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Confederate War Council 062414
Date of Scene: 24 June 2014
Location: The Citadel - Seat of Power
Synopsis: The Confederacy meets to discuss current activities and future plans.
Cast of Characters: 12, 22, 37, 39, 56, 83, 85, 127, 276, 323, 353, 368, 380, 399, 472

Serori (37) has posed:
As in previous War Council sessions, the Seat of Power has been organized for a smaller scale and less formalized affair. Varied seating arrangements are prepared to accommodate all kinds, from the shinki-sized to the not-so-shinki-sized, and a similarly assorted buffet has been established near the chamber's western wall. Tiny but capable microphones useful for data recording and voice amplification are fitted into each of the tables forming a loose ring around the Seat of Power's central floorspace. Equally subtle are the data access points made available; the holographic screens don't even appear unless activated.
No matter where one stands, sits, or reclines, their eyes shall inevitably focus on the room's central feature: the throne of the Field Marshal. Positioned high above the rest of the chamber on a balcony all its own, it is captivating, dominating, and to some, it goes so far as to be awe-inspiring.
A podium is set up on the floor in front of the throne. Serori stands behind it now, waiting patiently for the rest to arrive.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
This time is seems a certain Confederate witch has a bit less on her schedule, as Medusa Gorgon arrives on time, and this time she is not alone. While she walks first, still clad in her work clothes from medical, she is followed by a spindly youth that some people might recognize as Crona. The pair sit down by the wall, and while Medusa herself glances around, even offering a brief glance up to the throne up high, Crona seems more intent on studying the floor.

Dracula Vlad Tepes (83) has posed:
The imposing throne of the Field Marshal, perhaps unsurprisingly, is occupied by the Field Marshal himself. He may not have been the one to directly schedule this council, but Lord Dracula still has a duty to his faction. It's his job to know what those he leads are occupied with and where their interests lie, and to that end he awaits the start of the meeting. He's naturally used to thrones, and he cuts an imposing figure as he sits up in this one, one leg crossed over the other and fingers idly drumming against the arms of the seat. Burning eyes like smoldering embers gaze down on the gathering Confederates, watching the council play out in looming silence, at least for the moment.

Laer (353) has posed:
Not terribly far from the podium sits Laer; she's dressed rather informally, as is typical for her, and she is tapping a pen to a beat only she can really hear against the table, lightly. It doesn't really carry over other noises, but it's the only sign of her trying to remember everything it is she's supposed to cover while speaking this time. Too many different crises to remember.

Mordred (12) has posed:
There is a knight in a corner.
Armored in thick layers of silver and red, with a horned and demonic-looking mask on, the knight can only be recognized as Mordred by people who have actually met her in person before. To others, the veiling magic of her Noble Phantasm prevents immediate recognition, and her gender, voice, exact height and other such numbers cannot be discerned easily.

There is a nametag pinned to her armor.
It says "Security".

Given the stillness of the knight and how she is leaning back against the corner of the room, she may have fallen asleep. Or she is extremely vigilant and just quiet. It's hard to tell! Her helmet would have to be off, really.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
One access point blips on with seemingly no interaction. Then it blips off and another one blips on. Then several blip on at once, as if testing how much of a load the entire arrangement can take. Fortunately nothing crashes, breaks, or starts on fire, and all the screens blip off once more and this time remain dormant until needed.

Satifisted the technicians have done their job correctly in setting up Tesla stops poking the network with her technopathy and claims her proper seat.

Ariah (56) has posed:
Armed with her ever-present staff and clad in a clean, repaired uniform after yesterday's fight, Ariah is soon to join the others gathered. Her footsteps are quiet, but the quiet tapping of her staff on the ground with every few steps is much more pronounced. That is, until she moves to a seat. She nods politely to Medusa, and then gives a slight bow of respect towards the throne up high before claiming a seat of her own and settling into it.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou, the Twins in tow, is camped out by the buffet table. It's not that he doesn't care. He cares about what's being said, definitely. But he doesn't expect to speak, and... well, it IS a buffet.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Silent and serene as always, Kagenashi enters the room with a slow stride, followed several moments later by her shadow. Munashi's prowl is just as slow and steady, almost matching that of her master exactly. Even if her form is different, it seems she's still Kagenashi's shadow.

