Also busy activity and lots of festivities as spectators cheer on their favourite fighters.

The competitor known only as the Masked Knight is standing not too far away from where the dhampir D stands brooding, but the knight's masked visage is tilted to regard the area where the fight's going to begin. The only real fact that anyone can determine is that the Masked Knight is /prrrrobably/ female; her hair is long and braided, falling easily to the small of her back. Her raiment is also quite fine; a decorative leather cuirass with gold and silver embossing, and a magnificent hat that offers what is probably way more shade than she probably needs. Practically every square inch of skin is covered, and not a hint of her features can be seen from behind her brazen mask, in the guise of an unsmiling, neatly-bearded man.

This match is of relative interest, because there is a not-zero chance that she may wind up fighting one of these two in the next round.

She glances up and over at the arrival of Ezio, too, merely staring at the assassin (or seeming to stare at the assassin) before resuming her survey of the open arena. Yeah, she's still wearing her two swords, and her shield is slung over her back, which looks kind of painful as she leans against the edge of some temporarily empty stands. Seems nobody wants to get too close to her.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
There was something familiar about this 'Black Demon' character, but she could never quite put a finger on what. And that lingering curiosity is reason enough for her to show up here, now, to watch. Maybe something about the nuances of their fighting will tip her off? These things tend to be very expressive, after all. Ah, but she isn't here just to stalk someone; her confidant Palora was actually quite interested in seeing some of the fights. So, using her curiosity as an excuse, Mizuki makes her way to the stadium. She notices Ezio - and D, though she doesn't recognize him - but she chooses to sit a few rows behind them.

Of course, she doesn't sit down before laying a satin cushion on her seat. Can't have anything getting dirty, now.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
As bright and cheerful as the nekomata is, her opponent stands as a stark contrast. The so-called Black Demon enters silently, simply striding into the sun-kissed plains at an easy gait. Even in the light, she cuts an imposing figure: her head, slightly lowered, trails those ghostly flames from her eyes as she walks; her jacket billows gently behind her in the breeze; her black hook-swords gleam in the light as they hang at either side of her waist; she walks on the balls of her feet, the claws on her feet making her resemble some sort of graceful, yet dangerous animal.

She stops a few yards in front of Kasumi, her feet shoulder-width apart. Her head lifts to stare at the nekomata for a moment before she takes up each sizable hook-sword in her hands, holding them loosely by her side. Strange how loose and unrefined her stance is; more like she's waiting for something to happen than preparing for a battle. Moreover, she's silent, at least for the moment.

Serori (37) has posed:
"The one calling herself Black Demon has arrived at last. It looks like she's wielding hooked swords; it'll be interesting to see how Kasumi responds to that kind of unique weapon. Two together, and you can carry out a few tricks, from what I understand." Serori sits forward with more alertness now that both contenders are in the arena. "I think she's waiting for Kasumi to make the first move!"

D (232) has posed:
D turns his head slightly toward the assassin. "Greetings. Thank you for the offer of food, but nothing here is palatable, I'm afraid. I will take water, if you have it. Perhaps you might invite the Masked Knight to join us."

Taking anything is a concession to social graces; it is not a matter of need.

"Ah; there. That must be Black Demon."

The swordswoman's arrival returns his fixed attention to the battlefield.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
Shrug. Ezio produces a water bottle to hold up to D. "Never go to one of these events without hydration, trust me. I've seen even the onlookers at these fighting matches back home pass out from the heat in summer. It's not a pleasant sight." He remarks, before he glances towards the so-called Masked Knight. Pause. Shrug.

He waves her over after mulling to himself, then goes back to munching a cheeseburger, seated crosslegged as he glances towards the fighters. "What do you know about those two so far?" He asks D, attention rapt towards the fighters.

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Kasumi's ears twitch as her eyes scan the field, passing her opponent up and looking away... wait, opponent? Her head snaps back towards the Black Demon, slitted eyes scanning up and down the woman with a curious gaze. "Claws on feet, hooked swords." a grin comes to her face, showing off her fangs, "Heee, this will be enjoyable, won't it!" Kasumi pulls out her bow and smiles, backing away from the Black Demon a bit.

"So, not sure how customary things are going to be here so, think fast!" Kasumi digs the bottom of her bow into the ground as it grows to an extrodinary size, placing herself in between string and rest, she pulls her sword from its resting place and points it forward. A second later, she launches herself off the bow, the bow coming right back towards her and resting upon her back. Barreling towards the Black Demon, if it hits, she'll crash right into her, kick off and come down with a sword slice down upon her right shoulder!

