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WMAT A1 Vervi vs. Rebecca Kismarin
Date of Scene: 22 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Gizard Wasteland
Synopsis: MMS Shinki Type VicViper Vervi versus UniTech Corporation Typhoeus System Expedition Head Rebecca Kismarin.
Cast of Characters: 22, 192, 343
Tinyplot: WMAT

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Glorious Sunday! Glorious WMAT! Glorious fighting!
The commentator for the fight is ready and waiting for the two fighters to arrive, sitting in the commentator's box with something cold to drink. She probably needs it, as she is wearing a snakeskin coat in this warm weather. But then again, with it no longer being a secret that she is a witch, there are probably other more disconcerting things about Medusa Gorgon, isn't there? Reclining in her seat, the Confederate lieutenant speaks up. "It's good to see people showing up for this fight. The seats are packed with fans, and yes. They are loud. Still no sign of the two fighters... I personally haven't read much into them yet, but perhaps I will get to learn more from the fight. And well, at least one of the fighters might need medical attention afterwards~" The woman sounds a bit /too/ pleased about that possibility.

Vervi (192) has posed:
From the North end, a tiny pinpoint of blue light appears, weaving through the stone spires making up the Gizard wastes. Zooming in on this would reveal a tiny blue-haired girl riding atop a jet-shaped device as if it were a surfboard, balancing herself precariously as the board maneuvers. Vervi crouches and ascends so that she can pass close to the stands, raising her arms to wave at them with a big smile, even if she's kind of hard to see.

The shinki wheels around once she's done her pass and then pulls the jetboard into a near-vertical ascent. With a flash of light, the device transforms and attaches to the shinki directly, forming her flight pack and armor. With flickers from the Slipway, she produces her laser rifle and swings it aside in readiness.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Ah, I believe that's the first fighter," Medusa notes as she perks up in her seat just a bit. "The shinki Vervi has arrived, greeting the crowd and riling them up with some air acrobatics. How impressive~ Ready for combat, it seems that Becka will have to be prepared for some quick, agile and ranged action. Why else would Vervi have a rifle?"

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
'Go big or go home' might be the theme for Rebecca's landing, a huge spacefaring vessel descending upon the battlefield. The Corvette-class ship is half engine and half hangar from the looks of it, a massive elevator, looking like one of four, coming down from the belly of the ship. Instead of a giant robot, however, a lone woman stands on the platform. Lieutenant Kismarin would look more at home in the Mobile Infantry with her non-standard outfit. Drab greys stand out against the painted desert. Her hair tucked into a helmet, an armored chestpiece on her torso and the BDU's underneath being grey and black. The UniTech corporate logo is displayed in proud red on the chestpiece.

She steps onto the dirt and signals the elevator to lift, and she's carrying a rifle in her hands and has a smaller firearm strapped to her thigh. "This would be highly irregular in any other circumstance," she calls out to Vervi, narrowing her eyes at the Shinki. "...but I'm authorized to make this close and personal. Your 'cute' appearance does you little credit, drone..." her tone is fairly harsh and cold, but she's not making the first move, more eyeing Vervi warily.

Vervi (192) has posed:
"D...Drone..?" Vervi floats backwards, a perplexed look on her face. Shaking her head, she recollects herself and bows in midair, "My name is Vervi, MMS Type VicViper, a VerVietta Shinki. It's nice to meet you, let's please both do our best."

She's not letting the fact that her opponent arrived in a giant air carrier throw her off. Everyone has their own way of doing things. At least Vervi's not up against a giant robot or something. That'd be insane for someone as small as she is. She glances up at the carrier in thought. How would a giant machine even be able to see her..? Then again, how would she /damage/ something like that to begin with? Being lost in thought, the shinki seems hesitant to start the fight.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Medusa raises her voice as the roar of the spacevessel sounds throughout the arena. "And I gather this is the second opponent, miss Kismarin. Such a contrast, but is big really better? At least it seems that both opponents focus on armor and weaponry, rifle versus rifle. Hmmm, please do make this fight interesting, girls. There is nothing wrong with some melee combat as well, but that might just be my own personal opinion~"
She rises when both opponents are there, then pulls out a coin from the pocket of her coat. "Since miss Vervi arrived first... heads or tails?"
Once the shinki has asked made her call, the witch flips the coin, and the cameras zoom onto her finely manicured hands... and the toss comes up tails. "Too bad~" Medusa gestures to Rebecca. "Miss Kismarin gets to strike fist. May the strongest fighter win. Begin."
Then Medusa sits down again, watching the two.

