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Latest revision as of 01:52, 23 June 2014

Enter Dr. Violet Hunter
Date of Scene: 22 June 2014
Location: Digital World
Synopsis: Dr. Violet Hunter unleashes a Devidramon on Tokyo, to lure out Japan's Self Defense Force.
Cast of Characters: 132, 307, 399, 469, 471

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
It is late in the evening in Tokyo. Most of the, it'd be relatively peaceful right now. Japan is one of the safest countries on the planet, after all. Terrorist attacks there are incredibly rare, as well.

But, to most in the city, one seems to be happening, in the Nerima district. An explosion has occured right in the middle of a relatively busy area. What else could this be but terrorists?

Of course, the area is evacuated before most can find out. Few /want/ to stick around when something dangerous like this is happening. The area is rather empty, now. Just some destruction here and there, various spots where explosions seem to have happened. Several buildings beginning to fall over. The Self Defense Force will be here soon, at least. Helicopters can be heard in the distance.

Unfortunately, they aren't going to find what they expect. This isn't a normal terrorist attack, after all.

Instead, a /rather/ large beast is walking across the street, knocking over buildings. This creature is larger than most city buses, and appears much like a dragon. It has large tattered wings, a long tail, and red talons. It looks as if its entire body is covered in tight black leather, barely sewn together in places, with huge stitches. It lets out a roar, much like an explosion. The district shakes as it does so.

Hidden in the alleyway, though, is a woman in a labcoat. A woman with long, black hair, and a pair of goggles over her face. She seems overly relaxed, though she still tries to hide from view. In her right arm, she carries a closed laptop.

She smiles as she looks upon the beast on the street.

"I expect the best from you, Devidramon."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
It is late in the evening in Tokyo. Most of the, it'd be relatively peaceful right now. Japan is one of the safest countries on the planet, after all. Terrorist attacks there are incredibly rare, as well.

But, to most in the city, one seems to be happening, in the Nerima district. An explosion has occured right in the middle of a relatively busy area. What else could this be but terrorists?

Of course, the area is evacuated before most can find out. Few /want/ to stick around when something dangerous like this is happening. The area is rather empty, now. Just some destruction here and there, various spots where explosions seem to have happened. Several buildings beginning to fall over. The Self Defense Force will be here soon, at least. Helicopters can be heard in the distance.

Unfortunately, they aren't going to find what they expect. This isn't a normal terrorist attack, after all.

Instead, a /rather/ large beast is walking across the street, knocking over buildings. This creature is larger than most city buses, and appears much like a dragon. It has large tattered wings, a long tail, and red talons. It looks as if its entire body is covered in tight black leather, barely sewn together in places, with huge stitches. It lets out a roar, much like an explosion. The district shakes as it does so.

Hidden in the alleyway, though, is a woman in a labcoat. A woman with long, black hair, and a pair of goggles over her face. She seems overly relaxed, though she still tries to hide from view. In her right arm, she carries a closed laptop.

She smiles as she looks upon the beast on the street.

"I expect the best from you, Devidramon."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Alas, Beelzebumon has found himself knocked out of the running in his very first match of the World Martial Arts Tournament, leaving him with very little to do but stew. No, he isn't angry about losing. To be frank, he doesn't care one way or another about victory.

No, the real reason he's vexed is because there are /so many other/ competators in the tournament that he'll never have a chance to fight in an official capacity, and watching the matches only serves to rub that fact in.

After a full day of watching matches without being able to satisfy his combta high, Beelzebumon just had to go out for some stress relief... and well, there /was/ that new version of the Digital World that popped up, and Beelz is feeling a little nostalgic. Only problem, he isn't sure exactly where or how to get to this new Digital World, but apparently the humans of this one use that silly VR game to experience their version of it, so Beelzebumon is hoping that all he'll have to do is find one, put it on, and zap himself there.

Only his plans never got that far, because suddenly, explosions.

And also a ceiling caved in on his head.

As the Devidramon stomps off on his rampage of destruction, the rubble of one of his previous demolished buildings shifts around, before the Demonic Biker heaves a large piece of debris off his head, before reaching into the rubble to pull out a broken set of VR Glasses. Peering down at the ruined machinery, Beelzebumon shrugs and throws the junk over his shoulder, "Welp, so much for that idea. Now who was the asshole that dropped a building on my head?"

Beelz pulls himself out of the ruined store front and looks off in the distance at the raging devil dragon.

