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Suddenly Spirits
Date of Scene: 22 June 2014
Location: Earth-6022
Synopsis: Spirits have long been kept locked away, and now that the barriers that kept them there are collapsing, the spirits are eager for revenge...
Cast of Characters: 23, 31, 262

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Location: Izumo Shrine, Japan

No matter what gate you have entered through, what you seem to have walked in on is a wild rush of excitement outside of one of Japan's most venerable shrines. Located high in the hilly, mountainous regions of Izumo, the steps leading up to the large plaza outside of the shrine is filled with people. Men dressed in large ceremonial robes, women in strange white and red regalia, and several others still in different colored apparel--modern and ancient mixed together. A gaggle of civilians offer a symphony of shrieking and gawking, as blocking the inside of the shrine appears to be a large, translucent magical wall...

Behind it, one could see a variety of monstrous, beautiful, and fascinating creatures clawing to reach the outside! The wall shimmered with each attack levied against it from both sides. Some of the people in robes were blasting elemental barrages and divine magic against the barriers, others chanting...and it seemed on the other side, the same was occurring.

One of the older priests yelled out, "Where are the reinforcements?! Is everyone certain that the Emperor is being protected? Some of the spirits have been imprisoned for ages...It is certain they're headed for the throne! Hurry, everyone! Give it all that you can! And get the army to move the civilians! Move, move, move!"

Amaterasu (23) has posed:
What's that in the distance? From the side on which the humans reside, there's a streak of white. If one should track it more carefully, it's... a wolf? Surely not. Eyes unopened to the world of spirits will see just that-- a white wolf. However, those whos eyes have been opened to the spirits, those who believe in gods? A far different sight meets their eyes.

A large white she-wolf with tufts of winglike fur on her legs and feet. Red markings mark her as something far different than a normal animal. And over her back, a fiery shield spins slowly, the flames almost liquid. She runs literally as fast as a car. And in the wake of those steps flowers rise, green and vibrant, before they disappear into the earth as she passes.

She's coming closer, too, gaze intent on where that barrier seems to be breaking down.

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
Fiera Kitsun may not be all that spiritually adept in the traditional manner of most worlds' versions of Shinto, or Buddhism, or other spiritual beliefs - but she *is* fairly well trained in the ways of Pokemon, and actually counts as a miko in the Pokemon-venerating faith of her world (niche though that may be).

Not that she's dressed like it; she's wearing fairly conventional summer clothes from what she considers 'modern day' - and when she enters the shrine grounds, a Ninetales is trotting along next to her as Fiera Kitsun jogs onto the grounds. "What's going on?" she calls out, slowing (barely) to a fast walk and letting her right hand rest on the white-and-red balls which hang from that side of her belt. She's already looking over the situation as best she can see it ..

Oh, a Mr. Mime would be *SO* useful here, wouldn't it? Fiera makes a mental note to track one down, or a similarly barrier-oriented 'mon, next time she has a chance. Her Ninetales picks up on that 'need' and attempts to project a Safeguard technique - normally used for oneself and one's allies, but she's trying to 'throw' it over to reinforce the barrier. Even just a little bit.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Everything seems to continue as it was, a flurry of chanting and waving magic, and screeches and chanting from the other side. At some points here and there, the barrier wavers for seconds. However, the seconds are just long enough for some of the creatures to slip out--often floating to the sky to wreak havoc somewhere more important, but others remain at the shrine to attempt to cripple the attempts of the clergy.

"Incoming!" one of the priests shouts. And one of them turns, just as Amaterasu and Fiera Kitsun near the shrine grounds. "From both sides!"


"A fox with nine tales, ju-just like the legends...A kit...kitsune!"

Shriek! "OH, KAMI!"

"One of those too!"

"Of course, you idiot, they're all over!"

"No, in the distance! A wolf!"

Gasping all around. It appeared that Ninetales' Safeguard attack made the barrier shimmer, giving it more solid substance. But their break in concentration was enough to cause another brief opening for a few more spirits to pour out.

Another voice sounds behind Fiera, chuckling. It seemed as if, without anyone noticing, the man simply just... appeared. His dress and everything appeared very off, by hundreds of years. He was dressed in a large, ancient white robe, and a ringing of bells marked his entrance as he appeared behind Fiera. An old woman dressed in a more modern kimono stood beside him, hunched over. His voice was oddly gentle, humored by the incident occurring. "My my... It seems that the barrier between Spirit and our world is falling, child. It looks like things are just about to get interesting here."