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
Rebecca is patient enough. She doesn't want to go off half-cocked on this, even if her trigger finger is itching something fierce. She looks to the 'rifle' in her hands, though it's pretty bulky and might not be a normal rifle at all. "Drone. Robot. Toaster. Synthetic," she answers. The kindness throws her off slightly, and she takes a half-step back, steadying her firearm as the coin toss goes up. "You're not fooling anyone," she hisses through her teeth. "Let's get this over with. I'm not letting you kill me today!" she growls.

Then the toss hits the dirt, and as the vessel above her starts to burn towards orbit, its massive shadow no longer bathing the arena in darkness, she pulls the trigger. It's a shotgun of some kind, the muzzle bursting with a green flash as glowing particles are hurled towards Vervi.

Vervi (192) has posed:
"Hawawawa~!" Vervi raises her hands--one still holding her rifle--and waves them frantically, "I don't want to kill anyone! Th-this is just a fighting tournament! I don't like fighting for real--!"

Energized flechettes fill the air around her. Vervi quite swiftly twists her body to avoid being shredded into tiny pieces, though several score across the surface of her armor and her flight pack, leaving nasty, jagged black lines. Chewing on her lower lip, the shinki suddenly dives and accellerates, trailing blue exhaust. It's not a real fight, she reminds herself, whatever this lady says.. She shouldn't dwell on it.

Lip-nibbling ceases. Vervi nods to herself with stronger conviction. Rolling as she arcs around, her flight unit deploys four distinct devices that surround themselves with orange light and start following her. The bank brings her back on target towards Rebecca, an approach that only lasts a few moments. On-approach, Vervi rolls, and in mid-roll numerous ports open up on her armor and flight unit, all of them deploying missiles. Similarly, missiles arc from her Options and curve towards the lady commando.

Sharply, Vervi pulls up and ascends, banking away in the same maneuver, more like a jet fighter than a humanoid warrior.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"It does appear to be some misunderstanding here," Medusa muses with amusement tinging her words. "There is sadly not going to be any killing here today, as that is against the rules of this tournament. However... there is no promise that this won't hurt, now is there?" The witch chuckles. "Miss Kismarin starts the fight by firing at Vervi, let's see if the agile shinki can avoid this... oh. Seems not. However, she is quick to respond and engages miss Kismarin in a rolling flight pattern... and deploys missiles. Better get out of the way~"

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
Whatever prejudices and concerns Rebecca may have are further reinforced as the storm of missiles comes at her. She's not as confident in her armor or durability and starts to move. "I knew it...! I'm not letting my guard down!" she shouts, looking to use one of the rock formations as cover, but the curving arc of the missiles makes it extremely difficult to hide. The impacts nearby knock her off balance and her armored vest takes numerous hits as she is instead pushed against the cover she'd sought.

The woman's firearm is pumped, like a shotgun, but instead of a shell casing ejecting, cooling vanes extend along the length. She 'racks' in a new shot, then braces against the rock and fires again, though this time the charged particles are not just in a tighter spread, but it's two shots instead of one, more bright green light spewing forth from the less agile fighter's weapon.

Vervi (192) has posed:
A tiny target wheeling about in midair is awfully hard to strike. The use of tight clusters of shrapnel is probably the best bet Rebecca has for scoring any solid hits on Vervi at her current distance. However, the tighter spread and the range give Vervi enough time to dive out of the center of the cone from the first shot, only losing the tip of one wing. Twisting violently in descent, she weaves underneath the second shot, only getting a paint scrape across the top of her flight unit.