"Oh hey! A Devidramon! I haven't punched one of those in years!"

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
Tatsuto Satou is here! Or, well, he's almost here. He's on his bike, you see, trying to avoid road blocks... it's not easy to get to the site of a disaster in process! Especially when you have a digital puppy on your head!

But, eventually, Tatsuto has made it. And is promptly gaping in astonishment at the sight. "A... a... Digimon?!" Pause. "Well okay that shouldn't be too surprising but... A DIGIMON?! Attacking Tokyo?!"

Taro (399) has posed:
There is the small chance that it had been a terrible accident rather than a terrorist attack. Gas lines can fail and burst, electrical substations can overload and explode.
The fact that there is a sizable leather-clad dragon in the midst of it does weigh in favor of this being a terrorist attack, however. Unless it happens to be an escapee from Ueno Zoo?
Regardless, the digital-now-corporeal monster and the destruction it's wrought is between Taro and the teahouse where he had been heading. Such a bother.
A glance behind him finds...someone else to take care of this mess. Very well then. The Bishop Engineer takes a sidestep to move himself out of the way of the inevitable fight that's about to take place.
A radio confirms that this is the sort of thing in which he shouldn't interfere..at least against the monster.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Not usually making his way into a city, if he can help it, a certain wolf makes his way towards where he'Yd heard something was going on. He prowls about the streets to find his way towards where the commotion had been heard and seen at least. Yeah, a wild wolf in the city. He stops and crouches down when he happens to see the large, strange creature and growls softly to himself. Allyn wonders to himself why he decided to show up, knowing that he's stuck in his current form.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
People begin to gather, the Devidramon looking them over. None of them are the main target, though. They are simply additional pests who happened to respond. Violet sighs from her alleyway. She had heard that a lot of people were just willing to pop up for anything, but she had /hoped/ that the main responding force would be the SDF. She was planning on making a demonstration of them, after all.

But, nonethless, some of the SDF has arrived. A few helicopters, in the sky. This area has been declared a 'No fly zone' for the duration of the incident, so it's definately not news copters.

Before Devidramon deals with anyone else, it glares straight towards the helicopters in the sky. It speaks, roaring somewhat as it does so.


Its red eyes begin to glow, sending forth beams towards the helicopters. Once hit, the machinery that makes them work seems to freeze up. The pilots are freaking out, as the helicopters begin to plummet towards the ground.

It then spots the Beelzebumon. It doesn't recognize this species, the Devidramon is generally wary of any unknown Digimon. Most of them tend to be of a relatively high level. So, it goes for it first. It tries to rake across Beelzebumon with its claws, its Crimson Nail attack.

It seems to glance at Taro, and ignore him. Yes, Taro isn't a threat. He matches the description from the radio, after all. But the others? The small boy with the Digimon, the wild wolf who is quietly growling. The Devidramon flaps his wings, /hard/, creating a shockwave from the pressure of them. Aimed towards the Digimon Tamer, and the wolf.

Violet simply watches from the alley, smiling. This will at least be a /good/ combat test. And, if need be, she has some other plans as well.

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
"...Okay maybe it's just confused because it's lost in the Real World, or..." Pause. Radio! "...Nope. Definitely not. Okay! Plotmon, we should-"

Shockwave! Tatsuto is fung off his bike, Plotmon falling down after him. The tiny puppy is swiftly on her feet, though, putting ehrself between Tatsuto and the Devidramon!

Tatsuto stands up. He's bleeding from a gash on his cheek. "Tch. Alright... As I was saying..." And now it's trying to fight Beelzebumon! Tatsuto just has no idea how to process this.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
The glowing crimson nails comes sweeping down towards Beelzebumon, but the only thing heard is the crunching of pavement rather than the breaking of bones as the Demon Lord practically vanishes from beneath the sweeping claws. Further down the street on a three story building, the Demon Biker reappears, grinning wildly as he places one foot on the edge of the rootfop and props his elbow up onto it, leaning forward as he does so.

"Almost had me big guy, but almost only counts in Horse Shoes and Hand Grenades."

Then as he stands back up again, he flicks his foot up and knocks a stone up into the air, before leaping up and delivering a snap kick to the rock that sends it hurtling right at one of Devidramon's many eyes.

