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WMAT B1 Saber of Silver vs. Ariah
Date of Scene: 23 June 2014
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: It's a battle of two silver-haired girls in B bracket! Come see the mysterious Ariah fighting the mysterious Saber of Silver!
Cast of Characters: 22, 56, 227, 283
Tinyplot: WMAT

Ariah (56) has posed:
A fine afternoon, and an even finer one for a battle in the arena! Though the crowd is loud and the sun is bright, the first competitor to step into the stone ring is completely silent. There's no raised arms, no strutting and showing off to the adoring fans. Just Ariah, white cloak covering her, hood shielding her face from the sun. She does give the crowd a cursory glance, looking for familiar faces of friend and foe alike, and eventually she does take a deep bow before holding her staff in front of her. She's centered, the tip of it equidistant between the tips of her toes, forming a perfect triangle as she awaits her 'partner' for this afternoon.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
The stadium is quite loud and busy as the audience waits for the two fighters to arrive. Singing, cheering and talking can be heard, and the viewing screen shows various video clips of the fights so far this year, updated bracket results as well as announcements of upcoming fights. And the commentator for this fight arrives, though not from the sidelines. Flying in over the stands on an old broom, a woman in a black jumpsuit with an ocre snakeskin coat on top appears and then flies down towards the edge of the fighting ring. Once there she slips off her broom, Medusa Gorgon looks up at the audience as she raises the microphone she's been given for the occasion.
"Welcome one and all~" Medusa greets the audience, letting them roar out before she speaks. "As you can see, one of the contestants has arrived. Ariah. Let us give a round of applause, hmm~?" She lowers her mic and claps her free hand carefully against the hand holding the mic, after she turns it off that is. Yet it is turned quickly on again. "And also a round of applause for our second lady of the afternoon."

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
Being technically not so much a 'spectator' or 'friend/family' as 'equipment', Chris Rothschild has been given a seat right down in the front row, as close to the arena as possible. At the very least, this gives him a good view of the tournament platform, and he's not going to feel bad in the least about using a technicality to get a good vantage point.

The seat he's saved right next to him? The one he's set his bag of popcorn on until a certain guest arrives? Let's just call that 'perks of being equipment'.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
Following not long after Ariah is someone of similar height, though dressed quite differently. Long silver hair shimmers slightly in the sunlight, and the ornamented kimono she wears doesn't look at all like proper attire for a battle. At her hip is a single sheathed katana, and on her face is an expression which is... very neutral. For a moment, her eyes scan the crowded stadium, though she gives a satisfied nod upon seeing Chris Rothschild. Well, that's probably who she sees. It's crowded and he's a good way off, but she looks directly at him nonetheless.

Saber takes a deep breath and turns to face her opponent, allowing a faint smile to come to her lips. "I have been looking forward to honing my skills here. Let this be a good match."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
As Saber enters the ring, the Confederate witch turns towards her and sweeps her free arm in her direction. "Saber of Silver, ladies and gentlemen~" The audience cheers in approval, with words of encouragement for both fighters. Medusa will let them cheer for a few moments as Saber adresses Ariah, though she does speak up even as she readies her broom. "I see little use in keeping these lovely ladies and the audience waiting further." Cue more cheering. Sitting sidesaddle on the broom, Medusa narrows her eyes in amusement at Ariah and Saber. "May the best fighter win. I will be ready to treat you both should it be necessary." With that, the witch takes to the air, deciding to keep a close eye on the fight from above.

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah slips her hood free, showing her own short mane of silver hair. The woman looks very.... not-colorful, however. Save for her eyes. They glow a faint purple as she meets Saber's gaze. No smile, but a respectful nod of her head. "May the victor be decided fairly," she states. Her voice is cold, her accent of a thick French variety, but she's not impossible to understand. Then she lifts her staff, getting into a fighting stance with it when Medusa lifts off and clears the ring. "Fight well."