The nogitsune soon finds a seat slightly apart from the others, and she sits with one leg crossed over the other and her hands folded in her lap. Munashi leaps up into her lap a moment later, curling up into a resting ball of darkness.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
The purple-haired woman called 'Master' by Kari Wolf has settled somewhere in the back with her lone shinki on her shoulder.
"I don't get why I'm here too."
"But master, you should know what's going on! They might need somebody to support the other shinki we have. And if you get promoted you might be able to get that car you've been looking at."
Zarenna sighs. Kari is apparently ever-helpful to her master, even being ambitious /for/ Zarenna.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx is over in a corner of the room, in a comfy chair, already snoring, using Fishbones as a headrest.

Jinx is not a meeting girl. Meetings are boring.

Vanessa Selby (323) has posed:
@emi@emit Vanessa's already there asleeping on a chair and her ears perk up as she hears a lot more noise. The fox-girl suddenly awakens from her slumber before looking around, "We're starting already?" She yawns a bit as she stretches her arms. "I could swear, I just fell to sleep. Got get rested for my fight tomorrrow." That worked as an excuse.

Taro (399) has posed:
Taro, unsurprisingly, bypassed the buffet entirely on his way to an empty chair. This human-sized one near the back but at the edge of the aisle will do. He's here far more to listen than to speak, and once settled he does little to call attention to himself. If not for the cyber-elf that's insisted on perching in his hair like some twinkling fashion accessory, he might not be noticed at all.

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Near an unoccupied wall, a small ripple occurs. Suddenly, the area 'flips', to say the least, and when it stops, two fellows step out; A blue being with a red fanged smile, a white top hat, and cloak, and a purple and yellow and black jester-like fellow, with a very heavy smile. They stand at the wall, surveying the area. Dimentio accompanied Count Bleck for introductions, as they decided, whilst the rest of Bleck's minions would watch their castle. Hopefully that wasn't a bad decision. For now, the two are quiet.

Serori (37) has posed:
"Welcome." The sound system conveys Serori's voice at a comfortable volume. "Thank you all for coming here tonight. It's been several months since we've held a council, and we've seen some significant changes in the ranks since that time. That's part of the reason why I've called you here -- the Confederacy is defined by its members, and we shouldn't be ignorant of one another."
"I'd also like to highlight our current activities, and discuss what next steps will be taken to carry the Confederacy forward. All of you should have by now seen the report put together by Captain Cirno. Tonight, I'll be reviewing it in brief, and inviting speakers to the floor who can provide additional details about the events disclosed therein."
Serori glances around the room. "Let's get started. I see a few newer faces among us, so let's get introductions out of the way. Count Bleck, I'm pleased to see you are here. Would you care to introduce yourself and your associates, first?" Turning to face the small group only just arrived, she smiles faintly. "From there or from the podium, whatever you prefer."

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Count Bleck takes a brief bow in Serori's direction, before levitating upwards to give a better view of himself. Dimentio joins him in this. Bleck takes a second, before he speaks. "I am Count Bleck, owner and ruler of Castle Bleck, and this is my minion and Master of Dimensions, Dimentio.". Dimentio takes a brief bow, a quick statement from him. "Pleasure to work with you all."
Bleck then begins to speak again. "It is a pleasure to work with the Confederacy. We will seek your help in destroying our own world and replacing it with a perfect paradise, and in return, we will offer any assistance the Confederacy may ask of us! Blehehehe!". Bleck waits for Serori to dismiss them, if she does, that is, before returning to the ground, Dimentio soon following.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf raises her tiny hand as her master tries to shush her. "Count Bleck! Count Bleck! Why do you want to destroy your world? Isn't that where you keep all your stuff?"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia idly produces her almost ever-present thermos of coffee-and-who-knows-what-to-make-it-stronger and pours out a cup, murmuring something to the effect of 'because that's what some people do' under her breath before taking a sip.