Taro (399) has posed:
Were he really a simple priest, no doubt the man in the cassock ought to be running for cover like any sane civilian. That he's moved as far as the other side of the street but no further may be a sign that he isn't.
No, Taro is standing there, observing impassively, with not visible cringe or wince as the helicoptors are knocked out of the sky.
His gaze shifts, however, when he hears the clatter of bicycle meeting pavement not far from him, finding the young man and his puppy. He doesn't sneer so much as furrow his brown at the pair. "It would be wise to turn around, or to at least move out of the way. I expect that this will be only grow worse."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn yelps as he gets hit by the shockwave and rolls across the ground, he stands back uo slowly and bares his teeth at the creature that sent the shockwave at him. Well now, that was interesting, too bad he can't attack back, he's jsut got his paws and teeth this way. He shakes his head and pads over towards where Tatsuto is and peers up at him, "What is that thing? This isn't something you have done is it?"

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The others are staying back, and the helicopters are crashing. All is going well for Devidramon. Likely, more military copters will be coming in soon.

The only problem is that Beelzebumon dodges. Yeah, this is definately a higher class Digimon. The stone ends up hitting it straight in an eye, causing it to roar in pain. With Beelzebumon's fast speed, and ability to get up buildings in a blink of an eye, though? It'll make it a lot harder to catch up. Not that he isn't going to try.

He flaps his wings, and takes off into the air. Some lamp posts and similar fall over due to the shockwave of its wings. It's bursting towards Beelzebumon, simply trying to bite into him with his massive jaws.

The sound of more helicopters can be heard in the distance, especially with the situation getting worse. Possibly the sound of jets coming in as well. The military situation here is going to get nasty, and /fast/.

And it is at this point that Violet sneaks into one of the nearby still standing buildings. Slowly making her way to the top. With Devidramon in the air, she wants a better view of events. She also intends to /make a dramatic point/ soon.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
It really is a rather large mismatch, as Beelzebumon is not only a good two stages higher than Devidramon, but he also has a vast amount of experience fighting in a war against the God of his own Digital World. Bout the only thing going for Devidramon right now though is that Beelzebumon clearly isn't taking this seriously.

As the jaws seek to clamp down on Beelzebumon, the Demon Lord braces himself and digs in his feet, then snaps up both arms to grab those mighty jaws in his hand and keeps them from closing down on him. Meanwhile the force of the impact between Demon Dragon and Demon Lord crushes part of the rooftop as Beelzebumon skids back, leaving gouges in the shingling as he grinds the dragon to a stop and holds him there.

"I applaud your moxy, but you have nooooooo idea just how outclassed you are right now. Let me give you a demonstration." His muscles tense and his stance shifts, "Upsy daisy!"

And then he /lifts/ Devidramon up by his muzzle and swings the dragon up over his body before slamming him back down again on his back.

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
Tatsuto is just... staring, now. What the hell is even going on?

And then he looks down at Allyn! "Uh... Devidramon, Adult-level Evil Dragon-type Dig- what do you mean?! Why would I cause -this-?!"

He takes a breath. "...Look, there are people who might be injured, will you help me try to get to them?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn perks his ears as he's asked to help look for any who might be injured and he tilts his head at Tatsuto, thinking about that for a few moments, well since there isn't anything else he can do at the moment. "I can do that, shouldn't be too hard to sniff them out. It's the least that i can do." he then pads around, listening and sniffing for anyone that might be injured.

Taro (399) has posed:
Taro brings up a an arm to shield his face as Devidramon's wing-generated windblast rolls through the streets, and he finds himself skidding back a couple of meters. Perhaps, in retrospect, he should have found a slightly more remote vantage point.
It appears his advice is going to be ignored. Their loss. He gives the young man and the wolf a contemptious glare, but he's not actively moving to block them from their errand.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The Devidramon is grabbed by the jaw. Such is the strength of an Ultimate/Mega level Digimon. Violet reaches the rooftop just in time to see the Devidramon slammed to the ground. She frowns. She is using Digimon in her war against the world. But she doesn't want one killed.

She pulls out a small device, a little keychain looking toy that easily fits in her hand. She is quiet about this. But she speaks aloud.

"Tinkermon. Realize."

With a small flash of light, a tiny fairy Digimon appears. It's only a Child stage Digimon, but for its stage? It's still relatively powerful.

And it has /such great tricks/ for survival.

Tinkermon flies over towards Beelzebumon, from behind. She holds her hand out, and a small vial appears. A vial of... nail polish. Or at least, one would think. In fact, it is an incredibly potent drug.