It's the only warning that comes, and the white-haired witch moves forward, moving on Saber's position and swinging with both ends of her staff, a rapid maneuver but cautious, to test the other woman's defenses.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Medusa holds the microphone up as she leans forward, not nervous about the fact that she is high above ground on an unsecured broom. "Eager to get the fight started, Ariah shows no hesitation as she charges forward and swings at Saber with her staff. Just how well can a staff fare against a sword? I doubt it's purely there for show..."

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
The offer from the commentator gets a short look, as Saber tilts her head toward Medusa. "Mm... I don't think it will be necessary, but thank you." There doesn't seem to be any sense of bravado, false or otherwise, in her statement, though.

As the witch charges forward, Saber slides a foot back, but her inexperience in fighting someone who uses a staff shows through. A quick shift of her weight to the side avoids the first thrust, but the second catches her midsection, triggering a release of air from the Servant's mouth. "Nnn.. if I am to fight Lancers, I can't falter here."

Saber reaches to the side, hand gripping the hilt of her sword, and the katana is pulled free. To most, it's just a normal, if very impressive in its quality, katana. But anyone who has a great deal of knowledge about the history of Japanese swords or about Japanese history circa World War II that doesn't involve fighting, it's not difficult to recognize as the legendary lost sword, the Honjou Masamune. "Haaaaa..." A quick shuffle-step forward, and Saber swings the blade in a series of rapid diagonal strokes.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"The first strike of Ariah's staff misses, but Saber is unable to completely dodge the second one. But she is not slow in responding with a series of strikes in Ariah's direction..." Medusa comments even as the audience cheers in approval of the first attacks of the fight. "I foresee a rather fast paced fight, ladies and gentlemen~ Rather promising." Who knows, perhaps medical treatment will be necessary after all?

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah's eyes widen, the sword is recognized. Not just a history buff in her own right, but she lived and fought through World War II as well. The momentary lapse is enough to catch her off balance as she blinks, taking a half-step back to bring her staff up to parry, the hits impacting her stamina. "Where did you acquire that blade?" she asks, her tone still icy but the sincere curiousity shines through quite clearly.

She regains her balance, taking another step back and using the reach of her staff to try and sweep the katana aside and aim a follow-up thrust to the woman's midsection. The vampiress gets few points for style, but she is quick in both footwork and with her hands. She has yet to show off anything... special just yet.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
That look is easy to spot. Her opponent has recognized her sword. "...It was a gift to me." This is, technically, true, though Saber wouldn't be able to specify who it was that gave it to her. "But please do not let its presence distract you. It wouldn't be a fair fight."

As the staff comes in again, Saber meets it with the blade of her katana. Sparks fly for a moment, before she shoves it away with a soft grunt of effort. Even so, it manages to tag her wrist as it slides by. Shifting her grip slightly, Saber surges forward once again, feinting a quick snap with her blade before turning it and slashing horizontally.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Medusa lets out curious sound. "Ariah seems to recognize the blade of her opponent... My only knowledge of weaponry is sadly limited to demon weapons, I am afraid. But I am certain that we can get more info from miss Saber after the fight if she is awake at the time~ For now Ariah does her best to block the sword strikes, though by the looks of it she can't keep it up for long. Wisely enough she uses the advantage of her staff, stepping back to swing her staff at Saber's katana before thrusting at her. Sparks fly, and miss Saber might watch her wrist a little more. A counter attack follows, though... oh my, too bad..."

Ariah (56) has posed:
"It is a relic that interests me," Ariah says quietly. "It is from... my time," she says quietly, the grinding of metal to metal not fazing her. She steps back as her staff is pushed away, eyes studying her opponent. She doesn't seem distracted much longer, and she doesn't fall for the feint. The slash sent to her midsection is met with the side of her staff, sparks rising again though a faint blue tinge is in them, one of the runes on the length of metal lighting up briefly.

