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WMAT C1 Kaydon vs. Material-S
Date of Scene: 23 June 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: It's the reigning champion, the magical girl clone MATERIAL-S up against the hardened stag of battle, KAYDON in this Round 1 C Bracket fight!
Thanks to: To Mister Satan for organizing, Beli Klum for helping, Juno for commentary, and of course Kaydon for an excellent match!
Cast of Characters: 69, 177, 428
Tinyplot: WMAT

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Juno Eclipse is up in the commentator's box, holding an icepack to the top of her head. It's still ringing like a cathedral bell after yesterday's exertion, and she's got a few bandages after being cut up and burnt by Zeno's energy weapons.

She also has what looks suspiciously like a girly drink on the table in front of her. It even has a little umbrella in it.

She seems to be putting on her very best cheerful (and loud) Announcer's Voice. "This is BLACKOUT, LIVE from Devil's Hand Arena! This is jsut a reminder, but we've got plenty of refreshments out here, and they say the barbecue stand here is excellent! Be sure to grab your refreshments before the action starts!"

From there, she'll wait for the contenders to arrive!

Kaydon (69) has posed:
It's been a while since anyone has seen the scarred stag in action. Kaydon seems to have been keeping to himself, until his name appeared on the competetors list for the World Martial Arts Tournament. He steps out into the field, looking up at the spires in the distance. Hmm. He runs his fingers through the grass at his feet, and then takes a knee. He pulls the Starlight Edge off of his back and jams it into the ground, keeling next to it, as he pulls out a small flask of tea, taking a drink from it, and waiting for his opponent to arrive.

The stag considers. His opponent is someone he's never encountered before, and he is unsure of what all abilities she may possess. No matter, though. He has a few new tricks up his sleeve. Who says you can't teach an old deer new tricks?

Material-S (177) has posed:
Seikou steps into the fighting area, rustling through the grass. She's walking, right now, but already in her Barrier Jacket. The dark clothing swishes past the grass, looking much more modest than most Magical Girl outfits. Then again, with her severe look and young age, plus the spear-like staff with its sapphire gem that she holds, she doesn't look all that magical-girly anyway.

Still, no reason she can't be polite. As she enters the field, the girl gives a small, short curtsy. "A pleasure to meet you. Let us have a good fight. I look forward to it." Then she looks toward Juno. "Thank you for the announcement."

The staff pings in a soft feminine voice, 'STUN MODE ENGAGED.'

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Blackout shifts the icepack over her head a little, affording herself a better view of the arena.

And the renowned warrior KAYDON has just stepped into the arena, folks!" Out in the spectator stands, THE CROWD GOES WILD. "He's scarred, he's dignified, and he's carrying some kind of black greatsword; Kaydon is /ready for action/! He's so unconcerned, in fact, that it looks like he's drinking a flask of something! Hopefully not alcoholic, folks, because he's going to have his hands full -- and there's his opponent, now!"

"MATERIAL-L!" Blackout roars, enthusiastic; some of that enthusiasm seems to be transferring to the audience (which is probably entirely her point). THE CROWD GOES WILD. AGAIN. "She's calm, she's collected, and it looks like she's absolutely confident about today's proceedings! I'm sure this is going to be one hell of a match, folks!"

She pauses, then, flashing a victory sign down at Seikou. "No problem!" she calls cheerfully to Seikou.

Oh, and Blackout is definitely not wearing her Imperial uniform. Just her usual smuggler's outfit -- leather jacket with reinforced shoulders, white tunic-like shirt, dark leggings, empty blaster holsters over her hip and hair drawn into a ponytail. It wouldn't do to look SUSPICIOUS, would it?

Kaydon (69) has posed:
The stag lifts his head when his opponent arrives on the field of battle, and he rises up to his feet. He looks to Juno and nods, "Agreed. Thank you." He turns to look back to Seikou, and then places his hand on the hilt of the blade. He takes a moment to stretch his shoulders out, and then gets a serious look on his face, "Are you ready?" He doesn't want to attack her without being sure that she is ready for the battle.

"No matter the outcome of this battle, I trust both of us will do our best to represent our factions, and ourselves." And with his hand on the blade, he waits for her to tell him that she is ready. Then the game shall begin.

Material-S (177) has posed:
Seikou looks... stoic, but the blink her eyes give tells that she's surprised by the request. She expected a straight attack, or possibly disbelief that she was the opponent. No matter. Luciferion, her staff, is twirled about to be caught in both hands in a ready position, the spear-like head lowered toward Kaydon.