"Please calm down, miss! This is a fighting tournament so of course I'm going to fight, but...!"

Bringing herself level and coming to a stop, the tiny robot girl swings her beam rifle forward. The barrel splits open, revealing its glowing blue interior, leaking with bright blue 'smoke' from the gathered energy, "...If you're going to attack me like that, I will defend myself!" With a faint buzzing noise, the laser cannon fires a sustained blue beam, which Vervi sweeps across Rebecca's cover. Her Options mimic the attack, each of the four orbs firing its own bright blue beam, following the main rifle's sweeping arc as Vervi saws through the stone and possibly cutting into the woman behind it.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
It might not be easy to hide from missiles in this area, miss Kismarin~ Yes, the young lady is struck, knocked off balance. I guess she might be extra grateful for that armor." Medusa watches intently, lacing her fingers together as she watches Rebecca's next attack. "I might not know much about these kinds of weapons, but that rifle does appear to be no ordinary rifle. And ah, the little shinki will have to avoid those green light blasts. And yes, it seems that being so small has its advantages. Vervi manages to avoid the blunt of that attack, it grazes her as she tries to calm down miss Kismarin, all while attacking in return. How /amusing/." And people call /her/ a hypocrite? "Oh my. Vervi's rifle too has some secret to it, she's firing a blue beam as she aims for where miss Kismarin is hiding. And thanks to her Options, there's not one beam to avoid, but five. Better match the shinki's speed and agility there, dear."

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
"I told you I don't trust you!" Rebecca calls out from behind her rock, her electro-flechette shotgun needing a longer period of cooldown time, the vanes glowing red as the heat bleeds off of them. Yeah this gal has issues. When the lasers start cutting through the rock, though, she pushes herself off of it and starts to move, slinging the weapon over her shoulder on its strap. And she moves towards Vervi.

The dive-and-roll she executes succeeds in avoiding the brunt of the laser sweep, her armor taking a brief slice, though it seems to be minimal damage due to some kind of ablative coating. She rises to one knee, her sidearm coming up in both hands, aim steadied as she fires the bulky pistol at Vervi. There's another flash, this time blue, a bolt of cohesive EMP being fired at the Shinki.

Vervi (192) has posed:
Vervi's rifle snaps shut and she promptly accellerates again, rapidly spiraling up into the air. The Slipway flashes, that rifle disappearing, "But we've never met before, how could you say such a thing?" A chime goes off in her head and Vervi's entire body is engulfed in a flash of light. She drops, unarmored, while her armor itself pulls sharply upward. The EMP bolt travels between them.

"That could have killed me!" Vervi exclaims in surprise. Her armor, shaped like a robot itself, twists around. Slipway flashes on its extended wings manifest the shapes of twin gauss cannons, which the separately functioning armor fires. Its aim appears to be specifically at the back of Rebecca's pistol-wielding hand.

Vervi herself reaches out, grabbing on to her trailing Options. This arrests her fall and then, using all four Option units, she lifts herself up to meet with and recombine with her armor once it's dismissed the mounted railguns.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Such distrust... it's just a tournament fight. Miss Kismarin is quick on her feet and gets away from the rifle beams without suffering too much injury from the looks of it. Smart thinking there. EMP blasts should be effective against shinki. As long as they /hit/, that is."
The witch watches as Vervi avoids the attack, taking a sip of her drink. Better not get a dry mouth from all this talking, after all.
"The Union shinki evades the shot thanks to some fancy maneuvering, I think that even I would have trouble pulling off a similar trick. Brava~" She applauds slightly. "It's time to bring out the canons, is it? Firing upon miss Kismarin, Vervi does appear to want to disarm her opponent. Though she might want to get back into her armor lest miss Kismarin has something coming up. Never underestimate a distrusting person, isn't that so~?"