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Count Bleck turns to the tiny robot girl, taking a second to squint, before he attempts to answer her question. "Our world is a vile, horrible place, full of tragedy and imperfection, yet I have the means to recreate it perfectly, which shouldn't be squandered! My own castle will be safe, due to the fact that it exists between dimensions. Does this answer suffice?". He seems rather polite for a genocidal maniac.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Kari Wolf seems to think about this (Zarenna is trying hard to hide her face from embarassment). "Okay!"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Kilik and the twins earn an amused smile from Medusa, and Crona glances at the three. Though there are other things to focus on here, like some new faces. Dimentio and this... Count Bleck? Their entry is certainly something else, and the blonde witch regards them with mild interest.
As he states his intentions and offer to assist in return for any help, Medusa does arch an eyebrow. And after Kari has asked her question, she too raises her hand and speaks once Serori indicates that she may speak up. "Welcome to the Confederacy, Count Bleck. Though I do wonder... what sort of assistance may you be able to offer the Confederacy~?" she asks sweetly with a rather cheerful expression on her face, all while Crona watches Count Bleck and his minion. "I am certain that there are more people than myself with an interest in destruction, but it would be nice to know just what we could expect in return~"

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Count Bleck rises a bit more for this question, trying to beat Dimentio in height. He fails, Dimentio goes up next to him. "Why, a good question! I possess four lieutenants, each with skills that could be useful to various people! Dimentio here is a magnificent magician with a strong grasp over dimensions! I also possess one of the strongest men in my world, a very skilled shapeshifter, and my own assistant is a master hypnotist! Additionally, I possess an army of minions that I have no qualms with loaning out, blehehehehe!".

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori nods from behind the podium. "Very good, Count Bleck. We're glad to have you and all your assets standing with us. Saa -- let's move on. Ariah! I see you over there. Come forward and introduce yourself, please?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
Seemingly satisfied with that answer, Medusa nods her head in response, the smile still present on her face as she sits back in her seat, but not before leaning over to whisper something to Crona, who quickly if not a bit nervously gets up and heads over to the buffet table.

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Count Bleck nods to the podium, before lowering. Dimentio takes a minute or two before lowering himself, happy to have won the 'game'.

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah may be quiet, but she certainly isn't shy. As her name is called, she gets to her feet, takes up her staff, and moves to the podium. The smaller woman steps up and scans the crowd before nodding her head respectfully to those gathered. When she speaks, her tone is cold, icy and quiet like the embrace of winter wind, tinted with a thick Fench accent. "I am Ariah Olivie, Ensign of the Confederate Military and part-time aid to Nurse Medusa Gorgon in Medical. I am pleased to be able to work with--and under--such a varied and unique group of individuals."

"Though I have no ambitions as grand as the reshaping of my world," she gives a respectful nod towards the esteemed Count, "I have a variety of talents and my loyalty to the Confederacy is absolute. I wish to learn the grand history of the Multiverse and its array of peoples, as well as look to our leadership for inspiration and confidence. One day I do aspire to be an inspiration to those who come after by becoming a leader as well." Another bow of her head and she looks about, "If there are ways I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask, and I will do what I can."

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Dimentio rises up, raising his hand, and waits before being approved to speak to ask his question. "What type of talents do you possess? It is good to have so many talented allies~!". Once answered, he lowers, and wanders off.

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
HORUS has a chair for this meeting, but just like last year it is empty. Pasted on the back of the seat is a note: 'Watching 1st Captain Kharn of the World Eaters fight a schoolgirl, sorry.'