"I am ready," she announces.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"Heh, heh. No problem!" Blackout calls, from the spectator stands, waving cheerfully to the stag swordsman. "I'm fulfilling my civic duties, here." Maybe having some fun, besides!

Leaning back in her seat, the blonde pilot pauses long enough to take a sip of her girly drink, twisting the tiny umbrella out of the way, cocking an eye toward the arena as she does.

The cup is set down with a -bang- as she straightens.

"And it looks like Kaydon is asking his opponent if she's ready! How considerate; it's always nice to see polite opponents in this! He's waiting there for some sign from Material-S!"

"Material-S, on the other hand, is ready and waiting! She's got a staff of some kind, and she's twirling it rather artfully! Or is that a spear? Whatever it is, she's got it pointed towards Kaydon, and she means business with it!"

"Well, hey!" Juno pumps one fist into the air in enthusiastic gesture. "Did you hear that, folks? SHE'S READY!"

"Let's get this fight started, shall we?"

As fully intended, the crowd goes nuts in the background again.

Kaydon (69) has posed:
With his opponent agreeing that she is ready, Kaydon nods his head, and shifts his hand on the hilt of his blade. In a flash, he has pulled the two handed greatsword from the ground, and is already rushing towards Seikou. The black blade of the Starlight Edge glints the light from above, as he turns the weapon in his hand.

It should be a matter of deflecting the spear head away from himself as he approaches her. A flick of his wrists to block the spear to the left, and then a turn and a slash at her with the obsidian edge of the blade.

But this too seems like it may be a feint, as he pulls the blade back and continues his rotation, kicking out with one of his feet as he finishes his turn, aiming to kick her square in the abdomen with one of his big feet.

Material-S (177) has posed:
The catch of the blade on that spear rings out across the Devil's Hand: the fight is underway! Seikou is fast, faster than she should be, and the way she handles that staff is with more skill than is reasonable for a girl her age. She lacks the raw strength of her much larger opponent, so she's going for leverage and footwork, especially considering that Kaydon is much, much larger than her and has a reach advantage even with the long-handled weapon she has.

The feight works, though, and that foot connects with her abdomen hard enough to send her skidding across the grass with a small 'nnf!' That dress is tougher than it seems though... Kaydon no doubt felt that the give wasn't nearly what it should be, the dark fabric some kind of armor.

More important for the stag is the chiming voice announcing, 'PYRO BURST.'

Seikou remains completely silent as the pulse of magic blasts out toward her opponent, hot and burning. It's not flaming, since she's in 'stun mode,' but it's hot and has a lot of force behind it.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"It looks like Kaydon is moving with amazing speed, pulling his greatsword out of the ground as though it's light as a feather! Now that's dedication, people, to be able to lift something that heavy so easily!" The crowd cheers. "He's charging her and trying to turn that spearhead aside as he goes! Oooh, that thing looks like it's nasty sharp, too. I hope we've got medics waiting in the wings. Oh! Just listen to that sound of weapon against weapon. Isn't that just music to the ears?" The crowd cheers! "Well, no, hahah, not really. I'm not a warrior, myself. Moving on! And Material-S is on the move! She's smaller and she doesn't look as strong as Kaydon, so it looks like she's going to have to rely on cunning and charm! And despite that savage blow from Kaydon, that dress must be tougher than it looks! And she's lashing out at the stag warrior with a burst of flame!

Kaydon (69) has posed:
Maybe Kaydon should look into getting himself some clothes that double as armor. He's seen it in the Multiverse several times, and knows that they can be quite effective. As for the stag himself, well, he catches the pyro burst to the face. It doesn't burn like he expected, but it still makes him back away, and have to take a moment to clear his eyes, rubbing them with the back of one of his hands, as he takes a few moments to blink his eyes clear.

"Not bad at all. But you're not the only one who can access the power of fire." The stag flexes his left hand, still holding the blade in his right, as he turns towards Seikou. Using the techniques he's been taught, he taps into the elements that hs is bound to, and summons forth a ball of flame in his left hand. He hauls back and throws it towards her, while continuing to press the attack.

Material-S (177) has posed:
An elemental attack? Seikou is startled, but not so startled she can't throw up a defense. 'PROTECTION,' the Device pings, a bubble of orange power illuminating the girl. It's her weakest protection spell though, and the burst shatters it, sputtering through in a weakened but direct hit that slams into her shoulder. And she can see he's coming right toward her, too. Uh oh.