D (232) has posed:
"I know next to nothing about either." D takes the water bottle without further remarks on hydration. Keeping hydrated or not has no effect on his sunlight syndrome, his only significant concern whenever it comes to long sun exposure. "But I expect we'll see an innovative duel, if nothing else."

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
The Masked Knight watches the combatants take to the field, and behind her mask, her mouth quirks just faintly. Despite the nekomata's cheerful nature, it's clear that she's a warrior; and this Black Demon is also clearly no stranger to combat.

Motion out the corner of her eye (or the slot in her mask) alerts the Masked Knight to Ezio's summons. She strides over in silence, folding her arms as she stands nearer to the table. The food is given a slight glance.

Is the Masked Knight about to take her mask off and reveal her mysterious features to grab a bite?! Will Ezio, D, and Mizuki win a glimpse of the enigmatic knight!? ...No, she's going to tip her mask up just far enough to clear her mouth, and leave it covering her face. Her skin along her jawline is fair, by the look of it, but that's about all that can be seen, save for an odd shadow on the left side. It's too dark under the mask to really see much more. Maybe it's just the shadow of the mask.

"Thank you." Her voice is definitely feminine, but it's low, almost husky; implying perhaps either a woman not particularly feminine, or perhaps an older woman. Or both.

Munch, munch. Hey, that's actually pretty good. Silly offworld food. It beats jerky and hardtack, anyway. She at least waits until she's finished before she talks again.

"I could tell you of Onikaze Kenshin, having fought him... but I know nothing more of these two than what I see. They are warriors. 'Kasumi' is not to be taken lightly, I can say as much," she adds, as Kasumi suddenly produces a very large bow and using it as a goddamn /catapult/, which draws a momentary stare. "...And this 'Black Demon' is a predator." The Masked Knight's mouth turns down in a very slight frown. "That is all I see." She gives a long, slightly harsh sigh. "We will need to learn the rest through observation, I suppose."

There's another pause.

"Thank you for the invitation, by the way."

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Kasumi gets no response to her cheerful question aside from a slight rolling of the Black Demon's shoulders. Not really the talkative type, is she?

This is mostly because all of her attention is focused on Kasumi at the moment, observing her and guessing what sort of tactics the nekomata plans to use. There's probably no small amount of agility that will be at play here, so she's going to have to remain very aware of her opponent's progress as the fight plays out.

Case in point, Kasumi uses herself as a makeshift arrow in a greatbow. Who does that, seriously?

The black-clad woman isn't about to let that attack skewer her, however. There's just enough buildup that she can predict what's about to happen and respond appropriately, and her response is to twist her body to the side and bend backward to evade the flying feline. It's not perfect, for the nekomata's sword glides across her stomach, tearing into the fabric just enough to draw a line of blood. That could have been a lot worse, at least.

As Kasumi passes, the Black Demon takes that brief second of an opportunity to counterattack. Using the momentum of her twisting evasion, she brings one sword up and across herself to slash at the nekomata with one of the spikes along the weapon's guard. Not a severe attack, but hopefully enough to trade a hit as she then lands on her hands and flips up to come to her feet again, each movement flowing gracefully into the next.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
Mizuki had brought her own teacup and saucer for drinking in addition to her fancy little pillow, and as the 'Black Demon' themselves walks in, she's taking a small sip. She smirks. They have a sort of humble, dignified, yet still mysterious flair to them, and Mizuki can certainly respect that. In fact, though she would never say it out loud, she just might like that sort of style more than her own. So it doesn't take long for her eyes to become glued to the one she had come here to see in the first place.

Palora, meanwhile, seems much more interested in Kasumi. "Oooh, man. That cat lady has style. Just look at that outfit..." Pause. "... hey, Mimi, do you think you could make me one of those when we get back home?" Mizuki was just finishing another sip. "We'll see, Palora." But it isn't long before Palora's attention is drawn back to the field, and to Kasumi's first strike. "Awww yeah, a slice an' a cheap shot~! I know who /I'm/ rootin' for, anyway." She crosses her arms over a seat in front of her... probably making that unfortunate member of the audience move in the process. Mizuki, meanwhile, golf claps as Kagenashi gracefully sails out of the way (mostly) of Kasumi's first strike, then again as she gets a good hit in with the spikes on her weapon. "Bravo, 'Black Demon~." Her congratluations are hushed and very nearly inaudible.