Ariah (56) has posed:
"I am a soldier, first and foremost, with the training and experience that imparts," Ariah answers, the mic making her voice sound out clearly. "Though in truth, I believe I am still 'behind the times' for the moment, and only learning and doing will remedy that. I am a sorceress second, my talents in both lying in magical and martial. I can support you in combat endeavors or support your minions. I am more than willing to apply my abilities in healing our injured allies in support of our various causes as well. I am also presently investigating more broad applications for the runic alphabet I can carve and paint."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
On the sidelines Crona hurries back to where Medusa is seated, holding out a plate and a wine glass to her, all before sitting down next to her again. Somehow, it does look like Crona has much more food... which might be explained as Ragnarok emerges from the teen's back, drooling sinisterly and leaning over to nab some food from his meister. All while pushing Crona's face away and making the youth wince and make a pained sound.
By all looks it doesn't seem as if Medusa cares as she carefully eats her own food, she is far more interested in listening to Ariah as she explains her abilities to the others. She herself has nothing to ask of the girl, as she has already tested the girl's capabilities.

Serori (37) has posed:
With no other questions coming Ariah's way, Serori takes the floor again. "Thank you, Ariah. Welcome to the ranks."
A flick of her thumb activates the small holographic console affixed to the speaker's podium. The image of each named Confederate appears once Serori makes a brief introduction. "We have a few other newcomers. This is Aurora. Aurora is a rare model shinki outfitted for swordplay and high speed mobility. She is also programmed for diplomatic functions -- a valuable asset in certain situations. Aurora's master is Ariah."
The image changes again. "Doctor Violet Hunter is a computer engineer possessing expert-level knowledge on the digital world of Digimon. Intel has noted at least one other related unification has recently occurred, as one of Bowser's children, Bowser Junior, has confirmed today. No doubt, Hunter's expertise will soon prove of value."
The image changes again. "Cinna is a technomancer, hacker, and highly talented coder. We have yet to fully appreciate the breadth of her talents. I suggest you put her to work whenever able; she seems to value the challenge."
Another change. "Takamachi Nanoha and Testarossa Fate have recently joined us. You will recognize the girls as having Union-side...counterparts. Both are eager to contribute to the Confederacy, and I urge you to continue making them feel welcome and useful. Both are practitioners of Mid-Childan magic."
"These are only a handful of the Elites who have joined us since the last War Council. If you hear a voice or see a face you do not recognize, educate yourself. Of course, as others continue to join the Confederacy, we will endeavor to keep you aware of their skills and specialties."
Serori dismisses the holographic image. "Let's get down to business. We have a number of long-term actions currently underway, and more planned for the near future. Captain Cirno, as mentioned, has posted a report highlighting our ongoing efforts. Among these are simpler tasks with potential for long-term benefits -- such as helping Kari Wolf upgrade her armor, and pointing Juri Han to Union targets of interest -- but others are convoluted and complex endeavors involving immense amounts of time and energy. Colonel Laer...will you take the floor, and tell us what you can about the Abstractum situation?"
Serori offers the podium.

Laer (353) has posed:
"Aah, I suppose I can." Laer says, standing up with that pen still gripped between two of her fingers as she makes her way to the podium. Once she's there, she'll turn out towards the crowd. "This is slightly complicated, so I'll keep it simple for the moment. The abstractum are devices that can assist in bringing out some potential, in exchange for your assistance in defeating a threat known simply as Them. There are a number of facets to this, and you can aid either through your own Abstractum - such as Nyarie here, who I'm afraid is asleep at the moment - or by aiding others or yourself with what are known as Nodes. These are essentially realities made to create a battlefield on which to fight Them; my own is a kingdom that seems to be largely ruled by words and narrative, for example. If you wish to assist, I can point you in the proper directions in which to get full instructions."

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori tips her head slightly to the side. "For the benefit of those who have no experience or knowledge whatsoever -- /Them/. We consider Them to be a Multiversal threat, correct? Hence the alliance in place with the Union."

Laer (353) has posed:
"Well, yes. Which isn't to say there isn't some room for manuevering, of course; one of the fastest ways for an Abstractum to devolop is via conflict with others." Laer says, not wanting to scare people off the topic owing to that alliance.