Still intent on playing her hand close to her vest, she retaliates with only her staff again, pushing the katana away and swinging her staff in a brief dance that sends her white cloak fluttering. A swing with one end, a swing with the other end, and a follow-up thrust once more, though she's moving quicker than before to knock Silver off balance.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
"You are older than you appear, then..." Green eyes follow Ariah as she evades the slice, focusing briefly on the runes. "That is no ordinary battlestaff," says Saber, coolly. That does explain the blue sparks and the durability, at least.

As Saber raises her blade defensively... she misjudges slightly, and the first swingmanages a tag on her upper arm. The second firmly strikes her side, and a medical expert like Medusa will surely know what that loud CRACK means. Saber doubles over, but is barely able to bring up her sword, hand braced against the blade, and block the thrust with the flat... though the impact is enough to make her wince in pain as her previously-tagged wrist begins to darken into a bruise.

Taking a breath, Saber straightens up again, drawing in some mana as she does her best to ignore the pain. "It seems you have me at a disadvantage... Let me try to even these odds." Clenching her jaw, Saber charges forward, but not with her sword. She attempts a shoulder-check on her opponent first, then follows that up with two quick slashes with the katana, hoping the initial impact leaves the girl off-balance.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Up above, Medusa slowly circles the fight, legs dangling down over the side of her broom. "Ariah blocks the attack with her staff, and she continues pushing the attack, swinging her staff at Saber and clearly intending on not giving her an opening." As the loud crack sounds, the witch can't help but chuckle sinisterly, an all too innocent smile spreading across her lips. "I am not certain if you heard that sound, dear audience... but I do imagine that miss Saber might want to stop by my office after this match, if only for some pain killers. Admiringly enough she isn't about to let the pain stop her as she charges Ariah shoulder first before slashing out with her much-discussed katana."

Ariah (56) has posed:
The crack brings a small brow-quirk, though Ariah knows full well she's striking hard, even if she's not out for blood. Much as Silver might make a nice meal... "I was temporally displaced by events beyond my control, but I am still responsible for the event," she states calmly. The shoulder-rush has the intended effect, the smaller woman bringing her staff down to help re-balance her. The pair of swings carve through cloth and flesh, leaving crimson briefly leaking into her uniform jacket. Closer inspection would reveal the wounds sealing over quickly, however.

It's enough for Ariah to counter-attack in a different manner, her free hand coming palm-up towards Silver's midsection. It almost looks like an open-palmed uppercut, util blue-white light glows under her sleeve, rushes down her arm, and several strands of energy coalesce into a bolt that explodes into a burst of blunt force to send Silver back on her rear. Ariah does like her personal space after all.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
It's very difficult to fight with a sword and not draw blood. Although Saber is an excellent swordswoman, she has very little experienced fighting without using a dangerous blade. She was expecting most opponents in this tournament to have some sort of armor or resistance, but regeneration at that speed was not something she had planned for. Still, it lets her not have to worry about accidentally drawing too much blood with a lucky strike. "That sounds quite disconcerting," says the Servant softly. If her opponent is from that time then... well, such matters can be better discussed when they aren't trying to fight one another.