The Device pinged the attack name, but this time it didn't come from that orb. A shimmering orange ball of energy comes into being in Seikou's palm, and it's /that/ which she brings up for a burst of pure force, like an explosion going off in her hand to keep Kaydon from closing the distance.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"Oh, that's going to leave a mark! Kaydon catches Material-S' fire right in the face! Let's hope it doesn't ruin his handsome good looks... or his day!" Blackout's calling the match in what is undoubtedly a overly dramatic, theatrical voice. It looks like she might actually be enjoying this. She also might be slightly tipsy. "But Kaydon's got a few surprises of his own! What's this? He's throwing a ball of fire of his own at Material-S! This match is getting hot-hot-HOT, folks!" The crowd obligingly goes wild for a few seconds. "Material-S tries to defend, but her barrier shatters under the force of Kaydon's flames! She retaliates by throwing some kind of force at Kaydon, and from here, folks, it looks like an explosion in her hand! That's bound to leave a mark, too!"

Kaydon (69) has posed:
The force of the blast is enough to send the stag stumbling backwards, as he tries to compose himself. Interesting. She seems to be able to do a wide variety of attacks, as well as shield herself from his own. He wonders if her shield can withstand physical attacks as well as it does the elemental ones. He decides that his best course of action right now will be to test and see if that barrier will work.

He grips the blade with both of his hands, and then hauls it up onto his shoulder. Once it's been hefted into place, he tightens his grip, and hauls the blade around in a wide arc, slashing downwards at an angle towards Seikou, putting quite a bit of force behind the swing.

Material-S (177) has posed:
It's a good thing to test, but Seikou isn't going to use a barrier this time anyway. She's leaping up and, with orange wings sprouting from her ankles, starting to /fly/ away so she can put some distance between herself and the giant stag. An aura of orange power appears around her as she takes off, her shoulder still smouldering, and her staff comes around to block the incoming attack-

It doesn't work all that well.

Seikou is /way/ tinier than Kaydon, and for all her power, Material-S just plain doesn't have the mass to block that kind of strike. It was a mistake to try. She's slammed right out of the air, htiting the ground and bouncing, then tumbling before skidding to a halt on her back, having hit at an angle that should have snapped a few bones.

Actually it did, and Seikou staggers to her feet with a wince. That did hurt her, it's obvious, but the girl's arm pops back into place with a disturbing crackling noise. "Mn." She's probably learned her lesson there... but it also showed Kaydon where he had the advantage.

'LOAD CARTRIDGE. PYRO CHAIN SHOOTER.' The Device announces that with a loud *ka-CHUNK* of a cartridge loading into the haft from the clip on its side, and Seikou answers the punishing blow with a flurry of blazing hot orange bolts shooting across the landscape.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"Material-S' mighty blast of force staggers our stag, but he's determined not to fall just yet! Kaydon comes back swinging. It looks like he's testing his opponent's defenses!" In the commentator's box, Blackout reaches for something that looks suspiciously like popcorn. It also sounds like popcorn, too. Crunch, crunch. "Oooh, that looks like it's going to be a nasty blow for Material-S, and it looks like she's going to be getting to know the medics quite well later! It looks like Kaydon's playing for keeps!"

The crowd roars as the blow lands! They're audible in the background of Blackout's running commentary. "Material-S flies up and tries to block, but Kaydon overpowers her with sheer brutal strength, and comes down for a very unpleasant landing! She's back on her feet, though, and you've got to admire her gumption, folks -- I think she just /adjusted her own arm/ from /dislocation/! She's going after Kaydon with some kind of cartridge; I can hear her weapon loading it from here. And it's firing some kind of bolts! My God, that's a lot of bullets," she aside. ...Crunch, crunch.

Kaydon (69) has posed:
Well his plan sort of worked. He didn't get to test her barrier, but he still managed to land a solid blow. He hauls the blade back to move in for a second strike, but he hears the weapon loading. Instead he opts to drop the blade into the ground and kneel behind it. It doesn't work nearly as well as he had hoped, as the blasts strike all over him, only a couple managing to get deflected by the blade.

Once the blasts have finally stopped coming in on him like rainfall, he slowly picks himself back up to his feet, and holds both of his hands up, looking at Seikou, "You are...Very well equipped. I am impressed. But I am not out of this yet." With both of his hands held to his sides, he concentrates his power through the gauntlets, letting the elemental power course through them, before he clenches his fists. The ground on either side of Seikou will shake, and then rip up from the ground, trying to encase her in stone.