Ezio Auditore (75) has posed:
"Well met." Ezio greets the Masked Knight, glancing at her with some familiarty regarding a similar voice on the radio he heard once. But that can wait. He doesn't seem to wave her away from the food when she snags a pizza slice, if anything the guy's intended for providing for small groups. Blame the generous streak his father had as well showing through.

"I certainly wasn't going to finish this all by myself. The more the merrier, I find. Help yourself, signorina." He allows a brief smile before taking another bite of his own snack, then raising an eyebrow at the fight itself.

Kasumi just used herself as a living missile. Props for creativity; Ezio certainly knows who he's rooting for in this fight.

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori laughs above the gasps from the crowd. "Kasumi's opened the fight in a way I've never seen before! She's planted her bow in the ground, nocked her feet on its string, and /fired/ herself at her opponent at high speeds! A sword in her hand, she's made herself the arrow -- eeeh, Black Demon's going to have to be fast to dodge it -- ah! Impact! Not fast enough! Black Demon attempts an evasive bend, but Kasumi's blade claims first blood, anyway! Capitalizing on Kasumi's vulnerability as she continues to soar past, Black Demon twists to deliver a retaliatory swipe from her own weapon!"

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Well, this wasn't totally unexpected! The blade digs in and cuts across her black dress, cutting across her side too as she lands a ways away from the Black Demon. She clutches her side then looks towards her with a smile. "Well, didn't actually expect that but.." she dashes forward towards the Black Demon, sword in large paw.

Kasumi's only slightly unnerved that the opponent in front of her doesn't speak, but that's okay, less they talk the better. She leaps up into the air once more, twisting herself lightly before coming back down, trying to embed the sword right into the Black Demon! If it connects, she'll spin around with the Black Demon, creating a whirlwind before lifting her up with her sword and throwing her back down onto the ground!

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
The woman in black has just enough time to turn and face Kasumi before the nekomata opens up her next attack. A straight charge; should be easy enough to take advantage of, if she's quick.

The Black Demon quickly locks the hooks of her swords together and brings them up in front of herself, but it seems she's miscalculated slightly. Kasumi leaps, forcing her to bring her swords up higher if she wants to properly block the attack. The spiked hilts catch the sword, but don't block it entirely, as the weapon comes down just enough to dig into the woman's right shoulder where her armor doesn't protect. Not a very deep wound, but enough to draw more crimson blood and make her bend her knees to lower with the sword's impact.

That's not all Kasumi has planned, however, and the Black Demon finds herself taken by surprise as she's suddenly sent whirling and lifted into the air! There's not enough time for her to adjust to the situation: the Demon is spun and hurled back down to the ground, and all she can do to mitigate the resulting damage is twist and land on her feet in a low crouch.

Oh, it /hurts/, considering the strain against her injured stomach that landing caused, but it's not enough to make her pause for more than a second. A low growl more like that of a tiger than a woman rises from her, and after a moment's waiting, she rises and spins, her eyes leaving a burning swirl behind her as she looks up at Kasumi. It's then that her mouth opens, and more of those ghostly flames lick at the fangs of her mask before she blasts a fireball from her mouth straight up at the nekomata. Seems she has some options to keep the distance open.

D (232) has posed:
D glances at the Masked Knight and inclines his head in a slight nod. "Greetings. My name is D. I've heard your duel against Onikaze Kenshin featured excellent swordplay on both sides. I wish you luck in the next round. I take it you're here to find out more about your next opponent?"

Ezio's generosity is appreciated, even if it does not directly benefit D.

"Ah, an excellent recovery by Black Demon. I see Kasumi is putting her mobility to good use, too..."

Serori (37) has posed:
The broadcast chair is empty after the excitement of the fight pushes Serori to her feet. "Black Demon's sword digs into Kasumi's side, but the nekomata's not slowed down for even a second! The moment she lands, she's off again, taking a twisting leap right at Black Demon! Black Demon's caught up in the entangling action, becoming part of an out-of-control whirlwind! I can't see what's going on in there for sure, but -- oh! Oh, the whirlwind ends, and Black Demon's thrown! Hwaaah, I'd be dizzy for sure after something like that -- ah! Ah, Black Demon's gotten up on her feet again, and spat a fireball at Kasumi! An unexpected and nasty surprise from someone who brought swords to the duel! Look out, Kasumi!"