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
"Could it? You're not EMP hardened then?" Rebecca grins, not terribly concerned with the lack of a hit with her shot. She pushes herself to her feet, trying to track the Shinki in flight while her pistol's emitters overcharge into a stronger bolt. She's about to pull the trigger but her eyes widen at the morphing cannons. She pulls, but the Shinki is faster, the rail slugs slamming into the pistol and setting it off. Much of the energy discharges harmlessly as the cell is breached, Rebecca yanking her hand back and hissing in pain. The rest of the energy, however...

Vervi (192) has posed:
Reunited with her armor, Vervi arcs around in a wide, banking turn. The second pulse from the robot hunter's EMP pistol hits her squarely, however, causing sparks across her exposed plastic and metal frame. The shinki shrieks, her engines cutting out, and she drops. Before she hits the ground, however, the tiny robot girl flinches back to life. Her engines flare and she recovers her attitude before she hits the ground, instead dipping low enough to skim across the rocky, sandy floor of the wasteland.

One eye closed in pain while her systems compensate and dispense of the electromagnetic energy, Vervi weaves sharply and disappears amidst a stand of waist-high stones. A few moments later, the shinki erupts from this cover much closer to Rebecca's position. In her hands is a small device resembling a flashlight. On her high speed approach, this erupts with a beam of bright blue light, forming a sword. Medusa specifically asked for close range combat, and Vervi has a few ideas for how she could make this easier for herself.

She doesn't attack Rebecca directly. Instead, with a shouted kiai, Vervi slashes at the battery pack for the soldier's pistol. Swiftly doubling back, Vervi dives behind Rebecca's back and slashes again at the power clip for that energy rifle, accompanied by a second shout.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"It's not easy keeping an eye on a smaller opponent, especially not a speedy one. People seem to underestimate shinki, but after I had to patch up a sliced eye, I guess my patient at the time learned just how deadly shinki can be. And this is another situation to prove the skill of these small fighters; miss Kismarin's pistol is hit, but... oh, what is this? Too bad, the charge is still let off in Vervi's direction..." Medusa watches intently, looking quite relaxed even as the two fight down in the ring.
"Vervi dons her armor, just in time to be hit by the EMP pulse and fall to the ground, how horrible." Another sip of drink is taken. "Luckily for her she manages to regain altitude and avoid crashing into the ground. I imagine such a fall would be catastrophic for such a small thing... is he hiding amongst those stones? Or most likely, she's planning another attack. Is that an energy sword of some kind?" The witch sounds a bit more invested in the fight as she continues. "Thank you, little shinki. While she isn't aiming for somewhere convenient, like her opponent's eyes, she does at least do her best to sabotage miss Kismarin's weapon. I believe this is where miss Kismarin should try to take advantage of her larger size. Surely she's swatted at flies before, hmmm~?"

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
The pistol is already sparking, Rebecca pulling the housing for the broken battery open and dropping it on the ground. She mutters, "Emitters are shot, but one more good blast.." she growls, trying to watch for the agile and quick Vervi. She still has a good deal of peripheral vision with that helmet, even if there's no internal HUD or electronics or motion sensors to aid her. It's a curiousity why she's even out here by herself in the first place instead of her small army. The pistol hums, though it sounds choked, what's left of the railgun-impacted electronics gathering a charge.

"Come out, you little metal beast... how long is it before your kind overthrow humanity?" she calls the Shinki out, stepping into the open and turning slowly. Then she sees the flash of light, Vervi's approach far closer than is comfortable, and she uses her pistol's hand to shield herself. Of course, the blade cuts well through it, the coils not having had enough time to buils a sufficient charge. Another curse and she drops it, the weapon useless. The EF-gun, however, fares much better. Rebecca jerks it back, swinging butt and barrel of the longarm at Vervi in a quick one-two motion before letting off another two-shot burst of charged particle shards.

Vervi (192) has posed:
Missing the powerpack for the rifle, Vervi suddenly rolls in a tight arc, intent on trying again. This costs her when Rebecca uses the rifle itself as a melee weapon, swatting her away. Tumbling through the air, her engines fire in an effort to stabilize, small parts shedding off from the impact, but at least the corrections make her a tricky enough target to avoid being shredded by direct hits from that flechette gun. More parts flake off and her sword is gone, though in the madness of the tumble it's unclear if she tucked it in the Slipway or dropped it. When Vervi recovers and swoops down on her foe once more, her left engine trails a plume of black smoke.