Amaterasu (23) has posed:
Yup. That is indeed a wolf out in the distance. But not a normal one. If the mere sight of the beast wasn't enough to tell of that, as she approaches, skidding to a stop, she looks to all those present. And then she... makes wolf noises-- grrrs, mrrfs, and whatnot. But it's understood as speech. And what does she say? "< I apologize, I seem to be late. What is going on and how may I assist? >"

Something about that Ninetails sets her on edge in a way she can't explain. But she doesn't attack. She merely /eyes/ the Ninetails, and then its trainer. To both the Pokemon and its trainer, she offers, "< I do not believe we have been introduced. My name is Amaterasu. >" Names first. That way she can remember.

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
She can actually see the spirits here. That gets Fiera's interest a little - but she rests her left hand on Foxfire's head, strengthening their link but trying not to lapse into full synchronization ... at least, not any further than she has to. It'll probably happen anyway, but she needs to focus for now. Her right hand plucks a couple of those balls from her belt, expanding one and tossing it into the sky, expanding the other, tossing *it*, catching the first ..

And the two balls release their occupants - two fairly large birds, one natural enough in appearance, the other seemingly made of metal with feathers that could, from the look of them, be easily sharpened into swords. "Arashi, Tenkuuzan!" Fiera calls out. "Try to corral those spirits, herd them down to where the clergy can deal with them! If they won't be herded or the clergy can't do anything, just keep them out of our way!"

And with those instructions, the Fearow and the Skarmory set to work, flying back and forth and occasionally trying to swat a rebellious spirit with a wing or a beak. Tenkuuzan, the Skarmory, would probably be drawing blood rather than simply batting its 'prey' around.

Fiera takes a moment to bow politely to Amaterasu. "I'm Fiera Kitsun, a trainer from the Pokemon Islands. This is Foxfire, my oldest partner."

The Ninetales furls its tails and bows its head to the divine wolf, yipping softly, "Ninetales nine ta-tales ..." << As Fiera said, I'm called Foxfire. It's a great honor to meet you. >>

And with introductions made to Amaterasu, Fiera and Foxfire pad up to one of the priests. "We came to render assistance to the best of our abilities," Fiera says. "Foxfire here is my ally and partner, as are the birds I released. What do you need us to do?"

While Fiera's explaining that, Foxfire turns to look back at the man and woman, ears perked up a bit. "Nine ninetales ..." << Do you know more of what's going on than they do? >>

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
Many of the clergy members were heavily distracted now, either by Fiera and Amaterasu's entries or the spirits who were spilling out every few minutes. Most of the trespassers from beyond were minor and hardly anything to deal with, but the rare one did come out that actually had to require one of the miko's full attention or a monk's quick thrust of his arm to knock out.

The man dressed in enormous white robes turned to the elder lady beside him and whispered, "Arikura no Baba, my friend, can you offer some assistance to these young men and women?" He smiled and bowed low to her, and she nodded in deference. She stepped forward ahead of some of the other priests and priestesses and raised her two arms toward the sky and grunted. At once, the ground quaked, and a slab of earth began rising up in front of the entrance to the temple. She then stepped back as the white-robed man lifted two fingers in front of him and chanted, "As Earth gives birth to Metal, reinforce that which has been built." Nothing appeared to happen superficially, but a glint of the falling sun would show a sheen on that slab of Earth like titanium.

The spirits were heavily displeased with the sudden change of events. Many were whining and wailing as Fiera's two birds were snapping at them. They would fight back with claws and whatever weaponry they carried, but they were soon met with a steel bird's beak giving them a good wound!

The priests were stunned for many reasons. Some hushed murmurs began filling up the plaza,

"She's a witch, able to control spirits..."

"That wolf might be from another world. Look, I can see it has strange markings."

But as Fiera explains herself, one of the priest nods, "If you came to help, miss, then we are grateful. If you can help us fend off these gods and demons, or maybe help with strengthening this wall, that's our plan. We're glad you're on our side is all, but who is... sh--A...Amaterasu?!"


The strange white robed man who has largely gone unnoticed up to this point chuckles, now crossing his arms. "Indeed. It sounds like we all have explaining to do." He nods to the wolf and Ninetails, "The wall my friend and I have put up will last for a little while, but I have a feeling that our efforts are in vain. Hmm, what a precarious situation." He shrugs then, grinning from ear to ear. "Well, I know that there was a wall put up many years ago. And what now, there are people from other worlds crossing over to? I see no reason why we're fighting to keep this barrier up. It's bound to come down with all that has happened..."