Serori (37) has posed:
"It's true...if you have an opportunity to use your Abstractum in battle against another Abstractum user, you should do it. It's kind of a strange case -- we have sworn to help each other combat Them, but to succeed, we have to become strong, and to become strong, we have to fight each other." Serori shrugs, then gestures at Count Bleck and Dimentio. "You have a question?"

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Count Bleck rises, turning to Laer, nodding to Serori "How does one get one of these..'Abstractum? What uses does an Abstractum have? And lastly, why have we allied with the Union? Could the Confederacy not deal with this on their own?".

Laer (353) has posed:
"One can be generated through what is called genesis drive, either from an existing Abstractum or from the homeworld. The uses in specific are dependent upon the person and the abstractum, but fall roughly into the categories of leadership, support, and direct combat. As for the alliance, and whether the Confederacy could deal with it on our own... Well. It would be rather wasteful to take care of this by ourselves, when we can get the Union to do the majority of the work and taking the majority of risk, no?"

Dimentio (472) has posed:
Count Bleck is satisfied with this answer, lowering himself back down. "Thank you. That makes quite a bit of sense."

Serori (37) has posed:
"Unfortunately, it is overall a very complicated subject, and one best learned by becoming involved. If you wish to take part, see Laer, as she invited, and she will get you started. Lieutenant Fuki can also be of assistance." Serori waves off any further questions as she steps forward to retake the podium. Laer's given a little smirk. "As I said, it's too complicated for tonight, so we'll move along. Thank you, Colonel...what's next -- ah. Kagenashi. You had two matters to bring to our attention. The floor is yours." Serori steps away from the podium again, leaving it open for Kagenashi to take, if she desires.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx seems to have woken up at some point, and now has a salad the size of her head. Mmmm salad.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Kagenashi rises, then bows gratefully to Serori. Still in silence, she approaches the podium, then places her hands on it and begins. "Greetings to all of you. As the Colonel has stated, I would like to remark on two matters I am involved in. First of all is the ongoing matter in an iteration of Earth in the year 1929. An officer known as Eliot Ness is leading a group of law enforcement agents known as the Untouchables. It is a war of sorts as he confronts the gangs of Al Capone, and the two sides are determined to see each other either silenced or brought to justice. Both sides are led by individuals with significant authority in one way or another, and I feel that it would be to our advantage to see one side defeated. To that end, I have taken on the identity of Ayako and have begun to work alongside Ness to gain his trust. There are several Union members who have also joined him, but they have not realized my identity yet. Additionally, Crimson Sea has begun to work with Al Capone's men, and with both of us in these positions, we can analyze the states of both sides and eventually determine which would be more beneficial to the Confederacy. If any of you have an interest in joining us, we can see where your assistance would be most needed."

She takes a moment to clear her throat, then continues. "The second is more personal. My home, Azuma, is currently ruled by the kitsune. I seek to usurp their rule and regain powers that were stolen from me a century ago. My efforts in this would also allow me to be an even more beneficial ally to the Confederacy, with greater resources and abilities to draw upon, eventually including personal allies of my own. However, in the process, I have drawn the ire of not only the kitsune of my world, but the Union as a whole, particularly one Shizune Nakamura. With their interest in my world growing, and the awareness of the kitsune to my return, I fear that my goals may become even more difficult to reach than initially planned."

Kirikou (127) has posed:
Kirikou goes particularly alert at the mention of Ness and Capone. Probably because those are figures in his own world, and in fact his own time. Different of course, but similar.

Before he quite realizes it he beckons for attention. At Serori's nod, he stands up. "Kagenashi." he says, offering a bow that wouldn't be out of place. Diplomacy is an important thing to learn even if you mostly ignore it. "I'd assume the side favoured by the Union isn't the one we'd want to win, because the Union would presumably benefit. Are there other factors? And what sort of help would you want going forward?"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Kagenashi offers a light nod to Kirikou. "The Union may benefit, but it is also possible that assisting Ness will gain his trust and assistance in the future, even if the Union favors him. Furthermore, there is the chance that Capone may not even desire to associate with the Confederacy in the long run. Unfortunately, there has not been much information yet to determine a clear choice in the matter, so we will still have to see."