"I'd never betray Master like that!" Her armor's ports snap open again, the tiny robot disappearing in smoke as all of her missiles fire. Surrounding her, the surviving three Options likewise release their missile payloads. All of this goes on basically right in Rebecca's face. Good thing she has that helmet.

Emerging from the smoke, Vervi banks sharply. This time, she's opting to stay close to her larger enemy, diving low and then ascending, turning sharply in tight spirals around the human woman.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Shinki? Overthrow humanity? While humanity is in danger in some worlds, I wouldn't think that shinki are their main worry~ Miss Kismarin shows proper use of her weaponry, first by using one as a shield and then the other, striking at Vervi with it and then firing it at her. Quick thinking from such a paranoid lady~" Medusa cants her head and leans forward slightly. "Vervi is sent tumbling away and does her best to stabilize her flight, though her left engine seems to be suffering. Opening missile fire at her opponent's face, she seems upset with miss Kismarin's comments... now did she strike a sore point, dear?"

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
Unfortunately for Rebecca, her armor is coated for dealing with energy weapons, not explosives. The opening ports gives her time to recoil and turn, having seen the attack previously, but it's hardly enough preparation for the full onslaught of those tiny missiles. Her armor is impacted with tiny explosions, forcing Rebecca to dance and jerk like an impaired marionette, her semi-rigid vest taking on pockmarks and holes with flecks and flakes chipping off everywhere. Even her helmet shows signs of serious wear, the sleeves of her BDU's having holes in them starting to turn crimson.

"Are you so sure?" she growls, stumbling and spitting. "Just one signal from a master control device... better hope your manufacturer doesn't have something like that..." she breathes out as she keeps moving, trying to keep a bead on the rapidly moving Shinki. Even in her injured state, she manages to track the tiny female form a good portion of the time, and when she thinks she's got an opportunity, she -slams- the chunky butt of the shotgun into the flitting fighter.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Every single attack counts, no matter how small it might appear to be. Vervi isn't letting down, but miss Kismarin seems intent on hunting her down before she can do lasting damage. And possibly something outside the battle field too, should we choose to believe her warnings." Medusa doesn't sound utterly convinced that it's the case however. Or perhaps she's not worried, but then again she is a witch who thrives on destruction. "Ah, yes. A shotgun butt to the face is painful enough for people, but for a shinki that particular attack should indeed hurt."

Vervi (192) has posed:
"I know what's inside my body!" Vervi insists, "Nothing like that!" She dives again, preparing her next maneuver, when her world suddenly becomes occupied completely by Rifle Stock. There's a sound like breaking plastic from the impact and the girl is knocked straight to the stoney ground with a clattering sound. Her damaged engine coughs out a puff of black smoke, then reignites, carrying the shinki away before she could be stepped on or something.

Rapidly gaining altitude in a tight spiral around Rebecca, Vervi reprioritizes her attack plan. Being small and hard to see isn't working. So, her solution is simple. Rounding the woman's helmet at high speed, the twin pods underneath her wing mounts flip down. Right as she passes Rebecca's faceplate, both pods discharge dense conical clusters of energy like a shotgun directly into the helmet's clear protective viewing window.

If being small and hard to see isn't working, make it harder to see at all.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Both of the girls here are rather devious, aren't they? Vervi doesn't let the attack keep her down for long before she begins swerving about her opponent's helmet, aiming to block her vision with a few well fired attacks," Medusa comments for those not where or those who should really really get new glasses.

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
"Black ops? Black box? A military-grade unit has at least a dozen systems and failsafes it doesn't know about!" Rebecca persists, her injuries further fueling her paranoia. She racks the next series of shots into her longarm, the internals shaving off more matter from the ammunition 'block' and energizing it. "Half of the dark systems in my HERCs are secured above my pay grade," she does try to gain ground on Vervi, moving closer to her, only to pause suddenly when the flightpack re-engages.