She takes the top off, and splashes a bit onto Beelzebumon.

Should the drug be effective? Hallucinations take effect. Devidramon, despite still being around? Beelzebumon would see it as not being here anymore.

Instead, he would see a number of other 'Digimon' flying in. Pteramon, pteradatcyl Digimon, are flying in. Some Flymon are hovering in as well. In truth, these are actually the Self Defense Force planes and helicopters flying in.

Allyn and Tatsuto now appear as Digimon as well, at least to Beelzebumon, if the poison works. Tatsuto looks like a Keramon, and Allyn, a Gabumon.

Tinkermon chuckles, floating back to sit on Violet's shoulder. She smiles. She /loves/ this sort of prank.

Violet should be invisible as well. Though Violet simply /laughs/, rather heartily, from her spot on the rooftop, looking down at the group.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
The Demon Lord smirks with gleeful satisfaction as Devidramon makes a nice crunching sound as he crashes to the ground, then dusts off his hands as he looks upon his handiwork, "Man, it's been so long since I fought another Digimon that I forgot how much fun it is, even if you're just an Adult... but I suppose that's enough fun and games..." He pulls his hand back and his claws start to glow a dark purple.


He never gets a chnace to deliver the killing blow however as something comes out of the corner of his vision and splashes something directly into his eyes. With a startled outcry, he stumbles back and rubs the strange liquid from his eyes, "Dick move! Who did that?!"

He blinks as his vision comes back into focus, and he sees himself surrounded by Digimon on all sides, "Ooooh... you brought friends I see... well, I've faced tougher odds than this! Come on! I'll take ya all on!"

He quickly draws both of his Berenjena Shotguns and starts blasting away at the hordes of Not-Airdramons as well as Not-Kudamon Tatsuto and Not-Gabumon Allyn.

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
Tatsuto nods his head. "Alright. Plotmon? Can you lend a hand?" He then looks up to see how the battle is going... and stares. "...Wait why is he turning around and OH GOD BULLETS-" he manages to get out, before Plotmon jumps at him and pushes him to the ground. The attack sails just over his head and likely pulverises whatever was behind him! "What the hell?!"

Plotmon is... charging Beelzebumon, now. This will probably go very badly for her. "SLEDGE DASH!" she calls out - her body surrounded by an aura of light as she aims to slam right into the Demon Lord.

Yes. A Child. Attacking an Ultimate.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn stares at Beelzebumon as he shoots at them and he tries to jump out of the way when Tatsuto gets pushed down, he lets out a yelp and growls loudly. He's not so much afraid of the city anymore, not after having been shot again. He really needs to stop hanging out with Tatsuto it seems, first time he met the guy he gets all shot to hell by a Mothmon and now this? He shimmers and shifts forms though he probably still looks the same to the drugged digimon, but his form is now that of a large eagle. He launches into the air and flaps his wings flying towards Beelzebumon, "What are we doing, we're here helping you! Stop attacking us!"

Taro (399) has posed:
While Taro appears to not be a direct target, that does not prevent him from being potentially collateral damage. Shotgun shells can be terribly indiscriminite, after all.
The priest dashes out of the street to remove himself from the line of fire, vaulting over a conveniently placed car to use as cover. A stray ricochet catches him across his left arm, a flesh wound, but it's nothing he cannot repair later.
Yes, he definitely should have chosen a better vantage point.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The airplanes are being shot down fairly quickly. A number of them are shooting towards Beelzebumon now, though. They are having trouble spotting the Devidramon, which has fallen to the street now. Sadly, the more or less mundane weaponry of these planes are not likely to scratch Beelzebumon much. Some pilots are managing to eject. Some are sending reports back to base. If not for the number of reports confirming the situation, they'd probably have problems believing this back at the base. Still is hard for them to believe, though.

But, with a number of pilots having ejected and being on the ground in the local area, and some foot troops getting into the area? Dr. Violet Hunter steps forward, to the edge of the rooftop. She looks down, and speaks towards Devidramon.

"It's time we go home, Devidramon, Tinkermon. Let this Digimon's strength make the message stronger for us."

The Devidramon, though injured, rights itself. The pavement is broken a bit under its weight. It flaps its wings, going towards Violet.