And then he turns to Amaterasu, eyeing her strangely, "As for you... I wonder who you might be, with such a name."

Amaterasu (23) has posed:
The pleasant introduction from Fiera and Foxfire seem to put Amaterasu a little more at ease. "< It is good to meet you, Fiera, Foxfire, >" she offers politely in return A pause to regard the birds. Her control over those is quite impressive. Though there's no time to comment on it now. Amaterasu also makes her way over to the gathering of people and listens to what's going on.

Amaterasu tilts her head at the reaction of the clergy to hearing her name. Her name must be quite popular indeed, to prompt such reactions all over the place. The man in the white robe gets her attention then, with his talk of the barrier. "< What do you mean after all that has happened? >" she inquires. "< What has happened to cause this? >" And then she's eyed, and tilts her head again. She doesn't speak to reveal anything about herself, though.

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
Fiera raises her eyebrows a bit at the earth wall raised by the elder lady; they go further at the metallic sheen which forms in response to the white-robed man's incantation. "That'll be more help than mine, probably ..." She bows again to Amaterasu, then glances up to see how Arashi and Tenkuuzan are doing against the roaming spirits. They seem to be doing okay so far - although not unscathed. That seems to irk the red-haired Pokemon trainer.

"The problem with letting the barrier collapse entirely, from the looks of things, is that these spirits are in no mood to co-exist with mortals," she replies to the white-robed man - a priest? - before turning ...

No words pass between Fiera and Foxfire; the Ninetales just exhales a tightly-controlled Flamethrower, tracking a particularly vicious-looking spirit and attempting to incinerate it in mid-air, trainer and Pokemon joining their awareness to triangulate its path between them. "And the risks are too high to simply see what happens," Fiera finishes, soft 'ninetales'-ing from Foxfire literally echoing Fiera's words.

Could be a bit creepy to those who don't know about Pokemon, trainers, and the links they form between them.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
A breath of relief washes across the small brigade of religious supernatural fighters, as for now, the old lady spirit's wall appears to be holding off the spirit siege for the time being. But even the men and women in the back lines can see the wall trembling as something...whatever...it might be was struggling to knock it down. The blunted sounds of chanting and shrieks of spirits fighting against the wall could be heard quite well, and it was more than evident that the wall was a temporary fix for the time being.

The white-robed man's grin remains at Fiera's observation, and he shakes his head, "No, there is nothing wrong with what you say..." He looks up just then, watching as a sudden Flamethrower attack consumes a spirit, and the strange demon holding an umbrella made of knives falls down to the ground, his body disappearing into nothingness. Again, he shrugs at her final decision. "You seem concerned. But the risk still remains... What if who came to save us today was not you, but a monster? Those spirits have been in prison for much too long. That barrier was meant to lock them away out of fear. But now, we must pay for what we have done."

A bit of laughter, inappropriate for the dire situation he was in, and he shakes his head again. "For people like you all to come so easily into our world. This merging of worlds is surely what has shaken up the barrier's foundations. This was meant to be, and as I, one of the creators of the barriers, have created this catastrophe, I suppose it is time to reap what I sow."

Amaterasu (23) has posed:
Amaterasu nods to Fiera's statement of the wall. And if Foxfire needs help with hitting that spirit, a Power Slash from Ammy should help her. It should at least stun the spirit long enough for Foxfire to hit it. Ammy's tail is an effective paintbrush, growing dark with the ink a split second before the tail flicks in a straight line. In response a line of black ink will appear where the Power Slash is aimed, and then the slash, as if with a sword or other blade.

This is, of course, assuming that any help is needed. If not, the Power Slash will not be used. Or perhaps it will be used on a separate spirit attempting the same.

Either way, once she's free to speak, Amaterasu looks to the man in the white robe. "< Mistakes will always be made. Even the gods make mistakes. >" Blasphemy! But she forges on. "< You sound as if you expect to die here. But if you are dead, you cannot repair your mistake. Letting yourself die... that is giving up. That is leaving the consequences of your mistake for others to deal with. I know you are afraid. But you must not let that cripple you now, when your world needs you the most! >"

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
"If I'd thought to bring Anrei," says Fiera, "I'd be more willing to entertain the risk ..."