"You have to prove to me you're not some psycho killing machine under that pretty little shell!" she growls, turning, but not quite spinning. She's disoriented enough. Then there's the shinki, right before her eyes. There's but a moment to bring one hand up, the other still clutching her shotgun. She gets coverage over one eye, though both shut tight. She stumbles backwards from the blast, clutching her face. When her hand comes away, it's covered in blood and so is half of her face. It's torn up, her eye sealed closed, though probably mostly intact. "--and that is not helping..." she growls.

The human woman doesn't have too many cool toys to fall back on, and her pistol is lying useless in the dirt. Even her shotgun is dented, but the woman is still an Elite, and she presses forward like the soldier she is. Forward, looking to re-engage in melee and swing her rifle butt upwards into the Shinki. If she wants to fly.. she can fly.

Vervi (192) has posed:
Vervi suddenly banks aside following her shotgun assault, narrowing evading the bulk of the longarm gun swinging through the air where she had been scant heartbeats before. The edge of the butt clips one of her wings, snapping off part of the fuselage, but the small robot remains airborne, trailing smoke from battered engines as she swings around for another pass. There's a flash from the Slipway around her right hand as her beam rifle rematerializes.

"Miss Medusa, please arrange for medical care as soon as the match is over, okay?" It's said out loud, but also relayed to the PROFESSIONAL COMMENTATOR via tightband radio.

Vervi thinks she's being helpful, setting up a doctor for Rebecca right away. But considering it's Medusa, this request probably won't do her any favors in the long run.

With her rifle swung forward, Vervi narrows one eye along the barrel even as it splits open, filling the air around her with hazy blue smokey light. She's once again not aiming at Rebecca's body, but her weapon, and once she has a good idea of where it will be when her own beam arrives, Vervi fires a sustained bolt of blue light and sweeps it upward. On either side of her, her Options fire their own beams as well. Two fire downward while one fires up, all sweeping in opposing directions with the intent to scissor the weapon to pieces in the woman's hands. It might set off the battery pack, though, Vervi has no idea how this lady's technology works under pressure.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"I'm glad that they are taking my advice. Eyes are particularly sensitive as the concentration of nociceptors, the nervecells that register pain, is much higher there than elsewhere. There's also the added bonus that robbing your opponent of one sense may work in your favour. Oh well, I have repaired eyes before should miss Kismarin wish it. Do not worry, miss Vervi. Papaya hospital is ready. After all, I'm hardly a machine out to overthrow humanity~" Pardon her for chuckling in a sinister manner. "Again miss Kismarin seems intent on introducing Vervi to the butt of her rifle. Sadly I can't offer suggestions on where Shinki might hurt the most if hit. Perhaps there is somebody here who can help patch miss Vervi up."
"Too bad that the hit didn't do any clear damage, Vervi is still up and flying. And now she's taking aim again, with her four remaining Options following suit. Once again it's her opponent's weapon she's firing at..." Medusa comments, arching an eyebrow where she sits and steeples her fingers together.

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
"Calling this a foregone conclusion so soon, little metal puppet?" Rebecca says with a frown as all she does is break a little bit of a wing off. "I'm going to send you back to your master -- or is it masters, even if you don't know about them? -- in pieces." She sidesteps, ducks, and rolls, still surprisingly capable of moving with blood running down half of her face and red soaking her grey fatigues. It seems she's taking this fight a little too personally, for whatever reason. She doesn't dodge -all- of the beams, but one of them rakes across her armor, the diffusion layer soaking up the brunt of the energy and giving the woman brief pause.

"How would you feel if you were responsible for bringing fire and ruin?" she asks, this time trying to strike Vervi with the -front- of the shotgun, thrusting the barrel like a short spear or staff and pulling the trigger at point blank. Turnabout for the blast to her own face, most likely.