Saber shifts back slightly, almost exactly how one would avoid a punch... but she finds herself surprised again. "Wh--" That's all she can get out before the burst of energy sends her flying back a good dozen feet, though she does manage to land in a crouch rather than on her back. Oddly enough, her kimono appears to still be completely in tact. Perhaps it's more than just simple fabric? Still, that force to her stomach has not helped the pain from her broken rib one bit. Taking a deep breath, Saber stands straight. "Serenity in the face of adversity," she says softly, to no one in particular. Traces of pain disappear from her face, replaced with determination. "So you know magic. I can handle Casters, but that was different." Her natural magic resistance might help a bit, but this type of magic isn't quite the same as what her body was tuned to defend against. One more deep breath, and Saber darts forward with surprising speed, leaving a few eddies of dust behind her along the stadium floor. Her sword is held back during her charge, only swinging out just as she reaches Ariah. "Haaa!" The slash, this time, is aimed a bit low, striking toward her opponent's legs.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"Saber's strikes draw blood, quite clear for all to see thanks to Ariah's previously pristine clothes. Do be careful not to slip in your own blood, dear." Medusa chuckles lightly. "Oh? It appears that Ariah is bringing magic to the match, where else would that blue-white light be coming from?" Leaning forward, the witch peers down, obviously a bit curious about the magic.
"The magic strike sends Saber flying back. Hmmm, impressive. Most people who get thrown like that seldom land on anything but their back. Or their necks. Saber gets back up on her feet... and oh dear, she rushes forward with great speed and she holds her sword until the right moment...!"

Ariah (56) has posed:
Once again, Ariah centers her stance, taking a moment to breathe as she sends Silver reeling. The light of mana is gone as quickly as it had come, leaving the diminutive woman standing with a breeze fluttering at her cloak dramatically. She doesn't rest on her laurels, however, eyes narrowing as her opponent goes right-side up and hauls ass towards her. She tries to read the woman's movements, lifting her staff to prepare against what may come, but she has it too high when the strike comes.

As her leg is hit and cut, she drives the end of her staff into the stony ground--but behind the blade. She uses whatever momentum is lift herself into the air, cartwheeling upwards until she is fully vertical and hand-standing on her staff. The motion is quick, but not too quick for human eyes, but it's her descent that's more notable. The trip downwards un-seals the sword from its hidden place in her staff.

The shining silver saber, runes etched on the flat, comes free in the sunlight and Ariah brings an overhead slash down onto Silver, to take advantage of the low katana.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
As Ariah pushes herself upward with her staff, Saber quickly straightens her stance, glancing toward her opponent. What does she expect to do up there? But then the staff reveals its true nature, and Saber quickly brings up her katana to catch the incoming saber. More sparks fly from the impact, but the Servant quickly pushes back, trying to ignore the pain coming from her throbbing wrist.

"If it's a battle of swords, then I'm afraid I won't lose easily..." Saber shoves against her blade, then lifts one leg to drive a knee toward Ariah. Perhaps this sort of flexibility is why she has that slit in her kimono. The instant her foot touches the ground again, however, Saber brings her sword back and slashes at her opponent, first diagonally upward, then rotates the blade to slash straight down.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
The audience is getting louder and louder, with the monitor showing various shots from the fight in real time. Medusa does sound like she's invested in the fight, though she is clearly far calmer than many of the fans here today. "Sadly Ariah isn't able to avoid the strike, and her leg is bleeding next. With quick use of her staff she cartwheels... and brings out a sword from her staff? Who would have expected that? Will we see sword against sword? Saber quickly brings up her katana and blocks the attack to her best ability before driving Ariah away with her knee. Now let's see what happens now in this swordfight...! Saber brings her sword back..." The crowd goes wild!

Ariah (56) has posed:
And what an advantage it is. Ariah barely has a chance to brace against the knee, stumbling back for a moment and nearly losing the other half of her staff in the process. It's a clumsy move as she fumbles, fingers wrapping around the metal, but even with her supernatural speed, she can't right herself in time for the pair of slashes that come. The upward slash cuts across her uniform, once more revealing a hint of pale flesh and blood rising to the surface to soak the cloth.

She staggers back and is left vulnerable, the downward slash coming to cut straight down her front. Such a maneuver could leave one mortally wounded (and indecently attired besides) but the cut down her sternum closes over and the blood soaking her clothing makes it stick to her skin rather effectively. The witch is momentarily bowed, but comes right back up again, the glow in her eyes shining brighter, purple burning like a chaotic flame as she thrusts her own sword straight towards Silver's midsection.

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
There is one member of the crowd who is more or less silent.