She trails off, looking at the sorceror (she's sure that describes him by now, really) and then turning to watch the spirits filtering occasionally around the edges of the barrier. "Arashi, hem that one in - Tenkuuzan, help herd it towards me and Foxfire!" Again, she gives no verbal order to the Ninetales, but the nine-tailed fox Pokemon moves exactly in tandem with Fiera, moving to a spot closer to the sorceror and the elder with him, and - more importantly - further away from the clergy who're struggling to maintain that barrier.

The Fearow and the Skarmory exchange glances with each other, and do as bidden - trying to cut off the spirit's path of retreat and herd it towards Fiera and Foxfire, and - potentially - towards their allies. If it gets herded successfully ...

Fiera bows, while not taking her eyes off it. "Spirit who has been imprisoned, although I am no priestess nor medium of this world, if you would speak to us, I would listen and attempt to answer so well as my skills allow."

Foxfire starts ninetales-ing at the spirit for good measure, echoing Fiera's words (minus the 'priestess or medium' part entirely, of course).

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
The spirits who were free (and still, there was more to come!) were beginning to become unruly. One of the yokai who was actually a living axe was hurtling toward a miko until -- SLASH! -- it was a buried hatchet on the ground cut in twain thanks to a certain white wolf. She gasps, tearful, and bows in thanks to Amaterasu.

The sorcerer, meanwhile, seems largely unperterbed by the events. He first looks to the wolf, and he tilts his head. "Mistakes? Mmm, perhaps it was a mistake, perhaps it was not. My friends and I believed it to be best at the time, to save Japan." He falls quiet for a moment, further reflecting on the wolf's words to him. A smile touches his lips once more, and he looks now toward the wall. It trembled with increasing might, and indeed spirits began to spill out in ones and twos. His attention is suddenly sidetracked by an incoming burly looking oni who was rushing toward him, the wolf, and Fiera. He lifts up a hand, palm facing the demon. Then, his chant began in an eerie double-toned voice, both male and female, "My words are not mine. They are the words of the gods. Release!"

The oni stops in his tracks, kneeling to the ground and then dissipating into the air. The white-robed man grimaces, "It is not that I wish to die. And I am not sure of the fear. But... the world is changing. And I do not think even if I wished to help this world, that I could do anything for it. It is ..." he pauses, eyes slanting as he notices the wall beginning to crack at the edges, "...far too late to save /that/ barrier. It took five of us. To place the fate in only my hands would be foolish."

Success! Fiera manages to snatch one of the spirits, who thankfully for all involved, was not harboring malicious intentions. It is herded without much fuss, struggles at first fearfully, but is finally bidden along to Fiera. It appeared to be a beautiful maiden surrounded by a halo of golden light. A cloth floated behind her shoulders. She was one of the celestials, and she bowed low in response to Fiera's request. "Y-yes.. We can speak. I... I mean no harm. I am a servant of the goddesses. We are doing our best to fend off what is happening in the spirit world, but ... something happened. Wh-what is it you want?"

Fiera and Amaterasu have also gained the attention of the surrounding motley crew who are murmuring, eyeing both of them. warily.

Amaterasu (23) has posed:
"< Mistake or not, stand by the decision and help to see what might be done, >" Amaterasu replies. "< To abandon the world in its time of need would be horrible. And you are not alone anymore. Just as the barriers between worlds have fallen for this Multiverse, so too can you ask others for help. There are many who would come to your cause. >"

And if the spirits are looking at her? Well, they might have another reason to look her way. What might that reason be? She draws a circle in the air with her tail. A split-second later, an orb appears, red and bright, like the sun. It emits heat and light, and may or may not feel familiar. And as the sun appears, she raises her head to emit a howl!

At the howl, a green glow appears atop her head. It looks like... a bug of some kind. "Ammy, what's the matter?" A squeaky male voice. "What's all the-- WHOA WHAT THE HECK?!"

"< Issun. You can speak to spirits, >" Amaterasu says to the green glow. "< Your assistance may be needed here. >"

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
Fiera and Foxfire bow once again as the celestial explains that she's a servant of the goddesses. "We want to try and ensure that, should the barrier collapse completely - as it seems ready to do - that the spirits on the other side won't pose a danger to this world, or any part of it," Fiera answers, her tone gentle and respectful. "Is there a way to pacify the spirits on the other side, to stave off any grudges they may hold against mortal humans and the natural world?"