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Kasumi's not letting up on her assault, as soon as she throws the Black Demon down, she's weapon swapping again to her bow! Though, still in the air, she doesn't have much time to react to the next thing coming her way, that fireball.

Quickness gets you only so far, the fireball crashing right into her and scorching some of the fur on her ears and hands, burn marks upon her arms too. "AAaah hot hot hot hot hot hot!" the nekomata flails about as she crashes to the ground unceremoniously. "Nyaa.... ow. Ow ow ow!" She groans a bit, standing back up before backing away, bow aimed at Kagenashi. "Not only you can play with spirit energy." and soon, more of that mobility comes into play as the nekomata hops up into the air, drawing the bow back with no arrow nocked into the string.

A second later, white energy starts coalescing into Kasumi's bow, before a flash of light erupts into an energy arrow nocked into the bow's string! A release of the string splits the energy arrow into arcing energy lasers homing straight for the Black Demon! One, two, three, eight... twenty lasers just flying off the bow, crashing into either the target or the ground in beautiful explosions!

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
Munch munch. Hey, this pizza stuff is pretty good. To Ezio's statement, she only dips her head briefly, the broad brim of that hat making the motion seem just a little bit more exaggerated than it really is.

Her eyes, meanwhile, are glued on the unfolding match. This is pretty fascinating, in a bizarre and surreal sort of way. She's not really rooting for anybody just yet, instead preferring to study a little more.

Most of this is just an exercise in practicality. She might be fighting one of these two the next time, and it pays to be prepared!

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori grins behind the mic. "The grills aren't the only thing smokin' anymore! After taking a direct hit from that fireball, Kasumi's more than a little singed! Knocked head over tail, she takes a moment to recover...and she's up again! Leaping into the air, she produces her bow for another shot, but this time, she forms projectiles out of magic instead of using her own body! Dozens of energy arrows rain down on Black Demon from above! There's nowhere to run!"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
A good, solid hit. Black Demon's lips curve in a barely-visible smile of satisfaction under her mask, but she doesn't allow herself a moment to rest. A quick shuffle back as soon as Kasumi rises, and her hands begin to grip her swords more tightly as she watches for the nekomata's response.

She expects an arrow. Maybe an energy arrow. What she gets is a flurry of /lasers/.

Needless to say, the woman in black has her agility pushed to the limit. She twists, ducks, and weaves through the lasers as best as she can, leaving billowing black and streams of blue-green in her wake. It's almost beautiful, if nerve-wracking; every beam comes a little too close, every explosion inches from her feet.

Of course, eventually she has to falter. Unfortunately for her, she does so in the worst way, as a shot crashes into her chest and sends her flying back with the force of the explosion. She skitters once across the ground before she manages to right herself, pushing off the earth mid-flight to flip upright and land in a crouch several yards away. There's a hole burned into the chest of her suit now, just below her left shoulder, where faintly-scorched flesh is now visible. She's not going to be able to take too many of /those/.

Still, she can't let Kasumi have a moment to breathe. She's immediately on her feet in a sprint, rushing toward Kasumi...and then suddenly vanishing in midair several feet away.

The Demon has turned nearly invisible, save for an incredibly faint outline of her form. The flames from her eyes have vanished, too; Kasumi will have to pay /very/ close attention to track the camoflaged woman. Even then, Black Demon ducks along to Kasumi's side, where she reappears a moment later in the middle of her attack: a swing of her weapon to the nekomata's waist, more like a punch using the spiked, bladed hilt of the sword like brass knuckles than a proper slash.

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori pumps her fist at the air. "Kasumi lands a direct shot! Despite skipping and dancing her way across the field, Black Demon's overwhelmed by the numbers, and the injury drives her down to the ground -- and keeps her there! Ohhh, she's slow to get up, folks, slow indeed -- it looks like that was a serious shot to take. Ah! And she's off again! Kasumi's the target of a -- SHE VANISHED! Black Demon was charging Kasumi and vanished at the midpoint and THERE SHE IS! She's reappeared! She's using her spiked sword hilt to strengthen a punch aimed right at Kasumi's midsection...!" The crowd audibly holds its breath.

Kasumi (195) has posed:
A tug upon her lip for that smile as the lasers hit target, even if a few miss... "Ah, beautiful. Wonderful!" she readies her bow again, nocking not one... not two.. but seven arrows in it at once. She aims, a magic circle in front of the bow and ... wait, where did she go? She readies herself a bit, putting the arrows up and bow upon her back then grabs her axe!