That's because Chris isn't much of a cheering type. Mostly he expresses his tension by gripping the arms of his seat tighter and looking really, really invested in the match.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
"Apologies," murmurs Saber softly as she sees the state of her opponent's clothes. At least it's not indecent! That purple glow gives her pause, though. Her opponent is up to something...ah. Saber recognizes the stance for a thrust, and she brings her own sword down in an attempt to parry it.


And she misses, by a fraction of a millimeter. Ariah's sword stabs right into Saber's stomach and through her, enough that the bloody blade's tip can be seen poking from her back. The Servant is motionless for a moment, eyes wide, a soft gasp coming from her mouth. Gritting her teeth, she shoves herself backwards, staggering for a moment, but somehow manages to not fall over. She brings the back of her arm to her mouth and coughs wetly, leaving a stain of red behind. "I was careless..." Green eyes flash and, despite the wounds which, unlike her opponent, do not seem to be closing up, she charges right back in, slashing her blade diagonally downward at Ariah. "I will not be so careless again!"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Up on her broom, Medusa can't help but shake her head slightly in disapproval. "Tsk tsk, Ariah. At this pace your clothes will be all red before too long. Saber's katana feasts on blood yet again, and Ariah stumbles. Hmmm, normally a cut like that would be far more dangerous, but Ariah has more than magic up her sleeve." Medusa pauses for a moment. "Ariah strikes out at Saber's midsection... and Saber is impaled as if she were a shish kebab~ Coughing up blood like that is seldom a welcome sign. I recommend that somebody prepare for a blood transfusion. Even after tearing herself back and off of the blade Saber isn't about to give up, and she delivers a diagonal slash at Ariah. Now I wonder who will bleed out first..." The last comment is said with a glint of amusement shining in the witch's amber eyes.

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah might need less of a blood transfusion and more of one to go all Capri Sun pouch on. She gives a small nod, perhaps a little apologetic, to Silver when the blade goes clear through her. "We are gladiators this day, and I will not be the only one to have my blood spilled..." she murmurs. She aids the other woman in removing herself from the blade, however, pulling back as well. There's a moment of breath, and then she brings her blade up again, this time to parry the downward slash, not keen on losing another piece of her uniform. The strike is jarring, however, and knocks her sword downwards along with it.

But the rest of the staff's length is clutched in her other hand. She steps back, slamming the end of it into the stone, sending a shockwave towards Silver to knock her back again. This time it isn't simple that, however, as the light flows from her hand and into the metal, runes igniting like bright blue flames and then a burst of magical projectiles explodes from them and streak towards the other competitor. Heat, light, and force, the energy burning trails in the air.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
"I prefer not to spill my blood," says Saber softly, though it's hard to tell if the low tone of her voice is glib or if it just really hurts to breathe. Hint: it's the second one.

This time, the shockwave isn't quite so much of a surprise. Saber slides one foot back and throws her left arm up in an attempt to brace against the force... and manages to stay on her feet, though she's skidded back several inches. The projectiles, though, are more troublesome. One of them, she manages to dissipate with a well-timed swing of her katana, but the others slam into her body, sizzling as they collide with her kimono. Though charred from the blasts, the garment remains largely in tact... except for a number of charred feathers which flutter to the ground. "Magic won't kill me," she hisses softly, fist clenched to drive away the pain of the burns beneath her kimono. "I--" She pauses to cough, a bit more blood coming up. "I remain resolute!"

This time, rather than attacking directly, Saber runs in and plants a foot, twirling around to slash her sword in a long arc and continuing past Ariah until just before the blade touches the ground.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
"While she manages to parry the attack, there is no doubt that Ariah felt that strike, and her sword slips...!" Medusa lets out a fake gasp as she brings her free hand up to her mouth. "Are we getting to see some more magic? I believe so~ Ariah slams her staff down, intending to knock Saber down with a magical shockwave! Hmmm, quite interesting, that staff. Which clearly is more than it seems as runes light up and magic projectiles are fired upon Saber. Those blasts look nasty...!" Medusa flies over and around to get a look from the other side.
"The fighters are slowing down, and it looks to me like Saber is having problems breathing with that broken rib. Personally I find it impressive that she can still move like she does. The force of the blast pushes her back, the ones she doesn't block that is. Better hurry up, dear.. oh there we go."