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
The sorcerer raises an eyebrow at the wolf, offering a lopsided grin now. "Would it be horrible? I can't say that I would ever abandon it entirely. That would be unnecessarily rude. I rather like it here in Japan. But ... ah, you are right, then." Without a second spared, he then... yawns. "Well, if that is true, there /is/ a lot of work to do. I would have to--" And then, an orb like the sun appears. Whether or not Amaterasu intended, something far more magnificent occurs. In this world, a world of balance, it was guided by the elements. And on a Sunday, the day of Sun,... her magic is amplified. Her brush magic does not emit just heat and light, but radiance, shining brilliantly as she howls.

It is indeed so bright that it makes every creature, spirit and person, gawk in silence. Even Seimei himself was stunned silent and failed to notice Issun's appearance. He looks back to the wolf and scans over her thoughtfully, "And so it is true..." He whispers, "Perhaps it is you, the Empress, who can save this world."

The celestial speaking with Fiera, too, seems distracted. She looks up to the sun, gasping, and then looks back to Fiera, "Well we...we can try to lead the spirits to peaceful discourse. I can take your message to them to be calm until we can come to an agreement. But I'm afraid a dark sorcerer is also leading some of the spirits. What we need is the help of a goddess who disappeared a long time ago. Although her sun still shines, the Great August Lady Who Shines in Heaven, Amaterasu-sama, cannot be found by... anyone. If there is any spirit who can quiet unrest, she could do it." She then cautiously looks over to Amaterasu, shaking her head.

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
The distraction from Amaterasu's 'sun' is entirely understandable; Fiera finds herself distracted as well, but her attention returns to the celestial. "It would be appreciated - it might buy us the time to try and locate Amaterasu in this world ... somehow. If another world's Amaterasu couldn't negotiate in her stead, anyway ..."

Even though Fiera's beliefs focus around Pokemon to some extent, they *are* derived from Shinto; she knows full well who Oomikami Amaterasu is in mythology, and the traditional myriad kami are still venerated alongside the sacred Legendaries.

"Whatever help my companions and I may lend to help placate the spirits, I offer it," Fiera continues. "And if we can track down the dark sorceror, I'm certain that my allies and I - Pokemon and otherwise - may interrupt his activities that stir up the spirits."

Amaterasu (23) has posed:

That wasn't quite what Amaterasu intended. But if it had the effect of stopping the violence, even temporarily, it was worth it. Issun speaks up then. "Hey! You say your Amaterasu is gone? What if we could find her?"

Amaterasu (the wolf one, anyway) pipes up, "< I have lost much of my former strength due to events in my own world. But if I can help you find the Amaterasu from this world, I will do what I can, >" she offers.

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
The celestial spirit floats for a moment in indecision, looking toward the barrier and then in the opposite direction down the flight of stairs, toward her freedom. Even celestials could be selfish! She sighs, returning her full attention to Fiera and nods, "If we could have help with finding Her Majesty, I am certain that she could bring Japan back to what it once was so many years ago..." She smiles and nods to all three of them.

She then goes on, pointing to the sorcerer behind the wolf and Pokemon trainer, "The man behind you... Abe no Seimei. One of the barrier creators. Only he can stop Ashiya Douman, that evil man. It was told to us spirits by Amaterasu herself in our dreams." This of course puts Seimei on the spot, but he clears his throat, pretending to be distracted by the sunlight.

"... For now, there is not much we can do, but thank you, both of you. We may have to ask help from many of the people from new worlds soon. Come with me to the barrier. We will speak to the spirits now and at least let them see reason." She then floats on toward the barrier, blocked by the Earth barrier. She looks over her shoulder toward Abe no Seimei, her eyes glaring. A reprimanding look!

Sighing in defeat, he nods over to his shiki, Arikura no Baba, and they both raise their right arm and clench their hands in unison, causing the wall to crumble.

The spirit speaks in a voice that forces the other youkai and spirits to pause and listen--a voice of celestial authority. "Listen, my brethren. We are angry and we are sad to be locked up, but if we are free, we can live in harmony once more." She motions then to Fiera and Amaterasu, "These kind souls have said it so. We should usher in a new era of peace..." And she looks to them.


What will they say to placate the spirits? Seimei was now looking at both wolf and Fiera with a smug grin on his face, arms crossed. Ah, he saw the future... and it was glorious. He could just defer this responsibility to Multiverse people~ Wouldn't that be totally awesome.

Amaterasu (23) has posed:
What /was/ there to be said? What could placate angry spirits that had been locked up and kept prisoner for so long? Even in Nippon, the only course of action with such spirits was generally to just destroy them. But this... that would upset the balance of this world very badly. And there was an underlying situation here that needed to be fixed.