Violet smiles, looking at the assembled troops, and the two other interlopers who have showed up. She speaks in a different tone than usual, and her face is covered by the goggles and her hair. It's hard to tell who she is.

"This world and the Digital World? They will be united under my command. Your only choice is surrender."

She begins to get out her laptop. She is preparing to take her leave. The ground troops and pilots who ejected are /completely unsure/ what the hell is going on.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
Man, this is just too easy! It's like a shooting gallery!

Guns blazing, Beelzebumon easily swats enemy after enemy out of the sky and easily evades the swooping counter attacks of the Not-Airdramons as they try to retaliation. Then his glazed-over eyes turn to Allyn again, looking very much off... almost vacant, as if the Demon Lord isn't really there mentally.

Yet despite the hallucination, he does pause for a moment with his guns levelled at Allyn.

"Wait, since when can a Gabumon fly?"


Beelzebumon stumbles sideways as Plotmon ricochets off the side of his head, staggering him momentarily before he catches himself before faceplanting and reflexively turns to literally Kick the Puppy, "AHA! I get you were the one that tried blinding me before!"

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
Plotmon is kicked!

"PLOTMON!" Tatsuto screams out, scrabbling to his feet and running for the puppy. But the puppy is on its feet a few moments later! She narrows her eyes at Beelzebumon. And then... "PUPPY HOWLING!" she cries - then follows it up with some... well. Howling. Or more bark-howling, really... "WOWOWOWOWOW!" It's... kinda adorable.

Although the more important part? It's also -paralytic-. What is it with these Child Digimon and their status attacks?

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn cirles around Beelzebumon, "I don't know what a Gabumon is. I am Allyn a shapeshifter one of the creatures that came here to see what was going on, stop attacking the others." he peers around down to the street with his eagle eyes sharp because of his form. "I think that other creature is getting away." he calls down towards Plotmon, "Cub stop that!, you're not helping in getting him to stop attacking those that were here to help!"

Taro (399) has posed:
Mayhem, chaos, and destruction. It appears that Doctor Hunter's work here is done.
Taro has decided he's seen enough. And since no one has minded him, let alone attempted to detain him...
The priest vanishes in a darkened flash of a teleport. He'll return to satisfy his curiosity about this Digital World later. He's patient.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
The chaos is still ongoing. People are beginning to level their guns at Violet, Devidramon, and Tinkermon. She smirks. Yes, what a nice day it will be, when this military force is at her command.

"Digiport. Open."

She holds the small toy-like device up to her laptop's screen. Her Digivice. A strange portal opens in front of her laptop, a mess of white space, with dark Digicode written upon it. And, she and her two Digimon allies? They step into it.

The portal closes. She is gone. Some of the soldiers go up to the top of the building to try and find her, to search the /whole/ building. The others begin leveling their guns towards Beelzebumon, preparing to fire.


Yeah, this could get nasty.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
With a twisted grin, Beelzebumon disregards the non-sensical rambling going on around him and levels his gun directly at Plotmon.

Only he suddenly finds himself unable to pull the trigger.

No, it's not an attack of conscience. After all, Plotmon blindsided him first (at least from his preception), and that makes the puppy a valid combatant. No, the reason for it is that the dog is using PUPPY POWERS on him, and his hands are now paralyzed.

And now he is surrounded and having trouble moving his arms, "Well. Fffffffffuck."

And then off in the distance comes the rumbling of a motorcycle engine as the Demon Lord turns, before grinning, "Sorry guys, but I got a ride to catch!"

And then with a mighty leap, the Demon Lord launches himself into the sky and backflips, just as his Daemonic Bike Behemoth comes sailing off a building rooftop to catch him before the two disappear over the rooftop of another building.

No doubt with the military in hot pursuit.

Tatsuto Satou (469) has posed:
Plotmon staaaares up at Beelzebumon, not letting up her Puppy Howling for an instant! Once Beelzebumon is riding away...

Plotmon promptly faceplants.

Tatsuto scoops her up into his arms. "Plotmon? Plotmon, are you okay?! Speak to me, buddy!"

Plotmon opens one eye, looking Tatsuto squarely in the... eye. "...Plotmon is hungry."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn screeches and flies down to land beside Tatsuto and Plotmon and the eagle just shakes his head and peers at them both, "You know, I always get hurt when I am around you two... and I thought that I was trouble. You two give a new name to the word "trouble" he sighs, "Ah well, I'm looking forward to what will come next, I suppose."