Material-S (177) has posed:
"I would not expect you to end it after only one bad hit," Seikou says quietly, giving Kaydon the benefit of the doubt on his strength. She presumes that just one excellent series of hits won't be enough to put him down, and she now braces herself for a charge or some other event. Maybe a flying ball like before?

Instead, stone erupts around the tiny mage, encasing her in rock and slamming into her from either side, so the dark-clad Material vanishes from view. That had to hurt, and a faint 'AH!' does escape. It takes a lot to get Seikou to cry out, Kaydon must be wearing her down. But then something else, muffled by stone, is heard.

'blast fire.'

It isn't a tiny bolt or a series of tiny bolts this time. The stone encasement is shattered by a pillar of orange, billowing flame roaring out from within, bearing down on the stag at high speed like a freight train of burning.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"Kaydon hears that weapon loading, too, and his first response is to use his sword as a shield, but it only works in part; it looks like he's still suffering from the blast!" Crunch, crunch. "He compliments Material-S on her equipment--not THAT kind of equipment, you bloody perverts!--and calls up power again, this time to try and attack Material-S from below, using the very earth against her!"

"It doesn't go over too well for Material-S, either. She's tossed about by the stone, and oh, that's /definitely/ going to hurt in the morning." Blackout cocks her head. "Wait, I can hear something. 'Blast Fire?' And--" Juno slams her hands down on the table and leaps to her feet, staring. "Good God, will you look at that?! Material-S just unleashed a /pillar/ of flame straight for Material-S! Wow! It's like using a Star Destroyer to take out a smuggler's starfighter...!"

Kaydon (69) has posed:
Something about her flames, he can't quite put his finger on it, but he can't control them. He does try to, as he holds up a hand to try to grasp the pillar of flame out of the air. It fails, horriblly, and he is engulfed by the fire. After a few seconds of being engulfed, he raises a pillar of stone in front of him to use for cover, but he is scorched and smoldering. He pats out parts of his fur that are still on fire, and slumps down behind the pillar. He needs a moment to catch his breath. He takes his flask of tea out, which had survived the firey onslaught, and takes a drink, before he rises to his feet and hefts his blade again. He moves around the pillar of stone, and then aims the blade at Seikou.

"Your skills are very impressive! This is a battle I will long remember, regardless of the outcome!" The stag plants his right foot, and then takes off again, putting extra strength behind his attack and approach. The blade begins to glow, before the weapon bursts into flames, Kaydon controlling the fire to heat the edge of the obsidian blade, allowing him to strike with the super heated weapon, as well as perhaps light his opponent on fire in the process.

Material-S (177) has posed:
It might be possible for Kaydon to figure out why he can't manipulate the flames so easily: because Seikou isn't just producing them, she's controlling them herself, as well. It would be a struggle of wills to wrest control of them from her, though not impossible. Probably why he's having a hard time though! She returns the compliment with a soft murmur, "I would feel no regret in losing to a strong opponent, either."

While that's a great thought, she may have to test it, because that strike arcs down to be... parried by Luciferion. At least, that's the idea. It cleaves right through the Device's haft, though, slicing past it and shearing through the Barrier Jacket to slash a deep gash into Material-S with a spray of-

Glittery orange sparks. She isn't bleeding, even if she is staggering backward with her staff in two. Fortunately for her, it doesn't seem to impede the function of the staff's head in giving her 'stuff to fight with,' and she even whips it about in one hand as she catches herself and steadies, her off hand dropping the broken haft to clutch at her chest while the other swings the shortened head toward Kaydon.

'BLAST SABER,' Luciferion pings, a blade of orange mana springing forth from the tip to fight sword to sword with the larger stag, aiming a slash toward his upper legs.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"As expected, Kaydon succumbs to Material-S' flames, but what's this? It looks like he's trying to gain control of them somehow, presumably to put them out. Our brave stag is catching his breath behind a pillar, going so far as to take a drink of whatever he's got there! No fear, this one." Crunch, crunch. "He's even complimenting his opponent as he charges Material-S one more time. His sword is glowing; no, it's /on fire/, and he's swinging the superheated sword! A little bit of taste-your-own-medicine for Material S!"

"Material-S tries again to block or parry Kaydon's greatsword, but the blow swings wide! And she's bleeding -- what the hell? Glittery orange sparks?" Blackout seems momentarily confused by this. "Uh, anyway. Moving on! That seems to have slowed her down a bit, and she's retaliating with, um, I thought I heard 'Blast Saber.' That's probably going to hurt; hopefully Kaydon is quick on his feet!" ...Crunch, crunch. Dang, that spicy popcorn's good.