Amaterasu sits down, remaining quiet for a long moment. "< What was done... cannot be undone. But to return it with violence would only create a wave of hate that might destroy this world. No slight is worth a world's life to avenge. I am not the Amaterasu from your world, no. But perhaps I may be able to help find her. Please, allow these people a chance to do so. >"

No clue if it'll work, but there's no harm in trying.

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
Talk about being on the spot ... but Fiera composes herself as she was trained to, bowing towards the barrier before speaking. "There are many worlds where misunderstandings and treachery have pitted mortals against spirits," she begins. "My own world has tales of such, when human greed or fear sowed conflict between humans and sacred beasts. And many of those tales carry the lesson that humanity must not let fear be its guiding light, but trust in hope and respect to maintain the peaceful balance."

Foxfire continues where Fiera leaves off, "< Trust is forever a two-way bridge; fear needs only one direction to sever trust with hatred. For that reason, the bond between Pokemon and humanity is a sacred treasure in the world from which Fiera and myself come - a bond that is venerated, or should be, between every trainer and every Pokemon. Those who abuse that bond commit a sin that we are sworn to oppose. While your world may not know such bonds, the lesson is no less true: the only path of peace is to live together in good faith. >"

"And if that good faith has been injured from either side," Fiera resumes, "then it falls to all of us who are able to mend it for everyone's sake. The celestial has told us that an evil sorceror has stirred up the spirits who are imprisoned here; we seek to aid in quelling that evil sorceror and in finding your world's Amaterasu. Will you trust us, extend your faith in us, and lay your grudges to rest so that this world's humans need not remain fearful?"

Abe no Seimei (31) has posed:
The spirits behind the barriers, all shapes and sizes, listened. Some brows furrowed, some looked away, while others did nod solemnly. They were painfully quiet while Fiera and Amaterasu offered their defenses of the celestial. Even when they finished, the crowds of spirits only murmured amongst one another. The celestial pursed her lips, discreetly grasping for a fan in her big sleeves and fanning some of the sweat that broke on her beautiful face.

Meanwhile, Seimei's face becomes rather stern as he considers those words himself. "Hm. Interesting people we have here... Maybe I'll live to see the end of a world of war after all. Well, my friend, Arikura no Baba. I think it's time to head out. Our work is cut out for us." He lifts his right index and middle fingers to his lips, and the elderly woman spirit disappears into nothing. Only a single little square of paper appears where she once was and floats off into the horizon. And with that, he ever-so-secretly takes his leave.

It was then that a more serious-minded spirit heads toward the front of the crowds. He carried a sword and an ancient warrior's uniform. "We listen to your request, and we understand. But we spirits are fickle, child of man and wolf spirit. We make no promise to perfection, but we have come to an agreement. Until the Star Festival of the next year, we will lay no harm to the Emperor or people of Japan--so long as no one stirs us to action. We give you our word." He raises his sword, and behind him, cheers and applause follows.

The celestial smiles to Fiera and Amaterasu winningly and lifts her arms. The weak magic remaining in the barrier melts, and the creatures behind come out marching in dozens.

The celestial offers both of them a twig bearing pink blossoms which she conjures, "Thank you... for everything. I will make sure the other messengers of Heaven understand what you did today. Please accept this meager gift, a symbol of Heaven's appreciation. We will try to keep peace for as long as we can. I hope to see you again!"

And crrrrrr. Suddenly, a radio signal comes through. "This is Major Hiruzen. The Emperor is safe and sound. It looks like things are better on our end. Sitrep, stabilized. We're going to have to really change our army from now on... Gonna be rough these next few days. Hiruzen out."

Fiera Kitsun (262) has posed:
Fiera smiles, accepting the twig with its blossoms and bowing deeply to the celestial spirit. "You're most welcome, o radiant child of Heaven," she says with a gentle, friendly tone and a matching smile. "I shall treasure this for so long as it lasts in my keeping, and make it a reminder of the quest I've pledged to follow."

Amaterasu (23) has posed:
Amaterasu accepts the twig with blossoms gratefully. Though she needs to place it on the ground so she can speak. "< Thank you as well, good spirit, for allowing us this chance to assist with this. >" She pauses a moment, and then stands up. Bringing her tail around to just... place a dot of ink. It appears on the ground, and a flower grows. It's definitely not of this world. Her intent is for it to stay and be a reminder of the promise, but it might not. This isn't Nippon, after all....