Her ears twitch, eyes looking around only to see the woman suddenly in front of her and with a 'punch' aimed right at her midsection. Not much time to dodge so... she takes it, eyes going wide as she gets the wind knocked out of her! Stumbling back before dropping to her knees, panting heavily as she plots her next move.

"You're strong there, Demon. But I'll show you why I was an Overlord's General!" She gets up slowly, groaning at the pain, the spiked hilt making a decent hole in her dress, showing off a badly bruised and punctured toned stomach. She takes a deep breath and smirks, swirling around with her axe before... launching it around Kagenashi. She waits a moment before dashing forth, attempting to apply a strong punch to the stomach! Assuming it hits, she'll knock up the Black Demon right into a returning, spinning axe that would continue to grind into her back while sending her back down!

Serori (37) has posed:
"Oh! /OH/, Kasumi's almost snapped right in /half/, what a /hit/! Ahh, but she's up again, on her feet, proving she's got the toughness to back up her talk! Producing a large axe, she swings it toward -- no! She swings it /past/ Black Demon! Eeeeh, the axe is being used like a boomerang! Kasumi cleverly feints, leading Black Demon into a melee engagement, while her axe swings back on its own and spins into Black Demon's back!" Serori squeezes the mic in a white-knuckled grip!

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
A clean hit for a clean hit. The Black Demon doesn't take a moment to revel in her successful attack, instead slipping back to open the distance and lowering herself into a braced stance like some sort of feral animal. She's clearly breathing heavily right now; this fight is starting to take its toll on her, but not enough to make her fall just yet. If anything, it's only inspiring her to take the fight more seriously. This nekomata is more trouble than she looks like.

Again, the woman in black prepares to block an attack...that doesn't come from where she expects. The axe goes flying past her, making her turn her head aside in confusion for a moment. A moment Kasumi takes advantage of, rushing in to deliver a punch to her stomach!

With her swords in a blocking position, Black Demon is prepared to lessen the damage from Kasumi's punch. Rather than hit her square in the gut, it instead crashes against her crossed swords. Still, the nekomata's strength is surprising, and the Demon is knocked up into the air where she has no defensive options against the axe flying back at her. It looks like it's going to be digging right into her back.

But she has options that she hasn't revealed yet. No normal person should be able to change their position in midair, but she does just that, twisting and changing her trajectory just before the axe strikes. Oh, it still /hits/ her, but it's not as severe as it could be; the blade digs into her lower back, off to the side, and rather than slam her into the ground it instead passes along and sends her whirling in midair.

Still, this momentum is something she can take advantage of. She's spinning, gaining speed, and in her own control she suddenly flies straight for Kasumi with her swords held close to her body. Her aim is to crash into the nekomata with her swords leading, slashing and potentially hooking into the mercenary to knock her aside.

Serori (37) has posed:
"Ohhh-ho, the trick succeeds! Kasumi lands a hit that sends Black Demon flying right into the path of the axe! But Black Demon somehow twists herself mid-air, throwing off her own out-of-control trajectory! At least, I thought it was out-of-control -- the axe clips her, and Black Demon makes the momentum her own, too, using the hit to launch her into a spearing attack from above!" Serori's tail snaps the air in excitement. "Unbelievable!"

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Kasumi stands and watches as the axe does its thing, her ears perking when the Black Demon twists in mid air. "Hey, that's not right..." she mutters, "How's that possible!" says the one who throws an axe like a boomerang... Catching the returning axe, she twists herself a bit, the blade and hook catching her but in a way that it doesn't cause serious harm, sending her flying towards the right after she's crashed into by the black wearing individual!

Kasumi crashes into the ground, rolling a ways as most of her weapons are scattered, axe still in hand. She slowly gets herself up, coughing and panting hard, she twists her head to look at the Black Demon with her red slitted eyes. "Something's unnatural about her." she mutters, standing back up with her dress in quite a few tatters. "Well then. Shall we?" Kasumi starts running towards the Black Demon, her axe trailing behind her. "Here, have some earth."

What Kasumi meant by that could be anyone's guess, until she leaps up into the air and starts spinning like a drill on her way down! She's not even aiming right AT the Black Demon, instead, axe crashing down into the earth in front of her, sending shards of rock every which way.. Down and down the nekomata goes, drilling deeper and deeper, faster and faster until.. rumbling in the earth starts to happen. Moments later, Kasumi's ejected from the hole and a gout of searing hot magma is following her in an attempt to burn the Black Demon into a crisp... or at least make some really hot blood. Soon after, the hole is ... not there anymore, magically repaired from Kasumi's little special.