Vervi (192) has posed:
"I don't care if I win or lose," Vervi shouts when the shotgun's barrel smacks into her. She twists aside, rolling along the barrel right as it fires. In her free hand, the Slipway flashes in the hilt of her sword. The blade flares to life and she brings it down against the side of the gun's barrel with a flash of superheated metal. There's a hiss, the crimson ends of a mutilated weapon's barrel cut loose. Tucked under her arm, Vervi throws the severed portion away and ascends for the woman's face.

"I just want to make sure you're looked after! If you want a shinki responsible for hurting others outside of a mock battle...Her name is FUKI!" Rather than go for Rebecca's FACE again, though, Vervi suddenly separates from her armor again. The armor itself, taking the shape of a jet fighter, rockets past her ear with the Options in tow. Vervi herself drops between the woman's arms and body, still holding her sword in one hand and her rifle in the other.

While the Armor swings around and rolls, deploying another spread of missiles, Vervi whips around in midair and aims upward, firing a bolt of blue light towards the center of her foe's chest.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Now now, miss Vervi, no telling off my fellow Confederates for simply doing their job now," Medusa chides the Union shinki as if she were a misbehaving child. "Miss Kismarin swipes at her with the rifle again, but the shinki manages to turn midair and avoid it. The two seems quite intent on talking even as they fight... oh my, Vervi abandons her armor again, and while the armor unleashes missile upon missile, Vervi drops down and fires upon her. That looks rather painful..."

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
Rebecca grunts, twisting away from Vervi, though it only serves to sever the barrel of her gun that much more. The sawed-off electro-flechette gun stays in her hands, though far more compact now. "How long until you end up like her, then?" she retorts, standing her ground and leveling the weapon towards Vervi again. The missiles and the bolt slam directly into her center mass, however, and she stumbles backwards, the shotgun hanging on its strap as the woman clutches at her smoking chest.

The missiles penetrated the initial, if already heavily-damaged diffusion layer, giving the bolt less resistance to punch into her. She looks at the wound with her still-decent eye, then back up at the Shinki. "...pieces..." she says quietly, drawing something out of a reinforced pocket. It's a pistol-shaped device, and she aims it at the ground under Vervi. She mumbles something, her helmet having at least one thing in it: A radio.

In the distance, the shrill scream of engines can be heard, and a silver shape swoops over the wastelands towards the fight. It weaves around camera helicopters and the helicopter-sized hovertank strafes the ground on the Shinki's position. All of the ground. The chattering roar of an autocannon tears up rocks and dirt while two racks of micro-missiles ignite a line of explosions danger close to Rebecca who has since made her way behind one of those waist-high rocks.

Vervi (192) has posed:
Vervi hits the ground at Rebecca's feet in a roll, coming up on one knee with her rifle lifted and ready to fire again. She hesitates, though, to bark a response, "What makes you think that will happen? Who's talking about foregone conclusions, now?! She's my enemy and my rival, not a role model! An assassin is a terrible rolemodel!"

But that pause to shout indignantly gives Rebecca all the time she needs to call in AN AIRSTRIKE. Immediately, Vervi's armor dives down in an arc between the woman's legs to meet up with Vervi on the ground, the two reuniting in a flash right when high caliber rounds start chewing up the ground around a girl who's probably not even as TALL as those bullets. She disappears in a cloud of dust and smoke thrown up by the concentrated barrage.

Vervi erupts from the smoke cloud moving straight up, both engines smoking, her body battered, and a large chunk of her right wing just flat out gone. The joints of her right leg spark angrily. But the shinki has not given up yet. She rolls, creating a spiral of black smoke plumes, and then dives sharply back and behind Rebecca's legs. Using her sword, Vervi slices at the backs of the woman's legs and then, as she ascends, twirls to fire her laser rifle at Rebecca's chest again. It seems her goal is to knock the woman down.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Medusa makes a tsk noise. "Is this allowed? I do recall something similar happening last year... miss Kismarin calls in an airstrike, though Vervi manages to call in her armor again as the strike hits. Quite fortunate... as it looks like she would be faring far worse if she had gone through that without any protection at all. Both our opponents today should be feeling the results of the attack tonight, how much longer can these two continue? Vervi is intent on repaying the airstrike... there she goes, flying arund miss Kismarin, and she strikes out! How will she take that sword strike? And ouch, another shot to the chest I see."