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah takes another breath, and a moment to look at the blood on her blade. It's a moment to regard it, but she behaves, not wishing to reveal her true nature to a crowd of thousands. At Silver's words, she looks up, "Good. It is not my intention to kill you. It would be against the spirit of the tournament." Her icy delivery is still sincere, and she braces for the incoming attack.

The vampire-witch brings her split weapon up, moving into a brief spin herself, the parry bringing a clang and sparks, jarring her and biting at her stamina but not her resolve. She is still in this fight, but has no stomach for taunting her hurt opponent. Instead of biting words, she uses her blade to sting, but swings her staff at the same time as well. Blade from one side, blunt from the other, sweeping to catch Silver between them both.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
"Don't worry," says Saber. "There's no need to hold back for the sake of the tournament." Dual wielding? Saber sees both weapons coming at her, and makes a split-second decision. She pivots and brings her sword down to catch Ariah's own blade, but that leaves her open for the staff to strike her side. There's another loud CRACK as another rib gives way, and Saber's knee buckles beneath her, dropping her to the ground.

"Nnnn.. We are not too different in one respect, I think." Her head lifts slowly, hand flat against the ground to push herself up. Her face doesn't betray it, but the sound of broken ribs shifting and the blood trickling from the corner of her mouth testify that she must be in quite a lot of pain. "After all," she says softly, almost hissing under her breath as she holds back a wince.

"I wouldn't die even if you killed me." Green eyes flash, and Saber surges forward, leaving more feathers in her wake. One slash, then another, then a third... the flurry of strikes puts great strain on her injuries, but Saber continues, ending with a burst of speed and a sideways slash as she darts past Ariah to stop a few feet on the other side, silver hair fluttering in the wind.

Ariah (56) has posed:
"Oh?" Ariah asks softly, pulling back, resuming a defensive stance with her staff and sword. The words earn a quirk of the brow, and widened eyes. The sudden surge is unexpected, but she parries the first slash with her sword, sparks rising and a soft grunt coming from her. The recap footage will have to be slowed down, the flurry of combat brief but furious. The second cut is only barely held against, the blade sliding down her staff and biting into her hand, spilling blood on the runes. Three is batted aside, Ariah half-spinning as she steps away from Silver. It puts her in the perfect position to be take by surprise from that burst, metal clanging as she's forced to stagger back from the blow, more fresh blood slipping free from a gash in her side.

"Ending you is still not my intent," she states quietly, her cloak still unmarred by blood, perfect white matching her hair as she turns, staff at the ready. The blunt of the rod is aimed for Silver's midsection, the blade towards the backs of her legs. A second staff-strike is aimed for her chest while the tip of her blade is angled towards the woman's face, more as a threat than an attempt at a killing blow, as she pulls the strike, so to speak.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
Honorable combat was what Saber expected when entering this tournament, and it seems that's what she's gotten. The lack of killing intent is obvious to a swordswoman, but she still turns to face her opponent. As Ariah charges her, Saber steps forward, bringing her katana down... but it only grazes against the staff, drawing sparks. The blunt weapon drives into her stomach, enough to send more blood to the ground as her previous wound is struck. It staggers her enough that she's unable to evade that sword slash, and her leg buckles beneath her as the blade digs into muscle that was never meant to be cut. The Servant drops to one knee, and only sheer will keeps her from being slammed backwards as the staff hits sharply against her chest.