D (232) has posed:
The Hunter is held rapt. As the conflict spirals more and more beyond the realm of what's 'possible,' his attention is more and more gripped. His eyes follow Black Demon through her pursuit of Kasumi, and follow Kasumi's every retaliation. Both competitors are marked by their increasing heights of grace and physical improbability -- traits he finds admirable, and hard to ignore.

Serori (37) has posed:
"Kasumi's speared by Black Demon! Both swords connect, but rather than deal serious cuts, the hooks catch Kasumi into a throw! Kasumi lands hard, her weapons scattered, but she bounces up again, and charges -- Black Demon looks ready to meet this one -- hwah! Kasumi leaps straight up and pounces straight down, only when she hits the ground, she's...she's drilling right into it?! Her whole body's spinning like a drill, digging down unti you can hardly see anything left of her -- the ground rumbles -- THE WHOLE EARTH SHAKES! Black Demon's caught in an eruption of hot magma!" Serori pounds at the broadcast console with her fist.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
The woman in black lands in another controlled crouch after Kasumi is knocked away, weapons held low and her head similarly lowered. She's certainly looking worse for the wear now: gashes bleed along her lower back, shoulder, and stomach, but the blood lining the edges of her hook-swords show that she's given as much as she's suffered. It seems this is really a battle of who can outsmart the other more than any direct strength.

Black Demon gives another monstrous growl as she rises to her feet, rolling one shoulder and keeping her burning eyes fixed on Kasumi. Another charge, but she knows better by now than to try to block it. Instead, once Kasumi leaps, the Black Demon shifts back out of the way of her impact.

But Kasumi isn't aiming for her. A few moments later, the reason /why/ becomes apparent, as a gout of magma suddenly spews forth from the ground in a rush toward her.

Her reflexes aren't quite enough. She attempts to leap aside, but the magma catches her, scorching along her right leg. A significantly more female cry of pain comes from her, then, as the leg of her pants is almost completely burned away and the metal of her guard is made searing hot from the magma. Her solution is quick, if not graceful, as she brings one sword down to slice off the bindings of the guard and let the armor fall to the ground. She ends up cutting along her calf in the process, but it's better than having nearly-melting metal pressed up against her shin.

She's really going to have to end this soon.

It's difficult for the Black Demon to stand properly now, so instead she simply...floats just above the ground. The hooks of her weapons are locked together as well, and as she rushes forward to Kasumi, she brings the weapons up to her mouth so that she can coat them in a layer of ghostly fire. What follows is not a single hit, but several, as the Demon ducks down and rises again with her weapons leading in two upward strikes with the bladed hilts to knock Kasumi into the air. She's quick to follow through, too: she spins and lets go of one of the weapons, using the doubled length to slash horizontally at the nekomata from afar before coming around a second time to bring the flaming weapon down on her, aiming to dig the hilts into Kasumi and yank her to the ground.

Serori (37) has posed:
"Searing hot magma threatens to wash over Black Demon and turn this brawl into a barbecue! Facing the eruption head-on, Black Demon waits until the last possible second to dodge away, giving herself the highest chance at a clean evasion -- aah! But the lava catches her leg! /Badly/ burned, Black Demon can hardly even stand up, so instead, she just floats above the ground! The injuries are mounting on both sides, causing Black Demon and Kasumi to both work past exhaustion just to keep going. No white flags being waved yet -- Black Demon hooks her swords together as she propels herself toward Kasumi in a rush!" Serori takes a deep breath. "An incredible twisting routine sees Kasumi facing not one, but multiple strikes, Black Demon's swords becoming a blur!"

Kasumi (195) has posed:
"A bit hot for you? Hope that burning desire to win is still there because things are still heating up! We're on fire now!" Kasumi sheaths her Axe upon her back and readies in a melee stance with her claws at ready, a kickboxing stance it looks like. "Come on, bring that firey passion closer..."

Kasumi curiously looks at the now flaming swords, before she rushes right into it, ready to start her own little melee fest here! She readies up a kick but the swords impact her before she can land it, the upward strikes crashing into her arms, sending shreds of clothing and swathes of blood up with a pained yowl from the impact, getting sent upwards though thankfully the horizontal strike from that sword kisses air than her body, only to get sent downwards once more from the swords."