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
"You're a machine! How do you know you're the one in control?" Rebecca snaps back before the world is on fire. She leans on the wall she'd ducked behind, pulling herself to her feet to see if the barrage was as effective as she'd hoped. But tiny targets usually have Improved Evasion and all that, and the gunship barrage was very much an AOE. So when Vervi erupts from the smoke, it's very unexpected. Unexpected enough for the inbound attack to be fully effective.

She grits her teeth but the cries of pain as she's hamstrung are barely stifled. Then the shot to her chest almost pierces through the layer of armor on the -other- side. The woman stumbles, then falls, draped over the rocks, eyes clenched shut as she hisses through her teeth. "...proved... everything. Brutality. You'd make Prometheus proud, little glitch. Going to finish me off like a wounded animal now?" The Tournament seems to be a distant echo in her mind, the roar of the crowd, the crackling flames from the missile impacts so nearby. It's just her, the Shinki, and her delusions.

"I'm done."

Vervi (192) has posed:
The battered VerVietta comes to a halt, hovering in place with her engines coughing up black smoke. Her grip on the R Laser loosens once Rebecca admits defeat, and then the weapon outright disappears in a flicker of light from the Slipway. In the same fashion, her L Sword disappears, leaving her hands empty.

Much more slowly, Vervi spirals down to ground level, sticking out her legs so that she can land a few feet ahead of the woman's face. Wobbling unsteadily on her damaged leg, the shinki dismisses her bulky, battered armor. And then she just settles down, her legs forming a tight W shape in the Wariza style, her hands resting in her lap.

"It was just a tournament fight, miss Kismarin. I have no intention of killing you. If you forgot about how the tournament's rules are set up, then maybe it's best that you gave up. I really don't want to see you hurt yourself fighting people stronger than I am, or people who are mean and nasty and do anything it takes." She dips her head, raising her hands to her chest, clasped together, "I don't know what robots or shinki may have done to you, but please do not judge me for what others have done. I'm not them. I'm going to forgive you for what you've done and said today because I understand you're angry and maybe even scared."

Lifting her face, the battered shinki smiles, a warm and honest smile, "I will however ask you to forgive me for hurting you, even if it was in the grounds of a tournament."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
The witch rises from her seat, smiling that unnerving smile of hers. "Ladies and gentlemen. Miss Kismarin has conceded the match, which leaves the shinki Vervi as the victor!" The audience cheers loudly, even as Medusa speaks into her radio to alert some of her medical assistants. "Prepare the operating room, 1000 Ringer acetate, bring out set 4 and lot12b." With that she heads down from the hover platforms, smiling brightly at Becka. "Too bad... now, if you'll come with me, I will handle your injuries. Lest you wish to go blind in that one, I suggest you come with me~"

Rebecca Kismarin (343) has posed:
Rebecca's eyes are closed, and her breathing shallow. Even as an Elite, she's still only a simple human. And clearly simple minded in some things. The Shinki's words earn her eye half-opening, and she takes a shaky breath as one hand comes up to extract her helmet from her head, vision still blurred. It tumbles to the ground and she still somewhat clings to the stone wall, her arm releasing and falling forward. It takes a little effor, though, and she turns her palm up at Vervi, giving her a small, weak nod. It's a step in the right direction. ...and thankfully, she falls unconscious as Medusa starts talking...

Vervi (192) has posed:
With a smile, Vervi reaches forward and touches the tip of Rebecca's finger with both of her hands. It's a step in the right direction.

She stands, wobbling with her damaged leg, but she doesn't move until her opponent is collected.

Only then, satisfied, does Vervi redeploy her flight unit and ascend to the sky. Circling briefly, trailing smoke from her damaged engines, the shinki waves cheerfully to the gathered fans before she departs.