As the blade approaches her head, however, Saber saps up her left hand and grabs the end of the sword, holding it tightly before it comes near her face. Blood drips from her fingers, but she doesn't release her grip, green eyes casting upward to Ariah. A quick shove pushes the sword away from her face, and Saber... does not stand up. A slight frown crosses her face, but she lowers her sword. "I must yield. I am unable to stand." Not for lack of trying.

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
When did Chris leave his seat? How did he get over there so fast?

Well, the cameras will tell the tale later - 'as soon as Saber yielded' and 'it turns out long legs help you move pretty quickly', respectively.

He's there just moments after the Servant yields, crouched down next to her, reaching carefully to try and help her up without exacerbating injuries. "You, um." You what? Did good? That's kind of a hollow platitude. "Are you-" Alright? Of course not. Look at her, goofus.

There's a brief pause. "...you fought well. I'm proud."

Ariah (56) has posed:
The blade is stayed, not just by Ariah but by her opponent. She doesn't force it, and pulls her sword aside. She eyes the blood on the edge and then cleans it on her own already-bloodied sleeve. "You fought well," she states, then secures the blade within its sheath in the staff. She offers her now free hand, to take Silver's, and aid Chris in bringing the girl to her feet. "We can talk about your blade another time, if you wish," she says quietly. The witch is stoic, but she's doing a good job of hiding her fatigue, and anyone who can detect magic can easily tell she's running like a mana beacon.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
The fight is drawing to a close, that much is clear as the two combatants are feeling the effects of each other's attacks. Medusa swoops down a little closer to the two, though she still keeps her distance. "Ariah has taken to dual wielding both her sword and the remains of her staff, forcing Saber back with the rest of her strength. Wisely she decides to focus on blocking the sword, but... ouch." Medusa winces. "I do believe miss Saber just earned herself another broken rib. Despite the pain she presses on in another wild series of slashes and strikes as she darts past and behind Ariah. Watch out now... Ariah parries to her best ability. She strikes out, staff against Saber's midsection, her sword at her legs, then at Saber's chest and face. Be careful now, killing is forbidden, unfortunately~" Medusa laughs softly as Ariah doesn't carry through with the attack, and as Saber is forced down, the outcome is clear as the servant speaks. "Ladies and gentlemen... Saber has yielded, and ARIAH is the victor of this bloody and fast paced match. She will go on to round two. And I do dare suggest the both of them should follow me to the hospital for treatment~"
The witch flies down to the ground, signaling for the medical staff that is waiting on the sidelines with equipment. Medusa walks over to the two, glancing between them. "Please allow the medical staff to transport you, I do not imagine you need not stay in the hospital for long, isn't that so~?" Ariah heals quickly, and Saber is hardly normal either.

Saber of Silver (227) has posed:
Saber feels Chris' approach before she sees him. "Master?" She knows what he was about to say, too. It's not hard to guess from his expression. "...thank you, Master." Though Saber does look a little disappointed, despite that. "And you as well. It seems I have training to do."

Saber allows the pair to help her to her feet, leaning toward Chris for balance as she swings her sword downward to rid it of blood before sheathing it. "If you want to, I wouldn't mind." She nods toward Ariah and wraps bloodstained arm around Chris' waist. "I can't walk, at the moment. You'll have to help me." One of her legs is up enough to avoid dragging it on the ground, though only barely.

"The offer is appreciated, but doctors are unable to do anything to help me." Saber says this matter-of-factly, but gives Medusa a slight bow nonetheless. "I think I would like to change clothes and eat... then rest."

Chris Rothschild (283) has posed:
When Medusa comes down to the tournament ring to offer medical help, surprisingly enough, Chris actually gives her something of a wary look. To the uninitiated, this looks more like a guy with a perpetually angry, almost delinquent expression scowling just a little bit deeper. He doesn't say anything - both because Saber says it well enough herself, and because he's not all that talkative regardless.

Instead, he says to Saber, "...downloaded your shows. Waiting for you at the hotel room."