The impact to the ground creates a small crater, the Nekomata's ears twitching slowly, tail shifting left and right as she slowly, but surely, gets up. "Nnngh. This is a training session that my Overlord has given me before!" a pause before she falls to a knee again.. "AND IT REALLY HURTS! OW!" She hops up and lands outside of the crater, panting heavily, her chest heaving with each breath.

She's gonna have to work faster, she can't keep up under that much punishment for long. Energy aura's encompass her feet this time as the Nekomata moves in with a run, going for a bit of fancy footwork of her own! A high kick to try and launch the Black Demon into the air, followed by another high kick and another and another... four more in all before a final somersault kick to launch the Black Demon into the ground... assuming they were even launched up in the first place!

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori sounds tense. "Kasumi's high speeds can't save her from the devastating strikes unleashed by the surprisingly skillful Black Demon! She's left sprawling -- could that be it?! C'mon, get up, getupgetupgetup SHE'S UP! Not only that, but Kasumi's MOVING! Magic lights up under her feet and Kasumi shows of her own blurring speed and acrobatic moves! Empowered high kicks and nimble footwork give her the advantage in a close encounter that Black Demon's going to be left feeling!"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Once Kasumi is grounded again, the burning hook-swords are yanked back so that Black Demon can once more grasp both of them. Those flames still wreathe each one, but as Kasumi takes a few moments to rise again, she unhooks them from each other so that she can have both hands free. Just in case.

Even then, the nekomata catches her off-guard. A sudden rush and a swift kick knock her into the air, drawing out another pained growl as she flips upward and finds herself kicked again and again, launched higher and higher until Kasumi at last slams her into the ground!

...where she promptly dissolves into swirls of black smoke.

In actuality, the Black Demon managed to turn invisible once more and used her flight to slip free from Kasumi's attacks in a moment of quick thinking. To buy herself a moment to breathe once she landed on the ground again, an illusion of herself was left in her place, only broken once it crashed against the ground. So where is the real Black Demon?

She slips into view again leaping up to Kasumi's side, where she twirls and swings her hooks up to dig into the nekomata's waist. If she manages that, she then whirls around and /hurls/ the mercenary down to the ground with a tiger-like roar that echoes through the arena!

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Kick kick kick and BOOM! Down the Black Demon goes. Then the black smoke. "Did I? Did I finish her?" she questions, landing on the ground as she takes a look around, "Hmm, where did she go?" her ears perk, the roar echoing through the area and going loud into her ears. The hooks dig into her waist, a scream of pain from that before she's lifted up and slammed into the ground once more.

"Nnngh... ow... ow ow..." but hey, at least she's close! She reaches out her arm, aiming right towards the Black Demon and soon, an energy beam blasts its way out towards her! It doesn't matter what position the nekomata's in, as long as she can aim her arm!

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori leaps up out of the booth, unconsciously hovering several feet into the air as she yells out the next bit of commentary. "Black Demon takes a hit or two before dissolving into black smoke! How she did it, I don't know, but Kasumi's attacks -- hwah! Black Demon appears again, but she's on the ground now, suffering from -- no, she's to the /side/ of Kasumi! Swinging both her swords through the air to dig both hooks into Kasumi's waist! A lift -- a /SLAM/!! Kasumi's gonna be pulverized!"

Serori (37) has posed:
"From her position on her back, Kasumi retaliates by releasing a close-proximity energy blast! Black Demon's caught dead on!!"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Kasumi is slammed into the ground and the Black Demon lifts her bloody, flaming weapons out just a few moments after...but Kasumi is also quick. That arm lashes out toward her, and there's nothing the woman in black can really do at this range with so little warning. She's blasted right in the stomach and sent flying back several feet once more, though this time she doesn't manage to right herself properly before she skids to a halt face-down.

Her recovery isn't as quick as her others have been. She rises after several moments, but even then she's forced to stagger with a pained growl from the injuries to her leg and stomach. Her agility is certainly taking a hit now, as she's forced to hunch over slightly and limp from her injuries.

Thankfully, she has other options. Even though she's far away now, Black Demon still brings her swords up and swings them down in front of her toward Kasumi. The flames on them slip off mid-swing to rush at the nekomata, and the Demon follows them up swiftly with two more fireballs launched from her mouth. It may not be as spectacular as Kasumi's earlier barrage, but the rain of fire will hopefully overwhelm the injured nekomata.