She pauses for a moment, considering the last part of the question. "Thus far, Crimson Sea has not had an opportunity to get particularly close to Capone. It would be beneficial if we could know more about him, perhaps have several individuals close to him to establish a situation similar to what I currently have with Ness. My position, motives, and nature have not yet been questioned; I have doubts that matters with Capone will be much different. All in all, more information is what is needed so that we can formulate a plan on how to proceed more directly."

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori nods. "We will look for ways to provide that assistance, then. Thank you, Kilik. What was next, Kagenashi?"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
Another nod is given to Serori when she speaks. "The other, as I mentioned, is for my world," Kagenashi responds. "To elaborate, my goals involve freeing several powerful youkai the kitsune have imprisoned to both gain allies and create distractions so that I may more effectively steal the powers of the kitsune. The nature of stealing those powers requires me to take from a kitsune one level more powerful than I. As I am currently a four-tail, that would mean that the next would be a five-tail, and so on up to the single nine-tail in my world, Oinari. Naturally, as their rankings of power increase, there will be fewer of them to target, and they will more closely guard those individuals. With the Union assisting them, it will be more difficult for me to personally steal from them without significant risk."

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori frowns a little, and nods. "Do you have your next target selected already? Do you require assistance in locating your target?"

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
"My options are limited, so my targets are simple to pick. A kitsune in Suzaku who sealed away a bird of the sun in that region's volcano is, conveniently, a five-tail. A six-tail lulled a demon of the sea into sleep in Genbu, after that. Then the seven-tail who locked away an evil spirit in the land of the dead, followed by one of Oinari's personal guard and then Oinari herself." Kagenashi gives a light bow, then. "I will be sure to make it known when I have decided to go after my next targets, if the Confederacy is willing to offer continued assistance. It has been very helpful in my last few excursions."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia looks up from the various notes she's been taking on the different discussions, pushing her glasses up into place with a digit. "If you need assistance from R&D -- and this goes for everyone else as well -- all you need do is ask. Our purpose is to make your conquests easier and more efficient."

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori nods. "You can count on our assistance." With no other questions, she gestures Kagenashi back to the crowd, and returns to the podium once it's vacated. "Thank you, Kagenashi. And thank you for reminding me of that, Tesla -- we do have a number of resources available for everyone's use." A moment is taken to consider the room. "Ah! Jinx, are you ready to introduce yourself, now?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx is still working on her salad as she's called, those red eyes peeking open at the rest of the room. "Oh! My turn? AWESOME." She happily hops up on her chair, letting it spin lazily as she sways her hips trying to get it to go faster. "Right hello! I'm Jinx and I KNOW you guys have heard me on the radio before but I don't think I've met many of you in PERSON so hello! I'm from Zaun which is a part of Runeterra. I'm totally famous back home for being a BIG HEISTER and also as a Champion for the Insitute of War in the League of Legends! Woooo!"
She plants the business end of Fishbones into the cushions of the chair, and sits on the other end in a precarious balancing act. "Uh, here I'm still trying to figure out what to do. I mean it's nice not having to DO STUFF for the Insitute all the time, but NOT SHOOTING PEOPLE is awful! So, uh. Let me know what you want shot and I will shoot!"

Her lips do twitch a little bit as she plants her head in her hands, still balancing on the rocket launcher. "Ah, I will answer any question you have! I think that's what I'm supposed to be... doing?" A look at Serori for confirmation on that.