Kaydon (69) has posed:
Thankfully for Kaydon his upper legs are armored. The armor, enchanted as it is, manages to deflect some of the blow. Not enough of it to stop the crimson from flowing, but enough of it that he might not bleed to death before he gets knocked unconcious by something else. The stag stumbles backwards, and then drops to a knee again, as he tries to regain his composure from the blow to his leg.

He doesn't want to concede the fight, at least not yet, so he needs to come up with something else he can do. Some way he can disarm her, or strike her with one of his more powerful attacks. The fire on the Starlight Edge has gone out, and the stag has decided that it is time for something a little faster. He slides the blade into it's scabbard and instead grabs his one-handed hammer and the magitech blaster off of his belt. With a weapon in each hand, he begins his attack.

The initial attack is with the blaster itself, firing off several shots at her, to force her to either dodge them, deflect them, or take the hits. Regardless, the final strike will come when he throws the hammer as if he were some sort of Norse god who's known for throwing hammers with a lot of force behind them.

Material-S (177) has posed:
Thus far Kaydon hasn't presented much tech, just magical stuff and melee that admittedly has her dress smoldering. But that's not important, because Seikou has to worry about a blaster now! It catches her by surprise, one shot even blasting through her midriff, the other impacting square on the chest but not fully penetrating. "HNGH!"

How indelicate a cry that is.

'ROUND SHIELD,' Luciferion pings just in time, deflecting the hammer at the last minute. Seikou isn't immune to ALL stress on her body though... the childlike Material is sweating now, her breath labored.


The rattle of a cartridge load precedes a sudden turn about, with a jerk of motion upward to bring her weapon into alignment. 'QUICKENED BLAST FIRE'

It's a slightly smaller blast wave this time, but it's much closer.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"Kaydon's armour saves the day; though it doesn't fully stop that blade from impacting, at least he gets to keep his legs! Handy, those. Material-S' onslaught does stagger him, though, and /ohhh/, he's down for a moment! Is this it for the noble stag? No!" Pause. Crunch, crunch. "--He's getting up again, and he'sswapping out his greatsword for a hammer and a blaster! Now there's a combination. He's trying to force Material-S on the defensive with the blaster, and -- my goodness, he's HURLING that hammer at Material-S!"

"It looks like Material-S is caught off-guard by the appearance of that blaster, and the element of surprise gives Kaydon a slight edge. I've been shot before, folks -- it's not fun, I can tell you that much, and I'm feeling Material-S' pain! It sounds like Material-S' Device is saying something else; 'Round Shield,' and 'Load Cartridge,' and then 'Quickened Blast Fire!' Things are heating up again; another blast wave of heat and flame sent roaring for Kaydon! That's going to be tough to block, folks!"

Kaydon (69) has posed:
Fire. Fire everywhere. Fire may be one of Kaydon's elements, but he's hardly immune to it's effects. This shows with how badly burned he has become over the course of the fight so far. He hopes those patches of fur that have been scorched off will grow back alright. He already has enough scars, he thinks. Once the fire has cleared, the burned stag is still standing, if only just. He snorts smoke out of his nostrils, and peers at Seikou, "I think it's time to try something different.."

With the strength he has left, he jumps back away from her, clearing space between them. In midair, he draws his Starlight Edge once again, and as he falls, slams it into the ground, to the hilt. The earth beneith the both of them begins to shake and tremble, as Kaydon uses his control over both fire and earth to create something made of both. Below Seikou, the tremors get worse, until the very earth beneith her feet explodes, a geyser of magma roaring up from the earth, intent on catching her within it.

Material-S (177) has posed:
At the last minute, Seikou realizes something is up. The ping of some kind of barrier forming might be heard, but it's not quick enough to save her from a pretty scorching blast erupting below, tossing the now-flaming Material high in the sky. It got her, that's for sure, as she's on FIRE right now and tumbling with what looks like a lack of control, though it didn't scorch her beyond her ability to fight.

Cough. In a pained voice, she croaks, "Luciferion..."

Wings spring from her ankles again, this time catching her in an unsteady wobble. One side of her is burnt and blistered, with her Barrier Jacket in tatters, but her chest still draws breath. With one eye shut, the other stares down at Kaydon with... no real anger or anything, actually. "A combined attack. Very... good." Another cough rattles her throat, then she points Luciferion downward. The wind begins to roar around in a circle about Kaydon, and a whining rise of some kind of spell begins.