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori punches at the air again. "Recovering from Kasumi's expertly-timed energy blast, Black Demon picks herself up off the ground and swings her swords toward her opponent, unleashing an array of sizzling fireballs! The fireballs burst, turning the battlefield into a firestorm!"

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Kasumi's still on the ground from the earlier sword slam, panting heavily as she works up the strength to get up. Fortunately, the laser she managed to get out would give her enough time to do just that, get up slowly, labored breathing and to grab her axe with both hands. "Time to ... end this.. nya." she squints a bit at the Black Demon, her eyes widening at the fireballs.

Sudden pain wracks her body, the build up of fire damage that was by sheer willpower ignored comes crashing down, opening wounds that were closed. Then the Fireballs strike. Kasumi dashes through them, grazing past a couple of them before one smashes right into her chest and then one into her leg, sending her flying towards Kagenashi! She's not going to let this momentum go away though!

She lands in front and hops off one leg to try and crash into the Black Demon, hoping to send her up in the air one last time, a blast of energy coming from under the initial strike to assist in the launch. She'll follow up and take slice after slice, further sending up the Demon into the sky, each strike produces yellow energy blasts spreading out in a ring before the final strike which encompasses her target in what seems to be a electric ball. A hop off the ball, into the air and a frontflip forward, she makes a downward slice with her axe, sending her and her target down into the ground with a massive explosion. Assuming this all even connects!

D (232) has posed:
D lets out a soft sigh.

He leaves Ezio behind him, and proceeds toward the arena itself, eventually making his way to and beyond the barricade between the spectators and the combatants. It looks like he's headed right for Kasumi and Black Demon.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
She's too injured. Were this right at the beginning of the fight, the woman in black probably could have avoided that attack. As it stands, she finds herself knocked into the air again and again until the final strike /slams/ her into the ground with an earth-shaking impact.

Once the debris clears, the Black Demon can be seen again...lying on the ground, face down. She's lost her grip of her weapons as they lie embedded in the ground; she probably dropped them among all the flashing. She makes the effort to rise again, groaning with the exertion, but she barely moves her arms before the damage catches up to her again and she hisses in pain, lowering from her lift again.

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori lets out a shout! "Kasumi dances among the fire, but the explosions catch her, consuming her in a blast of searing heat! But she doesn't stop her charge! Black Demon's bowled over by Kasumi, caught up in a frenzied series of slashes and stabs that launch Black Demon higher and higher into the air! Spheres of electricity surround Black Demon, crackling and bursting, and -- aah! It's so bright, I can't see anything! Kasumi brings her weapon down in a final massive slice, and -- and Black Demon's down for the count! Kasumi wins!!"

Kasumi (195) has posed:
Kasumi pants and heaves, leaning on the hilt of her axe, the head of it dug into the ground. "Nnngh.. I... I did it?" a few more wounds crack open from some lingering fire damage that finally break through the last bits of willpower she had. She drags herself over towards the Black Demon, pulling out... a stick of gum... from inside her dress.. offering it over to the BLack Demon.

"Rozen Maiden Company exclusive gum. Supposed to heal you quite a bit and be bad for your teeth. Wonderful fight, you fire slinging monster of a woman."

D (232) has posed:
As soon as the victory is announced -- Kasumi's name in the lights and chanted from the crowds -- D is permitted to approach the two combatants. It takes him some time to walk across the field, but not so long Black Demon and Kasumi have the chance to properly recover. In silence, he kneels beside Black Demon, and after a moment's survey he slips his arms beneath the unconscious woman and lifts her off the ground.

"I will see she enjoys it when she is able," the Hunter answers Kasumi. "It took some time for me to recognize her, but she is familiar to me now. A mercenary from my world...someone I will watch over personally, for now."

Camarederie between Hunters is not unheard of, but it's not especially common, either. D's self-imposed isolation makes his concern for Black Demon all the more startling. "You fought well."

He turns, and begins walking back to the stands. By then, more medics have arrived.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
The Black Demon finds herself lifted up by D only moments after Kasumi speaks. She doesn't respond to Kasumi, but only because she's barely holding onto consciousness, if at all. She still breathes, but the flames around her eyes are flickering and weak as she hangs in D's arms. It seems her eyes are nearly closed, too.

But if she were capable of responding, no doubt she'd congratulate Kasumi on a battle well fought. Maybe she'll try to contact her later, when she's not struggling to stay alert.