Serori (37) has posed:
Serori laughs. "Thanks, Jinx. We'll be sure to point you in the right direction. All right -- aah, Kari? Are you and your master ready, too?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx shrugs and goes back to eating her Big Ass Salad.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
Zarenna looks up from taking notes. What do you mean the lab rat has to get up in front of PEOPLE?! Kari on the other hand just bounds up to the podium while her master trailing behind.
"Hi! My name is Kari Wolf and I'm a Howling shinki! I joined the Confederate Armed Forces but then they found out I was too Elite (I think?) and pushed me into the Confederate Elite Forces. I'm glad to meet you all! Hey did you guys see~"
At this point, Kari's purple-haired master politely takes the mike before Kari can go into the details of the latest television show she watched.
Zarenna forces a smile. "Thank you Kari. My name is Zarenna Keras and I work for Confederate Research and Development under Tesla Armadia, specializing in miniaturized systems and small scale robotics, like shinki and their weapons and armor. If you requisition non-standard modifications for your shinki, I'm probably one of the people who will be working on them."

Serori (37) has posed:
"Thank you, Kari. Thank you, Zarenna. Welcome aboard. We'll be sure to make use of your expertise when it comes to caring for our own shinki." Serori pauses to check for any questions; seeing none, she moves forward.
"Right. So, as mentioned, some other matters are ongoing which require your support. As noted in Cirno's status report, Elliana Fairchild is engaged in a long-term campaign on her homeworld. I urge you to seek her out and offer your assistance, as she is facing powerful odds. Warriors are needed, but that's not everything -- any skill you possess can no doubt be put to use by someone as crafty as Fairchild. Talk to her. Help her." Serori nods at Mordred. "Mordred can tell you a little about what she's faced on Fairchild's world, too."
Another pause is taken while Serori checks her console. "I'd also like to call your attention to another campaign. One of our less recognized allies, Folmarv Tengille, seeks to gain political, economic, and cultural traction in his world, Ivalice. The Church he represents is not a small force on its own, but it faces unforeseen resistance. Our intelligence network in Ivalice is not what it could be, as our presence on the world has thus far been...eeh...subtle. I would like to see us investigating the matter more closely. By doing so, we may discover more ways we can help Tengille succeed without simultaneously undermining the Church. In exchange for our quiet support, Tengille has pledged to aid us by providing soldiers and clerics in whatever fieldwork is suitable."
"Lastly, as you may have noticed in Doctor Hunter's introductory report, she is combating a world-destroying force called 'the Dark Ocean.' To adequately combat the Dark Ocean, she requires the unification of her world's armies, a feat which can only be accomplished through total domination. Be prepared to assist her in this. Warriors, tacticians, assassins, and others will no doubt be called upon to volunteer their skills. Don't wait for Doctor Hunter to look for you, though -- go to her, let her know what you can do, and be proactive. I intend to be active in Doctor Hunter's campaign, myself. It's been awhile since I've conquered any worlds."
Grinning now, she carries on. "Speaking of which, I've decided it's time for me to reclaim Earth-4555 for the Confederacy. Following the conclusion of the tournament, I will be carrying out a series of missions which will lead to the planet's conquest. I'll begin by finding the Dragon Balls." She says this like it's no big deal, even as her grin turns sharp. "I hope to see you beside me."
Bouncing lightly on her toes, then -- "Anything else has been adequately covered by Captain Cirno's report. Do not treat that report like it's just reading material for the toilet. Respond to the report's entries. Offer your services. Act. Contribute. The Confederacy will fail if its Elites do nothing. Keep in touch with Captain Cirno as your situations change, or as new opportunities arise -- I understand she will be attempting to keep the report a monthly event."

"Does anyone else have anything to add tonight? Any questions, any other topics?"

Ariah (56) has posed:
Ariah sits and listens to the information in the current state of affairs, and she frowns, albeit thoughtfully. She appraises the buffet as she listens, more intent on the information than the food (she's looking for something specific anyway) and files away the names of those who may need help.

Serori (37) has posed:
"All right. Without any questions, I'm calling it. Thank you everyone for being here tonight. I'll see you on the battlefield." Serori sketches a mild salute to the gathering, then turns to bow more properly toward the Field Marshal before she backs away from the podium and heads toward that buffet.

Jinx (39) has posed:
Jinx scampers over to the table, gets out pow pow, and stands over the top of the veggie service. "ALL OF THE HEALTHY STUFF IS MINE! I WILL FIGHT FOR IT!"