'LOAD CARTRIDGE,' Luciferion declares, only THIS time, there are THREE clattering noises of loaded cylinders. Followed by a declaration:


A literal tornado of orange mana and heat twists down, funnel roaring right toward the stag in a screaming arc to attemp to just hurl him away at high speed. Probably into something hard.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"He may be wielding fire, but it looks like it burns Kaydon all the same! Our stag is battered and burnt, but he's more determined than ever! Leaping into the air, he slams his greatsword into the ground -- and it looks like he's calling up a VOLCANO, right beneath Material-S! She's going to have to do some fancy footwork to get out of this one, folks!"

BAM. Juno slams her hands down and stands, propelling herself out of her seat. "And Material-S is HURLED SKYWARD by that volcano, ON FIRE and falling back to earth!" The crowd goes 'ohhhh!' in surprise. "Wings spring forth from her ankles to catch her, and she looks to be in pretty bad shape! But she's not giving up! Look at her go! 'Tornado Buster,' her Device says, and it does pretty much exactly what you'd expect -- orange energy and heat whirling and roaring straightaway for Kaydon! If he can weather that blast, he might well be hurled right into something unforgiving, folks! This one's right down to the WIRE!" ...Crunch, crunch.

Kaydon (69) has posed:
Down to the wire indeed. The stag is hurt, bad. It shows. His reactions are slowing, his power is waining. That erruption might have been his last hurrah. As the tornado of fire and mana decends upon him, he grabs onto his blade, to try to hold himself in place. It works, for a time, with the winds and heat buffeting him, until the ground beneith the Starlight Edge gives way, and he is sent flying from the center of the vortex.

The landing looks rough, as he tumbles end over end, before coming to a stop. It looks like that might be the end of him, but slowly, ever so surely, he rises back to his feet. He leans on the blade for support, as he rises up. Parts of his armor have been sheared away by the force of the wind, he'll need to repair those later. But he is still standing, and still has enough left in him for one last attack. One final effort.

Moving the blade into both hands, he lets it drag along the ground as he runs, putting everything he has into this attack, every last ounce of strength and stamina that remains in his body. The ebony blade gouges out the ground behind him as he pushes forward, and once he is in range, using his size and reach to his advantage, he hauls forward, plants his feet, and swings the blade overhand with every last ounce of strength he has left. If he hits, it could rend his opponent in two. If he misses, there'll be nothing to keep him from collapsing under the weight of the sword and the effort used to swing it.

Material-S (177) has posed:
The blade does hit. Despite Seikou's efforts, it gashes deep into her hip and sends her tumbling to the ground, rolling several feet and then coming to rest... still. Not bleeding, maybe, but her body doesn't immediately heal or anything, so whatever is done to it must be actual 'damage' in some way.

But then... she staggers to her feet, lurching up with one eye still shut and breathing raggedly. "A very... good match. But I think it is time I used..."

Another cartridge, her last one, rolls into place.

'WIND BUSTER,' Luciferion announces with a crackle, the damaged Device still capable of casting, though it cracks further with the surge of mana from the cartridge. The eruption of orange light looks faint, but it blows grass and dirt away in a trench, coming toward Kaydon like a locomotive.

Kaydon (69) has posed:
Once the blow hits, for a brief moment Kaydon thinks he might have won. It would prove to be a fleeting moment, however, as he sees his opponent rise up. He takes a knee, knowing he is beat, and bows his head to Seikou, allowing her to send the blast at him full force. He makes no effort to block it or defend in any way, letting it hit him and take him down. Needless to say, when he wakes up, he will very fondly remember this particular battle.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
"Kaydon is barely on his feet, but the important thing to remember is that HE IS ON HIS FEET!" Blackout's voice cracks from overuse. She ignores it. "He seizes his blade to brace himself against the Tornado Buster, but in the end he's hurled into a rough landing! He uses his reach for a great overhand swing for Material-S!"

"That girl is probably tougher than ANYONE expected! She takes Kaydon's blow and keeps on going! It sends her sprawling, but it doesn't send her packing! Her Device announces 'Wind Buster,' and it looks like it's carving a trench -- right into Kaydon!"

"Alas, it's just too much for the noble stag!" Juno slaps both hands down on the desk and shoves herself to her feet again. "KAYDON IS DOWN! That's right, folks! The winner of this match is MATERIAL-S, but we've had an outstanding showing from both opponents! Let's have a hand for both of them!" The crowd goes wild again with thunderous applause, stomping, whistling, and whooping -- for both combatants! "And let's get the medics out here to take care of them, too." Her voice cracks again.